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18.3k · Aug 2019
Chelsea Rae Aug 2019
Strange, isn't it?

The way we mourn those
Still living...
I miss you.
6.7k · Dec 2016
Empty Days
Chelsea Rae Dec 2016
Some days there is an ache
That ripples through my soul like an echo in an empty cave.
Where it started, I'll never know
But it seems endless on my empty days.
2.9k · Aug 2018
Fake Expectations
Chelsea Rae Aug 2018
I get this feeling where eyes have come to focus on me, they keep popping up in the dark like the cartoons on TV.
Then the questions begin.
"What are you doing?"
"What are your goals?"
"What is your purpose?"

The list goes on and on
Repeating in my head.

And all I do is shut down
From fake expectations
I made up in my mind.

I just wish I knew why.
I feel worthless at this point.
2.0k · Sep 2018
Chelsea Rae Sep 2018
The damage was inside her,
Like the blood coursing in her veins.

Invisible cracks running under her porcelain skin.
Scars from the erosion of constant

There's nothing more I wish to do
Than to fill in the cracks.

Sand and polish her
Back to prestine condition.

The way she was before the world
Wore her down.
Some people are just too far gone.
Chelsea Rae Sep 2021
I saw weeds peaking through cement cracks, and I thought,

"Thank god humans could never bury you, Mother Earth,
Even if we tried."

I gazed along the leaves and long vines stretching out for sun,
And my eyes landed on a small, pretty, yellow flower growing too.

I looked to the sun and smiled and back at the flower and saw
A fly had landed there, washing his paws.

And then I wondered if flies ever wish they were bees
and instead of living in ****, wish they made honey.
Sometimes I feel like a fly just tryin to be a Bee.
1.6k · Oct 2021
Stars that Shine
Chelsea Rae Oct 2021
Stars begin to doubt their shine

When surrounded by the blind.
1.6k · May 2019
Natural Disasters
Chelsea Rae May 2019
You can be the fire
And I can be the air.
Fueling flames and going higher.

We can twist and dance,
Spin and twirl.
Essence of Earth,
Hidden, buried pearl.

I can be your tornado
And you can be my inferno.
"Natural disasters"
Booming thunder
But also, a worldly wonder.
You and I. Best friends.
1.6k · Jul 2021
Never Brave Enough
Chelsea Rae Jul 2021
It feels like my heart

Doesn't have much room to feel

That much of anything

Other than fear.
1.4k · Dec 2017
Chelsea Rae Dec 2017
I have ribs forged with stars and a lost heart

but I know for sure that this soul belongs somewhere

human eyes

have not ever seen.
Random thoughts and feels
1.4k · Oct 2021
End it All
Chelsea Rae Oct 2021
I scream inside a body

That feels it is not mine.

I scream in soul.

I scream in mind.

I beg and weep for suffering to end.

For clarity to strike me.

I feel I am on a strange planet I do not yet recognize,

in a foreign land,

in a struggling body.

End it.

Please, if you must,

End it ALL.
Just be done with it.
1.3k · Aug 2021
MY Light. Not Yours.
Chelsea Rae Aug 2021
They let themselves feed off my light
So that they could remain sustainable in their void.

Choke on the darkness.
Get your own magic bruh
1.3k · Feb 2022
Shame the Depths
Chelsea Rae Feb 2022
It's weird. . .

The way humans shame those who can and do feel more deeply than them,

For having a more intensely experienced reality,

Just because they can't see it, hear it, feel it, then it must be

That we are just over-dramatic, that we are "making it up" . . .


But really, who's fault is it that you're still dead inside?
They know not what they do.
1.3k · Jan 2017
Shine Your Love
Chelsea Rae Jan 2017
I'm the type of person
That if you never declare your love for me
The way the sun shines it's love on the flowers
Then you will never know what it's like to smell the roses
And I will never be able to tell you
How desperately in need I am for water.
1.2k · Oct 2018
Night, A Glimpse of Home
Chelsea Rae Oct 2018
My staring contests with the night sky
Always result in me being homesick.
A pit deep in my stomach and I swear
I can hear
A faint laugh in the universe,
Mocking my never-ending
Expectation, that if I stare harder
That a miracle will happen.

I'm almost positive though
That it's all in my head and
Im just upset that the world keeps spinning,
Even when
Your heart begs something
To stop and
Be there for you.
1.2k · Oct 2021
Tomorrow's Tomorrow
Chelsea Rae Oct 2021
You make Tomorrow sound so beautiful baby.

The way that the false promises
Fall right off your tongue
So gracefully
Like silver waters.

