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...hey you there...

It's not just me in here
Oh how I wish you could hear
Or see in a tear how loud the fear of fear is
And how I'm so rarely allowed to steer

I AM a dark passenger, MY dark passenger
A near prison like atmosphere
Life can be so impossibly cavalier
Death is always closer than it should ever appear

...despite any care...

In my story, I'm a lone fourth musketeer
With a crowded asylum between each ear
So many questions but not a single agreed upon answer will appear
And I've yet to meet this so called infallible puppeteer

Though the hierarchy is clear
"Punish me if thy finds I should ever veer"
Hell, they can stay put,
I'd rather be allowed to disappear

...i did not ask to be here...

Julie 15h
The only thing I am seeking in life
is the strength to overcome
each one of my fears.
Not to be scared.

But how can I,
when there is a knife
waiting for me
behind every corner?

It all started in my hometown,
laughing on a playground.
No one warned me about the older kids—
the ones who make your eyes cry,
destroy your toys,
and create your first fears.

Fear of losing, of being alone,
of failure, of being too much.

But the biggest of all,
is also the funniest of all,
and the saddest—
it is the allowing yourself to feel scared.
love is like a wild fire.

not in the way that it spreads and is warm making you so enamoured in someone


love is like the stinging heat of the blaze surrounding my home



love is the flames of heated passion that devour and encapsulate entire families in destruction

love takes everything you hold dear


and tears them to shreds.

love is not kind to everyone.

love sometimes looks like hatred.
i know its not healthy to dwell on the pain
to dull my knives
just numbing my brain

we know its unhealthy to push people away
to isolate
then beg to be saved.

broken ship
on the sea of wide eyes
broken glass
taken lives

"taken from us far too early"
oh if only they knew
jumping on the cut trampoline
the poet finally flew

its unhealthy to write poems
of only sadness and regret
the awful sad truth is?

you have seen nothing yet.
oklahoma... yay.
look up news for guthrie
the last week has been awful
Arii 22h
I recall a day,
who knows how long ago
I lost my temper at a child,
Who, better, didn’t know.

She liked singing, doodling,
And playing hide-and-seek
I thought she was rather empty,
Being around her was always bleak.

She was annoying, for sure,
Like an alarm going off in the morning.
And oh, so very loud,
Like an attention-seeking freak.

An agonizing decade later,
I screamed at the poor kid,
“What are you, a monster!?”
And the pathetic thing ran and hid.

I remember avoiding mirrors for a long time after,
Knowing I shouldn’t have lost my cool.

Now when I look into my reflection
and see that kid again,
I finally realise,

“She was scared, you blasted fool.”
NK 22h
Take me to the movies
Tell me something you mean
Give me something I can cry about
Give me something I can feel

I've been miserable
My heart's been impaired
My mind's enraged
As if I would break

But these tears
It won't come out
Because I'm afraid
Please, let me cry
I think I was taught unconsciously to ignore my feelings. Especially the little stuff that would make me upset. But lately, these little upsetting moments keep pilling up, but I can't cry, because somehow it's too trivial. I want to find a big enough of an excuse so tears can fall down my eyes. Like movies, something touching  or scary. But I think I'm afraid showing vulnerability.
Shelly 2d
You are my safe place
The shadows that hunt me
You are my safe place
The screams from pain
You are my safe place
The terrors in my sleep
You are my safe place
The voices that doubt me
You are my safe place
The blood from the past
You are my safe place
The forbidden hands on my skin
You are my safe place
The wicked tougues slander my name
You are my safe place
The victim from abuse
You are my safe place
The darkness that draws me in
You are my safe place

- Shelly Ramos
The plate sits before me, brimming with light,
Yet I cannot partake in this feast of life.
The hunger is not born of flesh,
But a deep, gnawing void that swallows the soul.

It’s not that I lack—
But I recoil from the feast,
For each bite is a confrontation,
A war within my own skin,
An agonizing surrender to the unknown.

