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Kalyani S May 2014
According to her
She’s a walrus.
With a two inch waist.
The wind whistles by
As it passes through
The space between her thighs.

Mind the gap
Your mind whispers.
You listen to her guilt
Over that last burger.
And your mouth twists.

Wide open eyes
As you sweat in pants
A little too tight.
And dream of mermaids
In a sea, so light.

She doesn’t deserve to be upset.
And you want to tell her so.
Chest widens
Breathe In
Her chin trembles.

You can’t be mad.
She’s trapped too.
So you sigh,
And think about gravity.
amber May 2014
Miracle factory
Fix me till I'm cured
Change my thoughts
Until I'm reassured

Miracle factory
Please do not give in
I'm always staying strong but
My weight is about to win

Miracle factory
Why did you let me go
I'm not repaired, I'm nothing compared
To the emotions that I don't show

Miracle factory
Now that you've shut down
I've search for self esteem but
It's no where to be found

Miracle factory
I'll always say goodbye
Because once your gone, my weight wins
And eventually we'll all die

Miracle factory
Fix me till I'm dead
You haven't changed my thoughts but
You've overlooked them instead
Traci Eklund May 2014
What if they told you you'd never make it...
What if they said you'll just be another statistic?
They tell you your not strong
and your dreams aren't worth it.
That your soul is ******
and your heart for the taking.
Your bones, their brittle.
Your eyes filled with life.
Blow after blow
you still stand higher.
Not higher than the mountains,
but higher than they'll ever be.
Your not another statistic
you'll make it
just breathe....
Scatts Apr 2014
I'd like to think people are like little universes.

Have you gone around crowded streets?
have you seen them?
Not like you see them when they cross the street with you:
I want to know if you wouldn't love to know
what's going through their minds.

It works like this:
choose a person,
any person will do, becasue after all,
we are all made of more or less the same things.

We are all made of thoughts like stars and constellations,
and loved ones who live inside us like planets
(my cat means a world to me)
we are made of talents that make us shine like comets
and fears that sometimes can be like black holes.

Choose a person,
any person will do, but be careful,
because decoding a universe isn't as easy as you think:
have you got one?

You finally got one.
He stepped out of the coffee shop with a latte.
He walks, and when he walks,
he moves with the intensity of a shooting star.

Go and say hi.
If he answers, and he tells you his name,
the door is open.
Now it's up to you to wander like a lost astronaut
in the Milky Way that a person's mind can be.

You may get to know the hidden galaxy under his skin,
and if you are a little lucky, some of it will melt with yours:
you may share worlds and form constellations with stars from both
("last night I heard this song that reminded me of you")
but there's a thing you have to remember:

this universe where we live is infinite,
and it's always expanding itself more and more,
forming more mysteries we might never reveal.

Our universes are little, but also so big
sometimes we don't even know ourselves at all.
I translated this for a penpal, actually. Fun fact of the day.
as if Apr 2014
be conceited

love yourself
love every single aspect of yourself
your thunder thighs, your braces
your back fat, the way your jaw clicks whenever you eat
something crunchy
your allergies, your stumpy fingers
the hair on your arms, and the way that you always click your
pen even when people ask you to stop
love yourself
love yourself until the day you die
and if anyone ever calls you conceited
you tell them

                                                    **** yes i am
                                                             why arent you?
Elaenor Aisling Apr 2014
"Am I fat?"
My little sister asks,
poking a delicate finger at her tiny stomach.

My heart sinks.

I stare at her thin limbs
well muscled from gymnastics
and playground antics.
"No. Don’t ever let me hear the "F" word come out of your mouth again,"I say.

But I know she will ask again.
She will ask herself when she stares in the mirror,
and will pass judgment on her thighs, her hips, her stomach.

Just as I
and nearly every other woman ever born,
asks the glass, permission to approach the bench
and the judge gives a final verdict— not thin/pretty/beautiful/skinny/fair/tan/ enough.

How ****** up it is—that we think worth is visible.
Rl Apr 2014
I've only been on this earth for 17 years
But already had the good honour of experiencing
evil and good from the youth of my peers

My precious vessel, you deserve nothing but the best
learn from my mistakes and make your life rest

One: The acne on your face does not determine how beautiful you as a person
Neither you're weight, height or stature. Your skin a shade of wonder, wear only the (dna) makeup of me and your father

Two: Your body is your temple, not a museum for those who want to feast on your flesh, for those dead eyes are shady and they want nothing less.

Three: Fall in love with everything around you, the stars, sky and moon. The sound of laughter, the rain drops too. Look from balconies and trees at the veins of the cities. And take pictures of people and weddings, savouring silver white memories.

Four: Make your own mistakes and learn. You are allowed to feel pain, there is still blood in you veins but don't let that sweep you away away away on dandelion heads

Five: Dearest, don't worry for a moment what they think; be prepared when they want to see you sink, respond with dimples, sunshine and light. For this is what makes the darkness strike

Six: Finally My girl love yourself, for all that you are and want to be; the music you love, the food you detest, those long family outings and that boy that you like best.

The list could go on and on with verse and song and book and word but Dear Daughter let this be the basis of your life. Carry it and write it on your flesh beating heart. For your flesh beating heart deserves life in it fullest.

©Rebekah Lazarus 2014
Just a draft, but a letter to my future daughter if I ever have one about how to survive life as a teen from a fellow teen. You never know in 10 years I may re- write this.
Rl Apr 2014
The past can make it so easy to relapse

not because of the past itself


running away from it

and burying it in the subconscious,

hiding it away and letting it silently

fest fest fest.

Is what causes you to be haunted.



A raging sore, a deep wound, an eternal scar,

just wants to be felt; acknowledged.

So I try not, to ignore it

when I see the marks of the past; knives

digging into the valves of my heart; pain

even when it comes back

strong and hard and fighting

like a hurricane

carrying me away under water

suffocating the freedom in my punctured lungs

I will not let it destroy me.


Its not because I am weak that I struggle with it

but the brain is strong; be aware...

For thoughts can make you a victim of your own mind

though I hope
there will be a time when

healing, that miraculous God-sent healing is at the end.


you stop ignoring the past

and instead start loving those broken pieces, the shame you felt,

the fear that crippled

and realise

it will soon ease, soon melt away, soon diminish

and you’ll remember

**pain has no authority to hurt
nuffSaid Apr 2014
Need to hide my face
Can not explain this feeling
Defeat, and disgrace.
Alone with my free time I sort of put myself in the shoes of my sister; attempting to embody her feelings following this traumatic event.
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