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Aug 2015 · 844
Raggedy Anne
If I were to be compared to the expectations of the world
I would simply be a toy.
Not any normal, high demanded Barbie
But an old forgotten Raggedy Anne.
Sure, it’s true that someone out there must still love such a doll.
But where are they when the poor doll loses its value?
Its beauty?
It’s collector’s touch?
They let it go, forget it, put it either back on the shelf or leave it on the floor
Collecting dust and withering away slowly
All just waiting for the next kid to pick it up and show it love for a little while
All until that child grows bored. Then the process repeats.
Except with each one, not being made of plastic, my seams begin to give.
My fabrics falling apart, my yarn beginning to frizz
Quite an unapealing look.
One that will eventually be thrown out.
And not long after is she forgotten…..
And that’s how a girl’s heart works when she ends up with the wrong guys.
The little boys playing and fantasizing over toys.
But, there are men out there too, just I’m too blind to spot them...
There once was a girl named Lucy
Who liked to let herself loose, see?
She was too much a flirt
Her knees in the dirt
I wonder how mad her parents would be
I'm probably going to get suspended when the teacher grades it hahahaha
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Walking around with low self esteem.
Living life as though it's a dream
Not seeing others with her eyes.
Trying to figure them out and sort their lies
But every time she loses the game
Every accident turns out the same.
Over estimating the kindness of others is her flaw
No one can figure out why she never talks about what she saw
Falling down, she is troubled by stupidity
Locked inside her brain, such thick humidity
Causing a fog that blinds her from reality
Once again she is trapped in her path
Feeling these feelings that cause such a wrath
That she feels the need to end her life
Despite her promises of leaving her knife
These feelings grow stronger everyday.
Never shown through the words she has to say.
Feb 2015 · 653
How I Live Each Day
"Kay you're so cute!"
Just another lie you've told
"Kay you're so awesome"
I know you don't mean it, I'm a complete *****...
"Kay you're **** as hell. You need to stop bashing yourself"
I don't bash myself, I tell myself the truth so I am not lifted by lies. Why would I tell myself something I don't believe to be absolutely true?
"Kay, you are so talented. You could become a professional artist"
I never wanted to be good at art, but its my only escape. I truly hate it with a burning passion.
"Kay, I love you. I mean it too."
Save it, you cheated on me when my best friend died. How could you even claim that when we both know you are lying?
"Kay, you are worth something."
I wish I was. But in my eyes I am not worth anything, I have nothing to offer, nothing to give, I cannot compete with others who are more deserving than I. I have sins that haunt me worse than most people, and I wish I could be of use, but all I can do is teach someone about pain. Pain, loss and other dreadful feelings because that's what I comprehend.
"Kay, I'm sorry."
Don't be. I'm used to it. Eventually I will find the key to being happy, even in the worst circumstances.
"Hi Kay, how are you?"
"I'm bubbly."
*Fake it to make it another day and never let them see inside you
Feb 2015 · 669
My heart, it dances to this music in which is provided by a music box
Peaceful as it is, in my brain it causes locks
Locks on my emotions in which one cannot undo.
Losing all my senses, all because I felt blinded by you.
You claim to love me, but wrap me in this one big lie
That you will never let me go unless one of us has died
And in that case you try to kiss me, cigarettes on your breath.
Every time our lips touch, it is like kissing death.
So here I stay beneath your arm for if I try to pull away
You grab at my waist and force me to stay.
I have grown used to this treatment, and found a way to cope.
A music box with me to play a peaceful song, to make my thoughts envelope
Me like a blanket that provides me protection, locking up my thoughts
And I go back to this music box every time we have fought.
I cannot stand you, but somehow I still do.
And anytime I say something you pretend you have no clue.
So Cantarella rock me to sleep one more time.
And help me wash away his sins and help me forget this man's crime.
Feb 2015 · 544
Pain (10w)
Without pain there is no happiness or feeling at all.
Feb 2015 · 685
Silver (10w)
Silver is the backup in case gold fails to shine.
Feb 2015 · 800
I watched a friend pass away due to her own sin
She knew where she was to be placed and she knew where she shouldn't have been
But her want for more drove her mad, causing her to go insane
And under that fence she went, breaking away from her chain
Into the cage she went, killing all the children inside
Once she gorged herself full of their flesh, I knew there was nowhere to hide.
