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K J McCarthy
What choices led to this?
I lost track in track marks
Lined arms and veins missed
Addiction happens quick
Cant live without my fix
Infatuation with intravenous bliss
But theres a constant fear of being sick
Restless legs peeling skin from dry lips
Why cant I just overdose and end it?
Better people than I didn't make it
I just can't seem to die my empty life ticks
Rolling back my eyes staring deep inside where I like to hide my bruises
If the good die young then I'm eternal as the sun rise
But I don't shine, my darkness is a blinding solar eclipse
The blood rushes in my syringe the plunger delivers me to the heavens
This feeling feels too good to overcome I just accepted my life for what it was
Even if this feeling that I love
Makes me lose it
Marc Morais
I used to build words
like a carpenter—
lines hammered out
plank by plank
word for word,
like bridges
spanning waters
for anyone
eager to cross.

And now
I write to meet the page
like aching skin,
like quiet water
hesitant to ripple—
careful to bear a mark.

All the words
I’ve sent off—
paper boats,

I let them all go,
and bridges alike,
let them sink or rise—
and let the tide
bring the words
Yonah Jeong
I think
all works of art
at their best
when they reach
their purpose
without setting a goal.
in soft hours when your heart’s
awake dreaming
and you feel a soft whisper
gently tracing
your skin, your spine to your soul
that’s me loving
With your hand in mine
I no longer fear the fall

I embrace the climb.
Claire Hanratty
If I am to die any time soon
Please, lord, let it be on a Sunday afternoon;
Let it be 15 degrees with a slight breeze;
Let it be under a soft sky with a purple hue;
Let it put an end to me feeling so blue;
As the aeroplane trails fade out of sight,
Let the blackbird song lull me into night.
I resign!
Dove, dove
Dove, dove
Please dove, dove
Please dove, dove

Dove, dove
Help me feel their love dove
Dove, Dove
Help me feel their love dove

Oh dove, dove
I know they love me dove
But dove, dove
Why can't I feel their love dove?

Dove, dove, I know that I'm loved
Please dove, dove
Let me feel some of their love dove
Dove, dove

Dove, dove
Help me feel their love dove
Please dove, dove
Please dove, dove

Dove, dove
I love them all back dove
So dove, dove
Let me feel my love dove


Please dove
Dove, dove...
Please let me feel their love
Dove, dove...

Dove, dove...
Help me feel a bit of their love...
Dove, dove...
Can you help feel at least some of their love?...
trying to get a little dopamine—
In somebody’s lap.


O' love....your name I hear everywhere
What are you?...I  asked.
A voice came from within the depth of my heart
Love said
"When the world is lying at your feet
Yet, you don't care to look
For you can't take off your eyes
from that one face. "
O' how truly beautiful love is...said I.
Come to my heart
For I too wish to feel your touch
Dear sweet love.
i used to remember your laugh like it was yesterday
so visceral and clear
it hurt so much to know what I had lost

now your laugh is a memory of a memory
distorting the harder I try to recall
shouldn’t it hurt less—
to forget what I once held dear?

the suffocating sorrow of a clear memory
the desperate grasping at the light i thought would never fade

only a laugh so lovely, could cause this kind of pain
maria nicole
I lived with it.
the nails that was not trimmed for a long time.
the cuts i never knew i had.
the blood that i bled.
the dirt.

the unnecessary, uncomfortable.
the nightmares.
the pain.
the failures.

I did not have to die with it.
so i trimmed my nails, and wrote this after.
Md Ariful Islam
She is a teacher, she is a guide,
A doctor, a pilot, with strength and pride.

She reaches the stars, she touches the sky,
No dream too big, no goal too high.

She leads, she builds, she loves, she fights,
A force of power, a source of light.

