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1.3k · Jan 2014
Eleutherophobia Jan 2014
Portentous corpses always found a way
Of capturing her soul
In ways that serenading chrysanthemums never could
The golden skies we would
Rejoice in
As we felt the warmth dusted upon our blushing flesh
Always faded too quickly into
A deep rustic bronze
And soon dust
Whenever she began to take notice

The whispers of whiskey sang
A sweet lullaby
Every night
When she gathered all of her
Albatross thoughts in the empty bottle
And sent them sailing away
With each encumbering sip

Becoming less and less aware
Of her tragic state of reality
Was merely a method of survival
So that when she laid her head down
Each night
At least in that moment
She feels complacently numb
And dignified in the fantasy world
She has created for herself

As she slips away to dreamland
She cannot help but think
She has never felt more at peace
Than in the moment when
Reality all but vanished
To make room for what will never be.
1.3k · Nov 2013
Pillows & Umbrellas
Eleutherophobia Nov 2013
I watched as the raindrops
Hit your shoulders
And I remembered a time
When they were my tears
But now my eyes
Empty out
Onto my pillow
It's much softer than you ever were
And I pull out an umbrella
Remembering a time
When you could have offered
Your hoodie up to me
But this is far more rain resistant
And I look down to see
How muddy your shoes have gotten
And I remember
Why we ended the way we did
How messy it all got
Far worse than mud
But your shoes will dry
And after days of wear
The dry dirt
Will begin to flake off
And I will still be here
With my pillow and my umbrella
And slowly begin to realize
How tragic it really is.
Eleutherophobia Jan 2014
I would rather
Sleep outside in a tent
With you
Than in the comfort
Of my own bed
But sometimes it gets
A bit too chilly out at night
And I could get a few
Too many bug bites
And there's always the danger
Of any wild animals in the woods
And well,
You see love
I can't help but think about
All of the things that could
Possibly go wrong
And ever since that night
When you offered your tent to me
I have been sleeping in my bed
Waiting for the day
When I convince myself
Your love for me
Overpowers anything
That could go wrong
But the fear
Of all of those horrifying possibilities
Seems to reside
Closer to my heart
Than any thought of you does
So I'm so sorry dear.
I am not certain
How much longer you will be waiting
How much longer your tent will be there
And I promise I would sleep out there
With you
In a heartbeat
I really would
But for now
That heartbeat will have to last
Long enough
For me to see
That it's okay to leave my bed
Despite all of those possibilities.
987 · Jun 2014
Graduation Day
Eleutherophobia Jun 2014
It's like I have been
Letting the beaten path
Take hold of my marionette strings
Through every step onto the grassy field
And every hug
And every smile
Has been half from love and happiness
And half from my autopilot tendencies
The truth is I don't want to be sad
I am ready
This is life
And it demands to move forward

You can either see that life is full of lasts
Or see it is full of firsts
That was my first high school graduation
And now it is the first time I am ready
Fully capable to spread my wings
And all of that corny *******
But it's all true

There comes a time in life when you must decide
Do I fly or fall?
And I have been planning to soar
The past is beautiful
And I'm sure nostalgia will eventually come
Knocking on my heart's door soon enough
Striking with pangs of emptiness
For the realization that childhood is over
But it's not lost or forgotten
It is simply time to move on
Holding those memories in the most central part of our souls

I will miss it all I'm sure
But firsts are always too exciting to think about the possibility for lasts.
929 · Nov 2013
Eleutherophobia Nov 2013
To suffer death but not die
How tragic that must be
To be caught up in a web
Spun sadistically for thee

Each spindle spun
And delicately placed
You didn't even realize
When it was constricted around your face

Until you were stuck
Left there to die
But we know the black angel's lips
Never told you goodbye

You were never given the courtesy
To go off in peace
I suppose that is the punishment
When all your life you lived as a beast

