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Oct 2020 · 153
do not forget me- part 1
Parker Oct 2020
do you remember when we went to the mountains?
yeah, it was an awful trip, and nothing went right
at the end, when it was over, do you remember?
we were packing up our desert igloo to leave it all behind us
you were coordinating our friends loading the truck
it was so stressful, and everyone was tired and cranky
the trip did not go how anyone wanted

I was getting more and more frustrated and you could tell
you came over and asked me what I needed
this is where it gets good, do you remember?
I looked up at you and I could not find the words
I was so overwhelmed; I did not know what I needed
so, you just hugged me
it was exactly what I needed
perfect, safe, home

I looked up to thank you and then
I saw you. for the first time in a while, I saw you.
did you feel the change? do you remember?
Hope you are well <3
Apr 2019 · 167
Lights Out
Parker Apr 2019
You sir, are the apple of my eye.
You are the stitches holding my wound together.
You are the glue holding the pages to my spine.
You make me whole.
You are yes ma'am polite and southern pretty.
Rough hands and a soft smile
You make me swoon.
You are are all smiles and good graces
until the whiskey makes you mean.
Then you are fire
Eyes blazing to hot to touch
You break my bones like shattered glass
You paint my skin like the sun setting on a murky lake
You sing a sad sad song and I want to make you okay
You swing like you are hitting a fast pitch ball
lights out
Apr 2019 · 246
Parker Apr 2019
that I require such validation in all areas of my life.  Even poetry, that which is supposed to be my safe space, my outlet, never feels good enough. Insufficient writting, insufficient funds, insufficient happiness. Its all so stuffy and weird. Stiff and dry. Nothing is as it should be.
It's all just so hard.
that if I don't get the attention the little dark space inside of me constantly yearns for. I just hide in my car and cry.  Tears that are the end of the world.  shaking my entire being.  Shaking my core.  My bones rattle and my teeth grind.  I'm screaming and screaming.
It's all just so hard.
that I never feel good enough being just average. I always have to be the best or I might as well be the worst.  If I am not #1 I don't exist.
i hate that it is all

Venting a little.
Apr 2019 · 549
I was a dandelion ~draft~
Parker Apr 2019
I was a dandelion, growing in a flowerbed.
I thought I was a beautiful flower, but the world saw me as a ****
You were a gardener. You came through with every intent of pulling me out, Ending my infestation
of the roses and tulips. The ones that belonged.
The ones that fit in the perfect pretty picture. But you saw a beauty in me the world didn’t see.
You watered me
Kept me
Let me flourish
I started to multiply. I grew larger and stronger. I started to encompass the garden
that was your heart,
Choke out the roses
Choke out the tulips
And then you saw
I was just a ****
I was choking you
Crowding you
Suffocating you
You told me I had to go
But I needed the soil
The sunlight
The water that you provided
I couldn’t survive without you
And you couldn’t survive with me
I’m selfish
I don’t want to go
But I have no choice
I’ve been uprooted.
Hope you all are doing well!
Dec 2018 · 496
To an old friend (draft)
Parker Dec 2018
Hi.  Hello.
It’s been awhile, I hope you are because I am.
Well, mostly.  
I found the one who makes me laugh makes me smile
Staves of the darkness so for just a little while
I forget.
I forget that a piece of me is broken, missing.
A piece of me is gone and when I go to give it to the one who makes me feel okay
Everything is not okay I scream and fight and push away
And he’s just so confused.
Things were good we worked through this there hasn’t been a meltdown in oh so many months
He talks he soothes does everything I told him to do but still I’m fighting I’m crying
I’m not there anymore
I’m in another place another time where there were no smiles only tears and those tread are pouring out now as I fight within my self to get back to the place where things are fine and I’m surrounded by love. And then
It’s over.
I’m back he’s holding me and everything is grand
But even now he hesitates to hold my hand afraid
To hurt me
To send me into a spiral that maybe this time I won’t be able to pull myself out of.
And even though I thought I had forgiven you
That I was past it I had regained what you took.
I was wrong and I can’t forgive you
Not yet.
Hello, lovies <3
May 2018 · 487
today i want to die
Parker May 2018
today, i woke up and the sun was shining
the birds are singing
people are laughing
but i can't enjoy it.

there is this feeling that is creeping from my toes as the light floods my room.
i feel worthless.
i feel exhausted.
there is no more fight left in me

i wake up like this most days now
but it's okay
even on these days where everything is unbearable and my skin is on fire
i know it can't last forever

today, i want to die
but i won't
because there's a chance that tomorrow i'll want to live.
Jan 2018 · 464
Parker Jan 2018
Sometimes I just feel like I'm crazy.  I get these thoughts that come through my head that feel alien, foreign.  They don't come from the me I want to be they come from the me that I'm constantly running from.  The me that hides behind the sweet smile and kind gestures.  This me is not pretty, she is not smart, she is not kind.  This me is a monster, who wants nothing more than carnage.  Nothing can stay perfect too long, and I am spiraling into the me that I don't want to be.
Happy New Year,

From the old me.
Stay lovely <3
Jan 2018 · 589
Parker Jan 2018
Have you ever seen the way fat bubbles under your skin? Fat is such a beautiful thing that is often talked about in such a negative way. Personally I love to watch the fat bubble after the red is done running red and I feel the immense calm that follows. Goodnight.
Sorry for the trigger. It is the mood I am in. Stay lovely.
Parker Dec 2017
This is not a poem about ****** assault.

This is not a poem about you taking everything from me.

