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Argha Wadadar Apr 2020
Staring into the abyss,
I saw the demon,
that tormented me on many sleepless nights.
Now it's staring right at me,
what it wants? I not know,
the plethora of thoughts,
running down my mind.
For the time has come to,
dive deep into it.
The uncertainty frightens me,
it cripples me.
But, I know,
when, I will emerge at the other end,
I will be a changed man.
For now I have to,
dive deep down into the chasm.
a poem to conquer my demons.
Thank you for reading.
Zywa Apr 2020
A height is a depth,

a black abyss deep below –

your cramping fingers.
#103 - "Heer Bommel en de wilde wagen” (#103 - "Tom **** and the wild wagon”, 1963, Marten Toonder)

Collection "Bearer Toonder"
Tuesday Apr 2020
I am hopeful but I am not in my own reality,
What is real? Are you? Am I? Is life?
Will anybody ever know?
That's why I love the ocean,
The only place I feel safe.

Its nothing and everything,
It's an energy constantly moving,
It's a vast abyss but a calling,
I feel though I belong there,
I hear it calling my name.

I am nothing but to some or something I am everything,
To some I exist and to others i do not,
I am part of the universe that is required, I am its energy,
Yet I still don't know who I am.
Bhill Apr 2020
the rain left us with feelings of peace
senses purified with waters from above
mists that traveled through the abyss
openings in the emptiness served by worldly strategies
principles that live in natures character
and then - the openings purpose was complete
leaving us with misty drizzle
evaporating back into the emptiness of abyss
we wait for when the return occurs....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 101
Michael R Burch Apr 2020
by Michael R. Burch

There is a small cleanness about her,
as if she has always just been washed,
and there is a dull obedience to convention
in her accommodating slenderness
as she feints at her salad.

She has never heard of Faust, or Frost,
and she is unlikely to have been seen
rummaging through bookstores
for mementos of others
more difficult to name.

She might imagine “poetry”
to be something in common between us,
as we write, bridging the expanse
between convention and something . . .
something the world calls “art”
for want of a better word.

At night I scream
at the conventions of both our worlds,
at the distances between words
and their objects: distances
come lately between us,
like a clean break.

Published by Verse Libre, Triplopia, Lone Stars. Keywords/Tags: distance, distances, convention, books, bookstores, art, literature, poetry, chasm, abyss, divide, Faust, Frost, clean break
Jane Mar 2019
The dusty line between my reality and my dreams.

Deep dark blue abyss

Tranquil and terrifying.

Soulful wish of draining my feelings.

Muddy waters filled with confusion, holding hands with shame.

Floating in the grey zone where,
The idea of death makes me long for life,
and the thought of life makes me find comfort in death.

I desire to become a wave.
Part of a whole in the ocean,
curling to the shore and disappearing.

I scare myself with a thought,
the sleep from which I know I can't wake up from,
will be my best one yet.

I fantasise of the day where I can close my eyes,
and let them remain so.
The comfort of knowing I don't have to experience life as, I.

The bright yellow of the sun no longer makes me joyful,

Selfish, I'm selfish.

The sun should not be showing it self to someone like me.

The shine should not be upon my room.
Someone out there is better suited for the sun.
To live every moment, without imagining another one, to damage it.

I wish to exist, only not as me.

I draw my curtains, reject it's warmth.
I don't deserve it.
Jaxey Feb 2020
you shove my face
into a shallow abyss
and tell me to find
the deeper meaning
Sabila Siddiqui Feb 2020
Your thoughts are far from the ground,
Like cumulonimbus clouds thundering by
And pouring rain. 

Life seems to pass by, scattered and wispy 

with the sound of the wind like a whistling train playing
as you stare at the elusive silver lining.

The pit patter of Peter Pan being lost
dwells heavy in your heart,
As you revise the sequence of the cumulus memories.

Life paces
As you ignore the malice and bantering of the crowds
Sticking your head above up into the clouds
half-deaf to reality in the room.

You have a foot in a fairy tale,
And one in the abyss.
— SabilaSiddiqui ©
TS Ray Feb 2020
She knew the world,
He knew the words,
She shaped the blue skies,
He played with the meter in fives.

She brought in the aura,
He pictured in the flora,
She glittered in the halo,
He wandered in an abyss so low.

She was well versed in art,
He talked in silence with himself in part,
She was ready to know him and walk with him toe to toe,
Walking all alone all along, he was ready to find himself too.
TS. 2020.
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