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Feb 2016 · 687
Barkley Layne Feb 2016
They speak
They gasp
They roar
They moan.

Those **** lips.

They smile
They bite
They temble
They yell.

These **** lips.

They suckle
They chuckle
They stutter
They sing.

Those **** lips.

They pry
They whisper
They lick
They kiss.

These **** lips.

He speaks
I listen
He kisses
I melt.

Those **** lips.
*the* definition of that slit in your face
Jan 2016 · 706
Death Made Us Part
Barkley Layne Jan 2016
It sends me shivers,
It gives me chills.

These old walls,
These night time pills.

Your notebook on the dresser,
Your jeans on the floor.

Your voice in my head,
Your shoes at the door.

That one picture on the night stand,
That you held me so tight.

I can't believe your are gone,
I know you were tired of the fight.

This blanket is cold without your warmth,
This pillow smells like your hair.

But one day I'll see you again,
But I won't be sitting in a hospital chair.
Apr 2015 · 577
It has Sprung
Barkley Layne Apr 2015
It is here,
The snow is staring to thaw;
The birds sing and cheer.
The vines are growing the honey is raw,
Everything becomes unfrozen; the river, the lake.
Animals of all sizes come peeking out,
The squirrel, the bird, the snake.
Finally it has ended this freezing cold drought.
The winter was hard, cold, and ugly
Fevers and chills will disperse,
Now it is time for a new season to hold the key,
Mother Nature has opened her purse.
No rain, no clouds, only sun;
Sweet smells of flowers in bloom,
Now winter is done,
It slips away till next year inside of its cold tomb.
Happy spring :)
Feb 2015 · 403
Seeing Seas
Barkley Layne Feb 2015
When you see the sea,
you will remember me.
Jan 2015 · 1.6k
Barkley Layne Jan 2015
She creeps over my pillow like a
Black cat over a field mouse.

She steals my breathe as if she
Were a masked theif.

She makes me scream like a
Mother in labor.

She sends me night terrors as if she
Is a shattered mirror in my mind.

She pulls at my droopy eyes like a
Hand of terror in the darkness.

She frightens me as if she
Is certain the painful nights will never end.

She flees when the light arises like a
Prisoner escaping their cell.

She is a horrible dream that keeps
I could not fall asleep one night- I guess this is what came out of it. It is very different from what I usually write, enjoy.
Barkley Layne Jan 2015
He became
My pillow
My blanket
My air.

He became
My lips
My smile
My thoughts.

He became
My tease
My hand
My hold.

He became
My 3 am laughter
My 4 am kiss
My 5 am Sunlight.
Late night talks and early morning kisses
Dec 2014 · 801
Air (10w)
Barkley Layne Dec 2014
He no longer,
Took the breath
From my lungs.
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
Blink of an Eye
Barkley Layne Nov 2014
It is getting harder to tell him,
It is getting harder to look him in his eyes.
Gosh those eyes,
Enough to sweep away my sole in one

It is getting harder to tell him,
It is getting harder to kiss him.
Gosh those lips,
Enough to make me weak in my

It is getting harder to say it,
It is getting harder to explain it all.
That this,
This Web of Hope that we have made,
Will soon be a sheer memory on our fragile

It is getting harder to feel his whisper in my ears,
It is getting harder to soak up my soft tears.
His soul;
What if this is what will crush his tender spirit?
What if I am the one  that breaks him
I do not want to be the ones that make those strong hands shake.

It is getting harder to smile and repeat those three meaningful words,
It is getting harder for him to understand my gypsy soul.
I do, I feel the heartbreak coming
Space slowly ripping us apart.
These winter winds bring a chilling feeling in my gut,
But will this all make me stay?
Nov 2014 · 3.8k
A Riddle for the Bystanders
Barkley Layne Nov 2014
You cannot hide,
It will find you.
It is not meant to be camouflaged,
Rather avoided by those who claim 
They are innocent.
It is not what you have done or
What you will do;
It is what you failed to prevent.
Just a poem for those who do not help the weak or stick up for those who need it more
Nov 2014 · 1.8k
Back When
Barkley Layne Nov 2014
An old town that escapes the reality of today. 
I'd trade anything to see it in all of its glory. 
No cell phones, everyone smiling and waving.
Everything peaceful and happy. 
The sun peeking through the pine trees.
Do you hear the mockingbird's song? 
The summers are hot and humid,
the creaks are filled with crawfish,  
The banks filled with frogs and
Us playing cowboys and Indians.
A summer love and
A Mason jar of cold sweet tea. 
"Thank you Mrs. Maybell!" 
We giggle and run to our hiding place near the oak trees.
"Tag your it!" 
We all scurry barefooted through the woods. 
Screams, shouts. 
We forgot how we are still here, 
In the same town over taken by the sounds of silence. 
You may think this story is over; 
The truth is, it’s only just begun. 
"Back when I was a child" 
maybe seem boring to some, 
but if you listen-
You may be surprised how you will want to go back 
to a time when we could play near the creaks
and pay five cents for a coke. 
Life was simpler back then,
Back when; 
This town was small and simple, 
but it was home. 
And always will be.
I wrote this listening to my grandmother tell me stories of her home town, she did not think I was listening... but i am sure glad I was.
Nov 2014 · 817
Love Poisoning
Barkley Layne Nov 2014
Drip Drop Drink
Oh fill my glass to the

Drip Drop Drink
Why does this elixir prohibit me to  

Drip Drop Drink
Why does this cause all my thoughts to

Drip Drop Drink
I take another sip and gradually

Drip Drop Drink
My pen desperately tries to regurgitate  

Drip Drop Drank
My thoughts have becoming teasingly

Drip Drop Done
I will never be his only
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
Barkley Layne Nov 2014
He does not give me butterflies


No, the feeling he gives me in my stomach,

It stings.
Nov 2014 · 575
Barkley Layne Nov 2014
Then, in that moment

I did not feel
Nov 2014 · 2.2k
Barkley Layne Nov 2014
So I decided to stop being miserable

because nobody cares.