I love the ways we're always waiting,

Waiting on Tomorrow.
Procrastination with a lil bit of doubt and fear mixed in and voila! You have a life unlived.
1.1k · May 2022
Rainy Day Persons
Chelsea Rae May 2022
I am not here for your sunshine,
I am here for your storm and waiting on the rain.

I am not here to coddle you
Without at least touching the pain.

It's easy to love a happy, easy going, sunny morning,
But it takes guts to smile through someone's rage.

I will not tolerate dragging weight.
I will break your ******* cage.
The ankle on the chains.

How much longer will we hear the thunder
Before you finally just let it rain?

Rain on me and bring sweet inner alchemy.

Rain, rain, rain,

And be free.
1.1k · Oct 2021
Waltz with Shadows
Chelsea Rae Oct 2021
She dances in the Underworld

because it's the only place judging eyes do not see.

Dancing in the dark,

Elegantly twirling and falling back into the arms

of the Great Unknown.
1.1k · Oct 2019
Chelsea Rae Oct 2019
They flock to me
Like moths to light
But ******* out and you'll see
No one left in sight.
Use me when you need me.
1.1k · Aug 2021
Eyes That Can't See
Chelsea Rae Aug 2021
You always pointed out what I was not, instead of what I was.

Over-exaggerating what was bad, but never breathing a word of the good.

Focusing on all that I lack, with a mouth full of "Should's."

You never loved me, you loved the thought of what you could make me.

I am not clay for molding your vision of a masterpiece to make
me easier to look at, and lay claim to, boasting about saying,
"Look at what we've made."

I was already the Mona Lisa but all that could come out of your mouth was,

"Why oh why doesn't she smile?"
(I do not lack, you do. For always being something that you're not.)
1.0k · Dec 2018
Balloon Seller
Chelsea Rae Dec 2018
My thoughts inflate into daydreams
The way air does to balloons.

Like a balloon seller,
I've got my vast collection, except
At times I blow up more balloons than I know what to do with.

There is so many they start to lift off
Without me.
I rush to grab on, only to find myself
going higher and higher.

This is often where I end up.
Up in the clouds,
Barely holding on
To the multiple strings
Attached to multiple daydreams.
1.0k · May 2017
Wanting to be Found
Chelsea Rae May 2017
Why am I always waiting for a hand
But one that reaches for more than this body.
One that reaches for my soul and one that wants to touch parts of me no one else has felt beyond this common skin.
Reach into my dreams and heart and mind,
Find me in the murky lost abyss that is
This wandering being.
999 · Sep 2017
Chelsea Rae Sep 2017
I have clung to every word and story they have given me
Feeling the way they soak so far through my skin
It seeps and sits in my heart.

Sadly, you can not hold me like I have held you.

I am a cactus sitting alone in the dry desert night.
Empathy, gift or curse?
998 · Feb 2018
I'm a Lover Not a Fighter
Chelsea Rae Feb 2018
Why do I have to fight so hard for love?
I am physically caked in dirt and my soul in loneliness.
Ragged clothes and short breaths.
Fallen to my knees,
Black ink trailing down cheeks.

The blood
delicately down my fingers.
I have cracked and missing fingernails from
clawing the walls they've built.

My hands burn from pounding on these stones.
My body broken from all the
crawling, clutching, and clenching I've done trying
to hold on to people.
Lonely lover.
994 · Dec 2016
Lover in a Broken World.
Chelsea Rae Dec 2016
Why am I considered strange for holding out my heart,
In the world for all to see?

It's sad isn't it?
When blatant love for humanity
Is weird because you're

I am no stranger
To love and kindness.
And if it was supposed to only be handed to those who have more time
Under thier belt,
Then I guess my clock is broken.

It could be 1 second
Or 1 year,
But I'll hold you if you feel alone
And I'll talk and listen if you
Need an ear.

My heart is naked out here
And filled with endless care.

I'm not afraid, nor will I ever be afraid,
To bleed for someone.
977 · Aug 2018
Lone Wolf
Chelsea Rae Aug 2018
I must love the moon so much
Because I am it's made match.

A lone wolf
Born to gawk at it's light.

A lone wolf left behind by her pack.

My howl is not at the moon.
It's a cry
In agony
From being so alone.

I will wail every night
But my instincts whisper,
"I'm sorry my dear,
But no one is coming back."
947 · Mar 2019
Lost Soul
Chelsea Rae Mar 2019
All my life I have been saying,
"I am lost."
"I am lost."

Really, I should have been saying,
"I am only lost
  From my soul."
When you feel lost, it is because you miss your soul.
930 · Feb 2022
Wanna Play a Game?
Chelsea Rae Feb 2022
You thought you were the angel of death?

