Why do you frown upon me?
The disgust your features hold,
I am the one who has been there,
The one who has helped you,
And now,
I am but a mere outcast,
Lost and forgotten,
Hidden in a closet so deep,
Where my greatest secret I must keep.
You force me out,
But only to tear me apart.
You don't hear my pain,
Only see the cover of a so deep and emotional book.
Am I insane!?
Am I the one who is wrong?
Am I the one who has been the judge?
And held the grudge that Towards which lucifer himself would show dismay?
The cries from you,
Emotionally pathetic.
The cries from me,
Eternal and hectic,
I am the one who is hurt!
Why do you shed tears at my pain,
And not help me through my dark and evil sin,
Which religion so heavily attacks.
I have a confession,
So deep and dark in the eyes of society,
Yet something I perceive to be so light and acceptable,
This secret the closet can no longer hold,
So of it come out I must.