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May 2016 · 502
part 1
allison May 2016
Texts I never sent once you left me, again*

1. Nothing feels as comforting as your arms around me.  I remember feeling weightless with you.  Now, my body is constantly strained from carrying my broken heart.  It's so heavy.  I'm so ******* heavy...I'm sorry you're heavy too.

2. I'm not happy with what I've done or who I have become while loving you. I'm sorry for being so hazy

3. Last year, I made a promise to myself to only surround myself with positive people.  Coincidentally, I met you shortly after.  We grew attached at the hip, always together. Your antics rubbed off on me, along with your enthusiasm. I've been isolating myself since you left.  I broke that promise to myself- when I needed to keep it most

4. You shouldn't have to justify why you fell out of love. I'm sorry for begging you to

5.  My grandmother told me I would have my heart broken before I found the one, but if I was lucky, the same person would repair the damages he had caused.  I was heart broken the first time you left, but you came back.  Why aren't you coming back now?

6. I'm heavy again, I'm sure you are free by now

7.  People tell me my sadness is pretty, that the words spewing from my heart are divine, but my words were never enough to make you stay

8.  I want you here. I want you to kiss the marks I created when I didn't want to wake up.

9.  I miss you eminently and sometimes I can't feel my body.  Please don't tell me you understand or that I'll be okay.  You aren't ******* listening

10.  I woke up choking your name

11.  Every single time you promised to stay- you should have clarified that you meant as a memory

12.  I've been splitting my veins like glow sticks in hopes of seeing new light

13.  I'm ******* tired of all the metaphors, why can't it all just be about you again

14.  Poe encountered a raven, while I encountered you.  Somehow we both went mad

15.  goodnight
May 2016 · 627
long ago
allison May 2016
I want you to remember my lips around your neck with my hands around your face, begging for more.  I want you to see me in that empty room, knowing I should be there to comfort the silence.  I want you to think of me while you rest your head, so I can relieve the loneliness.  I need you to remember- you were my home, my shelter.  Above all, I need you to know that I'm sorry for pushing you away.  You broke my heart, while I broke your spine- the countless remnants of my balmy emotions were far too much for your back to carry alone.  You carried all of my broken shards, what a selfish task I made you do alone. Had I realized this sooner- your back wouldn't be broken, nor would my heart.
May 2016 · 480
allison May 2016
What happens post heartbreak

1) Your boss doesn't care.  Go to work.  Crying in the bathroom is fine, but not in front of anyone.  Keeping busy helps immensely and works wonders for your mind.

2) Your best friends aren't there for you like you are for them.  They'll leave you crying so they can see other friends.  

3) You're going to shake profusely.  Rock yourself to sleep.  Go to bed holding yourself and you'll wake up the same way.  For a second, you'll still think it's him.  

4) Your foot will tap all day at work, while your hands remain glued to your phone, just in case.  

5) You cannot keep calling him your boyfriend or mistake this from a break, unless that's directly what was said.  It'll take time to claim you are single again, but denying your love has ended only prolongs the pain.

6) Your nails will bleed from all of the nervous biting.  Your lips probably will too.  You'll have scratches on your body from grabbing yourself so hard pretending to be him.  You have to stop tearing yourself apart.

7) Once you get home from work, cry.  Cry all night and let it out.

8) Repeat.
May 2016 · 3.4k
allison May 2016
Monday 10:20 PM
I drank hot tea once you left and I guess I drank it too soon. I burned my ******* mouth.  I think that has a correlation to you leaving me.

Monday 11:00 PM
Please come back.  Please don't really leave.  You promised to always stay.

Monday 11:11 PM
Please, I'm sorry.  I'm begging for you.

Tuesday 12:04 AM
leaves voicemail sobbing

Tuesday 12:25 AM
We can work through this, please. You promised.

Tuesday 1:40 AM
Goodnight, my love. I'll love you forever.

