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May 2020 · 172
Dita May 2020
I miss the cold laughs and the playful stares

The ease in knowing you were there

How did it become a sharp ache

Heavy enough to keep me awake

Most of the time I feel like I’m dreaming

Like you just tucked me in and told me to go to sleep

Because its late

And you were going to sleep too

I don’t see you in your room anymore

I don’t hear you in the kitchen

I pace around the corners of my mind

And sit by the one that protects me

The memories flood vivid

They’re loud

Waiting to be seen  

Images visiting without an invitation

Kind ones leave me craving more

Longing for a miracle

Dark ones remind me of what it means

To feel helpless

Patiently waiting the day

Where I would have to do this without you

Your hand in mine

Was the greatest gift you left to me

Love disguised as security

An ending reassuring a beginning

I watched you take your last breath

And wiped the tears you had the strength to find

One last time

They told me that you loved me

Porcelain skin

Sunken cheeks

Your stained sweater

Slow breaths

Mirrored slow rises in your chest

I kissed your forehead and told you to go

I told you it was okay

Because you always did the same for me

My body vibrated with pure bliss

At the thought of you going somewhere

Where you would feel no pain

Where you could finally leave your body

And look down at it in awe

For all that you went through

Leaving behind that every passing second

Was more painful than the last

I could not wait for you to be free

So you could kiss the stars on your way

Until a heavy silence filled the room

And I knew I would never feel the same

I don’t know how I let you go

How I felt the first person I shared love with

Become completely still

A broken and bruised body

Now an extension of the silence

Frozen beside my pleading attempts

For you to come back after hearing my cries

I was sure for a moment

That this was not what it seemed

I knew you could not leave if you heard

That I was desperately searching for your life

You could not leave if you knew

What my mind body and soul felt  

The pain that shocked then swallowed me

I could not control it

It painted my reality with merciless dread

It cut through anything that made sense

And stayed with me for hours

I can’t fully revisit this moment today

Because it’s now a part of myself

One that I do not want to call mine

I would do anything to give it back

To say I was only playing pretend

So you could look at me

And play pretend too

By acting as if you weren't amused by me

Just to make me laugh and say "this girl"

But instead you couldn’t come back

So I had to let you go

And trust that your love would always soften

The unfamiliar heaviness and nostalgia

That come along with missing you

To the brightest light in my life


My heart lost its shape

When yours lost its beat
Feb 2020 · 453
Sensual love
Dita Feb 2020
The way the music made her head sway-
effortless beauty
Each melody met her movements,
magnetically greeting each other,
as if this time and place,
this way and reason,
had been looking for her, her whole life.
The walls moved farther away from her,
everyone in the room stealing glimpses for themselves.
An aura protected by the frequencies of love,
her hands followed the curves of her own body.
Hands that gently tugged on her hair to connect with the intensity,
forbidden sensuality of the eyes, mind, and body.
Beware of the girl who creates a story out of a moment,
she holds the power to turn raindrops to hurricanes,
and a kiss to a lifetime.
Aug 2019 · 377
Toxic Love
Dita Aug 2019
We used to measure the strings of hope that bounded our hearts together

Side by side among one another

The open roads more promising than the edges we would paint over

Time was forgiving, slow like honey

Whirlwinds of smoke devoured by the wind

Fire escapes to rest our bodies on

My head protected by your hand, melting into your lap

Exploring through a blinded trance

Dancing past drops of condensation trickling from cooling units

Emergency exits blinked loud with way and reason

Each warning sign ignored with sweet temptation
Jul 2019 · 320
Dita Jul 2019
The many things that keep me grounded have no way or reason,
one, two, three seconds focus directs the lens elsewhere
It's like a bigger picture keeps trying to show itself,
except I won't let it
Wishing my mind would promise me a way to compromise with my soul,
and my body to follow
I skipped a page to get here,
I wonder if i'll go back
Although it seems all this extra wonder-
it's what got me here
Distraction could be the token to curiosity
and curiosity the vessel to imagination
Maybe the bigger picture lies within the world created,
the one that will surely vow
to listen to fleeting thoughts
all the while promising
to keep you here distracted
May 2019 · 476
Mind Games
Dita May 2019
Staring at the water
watching the ripple of waves
moonlight to protect me
I realize I was looking all this time
for someone to notice
what I only needed to notice
in myself
May 2019 · 272
Dita May 2019
Dandelions made of snow
blown to form sand castles made of memories,
One push to knock down a kingdom of emotions.
Inhaling the aroma of cinnamon,
exhaling cascades of sweetness.
Beyond my dreams and past my collections,
do not measure the time
the space or the distance
between here and there.
I made a deal with a cardinal,
for the power to fly and sing melodies for company.
Upside down- it's different now,
the clouds guide me,
it is what it seems.
Forget me, I'm free
May 2019 · 505
Dita May 2019
Intrinsically introverted,
   inherently coping with the pressure to understand- distraught or in
Multiple factors racing
  call them thoughts,
    become one, but which one?
One will grow symphonies to hurry sunshine under moonlight,
   the other grow vivid distortions of a reality visible only to dreams
Buy low, sell high
   observe potential and sign off on its rights
Sound choices bounded by the stigma placed on creativity,
   choose the other- create the destructive blossoming of blue flowers
        deviant and bold
Fallacies are the true illusions,
   keep on with the mind you feed
May 2019 · 209
Your invitation
Dita May 2019
Where does the creativity go?
When you've learned to protect it,
learned to shelter it from the demons
that spilled ink onto your pages.
Pages splattered with tears that folded pages,
Glued so tightly with promises
to never let them in again.
The seal is becoming weak,
Tugging at the pages kissing each others backs
Words that were bolded now struggling to find a way to breathe.
Look back at the edges, bend over to listen
Define the taste of the invitation sent by your creativity
You left your creations here,
Follow it within and find it knocking at your chest
Your mind
Your heart body soul- awakening connections
Your creations, they're yours
Water the thorns and the roses too
Watch them mingle
Lead the next trip, the seal is broken
New pages are ready,
guided by your print.
Jan 2019 · 375
Dita Jan 2019
What if it’s the sounds
of your fingers meeting the keys
that intensifies your pulse
while you are vulnerably typing
that are familiar to the smell
that are familiar to the sound
of pancakes sizzling in the morning

