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Sep 2018 · 297
Small Victories
Rafael Torres Sep 2018
In the ****** life
The one here on Earth
The one we're all graced with
By choice
At birth
It's the little victories
That may keep one sane
Without quitting or leaving prematurely
This ****** up game
But a game it's not
This life is real
Stamped and approved
With a golden seal...
For we've all made a deal
To learn and grow
To gain a knowledge much deeper
Than we ever have known
Smile at the small stuff
Don't sweat the big stuff
It'll only add more
To a life of enough...
Unnecessary *******
And pointless torment
Turning active Volcanos
That once had laid dormant
Perpetuating misery
Frowns and tears unneeded
Don't question the harvest
When it's known what's been seeded
Nonphysical forces
Keep the ball rolling...
I'll take my small victories
With a smile...
And keep on strolling......
Written 9/27/2018 3:55PM
Sep 2018 · 523
John Hancock's Loophole
Rafael Torres Sep 2018
Small print
What a way
To cheat another day
History has taught
How to respond
And Play

There's nothing to fear
But fear itself
Knowing this is wealth
Theres one word
A join of two
Reveals theres nothing had to do


A hole of loops
Every loophole has a loophole
How significant

Thats why its called

Endless DNA
Theres just one name
That keeps it sane
The name lives to this day

John Hancock
Sign that sh*t
Big and bold
No fear
Showing that
No cowardice
Is within
Is clear

Let the loopholes
Noose the necks
Of those with bad intent
Now thats enough
Wasting thought on this
My mind is not for rent

Just remember
Three little birds that sang
Killed by the bell
Welcome to hell
Theres no one else to blame.
Written Sept. 19. 2018 8:37 AM
Sep 2018 · 220
Worldwide Genocide
Rafael Torres Sep 2018
Somewhat blank
Day-dream more than "live"
Feel somewhat out of place
Don't know what else I have to give
Something's gonna give
The world is too unstable
I sit silent
And wait to tip the scale

Too much tension
In this air
I wonder how much longer
They can smile though despair
No one even cares
Just laugh it off
Don a mask
Point a finger
Lie through teeth
Make a dollar through a flask

So busy stuck on others
Forgetting the source of this life's screening
Most just can't admit
That they haven't found a meaning
On the outside well presented
Endless screaming
Always working
Always scheming
A life reflected by demeaning

Watching backs
The mirror
Just avoid
Elevator cable snapped
As bunkers all collapse
Yet a few remain intact
Left with no way out
Held in Nature's grasp
Beyond a shadow of a doubt

No lights
No Sun.
No Moon
No stars
No vision

Can't fly away
Can't call for help
You cannot run
From cards you've delt
Life treated like a game
All the rules end up the same
Cheaters never win
There's no one else to blame

Don't you hold your breath
Disrespected death
You get no rest
You've never tried your best

Always ignored
What's widely known
Don't disrespect your home

Give a cackle
Until it's nothing
As empty as within
Just don't forget
Between the laughs
That cheaters never win

Where's the power?
Where's the skill?
Fabricated for the easy-way
Illusion is illusory
Tomorrow's not today

Watch what you say
Dont misbehave
And ask yourself
Who's the slave?

Live your life
According to others
It's what I see
I sit silent
Watch and wait
For the powers that will be

I simply blow a kiss
Have finding out...

