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aviisevil May 2023

the day
is lost

i sit in

it's a lonely

of fractured

and boarded

to do

the world
must keep

until i fall

it stops
for no one

aviisevil Jan 2014
What 'god' do people talk about ?
When they say "he wont show himself untill you believe"
Maybe it's something I know nothing about
I'm wise but not a priest!
That he wont find us
if he's not found
What type of 'god' is he?
Who needs a prayer to be around
And what do they mean
When they say
"be true to him or else you'll be packed straight for hell"
So if we are atheists he just wont help?
Is he the same god who preached
Of equality and love
That no matter who or what you are
In his kingdom no one's 'gonna judge
That all man is same
And kindness defines a mans worth
A bad man with faith is good ?
But a good man with no faith, not so much?
Is he the same 'god'
My momma told me about ?
That he's the one who leads the way
When one's in doubt
Or is he the 'god' they know so well
They look so sure but I cant tell
If its ignorance or just old faith
What is it - their blind love or hate ?
And some of them just cant wait
To lay accross a point that their god is better
And so so great
What!.. There is more than one?
Different 'gods' for everyone!?
And if its true
What is religion if not his propaganda
And what are we if not his slaves
I have a question..
did he give guideliness
For the stupid rules we make ?
I say , why run behind things we cant understand
And portray our faith as pure
'cause if he truly exists
These things woudnt even matter anymore
Would you stop being kind and true
If tomorrow he didn't exist
What about the temptations you hide
Would you be able to resisit ?
And would you be the same
If you found out you really are alone
Or would you change
And thrash what once you called your home ?
Why build walls of glass
Which can be easily shattered
Be true and kind nonethless
And you'll find his existence dosen't really matter
aviisevil Feb 2014
I think I am dying

Why do you say that  ?

I don't know , I'm lost

Can you come back ?

I lost myself today
Even more than I wanted to be
Maybe I'll go away
There're things I don't want to see

I escaped myself today
To be lost in the angry sea
Every drop is a new way
But I'm just too blind to see

I killed myself today
A dream that wanted to be free
But I wanted to stay
Maybe someone would've found me

What have I become
so many years and tears of guilt
Can I ever be one
With a heart that this pain built
You can see me fall
As I let go of your hand my friend
I will leave it all
And I'll be gone away  in the end

All I wanted was to live
life never gave me a chance to win
As I went deeper into the night
Every light started getting dim

I walked on without a pause
There was nothing that I could do
The road behind got so lost
I Couldn't return when I wanted to

Now every part of me is dying
I decay with every whisper I make
More lost with every answer I find
I fade away with every step I take

What have I become
Just a memory of my yesterday
Can I ever return
In those moments I want to stay
if I can't have it all
I've to let go of your hand my friend
I have to leave it all
And I'll be gone away in the end

I never wanted this to be real
But my dreams got the best of me
And now the wounds won't heal
Now please let me go , let me be

Every breath is like an arrow
Piercing right through my heart
Every moment is now sorrow
the darkness is falling apart

And I can see what I couldn't
Behind the clouds i can see me
I can reach but I wouldn't
Those moments , just let them be

And if I ever get born again
I want to be stronger than I am and i ever was
I know there'll always be pain
But can it find me , If I had always been this lost ?

What have I become
A ghost that may never leave
Will I ever return
In time to find the real me
You can have it all
Every last part that belongs to me
Make yourself a new doll
And Everything will be there but me
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Sep 2020
home is where the heart is, but what if the heart is broken and lost ?

what then, when there are no roads and no pathways, but a forest with naked trees, and with barely enough sunlight creeping in, to make out the void that surrounds us at all times.

what if a mind does not require a body anymore ?

where do we go from there ?

questions pierce my conscience like an asteroid hitting earth traveling at a thousand miles per heart beat,

evaporating any sense of belief or religion that existed in the deepest corners of my being, resembling a fire that even sun is afraid of --

what if the answers never come ?

what if everything ends before i can wake up, before i have the urge to do something worthwhile with my dreams and fears,

i can build castles in sand and bury my doubts in tiny rooms with tiny beds, but never escape this impending sense of doom that has made a circus in my veins, always to and fro the axis, as i wait for the silence to scream from across the ocean, i guess i'm still waiting for somebody to say my name before i forget how to think,

and i'm still thinking of various ways to end this train of thought and perhaps i'll jump off at the next station, i can see myself from afar howling at the wheels of my suffering for taking a turn for the worse,

it's better if i leave this room before it devours me, i have so much to think and so little room to sit idle, it's as if the walls are suffocating me for fun, every brick vibrating like the bones in my body, trembling in a careless rhythm --

and it feels as if i can never escape from this sadness that has made a nest inside my hollowed body, i am but a step away from breaking down in little brittle pieces of absolute nothing,

i'm so close to being scattered, of crying rivers and oceans of my solitude and misguided birth, but i never do, i never let the rain **** the storm --

i never let the blues paint over the rotten reds, and greens and everything that does not come with a colour,

i enjoy my drakness alone, and i make peace with the ghosts those dance around us when nobody's looking,

i swallow my screams until i'm drowning in my own sorrows, my eyes in a horrific trance, watching the atoms destroy each other a billion times in plain sight,

it kills me that nobody bothers, nobody cares until they're dying, with unrelenting sadness at all times breathing down their necks, ready to bite and drain away the lesser world.

why life when there must've been so much before ? -- i wonder in disguise of madness and tame melancholia, ruined by man made conditions and nefarious activities of the restless and unkept,

and yes, i'm talking about you too, about us, about the gods that live in palaces made of rejected prayers and songs,  

i'm talking about memories, slowly decomposing into dead skin and dusty old book shelves that harbour nothing more than old age and forgotten fingerprints fading away even though the arms of the clocks on the unraveled walls have stopped moving, and the time has stood still peeking from outside the window, waiting for somebody to draw the curtains.

in the cold gloomy room where i've sat everyday for days to come, i sit even now paying attention to every detail, with empty promises and smothered dreams, with voices that echo across the many places inside my mind, buzzing with words that change with every step, and no matter how deep i crawl there'll always be something on the outside that just doesn't make sense.

i wonder if that's how people feel, otherwise it'll be harder for me to explain when i'm done talking,

i'm always breathing the fumes of whispers and stories that people radiate, walking room to room, traveling in circles, and in straight lines that never deviate to accommodate any other shape, reason or thought, always blind to the things passing us by, never turning to see if there's more than what greets the eye when you're looking for something out of place.

