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Nov 2015 · 656
Children's Rhyme
Mandy Blu Nov 2015
pizza pizza on the table
grab a piece if you are able

reach for one before its gone
pizza pizza won't last long

pancakes pancakes on a platter
hear the forks and dishes clatter

ask for one before they're gone
pancakes pancakes won't last long

sandwich sandwich in a stack
what a tasty looking snack

grab it quick before it's gone
sandwich sandwich won't last long

ice cream ice cream in a bowl
Serve it up while it's still cold

eat it fast before its gone
ice cream ice cream won't last long
Nov 2015 · 504
Mandy Blu Nov 2015
I get worried I'll fail you
every day you succeed
you're too good and I'm selfish
I don't know what to do

have I held myself back
or is it easy to rest
I can't tell if I'm present
So I'm worried I'll fail you

Worried I'll fail you
with a kiss or a touch
with words or a look
do I give you enough

Am I here
Is this love
why can't I tell the difference
Between worry and absence
between passion and desperation

Is this normal
I can't tell
if I'm treating you right
You deserve to be happy
You deserve a fair fight

I'm confused and I'm scared
That I've made a mistake
For your sake
I am hoping its only cold feet

I had this idea
a long time ago
of my future and a man
who was different
one that I didn't know

I was separate
apart from this town and these faces
No memories
just me and a new life

so where do we fit
when its you and its me
when time takes us both
Where will I end up
Where will you be

Was this a mistake
poor timing? convenience?
I don't want it to be
but it feels like I'm losing

and writing this feels like a surrender
a sabotage
because this is good
we are good
why am i worried

im so scared
but I'm happy
I have doubts
but I'm laughing

When we are together
when we are apart
theres a difference

am i shallow
am i selfish
am i stuck up

I'm confused
I'm scared
I'm guilty

but this time
It has to be you.
Mar 2015 · 717
Mandy Blu Mar 2015
When I went to New York
I felt something change
Though the feeling was foreign
It wasn't so strange

When I stepped on the ground
And picked up my feet
I felt I was meant for
Those rough city streets

When I was with you
I felt something less
We used to be natural
Before we confessed

But now I have found
That we too have changed
We used to be natural
Before we were strange
I find that my last relationship crumbled because what we had naturally as platonic friends was lost somewhere along the way. When I visited New York City, all I could think of was that I felt the same emotion that I had lost in that relationship.
Mar 2015 · 712
New York City
Mandy Blu Mar 2015
The wind blew cold
Our hearts were warm
Past buildings old
We found our form

And through the streets
We found a pace
moving our feet
in that foreign place

We were not told
We'd grow to seek
The wind blown cold
Across a cheek

But even so
Things aren't the same
We did not leave
Quite as we came
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
What's Done is Done
Mandy Blu Mar 2015
We took our turn and tried our best
To find success in a classic game
But with our love put to the test
Found lions much too tough to tame

Young love blooms before two fresh eyes
Which saw their colors brightest in May
But when that flower wilts to die
Best pull its roots than let it stay

Two stars in the sky made to grant
Two wishes one yours the other mine
And you may wish for what I can't
But changes not the ended line

We tried our best and that is true
But do not forget that love can end
For with good time I Firmly knew
This was not love I wished to mend
May 2014 · 306
Mandy Blu May 2014
Maybe you are
Maybe I am
I'd hate to think otherwise
Not sure I can

Strange to consider
Worse to dismiss
Let's not think on it now
Static in bliss
May 2014 · 337
Mandy Blu May 2014
I am happy
I am glad
That I read what I had overlooked

I am excited
I am ecstatic
Now that I know the truth

I am impatient
I am waiting
To hear all you have to say

I am happy
I am glad
Even more so every day
May 2014 · 9.5k
Mandy Blu May 2014
Sunday will come
Just a few days from now
An eternity to wait
To say what is long overdue

Sunday will come
And we will confess ourselves
Fear will hold us
Hope will push us closer

And on Sunday
When we both shake in emotion
My hand in yours
We will find a way to work through
May 2014 · 736
To Do List
Mandy Blu May 2014
Do you want me to bare my soul to you?
I can do that if you want me to

Shall I tell you everything I feel?
I can do that too

Do I reveal myself and my deepest affections?
Do I sing the songs I wrote for you?

If these are the things that I must do
Just tell me to
May 2014 · 579
Mandy Blu May 2014
Our honesty is incomplete
though strong in it's own landing
We never lie
but words unsaid
Leave partial understanding

It makes good sense to hide the truth
An open door is dangerous
A criminal
Could come and break
The trust that long has bound us
May 2014 · 2.8k
A Toast to Love
Mandy Blu May 2014
To love
A form of art
Painting memories with the brush of a hand against a cheek

To love
A form of destruction
Knowing a mind can never save every memory from shattering, scattering

To love
A form of death
Looking at you, every moment, closer to the end

To love
To create
To destroy
To die

Raise your glass
Here's to love.
May 2014 · 4.1k
We Have a Winner
Mandy Blu May 2014
You have convinced me to speak first.
And though you are the winner in this game,
I feel like a winner too.

You've managed to make me brave.
And though I was pushed, shoved in the general direction,
I believe I made me too.

What a wonderful celebration!
Maybe now we can be together.
I hope they were right, I hope this isn't a mistake.
How awful it would be
To think
After all this time, all that has been said
After confessions, after comfort
To think we may not ever be.

The bridge will soon be crossed.
And though we may fall in the water,
I know we will not drift apart.

— The End —