I rushed in to save the day, all but just a moment too late
And not only did these poor babies die, but her attack sealed her own fate
I had chased her out, on my knees did I stay.
Blinded by my own tears in which I couldn't wipe away.
What had I done? How could this be?
How did she slip away from me?
Why did she feast upon their heads?
What could draw a creature to make sure babies were dead?
So as I pondered with tears in my eyes.
A shriek split the air and to no surprise.
I got to my feet and rushed to her form.
Which now seemed panicked and quite deformed.
Convulsing on the floor, choking to death
Trying to draw in somewhat of breath
The bones of those babies stuck in her throat.
As I picked up her fragile frame and caressed her back.
Crying harder as she suffered this attack.
For I could not remove it, that bone was too deep.
And her throat welled with blood that began to seep
Into my hands staining them red
It was about another hour before she was dead.
And here is the truth behind gluttony.
Overindulgence eventually gets the best of any
Who are brave enough to feast like a god.
My day yesterday put into a lesson.
Feb 2015 · 583
One Man Maze
Everyone knows by now, fairytales are not found.
The beliefs of our ancestors buried with them in the ground.
Now to be walked on, forgotten by most.
Drones in a world where leaders are hosts.
Honored to have the things that we do.
Misjudged when we think that we shouldn’t have to fight too.
For why waste the lives of thousands for a mere thirty men?
Why do we bow down to governments that say they let us win?
We have the freedom we have the power.
We the people stands no longer in the Nation’s darkest hour
We become slaves out of fear to those who claim to protect us as one
But once you as a group, scare a nation, it’s done.
We gave them our rights when we voted them in.
And now all have fear that as a nation, we will not win.
We the People are not safe in our homes. For our faults of fear in our government rules us all.
Too afraid to fight the system, too afraid to fall.
Feb 2015 · 32.8k
Hey let's play a game!
Post a video on the internet of it just for the fame!
Or maybe, let's play for fun.
And in the end we'll see who has won.
How about some Black Ops, maybe Resident Evil?
Or how about some Conker's Bad Fur Day multiplayer? Cause we can both be robber weasels.
I really like pokemon, also it's all about that Mario.
The greatest character in Mariokart is always going to be Wario!
I'd love to fight you on some Tekkon 6
But maybe I'll let you pick the game, or we could just draw sticks.
So here I made a little cup filled names of different games.
Just draw one Popsicle stick, and see which one of the names is on it.
That way we make this quick and easy
And can get back to our videogames!
Feb 2015 · 411
It was the impact that took my mind
But what happened to them just before I died?
Did they make it out of there alive?
Did they survive?
The disease set in
Their breath still fading
But our leaders spread these lies.
Just remember that we entrust our lives
To the men that tear us apart
And leave us broken like shards.
Feb 2015 · 446
Coated Blood
This cloak that covers my dear mother is now just soaked in crimson liquid
Mother Gia let's her tears fall as she feels her children's blood smear her dear earthly surface
War has ruined her mind, dragging at her heart
Darkness creeping from the surface, leaving this battle a place to start
Children drown in envy and greed
Leaving mother to think what she had done wrong
In raising her dear children, what had brought around the haunted song?
But now the light is against the dark, and the fighting must go on.
And mother will continue to be cover, coated by her children's blood.
Jan 2015 · 531
My Monsters
I cannot **** my monsters for they live within
But, they do come out when my hope grows dim
They lick up the tears that rest on my cheeks
Trying to force me to believe that I am weak
But only a child who has lived a life of comfort would believe that
Yet, I have lived through the roughest of paths
So every time they bite my heart, and tear another little chunk apart
I try and concentrate and restart
Remember where I belong, and why I still live
And how to make it through without bringing upon myself the greatest of sin
I refuse to die, especially by my own hand.
For I have survived the attempts and have been given my second chance
And I will sometimes succeed to fail
For if I do not allow myself to fail, I will always fail to succeed and prevail
So let my battle with my monsters touch your heart
And teach you as well, that there is always a new place to start
Because one thing I have always understood
That once you are gone, you're gone for good.