perhaps that's why we never leave our souls and wander about in the world of ghosts to see for ourselves if there's more than what we think there is, always believing to choose the lies instead of the truth because we were taught not to be real in this binary world where being out of the box means you're exposed,

that's when i wrestle with the man in the mirror, strangle him and complicate him, abuse him and starve him, carve out his body in my own, paint over him until all that i see, are my eyes peering into my soul, telling my mind that my thoughts have died a sudden death and all there is, is an echo that keeps fading away whenever i remember i do exist, and this is more than just reality, and i'll be better off without my own company,

who am i ? three words that keep me from ending it all, i hope there's no answer.
I'll try to explain what I cannot.
aviisevil Aug 25

tired men
weak minds

traveling in

venom in their

to spit out the

in arms of a

talking about
their kingdom

armies of
the world

the great battle
in making

of thoughts of

how it all

aviisevil Apr 2016
I wish I could turn back time and see if I wasn't loved
every time I see something I have this urge to put it in words
draw across the canvas of nonsense, I know there's little time
I'm painted so ugly that I don't walk in sunshine

I have no idea what to do with
all this pain
so I paint another face and give it
a new name
    and the smoke chokes all as I wait
for the rain
I turn my back to the wall and the
canvas is blank again

I'm here, I'm screaming, I swear it was there
I don't think I'll be leaving, I'm still breathing what I wear

sometimes my voice gets lost
in the silence I make
I wonder how many more lie's
my conscience can take
I know I'll change into a monster
before I ever escape
My mind feels so strange
after the lights fade

I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve
i'm wearing a smile on my face
It is so hard to live and breathe
when you're suffering
from your own mind and space

it gets so lonely after a while
that I can only feel my own face
my heart is still young and vile
searching for an unknown place
I'm so far from home
I think I've forgotten where I'm from
as I count my steps so I can go black
when the sun's in shade

*I'm here, I'm screaming, I swear it was there
I don't think I'll be leaving, I'm still breathing what I wear

I'm here, I'm screaming, I swear it was there
I don't think I'll be leaving, I'm still breathing what I wear
aviisevil Jun 2020
this loneliness it speaks

it seeps into the atmosphere
and creeps into my lungs

and i'm drowning
gasping for air

trying to read
between the lines

before the words

and i am consumed
by the dark.
hello, can you hear me ? I am sad.
aviisevil Jan 2014
It was cold and grey
clouds covered the sky
Two men waiting for the bus
As the spring kissed goodbye
One was young
Bright , Mathew his name
Other was old
Tired ,they called him bane
On the other side
From the pavement across
Kids were playing
In dirt and moss
Mathew turned
And whispered to bane
Ah , childhood
Wish I could live it again
But bane just smiled
And not a word he uttered
Mathew was silent
Under his breath he muttered
How rude!
But at that moment
A pretty lady did cross
And Mathew stared
Coudnt keep his eyes off
Mathew turned
And whispered to bane
Ah, manhood
Don't you wish to be young again
But bane just smiled
And not a word he uttered
Mathew was silent
Under his breath he muttered
I was rude !
But at that moment
A beggar came in the plot
He asked for money
But Mathew had not
Mathew turned
And whispered to bane
Mind some change ?
But bane just smiled
Not a word he uttered
Mathew was silent
Under his breath he muttered
He's cold !
But at that moment
A bus came to stop
And the old got up
used his cane to guide and walk
And Mathew just smiled
And not a word he uttered
Mathew was silent
and under his breath he muttered
I was blind !
aviisevil Sep 2014
-It was cold and grey
clouds covered the sky
Two men waiting for the bus
As the spring kissed goodbye

One was young
Bright , Mathew his name
Other was old
Tired ,they called him bane
On the other side
From the pavement across
Kids were playing
In dirt and moss
Mathew turned
And whispered to bane
Ah , childhood
Wish I could live it again
But bane just smiled
And not a word he uttered
Mathew was silent
Under his breath he muttered
How rude!
But at that moment
A pretty lady did cross
And Mathew stared
Coudnt keep his eyes off
Mathew turned
And whispered to bane
Ah, manhood
Don't you wish to be young again
But bane just smiled
And not a word he uttered
Mathew was silent
Under his breath he muttered
I was rude !
But at that moment
A beggar came in the plot
He asked for money
But Mathew had not
Mathew turned
And whispered to bane
Mind some change ?
But bane just smiled
Not a word he uttered
Mathew was silent
Under his breath he muttered
He's cold !
But at that moment
A bus came to stop
And the old got up
used his cane to guide and walk
And Mathew just smiled
And not a word he uttered
Mathew was silent
and under his breath he muttered
I was blind !
It speaks for itself.
aviisevil Sep 2019
nor a fox not wise
with claws and pipes

a forests breath
with death ripe

just a day in paradise,
that's all i pray.

no fool for a price
nor a herd for a prize

malfunctioning slight
chocked with parasites

just a day in paradise,
if it wasn't for today.

spoiled thoughts
and foiled spite

caught then boxed
with no air to bite

lost and left,
kept for the nights

in transparent red
herein painted quiet

just a day in paradise,
for the one who pays.

in a stranger's head
with debt of dice

where heaven lays
and the dead shall rise

seven solemn days
that'll never come twice

mourning for prey
by a mornings pride

just a day in paradise,
for a day in paradise

if it wasn't for today.

kissed by the fire
shut with wire

no word nor desire
and made in ice

broken prism's charm
in arms of a lover
born away and in white

doused in hope
and not a dime to pay
no dream nor life

just a day in paradise,
and it'll never go away.

where beauty slays
and inferno hides

dante's meal
and a mountains might

where a valley bleeds
from a pelters diet

melting the stones
and people alike

just a day in paradise,
that's all there's to say.

whence scars bleed
opened far wide

and the hour sleeps
in fear and fright

where words fail
to tell and describe

rotten and stale
fighting the lights

just a day in paradise,
for the one who stayed.

