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aviisevil Dec 2014
The entrapment worked like a charm,
And the wall caved in on Mr Cane.
He had but a moment to consider,
Had no umbrella to shield from rain.

The weather was but at the horizon,
And sun hasn't been so sane.
There is no thought left to ponder,
For the facts never do change.

Circling the theory of madness,
The colors were fading to black.
What brains have you said he,
There are no footsteps to go back.

Talking to self he wondered,
If two of him would suffice
So he made how the mirror looks,
And then the reflection came alive.

Mr Cane saw in the mirror,
Saw two more than he wished to see.
There were eight of them now,
Nothing is as it's supposed to be.

So he sat through the ruins,
Saw himself disappear one by one.
Two will be enough Mr crane,
That's enough company for someone.

Back to two down from six,
Ladder keeps adding more steps.
So Mr crane climbed over,
And left behind a bit of himself.

The sky was cold,
And the ocean was blue.
Now Mr crane was out,
So the stars had to pay their due.

Within lies the outside,
Said them stars in one breath.
And the biggest of them all,
Laid a crown at his chest.

His heart was made a king,
And the mind was made a slave.
Those eyes that had been dreaming,
Now were wide awake.

He could hear the flowers sing,
A song of thunder and haze.
His eyes crept in closer,
Mr Crane thought he saw a face.

The smile was yet to give birth,
But the swelled eyes had over-grown.
A very peculiar creature he said,
Unlike any other he had ever known.

He soon multiplied in an enemy,
Mr Crane was now afraid.
This lawn said he again,
Should have never been made.

For the trees work like charms,
In the glittering reflection of steel.
Concrete is the slab of foundation,
In this forest that was never real.

The weather was turning warm,
And he had but some walls to scale.
So he threw a rope over the walls,
Lay me a bridge he said.

The entrapment worked like a charm,
And the wall caved in on Mr Cane.
He had but a moment to consider,
Had no umbrella to shield from rain.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Oct 2015
how do you feel when she just goes away
and you keep wondering why she didn't stay
how do you feel when she just forgets
and you start living your life in regrets
what happens when she even forgets your name
instead of love all you get is pain
and as the time goes by
you think you are going insane
and there's nobody to help you
nobody to wipe off that stain
and what do you do when you're just left alone
every night you pray but in the morning you're still on your own
how do you feel when someone you love doesn't loves you back
but still you go on giving them everything you have
you keep thinking about them all night and day
they just take you by the heart and throw you away
how do you breathe when you feel so used, back-stabbed and abused
you kept thinking about making it all alright
but now you are confused, no one can help you, not even you
what happens when she looks in your eyes and see herself
but when you look back in hers it's somebody else
its so ******* painful, you wish you could die
but you promised yourself that you will never cry
but what happens when every promise turns out to be a lie
and people who you would've died for, don't even care if you die

what happens when you know
you can never let go
and the one you love so much
doesn't even know
you keep telling yourself
that its all gonna change
but you know in your heart
It will always be the same
you know you are alone
and will always remain
what happens when love becomes
the reason of your pain
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Feb 2017
angry man wearing a denim blouse,
such a beautiful way to shut down your mouth.

nothing much to say, there's no one left to shout,
I'd like for you to stay unless you want to **** the mouse.

the bodies are kept warm sleeping in the oven,
everybody was left weeping empty pages for a question.

cats have nine lives, must be so cruel when they want erosion,
can they still sue sides if they need any emotions ?

bla bla, bla bla- don't you answer me as if you're my child,
i've learned so many things but not any worth-while.

ha-ha, ha-ha..keep bringing me more organs to pile,
it won't stop killing itself until the forest is old and wild.

stop making sense I don't love you enough to agree,
I revel in non-sense, so get far away from me as you can be.

you'll find the scars hanging by a noose in the closet,
take this axe and match it with whoever's standing the closest.

so don't ask me why I broke in today to put you in doubt,
there's sweet music in the background which keeps getting loud.

such a beautiful day to burn down the house.
aviisevil Apr 11

an open door
preched upon a
quiet hill

rusty old door
waiting for no one
stands still

when it rains and
when it spills—


from her rails her
branches burgeon

her roots carved
into the soil

wooden stiles
freed of burden

now sprawl out
into the void

from her keyway
her eyes pry

shattered glass
that took her voice

her hinges

the last of her

last of a home
left for spoils

the last of a home
withered and spoilt

O' the lonely wooden

the paint has
withered away


once it had a

once there was
a home

the last of steps
the beginning of

no windows
no walls
no nothing


my favourite

the last of
my steps

my kingdom of
a thousand thoughts
caught and spilled

filled by the silence
that haunts

O' my lonely old

how it weeps
—old door

in the mouth
of autumn

through the month
of summers

in the lashing
winds of mid year

every shade of

now craved in
the ruins

that only comes
but with age

O' the lonely old

holding a sunset

     stands still

aviisevil Jun 2022
in Jammu: the city of temples, there is a house.

On the other side of Tawi, past the old bridge, i sit in my memory;

she's talking to me, "earn so i can be free," as my heart drowns in summer.

"it's unbearable," i say -- "the weather hasn't been kind to you"

i wait for her to say something but she's busy again - "i have so much to do.. why don't you settle here and make my life easier," she says with a forced smile.

On the other side of Tawi, past the old bridge, i sit in my memory;

perhaps one day i can give her the world, the one she is promised.

here on the foothills of the mighty Himalayas, on the other side of the tunnel, i wonder.

perhaps i can leave while i still can, younger than i remember, or have i been old and it's merely a dream?

have the city swallowed my memories to keep her relevance alive.

is she just a figment of her many tangled roads, the tree sitting on the three hills, and disjointed neighborhoods?

by the river Tawi - where i once spent the evening swimming in the sweet embrace of liquor, and in ***** of a welcoming morrow.

overlooking the new bridge, thinking to myself, 'how beautiful is home today'.

or making out in the backseat of a confidant's car as we travel through the sidhra road, and she says to me, "do you think this will never end?"

and before i can tell her the truth - i see a fleeting glimpse of silver; and there i am -- in tomorrow -- far from the edges of the mighty Himalayas.

i take out my phone, i need to see what time it is, and there on the screen, it says it's 32 degrees of summer in jammu, still -- and i burst into tears.

On the other side of Tawi, past the old bridge, i am my memory.
aviisevil Oct 2017
tell me, how do you sleep ?
in your nightmares,
trying to chase you
to the further corner of your mind-
do you mind the intrusion ?
of those things alien
forming the rain and laughter
faces burnt and stranger
than anything you've ever seen.

tell me, how do you dream ?
when the clowns with evil smile
and God's in different names-
count your pain,
and you finally realise
the lies you've made in-to yourself.

tell me, how can you tell ?
it's only in the mirror,
your eyes and whispers
thoughts those wither
now that you're a drunk again.

tell me, if it's not insane,
to languish in the same memory
day after day,
knowing that time stops for no one.

there's a new sun,
everyday for one to harvest.

the moon sets everyday too,
but everybody's asleep
waiting for the star dust-
to make them their idols
so that when they sit idle,
it's not that lonely, and they're not
the only one there.

tell me, do you still care ?
aviisevil Apr 2017
they sing in a line
these people made out of a wish
like water without its fish
they're all dead
they're all dead and moaning

for a beautiful morning
and i'm tired of mourning
when i hear their voice
there's no song for this noise
the dead cannot sing
the dead do not bleed and sink
when eyes are moist

they do not drown in ink
feed clowns and blink
shaping world in their void
screaming, destroyed..

always reminding me
how little there is to live for.
aviisevil Jun 2017
There was a time when I wanted to fly. There was a time when I wanted to feel as alive as possible. Now I'm just scared. Afraid, of how things can go wrong in one second. One moment you are someone and the other moment someone else. There's no story here. No words or figures. Just me. Just me and you. I don't know why you're here. I don't want to know. But I know you know what I'm talking about. You know the pain. We all do. If you don't, just pretend you're lucky. Because you're not.

