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 Mar 2018
Shrivastva MK
भरोसे लायक नही है ये पत्थर दिल इंसान,
जो चंद मिनटों में ही खो देता अपना ईमान,
मिट्टी से बना है,मिट्टी में ही मिल जाएगा एक दिन,
फिर भी नजाने क्यों करता अपने इस शरीर पे गुमान,

सबको पता है ना कुछ साथ आया था और नाही कुछ साथ जाएगा,
कुछ अच्छे कर्म भी कर लो अपने जीवन मे क्योंकि वही तुम्हें स्वर्ग पहुचायेगा,
जीवन-मरण तो खेल है ज़िन्दगी का,
अभी नही किया तो मरने के बाद पछतायेगा,

दिखावे की मीठी वाणी इन लब्जो पे तान,
किसी को अपने लब्जो से मत मार,
बहुत मुश्किल होता है खड़ा होने में,
जब ख़ुद से हार जाता है इंसान....
जब खुद से हार जाता है इंसान।
 Mar 2018
Shrivastva MK
बहुत बुरे है हम,
शायद इसलिए अबतक अधूरे है हम,
ऐ ख़ुदा मुझे माफ़ कर देना,
क्योंकि किसी का दिल तोड़े है हम,

बहुत बुरे हैं हम,
ख़ुद की नज़रों में ही गिरे है हम,
जो बाग कभी पत्तों से घिरे थे,
उन्ही पत्तो की तरह आज खुद बिखरे पड़े है हम,

बहुत बुरे है हम,
उनकी मंज़िल के रोड़े हैे हम,
कभी उनकी साथ को इस कलम से सजाते थे,
आज ख़ुद एक बंद किताब पड़े है हम,
 Mar 2018
Micrography-Mike D

I am a fractured soul
A broken man
and destroyed
into tiny pieces

Left with sharp edges,
misshaped parts
and empty spaces

A jigsaw puzzle
I continuously work
A never ending project
attempting to reassemble

But like a shattered vase
glued back together,
it's not quite the same
What was pristine and beautiful
is now just something I resemble

Written: March 18, 2018

All Rights Reserved
 Mar 2018
Rebel Heart
If you ripped my heart out
Right from inside my chest
You'd wonder as I often do
How a something so shattered and empty
Could feel so heavy.
(Another snippet from the Lyric/Quote Wall.. surprisingly haven't come across the full version of this poem yet but I'm starting to go through another journal document of old work from RH who knows what I'll find.. Happy Writing~BM)

(Front Page 3/20/2018)
 Mar 2018
Shrivastva MK
मेरी ज़िन्दगी भी कितनी अज़ीब है,
किसी ने दिल तोड़ा, कोई दिल के करीब है,

भले ही ये सुखी आंखें आज नम हो गई है,
कल दर्द के थे,आज खुशी में बदल गई है,

बड़े बड़े वादें और झूठा प्यार तो उनका सिर्फ बहाना था,
उनका मक़सद तो मुझे ख़ुद की नज़रो में गिरना था,

आज भी हम दुआ करते है की वो हमेशा मुस्कुराते रहे,
मेरी परछाई भी उनके जीवन पर ना पड़े,हम इतने दूर रहे,

जब टूट गया था मैं तो किसी ने मेरा हाथ थाम लिया,
वादा साथ निभाने का,दोस्ती के बंधन में बांध लिया,

उनका साथ मेरी हिम्मत और जीने का सहारा है,
ये जवाना तो कल भी था,और आज भी गवारा है,

ज़िन्दगी के सिर्फ दो ही पहलू होते है,
कोई तोड़ता, तो कोई प्यार के सागर में डूबो देते है।

Life is a mixture of Happiness & Sorrow ,Enjoy each n every moments if u enjoy ur life...
Thanks for reading

Manish Shrivastav............✍
 Mar 2018
And to this day
I fit her like a pair of
Old sneakers
Favorite worn out jeans

I am a place
To rest her weary bones

She is silent
The way she stretches me out
Filling the places
I had long forgotten about
 Mar 2018
No one can know your pain
Not nearly as well as yourself
But the rope won't take it away
It just gives it to someone else
 Mar 2018
and there was always something about the perpetual silence that rang through the room as i bit down on my lip looking at him lopsided. they were always slightly chapped in the middle,
and when i smiled through small, notorious breaths,
i tasted blood from bitter winters.
there was something about aligned spines and hands along hourglasses and snickers that broke the silence of tremendous distribution of headache.
isn't it funny to realize that somebody may have just slightly exceeded your complication?  
i’ve watched the sunlight filter and fade out through the blinds covering my windows for too many days alone and i wonder if the rays look so much more beautiful casting over his room. 
i feel shoulder blades and hipbones burning and itching into a dull generic hallucination, entranced by the idea that maybe in the back of your mind you ignore my bumps and scratches.
i never told him that i wanted to memorize every inch of his skin and that maybe he'd forgive me for flinching when he ran his fingers over where my side meets my hips.
i promise that i love the feel of you against my skin, i’m not shivering out of fear.
i don't want to write about how every time he touched me, vacancy of ribcages took flight.
and i didn't want him to know that i sat up with him counting his heartbeat when he slept.
his eyes flutter underneath softer skin and i thought it was beautiful.  
his lip curves upward slightly more in one direction and i loved the way knees had always buckled.
he reminded me that i exist in a world where people like him live and it gives me strange senses of perpetual hope.
i wish i had the willpower of august and the submission of february, but you are not a kitchen sink and i am not a dresser drawer
and sometimes it aches indescribably to know that i've kissed the sea and coming home hasn't been the popular option.
now these days i can no longer tell if the heartbeat i hear is yours or mine
and i do not want to be able to distinguish between the sound.
you breathe i breathe.
some people are just tiny little pin ****** in the backs of our minds and others, hand grenades the size of fists leaving bits and pieces of confusion plastered around like disheveled skulls.
i would bathe you in the breath from my lungs and i would wash you clean of all things made from yesterday, and i swear that
i am in love with you.
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