You thought you could hide your shadow forever did ya?

How clever you think you are.

Are you excited to play with demons?

Are you excited to see what I can do?
What kind of games I'm capable of?

Fallen angels know nothing of hell.
I'll make your life a living hell:)
Try me.
915 · Aug 2021
Hot Tears
Chelsea Rae Aug 2021
Such hot tears, that sizzle and evaporate
as they drip off the sides of hot cheeks.

Mist slowly rising off my shoulders,
out and off my head, and down my arms and legs.

Smokey fog swarming me from the humidity that begins to emit in the room from the heat.

Anger that boils blood
Now secreting through the skin
Through sweat and tears.

I clench my jaw, cemented shut, and squeeze my eyes tight.
Hoping to wring out all the pain and anger through the tear ducts.

Juice it to salty pulp.

Such hot tears pooled on top of burning cheeks.
Turning into hot springs.

One of the warmest things I have felt

In such a long time.
912 · Oct 2021
Fresh Eyes
Chelsea Rae Oct 2021
Maybe we cry sometimes

to be able to see with fresh eyes.
912 · Sep 2019
Self Love
Chelsea Rae Sep 2019
If there was anything I ever wanted
It would be to not be consumed by
A lover
More than by the love of the self.
903 · Jun 2017
Sunken Treasure
Chelsea Rae Jun 2017
He is a sunken chest at the bottom of the ocean.
Rusted rough on the outside.
Swim to find him, hold your breath.
Open him up and you'll find nothing other than perfect,
solid gold.
He's my treasure<3
887 · Dec 2018
Chelsea Rae Dec 2018
You may be a tornado,
destructive and raging with intense emotions,
But I'd sit in the eye of the storm
Just so I could find the real you under the chaos
That swarms you so frequently.
Miss you friend.
863 · Apr 2019
Chelsea Rae Apr 2019
How will you ever learn to fly

if you don't let your feet

leave the ground?
Face your fears.
850 · Dec 2018
Racing Thoughts
Chelsea Rae Dec 2018
I feel ******' restless.
There is too much noise in my head as my thoughts rush by like cars on a freeway.
I can't make them stop going 90 miles an hour
And I can feel the anxiety rising with the speedometer.
I'm running out of gas but I just keep going

The car in autodrive,
I'm just waiting for the crash.
*** is going on with me?
824 · Jul 2017
Chelsea Rae Jul 2017
Please I beg of you

That no matter how hard it gets

Or how misunderstood your heart becomes,

Do not let this chaotic world turn
You cold.
Please don't allow yourself to become as hard as ice.

Let yourself forgive and forgive and forgive.

Don't fight love,
Let it in.
Keep your fire.

Holding back just slowly makes you like the rest of them.

What kind of world would we live in
If we didn't have people strong enough to show people
That love and only love
Is what keeps the rest of this freezing world, warm?
Love is life. Love is warmth.
823 · Sep 2016
Broken Toy
Chelsea Rae Sep 2016
So many times would I rather just be a broken toy.

Let my parts disassemble and fall apart.

A broken recording replaying the same thing again and again

Missing paint and chipped edges.

My wind up doesn't work anymore.


Let me lay on the floor in a jumbled mess

Without someone trying to put me back together.
788 · Jul 2017
Rose Glasses
Chelsea Rae Jul 2017
I'll never be able to explain
How much of a blindfold
Rose colored glasses are

And the pain it causes,
Like duct tape melted on my skin,
As I slowly peel them off.
I'm naive and loving. I can't see the bad.
784 · Oct 2021
Artists of the Gods
Chelsea Rae Oct 2021
See the deepest beauty in things

The simple minded never could.

Simple minds lead to shallow hearts.

Artists create

Just like God creates.

We are all artists within because we are One with the All.

If you don't see beauty, feel beauty,
You don't create or express, and if you don't create, you are seperated from the God Self within.

Express the Soul within
And show em your work of Art.
Where is the deep artist soul?
781 · Dec 2016
Chelsea Rae Dec 2016
I think your name has always been etched into my ribs
To mark the property it holds...

My heart.
779 · May 2018
Im on Fire.
Chelsea Rae May 2018
I shout at the stars in the night,
I shout in my mind, and
I think my heart even screams sometimes
For any kind of life
To hear my cries for help.

My throat becomes so burnt
That no sound comes out.

My lungs on fire,
Begging for more oxygen to fuel them.

Yet, there is no one.

