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M Grant Teague Dec 2019
I taste you.
The drops of your being
Sweet on my tongue

I hear you
The waves of your voice
Swirl in my ear

I see you
The vision of your eyes
Drifts in my mind

Yet there is no touch
No smell
You are not here
Nor there
You have slipped beyond
The cage
Max Neumann Dec 2019
there is a cage
inside this cage
there is a man
inside this man
there is his soul
inside his soul

ghosts are debatting
about the pros and cons
of darkness and light
under olivegreen water; under a lightblue sun
you can see and hear and smell and taste
a ghostly girl


"A change of speed, a change of style.
A change of scene, with no regrets,
A chance to watch, admire the distance,
Still occupied, though you forget."

YouTube: "Joy Division New Dawn Fades"
james Dec 2019
are you suffocating
behind glass corridors?
to put yourself on display
is not the same as letting people in
very short but i like it and when my friend read it she said "WKGW RKFB KRJT" so that means its good i think
Ilonka Dec 2019
Carry your heart on your shoulders
Put on your best version and get out from the cage of routine
Take off the dusty old veil and live
Don't be afraid to look into the eyes of the world
Being vulnerable means victory
Victory against fear, prejudice,
Victory against everything that has prevented you from being yourself!
Motivational speech for myself. It might work for you too:)
mysa Nov 2019
i feel like a tiger
pacing in a cage
it is not poetic
in the way that
if the bars were opened
i would burst out
like a firecracker
it is instead in the way that
i would lie down where i stood
unable to leave.
wrote this back in october
Marri Nov 2019
Your chest grows tight,
As your heart shifts to get comfortable in its bed.
It's always been restless,
Beating out of time with the music.
Maybe one day it'll learn.
Maybe one day it'll know its place,
Under the thick protective armour of ribs,
Muscle, fat, tissue, and skin.

When even tucked away, where the naked eye can't see, it's not safe there.
It'll never be safe,
The heart is fragile.
Delicate, even.
The heart is alone.

Your chest feels tight.
Maybe it's your heart shuffling to find the right rhythm again.
It's always felt offbeat,
But you didn't know better.

The heart is ignorant;
But ignorance is bliss.


The heart doesn't know any better.
All the heart wants to do is to come out, but
The heart doesn't know how hard red stains are to get out of shirt sleeves.
Or how messy tears are when they fall,
Or how hard it is to convince yourself that life is worth living.

Please, Heart.
Stay protected in your brittle cage.
The world is cruel, and cold.
The world is pain,
And it is not for the faint of heart.
Emily Nov 2019
I don't want to be trapped any longer
will I ever be freed from this cage?
will I fly with the heavenly skies?
or will I fall into the dark abyss that waits for me below?
emotions as still as cloud now turn into blades
cutting my wings making me plummet down
to the unwanted list of abandoned children
unable to be better
unable to breath
unable to see or hear
unable to fly once more
will another come to save us or will the blades cut their wings
the angeles are afraid to fall
and so they leave us, the children of abandonment to be stuck
on the unwanted list.
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2019
Life's a cage not a stage
Day 12: write your life story in six words
Enigmatic Oct 2019
In the ocean I picture an easier world
Keep me locked in a cage
You once told me I wasn't good enough
How am I supposed to find the key
Around my cage you forced me to build bricks
Now no one can free my escape
Tears burn my tired eyes
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