Jan 2015 · 439
Life is fun but isn't fair
Life is a force that doesn't care
It does not tend to the wound or protect the weak
It is a source that cannot speak
But it can show and it can tell
It is where light shines and darkness dwells
A mixture of all but is never just one
Like I said, life is fun!
Jan 2015 · 480
Beauty In The Shards
For once, my freedom has been attained
And I hope my happiness will remain
But the demon has come back to feed
Unaware that I now see his greed
A kiss upon my lips with force has lead me to disgust
And told me who I cannot trust.
He should have listened when I said I feel no more
And now, he's opened up a whole new door
One to rejection, one of pain
The only thing he will have left of me is old memories that stain
His heart and taint his mind
I think he realizes what he once left behind
Because now he tries, now he cares
And doesn't realize I have no more love or comfort to spare
For once he tells me I was not a curse but a cure
And begs me to forgive his mistakes, that his love is pure
But once a cheater, he is deemed for good
That he never seemed to have understood
Apparently now I'm beautiful as he says
My heart shards are now his
And that beauty he says he see may just be the reflections of the past in his eyes
Because I will not go back to a love full of lies.
Jan 2015 · 590
Severed Heads
I’ll cut your throat and bleed you out
Go ahead and scream and shout
My rage won’t cease, this time you’re dead
If I were you I’d never go to bed.
I’ll eat your flesh and burn your bones
Hang your head and pelt it with stones
Drive a knife deep through your heart.
I’ve hated you from the start
Threatening me will get you nowhere
Try to stop me is my only dare.
Keep coming at me with words of hate
I’ll give you another topic to debate
Should you live or should you die
It’d be wise to not speak a lie
Your words will be your end and your tears will not be seen
My fake smile was always my greatest crime scene
Jan 2015 · 392
Silence Is Golden
Silence seeps within my cold and darkened room
Whispers of the guards just outside bring upon the feeling of doom
If you wish to get out alive
You best not pursue what you have been deprived
Just stay silent and run for your life
And drop the past memories in which you clutched that knife
Never lay your freedom within someone else’s hands or they shall steal it away
Never would you have guessed how easily your best friend would betray
A silver tongue does no good when you’re life is not there
Jan 2015 · 422
Turning Point
Crimson colored lips stain a pale and sickened face
Upon her heart is the word ‘disgrace’
Shunned for her sins, loved for her flaws
Loved in a sense of voice, but her physical form unleashes claws
Eyes are like dagger, harsh against her skin
Too many judgemental stares, too many wonder where she has been
Fighting a battle within she tried to walk tall.
Making herself false promises about how it would get better, how she could end it all.
All the pain and suffering, all the hate and rage.
But what kind of fool believes they could break a steel cage?
Steel does not bend, nor does it break.
She should have stayed silent, she should have kept low for her own sake.
But she spoke up, seared by her own pain.
Now the truth was unleashed, and it left a cruel blood stain.
Not her own blood, but that of an old friend.
She’d never forgive herself for not being there for him in the end.
The last words whispered were that of a fight.
Echoing like screams all through the night….
That one moment changed it all.
She lost her wings and was destined to fall.
Jan 2015 · 348
Without You
I wonder constantly as I sit alone
About the things inside me that have been shown
The foul feelings of compassion in which I wish to hide
The love may be gone but my lust has not died.
Lex now hates me, so do you.
No need to deny it, my family does too.
Everyone I know hides their disgust behind kind smiles.
For such disappointment follows me for miles.
Tear up this beating monstrosity locked within this withered bone cage.
Unlock the hinges upon my mind and allow the full force of my rage
Cut the strings in which control my life
Or I shall cut them with the blackened blade of death’s knife
Jan 2015 · 409
Let me drift away in the breeze
I've lost who I am inside.
Emotions emptying my conscious form
Leaving me nowhere to hide
The scent of him still lingers on my clothes
His words still fresh in my memory
As I stare at a blank face, full of no regard to something that once existed
A heart dropping feeling as I take my first hit
Too upset to stay sober,tired of his ****
So now I fall into my bad trip
Wishing to be free of his appearance's grip
Lost in the memories of what used to be
Lost in thought of how he was to me
Anger and rage as well as sorrow combined
Could never be the answer to moving forward but instead makes you look behind
Jan 2015 · 3.8k
Mistakes happen, they really do
If you were me you'd make mistakes too.