Tuesday 6:00 AM
I hardly slept, I woke up clenching my pillow craving it to be you instead.  It wasn't.  Will it ever be you again?

Tuesday 7:17 AM
I'm not handling this too well.  I really need you.

Tuesday 12:00 PM
I'm going to try and work... I love you.

Tuesday 12:05 PM
leaves voicemail sobbing uncontrollably Work called me off.  I think that's a sign for me to cope at home.  However, I was looking forward to staying busy.

Tuesday 2:37 PM
I love you with my entire being.  Please think about this.  You're ending 9 months in one day.

Tuesday 11:00 PM (INCOMING TEXT)
I hope you're doing okay.

Tuesday 11:01 PM
I've missed you so much.  I'll be okay.

Tuesday 11:10 PM
Please tell me you love me.

Wednesday 1:30 AM
I love you, sweet dreams.

Wednesday 7:30 AM
Good morning, still little sleep.  I can't stop thinking of you.  I wish I could skip work today, I don't really know what's happening to my body right now.  

Wednesday 2:00 PM
I'm trying to hide from everyone at work.  This is really ******* hard.  It's hard to try and act okay while providing good first impressions.

Wednesday 6:00 PM
Can I come over?

Wednesday 6:40 PM
Is it too soon to see you?  Please say no.  I need you.

Wednesday 7:00 PM (INCOMING)
Yes, it's too soon.

Thursday 6:02 AM
I haven't ******* slept at all.  I need to hear your voice.  I keep listening to your voicemail's, but I only get 5 seconds in without crying.  I shouldn't have made you everything.  Now, my everything is gone and not okay.  I'm not okay.  I should have made you at least a little less of everything, so maybe I would be a little OK.  Maybe I would be able to recover that way.

Thursday 12:00 PM
I'm at work again.  It's just as hard.  You're not with me and I've hardly slept this week.  If you were with me though, I'm sure I wouldn't sleep either.  My heart has been pounding out of my chest this entire week. I can't eat either. These have been the only consistencies this week.  That and my dizziness.  I have been so ******* dizzy.  Everything is always spinning.
some days without you
May 2016 · 533
allison May 2016
It was the start of August
and my hairs barely brushed against
my shoulder
And now my hair is longer than it's been in years

Upon seeing you,
I knew this was different
Not like love at first site,
because I don't believe in that,
but seeing you was familiar
Like, it wasn't our first time meeting

Long story short-
you bewitched me- entirely
I have been enthralled by you since that first day

You promise to always stay
and oh, do I yearn for that to be true
But you cannot know for a fact
you will always stay

Something- anything, could tear us apart
Some people say love was not built to last,
yet I know love is meant to last
Especially true love

I beg for us to continue falling for each other
even if we break our bones in the process
Then we can kiss them back together
with bleeding tongues
and bleeding lips

Love will not outlive us
May 2016 · 465
allison May 2016
I can't help but relentlessly plead for a time capsule so that I could meet you sooner. If I had, I wouldn't have fell for that guy on the soccer team who began to take his anger out on me, instead of the sport.  And he wouldn't have had the chance to break my phone and give me a black eye for adding a picture of a concert to Instagram.  I wouldn't have flunked my first year of college because I was too busy doing drugs in hopes of feeling happier.  I would have spent my time kissing you and screaming out I love you, instead of using my mouth for excessive amounts of alcohol and pills.  And maybe I would have never cut or burned myself in hopes of growing prettier skin back throughout high school.  I would have learned to love myself a lot sooner.  However, I can't help but be thankful for these experiences and gracious my wish has yet to come true.  Looking back, I realize each and every one has given me a healthier, more positive mind-set.
May 2016 · 556
allison May 2016
It all began
when I freely immersed myself
within your captivating soul
upon meeting you

I informed you, however,
in order for you to do the same
you had to dislodge the weeds
and blockades

There was work to be done
and areas to be tended to
Some days were cloudier,
while some were sunnier

I must say
I was quite surprised
by the quickness it took
for you to reach my heart

