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BSween Dec 2020
I said I loved you and tried to resist marking
inappropriate gestures.
I did love you and I tried to resist.
I said I loved you and said yes when I walked down the aisle with you at your wedding.
I did love you and I said yes again and again in your cheap bed-sit.
I said I loved you and bore you children who would want for nothing.
I did love you and I presumed desire and drive to be an either or.
I said I loved you and I surrendered myself.
I did love you and I surrendered myself.
I said
I did.

If nothang keeps you from enjoying

life, you must always keep your

commitments and never hurt others

with promises you can't keep.
Steven Nov 2020
you write a lot about love
without wanting to say it
out loud
by maddy
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Groan (up)

Age is a shame when it comes to love.
It reaches a point where you just give up,
But the heart’s desire keeps setting on fire,
Every time you meet someone who lifts you higher.

I’m feeling too old to love her or flirt.
She desires another and I am left to hurt.
My heart wants to love whilst she just wants fun.
I wish I could, once more be young.

I want marriage.  She wants to party.
I’ve had enough, while she’s just getting started.
I could be right for her as she is wrong for me.
She is so beautiful.  She is my need.

I have to move on, be gone!  I’m no fun.
A setting sun remembers being young.
My thoughts haven’t changed,
Still wanting the same.
Marriage is the way,
But not today.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Godfrey Ndlovu Nov 2020
Shy cup of Latte 🍵

Shy cup of Latte, savor of mine
Sat with ease as unto a regal saucer--
Upon my heart's amber throne
Hearth to a grandeur sublime
That trembles the first bright gleamer,
Of the early morning sun.
Portions enchanting proceed--
From your pearl purple scepter
Bade on high,
Onto lofty summits of lovesome regard,
To reign my walls for ages untold,
As Empress to a citadel ever yours

Violet petals doth my path carpet
Gracing my careful fervor stroll--
To the edge of your sweet repose,
By the smooth rims, encircling
Your gently steaming streams of splendid love
In a bid to peck a sip so healing--
Kiss your froth in heartly devotion
As unto a ring queenly royal,
Of she whom upon my love delights,

Let mine soul be merry in this stead,
With its essence to joy in this blessing
Ringing spurts of gratitude--
and whispers of promise

I sound in chime to myself

"I, then --
Be an endless song
To which I ever call for her hand in dance."
She, then --
Be my heaven-vested cistern
My shy cup of latte
A fountain cup so sweet
It never ceases to pour.
To Daisy Flower🌸, the woman I wanted, the woman I've won🧘🏽‍♂️
Joe Workman Sep 2019
When you first walked away,
I was so sure I would die.
But I made it through the days,
and then, all alone, through the nights.
And now, as time goes on,
I find I smile more and more.
Yes, you are long gone.
But I'm never locking my door.

Oh, I know that I can go on
without you,
and I know that I can breathe in peace,
and I see that I can think
not about you.
It's just more fun with you here with me.
My days are no longer gray
like I was used to.
The clouds have gone away; the sky is blue.
Oh, I know that I can go on
without you,
but it's just not what I want to do.

I still hear your laughter.
I still see your face everywhere.
And so, dear, what comes after,
now that I'm just half a pair?
I guess I will soldier on,
horizons before and behind.
And then when sets the sun,
I'll hold onto hope because I find

Oh, I know I can go on
without you,
and I know that I can breathe in peace,
and I see that I can think
not about you.
It's just more fun with you here with me.
My days are no longer gray
like I was used to.
The clouds have gone away; the sky is blue.
Oh, I know I can go on
without you,
but it's just not what I want to do.

You left a mark
on my lonely heart,
a deep notch that no scotch could fill.
I know that in time
I will be fine.
From dawn to dawn, I'll go on, I will.

I know I can go on
without you,
but it's just not what I want to do.
Jack Radbourne Nov 2020
There are words that do not need saying,
Words that are wrong or cruel,
Words that lead others to fail or cry,
Words that are sweet words of betraying,
Words that flatter or fool,
Words that weave a maze in the head,
Words that tell a talent not to try,
Many of these there are, although
There are also words that need to be said:
You are the best word that I know.
AnyaKinsey Oct 2020
All I want,
is to be gone.
To depart my fallible brain,
and leave all my dreams,
on the beaches of regret.
But I cannot do what I want.
I mustn't.
And when I scream into nothing,
I pledge I will be here.
Till the end.
I will be here,
when you need me.
Anais Vionet Aug 2020
I dread those moments
when infatuation begins
to be commitment.

When a wanting to
be together turns into
an obligation.

whoa, I can’t be
“your”  girl - I’m not looking
to belong to you.

What commands my heart
- who knows? But it can't be
kept - pressed like a rose.

Is a girl ******
if she won’t commit to
a relationship?
Why do people always want commitment?
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