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Oct 2018 · 394
quickened footsteps
Sean Devlin Oct 2018
I dreamt of you, walking through a thick fog
towards me, coming slow with flowers in your hand
this city is draped in a heavy air
early morning, I wake in bed alone
and the timid dawn slowly pulls me back to life

we hardly mumble to each other as we pass
Oct 2018 · 546
Birds Gone Suicide
Sean Devlin Oct 2018
I was sitting at my desk when a bird flies through the screen, straight at my face. I smack it away from me and it bounces off the wall and onto my bed where it starts flapping around. I look back to the window and see another bird heading straight for me, so I slide it shut just before its body slams into the glass and then flops to the garden bellow. The bird on the bed is tangled in my sheets and is madly trying to free itself.

From then on my life was madness. Birds were slamming into my house and trying to break in and **** me constantly. The police and then the FBI and soon all organizations were involved, trying to figure out what was drawing these murderous animals to me. At first they had moved me around the state, then the country, yet no matter where I went it made no difference.  Day in and day out birds would pile up outside wherever I was 'hiding', killing themselves from slamming into the buildings. Eventually they brought me deep into a mountain but even still, this didn’t slow them down. As the weeks passed it was obvious that soon there would be no birds left on the planet. Winged demons from all over the world were flying to wherever I happened to be, all bent on trying to **** me. So many birds slammed into that mountainside that it changed the way it looked.

Once all the birds had died I was finally able to leave the mountain and live a relatively normal life, though quite a few people were upset about the situation. I was reminded constantly of what happened and the world felt different for a while, quieter, and cleaner. You wouldn’t think so but living in a city without any pigeons or bird **** makes quite a difference!

Eventually I settled into a career and had children and forgot all about it, as my days are now preoccupied with thoughts of suicide.
Oct 2018 · 352
Stay hungry
Sean Devlin Oct 2018
The dog ran down with a bird in it's mouth saying "temp me to bite"

You’re the odd
I’m the lost one
And I’ve been tryin hard to believe
That everything I love won’t leave
But I know thats just a
Mirage in a sand soaked brain
Trying my best to keep you from feeling
This same kind of pain

She’s been spinning circles around me for days

I’ve been sitting by the water
Watching as it pulled away
Oct 2018 · 333
Sean Devlin Oct 2018
The air was thick and hard to breath
water was flooding through the cracks in the walls
Staring through the window while she pressed down on me
I wasn't where I wanted to be

I felt her fingertips against my skin
like they were foreign invaders
trying to force their way in

The weight of her uncertainty crushing through me
I watched the tremor behind her eyes
as she dropped her body onto my lap
Our lips fumbled in the darkness
and I felt like my interest was being devoured
not by her, but by the mistake I made in coming here

Her hair doesn't fall across my face the way yours does
Her skin doesn't smell sweet and salty like the shore
Her hand on my back that is trying to draw me in
only pushes me away, your hand used to push through
and massage the ***** protected by my ribs

Your face in front of me always felt like coming home
the others are vacations I never wanted to take
Oct 2018 · 1.9k
Tucked Away
Sean Devlin Oct 2018
She stripped off her clothes, stepping out of her black ******* last
lowering herself into that pool of steaming water
I watched her with stifled hunger

"This is it. This is everything, isn’t it."
It wasn’t a question I was asking
as the rain crashed down around us
through the half open roof

She stretched her arms out and shook her head,
silent, grinning at me from across the bath

"**** those tiny dagger teeth, so far from my bones"

I threw her an invitation to destroy me but she was too comfortable
way over there
and she knew better after all this time
than to interrupt my romantic *******
I could really get carried away on the feeling
as if some insidious little moth crept in and started
pounding against my rib cage, against the backs of my eyes
taking me to some other place, as some other creature

"You know, you know.. Just drown me in here, like a rat
stuck in a sewer pipe, fat and useless and happy!
I’m drunk and hazy on this lust."