nor a fox not wise
with claws and pipes

a forest's breath
with death ripe

just a day in paradise,
and that's all i pray.
what shall you be in paradise?
aviisevil May 2016
i am in despair
withering in the cold depths of
passage of time
a trail left behind
with a winter to spare
and as i stare
into the memories
that never lay bare
a soul
i am reminded
how cold it must've been
to have a dream
when it wasn't yours
aviisevil Nov 2014
Live in the moment
build walls around it
call it your home
'cause you're gonna miss it
when its gone

take a picture
hang it on the wall
so there's somewhere you can go
when you've lost it all

keep it in your heart
a place no one can touch
'cause you know when its gone
you're 'gonna miss it very much

it may never come back
so make it your dream
so when there's a lonely night
you have a place to be

live in the moment
build walls around it
call it your home
'cause you're gonna miss it
when its gone
maybe you don't want to believe
that you will be strong
but say what you want
you're gonna miss it when its gone
Notes (optional)
aviisevil May 2016
i remember her eyes
the tears
and silence

silence of saying good-bye
never knowning the violence
that comes after
when the tears have dried

so many thoughts have died
in tears
since there was a spring

always burning
always returning
to a december deep within

in her smile
that i cannot let fade
aviisevil Aug 2022
10/8/2022  -  11:16 pm

some took my arms
some took my legs

took my bones
took my head  

they tore my clothes
they ate my flesh

took my eyes
cut open my chest

even my name
even my breath

they took my veins
even the threads

nothing remains of me
not even my death


aviisevil Sep 2016
Under the bed look what I've found
There's a dead cat and there's a clown
Inside my head I'm wearing a crown
Suddenly why do I feel so cold and down ?

Am I blind, Have I lost my mind ?

When the river is up and sky is down
sun's burning my feet but it feels so good yeah
I'm drowning standing up on the ground
There must be something burning someone somewhere here

The time is strict and I'm guilty of everything I've built
As I look back now I see so many in fear
Moments die to gift you the orphaned guilt
As I look back now I cannot see a single tear

Am I blind, Have I lost my mind ?

In my dreams I remember my town
All the people that were, still are, yeah
If I close my eyes I can still hear the sounds
Coming from my brain as if it's all here

My screams are weak and my eyes are brown
I look inside the mirror and I feel so depressed
All those corpses buried in the ground
Will revolt one day if they're any longer suppressed

Way inside my head I am weeping
All those holy memories over flowing and dripping
Bleeding all over the floor and sweeping away the filth
As I'm left here breathing, yeah

If you want I'm ready to give you an ounce
Of my soul in return for your loving embrace
I have nothing else to sell I'm broken down
I don't remember when I made home at this place

Am I blind, Have I lost my mind ?
aviisevil Jan 2021
look at home,

the night is dark
and yet forgetful

warm room with
bodies sound asleep

cosy air breathes
through the windows

as the leaves fall
somewhere in the future

and a rainy day
is on the offering

carelessly stoking
arms of the clock

it's a shelter still
this warm room

filled with things
that will be --

old and dying,

as the leaves fall
somewhere in the future

for enough springs have
come to pass

now that i sit here
looking at old photographs,

visiting home.
this poem is about time and progression, memories, nostalgia, golden days and dark cold nights. I miss what has happened, and I'm afraid of what is going to be.
aviisevil Feb 2017
and so it goes
another ghost
down the wonderland

from the veins
shelter on the rain

and nobody knows
if the season
will ever be kissed the same

up on the rocks
far away
where the ocean screams
I can see bodies floating
like it was only yesterday

swallowing the dreams
torn by the seam
on a bed of thorns
a road never walked upon
I saw him run away

this other being
who looks a lot like me
and I wonder if
there's more than I've seen ?

a place more
than where i've been
a red sky
and the meadow's green

and so it goes
another ghost
down the drain

and I'm so afraid
that I'll never make it
to the wonderland
ever again
It's important to feel like you're in a dream at times.
aviisevil Dec 2015
I wish I could see
how I was consumed before
I am not who you see
I am not here anymore

I am a stranger to myself
mirror has stopped speaking
and I don't feel the air
even though I'm still breathing

forgotten places whisper to me
call me back to where I once belonged
there is nothing out there anymore
and I've been gone for so long
there's nothing back there for me
it's all gone
it's all gone

cutting open the old scars
I want to find it all again
tied to a different tale
every word is still the same

I will erase my sight
so I can be blind to my own fragility
I wish I was more than what I've become
I've forgotten what I wanted to be

I will fade into the pieces
that sheltered me from my own
in one smile and a thousand diseases
it's all gone, it's all gone

if I consume myself today
I know there will be no one left to mourn
for all that i had once means nothing
it means nothing if I was never born

forgotten places whisper to me
call me back to where I once belonged
there is nothing out there anymore
and I've been gone for so long
there's nothing back there for me
it's all gone
it's all gone

People who stood there once before
No one is there anymore
how the world forgets
where the sun sets.
aviisevil Feb 2016
I remember watching you slowly walk away,
with a million voices I begged you to stay;
with a thousand tears I wished for your return,
yet you kept walking on
everything left behind was consumed and burned.

my heart was ripped apart while I was still breathing,
you never felt the pain I was keeping,
I remember you smile while you whispered me my scars,
you never looked back;
I saw you walk away and far.

I remember knowing you were lying in arms of his,
I stayed awake all night fighting the demon's poisoned kiss,
I was withering without any colour or flavor to suffice;
you turned blue then,
as cold as ice.

you left me questioning my sanity and what comes after,
all night long the silence kept lingering with your laughter,
oh I loved you still then and I know it wasn't meant to be,
while my eyes were raining,
in his eyes what did you see.

you were gone and there was nothing I could do about it,
I kept fighting the air but that's about it;
you left me with monsters and beasts I could never tame;
you Promised me your all and yet,
you left me once again.

I remember screaming because you were stuck inside my head,
I remember how my bones hurt with every morbid breath,
I was locked inside a cage you made with your flaws;
where were you then,
when I was destroying my all.

