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6.8k · Jun 2014
Inside ‘The Black Box’
blackbox Jun 2014
A tale of many cities confined within
Deep dark secrets stacked in.
Lies, the world presume as sins,
That’s how the story of ‘The Black Box’ begins.

Cramped amid the four gloomy walls,
‘The Black Box’ is what he calls.
Looking to unscramble pieces at the bottom,
He rolled up his sleeves to the problem.

Not knowing, this can put him in a ditch,
And ‘The Black Box’ can act like a *****.
He went on in the search for a prize,
Unaware of this forthcoming surprise.

He knew, many have tried to look inside,
To find a package of perfection in the hide
Disappointed to see the shattered glasses,
They closed the box to put it with a stack of more boxes.

Still, he preferred to move ahead,
In spite of knowing he will lose his head.
The minute he thought he was nearer to precision,
A way distant he was from the actual incision.

The time will come, when he will have his threshold,
Sooner or later, he will have to fold.
After all, no one can alter the history,
No matter what! ‘The Black Box’ will remain a mystery.
4.1k · Jun 2014
Those Times!!
blackbox Jun 2014
There are times, when you want to cut-off from the world.
And there are times, when no one's around you to hold.

There are times, when you've a lot to say but words fall short.
And there are times, when you've nothing at all but you still have to talk.

There are times, when you're strong enough but too scared to fight.
And there are times, when you're weak but you do what's right.

There are times, when you feel like crying but tears don't fall off your eyes,
And there are times, when you're happy but can't laugh as a friend next to you cries.

There are times, when you don't want to reveal the secrets buried in your heart,
And there are times, when you want to share but nobody's close enough to be a part.

All I want to say is, I could have lived through all those times,
If you had just said, "I'm with you sweetheart, so everything's gonna be fine".
2.2k · Jun 2014
Miss You!!
blackbox Jun 2014
I miss you...
Doesn't always mean
I want you back.
Sometimes, it only means
you crossed my mind and
I hope you're doing fine.
1.8k · Jun 2014
(o) Eyes (o)
blackbox Jun 2014
The mysteries of those eyes still beckon me.
Wandering away, I seek a glance.
Wondering, would there be a second chance.
Wishing, to be touched again.
In those eyes I saw,
the answers to all my pains.
A world bereft of love,
I can't be sane.
Unless! I see you again
to look in your eyes and be born again.
1.8k · Mar 2014
False Pretense
blackbox Mar 2014
I used to wonder each and every time,
Whether all his acts were false pretense or simply divine.
It was hard to believe he could ever lie,
Yet! The toughest thing for me was to bid him goodbye.

What I saw in the start was love and care for me,
Later I realized, it was a camouflage I couldn't foresee.
The moment I was on the verge to open my tight shut eyes,
There he was standing with another disguise.

I tried really hard to unveil his mask,
Thinking it is finally an end to this task.
What I found there was the shock of my life,
There were more masks beneath this mask of guise.

I ran away from him and thought of never seeing his face,
Just a flash of his memories reminded me of all those days.
I stopped myself to take my steps backward,
Not realizing that I was going back to a coward.

I knew I was making a blunder,
'Cause to him I was going to surrender.
I was too weak, that from him I failed to save my enclave,
But couldn't fight back as my greed for his love had made me his slave.

This self-revelation brought a start to another set of pretense,
Surprisingly! It was not him but me following thence.
Ignoring all his faults and lies I had ever known,
I moved forward with him, in selfish motive of my own.

Money or fame was not the reason,
Why then my heart longs for this person?
The question I used to ask myself every now and then,
The only viable answer was maybe I can relate to all his pains.

It was really long I fell for someone so fast,
I knew I was gonna go away and this ‘relationship’ is not going to last.
This realization was enough for me to forgive all his faults,
Call me selfish! But this was the only way to untangle the knots.

Maybe it’s not pretense, something I can’t understand,
Whenever I needed him, he stood by me as a friend.
So, what encouraged him to lie and betray me again and again?
Fear of losing people, makes him think only about his gains.