I could see her chest heave
as if the air was suddenly too thick
to swallow

"What I know is that you’re ******, you’re ****** and so I’m ******"

and she was right
but it was too late
her words faltered and faded off
halfway across the ocean between us
sailboats of wisdom lost at sea with
sailors throwing themselves overboard

I was gone by then, living a thousand daydreams
as scenes unfolded
where no one could see
as the rain
stung my face

Her eyes were wide and she was searching the stars
for me
but I was already tucked away inside her mystery
Oct 2018 · 904
Wild Horse Chase
Sean Devlin Oct 2018
We broke bones falling over each others
wild horse chase
She pressed her fingertips into my ribs
said "you’re not like them"
and I could feel her move right through me

I grabbed her face and her tongue pushed past my teeth
like a battering ram

I wanted to destroy everything

Some time later I woke up, starving for her grip around me
I pressed against her, she slid her ******* down
and half asleep we rolled on the waves

"This is going to be dangerous"
She didn’t care, or maybe she didn’t know
We had drunk enough where the words didn’t mean
anything, anymore
I made her promise we wouldn’t get lost
but I could see the twinkle in her eye
She has the fire and I have the fuel
Together we could really
**** things up
Oct 2018 · 317
If you were forsaken
Sean Devlin Oct 2018
This time I feel more than nothing
some curiosity and a want to be near you
that runs deeper than those surface charms

Her soothing voice, I could listen to that purr
until I lay myself in the grave
Digging holes deeper than her soul
though not as misplaced
There was a gracefulness in the way her crooked
mouth spit out the words
"If god exists, the curse has been cast upon me"
In that moment I wanted to devour her like a rogue wave
rushing towards a beachside village
a hunger so old and archaic my roots were
twisting themselves
in the comfort
of possible disaster

With her teeth gnashing against my bones
Her skinny legs entwined in mine
My mouth pressed against the heartbeat in her neck
I wanted to drown in this fever between our bodies

"If god has forsaken you, I will crush the ******* into a powder"

She didn’t hear me, deep asleep, finally
finding peace as the dreams come and go
with her head against my chest, breathing me in
until there was nothing left

These daydreams stab through the veil of my solitary safety
Wake me from this madness, I’ve been here before
Oct 2018 · 324
empty tanks
Sean Devlin Oct 2018
Im just lonely, really
she whispered across the table
and I want someone to hold me
I know that after ***
we will collapse into each others arms
and stay that way, for at least a little while
Thats the work and thats the reward
those fleeting moments of touch

I am not sexually insatiable
I am affectionately empty
Oct 2018 · 1.7k
Light In Your Room
Sean Devlin Oct 2018
Theres a light in your room I see from my rooftop tomb
Watching the shadows along the wall
and I know I should look up at the moon
But when I do I’m just waiting for it to fall

They said it takes some time to get over the loss
But thats a mountain I can’t seem to scale
They swore that another would come to take your place
But all those who’ve tried have failed

I find myself laying in the grass at night
Hoping that it pulls me into the grave
To feel such a strong deep embrace
And have nothing left to say
Oct 2018 · 363
Blue Water
Sean Devlin Oct 2018
The mountain looks down on me
Smiling sinner
Drop your sunshine around me
Im drowning
Theres anger in the earth now
Time to give birth now
My child has died
Silver lake swimming
Nothing means anything
I threw her face against
The wall
I slept in the yard
With the dogs dancing on my chest
Empty nest
Leaving them all behind
Ribbons spill out of me
My arms are dangling
Useless from carrying
Look down at me mountain man
share with me gods plan
Tell her that I died
Im just a husk of a human hide
How can I explain my
Simple situation
If you’ve never felt a thing
Apr 2017 · 300
Sean Devlin Apr 2017
plastic heart melts
smells of burning hair
the oceans look so deep
find it hard to sleep
while she's swinging on stars
I gaze and hold out my arms

monsoon tremors flitter through bones
bee shadows guide me home
the sun it shines through chipped bared teeth
my ribs spread and desert bleached
my heart beats, in her queen hand
savage dance, in a loving land