The environment around you so enticing.
The group of friends so inviting.
Just one hit, it'll do you good
Just relax, you're with us. Not in the hood.
Smoke some more to get real high.
Stop lagging around, join us on cloud 9
I'm sorry world, for temptation had won
And indeed my mistake was said and done
From the mix of drink and ****.
Into that darkness I shall proceed
Not by choice, but my own blindness
Not even to be pulled back by light's kindness
Jan 2015 · 703
Be True Challenge
Hi all! I wish to challenge all of you fine poets to create a poem that offers encouragement to all, because everyone needs to be lifted from below the clouds, so they may see the light that this world has to offer. SO how this challenge works is you must choose a topic around the lines of substance abuse, suicide, addictions, breakups, domestic violence and write a poem of how they need to know that their troubles will soon end and they will be at peace once they push past their problems. I too, will write my own. To show that you have participated, tag this poem with #BeTrueChallenge I hope to see participation! ^w^ Have a wonderful day all of you.
Jan 2015 · 639
It's Safer To Hate Him
Than love him and lose him....
Jan 2015 · 485
Murderous Feelings
Seething with rage, as it consumes my mind.
Choking my thoughts, my physical form left behind.
A knife in my heart, it's emotional wave staining my skin.
These feelings fight me till my thoughts, body and soul have grown dim.
There is no rest from the pain, the agony is too impatient to wait.
These feelings leaving me at the foot of hell's gate.
Yet my thoughts and interactions continue to keep me sane, at least for now.
But, what is this feeling, and why is it that I feels these emotions forcing me to bow.
To a power I cannot see, a god by the name of Misery.
These dreaded murderous feelings, all but a true mystery.
It's not a game of clue, no questions will be answered, no one is to blame.
But you will always fall victim to your own shame.
And the more I think, the more I feel.
The more it continues, the more I lose what is real.
Till these emotions drain my life, the source of who I am.
And these feelings strangle me till I become one of the ******.
Jan 2015 · 917
Dearest friend,
Where have you gone?
What has happened to you? What has been done?
Once an elegant flower, you seem to be losing your petals.
And I will not rest until your troubles are settled.
Through the fire, you walked by my side.
Now it is my turn to save your hide.
Misery has taken you under its wing. But, I am taking you back.
For now misery shall have us both, for I cannot bear to see your life slack.
I love you as though you were my blood, and I mean that by heart.
And for you, I will fight until I am torn apart.
So please, dear friend, I beg you now, do not hide, inform me about your troubles.
For I will help you solve them, and if I can't, if it just hurts too bad.
Then by your side I will cry as we wait for time to pass.
TheEndOfForever you have always been there for me since I first met you. And there is no way I am going to let distance keep me from helping you through rough times.
Jan 2015 · 573
The howl you hear, what do you sense?
A sound of sorrow, anger, arrogance?
Well, I howl to sing a song in which states how I feel in my heart.
Many humans confusing me as a beautiful monster from the start.
I am no simple creature of chaos, as many have depicted. I am a creature of grace and balance.
Some humans attempt to study my kind to learn our talents.
But none will ever quite get us right, for we have secrets of our own.
None would ever guess what type of things a wolf has been shown.
If it were not for our belief of blood, we would die one by one.
Because our pack is a family that cannot be undone.
A bond between us, igniting us in joyous song
As our paws leave marks upon the path in which we race along.
Leaving a mark in history it is us who befriended you.
So why is it that humans can choose to take our lives too?
I am a wolf who lives by a code.
I am a wolf of which legends are told.
Jan 2015 · 364
Disaster Impacts Her
I wish this was over, I wish that this was a dream
But, reality is never as kind as it seems
Bringing someone into my life that can actually make me smile
Then taking him away after a little while.
An angel so perfect, who truly loved me.
Released me from his hands and set me free.
All because he had to leave, fly to another place.
I wish I had wings so it would be possible to chase
That dream I had waited for since I can remember
My hero whom I met in December.