Happy International Women's Day!
Abbott J Hardison
Why are we different?
Because you are a brittle block of rotting wood,
And I am an immortal diamond within obsidian sand.
When angered, you will raise your hand,
But don't you dare raise it to me,
For I will stand like statue, your blow caught in my palm.
Tis true
Shady Kay
he’s always there,
he’s never fair…

he’s itching to play
truth or dare…

but beware
of his spiral stare,
because his game
leads nowhere.
I chewed through the streets to find you

up & down the avenues of hope

my burning heart raged with fire
when you were there

and you were all that I wanted,
all that I cared for

you brought out the potential in me
when others had shown me the grave

you released my creative freedoms
when others had me incarcerated

all others before you were mere
throwaways, a simple practice
leading up to you

but when the lust had dried up
and my yearn for your thighs
still watered,

I still cared for only you

its when you became the exact opposite
of everything you’ve ever shown me

that’s when the love became scarce:

I could not stand the sight of you
I could not fathom what you’ve become
I could not grasp what lurked behind those fiery eyes

we were once aggressive lovers of dark bedrooms
and now passive strangers on blue-grey streets

and when we cross each other’s paths,
you fidget with your knick knacks
and watch your soap operas

so, I must go
out into the cold
where it is winter
where it is always winter
where the harsh winds sting
and the frost bites as the snow storms
back where my heart still rages on
in the streets I used to chew
Laurel Selby
Death without warning embraced my brother.
Now silently, painfully stealing another.
For now it's my dad, not long for this earth
So clear in his eyes how he questions his worth.
Creatures of habit as we humans are,
Death and dying seems to be so afar
Why don't we stop,
hold our loved ones so tight,
Not believing that death
will come creeping one night,
Because we feel so invincible
That time is just a clock on the wall.
Everything put off, due to love, due to hate.
Whatever the reason time does not wait.
I may not be the first to say this
I certainly won't be the last,

"Please make time for your family, don't wait till they pass"

For death without warning will appear in your night
Embracing your loved one into the light.

Laurel Selby
My dad was diagnosed with cancer throughout his Lymph nodes as well a rare aggressive bone cancer in July 2024, dad passed away 9th December 2024.
My dad Ron Selby was a founding member of the Australian Bush Poets, my dad was my world and I miss him greatly.
Kashmala Nawaz
Proud to be a woman!
We are strong like the Mountains,
Deep like Oceans, and High Achievers like Clouds.
We are Soft like Snow, Hard like Stone,
And Dangerous like Fire.
We're Valuable like Silver, Precious like Gold And Priceless like Diamonds.
We're Lovable, Valuable, Understandable,
Respectable, Changeable, and Undefeated,
Because we're women.
Happy Women's Day to every woman who reads my post
Peter Gerstenmaier
I can count the
Freckles on your face
While your fingers can
Follow the pattern of the
Slashes on my back
I'm afraid you may take a while, though...
Nishan Niraula
An eclipse right at noon,  
Daylight faded in swift.  
The whirl of life, haphazardly, spun—  
The night came before the shade could lift.  

He picked a mask he liked;  
Never did he take it off.  
Blood changed, adrenaline spiked—  
By a stranger, he himself was kicked off.  

This stranger lived with a new face;  
Some were disturbed by his change.  
In every test, he'd ace—  
A lock one would never hinge.  

He exists still, but not there;  
Doesn't care about the world.  
Yet thinks himself to be fair,  
A repeated mistake too old.  

And he shall know  
Of the mishaps he conceived.  
The melancholic days—a fierce blow;  
In no respect was he healed.  

That, he knew too, very clear;  
His soul had long been tainted to care.  
When asked for "the real you"—a sharp spear  
On masks of previous spin, could he stare.  

One day, a new air—  
This stranger was then caught.  
He sought an urge he couldn't bear,  
Struck by the truthful Failnaught.
Once you start wearing a mask, you lose "you"
When you take the mask off, a question arises—
Is this also a mask?
As the clock ticks 12
I go out to enjoy
the cold midnight breeze
the sky isn't clear
but nor is my head
the stars sure were beautiful
but the clouds are too
i guess
everything has it's season
but not a reason
Lately my heart has been aching
Due to problems of my own making

