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They tell one lie,
They speak one truth.
'It's easy to heal,
But you'll remember all your scars.'

The latter of the two, a truth.
Though that which precedes,
Lies through it's teeth.
Fangs of darkness and deceit,
Designed to forge a man with a black heart.
If not for the comfort of the summer sea,
I too would've succumbed to the gray of this city.
Morphed from a young and happy form,
To a soulless monster,
****-Malum=Evil Man
Religion was genius,
A system built on brotherhood and loyalty.
Worship was a good idea,
But it was bad to put it in the hands on man.
The broken emotions of mortal ideals,
Took a good thing and destroyed it.
Religious war is the most ****** and disturbing battle of all time.
I feel as if darkness is falling upon the world
A darkness that is not seen but felt
A pain that destroys peace
That hates love
Why are we so bound for destruction?

Every tree gone, every field mined for oil
Children buried under rubble
Do you feel the darkness there? Do you feel it now?

I have no words to describe this
Mother Earth is dying and so are we
While they sit in their towers
Endlessly counting
Blood money
When it comes its like chaos, and likes to run,
It’s a fierce storm that descends, blocking out the sun,
Sudden whirlwinds, a force that’s full of might,
Unleashing its wrath in the day or night.

Large, hard hail, a relentless assault,
Cascading down, a fearsome exalt,
Large, thick & heavy, the rain pours down,
On the roof, makes a pounding sound.

The rain pours down in a hue of grey,
Thick and heavy, obscuring the way,
Lightning cracks in the sky’s a dark veil,
The elements tremble and begins to wail.

Thunder rumbles, shaking the house’s core,
Sounding like a monster in the sky letting out a roar,
A symphony of destruction, a sensational show,
As the mighty storm’s fury continues to grow.

A shroud of darkness, a cloak of dread,
Enveloping all in its cold, murky spread,
Buildings vibrate, foundations shake,
As the storm’s fury refuses to abate.

After a light flash follows a fearsome rumble,
As the trees sway and begin to tumble,
Trees bend and break, houses tremble and sway,
As nature’s wrath reigns the dark day.

Gale force winds, relentless and wild,
Blow through the land, a force ever so mild,
No shelter from the storm’s embrace,
As wind & rain leave destruction all over the place.

Beware the storm, its power untamed,
A reminder of nature, forever unchained,
Nature’s wrath comes in all its glory,
A testament to its eternal, never-ending story.
Inspired by devastating storms, my heart goes out to people who are or have gone through this
his music shattered stars,
ripped apart constellations,
and the universe crumbled.

King or Queen,
he bowed to none,
severed his piano legs,
to feel the vibrations through the floor,
he bowed to music.

Some called him mad,
others called him genius.
But in the end,
he became the music.
Fun fact- Ludwig van Beethoven was deaf and had abusive childhood.
True inspiration, to never give up on your dreams...
Lizzie Bevis Feb 6
When first I met my cat, Timmy,
he was all whiskers and purrs,
a lovely soft kitty;
So, I brought him home
without a clue
of what my "precious"
little kitten would do.

He has a scratching post
and toys galore,
I fed him, I played
and I brushed his fur.
Yet somehow this
was his gratitude;
My sofa was shredded
and my cushions were chewed.

The cushions sported
a modern flair
Of hanging threads
pulled everywhere,
and the armrests
bore his signature,  
a tattered masterpiece
made by this furry inciter.

He sat there
all regal and proud,
surrounded by stuffing
pillowed like clouds,
He gave me a look
sat amongst debris
As if to say,
"Oh, it wasn't me!"

Oh, foolish me!
I should have known
when bringing this
cute little kitty home,
that cats don't grasp
the word "expense"
they lure us in
under false pretence.

Yet, still I love Timmy
and all his flaws,
but, he shall now
endure monthly manicures;
and although my furniture
has seen better days,
it really did need
updating anyway.

©️Lizzie Bevis
You see that cat in the photo, yes?!
Meet Timmy, but don't let his cuteness deceive you!
fizbett Feb 5
The pit is bottomless,
inhabited by detestable creatures
half formed and shifting-
Their teeth like splinters,
their breath the smell of rotting flesh.

They never take shape
Their edges smudged,
But they are poised
to pounce at your weakest.

You fall by your own volition

down, and still farther down.

Because falling is simple

when the pit is yours.
Viktoriia Feb 2
those who seek flame see fires everywhere,
one's lifebuoy's but an anchor to the sinking.
where there's a fear of dark, there's fear of blinking,
for even momentary blindness makes you lose the way.

so many things were tempered with to always keep us scared,
on edge and waiting for the blade to drop when we're not thinking.
one's lifebuoy's but an anchor to the sinking,
those who seek flame see fires everywhere.
Can you imagine,
that day,
the cataclysm came?
Red horses, ride sanguine, mammoth waves.
The foaming flotsam, screams of despair.
Fear, hastily, carrying your loved ones, away.

Can you imagine,
that day,
the cataclysm came?
Mouths, where remarks, went to their graves.
Popcorned grief, by the handful, to share.
All over lands, desolate, embodied litter, lay.

Can you imagine,
that day,
the cataclysm came?
Futures, stubbed out, by cigaretting staves.
Clung nooses, made of, shoulder-length, hair.
Burnt edges, making skins, constantly, fray.

Can you imagine,
that day,
the cataclysm came?
Water, smoke and fire, devouring the caves.
Untold, vast, abyssal infernos, consume reeky lairs.
Inky, sapphire, carmine, chews leaden decay.

Can you imagine,
that day,
the cataclysm came?

Can you imagine,
the bray, that came,
from mother nature's, justice-shaped, shame?

You won't have to imagine,
for long,
it's, already, on it's way...

Can you imagine,
what they'll say,
the cataclysm came?

© poormansdreams
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