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Everytime I walk down that path I remember of when we met. It's the spot where you hugged me and that I won't forget.

You were so gentle and kind, while I was confused and surprised.
My heart skipped a beat every time your eyes met with mine.

You told me about your plans, and I shared mine too. Although my plan didn't seem nearly as complete since it wasn't including you.

They say you're too old for me and with that I will reluctantly agree. But I wish this were another life where we were meant to be.

I thought I was over you, thinking I had finally moved on. But the truth is I think I've been waiting for someone like you all along.
He's such a beautiful human. I just wanted to capture this moment so I could stop thinking about it. Also, he's only a few years older than me.
Nirvana Jul 2015
my past encounters me-

when I'm  sad
when I'm happy
when I'm on bed
when I'm lonely
when I cry
and every time I die

and all this proves that
you were a beautiful mistake

but to receive my daily dose of pain
I'll put all I've at stake

meeting you in my dreams
bound me to my memories
where I stood freeze
to see you in my boundaries!!!
I wish to consume no. of sleeping pills
so that my dreams may never fade
and our encounters may never stop!!!
Arcassin B Jun 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

Enforced in the back part of my brain,
Bag full of crap and old burned socks,
Designer jeans and cheap gas prices,
Prepared to take charge,
If I did leave to serve a better,
Encounter all of that,
I'd know for a fact,
I'll handle that.
04. Did leave - (18 Part 2 mEP)
mokitovice May 2015
there was no sound, but the sound of wind
no movement, but her dress twirling through the air

she was supposed to be afraid
scared, drowning and confused
but for the first time she could read the sky
and smiled

being her was to raw
being someone else was fake
was she picturing it all in her head?
she had traveled all the roads and created new ones
but was it enough?

so she flew, she flew as fast and far as she could
that fast, that she thought her wings were going to break
and maybe they did, maybe she got lost,
maybe she disappeared,
maybe some remembered her, maybe no one did

so she escaped,
escaped to the place where the skies are purple
and there's gold flamingos
rubi stars that share their secrets
dancing demons with cellophane treasures
Hidden in endless forest with a touch of mist
Andra May 2015
i never would've thought that seeing again those eyes that
i already
the heart would weep a little
and would languish,
and the stomach would rub its walls stressed that
the hands were shaking too.

there. thats how everything fleed inside my body,
like there's a competition between organs:
which one will break down first.
the lungs, they can not breathe anymore,
the brain, going into "freeze" mode,
the legs, suddenly not having any bones,
but a sort of gelatine that rather flows,
and flows,
and these eyes that want to wash my cheeks,
my sins.

*I think,
that mum was right
when she said
that love is nothing but
chemistry and hormones...
Brent Kincaid Apr 2015
Sometimes it’s like a magic trick
And suddenly someone is there.
It’s like you’ve known each other
But can’t remember just where.
But quickly thinking is not the thing.
Instead it’s feeling that matters.
Your lifelong fear of heartbreak
And trusting suddenly shatters.

The two of you find yourself
Talking like long-lost friends
And before you even know it
Something wonderful begins.
Looking into each other’s eyes
And it seems to mean so much.
It feels like warm caresses
But you haven’t even touched.

As the evening goes on, joyously
Enjoying laughing and walking.
Then the time has finally come.
You find you need to start talking.
“Now that we have met each other
Won’t you stay just one more hour;
Just be here close together
And let this romance fully flower?”

It’s just that simple, just that easy
For the love affair to get its start.
Two people you were before now
Have become just this one heart.
Everything seems to have changed.
The air is fresher somehow.
The lights are brighter, the colors too.
The world is just perfect now.

Brent Kincaid
Ottar Apr 2015
My dog walks are getting crowded,
Drag the main, the girl, she asked,
"I know this is a random question"
as startled I close the gate,
"But do you have any plastic bags?"
"No" said I, and stood to wait
for her to move out of the way,
there was enough time to take in her face,

her life was rough her face said so, but
no language it spoke but two, body and *****,
it made me walk the other way as she turned the
way I normally do,  that face textured, maybe
crack pipe burns from in her youth...

As I walked quickly away large trucks rolled quickly by
I turned to keep an eye them, caught her, in the corner of my eye
following, and not very discreetly.....
evildum Apr 2015
A sudden hiss on the grass
and there she was – her eyes
plumbing the pit of my fear,
her tongue – like jealousy – licking
the distance between us. My fingers gripped
the ***’s handle, and a **** whipped
through the air; then a thud muted  
whatever she wanted to portend;  not
even a faint moan seeped
from  her mouth. My knees trembled
as my eyes cast a final kiss on her
broken skull.
skyblueandblack Jan 2015
It was a quiet afternoon of reminiscing
Nostalgia lingered in the sunlit air
intermingling with the sweet aroma of coffee
as I sipped and leaned back in my chair

He walked up to me as I sat by the window
I waited to see what he wanted to say
“Your skin is the color of my mocha’, he smiled.
‘Just a notch deeper than your café au lait.’

With his jet black hair and Mediterranean eyes
And a physique worthy of a prize winning stallion
His confident air and his subtle smirk
He had to be greek, or maybe a charming Italian

Long hair in a messy bun that didn’t care
jeans ripped in strategic places
His gaze never left my quizzical eyes
obscuring everyone else’s faces

He waited for me to respond
mere seconds since his saunter
Forever engraving in my mind,
This coffee shop encounter…
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