But now I am saved, and on he must go, leaving my side with a tear in his eyes
I can't believe this crushing experience, unsure where my heart now lies.
Ripped from my chest, I would offer it to him, if it wasn't lost.
I'd attempt to get him back at whatever cost!
California is not the place for him to be,
Because even he said he belongs with me.
Dedicated to Kylar. I'm so sad that you will be moving. I truly did love you and wish you and I could have just stayed together. But long distance almost always fails...
Dec 2014 · 327
Sleep, here take these pills
Never gonna sleep again
Go to bed, close your eyes and you will eventually begin to dream
That's a lie, I have tried it all, counting sheep, warm milk, even running till I could not run any further, yet no sleep has come to me nor will it ever
You need to sleep, if we must, we'll take you to a hospital**
Go ahead, strap me down, see if I will rest, cause once I do, I won't wake up and I will have died upon that bed. Just another tragic tale of my insomnia once again. Except this time, my story ends.
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
Falling for a demon boy
No shock from a silver tongue girl
But is it worth it to be his toy?
And feel my own world begin to whirl?
He is of lust, yet I am of love
And his eyes and my heart may get along
But the voices from above
Tell me this is all so wrong
I knew I'd fall if he called may name, asking for me back.
But what is it that makes me feel cold? What is it that my heart may lack?
I fear that he will leave me, break my heart again
And watch as I die of a broken heart, and see my own story end.
What is it about this demon boy, that I love so much?
I can't explain it at all, because I know it is more than lust.
It isn't all about his looks, even though he does have charm.
It's not that he's my hero, because he has caused me harm.
Maybe it is that darkness, in which I seem to know.
For I seem more afraid of the light than the dark.
Just as I fear summer and enjoy the winter snow.
I would never swim with fish, but I'd prefer the shark.
Always on the dark side, always in misery.
For misery loves me and my company.
Maybe this boy is Misery, that is just his secret name.
And all of my feelings, to him is just a game.
For how am I to know trust? When he will hardly speak my name
More concerned with calling me territory than treating me at least human.
Maybe this love is where the happiness will end and my life of dedication to him will begin.
Dec 2014 · 546
Let's Write A Song
Let us write a song to right the wrongs
To wash our sins away.
Let us sing it out, let all free
Because this is me!
I admit, I am a sinful person
I admit, I have a lot of flaws!
I admit, to having bad conversation
And to breaking a few laws.
But who are you to deem me evil?
Who are you to point me out?
We are all just digging our own graves until we can’t climb our way out!
So no! (No!)
I won’t bow to this world.
Let my flaws shine like stars.
So no! (No!)
I’ll present my evil
And give you cause
Cause what is your reward?!
For ripping out our hearts?
Are you payed a whole lot?
I bet you’re paid a whole lot!
I have nothing to spare
And is God even there?
Cause I’m forced make it myself
I’ll never make it myself….
Where is the sympathy?
For leaving us no place to start
Watching as we slowly fall apart
We are youth in a nation that is never truly free
We are born in a country where there is no sanity
So please! Please set us free
This world is evil…
And so am I.
I’ll lie right to your face
And won’t feel an ounce of regret.
You stabbed me in the back, now feel my pain
Because once I am done, you’re likely to go insane!
So no! (No!)
I won’t bow to this world.
Let my flaws shine like stars.
So no! (No!)
I’ll present my evil
And give you cause
Cause what is your reward?!
For ripping out our hearts?
Are you payed a whole lot?
I bet you’re paid a whole lot!
I have nothing to spare
And is God even there?
Cause I must make it myself
I’ll never make it myself….
So no! (No!)
I won’t bow to this world.
Let my flaws shine like stars.
So no! (No!)
I’ll present my evil
And give you cause
Cause what is your reward?!
For ripping out our hearts?
Are you payed a whole lot?
I bet you’re paid a whole lot!
I have nothing to spare
And is God even there?
Cause I must make it myself
I’ll never make it myself….
Dec 2014 · 774
The only thing that could satisfy me is your blood.
I want your blood! Because that is all I haven’t lost.
You think your time has come? Well it is far too late!
You were to die sooner, but I was forced to wait.