Digging deeper and deeper into this matter,
I forgot I don't have much time and I can do this later.
Few moments that are left, I wanna live with him
Sooner or later, he'll find his true self within

Lover or caretaker, whichever form he portrays to be in,
I can still find a good person in him,
So, when my love for him is so deeply intense,
Then, why not I live in another false pretense?!
1.7k · Aug 2014
**It's reflect**
blackbox Aug 2014
One morning when you get up
with a heavy head,
Your heart seemed to have sunk,
You feel lonely and deserted,
Everything looks like a horrible
And, you believe you have
committed a crime!
It's no one but your conscience
telling you, that it's time.........
1.0k · Jun 2014
blackbox Jun 2014
When you have your eyes closed and you, lost in the seams,
there's always someone looking out for you in their dreams.
Last night special to me were you,
your head nestled so very close to mine...
Dreaming of a love eternal and true,
Oh! for last night's vision of love to find....
1.0k · Feb 2017
The Puzzle called Life!
blackbox Feb 2017
YOU are....
Everything to my Empty World,
Comfort to my Agony,
Strength to my Weaknesses,
Depth to my Shallowness,
Energy to my Laziness,
Encouragement to my Disappointments,
Hope to my Pessimism,
Fun to my Boredom,
A Friend to my Friends and
Most of all, the Missing Pieces to my Puzzle called Life!!
727 · Dec 2018
~ A Carousel Ride ~
blackbox Dec 2018
Another night savoring of loneliness,
when he stumbled upon a pretty countess.
Her gleaming eyes ready to cast a spell,
as she goes round and round on a carousel.
Galloping up on the wooden horse,
wishing to get ahead of time,
She couldn’t care less about the crowd
as she took off on cloud nine.
Enchanted with her grace and beauty galore,
He didn’t realize he was a mere paviour.
Expressing his love for her will be nothing but a crime,
When a voice interrupted his thoughts,
“Get off lady, you have no dime”.
Embarrassed and disheartened,
she ran off into the woods,
That moment it struck him,
she possesses no worldly goods.
In the hope to chase her through the blur,
the only fear in his heart was of losing her.
There she was sitting alone by the pond.
One gaze, and they instantly felt the bond.
She sobbed “I’m no princess”,
but he firmly said “will you be my bride?”,
And, this is how their love story began,
on a beautiful Carousel Ride!
blackbox Apr 2020
trying to find the meaning of life,
when this is what i realized.
i was finding my purpose outside,
possessing all the worldly pleasures i eyed.

missed in the scavenger hunt,
the longing of my loved ones.
trotted the earth to find happiness,
a ride away was a friend fighting loneliness.

in the desperation to hear 'Good Job',
i got used to the late night hobnobs.
miles away, waiting for a call, was my mother,
wanting to know if i had my supper.

life was perfect with no trouble,
guess i was living in my own bubble.
came the time of a long lasting intrusion,
and suddenly, all desires felt like an illusion.

jolted by this surprise,
wondering if we'd survive.
i started to face the reality,
only to find that my existence was a fallacy.

all that matters in life,
is for us to recognize
we're nothing without the support of our dear ones,
and it's time to appreciate and cherish everyone.

ghanghor andhera chaya hai,
bas aapki yaadon ne
umeed ka diya jalaya hai
baki toh sab bas moh maya hai.
The unprecedented situation that we have in front of us has put a lot of things into perspective, which made me write this piece. Plus I wrote this as a birthday gift to me. :) 14.04.2020
457 · Dec 2018
Unspoken words —!
blackbox Dec 2018
I’m not saying I wasn’t a good person, but YOU bring out the best in me.
I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy alone time, but sharing with YOU is most fulfilling.
I’m not saying I was not expressive, but YOU're the only one to know everything.
I’m not saying we never fought, but YOU're always the first to make amends.
I’m not saying our relationship was perfect, but YOU make it happier with every passing day.
So, how can you think that I don’t love you just cause I’M not saying it everyday?!
314 · Dec 2018
$$ Unfinished business
blackbox Dec 2018
It’s not the mountains you climb that will matter in the end.
It’s not the heights you reach that will matter in the end.
It’s not the hurdles you cross that will matter in the end.
What’ll matter, my love, is the real happiness within and around you.
240 · Apr 2020
blackbox Apr 2020
Curfew lifted,
Free as a bird she flew.
Caged in her own thoughts.
Will we ever be free? Wrote this piece with this question on my mind.
197 · Jul 2020
~Human Extinction~
blackbox Jul 2020
Humans reigned
as lord of the food chain.
Ego spurred their extinction.
Humans have forgotten the value of an inclusive planet. In our desperation to become a superpower and invincible, we have been taking too much from mother nature which has caused this imbalance. Unless we contribute towards balancing things out, soon there'd be a day where our planet will be colonized by another species title-tattling about us humans.

— The End —