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Grace Pickard Mar 2015
As my mind goes crazy
My clock beats faster
And the dam protruding from my face can't hold back the Red Sea any longer.
Everything that was once pure becomes stained
Stained with my sorrow
Stained with my love stations ooze

And in the midst of all of this insanity I start to question whether my body even wants to feel whole heartedly sad.
And yet it's my wish to be numb,
But my desire of honesty
And love gives no allowance for
Feeling nothing.
Gautam Raj Feb 2015
Fallen down as shattered
Like a broken glass.
The every piece if I pick
It gives me ****** scars
So is your silence
When I speak
It defends me all the way.
Stars are bright
With the shining light.
Cry back, but you can,
But I won’t tear my eyes.
Some things are hidden
In those never spoken words
Such is the silence of your voice
But when I try to speak
It breaks me apart.
Paralyzed I am inside
From the sickness of thoughts
Confirmed is the crime of
Killing the innocence.
But the serenity still survives
Such is the silence of your voice
When I try to speak
Hollow are my words.
The temptation of the sin
Unknown paths are followed
By me or many be someone But the sin is confirmed.
Shows me the way to lie
As the truth won’t survive
And will die in my eyes
Someday like this.
Such is the silence of your voice
When I try to speak
My words are lost.
The poem is published at
Brandy Nicole Feb 2015
Watching you, you my prey
I want you
with an uncontrollable desire
Your scent speaking to me, so intense
This hunt
Watching you
Boy don't lie
Boy don't run
I want you
To have your body under mine
To eat you up, your blood...
This hunt
I'm eating it up
Boy keep losing
Boy keep running
My prey
No longer watching from a far
Tonight you're mine
with no escape
the beast inside satisfied hearing your last breathe
Lia Feb 2015
he is dangerous now
because he was wounded so deeply
that it broke his teeth
but he has to snap & bite anyway
never a moment's peace for him

his tragedy has made him volatile
like a chemical fire
nothing can soothe him now
& nothing can douse the flames
so he will burn himself to the ground

& with his last breath he will laugh
Lia Feb 2015
you can feel his teeth scrape on your bones
your flesh tears & your sinews  s t r e t c h  and snap apart
& your blood runs down his face in rivers ;
it drips on the cement to be washed away by the rain
& soon there is no trace of you left behind
Jamie King Jan 2015
The mirror dent, my reflection cracked in several
ways, wallowing in wonder whether mortality is my faith.

My eyes
marry clocks
and drift away
with time, to lands of  broken  hour glasses.

Where eternity invites the reaper to shape short destinies.

Fears smear
amongst peers,
many phobias
being but one
clear path
death is near.
Life is dear
Death is everywhere but we live ignorantly I guess it's one way of being optomistic after all "ignorance is..." well you know
He loved Christmas
The cold, the sounds
How the smell of food passed
And trees weigh a thousand pounds

He smiled at the little children and the Santas
And waved at the moms
He paid his dues to the Church
And donated home made balms

He was a simple man
He loved to paint
He went home and smiled
His little home was very quaint

He went to the basement
Got out his brush and started to go
The body next to him was still
He loved the sight of blood on the snow
MdAsadullah Dec 2014
All of a sudden came infront of me.
Fearless, bold and daring was she.
Opened all her clothes one by one.
I stood still, momentarily stunned.

Started dancing with horrific pose.
My body sweated, my blood froze.
Razed anyone who stood in her way.
Static, outstretched ****** Lies lay.

Myth got wounded, profusely bled.
Fiction hastened with fractured head.
Falsehood hid behind proud Vanity.
Vanity veiled himself with Humility.

Without delay deceitful Deceit fled.
Headstrong Ignorance lay dead.
Witnessed her many ugly stance.
Today I saw Truth's naked dance.
Jeremy Landon Nov 2014
my minds a magician
playing tricks on my feels
saying one thing but not knowing the outcome it'll leave on me
making me think that the good is the bad
that the bad is good
that the things that make me hurt will be the reason i become happy
that friends are my enemies
and family members are only people who have to put up with you
trust is only someone wanting to get information about you so they can use it against you in the future
love is a poison slipped into your life slowly but kills you in the end
that good things are the reason there are bad things
and if i am never happy i can never be sad
my mind plays a torture game similar to the plot of saw
making me choose fast painless death or a long suffer to stay alive
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