Pain is universal for us. We can't possibly imagine a world without pain. We pretend it is something evil and cursed. Something rotten and broken. But it's not. It's the only truth other than death. That's the only thing that will still hold your hand when you're waiting for death to come. It is your most trustworthy friend. The only true friend that let's you be.

Death takes you away. Happiness makes you forget who you really are. But pain. Oh, the pain. How many countless artists and art has been made because of pain ?. Almost all of it. Because pain teaches you about a world that is far and isolated from everything. Where you can be truly you. At your best and worst.

But I don't like pain. It's just not for me. I don't thrive in pain. I give myself up. Some people create when they're in pain. I destroy. You can make art both ways. You just can't choose which one belongs for you. And it's killing the world.

The problem in the world is that we're all afraid. We're all afraid to love and be ourselves. We can blame it on everything else but honestly it's our fault. It's inside us and we weren't taught to respect it, we weren't taught to separate pain from love. For us it's the opposite faces of the same coin. Pain is not absence of love, Nor is love presence of happiness. It's born inside everyone differently. It's like our DNA, different for everybody.

We're not taught about freedom anymore. But rules and laws. We're not taught about how we can be ourselves but how we can be someone else. It's a race and we're all losing. We're all losing because there's no finish line. We're all just running because the first guy began to run and then the next followed him. Now anyone who doesn't run will find himself lonely. There's nobody left standing still. Everybody is busy in running to no where. The world feels small now. The universe feels explored. There are more answers to questions now, but we're still clueless.

There is more love to be had now more than ever. There are so many of us now.

But where is love ?. Where is this magical thing. Where does it hide ?.

When I was little I searched for it in people. When I grew up I searched for it in my heart. And today, with a broken heart I know where it is.

Far and unreachable but somewhere beautiful and warm.

There's no pain as the pain from a broken heart. It swallows every inch of your body, your soul, along with every positive energy in the world. It swallows time itself.

The worst part is, even if you could go back and change things... you wouldn't.

That's not love. That's the pain.

That's the pain telling you that you not only need something but something that was a part of you is missing.

The pain is what keeps the love alive and in a way keeps the world alive.

And We'll be nothing without love.

Not with our skyscrapers and latest technology, addictions and trends.

Have you ever met a man who lost on love ? Who saw his love slowly walk away leaving him alone in the universe.

Do you think he still enjoys good food or music ?

Do you think those things matter anymore ?

Love is magical. Magic does not exist. It only appears in a moment briefly only to disappear.

Leaving you scratching your head because you have no clue what hit you.

Getting hit by a train is better, some would say. It's not even anywhere close in my opinion.

And when you're in that pain. You realise there's no difference between love and pain.

But the difference you make.

It's as much more important to heal the world today than live within ourselves in pain.

It's as much more important to stop running for a moment and see around ourselves. See if somebody needs to be picked up.

And love is the only thing strong enough to make us stop.

But you now what ?.

Pain is the only thing that will make you stay.
It's an excerpt from something I was writing once.
aviisevil Jan 2023

there was


and he used
to cry

like a

when no
one was

he was ten
maybe eleven

it does
not matter

sometimes he

because everyone
around was just
so sad

it never was
about money
but it always is

he saw it in
his mother's swollen
red eyes

is there ever an
age to tell a child
what sadness is?

he did not know
God yet but he could
tell somebody somewhere
did not like him that much

i suppose no
one did like him

even he did
not like himself

with that face
and broken nose
and crooked teeth?

even his mother
told him once
that she did love
him but maybe if
he wasn't so ugly
she would've loved
him some more

and his father never
said a nice thing about
him ever

his grandfather did
once, it was a lie, but
he chose to believe it

there wasn't much
else to believe in

only tears

then winter turned
to summer

and summer became
twenty years

days and

went by
in a blur

sadness aged
inside of him

like the sweetest
wine though it was
still so very bitter

until one day
he got so drunk

that he forgot
who he was

it was the greatest
day of his life

he waved and
smiled at everybody

he danced and
he sang and he
screamed out

it was a beautiful
sunset that day

there wasn't a
single tear left
in him

nor did anyone
else cry

aviisevil Feb 2015
Trembling woes pay no heed
Nor a breath to bring me back to life
As they flow and come to cease
My tears have no face left to hide

Beneath the stairs behind the wall
There would lie my secret chest
Now it's lost and I've burned it all
Along with sight of my lonely nest

There by the ashes I used to play
In memories that now I never see
A handful of magic that drifts away
In my tomorrow to set me free

A voice that still lingers on
Of the blurred eyes I beg to forget
In ruins where I quietly mourn
Where all my broken pieces are kept

How fast the arms can tick
One trick that you learn in time
A castle torn apart brick by brick
And no one's there to solve a crime

So the prison is made in dreams
Where the magic truly never dies
See for yourself how far you can lean
Before you take wings and learn to fly

And then when you must wake
Burn down the last of your dream
lest find yourself in a cage
Where no one ever hears a scream

So leave now when you can
Or the scars will rip you apart
You are but only a man
And every man owns a heart

Before you kiss despair you
Disappear in the depths of your skin
Lock the door and call a truce
And don't let anyone in

Where trembling woes pay no heed
Nor a breath to bring me back to life
As they flow and come to cease
My tears have no place to hide

So I ask this of you my friend
From the deepest abyss of this page
Remember all before you must end
In the season of ever withering age
Notes (optional)
aviisevil May 2017
restless countless

count yourself

found mess
inside my brain

and a pinch
of lawless

compress things
with loudness

somewhere here
south west

no sleep no rest
sowed seed grow lest

maketh tree
with tears shed

read free
the words wept

a forest to see
at a place mindless

can you please
mind less ?
the madness

your time is free
mine priceless

you want to be
me timeless
aviisevil Oct 2014
NOTE: this is a surreal story I'm attempting to write in a disguise of a children's tale but progressively with a darker undertone to it, I want to create a magical but yet confusion world where things don't make sense and then try to decode it, I'm afraid I might lose interest once again if I don't get the motivation, inspiration and right amount of critics to guide me, thank you. ( beginnings are always boring but keep your eyes open)