Im speaking in the tongues of fish
no one cares, they cant hear it
shes a mermaid in a coral bed
singing the words inside my head
its alright, alright, tonight tonight
its alright, alright, we are all right, alright

in the ocean we will play
in my heart it's all okay
silent nights and silent days
excuse this howl, wolves came to play
some moments stay and some moments wane
here is a struggle, there goes the pain

the love of sun from moon, they cannot feign

to silent nights and vibrant days
the heartbeat stays, the heartbeat stays
Feb 2017 · 339
Christmas gift
Sean Devlin Feb 2017
it was christmas day,
that one the seems to make or break people.
the sun was blinding me awake
and my arms felt very heavy
I opened my eyes and found them weighed down
like a pollen covered bee heading home
and saw that my own flower was pulsing against me.
her hair smelled of spring days and her own sweetness.
as I brushed the wayward strands dancing on my lips away
she stirred and it I felt how one does as an adolescent
peeking down the stairs and seeing santa leaving presents under the tree.
Feb 2017 · 257
Sean Devlin Feb 2017
how we met has escaped me
drowned out by the memories of where we were
and the daydreams of whats to come
Dec 2016 · 1.3k
goodbye lullaby
Sean Devlin Dec 2016
I broke free of all the chains
Finally shook off all the pain
I don’t have to take anymore
Stumbling through the dark in search of the door

The moon cast its glow over me
And finally I could breathe
I lay down on the cold hard earth
Wondering what it all was for

Something inside of me finally cracked
And what it was it ain’t comin’ back
All the parts that were sealed up tight
Out of mind and out of sight

And as the wind tears through me
My hearts blowin’ up like a cherry tree
Blossoms burst and fall to the ground
My tears they make no sound

I’ve been wandering for many years
Doing what it takes to satiate my fears
Searching for a treasure though no treasure was found
Until I found myself buried in the ground

Up to my neck was the hole I dug
Like the earth was giving me a hug
As the moon washes over me
It was like I could finally see

As the clouds passed over head
Figured I was better off dead
Than rotting in some broken dream
it’s enough to make a grown man scream

Where did I finally go wrong
I could’ve swore that I was strong
But that burden held over my head
Demon inside was constantly fed

And here I am, laying in the ground
No more dreams, no more sounds
I’ve traded it all in for a peaceful goodbye
Ive never felt more alive inside

I’ve been wandering for many years
Doing what it takes to satiate my fears
Searching for a treasure though no treasure was found
Until I found myself buried in the ground

Goodbye love
Goodbye hate
Goodbye time
Goodbye too late
Goodbye crutch
And goodbye me
Don’t worry I am finally free

Goodbye love
Goodbye hate
Goodbye time
Goodbye too late
Goodbye crutch
And goodbye me
Don’t worry I am finally free
Oct 2016 · 296
sun and moon
Sean Devlin Oct 2016
monsoon tremors flitter through bones
bee shadows guide me home
the sun it shines through chipped bared teeth
my ribs spread and desert bleached
my heart beats, in her queen hand
savage dance, in a loving land

Im speaking in the tongues of fish
no one cares, they cant hear it
shes a mermaid in a coral bed
singing the words inside my head
its alright, alright, tonight tonight
its alright, alright, we are all right, alright

in the ocean we will play
in my heart it's all okay
silent nights and silent days
excuse this howl, wolves came to play
some moments stay and some moments wane
here is a struggle, there goes the pain

the love of sun from moon, they cannot feign

to silent nights and vibrant days
the heartbeat stays, the heartbeat stays
Mar 2016 · 555
universe, fill me in
Sean Devlin Mar 2016
Dear God, Spirit, Mother Nature or Void,

you are sleeping and I am sitting by the fireplace, thinking of the ways in which Love is.
They say that in order to love, you must love yourself. That in order to be in love, you must love another before yourself.
I find that in times of struggle, where the two parts of us that are different are meeting for the first, or the fifteenth time, its easier for me as I get older, to put on a smile and shake her hand, or reach out and embrace her, than it is to make a snide face and square off.
I seem to care more about saying “I am sorry”, than I do about being right. I know it may not always seem it, and it surely isn’t always that way, though it has been more often now than it ever has been before.

‘Perfect’ is the most ridiculous word in our language. What does it even mean? Its so based in opinion and for us to apply it to each other, or to have ideals centered around perfection, I can't see how that's a reasonable  if everything is ever changing. Our wants, desires, feelings and selves, always evolving, leading perfection to forever elude us. Unless we start to believe that perfection is not what is, but accepting what is. No one is perfect, but you can perfectly accept them.