Sep 2018 · 1.2k
Rafael Torres Sep 2018
On a spare tire
Under the red-line
In the mind... just fine...
Trying not to feel ******...
Out of clean clothes
Job searching in the city...
Friends down to zero
My journal number one...
Go for a walk
Is the only source of "fun"...
Cans here
Bottles there
Find them under lost despair
And gratitude
Both have come from where?...
Life is great...
Say it loud
All alone within a crowd
Its just been so long
For a chance to breath
Find some shade beneath the trees
Watch the leaves
Fall before my feet
Then blow away
Caught within the wind...
Will not
Accept defeat...
New things will begin...
Life is great...
Living the dream...
Pain floats away like steam...
Eyes have closed
Its time to rest
Dream to live again...
All is well
Inside of hell...
Well meet again... my friend... as well...
Written Sept. 17. 2018. 10:00 AM Monday
Sep 2018 · 344
Mind Over Matter
Rafael Torres Sep 2018
Another day has come
Us all greeted by the Sun
Skies that shimmer blue
Bring new choices we could do
Within the mind
We create
An ever vaster
New landscape
It is our fate
To stir and shake
A life that only
We could make
Miles long
To the horizon
Try to see
With more than eyes
So much more
Could than be seen
Like hidden stories
In between
The words
And voices
And choices
So often taken
Just for granted
How little nourished
What's been planted
Always asking
Never granted
No steps taken
Always pulled
Leads to unintended fools
For at the end
Of this one path
Is infinite
Says all the math
Endless love
Or endless pain
When phrased like this
Much less a game
Fortune or fame
Or selfless giving
Which ones are
Truly living?
Just alive
For an agenda
Leaves no rest,
Just ask yourself
And do your best...
These words just read
Have not been spoken
By a life
That's not been broken
But sewn together
Healed by time
Or in an instant
Within the mind
Seek anew
And one may find
That what's ahead
Is far behind
Shackled by our thoughts
That be
Just look inside
You have your key...
Written 09/15/2018 11:19 AM.
Sep 2018 · 262
The Unknown
Rafael Torres Sep 2018
The unknown lingers,
Just like every second,
Guesses can be made,
Utilize the senses,
Use the sixth knowingly,
Confident through the blur,
As opposed to blind guesses,
Evolve them into sure,
Intent that is pure,
Cannot be touched by flak,
For soaring even higher,
Remains in one intact,
With a choice to fly low,
Adds for another thrill,
Freezing lightning solid,
Unleash its strike at will,
On fate,
To travel within destiny,
Leave behind the physical,
I shall use the rest of me,
Light's what casts shadows,
The Universe's recipe,
I say,
Test me,
6 or 9,
No line,
Top or bottom viewed,
Perception that factor,
That makes opinions skewed,
For both views are correct,
Yet the other just can't see,
Through the other's eyes what be,
Attempt to unfold,
Sifting gold through gravel,
Decipher this here poem,
Let your mind travel,
Times and places,
Never a dull moment,
Grasp the present,
Own it.
Written 09/06/2018. To better explain the 6 or 9 part. Imagine: a 6 drawn on the ground, with no line under it, or above it. If 2 people were looking at it on the ground, one at the top, one at the bottom, one would see a 6, one would see a 9. Both would be correct. Perception.
Sep 2018 · 423
Nameless (Graves defaced)
Rafael Torres Sep 2018
I've named this,
For who knows the contents could be,
Reminded I am,
Of gravestones left unmarked,
Once were,
But today not a name to be seen...
When I gaze upon these,
I still send my respects,
I have not a clue,
As to resting is who,
Send love from my chest,
Move to the next,
Nothing is more I could do...
I guess for a second,
All I can rekon,
Is to imagine the being below,
Of their life's journey,
Those they've effected,
I only guess,
But never could know...
I hope they have felt,
My intents of respects,
And know they are not forgotten,
In fact I do say,
Right here today,
I do not even know my own place,
In this here world,
For which we are thrown,
My meaning,
Still yet,
So I visit as a friend,
A simple kind gesture,
A gift of my salutations,
You lay there,
As I stand afoot,
A quick connection of Nations...
I do hope it was felt,
That I so alone,
Considered a guest,
Of your home...
The Cemetery.
Written 08/04/2018. 11:08PM. Speaking on the graves I visit, which I see have been vandalised, defiled, defaced, or damaged...
Sep 2018 · 4.0k
Cacophony of words
Rafael Torres Sep 2018
A whole new spiral,
Trees upon a coil,
Ink from leagues,
Written feathers,
Drizzled down as oil,
Less is more,
Reverse inside-out,
Springs before fall,
Trojan powered horses,
Mother Nature's fickle,
In life we really are all,
Trapped within a pickle...
Steal the base,
Capture the flag,
Always run the risk,