{ prologue }

Mister Simons was an old man of eighty four,
A very peculiar personality-
Hung his own impending obituary by the blue door.
He was having these visions lately;
A fat man beating him with his own cane outside the local store,
He wondered if it was merely a dream or if that had happened before.
Quiet frankly, he didn't remember much about his past anymore.
It's fair to say it happens to most of us when we grow old.
He lived at the end of the street,
By a house that was burned to the ground when he was only four.
Some say it is haunted,
Others say ghosts don't exist in the age of modern science anymore.
Whatever the case is-
It's clear that mister Simons never had any problem with his neighbor.
Though one time he did complain about someone breaking his mirror-
But that's maybe the work of mischievous kids living down the street.
They always cause trouble for him with many ***** deeds,
That's why mister Simons respectfully filed a case against them-
But lost and could never make them leave.
There is also a rumored dog that lives in his house but no one has heard or seen him in a while.
Some speculate that he has died.
Though, mister Simons is sometimes caught buying dog food at the local grocery store,
The one's who think mister Simons dog is just an old fancy myth say-
It's him for who it is for.
That's a very nasty charge against mister Simons-
But no one can ever dare to ask him.
Only once in the neighborhood history someone tried to approach mister Simons,
But off-course, he didn't let him in.
Mister Simons has a few problems of his own,
A few plants have began to sprout out of his skin.
He has an allergy to flowers,
so he daily shaves them off from within.
Miss molly down the lane is the only one to have ever spoken to him-
And claims she saw him grin.
Some say it was just a trick of light-
Others have a more horrid view and claim she is lying,
And she'll go to hell for this sin.
Mister Simons father built that house around the time he was born,
No one's really sure of who he is because everyone came there after-
A construction company started building homes.
There are stories that unicorns and dinosaurs roamed the land-
They were on a friendly terms with mister Simons,
Since he was the only man-
But the construction company men killed them one by one and it was real ugly.
They said it doesn't makes up for an ideal place to raise a family.
Some say mister Simons retreated in the deepest corner inside of him-
After this tragedy.
Others say it's all a lie and there is no construction company in reality.
Those houses were made by little magical dwarfs,
Who have been cursed by the evil witch to provide comfortable homes to humanity.
She eats their babies if they don't comply with the curse-
So, they'll keep on building and serving humans till eternity.
It's a topic of much debate amongst the residents of this street,
No one is really sure of where the other end of their street leads.
It's barricaded by mister Simons house at one corner,
And the screaming lake at the other end.
The history of the lake is also as much in speculation as mister Simons himself.
Some say it was made by the tears of mister Simons,
As he watched the men slaughter his friends and couldn't help.
Others say it was made by the tears of mister Simons,
When he watched his father die in a drought with a thirst he couldn't quell.
One can hear the screams in the dead of every other night,
It is speculated by some that the screams are of the creatures killed by the men screaming still in fright.
It is very difficult to be precise about who is right,
But one thing is for sure-
The lake makes up for a very beautiful sight.

Chapter: 1 - introduction

[I will be your narrator for the rest of the story,
Guiding you through this wonderful adventure with all of its-
Heart-break and glory.]


Everything in somewhere land had always been a little strange as far as I could tell,
The lamp-posts by the streets seemed like they were carved out of trees but weren't exactly wood but something entirely else.
Every house except mister Simons house was a bit too pointy in my opinion and were smaller than the other houses I've ever had been in.
It rained everyday sharply at 3'o clock in the daytime and again 3'o clock in the night-time.
The strangest of all were the residents of this peculiar street,
There were ten houses, four of them on one side and four of them on the other side and then there was mister Simons house at the end of the street right next to the burned haunted house.

Mister Richard and misses Molly lived with their only son svain in the house with the placard no. 1 at the beginning of the street. Mister Richard was big and bulky with black hair and blue eyes, he had a very simple face - the kind you can't recognize when you haven't met that person for a long period of time. He was the manager at the local grocery store and proud owner of a brand new double rocket tractor.
Misses Molly too had black hair and blue eyes, she was even taller than her husband and very pale. She was a very beautiful lady with an aura of sophistication around her but was very polite. Oh.. And she didn't knew how to cook.
Svain was an 12 year old with black hair and blue eyes. he wasn't that tall but was skinny which made him look taller than he was. he always wore red color and was moderately popular in school. Some say it was due to the fact he could eat and swim at the same time, an ability passed down generation to generation in his family.

Grandma frey lived with her dog penny in the house with placard no. 2, she was sixty seven years old but looked even older because of a tragic life in which she had to raise twenty children
- one of her own, two from her husband's marriage before, three of her sister who died with her husband when they both ate the poisonous golden plant at the superficial forest, four more were adopted when she took a trip to afro-icca, five more were adopted from a church in some other part of the world when she came across their 'take-a-child and help-the-lord' campaign. She also raised six of her children's - children but sadly one of them died when it tried to sing and eat at the same time.

Mister and misses Hailey lived in the house with placard no. 3. They were a family of four completed by their son owkwarld and daughter shinying. Owkwarld was fourteen and was speculated to be a bully at the local school, he was big and fat like all the other bullies ever lived and maintained his diet by stolen lunches. He had blonde hair and dark eyes with some freckles around his nose and always wore a cap no matter how windy it was. Shinying was eleven and tiny and cute and caring. She cared for everyone and was ready to help anyone in need. She too had blonde hair and blue eyes but a milky smooth complexion and always wore a smile on her face no matter how windy it could get. She was also a thief when it came to shiny things.

Mister bubbles and misses soapy lived in the house with placard no. 4, they pretty much kept to themselves. They had no social lives as of yet because they had no children and children are must to have a decent social lives in somewhere land unless you are old, dying or out-going and friendly.

Uncle paperazi lived in the house with the placard no. 5, he had white hair and a white beard, he was thin and always wore a black lab coat. He always kept to himself and made things made of paper - like paper beds and paper tables, paper cushions and paper toothbrushes. He couldn't sell a single item all of these years because they came with no guarantee or warranty whatsoever.

Darc and Ulla were the latest residents of the house with placard no. Six, they moved in after the yolo family left after feeling they weren't really important. Darc was tall and Ulla was short, Darc wore a smile and Ulla wore a frown. Darc had a job and Ulla stayed at home. Darc ate the food and Ulla cooked the food. Darc made jokes and Ulla washed the clothes. Darc was a man and Ulla was a woman.

Cofeetea and barcandy moved to the house with placard no. 7 around the time 'Dracula' was released all across the country with much hype and was proved to be a disaster. Cofeetea was sweet and barcandy even sweeter though the excess of them could really make anyone dizzy.

Dhornie - a singleton, lived by herself in the house with placard no. 8 for a long time now, she was a middle-aged twenty nine year old woman who had moved to the street when she was only eighteen to find the one true love of her life, some say she has a crush on Dracula
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jul 2014
He walks upon silver moon-light,
Dancing upon an ocean of stars
Seeking truth in age of darkness,
Wishing upon every morbid scar
To see through burning curtains,
As they fall back into the flames
Blind to what is beyond the stage,
All he can do is see his only pain

That hears the song of night,
Of the dark and dreams untold
Bled of all that there is to hold,
Love is gone and tears are cold

He melts away into the unknown,
To be made in a whispering bird
Circling along the edge of the sky,
Trying to forget their every word
That cuts right through his skin,
Deep into his ever burning Soul
As he dives into the empty sky,
That'll slowly swallow him whole

Drowning in the song of night,
Into an abyss of suffering and pain
There won't be no more dreams
As the dreamer lies buried again

He is feeling the wrath of sorrow,
That falls on him like winter's rain
Searching for a man in the mirror,
But all that reflects is just a name
To be seen across all the universe,
camouflaged in the empty space
To tread where ever the heart is,
And to always find self in a maze

Slowly filling with the song of night,
Empty puddles are full to the brim
They will combust all that is must,
If they take anymore of tears within

He floats in an ocean of dread,
Consumed in his own pagan guilt
To feel the rust in his loneliness,
With walls of solitude he built  
And to be made a cage of lies,
That lay trap to the hidden wait
Bearing the stains of disguise,
There is no otherside of this gate

Wanting the song of night,
To grant him his key to freedom
And be the king of his own self,
Be the master of a lost kingdom