The world, a banquet of joy and color,
Serves me courses of hope and grace,
But I cannot consume what is offered.
Each morsel of love, each chance for joy,
I push away,
As if to touch it would fracture me further,
Unravel what little control I still feign to hold.

I starve not for food,
But for the courage to feast on life,
To swallow what is real,
Without fear that it will choke me,
Without fear that it will swallow me whole.

In the quiet spaces of my mind,
I am a ghost,
Floating above this world I once craved.
I am too numb to reach,
Too paralyzed to feel the warmth of the sun,
And so I exist—
Not living, not dying,
But simply suspended in this vast, unyielding void,
Where every dream is a phantom,
Every hope a cruel illusion,
And I am forever starving,
Yet unable to taste the life I’ve lost.
Reece 2d
A tree sits in the middle of a forest,
It fears the rain.
Its bark is coarse,
Its roots withered,
It has no leaves,
And its branches point down,
Toward the ground.

The tree does this by choice,
For it’s afraid of change,
And if not changing is the one thing it can control,
It’ll hold it to the end.
When the rain pours,
The tree refuses the water,
Spits it toward its fellow trees,
Whose leaves dance in the windy breeze.
They always saw the little tree as strange.
Why did it willingly starve itself?
What did it gain?
It always looked so sad,
All alone,
Yet this was the life that it chose.

As the little tree grew older,
It watched as its fellow trees grew tall,
And oh, so green.
Their changing leaves,
Their branches and berries,
That the birds would love to eat.
How it envied,
Oh, it envied.
It uprooted itself,
As its dying roots clung to life,
It walked all on its own,
To find another home.

It started to wonder if the rain was worthy of his fear,
Or if it was overthinking–again.
Was the future a mountain or a molehill?
Only time will tell.
How the little tree wished it could control every detail,
Save itself from suspense,
Always knowing what comes next.
Life doesn’t work that way,
A lesson the tree would have to learn,
And accept,
To find brighter days.

The tree planted itself in a garden,
Filled with flowers,
Of many hues,
And blues.
Even though the nearby birds,
Would chirp and coo,
It did little,
To ease the little tree’s
Lonely blues.
Yet as it gazed,
Amidst the pretty colors,
Of the flowers,
He thought of the fellow trees.
He wondered,
If this was the way life was meant to be.
After all,
These flowers would die come winter,
And grow again come spring,
And they would be just a goregous,
And marvelous,
The second time around.
Purpose and acceptance,
Finally found.

The little tree looked to the sky,
A thunderstorm was on its way.
He could hear the crackle of the lightning,
As a house was set unto a blaze.
The tree tightened down his roots,
He wouldn’t be afraid.
Perhaps if he believed,
He would be okay.
After all,
The other trees thrived off the rain,
It caused their leaves to grow,
And eased their decay.
He was running from the wrong thing.
His biggest villain wasn’t change.
Life would be okay.

The rain came like a hurricane,
And the tree absorbed the water,
Having starved and thirsted for so long,
And as the sky cleared to the sunshine,
He heard the bird’s sweet songs.
His leaves grew majestically,
The berries tasted so sweet,
The birds who ate them,
Devoured even the seeds.
The tree felt fulfilled,
He had found his place,
And though he still feared the future,
And change,
He believed everything would be okay.
Going back to my normal style for this one. 16 years old. Wow, it's hard to believe. This poem highlights how I feel about the world about most things. If it isn't obvious, the tree is me. I'm anxious about most things, constantly fearing I'll fail. Driving is the worst though, too much power in my shaking hands. Hope you guys like this one!!
Keayra 3d
Engaged one evening,
The star blinds me.
Tiny pops in the sky,
My head pounds with each
Goes the night he proposed,
Ice coats my feet.
What should I do?
Where should I go?
He's scaring me...
Boom. Boom.
Go the church bells.
Facing the doors
I move, but the hands
They push and pull.
Boom. Boom. Boom.
Sound the ball and chain.
Sat at my desk,
Let feelings flee.
Pen to paper.
Ring to ground.
The last sound,
of falling feet
and pounding hearts.
At last, liberating,
My 'happy ending'.
late night writes.
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