I don’t understand love, or how to love in the ways that I wish I did. When I sit with myself in a quiet field or park and I look up and theres a tree over me and stars twinkling through the gnarled branches, I feel at peace. I feel alone and not alone. When I have space to quiet my mind and the beast inside me I feel love like I dont often feel, one that is unbiased and non-judging. I can focus on the fact that I am alive and that the universe is vast and we know so little about so much, that to just have life is pleasure enough. To have with it the other things, overflows the cup. Its easy in those moments to forget about bills and responsibilities, strife with my partner or friends, hobbies and tasks I need to work on, things I need to get better at, feelings I need to change and adapt and move past.. Its easy to just exist and be happy to be existing.

I wish I could carry that feeling with me everywhere. Its just that in moments of blissful magic, I know that it will be over. I have lain with others and felt satiated in their love, I have had gracious friends and wonderful companions and all those things have come and gone like seasons changing. I wish, however futile it is, that I could just hold onto that feeling. When she is lying with her head on my chest and we are looking at the stars and I feel her breath and her heartbeat and she says “I love you” and we have forgotten about the rest of the world and are only existing in the love we have for each other, it is bliss. And it is transient. And I ache for that feeling even while living within that feeling, for I am missing it before it has even gone.

Appreciating things in the moment is difficult. It gets harder the more often you lose friends and loved ones, to allow yourself to love as deeply, when you know how deep the pain is in the loss. It seems the closer you get to the light, the darker the world is around you. The more you love, the more open that you are, the colder things will become when that dissipates.

What a ******* conundrum.
Mar 2016 · 259
untitled 3
Sean Devlin Mar 2016
There are no words anymore
Everything pours through me in a torrent
God has ****** his face inside my chest and I am stagnant
Atrophy my legs and carry me home
The silence in those goodbyes destroys me
Mar 2016 · 544
I had a fever
Sean Devlin Mar 2016
I had a fever
and in a dream I felt what I thought
was finally serene
a man cast a thunderbolt
down from a thundercloud
a ***** spoke in riddles
to try and get the pain out
I saw a god pushing a rock up a hill
a woman on the other side
pushing backwards still
a mermaid with a broke tail
sat on a pile of coins and started to wail
the ghosts of a thousand warriors
danced in a misty field while the sun rose
I was pulled along by the moon
and was asked to help her home
the flowers spoke with heads bent low
please dont take us, we die when we go
I said I could relate
they said no, no no no
Mar 2016 · 348
one last look
Sean Devlin Mar 2016
all she wanted was one last look
the wind stole the petals sold them to the brook
floated them down traded with the bay
he found and gathered them later that day
used them in the sand to spell out her name
Mar 2016 · 351
between the decay
Sean Devlin Mar 2016
It’s sadness. Perpetual sadness covered by layer upon layer of human experience. I hold her hand and I feel awakened, released back into the place where I don’t have to pretend any longer. I hold her hand and I feel the grief separate like a serpents skin caught on the desert rock. The heat is incredible and the lightness permeates the tragedy that has played out on the stage of our emotions. Some seem to rise into the clouds, their feet never dragging, their ship never rocking, a chosen delusion and detachment from the hum deep within. I know one day they will fall further down, down to where our spirits all lay. A kite on a windless day. She releases my hand and there I am, where I always was. This road leads to the purple mountain covered in snow and that is where I must go to meet with myself. It’s always only myself, the creatures that follow me from the edge of the forest with hands slender and soft, always fall back to where they came eventually. Leaving my shadow long and lonesome. So I walk, as I have always walked. To see how far I get before my eyes start to dance around the landscape, searching for a charming beast to call my own for what feels like only a heartbeats worth of time. To slow my stride to a saunter, as we trade memories between the decay of day into night and the howling birth of night into day, pretending it will all last forever.
Mar 2016 · 270
pushed by the waves
Sean Devlin Mar 2016
watch the waves come
and pound the boat

see the storm coming
and we hope

that these moments
will keep us hanging on
and on and on

theres no break here
for us to get some rest

we're so tired
we swear we've done our best

the boat it rocks us
to sleep

the place where
us dreamers can dream deep
and deep and deep and deep
we go

she turned to me
with salty lips

and I ached for
just one more kiss

but she seemed

and I hadn't the energy left
to say

how I loved
every moment that we had, every thought
that came to my head
was of her