He wants the dark of the night,
To remind him what he once knew
And find him a trail to otherside,
So he can finally pay his devils due
And to be not forgotten by time,
As he moves back to the unknown
To burn and fade after every step,
And break fire with sparks borne

Made in the song of night,
A tale of dark to be left to brew
Deep in the pit of boiling lies
Finding one lie that will be true

He rots away in a depraved corner,
To be found again in heavens lair
And neglect questions as they come,
To find those answers every-where
In midst of an approaching storm,
That brings fear to guide his prey
To have wings but no direction
And every wave takes 'em away  

finding the song of night,
In the hollow of empty reason
To be swept away in illusion
And find self in a different season

He knows the embrace of winds,
Slowly caressing his lonely walls
crawl back to surface from within,
Back from the dead to take a fall
And seep through the cracks in time,
To a place that's in abandoned hope
To be gone forever when awake,
Fall back dead and find no road

Walking in the song of night,
In rhythm with words spoken
To be held against a morbid tear,
And be flooded by an ocean

He rests upon a bed of thorns,
To find comfort in his only hurt
painted in blood-stained flavour,
A withered rose to kiss every word
that die in the chaos of thoughts,
Running dry with every breath
That lay claim upon his nightmares,
To echo silence of a moments death

Melting in the song of night,
Hanging on a crooked wire
That swings by the frozen time,
Cast into a face of ice and fire

He wounds himself of love,
For the love of everything black
Memories that were left to haunt,
A door that won't lead him back
But to an ocean of nothingness,
Where he'll be one with his pain
To be made whole in emptiness,
And find self at a crossroad again

To see the song of night,
Gliding through the night sky
Woven in silvery threads,
A touch that'll miss the eye

He dissolves in the poisonous fumes,
Of the haze that blinds the sun-light
Falling back in fragments of his own,
Searching for another puzzle to hide
And find comfort in a broken mirror,
A thousand faces made to scream
What of a dreamer without a night,
A lonely place to be alive and dream

Singing the song of night,
Till the dawn of the morn' hour
To the world of lost dreams,
Of the stars and a broken heart

To Sing the song of night,
On every step that leads him afar
From the ruins of his home,
Sunrise falling back to his heart
Multiple themes running through out this write, dealing with loss, heart-break, light vs dark, depression, failure and success, and rest is left on the readers interpretation of the poem.
aviisevil Jul 2016
lucid insight..
I can tell you a lie : that world is a beautiful place
Or I can tell you the truth : that the world is never going to be a beautiful place
There are many possibilities yet only one answer
Sometimes reality can be far more surreal than the fiction
What place do we live in !?
What time are we wasting every moment ?
Is life short ? Or is it longer than we can ever imagine
How big is this world , is it enough to fit in !?
Do we have enough time to understand this place ?
Do we really need to ?
Questions just burst out from a corner and keep going on in an endless circle of nothingness
Can we pass through the dimensions
And touch the real being ?
Or will we forever just stare into his eyes and wonder what it's like be in that place and time.
A place beyond truths and lies
A place of no possibilities or solutions
A place untouched by the fiction and the reality.
A place where everything can co-exist without failure.
A cold and warm corner of our consciousness blooming into a thousand new directions every moment , so I can go on and tell you every truth and lie but its for you to decide what to believe and what you believe is what there is and shall be.
There are no truths and lies.
aviisevil May 2017
it's dark,

sitting in an empty room
pretending to read
so many thoughts
mind in water
not yet ready to breathe

awake in my dreams
not steady to sleep
the earthquake i'm riding
won't let me keep
my way to you

sipping the vast gloom
from the big bang boom

i've been searching
for you

nothing to seek
no window to peek
only stark darkness
to love and breed

forget love
too old too cold
through and through sold
nobody knows any code
valentine's dead
and my heart is old

circling the universe
in search of gold

and i find myself drift
in middle of
the universe
with nothing to hold

with no truth to seed
no hunger to feed
with only silence to teach
the science of violence

in middle of
the universe
searching for opulence

finding nothing and,

collecting the pieces
and throwing it in the fire
making smoke from ash
thats been flying in the air
to everywhere

until it all goes black,

back to the same emptiness
we were all born from
without time

the world will fail,

and the words will fade
just as they came
and became
a thought in my mind.
aviisevil Mar 2020
i want to rule the infinite
perish in flames

draw a naked kingdom
and wear dead butterflies

raise the dead spring
buried beneath my feet

watch the summer cascade
until the autumn dies

take a sip from every
ocean and barricade

until i am withered 
and broken,

burning holes in the sky

i want to slay
every forest 

and make love
to the barren lands

find animals and stars
**** away the man

watch the planets fall
from where i stand

until i am withered 
and broken,

burning holes in the sky

just like the timid child
i am.

i wish nothing but for your violence
aviisevil Feb 2014
All i want to do is break away , today , i want to break away
No more closed windows , lets break down those doors  today
Out in the open, i want to taste the sunshine
Just one more hit , need a fix and I'll be on my way
Hit the road, no holding back , 'gotta wash over some black
Been a while , all the pretty needles are aligned to stab
Too sane for my own good but now I've 'gotta break bad
All the pills just swallowing me, made me so mad
And all the other kids are out playin' in the sunshine
I've 'gotta leave the shadow now , about the time
Part of the sin for so long , ready for the lazy crime
Just one more hit, don't worry , I wont be fine
The maiden blazing through the summer heat
Remembering the lessons that loneliness  teach
Out in the corner there's a boogeyman trying to preach
I know i can't fly but there's just no land beneath my feet
Its happening again , I'm going insane , shutting down my brain
Just voices in my head, i need some more *******
The world's a stalker , humans are just so strange  
Falling back to my happy place , i need  Cobain
I can hear my heart beat, sounds like a grenade blast
Everyone's walking around in a Justin beiber mask
I've 'gotta **** everyone now and I've to do it fast
'cause i know my super human strength won't last
Head banging super cute droid just passed me by
So rude , didn't even care to say one stupid hi
She knew i was drooling just for her,
She even had the latest v5.1 ultra zoom eyes
After all i belong to the race who created them in first place
I'm her master , 'gotta teach 'em a lesson before they take over
'gotta head to the store and buy the latest  Angelina Jolie re-make
That kardashian woman is just at every corner
But i have no money , I forgot i was so broke
Gave my all to the scary chimpanzee for one smoke
But there's nothing more hilarious than seeing a chimpanzee trip on coke
I strongly recommend the ban on chimpanzees in the strip clubs to be revoked
I wonder if chimpanzees like the stupid  droids
I've seen planet of apes and i know soon humans will be destroyed
But chimpanzees against the droids that'll be an awesome ploy
Every science fiction nerd will erupt in ecstatic joy
Oh boy, if i could only remain in a trip forever
I would've been there in that epic final  battle
I hope tomorrow I'll wake up in one piece ,
Now that I've banged Jolie, I'll sleep better
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Mar 26

between sunrise
and sunsets

confined bone
and flesh

nests an ocean
that cannot sleep

each drop a
breath escaped

where it pours
in the sorrow

of everything
in mourning

for eyes that
do not speak

aviisevil Apr 2020
fade into the summer

my arms don't wrap
around the winter no more
as they used to

feel the forgotten sky
bless us with uncertainty

and rotten eyes
stare deep into our soul

watch the children of autumn
cascade one by one

breathe in the spores,
the residue of a thousand lies

those that burn
far away from where we stand

and yet the ashes
won't spare the distance

nor this golden sky
save us from the approaching

and one by one
in the winds
we shall fall too

clinging on to each other
ruined by our dreams

melting into the stardust
kissed by death
aviisevil Jun 21

there is shelter
in her whisper

in quiet spaces
when it rains

for how long
i've loved her

there aren't
enough days

for how much
i've missed her

there is not
enough pain

and i want to
taste every tear

every scar deep
and simple

i want to feel
every bite of the
raging winter

i want all of me
to ache, suffer
and linger

to be buried in

until we meet

aviisevil Nov 2017
this reminds me of you,
you exist.