This task seemed innate to you-
to us-
My heart was yours

You never once
made this task
feel like a task
And I thank you for that
May 2016 · 490
allison May 2016
I know what I have with you is real because I used to hate looking in the mirror and now it's all I ever do.  I'm always taking pictures and sending them to you without even second glancing them. I used to hate the way my stomach folded over my underwear, but now I'm always laying naked with you. I know what we have is real because I see potential in myself I never thought I could obtain.  And for the first time, my dreams are higher than my insecurities.  I know what we have is real because the pain I used to inflict on myself seems like such an obscure way to handle things, but at the time it seemed completely rational.  Now I realize how scary that is.  I know what we have is real because every time I look at you I forget every bad thing that's ever happened to me.  I forget about the time my mother took back the man who gave me a concussion.  I forget about the time whats-his-name threw me into a locker for going to see a movie with my girl friends.  I forget about the time that one guy tried to have *** with me when I was 13 and he was a senior.  I forget about how he put my hand around his **** because I refused to give him a *******.  I forget how I begged him to let me call my mom, even though I knew I'd face consequences for sneaking out with my girl friend so she could see her boyfriend. I know what I have with you is real because for the past 4 years I've thrown up 90% of my meals.  I haven't thrown up in months because I love the skin I'm in.       I know what we have together is real because I used to never think dying was a big deal.  I thought, "well, why is it a big deal? I'll be dead, there's no way I could be sad about dying."  Now, I take precautions to stay alive.  Now, I don't want to die.  I want to be alive.  I don't think bucket lists are silly anymore.  I don't think it's okay to be at random parks alone at 3 AM drugged out of my mind.  I don't think, "whatever happens to me happens."  I know what we have together is real because the second I met you was the second I regained my innocence.  The day we met was the day I began to fall back in love with myself and see who I am through your eyes, which is oh so differently than my fallacious vision.
May 2016 · 378
allison May 2016
When you left, you took pieces of me I didn't even know I had.  The day you left, I thought my world had ended.  I don't use that as an exaggeration either, although I wish I could.  I remember not being okay for quite some time.  I remember not wanting to get out of bed and I remember hating waking up, knowing it was another day spent praying to reach your voicemail, since I knew you answering the phone was not an option.  I remember falling asleep the same way.  I remember seeing you everywhere even when you were 100 miles away.  Your touch still lingers on my skin and it's always seeping into my veins. I cry you out just for you to be absorbed again.  Your words are embedded into my head and they're stuck like a record player on repeat.  Your smell has stained all of my clothes and even my ******* sheets.  I toss and turn all night and I get whiffs of you every ******* time I do.  Our memories are constantly spilling out everywhere we go....they leak through the walls and drown the floor.  I cried throughout the days I saw my mother whisper, "you're killing yourself" and although the pain never stopped throughout that time, I wouldn't take it back.  Now, my eyes have widened.  I have known love and I have known loss.
May 2016 · 172
allison May 2016
I'll pay someone to come **** me
May 2016 · 157
allison May 2016
I swear I would dig to the core of this world for you
with my bare ******* hands
do you know that?
Do you know I fall in love with your every ******* move?
Even the way you look at me....and tilt your head to say hi
I love the way you hold me until I'm alright
I love you
May 2016 · 141
allison May 2016
I guess I have to accept our hands will never meet again.  Along with our lives, our heart.. Although, I don't think I can accept it.  The love you filled me with is drowning out, but a piece of hope still remains in the pit of my cold and numb soul.  That hope is the feeling of our hands intertwined.  It's the memories of those lazy days making pizzas.  It's the remembrance of the crazy ******* love we shared.  How did I become so empty, when just yesterday I had galaxies inside of me? I guess I drowned it out with all of the tears I shed... Because now there is no galaxy inside of me.  There is nothing inside me...the butterflies you gave me flew into the giant hole where my heart just was.  They died along with every desire of mine... It's amazing how a person can unknowingly take all of that.  My heart is hurting so bad. I'm not okay anymore... I can no longer pretend. God ******. He is everything to me and that love needs to explanation.