I decided to just be

I saw a quote like this and i liked it so i just put a little twist on it.
Oct 2014 · 870
Barkley Layne Oct 2014
Girls are mean
They can be real pieces of work.
They will make fun of you
Whether you are fat or lean.

They will chew you out
Spit you back up
They make me so angry
I- I just want to shout!

Girls are mean
I don't think you got my point.
They can be the worst people you will ever meet.
From the ages of two to eighteen.

Their words are like piercing bullets coming from guns
They do not care how you feel only themselves.
But the saddest part about all the girls?
They pick on the weakest ones.
Stand up for the weak... who else is going to defend them?
Oct 2014 · 461
Thinking (10w)
Barkley Layne Oct 2014
I can not think
of ten different words
to say.
*still thinking...*
Oct 2014 · 618
Barkley Layne Oct 2014
I swallowed the ocean
I gulped it like tea.

I devoured the land,
I drank up the sea.

I ripped open the heavens,
I inhaled the trees.

I left nothing in my path,
Not even a pea.

I engulfed the living,
Even the smallest of fleas.

I swallowed the ocean,
I gulped it like tea.

But I did leave one thing behind,
Oct 2014 · 744
Barkley Layne Oct 2014
It was then I noticed
staring at our Gmail back grounds;
his being dark wood,
mine being the gentle ocean,
that we would not last.
I am a free spirit roaming the world and him?... he is a tree.. stuck in the same place.
Oct 2014 · 740
The Paris Gypsy
Barkley Layne Oct 2014
The sun beams into my eyes, the sounds of clicking horses charge the streets.
I wrap my tiny cot up and slip my hair into a loose braid.
As i stand my gold anklets clatter.
My feet are met with a cold puddle of street water as i walk towards a pile of barrels in a nearby alley.
My rings clank together as i grip my bag and slip it over my shoulder.
My bracelets fall to my upper arm as i grip a stone and pull myself up onto the roof.
The sunlight is crisp.
A thin yellow light is gingerly sneaking over the top of Notre Dame.
A faint smell of bread is released into the morning air.
The bakers take such pride in their creations.
It is such an enchanting place Paris.
The city of dreams.
The city of food.
My stomach howls at the site of a baguette that has been carelessly dropped onto the sidewalk.
I check my bag for a few extra coins.
As usual there are none.
The day will be long, there is not a single cloud in the sky.
The streets begin to come alive.
Women and children crowd the town's square to buy the farmer's crops.
Men wave to their families to begin yet another day of ceaseless grinding.
**This poem will be turned into a short story... when I get around to it...**
Oct 2014 · 303
The Light
Barkley Layne Oct 2014
our earth does not possess  a moon,
our moon possesses the earth

the earth is grateful to have a light during the darkest of times,
as we- we do  not even give praise to have the greatest Light during all times.
May 2014 · 344
i believe
Barkley Layne May 2014
I believe in true happiness.
I believe in the power of God.
I believe in the world being a beautiful place.
I believe in music having a power to it.
I believe in crying when you are sad.
I believe in smiling when it rains.
I believe in nature being wondrous.
I believe in finding yourself.
I believe in traveling to faraway places.
I believe in true love.
I believe in taking that one deep breath at the end of the day.
I believe in sticking up for others who are weak.
I believe in soul mates.
I believe in the sky being blue.
I believe in the grass being green.
I believe in you.
Apr 2014 · 296
To See
Barkley Layne Apr 2014
I want people to see love, because that is what I am called to do.
I want people to see hope, because that is what I need to do.
I want people to see faith, because that is what I need to possess.
I want people to see light, because that is what I need to release.
I want people to see curiosity, because that is what I need to have.
I want people to see beauty, because that is what I am.
I want people to see wonder, because that is what I look for.
I want people to see adventure, because that is what I do.
I want people to see life, because that is what I live.
I want people to see me, because that is who I am.
Dec 2013 · 446
Barkley Layne Dec 2013
You cannot hide,
It will find you.
It is not meant to be camouflaged,
Rather avoided by those who claim
They are innocent.
No one can be right
No one can be wrong.
It is not what you have done;
It is what you failed to prevent.
Life will hurt
It is meant to;
It comes at different times
It is not meant to knock you down,
But to raise you.
What if the sun decided not to wake up
Because the stars became brighter at night?
We were not intended to hurt,
We were not intended at all.
We were a thought
A speck of dust on the foot of the Master.
Why should we fear the past?
We should not embrace fools or cowards,
But we should stand up for the present.
The now,
The thing we can actual determine.
Every day is different.
Live it,
With a smile.

— The End —