This is not a poem about you taking the little girl I was once and forcing her to see how terrible the world can truly be.

This is not a poem about you taking my 4.0 GPA and shoving it under your bed with the remnants of my underwear.

This is not a poem about you taking the comfort out of physical affection.

This is not a poem about you pretending not to hear me when I begged you to stop.

This is not a poem about me pretending to fall asleep so I could pretend like I didn't remember it happened again.

This is not a poem about you blaming the alcohol.

This is not a poem about you blaming me.

This is not a poem.
Hey guys! I would appreciate any constructive criticism for this poem! . Thanks in advance, have a wonderful day!
Dec 2017 · 372
Parker Dec 2017
It's been a while
I missed this feeling
I won't let it slip away again.
Jan 2016 · 933
Parker Jan 2016
I love you,
but I can't be with you.
It's not the distance.
It's not the time.
It's all in my mind.
I'm not stable.
I'm not pure.
You deserve the best.
You deserve more.
Sadly I can't give you that.
So, RIP to our memories,
and let them bring you no pain.
Someday you'll thank me.
For you'll never be the same.
You can do better,
and I've shown you that.
So goodbye and farewell.
I wish you all that you deserve.
Jan 2016 · 737
Parker Jan 2016
With that final breath, her story ended.
Dec 2015 · 259
Parker Dec 2015
The bubbles are gone.
The water is cold,
But I still can't bring myself to face the world.
Dec 2015 · 703
Parker Dec 2015
Now I'm just waiting for the
Ultimate end.
Morbid, I know,
But it's all that I have left
Dec 2015 · 642
Parker Dec 2015
Frail as the last branch,
hanging from a blackened tree
she clings for her life.
Dec 2015 · 314
Parker Dec 2015
It's a bad one.
Dec 2015 · 828
Parker Dec 2015
I stand before you
accused by some fool.
You call me a witch,
but I say you are foolish to agree.
I but a simple girl
I mean harm to no one.
You demand I confess to my sins of witchcraft
I'm firm when I look you the eye and tell you,
“ I cannot”.
I go three days and three nights
with only water and some stale bread
in the damp dark of the jail.
I almost fear my hunger has made me mad
when I see your face appear at my cell.
Though am weak,
I rise to greet your scornful face.
Again, you demand I confess.
You wish to make an example of me.
Yet again I look  you in the eye and reply;
“ I  cannot."
You storm out in anger raving about how I shall hang,
but I will not be tried for something I did not do.
I will not ruin my name for the games of the fool.
I stand at the gallows and you demand one last time my confession
A single tear rolls down my face as I look to the crowd gathered to see my end.
Standing tall, I whisper
“I cannot.”
Dec 2015 · 424
Parker Dec 2015
I have good days.
I have bad days.

On the bad days; I have no control.
I do not control my words, my actions, or my mind.
Those are controlled by another me.
The worst me.
Sometimes on those days I can't get out of bed,
but that's okay because;
on good days; I can smile, I can sing,
I can laugh with my friends, and not have a care in a world.
Those are the days I like the best.

I cannot control what type of day I will have,
that is not for me to decide,
but I have decided not give up.
I have decided that I will never stop trying
to have more good days than bad.
I will be the best me there is.
The one who smiles.
The one who laughs,
and the one who sings.
Dec 2015 · 239
Parker Dec 2015
i welcome the darkness
for without it
i could not see the* **stars
Dec 2015 · 827
Dear Santa,
Parker Dec 2015
If it is okay with you, I only want one thing for Christmas. This Christmas I would just like to be happy.

Dec 2015 · 746
Parker Dec 2015
you make me
want to write
about only the best of things,
although i write from my heart,
my heart can't get past the wall
that my brain has created
to keep the sadness at bay.
I'm sorry.
Dec 2015 · 301
Parker Dec 2015
this letter is from nobody
it is for no one to read
but it must be written
to say goodbye to
all the no ones
all the ones
like me
Dec 2015 · 302
Parker Dec 2015
we've fought since the beginning
now i'm yearning for the end
its hard to know who's winning
me or my little friend
Dec 2015 · 329
Parker Dec 2015
the thorns of your love seek to hurt me.
they wrap round my ankle,
and slowly climb my leg.
until my entire body is contained
in a cage made by you
the thorns grow closer with every breath,
and if i try to to move i am cut
the pain is unbearable but
are they satisfied? no.
they cannot stop until there is nothing left
until i am naught but a pile of bones covered
in pretty roses.
would you be happy then?
Dec 2015 · 244
Parker Dec 2015
today, i can breathe.
Dec 2015 · 290
Parker Dec 2015
is not
a good day
i woke up done
already had i
been taken by the dark
i woke up feeling broken
it is not often this happens
usually it takes a few more hours
for the demons to get their hold on me

i am done
before i get
the chance to fight them
this is not the way i
want to go on with my life
i want to be able to breath
i want to be happy and i need
to know that i will get my chance to fight
I have suffered with severe depression for years now. Some days i don't get the chance to be happy, and it can start before i leave my bed.
Dec 2015 · 254
Parker Dec 2015
Save me.
Make me whole,
I am only a fleck of dust.
Lonely. floating.
Eager to find my place.
Dec 2015 · 326
Parker Dec 2015
i'm alone in the dark, why arn't you here with me?
Just a little Alexandrine poem.
Dec 2015 · 742
Parker Dec 2015
the balance
between life and death
is comprised entirely of love
life sends gifts to death
and death keeps them forever
the ultimate star crossed love
for if life and death were ever to meet
it would be the end to all ends

— The End —