Now you lay there still
Only your eyes allowed to blink
And we watch as your heart beat slows
But it will never slow enough to sink

An eternity with your blood pumping through
When you would rather be left cold
You are now forced to remember
Those deaths placed in your hands to hold

Now you wish for their deaths
That came by your hand
But you must stay in this misery
And never be six feet under the land.
915 · Nov 2013
The Holes In My Sweaters
Eleutherophobia Nov 2013
I've walked that path
So many times
But something slows me down
When I see your eyes

A burst of light in the dark
I followed willingly
Believed in them with every ounce
Even when I felt the rigidity

Even when I found the hole in my sweater
And found your blade that held the missing yarn
Even when my heart gushed out
And I lost feeling in my arms

I believed when I felt the tape
Placed over my mouth
Cutting off my every word
Forcing my thoughts south

But still I kept them north
I kept on seeing that light
Except that was not so much a light in your eyes
As it was a glint out of spite

You turned out to be such a sadistic soul
You cut into every sweater I own
So now when I step outside
I will feel the winds harsh cold moan

I will feel that burst through that hole
Placed right on my heart
You have left a permanent reminder
I never realized you were that smart

You mastered the art of suffering
You placed it on me so well
So that we all live with your demons
And reside in our own versions of hell.
Eleutherophobia Jan 2014
I wish I could write
All those happy thoughts
That I can never seem to
Cling on to

Instead everything always seems
To turn into
Salty saturated lashes
And woodpeckers invading my heart

I always find the most beautiful words
To perfectly contradict
Any sweet sentence
That may stumbles out of my mouth
As unnaturally as an ant
Birthing an elephant

My thoughts are a Nicholas Sparks novel
Sweet and enchanting
Until an inevitable death occurs
But unlike his love stories
My thoughts end at the death
And then press play again

Every happy moment
Is like a balloon floating up
With an unseen needle tied to the string
And if the wind blows just right..
And the deflated and defeated balloon
Comes back down to me
The same material as before
But with a completely different appearance

So while I dream about
Falling in love
Wrapped up in handmade quilts
While sipping warm chai tea
Next to the fireplace
I will instead be right here
In my room
Sitting on the cold hardwood floor
Surrounded by four bland walls
Writing about everything that could be
But isn't
And patiently listening to the footsteps
Outside my door
Waiting for them to leave

This is the unfortunate life I lead
As a scarred and damaged romantic.
Eleutherophobia Jan 2014
All that was left was fog
Which made the mundane task
Of looking down
To see your foot print in the soil
An arduous task
And it was all too frustrating
Such a simple task made to be impossible
Without vision
There was nothing
How do you step forward
When the ground beneath you
Cannot be seen
And the fog never ceases to roll in
Forever making the world
A blurry mystery
And mystery can be good
When taken in small doses
While following the exact instructions
Written out for you on the bottle
But not when it becomes all you know
Where is the sliver of truth
You can cling to
As an anchor
When everything starts
Spinning around
There is no solace
In indecisiveness
This coming from the girl
Who never even had
A fantasy future job
As a child
To  be a princess or a lawyer
Because making any finite decision
Was too much
So yes,
I know
I understand more than I hope to.
862 · Jul 2014
Eleutherophobia Jul 2014
If you shine the light
Just fast enough
And at the perfectly imperfect angle
At the peak of the most treacherous time of the night
You will be able to see all of the shadows
Of ways in which you have gone wrong

And all of the mistakes you regrettably made
All of the fossils left behind from
Childhood selfishly induced fights
And hear the dead leaves crunch from
The times you ran away
You will be able to paint with
All of the blood spilled
When kisses would have sufficed
Every scraped knee and bruised shin
Will be reflected on the ground before your feet
You will see all of the broken
And taste the salty pool of tears that needed to be shed

