I know this world will never be perfect
As long as hate and disapproval exist
It is the end of 2014,
And we have improved so much—
But where would we be
If we stopped now?
I want to see happiness slam through
This world like a battering ram
I want a brighter and ignorant-free future;
All we look toward is discrimination
We need to stop fighting over everything
When will we realize that we're all the same,
That we're all different for a specific reason?
It doesn't matter what you believe in, or
What we choose to convince one another,
Open your heart up a little
And let happiness pour in—
Only then will things become better.
Ignore the television,
Ignore the internet,
Ignore the ignorance,
Ignore the troubles,
Listen to your voice;
It is telling you to speak out.
Inspired by Leelah Alcorn and every teenager that has ever had an unanswered opinion.
I hope everyone has a happy new year. Please, make 2015 a year of change.