watch the waves turn
and push the boat

see the storm overhead
and how we hope

that in these moments
we'll make it out alive

if I said that I needed anything else
it was a lie

I can feel the sunlight breaking through the clouds
where did it come from
I know that we've made it out now
time for fun

we're a little thrown off course
but we'll find our way back
and finally I hear that bird
and her most beautiful laugh

theres no more waves pushing us
into that place
where no one will remember where we came from
theres no more waves pushing us
into that place
where we get lost

and I know that the sunlight means
that we have been rescued
just like in our dreams
and I know that the sunlight means
that we have been rescued
just like in our dreams
Mar 2016 · 271
under the moon
Sean Devlin Mar 2016
we’re in your doorway
will you welcome us in
with a table full of melting smells
a call to arms
to arouse that hungry beast
that rests inside our soul

tonight we lay
under the stars
and dream of those
that could be ours
they seem so far
yet lay so close
where do we dream
but with the ghosts
time is cruel
the games that are played
my minds a mess
can it be saved?

the moments rain
down upon each other
and I’ve nothing left to do
but breathe
Mar 2016 · 318
untitled two
Sean Devlin Mar 2016
I've got the black moon in my shirt sleeve
it casts its shadow down around us
I've let the flower heads poke through my soul
wondering if I was dead

I caught the meaning between the hushed words
muttered beneath the sea
and when the morning light fills the mountain side
her smile begins to fade

cast away the words that tie us together
I believe in everything
nothing means the world to me
I’m an anchor fixed on fixating

capturing the remnants of a living thing
arriving to escape it all
our love is just a symphony
trying to encase the song

Ive been wandering for a wicked time
chasing after birds to lead me home
tumbling after ashes in the breeze
from a fire burning inside her soul
Jan 2016 · 550
two thousand sixteen
Sean Devlin Jan 2016
two thousand sixteen, who would've thought Id make it this far.. with the mistakes I've made, countless jokes that fell flat, knees bruised, smiles drooped, hearts broken, doors slammed, rocks thrown, bottles dropped, the peachy faces that become apparitions, penny wishes not received, dried up lakes of aspiration.. yet here I am, to meander through another calendar year! Thirty-two years on this ball of wonder, countless toothy grins, held hands and Real deals, too many friends to keep track of, steamy nights and late-night flights, the keyring of heartstrings pulled happily weighs heavy. Treasures plundered, bets wagered and won, risks that panned out, loves that were not lost.. I have achy joints, body pains, interrupted thoughts, grown man stresses, wrinkles in my eyes and in my heart, I get winded biking up hills and notice a separation between myself and the ‘youngsters’, sometimes cynical and sometimes jaded and still.. the wisdom grows, my heart swells bigger than ever, my eyes are clear, the disappointments of the past only add happiness to the successes of my present, the rainy days enjoyed for I know sunlight will once again shine, my heart and brain are no more aligned than before though now they respect each others view instead of battling, the music sounds sweeter, the kiss deeper, the thoughts more profound. I’ve risked it a thousand times and made it through the blizzard, so I’ll risk it a thousand more. The experiences of the years have brought me an inner peace, like a love birds soliloquy. When my frazzled mind needs peace the heart beats, when the heart aches, the mind reminds, “you’ll make it through”. So thanks, for the ones who came and went, held hands and threw fists, laughed and cried, were honest and lied, lived and died. I’ve come to love the inside as much as the outside, the wet as much as the dry, the us as much as the I. It’s a good time be alive, amidst the chaos of an ever evolving world. it’s a celebration of life when you’re around the ones who make you feel and these days, all I seem to do is feel. My family is closer than ever, my friends stand out like flame amongst the rabble of contacts made, my lover is a buzzing bee filling me with honey and sometimes a sting, it’s nothing I can’t handle. It’s nothing I don’t want to handle. If we can keep reminding ourselves of what used to be, we can make it through anything. Appreciate what you have, before it leaves you, death takes everything we love at some point. Don’t let anything else take it before then.
Sep 2015 · 628
can you feel the gaps
Sean Devlin Sep 2015
there is a gap in the place
where you and I met
theres a tree growing
in the holes inside my head