I remember feeding myself lies to numb my soul,
I remember waking in cold nights as black as coal,
and without a noise you found your way back;
but I was gone, oh I was gone;
for while my eyes where raining,
I saw the sun like you never have.
aviisevil Nov 2021
while my head gently weeps
and my soul is awake

i find myself drifting
a length in time

and there's nothing that
i can do

but pass softly
onto the next moment

marked by days and
months of restless afternoons

breathless nights awake
smoking aimlessly

trying to recall your
fading face and

the things we used to
talk about for hours a
lifetime ago

how is that every sad
thought leads me back to
you ?
aviisevil Dec 2015
I don't know if I can find my way back again
with all these miles eating their way through my soul
all I want is to hold you once again, oh baby
why don't you come and give me my heart back that you stole

do you like watching me cut myself open for you to see
that I have bled enough tears to drown the both of us
do you really think behind the walls you can hide from me
tell me now, tell me again, tell me what they tell you about love?

pretend nothing ever happened to make yourself calm
keep yourself drunk so that you don't know what to do
but depression always make me miss the warmth of your arms
tell me again, tell me now, tell me what did they tell you?

I find myself wandering in the empty alleys of the forgotten lane
only ghosts and rust linger there in the empty hue
I inhale the toxic fumes to keep my thoughts from eating my brain
I sometimes feel like a zombie too dazed and confused

withering in the shadows of the bygone yester years
rotting beneath the flesh of the time and its stain
separating dreams and fiction from the ones dear and near
searching through the scattered ashes and finding no names

if I **** myself before I can die, let me give you my all
for I have no place else to be, there is no place for me on earth
so tell me now, tell me when I'm sane before I fall
tell me now, tell me again, tell me what they tell you about love?
aviisevil Aug 2014
I condemn you to the deathly shadows,
Where you shall be consumed in your grief
Said the dark lord with a grin too shallow,
And the old frail man could do nothing but weep.

The burning gate to the pit of hell's dark fury,
Began to open with a noise of thousand screams
The old man laid his eyes upon where he would be buried,
And scars tore his skin with misery he had never seen.

The dark lord began to whisper the song of death,
And the world shook as if welcoming another soul
Through the ashes of the past and future he was led,
To the grave of dark where he would be mold.

The sky burst Into the flames of a dying star,
And the blood-stained rain began to fall
The time lay ever so still at the despaired hour,
Soon the under-world will devour his all.

Bearing the chains of his own depraved suffering,
The old man began to count his last wish
And the clouds of wrath lay awake and thundering,
As the vision of the old man began to harbour mist.

At Every step he fell deeper than his last sorrow,
As the blood-lust blades tore through his surface
Where ever must he go his consience wouldn't follow,
He caught himself from the storm in a withering maze.

The dark lord was now but a memory of past,
He was in the hands of a far more evil creed
His maker had given upon his soul at last,
And the mute angles could now do nothing but grieve.

The arms of age had at last freed him of his thoughts,
He was rising to a world very different from his own
In those moments of torment he was alive but lost,
And could give up every weight he borne.

The eyes were left open but he was long gone,
Like a mechanical animal he walked in daze
His thoughts weren't his own but the heart did mourn,
Tracing the walls of his grave where he was laid.

The white mountains rose above the golden lake,
And every breeze would now numb his soul
In the wonder-land of death he was made,
Only now his nightmares weren't his anymore.

But of the dark lord.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jan 2014
You could never see behind
Memories in our mind
Now , when you look back
What do you see,
Outline of my face ?
Or can you look through my disguise
Did you shed a tear ?
When I went away with the night

You walked on
Into a new tomorrow
Kissed emptiness
To embrace the hollow
I did long for you
Now i have sorrow
I lost you at the end
But i did follow

What we created will die
Magic will fade away
Haze may hide for a while
But there'll be a different day
Dreams will be broken
Smiles never stay
We plead and pray
But they never stay

Now when its all over
Do you still think about me
Now when I'm gone
Are you free ?
With heart and eyes
What do you see ?
is it you
or me
In the mirrors
who do you see?
aviisevil Feb 2017
Leave me please
Love me deep
I'm about to cease
I'm about to breathe
There's nothing to feed
Nothing to sink my teeth
It'll be another millennium
Till I'll be freed
I'm not the circus you can seek
Nor a dream you can sleep
Not a road you can reach
I'm your god
I'm your slave
I'm anything you crave
Left alone in a cave
Made one in your mistake
Every machine ever made
The life you make
And the life you take
I'm the rotten seed
The forgotten forests creed
Far from the civilization
I abide by my greed
I'm not the one you can teach
I have no soul to preach
No walls you can breach
Just an ocean
That you can never keep
One that will never bleed
Or breed
Everything that's inside
For I am
One and only
No matter how much you laugh.
aviisevil Nov 2014
Ma'am, why did titanic sink ?
- they said even god can't sink it,
What happened?

First of all,
How dare you show your skin,
Do you want them to see-
Everything that's within,
Don't you know,
It's a blasphemous sin-
To say you don't agree
And that too with a grin ?
How dare you say what you want,
You talk about freedom-
One day it'll devour you,
Strangle you and haunt.
This book will decide your liberty
- dare you taunt.

When the night is upon us,
Who would you run to.
Come, even though it's dark-
And nobody can see nothing,
These words will save you.
Save you from what you ask ?
Ah, another question at last
Don't you know,
You need to have it in your heart,
Or else, it won't save you
-as the darkness rips you apart.

We are all his children,
Never her.
He's your father-
Meh, forget about our mother.
She's probably dead or something,
She ate the apple or something,
Stop asking questions,
Even the book doesn't know everything.

I meant it knows all-
you'll ever need to know.
Science is magic,
Didn't you know.
You can be blessed too,
If you can stare at the wall
Hard and long,
Fold your hands and bend your knees,
No, you idiotic being
-not for a *******
But to see the unseen
And hear the unheard
Master of everything
And the shepherd of the herd.

Freewill is his gift,
We choose to decide our own.
'tis is his kingdom
And 'tis our home.
Even at the darkest night,
He'll never leave you alone.
But if you don't pray enough,
Believe enough,
Go to a temple enough,
Do a million things enough,
He'll send you to hell.
That's his one and only-
Requirement for you,
He do wishes you well,
But you see it's not democracy,
It's like a king and a kingdom-
Sort of like a monarchy.
We'll be at each others throat,
Human banality,
He made us for god knows what
-but he loves us all the same,
So don't take his name in vain.
The black, the brown, the yellow,
The white a little more,
See, he's so fair.
- well everyone has their favorites
Why deny him his share ?

