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Anya Jul 2018
I am no celestial
I have no wings of gold
Rather than focusing on what we don’t have
What do we?
Kim Elaydo Jun 2018
My words,
My poetry,
My art --

They're my suicide note;

And no one seems to listen.
i am alone
Autumn Lewis Jun 2018
If only I had woke up sooner
I feel like my life can be sung by worn crooner
I have shut my eyes to most events and tried to escape
Everyone has left and made my heart and soul have a huge gape
I dream of what could have been , should have been
I could have opened my eyes and got up and done something but fear held me down but no one understands what I mean
It's hard to do the right thing when you're afraid of losing all you have
I've in the end lost all I gave
It's my fault for not knowing when
I still need help time and time again
The battle still wages and no one wins
Idk right now
Eden S Lucf Jun 2018
I dearly miss you
Not because loving you brings me to life
Not because you made me smile a little brighter
Not because I once thought we were meant to be
All these things made me desire your company
But I unspokenly wanted all your attention
If I had asked, would you have accepted?

Or would my greed and insecurities
have driven you away?
You knew my insecurities about
             my appearance
                       my family
                               my past

You took me as I was
But I never found a common ground with you
Keeping me in the dark about you
         Your attention
                  Your Patience
                            Your composure
                     seemed to all be a facade
I wouldn't notice thunderstorm in the background
   Of course, I notice
I always wanted you to be truly happy
A happiness that might not involve me
Sadly with a smile, correct myself
      Will most definitely won't involve me
              if I catch a glimpse
                  please let me smile and cry
                        Let me drunkly sing to
                          Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah
I hope you love them as much as they love you

Bye My Love
forestfaith Jun 2018
i know.
i know you have a crack on your face.
i know you have been hurt.
people probably said it was just part of life,
a phase.
but really, you knew better.
i knew better.
i could see beyond that mask of yours.
that mask of yours that's painted white.
with a smile. how polite.
i could see the dark spaces on your face.
how many secrets did you keep in there?
those secrets they are killing you in the inside.
eating your life away.
slowly, you fade away.
a facade masking your despair.
no one seems to care.
i know.
i do.
and many others too.
i guess we have to raise the awareness of depression and many other things that are just horrible and its killing people in the inside that is leading then to express it on the outside.
Colm Jun 2018
For months a struggle in vain I've been. Deliver me now my Lord.

Allow me to see for a moment beyond what this human heart thinks it adores.

Because I do not wish to continue like this, give me strength now to close this old creaking door.

Would you allow me to be, in my present need, at peace with this anxiousness, and within me no more?
Letting go of what I want. Opening my eyes to what he wants for me.
trf May 2018
Bury the silencer beneath the doggy bones
that Fido misplaced last May.
Their presence is scentless now,
just like your mind is today.

Arms down, head up dear friend,
lines in the sand are only drawn
to spend your time crossing footprints.

Place perspective above greed,
as we are all suffering
in one way or another,
so give our children the chance to succeed.

It doesn't have to be this way,
swollen knees pray for peace,
take your high school daze by day
and let your mind evade the inner demons.
In order to write this I had to do put my mind into some places that are not comfortable; in fact they are plain ******* evil. In order to write from various perspectives, I've been able to put myself, my thought processes, into so many different envelopes: race, gender, religion, circumstance; in order to comprehend the amount of struggles versus actions that those roles play in our society today. Yet I am unfounded and dumbfounded when it comes to putting my mind in an individual who can commit mass ****** of innocents. I grew up with fists and the occasional shiv. We handled our problems normally, albeit illegal sometimes, however no one died. To change this we cannot rely on anyone but ourselves, ourselves and ourselves.
Stop press: for naming these individuals, creating a story of why they could have done such harm, making them mold other's ideas. Leave no paper or web trail of these ______________________
I hated her,
And she must've hated me.

Otherwise, why would she leave?
With her bright smiles,
And twinkling eyes,
Her innocence.

I have jaded eyes,
My bones heavy,
I have seen the horrible,
The ugly,
The lie,
That comes from this world.

She has not.
She was still young,
She was still hopeful,
She was protected.

She, who's smiling in the picture,
She, who looked so much like me,
She, who was nothing like me.
Gone, and lost.

Tell me,
How do I get her back?
Tell me,
So I can build a time machine.
Tell me,
So I can be her again.
Through the Looking Glass
James Bond played his “Double” role  

On his “investigations” to locate the  “treasonous” Villian.

His “distractions” are well known…

Past his “secret” identity and “cover”

His “secret” is very well known

Past that

Spying is quite irritating

On both sides living double lives

Human reasoning defines what the “crime” or “need” of their own “roles”

are of the necessary order

As each person calculates based on its own relations

Memories and Conclusions played through life’s “feed recorder.”
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