Your tears are not satisfying, nor is your scream.
Your blood is all that will satisfy my wicked dream
Payback will bite and this time you won’t break free
For this was the last time I let you hurt me.
Clashing fangs, broken skin. The red liquid that pours from your veins.
I can’t wait to stare as all of it drains.
I want blood! Your blood! Because that is all I haven’t lost.
I want to stain the walls with my revenge
Paint the world in your beautiful crimson
Dec 2014 · 960
I watched my blood drizzle down the drain
No more suffocation, no more pain
And there is one thing that I would like to say
Right before my life has fade away
Baby, life is too slow, slow
Baby too slow
If I left no one would ever know
Baby now I must die, die
Baby I’ll die
Don’t you worry cause nobody will cry
So someday God will leave us all behind
Or maybe that’s just Satan in disguise
Either way he’ll leave before our eyes
Taking with him all our lies
Because baby life is too slow, slow
Baby too slow
If I left no one would know
Baby now I must die, die
Baby I’ll die
Don’t you worry cause nobody will cry
Nov 2014 · 402
If Only
If only our words were weapons and a shield....
Nov 2014 · 1.8k
Hey, my name's *******.
I am here to take away your pain.
Hi! My name is Ecstasy.
I am here to take you to your destiny.
Sup, I'm heroine.
I'm the one who is supposed to take you to the room you're in.
Hello, I'm what others call wine.
I am the date who expects you to dress divine.
Heyyyy, I'm ****.
I'm the one who is here for you even when you don't succeed.
Well, I'm beer.
When you've had too much of me, you can't see clear.
I'm what some refer to as Dusting.
I'm made of fumes that in most eyes, are disgusting.
What's up? I'm pills.
Take to many and for once, you'll be scared of the thrills...
Hello everyone, we are drugs.
*The beautiful creations of man that gives you all the excuse that life gets better if you are under our influence. But we are here to tell the truth... You are all believing a lie, we are all guilty of numbing your brains and blinding you from reality.
Nov 2014 · 503
Write Me A Letter
Go ahead, write me a letter with your tears
Tell me how I have only enhanced your fears
Of waking up alone, with no one by your side.
Maybe I'd still be there if you wouldn't have lied.
Truth is, I love you, even if you hurt me.
But I left you because you proved we weren't meant to be.
You say you miss me and that you want me back under your arm.
But how can I believe it when every girl you randomly kiss causes harm
To my heart, because you act like you couldn't be better without me there
You played me for a fool, and stripped my heart bare
I don't think I want to love again because I truly am a fool
Falling for you... you monster who tries too hard to be cool
I can't get you out of my head
Because you were there for me when I learned my best friend was dead
But once I lost him, you left me too.
As though it was all my fault that I went to you
But you told me you were going to always be there, where are you now?
Probably trying to talk the next girl into your bed somehow.
I hate you with everything I am!
Yet I know, if you wrote me a letter... I'd fall for you again...
Nov 2014 · 508
Dear Earth,
Why do you whither and die?
Why do people fill your beautiful world with one great lie?
Dear Mother Earth,
Why is it that you allow this rumor to spread?
And why is it that many live yet many are dead?
I know that life is a beautiful lie, and death is your ugly truth. But why?
Why am I the one who you had fooled into believing this lie?
Life I thought was pretty, but only on the outside.
Cause once you enter life, the cruel intentions no longer hide.
Darkness fights with light, causing quite the war.
Death at least in my eyes, has never had to experience that before...
Because once you die, no one sees the place you go after.
Because once you die, there is no more pain or laughter.
No smiles, no tears
No dreams, no fears
Dear Earth,
Won't you grant me a grave stone?
Won't you grant me my own dirt throne?
May I please be happy for just one day?
Mother Earth, please take my pain away...
Nov 2014 · 423
"Where Did The Time Go?"
It washed away, just like the impossible dreams of a child....
Nov 2014 · 2.6k
Are You Proud?
Are you proud of who I am now ma?
I think I've cut deep enough...
Into the flesh of our relationship, I think I've given up.
I'm tired of trying so hard to be crushed beneath the weight.
Everything I try and do, you seem to ******* hate.