roots dig deep, between monster teeth
savages sing me to sleep

ancient lines, fish bone dry
I ask for night, the sun defies
theres a gap between you and I

back on an island
was floating on the sea
it used to be only me

roots dig deep, between my ribs
the storm came up, we both hid
theres a gap now where our lips met
battered down and broken limbs

fit me like an egg into your nest
I will try to save us from this mess
let go of your sinking tomb
lay on the island, welcome home

watch as our bodies tether together
the roots have done their best
we can rest here forever

theres a tree growing
in the gaps inside my soul
the roots dig deep, my dear pulsing heartbeat
can you feel the space, neither can we.

sea water fever
no island, no bliss, only this
I have lost my mind
drying out like a fish
Sean Devlin Sep 2015
without that silent awareness that death waits for me around the corner of time, I would not be able to get as drunk on life as I have, bliss in even the lowest of moments. to have felt, to have cared.
Sep 2015 · 558
songs for alana
Sean Devlin Sep 2015
all the fears I have
withered up and died
the moment that I gazed
into those mystic eyes
fragile waters stand no chance
the way this sea it laughs and dance
sunlight streams through broken ribs
places where my demons hid
and now they've broken out all right
your smile it fills me
up so tight
Aug 2015 · 364
midnight mourning
Sean Devlin Aug 2015
I tell you this
in the midnight mourning
that everything I have thats beating
beats inside for you
you tell me you need to go
that this isn’t working
and I say please
do what you need to do
to find that sunshine thats buried within
I too have a fire burning throughout my ribs
and it burns for you
I just need a minute, to gather the moment
and hold it
Aug 2015 · 6.2k
love like a flower
Sean Devlin Aug 2015
Love should not be possessive. Love like you would a flower, growing in a field.
If you were to pluck that flower, take it inside, to place in a vase or between the pages of a book, it will wither and it will die. Suffocated, cut off from that place which it is meant to be.

Instead, lay next to your love. Let your breath be the wind that brushes against its petals. In a storm, build a fortress to protect it, to shade it from the sun. Sing songs to it until you fall asleep, where you dream beside it.

If you part, have no fear. Relish the moments in which that Love is beside you. Do not entertain thoughts of another coming and plucking that flower, you have no control over such things. Live beside that which you Love, possession will only bring death. No one can take your love. If in the morning that flower is no longer there, fear nothing, as you too will one day be gone.

The more we love, the more we want to hold on. Let go of the idea of permanence. Everything is ever changing. The seasons, the tides, they come and they go. Move within them. Hold that Love deep inside, like a heartbeat.

Fear of loss is ever gnawing. Let go of fear by letting go of the idea of possession. All that you own is that which beats within you, silent and voluminous. All else is an illusion.

When you look across the room at her, do so as you would a flower. Appreciate and enjoy, do not let the tendrils of fear wrap themselves around you. Do not reach out and take what is not yours, do not ask for anything in return. Open up your heart, let the sunshine pour from your eyes. Before you know it, these moments will be memories. This life will be another grain of sand on an endless beach. your story will be lost on the winds of spring.
Aug 2015 · 304
untitled 2
Sean Devlin Aug 2015
there was no apprehension, to relent and let the universe have its way
to throw the body into the river and be swept along with the current
to not look longingly at the shore
instead, to gaze upwards at the stars
let the waves of compassion and warmth envelope
and let golden hearts beat together

they say there was risk, I felt no risk
Aug 2015 · 424
you are the eagle
Sean Devlin Aug 2015
you are the eagle
I saw you fly
you are the daffodill
that I watched dry
all of the clouds
they pass through your eyes
when you look my way
like the sun I shine
Aug 2015 · 311
eyes like ice
Sean Devlin Aug 2015
i held it back, some honest words
a few escaped these lips
they made their way across the waves
to swing on gentle hips

her eyes like ice, light up the night
and shimmer when she grins
i cant shake those teeth, succumbed too deep
the way her laughter fills me in

