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K Balachandran Dec 2014
"Look at me sweet light, come make my inner eyes yours
light me up, I am the universe, spanning light years across
galaxies of desire and the renunciation at altissimo, the peak
disentangle the  strands, liberate, to my abode let me  go back
How long I've been sitting in meditative wait, for your caresses
for that divine  touch that'd trigger ecstasy in multiples"

My journey is recorded in shades
of light and darkness, it's essence
returns to the flow eternal, dissolves.

I am the remembrance of nights
colored by sad, pale, soft  moon light
that keeps watch to million secrets
preserved in double helix, passed over as
codes that keep on telling stories from
time immemorial,still kept safe within,
which is my zen 'kon' to contemplate
and erupt in enlightenment, my right.

I am melancholy light, driven away
when sea blue drinks sun at last, liquefied,
every tree top then one'd find covered
with fire flies that play an orchestra,
in an ascending wave, touching
the acme,then  comes down rolling and dies.

We lived in a land of unimagined beauty
only a bit of it our conscious mind receives
that anointed us all it has, rain and wind
fog, ice and sleet,the warmth of summer,
remember the way winter made us tenderly
shiver together, as if we are explorers of a
world,we created and dissolve as we return.
Let's try to summerize the adventure we are in
K Balachandran Dec 2014
Yet another day of pain was put behind,
She lets out a sigh of relief as if the beast
That stalks her is duped for now, once more.

The last Metro train that night, slows down,stops.
To return to her regular prison she gets in hurriedly.
Emptiness bares it's fangs, that looked sweet in fact,
In comparison with the experiences of the day gone.

A suspicious bundle on the floor stirred at her touch,
A frail women almost frozen,living dead, eyes sunken
in sockets." How did you end up here?" she quarries.
"I fainted, didn't eat anything, for the past few days"

"Mother, you need to drink something hot quick.
Come with me I'll take care" her eyes get moist.
Then she smiles thinking how fortunate she is.
"My share of sweet misery is here to teach me
practice humility, even in an empty compartment"
maggie W Oct 2014
Today I found out not every encounter counts.
It is merely made up of  accidental meets.

We beautify it so that it becomes legendary,
As if life itself isn't.

Is it me or everybody that are too obsessed with
So called meant to be?

Encounter only counts if it is to be told,
For decades, for century.
raingirlpoet Sep 2014
Once I met a man
who called himself
the Dark Poet
He spoke but quietly
in hushed tones of wisdom
Might I be a fool to check the year
but I could have sworn it was
the great Poe himself
reincarnated through this man
I laughed at the possibility of the truth and
shrugged off the obscure thought
he said I should laugh often
that the sound of laughter
is a sound the world has been deeply deprived of
there we sat on a park bench at dusk
with the fluorescent streetlight flickering above us, insects buzzing and dying
He spoke of treacherous times
the past that should have been left behind
He told me,
“The past, much like the present, is inescapable. Try as you might to let it go, but still will it linger in the dark crevices of your mind”
I asked him if he would want to relive the past
He folded his hands
There was something about the way he held himself that made him look so unnerving, yet naked and small
I immediately regretted my question, but he looked at me with a glint in his eye and whispered
"No, child.
As many days as I have seen of rain, I know that there will always come a rainbow. I look for the rainbow.
I do not wish to relive the past, because the rainbows I saw were the most beautiful rainbows in my life."
He stood up then, brushed off his pants, and walked away.
I sat on that park bench a while longer, pondering what had just happened
It started to rain, but I did not get up.
Instead, I let the rain soak through my clothes and chill my bones
I stayed on that park bench until it stopped raining.
Though the night was peculiar, I knew one thing was for sure;
I would always look for the rainbows.
Serenity Elliot Sep 2014
I could see her glancing at me behind lowered eyes
It was either me,
Or the book.
Suddenly she turned, the candle flame mirrored in her pupils
Her face was flushed by nervousness
Or maybe drink.
She liked literature she said
But I think she also liked my accent
She was wild
I was wild
No time for the corperate world although that's where we both existed
Reading, travelling, red hair
We liked the same things
I never messaged her back
Hiko zeRo-oNe Aug 2014
My life can be MEASURED in hours,
I serve by being devoured.
Thin, I am quick
Fat, I am slow
Wind is my foe.
Define me as what you think i am.
Hiko zeRo-oNe Jul 2014
I cannot be seen, it cannot be felt,
cannot be heard, cannot be smelt,
lies behind stars and under hilss,
and empty holes it fills.
comes first follows after,
ends life kills laughter.
I raise my white flag
A signal of surrender
The confession was at first hard for me,
Too hard for me
To let go of the things
That once became my false gods.

I went in front
I left the crowd
I don't care what they may say
I don't care if they judge me
But I know, Someone is calling me.

There, I found myself
With two hands raised to Heaven
I closed my eyes
And knelt to show humility.

The Spirit break out
I can feel His presence
His power took control of me.

I speak Your name
I was shouting over and over again
I can't control the voice in me
I felt that I was tore into two
It's my voice, but it's not me.

I cried out so loud
I can't control my tongue
I heard myself uttering foreignly
As if I'm alienated with a great power.

A new song was written in my heart
And my soul sing
I felt I had just escaped the dark
I saw the Light, even if my eyes are closed
There was a bright Cross in front of me.

Jesus, You then are King!
I love You!
Everything was fresh in me, I could even write and tell what happened in details. I really owe God for that great experience in my life. It was a "Boom," an experience that changed my life. It happened last year, October, when we had a National G12 Conference here in the Philippines.

I really felt how powerful the Holy Spirit is, and when He comes down, surely, everyone will feel Him. I actually don't know who the Holy Spirit was, but after that moment, I was totally.. ugh.. I don't know. But I really long for that kind of encounter. Even before, I had that "Holy Jealousy" with those who speaks in tongues or could feel the Holy Spirit. But really, it was the best moment in my entire life.

To tell you the truth, that altar call was for those who have ****** sins. I never heard to whom that call was for, but just what I've said I felt I should come and go in front. Ever since I was in Grade 5 (10 y/o that time), I had my habitual sin. Yeah, I did that thing of "*******." All the glory to God, that I have the courage to say it now. It took me years to be freed from that grip of Satan in me.

Okay, to make the story short: I already renounced it and again, thank You Jesus!

Well then, that was my first time to experience those works of the Holy Spirit in me. And since I'm human, many times I'm tempted to do the same sin. The truth is, many times I failed the Lord, but indeed at the end, it was His unconditional love that would break me into pieces and that would tell me, "Child, that's enough. Come to me."

I dunno what I'm actually saying right now, but all of these are due to what He has done to me. Right now, I just feel comforted by the Lord. I ain't perfect but He has chosen me to be His child. I love You Jesus, forgive me for the way I think earlier. In Jesus name, I claim forgiveness and hail You, Amen.
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