i resist, but my eyes insist
to take a look one more time,
and then one more-
i think i'll lose my mind
before i go blind,
and then i'll be sure;
you were never mine,
and that's all i know-
no love to breathe,
only this hatred deep inside
to feed, monsters and ghosts,
****** and witches to bleed-
i keep myself
from the outside now.

i sleep without a word,
lonely and cold-
so worthless and vile
the world laughing at me
all this while,
and i sit here, to be sold
face my exile-
a face with no smile,
only distance and walls,
stares at me as if he's watching
something coming back to life,
something that must've died
a long time ago, here's a man
turned into a monster for the show,
here's the man, i see everyday
here's the man who speaks to me
in whispers, i see him in the mirror,
everyday, every-way i walk,
there's something wrong with me-
and it won't stop, oh no, it won't,
my brain would rot and my heart
will be caught on fire.

there was more than love for you,
there was more than desire and
now i cannot explain how lonely
i am here without you,
without your lies, and the liar.

i see what isn't in the mirror,
my mind playing tricks-
i'm always so sick, with a
picture playing in my head,
like a song-
if i don't get rid of it,
i know i'll always be torn.

always in a mourning,
for a want, at a place
no one belongs-
nobody to rescue
somebody to haunt,
there's always a human
inside, hiding somewhere
in the wrongs,
toiling the sky, spoiling
the earth with his arms
hypnotic and strong,
nobody believes in a home
where nobody stays for long.

the world is so static,
there is still a portrait of you
in the attic of my heart,
i thought i was done with
them stones and sticks-
when i found you,
and now when i remember it,
everything is so erratic-
maybe it was a curse,
maybe it was poison
could it be magic,
what was it ?

that made every good memory
i had so tragic-
stained by the ugliness of
your beauty, and a knowing,
that you must be
at a better place now,
outside, and i can't take it.

it reminds me of you,
you exist.
aviisevil Jan 2014
Clouds of smoke
Throwing down little pieces of pain
As I walk down the lonely road
Upon the puddle of memories left behind by rain

The sky is bleeding , weeping for a lost cause
As I march on , without a pause
The cold embrace of defeat , tearing me apart
The winds whispering , the screams of a broken heart

We're all like thorns
Guarding the roses we love
Ugly inside and out
As we dream of the beautiful

The thorns are finally stabbing
The roses they guarded For pride
Lusting for blood , let the beauty
bleed the say with a sick smile
Been Ignored too long , that the love has finally died
aviisevil Jun 2017
if i have to die in fire
then that's all i'll remember
in burning flames seething
fleeing my soul

feeling all that i've conspired
must have taken it's toll

it's her another december
and that's all i remember

now that i have surrendered
a part of my whole

there's so much more
than what it used to be
growing wings and
escaping into the sky

i've seen her cage
that endless sea

fallen in my ink
as i paint her a bird
to dream and fly

and if i have to fade
with my desire
for her will to live  

then that's all i'm 'gonna do

i have made myself
into a liar
where i sit

this place that isn't true

burn me

when you find me
or i'll come back to life

turn me
into a zombie

it's better than
being alive

the world doesn't want me
and it's alright

tell ghosts to haunt me

i don't want to dream about her
all night.
aviisevil Mar 29

here I am

here I come

thy kingdom calls

as I am

as I'll be undone

inside these walls

there won't be a name

nothing to love and hate

and that is all

there is nothing at all

so let the years fade
into the distance

so let the smile cut
open your throat

there is no hurt
there is no despair

there is only

aviisevil Jul 2017
the need to write is taunting my head, i've screamed so many times but there are still monsters under-neath my bed,

if it's alright then, why am i so pleased to be upset, is this world just a lie, is it just my mind and when one day i'll be dead ?

it doesn't make any sense, there's not enough fuel for suspense, it's as simple as it gets, multiply it by complex

life is just a paradox and that's all we ever get, learn and forget,
get trained and then get canned for being a lonely pet,
if there was only a place to rest, when we're tired and have questions, because guess life's just a test,
why is that so hard to be blessed ?

i've confessed all my sins but there's no forgiveness to my self,
they don't know how to read my words not in ink, and i know that for myself,
if i ever want to run away i can't, you can never escape from yourself,
and it gets harder if you ever find that you have nobody to tell,

that's a one way ticket to hell,
you have only your soul to sell

smoke is just a reminder of what was, something lost-
travelling in circles and out of depth

it's so hard to stop for a moment and take a breath

i fear death, as i fear life

there's nobody else left alive, in my head everything is dead, nothing survived

i'm an apocalypse and there's no place left where i can hide
every thought is another battle that i have no strength to fight.

the storm is awake and the moon has swallowed the night,
i don't know what to do, i can barely see in all this light.

it's gonna' burn all night, inside of me and it's gonna' burn all of me alright.
aviisevil Sep 2016
He thought for a second before turning away and said "Don't mistake it for a mere co-incident, luck or fate. It's so much bigger than that, like you see in a movie every single time and you do what ?, You disagree, you say things like these don't happen in the real world. You are only afraid because it is so simple. And it is so simple. That's why you are more scared than surprised, I can see it in your eyes."

She whispered in the ushering silence
"But why did it happen the way it did?"

He took a deep breath. Staring at the floor, and like an inspired teacher addressing a curious student, he began in a gloomy tone..

"It was meant to happen and it did, as simple as that. Nothing is perfect, and that tiny amount of imperfection we can never erase, that tiny percentage of something unexpected. That separates us from the world, because the world without us is perfect and meaningless.

He paused for a brief moment as if he was reflecting on his words.

" It needs us, our stories, Because equilibrium is ****** and boring. And yet everything runs towards it, the reason things exist and we breathe. Chaos has always been very instrumental in the making of our world, random chances that were gifted too many number of times. That cannot be mere co-incidence, luck or fate. And that's why this also cannot be so."

She just stood there absorbing every feeling that she could retain for tomorrow.

Now twenty years later, watching her  children play with her husband of fifteen years.

