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m Feb 11
i think i figured out
while i'm alive
i'll bleed out on the floor

and most everyone will go around me
and silent sound will sit beside me
so i feel the burn on my skin

but the tremble of my body will harmonize with yours and the blood we lie in
will taste like glitter when i kiss you

and the sound will sit in another room
while we fall asleep

just for the night
just for the night

silence was the sound of us breathing in just for the night
Jeremy Betts Nov 2024
My rock bottom
A bottomless pit
Terminal velocity reached
Left waiting for the floor to hit
All I can recall is the fall
I ready myself for the reality bit
Until I reach bottom
I can't pick myself up from it

Jeremy Betts Feb 2024
Does the score even matter when it's no longer about a win
Past, present and future always battlin'
While I try my damnedest to locate a viable position
Cause really I just want to keep playin' or at least keep that an option
And for the long run

Savio Fonseca Sep 2023
Take the Fragrance from the Flowers
and the Garden will lose its Charm.
Take the Hands away from the Clock
and Time won't ring an Alarm.
Take the Violin, from the Symphony
and the Dance Floor begins to Sigh.
Take the Rain, from the April Showers
and the Ground will begin to Cry.
Take the Tidal Waves, from the Ocean
and the Waters will be Calm and Still.
Take the Landscape from the Mountains
and the Sun won't set behind the Hill.
If U take away My Heart.
The beatings are still there Within.
I'll Love U forever and ever,
As your Heart is neatly tucked In.
tree Sep 2021
after years of pondering in musty libraries and public bathrooms and on my bedroom floor i think i finally understand why the face staring back at me in the mirror is so unfamiliar

i am not my dark eyes, i am not my crooked nose, i am not my thin lips, i am not my rosy cheeks

no, i am the hairstyle that my mother taught me how to do before middle school started so that i could take care of myself
i am the love poems that run through my head all day because language is so wonderful and you are so wonderful and sometimes i can't help but experience certain compositions as many times as possible
i am the friendship bracelet that i wear on my wrist that matches with my best friend who would never wear a bracelet in a million years but did it for me
i am the whirlpool of love that exists behind my eyes that shy glances and awkward eye contact put there

i see myself in my fingers mindlessly tapping out rhythms from my favorite songs, not in my tears, but
i see myself in everything i mourn for

i see myself in the money i saved from my grandmother's funeral three years ago because i am too attached to part from it, not in my smile, but
i see myself in my inability to keep a straight face when someone laughs at my jokes

the years of pondering in musty libraries and public bathrooms and on my bedroom floor was worth it because i see myself in those too, more doodles in the margins of the storybook of my life

in the end, i became who i am because of you
humans are but mosaics of the people around them ;;; we are such little seeds if not watered by loved ones
Zelda Jul 2021
Poorly-contained ball of anxiety
Overanalyzing every interaction

I'll tell you something sweet

Write down
and compliments
and silly jokes
on sticky notes

along the floor
on the wall
in the car

I'll tell you something sweet
Mark Wanless Feb 2021
hitting myself in
the head with a chair leg i
sit on bathroom floor
Rollercoaster Feb 2021
People’s feet are hurting,
dresses and shoes are a size smaller than theirs.
They’re taking chances, and going to dances
and the truer selves are calling for help.

They’re dressed in their nicest,
their inner screams are the quietest.
Under the gleaming smiles,
their broken, imperfect selves are quietly calling for help.

The smoothest white marble floor lies,
in the reflection they seem to be perfect
while they’re numb inside.
Living corpses are calling for help.

They’re breathing slowly,
to cope with the swift dancing.
The masses are strategizing and scheming
on how not to call for help.

All is calm and feelings are suppressed.
Chandeliers are falling,
glass is on the dance floor
and hoofers are calling for help.
With every move of my mop I am dying. People are stepping on me as they step on the garbage lying on the floor.
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