Feelings I find hard to express
In a poem I can confess

Now an audience I desire
To share the fruits of my inner fire

A small thing I request
My need is great ... this is no jest
inverted soul
a computer is only as smart as it's operator,

stupid computer
Why do I convince myself
I'm not alone anymore
When as soon as I believe it
I'm left behind?
Wounded and battered,
I lay on the ground,
Blood oozing from my bruises.
The fall shattered my wings
Broke my bones to pieces,
Burned me to ashes.
The ground became my grave,
The earth took my last breath,
Blessing the trees with it,
Blooming the flowers.
The clouds swelled,
Pouring down their showers,
As if weeping for my demise.
Even if the world didn't see me,
Nature whispered— I was a blessing.
So I did not live in vain.
another agent
another commander  
with promises to find
that detail
by every investigation team
so far
the   main suspect
is still free to do
as he pleases
your death  
another  memory
in his  life’s story
that’s 23 years longer
than yours
My husband of nearly 20 years was murdered in July 2002 at his work on an Air Force Base. Year 23 arrives this summer. Multiple investigative teams have worked on his case. Not enough  proof to  prosecute  the man whose name I can't know ( for fear of retribution) . Closure is a crap word  and does not exist   in the way people think. I have forged a new life  on the ashes of my old one . Yet, I want justice.Who wouldn't ?
Been looking into bridges
Over water, to go swinging
Down in flames I fall asleep
Dreaming about my breath away
A fjord flowing between ridges
Frem og tilbake water bringing
Me out to sea to fall asleep
Til then I wake up. It's today.
Adrian Ware
Words like love
Let me touch your warm skin
Your hands filled with lines
They tell stories
To God goes the glory
We are familiar with stranger things
Kurt Philip Behm
The hardest stones
cannot withstand
— what only men endure

(Dreamsleep: March, 2025)
I want to be the brightest star in your sky,
sprinkle stardust over your world,
Let me be your pathfinder,
Let's be moon and earth
Dennis Willis
I have wide ranging
and unsupervised
fantastic ideas
dancing with
confusing urges

just another sign
thee entrained vibe
from a string pulled
and a call made
so other is unmade

your interaction here
your entanglement
if you are dancing
somewhere with vowels
spelled out aye aye
is preluded after all
Her long hair cascades upon
Her face like silv'ry threads.
Her curious eyes wander
At everything she sees.
Her mind on her head,
Her nose buried in books.
I truly never knew what
She always searched for.
You'll never know what I wrote this about until you played.
Is it evil or is it right
The death we face at the end of life?
Is there peace and all knowing
Do we reap the seeds we're sowing

Hear now the reaper's reasoning
Dust and bones, vultures feasting
Driven by an unknown calling
Life to death is but a stalling

I can not tell, nor can I dream
I can not feel your suffering
I can not ease your loved one's grief
Nor can I confirm your disbelief...

I am only a Reaper, heartless and cold
I put the end to growing old!
Traveler Tim
Mary Huxley
In her presence, I am lost, adrift in wonder’s tide,
A humble soul enchanted, where love and awe reside.
Before me stands a masterpiece, so rare, so raw, so true,
A vision painted by the stars, in shades of golden hue.
David J
Im glad that the Heart
Beats only on its accord
For my Mind, gave up
I have longed for you,
long before the journey began.

I carry you with me,
though my lips dare not speak.

You love to linger
beneath the vast blue sky,
watching the lake in stillness.

You always hide behind the green leaves,
never letting me catch a glimpse.

I have loved you,
long before we ever met.
Dr Peter Lim
The 'I'
is the problem
not either eye
Eyes no matter the color are beautiful
They are pure windows to the soul that show everyone true desires
Ojos in Spanish means eyes in English
Eyes so sweet as light,
Yet black as night  
An intense gaze ,
That stirred her soul ,
Her emotions untold .
Says my Soul
that you and me have been in an endless journey
for many lives
living in each others heart
will continue for another billion
no one and not even God can **** it
no human can sabotage this pure love
which keeps growing to infinity every moment
where I feel you in my blood, my heart beat, my smile, my breath
and my every moment
will do till my last breath on this Universe
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