These times of hurt will cling to you
They will developed you in ways you will rarely see
But you need that shadow there
So you will always remember the sting
Of your broken arm and of your broken heart
Let it guide you but not define you.
(Pain is only relevant if it still hurts.)
The last line in parenthesis is in the song UNI by Ed Sheeran
861 · Nov 2013
Not Accounted For
Eleutherophobia Nov 2013
The roiled red water
Or blood should I say
Went swirling down
The drain
Down down down
Until it all but disappeared
As though
It had never been placed there
To begin with
But it had
It was there
She left the room
Left it all behind
But there was one thing
She did not see
One drop of blood
Left behind
On the white tile floor
At the point where
The grout and tile meet
That one drop
She had never accounted for
And who knows
Maybe the dog will come in
And lick it up
Maybe her brother will walk in
And accidentally
Wipe it up with his sock
Or maybe her mother will see it
And question it's existence
Or maybe it will sit there
I will never know
And perhaps she never will either
But I'm sure
If she knew
That drop was sitting there
Right now
She would care
She would rush away
From whatever she was doing
And wipe it up
In hopes of covering it all up
Everything that happened
And with that one wipe
Maybe it would be gone
Gone forever
And then again
Maybe it wouldn't be.
827 · Nov 2013
The First
Eleutherophobia Nov 2013
And still
My throat is clenched
And my breathing gets
All too heavy
To the point where
The sound of each
And exhale
Echoes in my head
As though
Every other noise
In the room
Has been swallowed up
And my fingers
Start to perspire
With anxiety
Seeping out of each pour
You still have the power
To make me get this
Exhilarating feeling
And make every
Potential word you will say
Get caught up in my throat
And I cling onto it all
With the only justification
I seem to be able to come up with
The only feasible explanation
For this
Occasional momentary insanity
Is that
You were the first.
756 · Jan 2014
Pour Me Something Sweet
Eleutherophobia Jan 2014
You finally downed the drink,
The glass filled with
Jack Daniels apologies
That I had been
Holding out for
Along with the
Full realization of
How you hurt me so

How my sweet tea lips
And lemonade naivety
Did not quite understand
How to handle each step
You took
Closer and closer to the door

How my quotidian tea,
Every evening,
Was spiked with
Harsh, bitter whisky
Since the night you left
To parallel your invective words

You still do not understand
That when the trees
Murmured a sweet song
To the ears of the world
I would instinctively
Shimmy out of my dress
In search of love
Thinking the leaves
Danced down
Only for me

I have since learned that I cannot
Handle the whisky
As it tastes too much
Like your kisses
And I am trying
To train my mind
To not intuitively
Feel foolish at the
Sight of sweet tea
Which leaves me
Somewhere in the middle;
Not here,
And not quite there

Struggling at the bar
For a drink
That tastes right
Has become my
New nightly routine
But at least
I’m trying.
754 · Dec 2013
Complex Existence
Eleutherophobia Dec 2013
Looking into you're eyes
Is like squinting into the sun
As I rip out the pages
To my most truthful memoir
So I never really existed at all

And now I sit
Replacing the pages
With memories
Yet to come
And never to come
Until we are all left
Confused and belittled
Surrounded by the philistine artists
Who have become
Chauvinists to real talent

Tightening nooses
Around our feeble throats
So we don't leave as they planned

We still manage to see
More than the others do
Not as a result of our superior vision
As a result of their ignorance

This rogue world
Has commenced
It's crumbling
Like the memoir I fabricated
Instead now burning to become ashes
To be lost
To one day be found
But never recognized
For how could one ever
Recognize ashes
To be a commemoration
Of the forgotten truths

We think about using
The last bit of intelligence
They haven't taken from us
Along with our passionate indignation
At a futile attempt
To kick out the chairs
Still supporting us
From underneath

For then the war would be over
But not won
And we see
A cease fire is not in question

But the sky is still blue
So ask yourself this
What is it we are fighting for?
Because that is still
In our possession
But that is what they want us to believe