i hold it back, some honest thoughts
and let the night forget his part
dream away to desert days
when the heat could match the heart
Aug 2015 · 735
deaths doorway
Sean Devlin Aug 2015
Set me free, death bird
None of these moments
Of pain, of blue river cold
Or the changing seasons
So like my fickle emotions,
Bring any warmth.
They are chains of sorrow
They are an echo of the peace
I hope to encounter, dancing in
Deaths doorway
Aug 2015 · 394
off they go
Sean Devlin Aug 2015
they stand, where we have yet to stand.
they walked through darkness, while we wait in light
when the wind stops, the flowers stand tall
soon we will be dancing in fields again

guided by a saddened hand
they move through the mist ahead of us
waiting patiently while the wind pushes flowers
against the cold earth, like our ears
hoping for heartbeats, where there are none
Aug 2015 · 431
one lovely mess
Sean Devlin Aug 2015
Sunlight, pouring through her sea
blue eyes, we melt into one gooey
mess, ‘better than drugs’

Flowers bend their necks, pleading to be
plucked free, to slowly wilt on the bedside
table, or against the window pane

Her touch melts through me with more intensity than  
that romantic fire ball caressing the horizon,
swallowed by the sea and trading places with the stars

Now that I have heard her voice,
soft like flower petals drifting along a warm wind
I resign to lay in fields until my bones become dust,
draped in roses and lilies, chrysanthemums and love

My night is devoured by her grasp
and we become everything
Aug 2015 · 378
the hermits silent death
Sean Devlin Aug 2015
living in my skull, an eremite
destroyed by the osculation
of an ingenue apparition
Aug 2015 · 274
cloud sun moon
Sean Devlin Aug 2015
The cloud looked down, it tried to reach out a hand but the wind pushed it away, “Ive got this one” it said.

The flowers looked on, straining their necks in curiosity.
I pulled off one of their heads and handed it to the wind, “thanks for looking out”.

The sun shook, stepped aside to let the moon cover up his disappointment. “Don’t worry, he will grow out of it”, she sang.

In their passing dance, the sea pulled back, baring its pearly whites.

“At least I don’t have ***** in my teeth!”, I screamed to the pervasive night sky.
Aug 2015 · 512
Sea Met Land
Sean Devlin Aug 2015
I know that when we meet
it'll be like when the sea met the land
they've been kissing ever since
Aug 2015 · 413
love is a fat worm
Sean Devlin Aug 2015
born underneath a dying sun, the little sparrow lost her voice to the world
the way the trees around her bent and twisted to the ground led her to believe all things should fall
instead of using her wings as sails to lift herself to the skies, she used them like shovels
digging straight through to the heart

with a furiously confused motivation, down and down she went
though before too long she discovered a fat slithering worm
comsumed with hunger she devoured
becoming overjoyed with a magical energy
without pausing a moment to consider the implications,
she leapt through the clouds,
screaming like a savage aural goddess
piercing the day with her wonderful exuberance
Aug 2015 · 886
let them come
Sean Devlin Aug 2015
the storms may come, let them come
change the color of the sea, let them come
the face may darken, toss and turn
the moon laughs
the creatures that live so deep
they rest soundly in their beds
without concern
this Love vibrates along the ocean floor
Aug 2015 · 423
Love like this
Sean Devlin Aug 2015
scribbled heartbeats hidden in pages
breath pulsing against the cheek
a heart that thumps beneath fingertips
grass blades breaking under the weight of two bodies stacked
and mouths smacked together

time is irrelevant
the rest are just ghosts
& the world
will slide into shadow with the bright of conjoined lives

the romantics have been pushed to sea
the ***** in our skulls dissuading the heart from leaping
where did the skeptics slink from?
slide back into your passionless tomb

this life is a heartbeat long
and it’s being wasted
on pebbles painted yellow
weigh down your pockets and when you find True Gold
hope that you have the courage to slice open the sleeves
and let the fools tumble out

the aching brilliance of the universes cruel joke
that fear that keeps us from leaping in fully
its a sad slide into lonely suicide
when you find the golden one
hold on and let the Love destroy what you were
and blossom you into what never dies

In the field where the stars turn into roses
come, take a risk
that is no risk
for Love like this is an embrace
that will never end.

— The End —