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You've got a shield to hide behind,
For now.
You've got his eyes locked on you,
For now.
The day will come.
His eyes will widen in realization of your selfish carcas of a personality,
Your shield will dissolve away with your fears beginning to consume your body inch by inch.
And when that day comes you will wish you never stepped a foot on this planet, your worst nightmares will become your dreams.
Succubus will become nothing to what the glass shattered before you will reveal.
No number of ghosts or demons will compare to what your eyes will feast upon the day this world reaches through your chest and clenches the rock of a heart you posses tearing it out of your frail body.
You will sit in a chair strapped as can be and watch as your pebble of a heart is crushed with the hammer of your own self pitty.
Beg for nightmares for they are the least frightening for what will stand your way.
And as your blood runs from the slit in your throat to the paved floors, a smile bigger than sunlight will stare right at you.
Thirsty for blood and no blood tastes more rewarding than the one from the knife which penetrated right through your worthless body of a harlet.
The night the psychopath within will be unleashed to feast on the taste of your selfish, ice cold blood and flesh.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
2ndBest Nov 2014
That isn't time on your hands
It's my blood all over your finger tips

If our lives weren't measured in numbers could we even say we had lived?

But the seasons would still change
Words would still seep into my veins

Like a river into the sea
Feeding me

Growing with hunger

And I wonder if all the things
I could compare you to

Like the sun when it shines through the rain
Or a flower adorning a grave

Some how might prove
The love I would've gave to you

Now that we're nothing
I guess that means you could do anything

Not me

My time, so precious,
is slipping through my fingers
as permanently as the red on your palms will not wash off
Please excuse the gore
Of my poetry
It is inspired by the craziness
Of the chaotic mess that tore
My ligaments into ****** pieces


All I've ever desired in life
is the simplicity
Of love - sick of strife
All I've ever cared for is creating
A love between family

I'm sick and tired of family
Filled with "**** yous"
I hate you
The irony
Kagami Sep 2014
Vivid cultures dancing
like jellybeans in a frying pan.
Pop like a violin
flow with the rhythm of the sandstorm.
Spinach leaves sway in the depths of the ocean
like worms
hooked through one of its many stomachs
filled with plastic bottles.
****** honey bombs flavour
the ink that spills across
the landscapes.
Candy Noire Aug 2014
Cheekbones so sharp you cut through diamond
Your gaze pierces my soul
I'm naked though I'm fully clothed
Bruised eyes, ****** knuckles tell it all.

I meet you where nobody goes
The grey sky marks the open road
To love so deep and live with nothing
This longing now is all I know.

Fight for me with all your jealous rage
If I have you I need nothing more
So drive away and live on adventure
Feel the fire in your core

I indulge in this decadence
This raw passion tears me apart
To die so loved would feel like heaven
So shoot your bullets through my heart.
cr Aug 2014
i will die as
frail as i came
into the world, but
the blood once covering
my entire being
will be

my, how things change.
earnoux Jul 2014
My heart has never been one piece;

I’ve left bits in places and people

for safekeeping or declaration.

So you didn’t break it.

You never even had the chance. 

But don’t think for once second —

it didn’t hurt when you tore 
a piece too big for yourself 
and left my ****** heart half out my chest
Revenant Jul 2014
I crave the broken contact lenses; the accidental hip bone to granite corner counter top collisions.
I breathe ****** hang nails, and surprise scalding water.
I drink up the catches in my side, and deep paper cuts.
The splinters in my heels and soap in my eyes are kin to milk and honey to the weak and weary.
I live for the arm hair caught in my bracelet, and blinding headaches that plague me nightly-
Because for a single second in the inexplicable, unexpected pain of that beautiful fleeting moment,
I forget-- for one unadulterated second- the crushing weight of your weightlessness; your absence.
Dark Jewel Jul 2014
My pain irks me,
Sends me flying into my bed.
Under the cover of darkness.

As I cry myself awake,
Unable to sleep.
I ask myself..

Why am I such a ***** up?
Why do I make mistakes,
Knowing my parents will be angry?

My tears intensify,
My claws take my skin,
Leaving ****** marks...

I scream in my head,
Rocking to the beat of my music,
That sings in my ear bud.

Rascal Flatts.

I cannot find peace..
All I feel is that pain.
That has ****** me over for,
Five years.

I'm only a teenager,
I only can take so much.
Until Its over.

I've already tried once...
What makes you think I'll try again?

What makes you so ******?
Taking it out on me,
Because I don't listen?

Why can't you and my step mom,
Just realize..
That I'm only Seventeen..

And so it says,
My title will always stay.
Lone wolf forever..

I cant be perfect,
It's just not my style.

My life is so different,
I cry even harder.

Promises broken.
Two faced liars..

Why aren't you here?
I need you..
And I need you now..

As my pain intensifies,
All I see is the cascading shadows.
Watching my every move...

My music doesn't help anymore..
Really ****** day and my parents don't realize that I'm trying to be an adult.. Not a teenager.. I make split second decisions for my well being. Not their own.
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