The point is,
Do what you're told
Or he'll extinguish the fire
And you'll be cold.
He'll give you a blanket instead,
Oh, he loves that drama
And don't you dare believe in,
Something called karma.
It's all his creation,
The mountains and the lake.
And you'll find every word of his,
In this book-
Everything he ever said.
Yes, we did note it down
- to be honest,
We borrowed some from around.
You see,
He had an accent,
A little southern and down.
So, we brushed over those parts-
We didn't understand,
With other stuff we found.
But, you mustn't-
Disrespect him in anyway,
Here take this book,
It says-
Million ways on how-
Not to disrespect the one almighty.
Don't take this lightly,
Hold onto this tightly
And the sun tomorrow-
Will shine again ever so brightly.

Yes, he teaches us to love
But you should hate
- who don't believe in him
Or believe in something else,
That's not him.
He is one and only,
You'll never be lonely
-with him.
Every dark night,
Won't be as grim
And every river
Will flow for you till the brim,
Your lover will give you,
The biggest shiniest ring.
The birds will talk human,
Dance and sing.
There'll be plenty wine to drink,
And when you'll be drunk,
You'll understand why-
Titanic did sink,
Because it didn't believe in him.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Dec 2015
you should have known
we would be on our own
so alone
scared of tomorrow
'cause everything feels so hollow
we count the shadows
so alone
through the night
and tears follow
every breath we take
dreaming a tale that we made
but now it's no-more
like the summer we met
it's a different story
we've lost ourselves
the season couldn't stay
and we let
ourselves drift away
and now we know
how low
one can go
before the sky has withered
and now we know
why we didn't show
even though
nothing else mattered
nothing but you
nothing but you
now we don't have a clue
of what to do
and all I ever wanted
was all of you
I hope it's not true
what they say about love
so alone
on our own
we burned our home
so there would be no walls
now we have the sky
soon the tears will dry
and we can have it all
everyone but you
everything but love

now that we have the world
tell me, why does it still hurts?

aviisevil May 2015
Every step I take is another scar on my soul,
I wish you could eat me and consume me whole
Rip me apart in pieces, till there's nothing left to hide-
I wish I could make you feel every tear that I've cried
So many words I've chained from the noose on my throat,
One whisper to wear and one whisper to choke,
Too much confusion, let us be gone somewhere,
Only a pull and you won't even see me anywhere.

How can I see through your eyes
In the hollow mask you keep
If all you do is dream about the lies
Tell me, how do you leave ?

You live with a delusion that I must be real,
An illusion someday the wounds you gave me will heal,
I cannot breathe, you caught my breath once again,
I hope the silence would be better than all of this pain
And there's no one left to tell us what we want,
I thought everyone will be gone, in a wish to haunt,
My hurt is for you to keep, too many tears I've bled
Now swallow my pain till your tears become red.

I've seen every whisper of love die
You think I've never seen you weep
If your lies are as hollow as the sky
Tell me, how many stars you need

Seek your own nightmare, I've had enough to feed,
So many questions but I've not got enough to bleed
Buried in your night is the tale of my blue sky
You know every answer but you still ask me why
Take me to your dreams and I might see more clear,
How it makes you feel when you have love to bear
I have no other reason to guess what you mean,
And all I want is that I can smile when you do scream.

I've had it all once upon a time
In the yesterdays for us to keep
Now that you're no longer mine
Tell me, how do you sleep ?

I've never seen you cry
Did the scar ever cut  you deep
Now I'm the one who had to die
Tell me, then why do you weep ?
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jun 2015
winter falls across the face
dancing down from the clouds
as the ink consumes a page
i see thunder roaring bright and loud
hear me, roar
i heard them voices
whispering to the winds
i remember another lore
one memory divided
dangling by the strings
i can still feel their presence
in these moments passing by
i see the painting on my wall
sometimes I hear a mother cry
as I find myself lost again
in the comfort of a winters gloom
it has been so long and
i haven't seen the flowers bloom
I've forgotten how to breathe
and the cold have made me numb
I'm too old to leave now
and see what I could've become
so I watch the winter fall
watch as it begins to fill the hole
Oh, the winter
it swallows it all
anything shining or withered
leaving behind
only the fading footsteps
and the whispers.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jun 2015
he saw them marching,
as the golden rays kissed
a solemn good-bye
he was there still, standing-
in that late winter
when even gods  
seemed to have died
he saw them riding,
with their spears and shiny armour
the silence drowned the noise
and suddenly,
it became calmer
he could hear his mother whispering,
old dreams and a spring  
men behind him screaming
he heard them call a king,
With rugged and torn shields
they made their way forth  
a shadow slowly approaching
and he raised them his sword
a roar through the mountains
for here cometh the lords
into the shiny armour and spears
Into claws of the beast
either way
there'll be a feast
so he stood his ground
as the shadow covered them
in that dark to drown  
they laid on the ground
They laid in pieces
Sleeping for the crown
Nothing remains now
only a howl in a winters breeze
And if you close your eyes
you can still feel them breathe
blood and tears,
Roaring for a thousand years.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jun 2015
mister wick had a secret
that was too wicked to be told
master win lived in winter
with a heart so cold
mister wick burned himself
with words bought and sold
many springs have come and gone
win has become old
magician had the sea of seasons
wizard his wizardry
war never warrants a pardon
for a legend legendary
magic for a tragic clock
a cloth for a face to hide
when he killed the winter
his grin was grim and wide
the secret was cold then
words had lost a tongue
the other king was dead and
the heart was still young
another winter to howl for
now that his dear is dead
the lone king wears a crown
on winters wicked head
as snow begins to fall again
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jan 2014
Answer of life hides not in time but the wisdom of age
memories leave scars that remind and pain that stays
builds a home out of the wrecked emotions and hate
leave walls to fend for themselves as the music fades
against a storm that approaches and brings gloom and hail
a duel with a forgotten nightmare , pen against a blade
resonating to the lonely sky , whispers of the sage
a drop of life lost to the depths of the grave
Words of the fool and wise written on every page
All souls are puppets and life is the stage
Acts of disease only visible from the dark gates
Hidden from the gloom that haunts the naive bait
**** or be killed in this chaos , wisdom of the age can't wait  
Calling of Iove , beauty don't be late
An army sleeps in lullabies, sin is creed , war of faith and fate
Young is waiting for the words , wise for the wisdom of age
aviisevil Aug 2014
Note: It might make no sense to you but that's fine.