someone ******* **** me
May 2016 · 120
allison May 2016
"the light has gone out of my life"......
May 2016 · 144
allison May 2016
**** everything about me hahahahahahhahahahaha i want to ******* die :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Apr 2016 · 234
allison Apr 2016
iiiiiiiii wannnnnnnnnnna dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Feb 2016 · 295
allison Feb 2016
J'ai l'impression de mourir
Feb 2016 · 788
allison Feb 2016
I wish my heart wasn't still pounding over you and I wish I didn't still need the pain in my chest to be relieved by those **** pills.  I wish you didn't know the map to my body because I don't understand how you aren't here.. Why are you not back home yet? I wish my head would stop spinning.  Everything is always ******* spinning. Your touch is seeping into my veins... I swear I can still ******* feel it.  I wonder if you ever touch the veins in your wrists and accidentally think of me.  Our pictures are leaking through the walls and drowning the floor.  I can't help but replay those memories over and over again, especially when they are all around me.  Looking back, I've realized that I lost so much of myself I never even knew I had. I've loved you so loudly with the megaphone all the way up. The volume never goes down.  I once heard the skin is reborn every 7 years, but I swear to God I won't live a day without the remnants of your touch.  This is all I have now.  I can still feel your tongue on my thigh with every pill I take and I can't have that go away.  I'm addicted to you.  I'm the patient with lung cancer who can't quit smoking.  We will never burn out
insane love
Feb 2016 · 754
allison Feb 2016
We had the type of love people would spend forever trying to find,
but the universe decided to give us that shot
It was the type of love that cannot be explained,
just known
When you left
I remember crying out to God and I think I screamed out his name more than yours just hoping for a response
Now, I don't believe in God,
but I still believe in you
Feb 2016 · 421
the storm
allison Feb 2016
It's late
and I can't sleep
and I'm in a dark room
and you're fast asleep
and my heart is pounding
and my mind is racing
I close my eyes
and I see you
It's always you,
but this time,
it's her,
singing your favorite song that she knows oh so ******* well
at the top of her lungs
She glances over at you
I bat my eyes
open close open
close, but
nothing changes
I begin to cry
I feel your hands against my chest,
but your touch is different
This time, it hurts
I feel as if a tree has blown
onto my
And I can't focus on the pain
because all I can see is you
In love
Then, I see you a year from now
begging for my forgiveness,
for me to understand...
You say, "it's for the best"
and I die
because I've been avoiding this
ever since we met
you tell me this won't happen but god ****** what if it does
Jan 2016 · 289
allison Jan 2016
When I first met him, I knew it was different.  Before being in love, having heard that, I wouldn't make any sense of it.  But I think being in love opens up the door to a whole other language.  All those cliche metaphors make perfect sense.  At first, I only let my light shine through.  He loved  the sun, so sunlight is all I beamed.  My hair was often messy, but as far as he knew, my insides were clean.  Pure.  I didn't point out my flaws, or bring up my insecurities.  Instead, I boasted everything I loved.  He saw no flaws in me.  I was healing... I could feel that, but healing doesn't equate to being healed.  To him, I was a perfect girl.  The deeper I fell, the harder it was to remain picture perfect.  Emotions were filling my insides, emotions I had never known.  The optimistic, always cheerful, pretty girl, slowly dwindled.  While we were apart, he would always ask how I was.  I'd swallow the tears and bite my tongue. 