She finally understood.
aviisevil Dec 2017
searching through the pages,
reaching for the faded, hate it,
when the words speak back to me,

a room full of empty spaces,
there's this gloom inside of me,
and i hate it, wait for it, don't say it,
there's a world where it will forever be

every thought you whisper,
there's a place and time
to rot and wither,
don't mind the intrusion,
there's no illusion, only
confusion and this winter,

no delusion for the sinner,

if there's a she,
fill her

if there's a he,
**** her

don't do the math,
you'll go mad, don't look at
the man in the mirror,
there's nothing to understand,

what's gold will glitter
what's good will trigger
what's god fill figure out,
how to deal with dealers,

how to steal from stealers
there's no way to know about,
if we'll ever manage to heal her,
now that there's no dealer,

and we can't deal her,
what if he needs her ?

the man's age is not
what kills the *******,
the face can fade, can fake,
but not fool the reader,

there's so much to forsake,
you're so mistaken, if you think
you've taken more than you can
make, there's no heaven,

they don't tell,
but there's no hell

nobody left here to sell
no god nor satan,

so be lost or search for
a safe haven, there's this
urge inside of me to purge,
to lust and love, to ****** the
order and trust my imagination,

i want to feel the rush,
there's nothing as such, as much,
as a touch of annihilation,

there's more to the equation,
my mind is done with invasions

i need something more to grow
in this winter, something sinister,
to sow them seeds and linger,

to know when to bleed and
trick her, she already knows
too much so, breaker-
break her, he wasn't made for her,
so, take her, taker, give her back,
no giver, grieve for her,
don't leave her,

paint her, oh, painter-
paint her black,
if you breathe her,
she'll just make you sad,
don't treat her bad,
she's a reaper, she'll reap you
in pieces,

so let go and don't feed it,
don't feel it, you'll get used to it,
get confused by it, you'll know
when to get abused by it,
you'll know when to let yourself
be fooled by it, in a heart-beat,
only to repeat it,

the pain don't keep it,
the name, burn it,
if you see something strange
learn it, you won't earn ****,
but at least the leash won't be
on it, on here, on my neck,

on air, speaking torment,
screaming scared-
sacred fears and lies, with
fractured lips and eyes,

say hate and die
so, wait and pry-

don't burn the pages
don't turn the spaces
there's nothing in-between,

this world, it's faded-
my eyes red, and so sedated,
my head filled with smoke,
oh, how much i hate it-
when i start to lose control,
to find, nothing had ever been,

and it was all a dream,

there's always something
to scream,
there's always a place for me
to linger,
these words, they ink on me,
and i wither,

of all that they say to me, they
don't mean, what they seem-
as they whisper,

spring and winter,
they just don't talk

with all that love untold,
kept in a box of a paradox,



aviisevil Apr 2014
Time flies past like an uncaged bird,
Into the blue skies lest it unfurls
All of these lies that i've hold onto
will come back one day and hurt

Where was I walking to,
What is that I'm walking away from
Everything I knew was right here
A moment of truth and it's all gone

Why can't I be the man in the mirror,
Why does this world keeps its lies
I try so hard to hear your whispers
But every word escapes my eyes

Why did I lead myself to this place,
It still pains that no one understands
Is it so easy to believe my face,
And not to be seen for who I am

Be gone like the thunder in the sky,
A flash of light and a roar that'll die
I am here today like I always was
And I still have no clue why

The layers of disguise won't ever melt,
And the mask will change with every breath
I know nothing remains the same,
Why is it so easy to remember and so hard to forget

I see the world through its scars,
Torn and left to rot in my heart
I try to hold on to these winds,
As they try to rip me apart

Now all that's left is just me,
these wounds that'll never heal
with every step I lose myself  
And I know morrow I won't even feel

It's gone just like it came,
Only to leave memories behind
Now I don't know where I am,
Maybe somewhere no one can find

There's no comfort in this solitude,
Of what I have craved for so long
Mute as it is, world never cries
This silence makes me feel so alone

And now i'm back to where I belong,
At the edge of my own, I crawl
Everytime I find the key to be free
I run straight ahead into another wall

As I let go of the last string,
Of which binds me to my own
I know i'll wake up the same
I know I will be gone

Come back and haunt me once more,
Lie to me that I am of this world
Make me see through these mirrors
Take me away form where I lurk

And for the last time make me feel,
It's been so long since i've felt
Life running through my veins
I've lived far too long in this hell

Let me walk till the end,
Even if I never make it back
I've lost everything else
This journey is all I have

This journey is all we ever have
Understand, just once.
aviisevil Nov 2019
not today
said the man in the mirror

hope is dead

monsters under the bed
are reaching out

the world on the other side
is screeching loud

and i have to find the devil
singing inside my brain

plead him
to take over

to find and contain

for i need his poison
to colour me red

to fight and sustain

breathe fire
and stoke my breath
feed the flames

take away the calm
that has set

from years of being
on this side of the mirror

not today
today we rise
not all evil is bad.
aviisevil Feb 2015
Don't you remember your face
When you realized
That I was a king
And now how it fades
When in your lies
I began to mean something
Those words are lost
And so are you
In your pain
So the angels won't stop
To pay a devils due
In a morbid shame
So let the hell burn your soul
Enchain you
Enchant you
Till your scars become sour
Feed you to the ashes
Crush you and suffocate you
Trap you cold
And you are sold
The lore
Voices in your head
That were bled
And shed
In a box that was lost
When the heart wept
And the sheets were red
So take your pain
And build a wall
Pick your hammer
And bleed it all
Eat away all your scars
Those cut too deep
Don't worry about your sin
Only feed
As you grow in a vengeance
Another tear
That you don't need
Heart heeds no resistance
When a breath leaves
And you drown in your own
As when the poison seeps
Consuming the locked doors
And you're freed
So consume what is left
And burn away all that is gone
Engrave your pain
On your heart of stone
Give in to your nightmares
And enslave your mind
Skin yourself bare
So nothing is left to remind
The signs
And the memories
That won't die
And the truth in your eyes
More painful than a lie
Emptiness that feels like
The hollow of the sky
Where the stars kiss the dark
And rule the infinite
The same color
As that of your heart
A shadow in the night
And when the black reigns
In corner you run to hide
In a hope to find
And to save yourself
Another day to die
A thousand times.
Everything becomes the same
As it was before
And you don't want to be
Yourself anymore
An image of your reflection
Pure of your guilt
A castle of your yesterdays
Which from your arms was built
Broken apart
Piece by piece
and shard by shard
As it ceases to be
So does your heart
And now all you have
You can never wish back
Painted in black
All over your conscience
And memories you had
Nothing remains of you
In the ruins you left behind
To save yourself
Another day to die
A thousand times.
Give in to your demons
And chase away your tears
Drown yourself in freedom
With the curse you now bear
Wither again in your words
In the voices you hear
Burn down this world
So you can battle your fear
And Slay monsters those haunt
With the blade you hold
Pick on your veins
As you grow cold
Taste your pain
As you consume yourself whole
In the years you stole
Sometimes clear
Sometimes blind
A hope that you will find
And save yourself
Another day to die
A thousand times.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Feb 2017
I'm in love
so in love
with the idea of you
and I don't know
what to do..