I don't fuss over the way someone choose to cuss,
Or the god chosen to represent depravity in some of us,
I don't need to look beneath, you're too rotten on the crust,
Priest is no god, but that's where you invest all your trust
The same face-less pig who died in a **** lab,
In a stupid police bust.
But I must apologize in advance for I know,
There is no end of ******' stupidity in some of us,
Mechanical brains, new and old, filled to the brim with rust,
******* reigns, what's the harm in givin' your body some love,
God told ya so, touching your private parts will turn you to dust,
How stupid your god is, why give me a candy I can't eat ?
Tempt me by temptations, and still made me human so I can weep,
No wonder the world is going crazy, I forgot the rituals I had to keep,
Yeah, beat thy women into submission, gods one and only creed,
But what happened to the old fool, who went past the fence,
Crawled over the surface, the muscles in his **** so tense,
Ready to paint the world, in the color of his own,
Find the fertile land, and let his seeds to be sown,
Barely walking, heavily influenced by the anti-christ and blow,
What happened to that rebel, did he ever find a *** ?

Where are the mad-men and the sick-men,
Will all this depravity finally come to a ******' end ?
What about the cuss words and the torment,
Don't lie, I know you're never 'gonna have enough of them.

Where are the sick-men and the mad-men,
Something is wrong, can anyone tell what happened to them ?
My ***** is too strong to hide, I'm in need of some women
And my words have no ink for my pen-is full of *****.

Beat me to death for echoing this blasphemous myth,
Condemn me to hell, and just be done with it,
Tell me how beautiful your god is, c'mon ******' do that ****,
Scream anti-god on my face and call me sick,
All religions laid down on the table, a difficult pick,
Order me a ***** to undo my *******' zip,
Watch me hold my **** and cover your cards with ****,
The fragrance of arrogance, something you can't resist,
Ask your momma to climb over me for a perfect fit,
As i ride her to glory, watching the divinity of some ****,
yeah, I like them on all fours, I'm such a ******' narcissistic,
And yet you hate me, **** me for you're such a pacifist
As I watch your smile slowly turning into a fist,
And in mist, what do you seek, there's STD and you're at risk,
So go back to your home and complain to your god,
There's a rebel out loose and he needs to be caught,
Pick up your holy book, and remember what it taught,
Then turn it over slowly, and read the text in broad,
Holy ******' ****, that's six dollars for the words of god!

Where are the mad-men and the sick-men,
Will all this depravity finally come to a ******' end ?
What about the cuss words and the torment,
Don't lie, I know you're never 'gonna have enough of them.

Where are the sick-men and the mad-men,
Something is wrong, can anyone tell what happened to them ?
My ***** is too strong to hide, I'm in need of some women
And my words have no ink for my pen-is full of *****.
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Dec 2015
the wind blew
through an eastern sky
the land was barren
thirsty and dry
there they stood
in the meadows eye
bearing the same colour
as you and I
men were savage
one could hear them cry
wearing voice of the devil
about the world in peril
aviisevil Jan 2014
This world is a terrible place
And I can say no more
I've seen what we're capable of
and I would say no more

Once I knew a man
Full of life and hope
But in the name of religion
I saw him lying dead and cold

Once I went to a home
Full of smiles and joy
But in the name of society
I saw it Burned and destroyed

Once I saw a girl
She was smart and wanted to win the world
But a few deranged souls
Left her in a state that can't be expressed in words

Once I saw a man
He was wealthy and spent money on things that didn't matter
While thousands die
Because they can't afford food or water

This world is a terrible place
And I can say no more
I've seen what we're capable of
and I would say no more

Once I went to a man
who preached of love and faith
But the ones who weren't his kind
He told, they only deserve shame and hate

Once I went to a place
It was home to a thousand face
But I saw it as a prison for few
They said they were a different race

Once I met a a kid who could barely speak
He was little and fairly weak
He was abandoned in front of a gate
Now he makes a living selling himself by the lake

Once I thought I knew the world
A world made up of gold , silver and the pearls
But we ignore the world just a step away
A place for the realities and the horrors unheard

This world is a terrible place
And I can say no more
I've seen what we're capable of
and I would say no more
aviisevil Feb 2016
an old man sits quietly and watch the sun rise beyond the mountains,
a lonely young girl kisses a red rose fondly and throws it in the fountain,
a small boy runs past a mother of three looking for her daughter,
a man silently lights up a cigarette and stands by the corner,
a fat man eyes the candy shop and quickly turns his head round,
someone in black stares at the sky as they lower the coffin into the ground,
one little girl eye the beautiful lady standing next to her at the shop,
someone walking past the flower shop halts as the traffic stops,
two dreaming eyes gaze at the four eyes staring into each other,
one blind kid screams into the walls where echo lingers,
a lady in wheelchair smiles as she hands herself to her man,
two little kids in the Park slowly destroy the castle made in sand,
one man in uniform looks up at the New shiny building by the street,
a tall beautiful man looks past his eyes as they begin to weep,
a dog barks as the postman delivers the last of his chore,
a frail old man sits melancholy waiting at the door,
two young spirits race each other hand in hand at the shore,
a young boy sleeps merrily as a mother sings him a lore,
a daughter watches her father as he lovingly kisses his wife,
a mother sits by his boy as he battles death with life,
a young couple strolls down the street into their new home,
an old man sits patiently by the pavement cold and alone,
an old woman sits quietly and watch the sun set beyond the mountains,
a lonely young man picks out a red rose morbidly from a fountain.
aviisevil Apr 2018
i have no friends,
and that's not the sad part

i'm going to be alone
in the end,

walking home with no heart
filled with aliens and scars-
but that'll suffice;

there are stars in the sky
and that'll be enough
to keep me going,

as i look at the world
differently, now that i am;
apparently insane
temporarily in pain

momentarily in silence,
as the violence takes over
my infinite soul;

i count to three
and then it's four,

and then i rain,

the moment breaks
for somebody to open the door

i have to go back in again
to let it all out,

and all i do is scream
and shout,

painting the walls with
my voice,
and inking the hollow
in my veins,

breeding calculations,
and bleeding my sane;

feeding hungry air
with what remains of me

reaching for the paint
so i can be a colorful ghost
when they see me howling,
at my gates,
through that one window
i could never break,

and i see,

between smiles and saints,
the miles, and the slain,
sitting by the fences
wearing a morning scent-

a night i couldn't wake
what would you tell a Robot in love ?
aviisevil Mar 2

when did you go

I asked the yellow

I've watched you
as you've watched

grow from young

to an autumn that
nests in comfort of
a heavy blanket

worn down with
every breath of the
weary chore

how come we're
so old now?