So look at that blue sky
As your eyes burn from the sun
And remember
How very complex
Your existence has become
I wonder
If we can ever call this
An existence anymore.
accidentally inspired by 1984 by George Orwell
721 · Dec 2013
Dreadfully Poetic
Eleutherophobia Dec 2013
As a poet
You would think
I would live my life
A bit more

Instead of
With every move I make
Causing natural disasters
Every time
My feet make contact with the soil

You would think
That when I become intertwined
With another human being
Bells would chime
And doves would take flight
Instead of the ashes that form
Right under my fingertips
As the skin begins
To disintegrate
Crumbling to death
Under my touch

You would think
I walk on clouds
And view life
Solely as a metaphor
For beauty and love

You would think
I fall in love
With the buds sprouting
And the fawns grazing in the sunlight

You would think
I embody the poetry
Formed by my lips
And live by the words I preach
Instead of being
Such a cynical hypocrite

You would think a poet
Would be more in touch
With the beauty in life
Since we are so in touch
With our emotions

Instead I sulk in the corners
Capturing spider webs
And finding beauty in that
Perhaps I have made a connection
With the wrong emotions
How unfortunate.
712 · Nov 2013
Poison Words
Eleutherophobia Nov 2013
The words rushed out
I had no control
I never really meant them
But I didn't want to see that hole

The hole that is caused
When you resist and don't speak
When you don't say what they need
And leave that trembling silence so bleak

I hate when that happens
When the silence gets too loud
So I spit those words out
And for that I am not proud

I wish to say what I mean
Not what you wanted to be true
Now I live in regret
And lost sight of what I knew

The truth can be hard
Harder than all those easy words
When they pile up high
And tower over the birds

Soaring over your head
Threatening to crash down
And expose you for you
When you can't afford to have them around

There was part of me
Who wanted to live that lie
Who wanted to become those words
No matter how they left me blind

I am grateful though
Living in my regret
For now I am free
Free and able to someday forget

So goodbye easy words
I wish you well
You tumbled out so freely
When it was too soon to tell

Goodbye, goodbye
Farewell to you all
I am free and ready
To brace myself for the fall

I will suffer and agonize
If it all means well
That I can move on from those words
And never again yell

I will never say those poisoned words
No matter how tempting
For they lead to destruction
And only left me empty
696 · Aug 2014
An Ocean Away
Eleutherophobia Aug 2014
As the sun dips down into the vast expanse of water
I think about how my weary feet are buried in sand
And how my nose stings whenever I apply sunscreen
Because it's past saving
And I think about how if I could just reach the sun
Before it dips down into a short lived oblivion
Until it's faithful return the next morning
Then maybe I could finally be with you
Or maybe if I could just believe that if I reached out my arm
And felt the warmth of the suns rays one last time
It could be possible that I could feel the warmth of your breath
As you whisper into my neck
But I know that you are across that great expanse
And I cannot just wish or believe
Because you are an ocean away
You are an ocean away
You are an ocean away.
660 · Dec 2013
Solid to Vapor
Eleutherophobia Dec 2013
From solid to vapor
Just like that
To ease the pain
To make you
A distant memory

Watching the replay
Of the glass breaking
But training myself
To cry a little less
Each time

Scrapping off the scabs
As they form freshly
On my old cut
To prove to myself
That healing is possible

It's getting harder to remember
The salted tear streaked cheeks
The burnt, dried out throats
And the shoe scuffs on the hardwood floor

But that is just what I planned
Just what I had hoped would happen
The artful disappearance
I planned out so well
The disappearance of my emotions

The numbing affects
I knew would work
Far better than the anesthesia

Finding solace
In the vaporized memories

Turing passionately saturated memories
Into dry emotionless ones
Until they harder so much
That they become
Replications of the tragic bathroom tiles

Feeling nostalgic  
As I smash each one
With the heels of my shoes
Then with the fists of my hands
Leaving traces of my DNA
Scattered amongst the ceramics