I keep forgetting you
now and then
and in the end
I know you'll disappear
If I ever open my eyes

and now i have to walk
blind.. for the rest of my life

and I'm only alive
for this brief moment in time
and before I leave behind
this world and sleep
I have a few words
I'd like to carve on a page
in a language so strange
that it becomes a cage
for your mind to keep

you don't have to weep
you'll never know
that I was here
that I was yours

I won't bother you anymore

[when it's too far..
when she's standing so close]

from a thousand miles away
down the road

I don't exist.
When it's too far... when she's standing so close.
aviisevil Dec 2020
tonight i see no stars,

tonight the deep black has swallowed what little's left of the world

tonight there's nothing out there to look down upon me from the distance

and she's not here to fold into my arms to comfort my soul

tonight i see no stars, i see no ghosts sailing in the eastern winds

i don't hear the city mourn with its lost lovers and young pain

there's melancholia at every corner filled with silence it cannot contain

maybe there's more to this nothingness that my eye's cannot explain

tonight i see no hope for tomorrow and i don't wait for the promised sun

i'm sitting here in this silent room while the lonely road goes on --

i'm waiting for the birds to sing and break me away from this lonely hour

but it's still an eternity between me and the sounds of the living

and i don't have the comfort of the sky of reminding me how small i am

and smaller still, whatever that ills me and keeps me awake

as i stay still fighting the wilderness that has made a home inside of me

i wonder about distant planets those that exist for nothing

i wonder if they know of my pain, if they know what it means to live with a broken heart that never smiles --

i wonder if there's someone somewhere awake just as i am;

i wonder if his night is filled with stars.
every poem isn't a labour of love, but this one has all my heart!
aviisevil Nov 2014
I'm tormented by the demons inside
Silent whispers that make me scream
The never ending circles of insanity
Nightmares that make me too scared to dream

Voices inside my head telling me the other side of the tale
Of what I've lost and gained
A hope that's slowly fading away with time
Burning whats left In deep core of mine

The pain reaches out like a lost lover
And I get lost in the sweet embrace
What has time done to me
Made me forget my own face

saints do nothing but preach
Hollow words i don't need
Tempted by the shine
They're knee deep in greed

The winds caress my soul
And I look up , maybe sky's too far to reach
The dark clouds have captured the sunshine
Forbidding us to meet

I'm haunted by my broken dreams
The pieces I can never rebuild
Tainted by my failures
Stained by the guilt

The road to freedom is never ending
And at Every step Im on a puddle of memories
Taking me back a thousand nights
The veil of memories hold me tight

And I start again
The never ending circle of loss and gain
Knowing I can never be whole again
With teary eyes , the hope has drained
And I look up with a heavy heart
Through the dark clouds
And i know , The sky can feel my pain
It reaches for me , it rains...
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Apr 12

sweetness of
the moon rains down
on the last bus
going home

all the flowers
crushed beneath
the sky

cry for the
mother tree

for she was standing
still when I met her

I don't know what
else to tell you

I've never known
what it feels to be
someone else

and you don't
exist inside these

perhaps I'll trade
all my fantasies for one
moment of absolute

it's not that hard
to mute what little
is left of me

is this how you feel
when you are sober?

aviisevil Sep 9

the last of me

watching the
sun set

orange and red
and pink

the ***** of the

the scent of an
old city

an eight year
old boy

watching the
sun rise

the last of him

the last of many

eyes wide open

aviisevil Apr 2018
when it's 4 in the morning
and you still bleed
awake and cold; with an open
book you just couldn't read,

when the thought gets old and
lonely, and you continue to sleep-

caught and stuck in a world
that cuts deep,
and you didn't give a ****
when you had the time
to leave,

and now you weep,
now you feel-
it's all in your mind,
all the lies, and the bad deeds

so you seed the sky
as far as your heart can beat,
pouring all the stars down-
and drowning the sea,

it's 4 am in the mourning
and i cannot breathe
the world is about to wake up
and i cannot sleep

every lie is so ****** up,
what's mine ?
i cannot believe

what if i reach for them,
and they just get up to leave ?

sometimes i feel relieved,
when everybody's gone home
and there's nobody left to meet,
to give your life up for-
and to need

it leads you astray-
the emptiness, living off
of ashtrays and nothingness

made friends with
waiting for the end and
the madness,

mesmerised by your love
and it's royal vastness,
your memories haunt me
and they want me-
my loyal highness,

there's so much autumn
in me, my veins - winter,
and mind scarlet-

i look in the mirror
and i guess i've forgotten me-
i don't remember you,
you look so harmless

and my heart is with you
i guess that makes them true too-
i am heart-less.
aviisevil May 2014
In the hour of slumber,
Shine of the stars conquer
Every nook and corner
Of my fragile Mind

Mute queen sings,
A gush of dream it brings
Give me my wings
In Lullabies of serene silence

I wake in wonders
My heart surrender
I can touch the thunder
With my eyes

I see
What I am
In the
That falls
On the ocean

I see
What I am
In the
Shine of stars
That holds this
Door open

In this moment of calm,
I raise my arms
Floating in the storm
Of my imagination

Made into a maze,
Every turn amaze
Of the worlds face
I can glance into

Brought back to life,
These puzzles won't survive
A memory of night
I could never keep

I believe
I am
But a traveller
Running through
This paradise

I believe
I am
But a dream
In night sky
I found
My home
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jun 2022
how beautiful must you be to reject the Gods?

there is more to a painting
when you know how it ends

every stroke made in haste
and for no one else

where the world is made and
broken down for someone else

words fade perched upon the
pages for someone else;

deep into the forests helm
where an orphanage thrive

rains that fill the oceans
before it is time

devouring the sunset deep
into a submissive grave

where the beasts fall in love with
the wandering mermaid;

how beautiful you must be
to reject the Gods?

the very essence of what
it takes to birth a heart

is captured now in still water
and cascading waves

perhaps one day we could
swim carefree

into the same melancholy
that makes a home inside the
swirling storms

maybe home isn't what keeps
us from the outside:

it is us playing make belief
on the sullen porch

guarded by salt walls and
lashing tongues

the horrid stain on every artist's
discheveled desk,

wrestling with dreams
and thoughts;

how beautiful must you be
to reject the Gods?

aviisevil Nov 2014
In the dark cold night,
When our tears weep.
Trying to hold on,
To the promises we keep.
Dawn is at our door,
But we don't remember anymore-
How to fall asleep.
Our blade cuts deep,
The Only comfort we need
Laying so still,
In the blood stained sheets.
Trying to hear in the silence,
If our heart still beats.
They won't remember us,
When we're gone.
All of those memories,
That we lived alone.
In this world of ruins,
We could never find no home.
Cometh our morning,
But the sun was still unknown.
More than enough,
In excess we were made.
Begged our loneliness,
No hand was there to take.
All we ever wanted,
Was to be heard-
And we did wait,
Now the winds howl,
Of our mistake.
Dear Ashley,
Only we decide our fate.
You won't find anything,
Behind your steel gates.
Break down the walls,
See through the cage.
Maybe, it's hard to fall asleep,
But ask yourself,
Are you even awake ?
Still, I would believe,
We can touch the sky.
Through these chains,
We can see through the lies.
In this darkness,
We realise-
It's so easy to die,
But I would still be staring at the sky,
Waiting for a phoenix to rise.
Dear Ashley,
Don't give up tonight.
Close your eyes,
And wait for the sun to rise.
It will.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Dec 2022

chemical nights
city lights
and the isolation

farming dreams
while they scream
in my head

loneliness eats
and it repeats
in synchronisation

insects crawl
while people talk
in my head

gnarly roads
vapours from smoke
and annihilation

words i write
have already died
in calming insulation

and the rot
has set;

the dark coming down
all over me.

aviisevil Dec 2021
I tried. I tried going about my existence the way world wanted me to. I lived my life the way I was told you are supposed to live. I lived for them, by their rules. I wasn't ever smart or intelligent, sharp or funny..
I was never the brightest guy in my school nor the most popular.

I never liked studying, I never liked sitting idle waiting for things to happen either.. things that were placed in somebody else's hands..
to judge me, pass me or fail me.

but I tried. I tried really hard to become all that. and on days when I made it, it felt like I was wrong and they were right.

that they know how to live a life and I don't, that I tried too much..

I stayed awake all night so I could let them have a moment of happiness at my expense. I did all that, I lived all that, and I suffered.

day in and out. I was miserable, more miserable than anyone can ever be.

in my search of their greatness for me, I never made a friend because everything was a competition.

yes, I fell in love. but it wasn't love at all in the end. she was like everybody else, just wanting things. so I left.

and so I'm leaving. I'm leaving you all today. I'm leaving because even though I know you never meant no harm.. you did more harm than you can ever imagine.