aviisevil Nov 2014
I'll say it straight
No lies , no wait
You will never be enough
So let me say
And hear very clear
You are very dear
But I'm honest and I won't deny
That you were once
The love of my life
But little by little
I realised
And little by little
It all went by
And what was left
Wasn't enough
I want more
Than just your love
I'm not a coward
I won't hide behind a wall
I'll come out clean
And say it all
'cause longer I wait
More it will hurt
I care for you enough
To not treat you like dirt
It wasn't your fault
You are perfect the way you are
And you caught me in the eyes
But could never penetrate my heart
So be on your way
Take away all your stuff
I will say it once , no more
You'll never be enough
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Jul 2020
i wish i had a few words
for the things i cannot explain

if i tell you about my hurt
would you tell me about your pain ?

or seek me through the dusk
and as far as the ends of the rain

if i only have for you is love
would you love me back the same ?

of all the things that i've seen
now they slowly blind me

even if this ain't a goodbye
you'll never know where to find me

tears wipe away the slate clean
and with years no one can reclaim

and once i had this dream
where we were young once again

i hope the forest's still green
and that the ocean hasn't changed

if i only have for you is love
would you love me back the same ?

of all the things that i've seen
now they slowly blind me

even if this ain't a goodbye
you'll never know where to find me
I'll never let you find me, but I'll always be there somewhere, behind closed doors and cracked windows, looking out as you look in.
aviisevil Jan 2014
Oh , I think we're back again
Where we left off our sweet little games
I know what you want , to Hurt me again
Throw me down the drain and to cover me with cuts you inflict
You want me to be dressed in pain
But I don't blame you , I blame your guts
To come out here in the open , let's kick some butts
And let me roll one first , got any cigarettes bud ?
Than we'll talk about how much you loath me
And why I think you're even worse than dirt
So take out the old photographs
Wipe and clean , common you fool ,DUST !
Make them shine so that they remind of the time when we were all about love
It makes us smile and makes us giggle you didn't believe but it's a major fiddle lost to the name and the riddles
That walks in the maze and amaze with all that rage it cages in the middle
And all that murderous thoughts provokes the anger that drowns our fears for we are the leaders
Marching forward with coldness that blinds and madness that shines through the eyes of a
And to witness the blood that flows down the streets and make you believe that there is nothing more beautiful than red
Maybe you've lost your soul but you still have your head
So go ahead with your last Breath and paint this town with your cred
And the wounds that were given to you in a disguise never did set and you play with them in your spare time but you're not comfortable yet
And it burns and it turns and you learn form someone that the one you hate lives down the street just at the end
And when you go down and search around the only thing you found was a mirror
you're so stupid , my friend !
aviisevil Nov 2017
my fingers tremble
my mind fumbles
my thoughts tumble down
the drain
my brain goes blind
my eyes start to bleed
with the pain i keep
the hurt i bleed,
and the sorrow i seed
in my ink.

as i write my suffering
to you
always wondering
where you are
sometimes wandering
there out far
where i can hear
us clear, still-
young and laughing,
still filled, with love
for years to come,
but the time always comes
no matter who you are
or what you do
someday everything has
to burn,
the page has to turn,
so a new tale could be told
and that's how i lost you
and that's why this is,
what was, will always be true,
but i never knew-
i never cared, and now when
i'm here i'm aware, what it means
to have a dream,
what it means to scream just
to dull the silence and null
the violence running through
the veins,
there's pain and then there's
this something more,
that i can't describe, maybe
it's just life, i don't know,
maybe that's how it goes, that's
how it's all supposed to be,
but i see you when i don't want
to see, and i hear you even when
i'm screaming, now you're not even
mine when i'm dreaming,
now, i don't remember your face,
when i look you in the eye,
maybe nothing was true, and it
was all a lie, but i have two kids
there somewhere happy under a
blue sky, and it reminds me,
of me and you, and i hope i go
blind before i forget this too,
before i die here without you,
in the middle of the universe.
to you.
aviisevil Apr 2014
You say I'm undone
Thirsty , like a fish without water
You say I'm on a run
Chasing sunshine , it Dosent matter
I've painted on walls
A window that cease to exist
And I'm looking through it
Hoping someday someone would fix
These broken pieces I carry
Sheltered in my heart
You say, I'm mourning
Every moment with all my heart
I'm climbing on a ladder
One step at a time
You say I want to reach somewhere
One moment at a time
But you never tell me
How come you know all my secrets
You say , I'm an open book
Filled with riddles I've kept secret
There's more to me that meets the eye
I'm a droplet in the ocean
I'm hard to distinguish , to find
I'm a song that plays for no one
You say , I'm a smile that never shines
I've been searching long enough
And it only made me more lost
In this wilderness I search for civilisation
You say , I love wilderness
That I'm nature , I'm pure like dew
Untouched by what lies beyond
I'm a window without a view
There's a reason why I've closed all the doors
You say , I'm not ready to get out
That words are hard to come by
One never knows what I really think about
You say I'm an endless road
Passing through an infinite space
There's no sign as to where it'll lead
I'm just waiting to be freed
You say , I love being pointless
Routine eludes my being
The point of my existence
Is to be in slumber with no dreams
I'm a bird without the wings
Looking at the sky in disbelief
Asking questions never asked
Why was I made for what I'm not
You say , I'll fly away at last
I'm someone who I'm not
Without pretending , I still wear a mask
You say , I can hide myself all I want
But my eyes says it all
You say I'm different , everyone is
But it's the latter that matters
A hope I silently dismiss
I love them colours , as long as its in black
You say , I'm someone I could never have
I love the calm of sorrow
In tears of silence I hope to find peace
That I am looking for a dark corner
Where I could unleash
i think I exist therefore , I am
And you say i am , therefore I exist
Notes (optional)
aviisevil Dec 2015
You were my peace, the beauty of this world;
You were my calm and ecstasy.
You were my heart beat, you were my drug;
You were my all, and you'll always be.

you are my pain, the dream I always remember;
you are the reason why I'm afraid to fall asleep.
you are my spring and the winter of December;
now that you are gone, i cannot even breathe.