How fitting to end it all
The same way
Blood and destruction

And remembering
How I can easily turn
Any solid into vapor
And knowing that
With this lethal gift
I was going to be okay.
657 · Feb 2014
Eleutherophobia Feb 2014
I think that maybe
I am trying to be that girl
The one who tries so hard
To bloom that I instead
Die before the sun comes up
Because maybe
You would love me then
Behind albino rose petals
Colored with sweet blood
As your fingers are pricked
By the thorns
Maybe you will find beauty
In the inevitable death
Of untimely wilting flowers.
Eleutherophobia Dec 2013
Plunging a blade
Into my chest cavity
To see if I would feel
When my ribs
Fail to protect my heart

Letting go of the wheel
On the winding road
To see if it I would feel
The glass
Splitting into millions of pieces
As my skin synchronized
With it
And did the same

Punching the wall
With my anxious fist
To see if I would feel
The moment of impact
As all five proximal phalanges
Burst away from my metacarpals

Crying hysterically
At the extremes I would go through
Just to know if any of it is even real
To know fear
To know pain
To know sorrow
To know any sort of emotion at all
And most of all
To know if I am faking all of it

Feeling forever lost

Definitely lost.

Lost in this unfortunate existence
Constantly questioning if I feel
What I feel
And never gathering any useful information
Always just more questions
Filled with wonder
But never with the emotion
Letting me know how I feel about any of it.
Just empty.
569 · Jan 2015
Bird Cage
Eleutherophobia Jan 2015
Banging and banging
Open the doors of the cage
Let it all out
Liberation is what keeps me
From embodying the fictitious feelings
You so kindly spared for me

My heart is a bird
Since a day in which I cannot recall
Locked up for my own vitality
The constant trials and failed escape plans
Have left me no choice
But to unintentionally fall down
To the misconceptions I thought I had once denounced

The only hope being to get out
Fly to you
And sing you a song
More melodious than
The sound of lilies that bloom
Rather than petals which sink

Trapped in here by your will
With the only thread of hope
The only glimmer of light
Being to some day break out
And be with you once more

Where I will pour my painfully veracious emotions
Into your falsified heart
And tragically attempt to not turn into dust
While you become every ounce of human
I had once prided myself on.
Eleutherophobia Dec 2013
I fear
That when you went away
Without any notice
And suffered for so long
All alone
You took away
My ability to suffer
You took it all
For yourself
Along with my ability
To get butterflies
From other boys
Like I used to with you
And my ability to
Even want to smile when they
Give me the attention
I have so been craving
You've left me
In this perpetually alone state
With no explanation
And no guide
On how to survive
This emptiness
And now
Here you are
Back and asking for more
But you already have my more
You have it all
And I know
I could never ask for it back
Because neither one of us
Understands any of it
You don't know what you do
And I
I don't know what state I am left in
So my plan
Is to sit here
In this chauvinistic fog
Until I slowly disappear
Out of insignificance
And necessity.
494 · Dec 2013
That Type of Girl
Eleutherophobia Dec 2013
She's the type of girl
Who tells herself
To remember what it feels like
To really smile
For fear that
She may never get the chance
To feel that way again
And in the process
Therefore ruins the perfect moment
By thinking such sinister thoughts

She is the girl
Who clutches tight to her
Books about romance
Out of fear that
She herself will never feel that way
That she will never actually feel
Anything at all

She reads over that line
Again and again
When the boy tells the girl
"I love you."
For the first time
For proof that
Love does actually exist

She drinks tea
Every night
At a feeble attempt
To warm her soul
In a way that she fears
Another human body never will
But she just ends up in tears
When it never works

She tries to sculpt her body
To look like a work of art
So someone
Will appreciate
The aesthetics she
Knows she does not possess