Are you proud of me now ma?
I seem to be down low.
Lower than six feet underground, lower than you'd care to go.
All to make you happy, all to see you smile.
Just to be ditched on the street, to learn you had left for quite awhile.
I sat there wishing I had done just what could have made you stay.
But then I got to thinking, **** wasting my life away.
Then you decided to come back, messing up my day.
Why the hell are you back?! No one needs you or your ****
After all, you left me and I was the one who took your hit.
For many years of my life I tried to make you proud.
But here I am now, not worried what you think of me.
Because after years of suffering for you, I have been set free.
Don't you know it is wrong to put a little kid through that life?
Don't you know you should have stopped your child from picking up that knife?
How proud are you to know, your baby girl got locked away in a ****** unit?
I used to see you as perfect, but the last time you left me ruined it.
So now, just stay away from me, it's the least that you can do.
And see that I hate you, and you should hate yourself too!!!
Nov 2014 · 840
I Have Something To Share
You are beautiful, from every inch inside
You are amazing, no need to hide.
You are talented show the world who you are.
You deserve everything, so go out and go far.
Scream in joy your name to them, for they all need to know
Who you truly are, let your insides show!
Who am I to turn to him?
Who am I to tell him I am still in love?
I know he doesn't love me back, but only his lust keeps him around.
What am I supposed to do?
I can't just let go...
There is no one else out there for me.
For I am unlovable....
But yet, I still feel as though I wish to love, even if it isn't returned.
Because a demon took my heart, and I don't wish to let him free.
For I know there is no one else for me....
He still claims to love me back, even though we aren't together.
Promising to always be there when I need him
Begging me to let him back in.
But everyone knows it will lead to us both hurt once again...
For he is a cheater, and I am just too shy to care.
For I know my chances of finding another are below any odd out there.
So here I sit, denying my love as I sit all but an inch away.
Watching him, looking into his eyes, wishing I could learn to hate him.
Because it would have been safer to hate him.
Than Love him and leave him now....
Sometimes the curiosity can **** the soul, but leave the pain.
She watches as her life washes crimson down the drain.
But to her, it is no drain, but the rabbit's hole to Wonderland
To her it isn't suicide, but a ticket to a world more grand
She is tired of the pain she faces everyday and would choose the pill.
Tired of waiting for her chance, and yet follows the White Rabbit still...
Where could her mind be? Gone farther than many had assumed?
How many bottles has she drank? How many pills has she consumed?
"What it is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would.... You see?"
Whose fault is it she attempts to leave us? You? Me?!
"Here they come, to take me from you. Her come my knights!"
Her soft words cause many mindless fights.
We wish her to be safe, we wish to set her free
But how can she be free when she refuses to let the world be?
Always lost in Wonderland, except this time she isn't coming back.
For her world in her head obviously knew what reality lacks.
Yet, now she is gone, her body six feet below the ground.
Her Wonderland inside her head, no longer making another sound....
Nov 2014 · 269
Who Do You Think You Are?
Who are you with your fictitious smile and your blood stained teeth?
Hiding a back stabbing dagger beneath a pitiful sheath….
The condescending words from your sharpened tongue will one day end your ignorant gloat
For one’s sharpened tongue can cut their own ****** throat
A spawn of hell, a being of Lucifer himself
A man not interested in true love, but lust and wealth
Greed is a sin more deadly than others, for it will drive you to **** without recognition
For greed is a state of want beyond the explanation of its definition
Yet here I stand, but not for much longer, for I feel as though I may fall
Because you, a cruel demon, have stolen, my life, heart and all…
How did I find myself infatuated by a nature in which I cannot relate?
Even if I tried to lose my feelings for you, it is already too late.
A kiss on the lips was all it took….
To end up with a story you would find in a book.
A love had once been found in us, one that we both know should never happen again.
If it were to be on a scale of disaster, I would give it a ten.
There was so much violence, so much pain.
So many feelings we tried to contain.
So much lust, you lost control.
And placed a fear in my heart I had never known.
You tried to protect me but couldn’t grab my hand
And I fell down hard and was unable to stand.
Instead of staying by my side you left, a dagger in your pocket as you walked away.