you were my savoir, arms that kept me warm;
you were my home that held me from the storms,
now the rains drown me and I have no place to be;
longing for your embrace, soon the silence will **** me.

you are my darkness, that feeds on my soul;
without you I cannot leave, I will never be whole.
you are the emptiness that echoes through my being,
you are more than the years that are slowly growing old.

you were my moon, the light brighter than the sun;
you were the tale that kept me from closing my eyes.
you were the fire, that kept me alive and now it burns;
you were the reason why I never separated truth from the lies.

you are my sorrow, you are the face that never fades;
you will haunt me evermore, as you cut me like a blade.
you are the reason, for every demon I ever made;
and you shall be my death, as you were my life-
my love, it will all be over soon, you don't be afraid.*

Everything I was, was yours to keep;
Now all I am, I do not need.
When I'll be gone, I know you wouldn't weep.
For It's time you wake up and I fall asleep.
aviisevil Oct 2018
we do things, we say things and so we breathe,
we love things- far away things, and so we bleed-

some blue things, some red ones, and some come with ink,
some done in dusk, some burn to dusk, some are green-

some new ones, and the old ones, and some with the sheen,
turned into a few guns, two bullets- one cold sun,
and one with a dream.

and I do things, i f*ckin' say things, and so i greed,

i brew in ink and then i glue my sins, i sew the smoke rings- and then I grieve;

i confuse things- in a few drinks, and the smoke will be freed

so, I can feed- forever, going 'round in circles.  whatsoever for, sleep ?
aviisevil Feb 2014
Head banging to the rhythm
Up and down , hair falls across the face
They don't care , it's their nightmare
In the voice of cobain with a little *******

Revolution in every heart
As the words kick in the ultimate high
Carnival of colours broken down in shards
As the bits and pieces rips open the eyes

Far away from the world
They sell their souls in this haunted ruins
To the gods of the gods
As the moon comes up to the zeppelin tunes

A fortress rise from the ashes
As jim takes the stage to shower madness once more
Drenched in the 60's gloom
They taste the freedom like never before

Everyone takes out their pistols
To induce a little anarchy
God save the queen ,
But there's beauty in this brutality

at the corner of the dark end
Stands the whispering boy
Tripping in his genius
Name's floyd

Night rages on
As the pages from the bible are passed across
The mad guy is preaching again
Anti christ-superstar screams on a cross

Smoked with purple haze
A voodoo child dreams and plays
Hands on a blade
He sets the air on flames
Knocking on the heavens door
He picks his sword to slash
The wall breaks down
Comes down hard with all that cash

Night spawns in different dimensions
Twisted realms of metallic thrash
Welcome one and all to 'tis witches Sabbath
Every breath coming out now is black

I stand there lost and found
gods screaming on
With every cast they Spell
To a promise land I'm bound ,
Never coming down
I'm on a highway to Hell
aviisevil Feb 2016
I often remind myself that I am still breathing,
that I'm not drowning in the air struggling to dream again.

I keep walking in a hope that someday I can leave those voices behind,
I have always wondered if there is more in my head than just my mind.

I pretend to be human, I pretend whatever they wish for me to be,
I keep staring in the mirror for hours, where am I.. where is he?

I question my sanity because I fear I do not belong to this place,
I am afraid what I'll find when I peel away this rotten face.

my teeth bite into my skin when I'm scared of them hearing my soul,
I choke myself in pieces till I cannot hear myself no more.

sometimes I find myself drowning in the cold winter air,
I struggle to dream again and find myself in a nightmare.

I wish there was more to this world than I was taught as a child,
I'm just one of the skeletons burning in the rotten pile.

I draw shapes to my scars in order to find the meaning of my pain,
I do not feel anything anymore until I hurt myself again.

I'm burning within my cold skin, I am ready to ignite,
I see all these people walking who aren't even alive.

I wish I could take a life, I wish I could be better than this,
I know there is more but the dessert mean nothing to a fish.

I am fading away into the stark darkness that follows our lives,
I often remind myself that I'm breathing,
but I am not alive.
aviisevil Apr 2015
Can't you feel it in my heart that I'm burning,
Got bit by a zombie and man, I'm ******* turning.
Would I end up as ugly as before-
They say beauty is inside
So, If I peel my skin-
I'll be prettier than before.
Man, I don't know,
They seem pretty gross to me.
I mean,
I'm no racist,
But I know you'll get me-
When you see one running around,
They are everywhere, man-
On the roofs and on the gound.
I saw a man once being caught,
Only his ******* was ever found.
I saw some drown tough,
It was very funny.
I guess, they haven't learned to swim yet-
But there are just too many,
Of them-
Running naked on the streets,
Going after every piece of living thing,
Alive or dead,
Man, it's something you can never forget,
It's crazy out there, man-
And if you haven't seen that ****,
You won't understand.
Even the dogs are infected for some weird reason,
Hollywood got that one right,
Yes, indeed.
There are zombie dogs for real.
Zombie dogs
Oh my god-
So ******* cool, man,
They chase around the slow ones on the street,
It's fun to watch,
Only one or two usually gets caught.
But it's also very trying,
I've lost so much weight, man.
I now look like that bale guy,
Who was batman,
In that joker film,
It's him,
I saw his movie where he is so so thin.
Forget that,
I mean it's different than I thought,
It's like being in a war,
A real war.
Now I feel how those people felt, who were living in a war,
And I never gave **** about 'em all,
We speak tall, man-
But we left them to crawl.
So, I'm feeling strange,
Not Like the strange strange,
You say when you say-
You're feeling strange,
It's a little different,
But I'm about to die anyway,
So what the heck-
I'm gonna run the horse one last time,
Hey, it's not a crime.
I also don't like blood,
Man, that **** scares me.
And the government is gone,
So nobody is there to care for me.
It's horrible-
And not even Hollywood bad.
It's way more nasty, man
They don't tell you that stuff in the movies, man.
Horrible sight of filth and naked, ragged bodies,
Covered in dirt and blood-
Chewing on a finger of somebody.
They pop those like a candy man,
I mean, a long juicy meaty stick of meat,
Oh, ****-
I think I'm becoming one of them, I have to leave,
If you find me-
Shoot me in the head,
And if I bite you,
Don't be mad.
They also ****, man.
It's kinda' sad.
See what you can.

— The End —