A collection of moments
that define a space in time
your time
to illustrate home
your home
where your mess is allowed
feelings loud and able

Shades of coffee vary
though steam will always softly linger  
to remind you here is safe
because here is an extension
of the world
the one inside you
Jan 2019 · 544
Dita Jan 2019
Her freedom had been taken from her
All her life,
  her freedom had been taken from her
     The stillness of the forest
     The steady run of the stream
     The aroma of the red flower-
Remarkable because they are free.
  Sensations that cannot be replicated,
  they have become their own peace
     A forest does not stir
     As a stream does not slow
     As a red flower does not hide-
               for any distraction
Remarkable because they are free.
  Should memories continue to brush
  past her like wind striking through a
  she won't chase them any longer
Freedom rests its energy beside courage,
she finds courage within.
Nov 2018 · 1.5k
Her Mystery
Dita Nov 2018
Is it true?
Somebody picked at her fire.
Flames radically grew mighty and symbolic,
newly ignited from the heat of conduction.
No amount of water would drown the luminous light,
she cried out in curiosity.
A lifetime spent designing her peace,
submissive to her needs and wants.

Please visit whenever you'd like,
how heavenly have I become?
Nov 2018 · 301
I Found My Answers
Dita Nov 2018
~ Questions left to crave attention,
Why can't they reach any words?
Answers melting into each other,
They spill through voids that cry out for reason.
~ "If it isn't you, it isn't anybody else"
-Please promise to protect it-
Why can't I reach your words?
As fragile as the words, the heart to follow.
~Endless talks that cluttered freedom,
Silences did not reach harmony.
Souls did not find each other in truth,
but in a moment.
~Have you found awakening here?
An innocence blinded by a temptation masked by charm and infused with ember.
Oct 2018 · 344
To my heartache
Dita Oct 2018
Locking eyes can only last for seconds,
                  Anything longer will invite your energy in.
          Suffocated by the impulse to give in,
                  Hesitant after remembering to protect myself.
         Tell me why you keep coming back,
                 There's nothing left here for you to take.
Oct 2018 · 937
Dita Oct 2018
I could find a way to make a voice so small become loud,
         loud enough to influence hearts and minds with words.
We are routed in love,
         yet our structure does not embody unity in full.
Empathy is lacking and eyes burn with ignorance,
         peace can only be found through pure intention.
Time is a gift while everything is a choice,
         choose to create moments that are a reflection of honesty.
Beauty exuded by the synchrony of our souls is captivating,
         rich reminders to care for one another.
If I blend my thoughts with your thoughts,
         you and I should feel safe-
           we are all one.
Oct 2018 · 863
Eyes Open
Dita Oct 2018
The radiant echoes of a golden soul left to the wind in peace with each step she dances
The rhythm in her stride tickles the air to ease the force
A subtle gust of endearing presence colliding with the intensity of awakening
A path followed that sings a song and sounds a beat enough to sway the ocean's opinion
She listens but she cannot see
Eyes closed, she follows the rhythm that mimics her vibrations
She listens but she cannot see, until she tastes the wave that covers her skin before she feels-
Her rhythm is gone
Dita Oct 2018
Spines curve as sweetly as drops from a honeysuckle
Notes in a melody fill the void spaces
Gentle rushes stir like the swish of rustling leaves
Flushed as red as the cherry who’s stem is knotted
Time stolen from the hands of a frozen clock-
Still like snow fallen from a winter shower

Senses fully awaken to chase alluring aromas  
Repetitive jolts of candied sin trickle throughout the body
Electric flow in the veins sparks an extended invitation
Contagious appetite will mirror aches of desire

Surges of shock in the body join the mind and soul
Accelerating spikes in heart rate kiss private secrets
Boundless longing branded to one another
Yearning indulged by limitless exchanges of energy-
Transfers immune from harm

Pressure from oneness loosens the tremble in pleading breaths
Hands close around each hip to clench their hollows
Credible fingers drenched in admiration coat mingled skin
One is composed by the gravitation of two
Defying moonlight to surrender at an immeasurable ******

Reaching for the highest point to let go
Sharing traces of untamed wind with soaring wings
Collecting innocence altered by ecstasy
Choosing vulnerability to expose what cannot be said
Fantasies traded through the rhythm of touch

— The End —