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 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
Even though we are not together anymore
Even though we don't want to talk to each other anymore
Even though we don't want to see each other's face anymore

Somewhere I still hope that you remember my birthday like i remember yours.
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
You left me but i found you again in my poems.
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
He waited and waited and waited for her
She dated and dated another
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
Long were the days when she told him
"i will love you till my last breath"
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
I still think about you at night
you come back to me with all your
sweet little lies.
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
While talking to Moon i asked "How can she sleep peacefully after hurting me so badly?"

"Because you wished for her happiness."
Moon replied
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
You slept in a nightmare.
You didn't care.
You didn't want to wake up.

The reality is more painful and scary than the nightmares in your head.
You didn't want to wake up.

Tired of waking up to just find a nightmare of a life.
I was just thinking what if the dream needed you?
Hey guys. Have a blessed day ahead!!! God bless yall
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
I am so sorry for not accepting your correction. That things would not happen how I see it. It would happen as how God planned it.

But only if you knew the thought I put behind the things I do.
But only if you knew I care for you.
But only if you knew I just need you to appreciate my love for you.
I am sorry. Please continue to correct me. That I may love you more and more each day.

Please mother....
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
Smiling. Like you don’t care.
Laughing like you actually like what they like.
You just want to be in a spotlight.
Saying those words like its your line,
I believe its time you stop.
I believe you should stop thinking you are on top.
Forcing yourself in...into a “perfect” you.
Keeping yourself captive.
Wanting to be in their collective.
Because you want to fit in.
“ I know how you feel.”
I said into the mirror.
Finally it is clearer.
That I don’t have to be a joker.
Anymore...that I could be myself...finally...forevermore.
Be yourself okay:) But, of course when someone corrects you, thank him or her;) God bless yall
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
Demons lurking in the light of day, as well as the dead of night.
Demons living in souls, eating them inside out.
Controlling minds of life to spew out death.
Glitching with the my spiritual eyes opened. They glitch and I see the talking, blinking, singing skills of theirs. The words they spoke walked up in the air in smoke.
Their doom be laid bare in front of them.
The coins and notes they use are like marks on their hands and foreheads too.
When the mark comes. They won't hesitate to take the opportunity to go to hell to their father of lies.
They get puffed up with the smokes and piles of soot and ashes that would soon be burned. Piled up high. Their punishments piled up high.
Their names not written in the book of Life.
Thinking that the father of lies didn't lie that they would be happy and content and satisfied if they just bow down to him...just one time.
Lord, you have shown me how dark the world is.
Lead me into your light.
Save us.
Man. The world is so dark and filled with evil. Little is light and peace and true love.
Demons are real guys. And they manipulate. They are sly and cunning. Be careful saints!! Rise up as the Children of God!! As we await his second coming and the new Jerusalem!!
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