She is the type of girl
Who tries everything
She can imagine
To feel whole
To feel normal
And she fears the day
When she realizes
It is completely hopeless
And stops trying.
Eleutherophobia Mar 2014
As I read
Each line
Of permanently evanescent truths
I felt small
Demonic fingers
Crawl out from behind my eyes
And snakes
Coiling inside of my throat

Were always the death of us
Turning butterflies to ash

The curling up of lips
And mellifluous hums
Of once forgotten tunes
Turned to bashed in taillights
And withering tree bark

I don't know why
But the phrase
"I'm sorry"
Seems to pop into my head
All too often
I know that would only make you angry
For you never blamed me

But you should never
Have had to take that ax
To your ribs
Chopping down your body
Each little bit at a time
To see a rainbow emerge
From the overwhelming cracks
In my heart.
(It's all my fault)
483 · May 2014
Skinny Love
Eleutherophobia May 2014
I can breathe in the passion
Of your coke and pop rocks kisses
And feel my hot lava tears
As I feel you touch me one last time

I can feel the beauty
Pounding down the bricks
Surrounding my heart
As blood starts to seep through
Every crevice where I purposely
Didn't put enough grout
Hoping someone would care enough
To come knock all four walls down

Each embrace is played again and again
In my head before
I lay down in a field of
Wilting daisies
Waiting for you to come
And bring them to life

Forever hopeful is my patient heart
But I have been warned that patience wears thin
After years of wear and tear
And I have heart ghost stories
Of lilacs that stop blooming
When they've been picked so many times

Maybe love does leave
When you hold out so long hoping for its truth
Maybe these beautiful hopes
Strung out for so long
Are more sinful than soothing.
(I won't lose hope.)
Eleutherophobia Jan 2014
You look awfully small
In that big old house of yours
And I feel my eyes start to close
And a dizzy slumber
Casts over my mind
As the tea cup
I had been cradling
Slowly slips out from
My feeble grasp

Behind closed doors
And opened minds
I see you pacing back and forth
Clutching to my unfinished manuscript
And I watch as you
Gradually become
As evanescent
As the time we spend together
(Always fleeting)

Slipping away into
An eternally indifferent state
Making it hard to heal
Yet impossible to feel
(Please hold on)
The best possible outcome
You could muster up
Gaining fictitious strength
In the sentences  
I never got the chance to finish
The mystery you breath for
Is what regrettably keeps me alive
As you slowly die inside.
(Just let me go)
Eleutherophobia Feb 2014
it started out the same way
such a fantasy story
of when boy meets girl
sparks did in fact fly
and electric currents
were exchanged between skin
with every touch

but there was something else
it was always there
yet not quite visible
disguised by the vegetation
that encased it

you foolishly sped up
just as any girl would
accidentally on purpose
you uncovered what was hidden
so deep
ripped off the disguise
of that horrifying fate

and just like that it became
your fate
your reality

in the blink of an eye
your story
was no longer
such a cliché

it took a turn for the worst
as you dug up roots
of old oak trees
which led to tear-streaked letters
and old wooden boxes, clawed
with ****** finger nails
you looked away
when you came across
the daisies with half the petals picked
the idea of not knowing
if he loved you or not
was instantly too much to handle

because in her feeble, sick mind
it would all turn to dust
if he could just lay his lips
upon hers
for one last time

the glorified truth
was a pill
she had learned to down
on many occasions in her life
to ease the pain
of what was too much to bear