Who would have known I was to learn you cheated on me the next day.
My best friend died, a bullet to the chest, burning my heart as it was.
Just to learn you had betrayed me because of a fight I had caused.
I’m sorry for worrying, I apologize for my love
I will always be reminded of my mistake of choosing to love a demon by the gods above….
I always wish upon a star
That maybe one day my dreams will come true
But nothing ever gets that far
They crash and burn as things do
For reality has its limits with its wicked twists and turns
And those who wish to read it are more than likely the ones' who this statement concerns.
Love to me
Is about seeing the light inside the one who can only see darkness within
And teaching to them that life is not over just because of one deep sin
Sep 2014 · 537
Bloody Alice
Blood splatter, haunting frames
Crazy hatter, twisted games
Along the path hops a rabbit with no eyes
Yet there he hops blinded by lies
Little white rabbit, ticking clock
Such a bad habit, yet it won’t stop!
The urge to slay, a craving so uncontained
How I must say,  it was tragic to learn how few remained
Mad hatter, how many did you ****?
Does it matter where you learned this skill?
I'm keeping her bound and gagged.
Soaked in gasoline with her hands behind her back.
You better do as told or you’ll never see her again
That’s right, your daughter is locked away in my secret den
If you don’t do as told expect her head to be sent in the mail
But, if you wish for her back you best make sure you don’t fail
Go take my place in the prison for life
Or it will come back at your daughter in the form of a knife.
If you want to see your daughter again.
Make sure everything goes as planned.
Your Greatest Enemy
Sep 2014 · 271
Failure Is Who I am
I’ve never been much of a person. So many mistakes I have already made.
And it is quite too obvious, that no one would care if I was to fade.
My effort may be all I have, but it is not enough.
There so many diamonds that need work, but I’m that rock who’s in the rough.
Everything I do is never going to be accepted, not even at my best.
So tonight I take a knife in hand and put my soul to rest.
Often am I told I’m much more morbid than I seem.
But who are you to judge me, when we both chase a different dream.
Both our lives are so much different, yet they are the same.
Neither world is perfect nor are they made for us to tame.
So why am I a failure when somehow you know how to strive?
Because you may know how to fly through the sky but when the bomb hits, I know how to dive.
I see what is hidden behind your Cheshire smile
You cannot hide your pain from me
We've been friends for quite awhile
And those cuts upon your wrists will begin to heal
If you let me in to tell you just how amazing you are
Cause you are beautiful no matter who says different
Sep 2014 · 379
Everyone has a dream
But it is the ones who know the pain of reality that make their dreams true....
Sep 2014 · 353
Desire is a wicked type of magic
It burns within my soul and makes me feel sick.
I hate that it pulls me into this trance
Sometimes making me happy enough to dance
But results of desire are more likely to come out empty handed
Then give a love in which every person has once demanded
Yet there are those times that make you sing like a bird
Cause your wish has been granted as others have heard
You look so nice with that lover of yours
But no one see what happens behind closed doors
Desire begins to break, love begins to fall
And you must stand in the middle of it all
You watch your partner leave and feel the awful ache in your heart
Once again you are left torn apart
For desire is not as great as it may seem
It's not for a world of reality it is only that in which you may dream
So open your eyes, don't give into desire
For it will burn you if you play with fire
Sep 2014 · 271
It Happens
Sitting in a class with unfamiliar faces
Trying not to collapse while my heart races
None of them know of the hit I took last night
It wasn't even worthy of calling a fight
His slap to my face only shattered my heart
How could I not see the darkness within him from the start?
It doesn't matter. Not one bit, it happens.
But does anyone care?

All alone I refuse to eat, others around me conversing and having fun
I wonder if they'll ever see me when their conversations are done
No? That's alright, I've been alone most of my life anyways, it's no big deal.
It's just I wish I had friends to rid me of this emptiness I feel.
It's alright, it happens.
But would they notice if I were gone?

They seem disappointed that I stumble and do not provide.
Even though I have proven how hard I have tried.
Enough for me is too little for them.
If they feel that way, why don't my parents just let me go then?
It's ok.... it happens
Is this who I am? Am I the person who will go down in history as "it happens"?
When will enough be enough.......?
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