I'm leaving because in spite of constantly listening to everybody..
I never learned a thing.

I'm leaving because i can no longer be a part of the world the way it is today.

a world that's not made up of dreams, or the sky. but people put inside boxes. I don't want to live my life in a box, and no amount of money can ever tempt me. no. today I leave.

today I leave, to never come back. for if I don't leave today, I might never. I'm leaving because I'm tired of not telling you how much you **** and I don't. I'm leaving because I now realise what you never told me. it costs nothing to be happy.
aviisevil Jul 2021
how many times have I sat in a cafe alone

empty chairs to keep me company.

with a brave face, and tensed brows

trying to look past the hazy blur that
seems to have caught me in trance.

sipping on the bitter coffee to remind me there's something to live for

and finish before I leave here, be gone for maybe what could be my last time

of sitting alone in a cafe, of people and chatter to keep me company,

I used to like it here.
when was the last time you enjoyed yourself ?
aviisevil Oct 2017

share your thoughts,
stay humble-
stay in the bubble,
of nothingness, and
the light that makes one

i have my mind,
and then yours to fathom-
universe is so random and yet,
everything makes sense,
if you let your mind wander
far enough.

there's something in rocks,
and water. beneath all that ice
and laughter. that stops all-
all the disaster of being shipped
back to the same hollowness, walls,
and the better part of silence, science,
of not knowing-
where it all came from.

but stay inside the skin,
away from the approaching
nuclear winter and dead people,
made within the deepest darkness
of a normal mind. for it is the normal,
that is against all that is beyond
the grasp of reality.

we'll always be indebted
to our totality,
until the piper leads himself down the
rabbit hole.

but do share your thoughts,
stay humble, lost-
in your bubble of nothingness.
aviisevil Nov 2015
do you want to die ?


then, why do you cry ?

i..i don't know

do you still deny ?

..what ?

lies ?
voices ?
dreams ?
life ?

the shadow creeps from within
forming a circle I cannot escape from
rings of smoke choke me inside this pit
where I have been since the beginning of time
consumed and alone
in my own
dreaming and mourning
sometimes the sunshine seeps through the cracks
and I can see every scar on the wall
tears begin to fall
and I know I have lost it all

is there nobody else ?


do you remember yourself ?

I don't know

do you believe in hell ?

yes, it grows...

do you still deny ?

..what ?

pain ?
beauty ?
love ?
blame ?

the cold sets in every corner before converging into a singularity
and your mind loses control over your heart
have you ever seen a river cry ?
rain fly ?
because tears look like water from afar ?
like dried blood on a dead rose
breathing life into the beauty and its beautiful haunting
this deathly grim wanting
that lasts more than any day or night can swallow
and there is nothing in this hollow
either the silence  
or a whisper that fills the atmosphere with thunder and storm
there is no life to warm
the corpse

death has a solution, you know ?

can you let me go...

come near and I will show ?!

but i don't want to see.. I don't want to know

be one with the flow, can you let it go ?


why deny then ?

because i would do it again.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil May 2017
there's a place in aral sea
where there's nothing left to see

to the east where it dies
all the tears wept and dried


in my mind
where it seeps
in my veins
there it bleeds

on my brain
where it feeds
on my pain
there it breeds

an emptiness that i cannot be
a void so deep that i cannot leave

there's a place you cannot flee
when there's something left to be

in a moment to be dead and gone
some places just don't belong

nobody cares for
what cannot breathe
no matter how alone


with no air in my lungs
to scream and feed
the forest in my brain
will dream and screech

against the metal
that'll make complete
a barren island
that cannot seed

there's a face in aral sea
who has got nothing left to see

to the east where it dried
all the tears rot and dry.
aviisevil Nov 2014
Locked inside a box
A warm heart he hides
Black fumes and somewhat lost
He waits for sun to rise
Trapped inside his thoughts
There's a circus of dreams
One man , many faces
With no structure and no means
There is no definite
Thousand possibilities marrow may bring
Carrying the yesterday's
To be moulded and bind him in strings
He carries his own salvation
But is trapped in the circle of life
He awaits Tomorrow
Where he no longer have to strife
He waits in nothingness
Out of his struggles , a new hope will arise
For better or for worse
He will be free of the puzzles that confuses his mind
For now he's his own master
He is his own slave
There is no structure as to who he is
He stands on a thin blade
A Stranger to self
stranger for anyone who happens to pass by
He happens to be in a dream
Untill this moment passes by
Nothing but a shadow
Of his future and his past
He waits for tomorrow
For this moment to last
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Dec 2015
when hell is above and sky is down
the rain suffocates and it drowns
I can't feel my feet
can't feel my heart
and I don't remember if i'll ever be found
I break apart
when silence makes a sound
for in this hollow
there's not a soul
nor a ghost around
there is nobody to be found
I know I'm chained and bound
to my fears and to my scars
who we are
what we were
how we will be
that's never going to count
'cause all we'll ever have
is walking dead
we're already dead
wearing a frown
We just don't know it yet
aviisevil Feb 2017
lover, love her-
keeper, keep her.

for it won't
come again.
aviisevil Nov 2014
I'm not perfect
but I'm true
we're not the same
I'm not you
when i look in the mirror
its not you who i see
there's no choice
we cant be who we wish to be
everyone's got something
others can never have
everyone's got a different story
when you look back

we 're different
and so is everyone else
each of us a different icicle
and it never melts.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Oct 2015
we're not as stupid as we were told, the years of abuse has made us cold
the love is gone and hate won't hold
we're not the ones to be bred and sold,
we're more then
a small heart beating, repeating the world over and over in a rhythm to make a song of life;
black river, blue skies, two faces in the crowd weaving sunlight,
grey world and white,
taught to be loved but finding not a soul by your side,
we have come from the same place, same stories and tales,
albeit different words but the same sounds, the noise;
when you've been screaming all night cold but no one is there to hear your voice;
words perish into the pages, tears cash in blood and ink-
reflection from the mirror, ugly and faded;
when did it matter when we began to think ?
when we began to sing, bowing to the queens and kings,
breathing the world in and watching all of its sins
and lies, what we know and have seen from our eyes;
unheard, what they don't see..what they can't see,
drawing the world in the shapes we want it to be;
always told that the mind won't hold over the matter,
and dreams are...just dreams, build and bred to be shattered,
in a million pieces to be scattered, so we never find ourselves;
the old road has been bitter, the steps ahead lost to the mist,
echoing the same reason that made us clench our fist;
spoken ill, made to be weak..blindfolded with what they had to teach,
but we learned, as they preached;
the one's who got away,
the one's who got away,
now we suffer, from another siege,
locked and chained, walked through years of tears and defeat;
made weak, enough scars that we won't leave,
tied in love, awoken in dusk..the dawn has always been on the far,
falling prey to their lies as we rust and bleed;
we could never see a mother weep, there is something hollow somewhere deep;
walking to the edge of the world, only to fall and meet,
the one's who got away,
the one's who got away,
they would never know our pain, as we watch another one die,
who are you, I've never heard them ask us why,
if only we could see them cry;
and they still pry on us,
now a black heart beating, repeating the world over and over in a rhythm to make a song of lies;
we have always been more, if only they could ever see the world from our eyes.
we've felt it.
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