and with the touch of the lips
of the man with the dynamic
crimson blue eyes
everything became amicable once again
as bad as he undoubtedly was for her
he was her panacea
he embodied every solution to the problems
he himself caused
his effects mesmerized her
and there was nothing to be done
about it
the half picked daisy vanished
from sight
as long as she was in his arms.
447 · Oct 2014
The Sculpture of Us
Eleutherophobia Oct 2014
In my half daze of a slumber I remember how your scruff felt brushing against the skin of my spine
As you laid soft kisses down like you were planting rose buds in the soft of my skin to stay long after you left
And the way our bodies radiated heat together deep under the covers tucked away from the world
How easily I dozed off to the sound of your breathing against my neck
And your erratic twitches of a nightmare
And your arm protectively wrapped around my waist up until our hands interlocked
I remember how our hands melted into one another that they felt like one
Beautiful and synchronized
I could have laid there with you all day like a work of art, never moving from the comforts of your bed
I remember thinking, maybe it is possible to fall in love
And maybe one day I can fall in love with more than just the idea of you.
445 · Jun 2015
Almost Over You
Eleutherophobia Jun 2015
I've come to accept
That it's okay to miss you
It's okay to wonder how you are
And question if you're still thinking of me

It's okay to miss you
And the feeling of your lips on mine
And think that someone else's lips
Feel so foreign to the point of tears

It's okay to think in my head
"This isn't right, this isn't you"
As he runs his fingers over my skin
Because I have the power to live my own life

It's okay to wonder
Why we ended
And how you feel about it now

It's okay to wonder
If I pass through your thoughts
And if you understand quite how you did me wrong

And it's okay to feel pain
It's okay to hurt every now and again
Thinking about the what ifs
And torture myself wondering what went so wrong

It's okay to feel the pain
Of your absence
It's okay to miss the normality
Of having you as a constant in my life

And eventually
It will be okay to move on
I will feel okay to hold someone else's hand
And cuddle in close to them between sheets

And it will be okay to know
That I deserve more than you could have ever given me
And that what we had was not all there is
And that it's good that we ended
And that I'm so much better off

Because we were not pop rocks and coke
We felt right, yes
And I felt the way I did for a reason
But there is so much more

And I will be ready for it
Eventually I will be ready for it

Yes, I'm not completely over you
And I miss you on occasion
Despite how you treated me so wrong
But I've come to accept
That I'm so close to moving on

And it's 1 am
And I'm drunk
And I don't want to text you
And I'm happy
And that's all I need.
444 · Jun 2014
An Abstract Idea
Eleutherophobia Jun 2014
The stars just have this way about them
That makes me want to fall in love
So deeply
That it hurts
In ways I never thought a heart could hurt
While still pumping blood

I want to watch your fingers
Sprout flower buds
With every touch upon my cheeks

I want to hear the crickets harmonize
With the beat of your heart
As my head rests upon your chest

I want to lose my breath
As we part ways
Because you are now my only source of oxygen

I want to wake up the next morning
And finally understand all the hype
I want to understand
The whispers of the wind
And the messages from the stars.
Just feeling a certain kind of way
415 · Apr 2014
Learning to Cope
Eleutherophobia Apr 2014
I hope that my tears
Can write the script for you
When I am at a loss for words
Because I never know how to form the phrase
"I don't have all the answers"

I've trained myself
In the art
Of mask making
I have learned how to
Sculpt perfection
And mold it to my face

A disguise so that they don't see
The boiling black
Of the god-forbidden unknown
So I don't have to see
Their bewildered looks
When I respond with indifference
When my life plan was meant to be
Tattooed on my forehead
For that would be better suited
To calm their nerves

I don't have all the answers
I don't have all the answers
I don't have all the answers

I wish I could give you more
I wish I had more to give
But all that's left of me
If you dare uncover the mask
Are mascara streaks and
Hallowed out, fear stricken eyes

My shaky hands tried to draw the map
Everyone was shouting at me
But I have since broken
The tip of the pencil

I don't have all the answers
I don't have all the answers
I don't have all the answers.
You know that time in your life when you are a senior in high school and people keep asking you where you are going to college and what your major will be and what your future career will be and you say some ******* answer because you truly have no idea? Yeah, this poem is about when I realized it's okay to say "I don't know yet" because the truth is the other people don't really care that much and there is no need to try to comfort them with a fabricated truth. It's okay to not know and it's okay to be absolutely terrified, that's life.

— The End —