Chess played on a checker board,
Hands turned into fists...
The endless stairs,
Rise & fall,
Chutes & ladders,
Orbital magnetic pull...
This way,
That way,
Three rights make a left,
Two of either,
Horizontal shift,
Four times,
Stuck in circles...
Full Moon,
Half Moon,
Crescent Moon,
**** cheeks...
Face cheeks,
Two lips,
**** facts...
The Owl asks "Who?"
Not how many licks,
Tongue twister,
Riddle fister,
******* fcking dcks...
Under construction,
Living life,
Chasing death,
Don't forget to function...
Playing hooky,
Hooked on phonics,
Lose the "O",
Rolled away,
Pacific Bell,
Pack Bell,
Liberty Bell,
Followed crumbs,
Cacophony of words,
Magnified to deaf,
Mr. Mime,
Hypnotic crest...
Apply directly to the forehead...
Water your brain,
Extra fries,
A to Z,
1, 2, 3...
F*cking A,
We say...
Today is here,
The end is near,
All come here to stay...
Escape rope untethered,
Weather altered sky day.
Gaze at stars,
Hollywood floor,
Life is great,
Life is crap,
You decide,
Not me...
Cause all I see,
Is cacophony...
No sense inside of "we"...
Here we are,
We've come so far,
Have fun at last...
Half full,
Half empty,
At least we have the glass......
Written: 8/4/2018. 6:09 PM. A whole new spiral, trees upon a coil refers to writing in a new notebook, after my other having been filled. The rest literally.. unspiraled..
Oct 2015 · 676
A.M. Hours
Rafael Torres Oct 2015
AM hours
The time which to wonder
Counting the time since I've last heard the thunder
Not long ago
Was the storm just afoot
I let it pass by
As I calmly stay put
I then take a look
To see just what's left
My heart and my love
For my heart knows what's best
No hatred inside the core of my being
Because my heart is for love
As my eyes are for seeing
Love is for hope
The hope is believing
My soul is for light
To brighten the way
The darkness of night
Only brightens the day
The tears of our eyes
Cleanse our beliefs
Until our vision is clear
And we feel the relief
That the storm too shall pass
Just as the past
The hope is then born
That this pain will not last
Only our heart
Will shield us from hail
As love is our wind
For our lives to set sail
Towards the unknown
We take off towards the sea
Until we reach the lands
Where we were just meant to be..
Sep 2015 · 695
Internal Bleeding
Rafael Torres Sep 2015
Sometimes the words
Just don't come to mind
Yet the feelings are there
To ever remind
Of the pain that exists
That's meant to be stored
Deep within the core
Intended ignored
Yet it slips through the cracks
Internal bleeding
Revealing that smiles
Are mostly deceiving
Yet sometimes believing
Everything's fine
Is all that is left
To strengthen the spine
Aging takes time
Like a cheese or a wine
As does letting go
Of what kills us from within
The day may never come
When we can feel we could win
But a hope lays down deep
Right next to that pain
Reminding that
Things clear up
Like the rain..
Sep 2015 · 782
Fish in the sea
Rafael Torres Sep 2015
Oh fish in the sea
What do you not see
I guess fish are just blind
Of what something could be
Or maybe it's me
That swims through the sea
Lost in the current
With no guarantee
Of the concept of we
Or something could be
I guess I'll keep swimming
Until hope is set free
I'm Nemo
I guess
Someone come find me
So I can swim towards love
And leave the fishing behind me..
About the saying, "there's plenty of fish in the sea"
Sep 2015 · 516
Chaos around me
Rafael Torres Sep 2015
I cannot explain
What can not be understood by you
So explaining nothing at all
Is all I can do
As I sit back and observe
Chaos around me
Picking roses and vines to solely surround me
Feel the wind rush around me
The ground right beneath me
The sun up above me
As its rays come to reach me
Sometimes the best freedom
Is ignoring the whisper
The best tool to fight weakness
Is to be a good listener
Observing the fractures
In the systems of others
Apples to oranges
Cannot be compared
Yet both can rot
Or both can be spared
Both can seed
New life from their center
But there's always just one
Thing to remember
Birds of a feather
They flock together
Only one flock will know the right weather
To fly to a land
Where the life will be better
Those that embrace solutions
Not excuses
Shall fly
Those that can see where to migrate
Know why.
They are left
As the others fall downward
Remembering what they learned
By those they've encountered....
Sep 2015 · 387
Night time again
Rafael Torres Sep 2015
Night Time Again,
The Sun Goes To Sleep,
The Moon Comes Out With A Sad Face To Weep,
Chasing The Sun,
Across The Whole Sky,
Asking Itself,
Why'd You Go,
But There Are The Days,
With The Sun And The Moon,
Both Shining Bright From Midnight To Noon,
The Moon Saying,
I'll Catch Up With You Soon...
I wrote this years ago

— The End —