I wonder,
Is it because we all are walking through the flames?
Stuck in our own pain
That any other's fire
Just isn't dire,
Because you all are still trying
To figure out how to extinguish
775 · Dec 2016
Chelsea Rae Dec 2016
It's hard for me to say,
That in all my burning anger
That I still wish you
Could do better.

At the same time
My human heart
Wants you to destroy yourself
As I watch and
Hate and peace, love and anger, I don't know how to choose the good.
765 · Jun 2017
I'm Changing
Chelsea Rae Jun 2017
I'm scared to transform myself into a butterfly,
Not because I'll be different
Or that's it's too hard to try,
But rather
I'm worried you'll still be a caterpillar
And I'll be able to fly.
Will I evolve too far from you?
738 · Apr 2017
Passion Phoenix
Chelsea Rae Apr 2017
My passion slept, comfy under heavy covers.
Hiding from responsibility and fear of failure
But something has dragged it out,
opened the blinds to shine in the light.

Now it's ready to move and stretch its wings.
It's sat in my chest for so long
and now that it's ready to fly,
It aches so badly.

My chest is on fire and I wonder
What magnificent phoenix will rise in these flames?
Ash strokes across my feathers,
Turning to black dust in the wind
As I flap my wings and fly into the sun.

I'll be a blazing red
with a splash of orange and a pinch of yellow tint.
Fire flicked across my soft quills
and I am ready to soar.
Following my dreams.
717 · Aug 2019
Please God
Chelsea Rae Aug 2019
If there was anything worth praying for tonight,
It'd be that no matter what happens,
Please God don't let me ruin this.
704 · Jan 2019
Rose Colored Glass
Chelsea Rae Jan 2019
We watch movies and repeatedly listen to songs
Drawling on and on about the perfect, most passionate love.
But if I loved the way I want,
The way they do in the movies,
Boom box outside your window,
Traveling across the world at the drop of a hat,
Grabbing your hand and dragging you out at night and early morning to watch stars and sunrises,
The grand gestures.
People would look at me like I was crazy.
It would get old;
To have someone who's eyes have glassed over with a rose colored shade.

You wouldn't live me.
You wouldn't experience me.


You'd rather sit on your *** and watch me, portayed in bits and pieces,
On your TV screen.
I'm always too much for everyone.
697 · Dec 2018
Please Grow
Chelsea Rae Dec 2018
She is a wilting flower
                  And I am the sunshine begging her
                                                                ­     Just to stay alive.

                                                         ­            She says she's a dying ****
                  And no amount of water or love
Could ever save her.
690 · Sep 2019
Rainy Days
Chelsea Rae Sep 2019
In the most still moments
Is where you'll find my heart.

Away from noise and mundane every day chaos.

Tucked away
Under blanket
Sipping creamy coffee
Next the to window sill
Listening to the sweet music of the rain.
I fuckn love rain and how it makes my soul feel.
689 · Aug 2018
Chelsea Rae Aug 2018
When you finally get to close your eyes
And turn off your mind.

Hitting reset
For the next sunrise,
Except some of us stay up
All through the night.

Watching the sun come again like we did the day before.
Not getting that refreshed start.
Instead sitting alone in the dark,
Begging in our hearts
For just a few ******* hours.
Eventually pleading for a few minutes
To just shut off our thoughts.

Slowly I count the days,
Scratching the marks on the walls of my brain.
My demons end up coming into play and I just want an escape.

The days slowly repeat and all I want is some sleep
But I'm cursed at the moment,
Stuck in the torment of
A well performing zombie act,
A temporary insomniac.
3rd trimester. Cant sleep. It's been days on end.
688 · Jun 2023
Inner Wounds
Chelsea Rae Jun 2023
I tried to love you with everything I had.
My love stirred up the darkness,
Shined a light and
Woke up your demons..
They didn't want love from me..
And one day I realized
Its because they wanted love
From you.
668 · Aug 2021
Kings of Pain
Chelsea Rae Aug 2021
You opened up my Pandora's box
And out sprang forth a geyser of forgotten traumas.

Years of hard work of disassociation,

You yell at me for not loving you better but I was loving you just fine before this and if I didn't then that's on you for never speaking up.

Your intimidation isn't my problem.

You yell and kick and scream
About abandonment
While I'm fighting off the demons
You activated for abandoning yourself and with that, your life.

You don't get to dictate how I handle the pain YOU opened up.

Idc about your half hearted attempts.

Admit that you're weak and you fell and you're knocked out and stop pretending to play confident king.

Delusional men who think they sit on a throne of truth but they sit upon half-truths, broken to pieces by your fractured perceptions.

Just admit it.

You are defeated and I refuse
to lie down and die in your coffin with you.
Toxic habits and cycles will end NOW.
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