Slowly, that facade became harder and harder to hide.  I began to unravel, like a story book being ripped apart.  It started out with, "I'm sad today, but I don't know why," when really, those days became too hard to hide, although I often tried.  His shoulder was always there for me, despite if I wanted it to be or not.  I felt myself losing that image, that perfect girl he fell for, and that thinking process drove my spiral downward even faster.  He knew me, better than I thought.  He would know if I was okay by a simple hello, or a delayed response.  I was vulnerable, heart was his, but my mind was constantly shouting how his heart wouldn't, couldn't, be mine, not for long anyways.  Especially with all of my paint chipping off.... but he saw me.  A naked body, naked soul.  I tried so hard to run from the sadness inside of me, to not expose who I really was, but he pulled me tighter, unfolding me.  I felt I was too much... too sad, too big of a burden.... I didn't want him to suffer, watching me suffer, but he didn't see it that way.
As months went by, the sadness in me began to dwindle.  It dwindled in such drastic ways I even thought I must be hiding it.  But no, I saw myself getting better.. I'm still getting better.  His fights for me, for us, saved me.  My soul has been stripped for him, I've become completely raw for him, and him only.  To the world, he thinks he is no one, but to me, he is so much more than my someone...  He lets me lay on his chest and cry, while encouraging me to let it out, and I know it's okay.  He lets me whisper in his ear, when my voice is too shaky to project.  He looks as me like his favorite painting, always with admiration.  His hands hold me as if I'm the china vase his family has been passing down for years.. And when I cry, he listens like his favorite song, quiet, but filled with ardor.  He sees the girl, under the painting.  The paint has stripped away from me, from him, and I'm happy for that.
Jan 2016 · 413
allison Jan 2016
I feel you all of the time, but it's never enough.  Your words are written on my palms and my cheeks are flushed red, stained with your fingerprints.  Before you, my chest was filled with cobwebs which latched onto my heart, remaining untouched.  It wasn't long after we met that you began to fill my lungs with flowers. You planted gardens inside of me and every single time you touch my chest I swear that acts as sunlight & my insides are filled with warmth.  This body was once so hollow, filled with only my echoed thoughts.  I want you to feel the stories of me in the crevices of my palms... and  I want to do the same to you.  I remember reading once that taste buds renew themselves every 2 weeks and I hope to God I never go 1 day without the remnants of your taste.  Please, my love, always hold me tighter.  Let me trace your spine, like the spine of my favorite book.  You've etched your name into my throat and I promise to never let it burn out.  My skin rises every time you touch me and it's more than just goosebumps.  My body is constantly arching out for you in ways I can't always control.  I don't know how anyone that has ever looked at you doesn't want to trace the maps on your body.  Ever since I met you, I still get lost once I meet your eyes, that never fails.  You promise to never go anywhere and I pray your map never changes, so that your heart remains my home.
I spent a lot of time outside a church wondering if God was real.  The moment you stepped into my life, I stepped into that church
Jan 2016 · 654
allison Jan 2016
so this isn't really a poem buuuuut i need to rant so yaaah

let's talk about the boring part of eating disorders, the parts that are never thought of because they seem absurd, or maybe they don't seem absurd, maybe they are so minuscule that they aren't even thought of...until you go through with it. how about the part where some days, you're doing so well. you eat. and you actually WANT to eat more. the thoughts of not eating aren't there because for a little bit, you're feeling comfortable in your own skin. you think, "hey.. i must be cured!" THENN the other days. the days you're all alone all day, with your thoughts only. when you eat, but are instantly full. wellll, maybe you aren't full, but your mind has decided enough is enough.  but of course, you have to eat... so you do. you entertain your thoughts. you remember why you feel so body confident, so happy/satisfied in your skin. it's because of the progress you've made throughout the years. the hard work you've put into your body............but you can't give up. so you don't. you sit and sulk "will this meal change my body?" and you know that that ONE meal won't, but it's the fact that you'll have to say that..everyday... and that adds up
Dec 2015 · 1.7k
Hai Shi Shan Meng
allison Dec 2015
I wait for the day
my spine cracks
from constantly arching out for you
Lover, I have been trying to convey,
there is some kind of paradise
when our lips meet
I have yet to tame
the butterflies in my flip flopping stomach...
My heart is an origami sunset
and you have planted flowers
in all of my crevices
I wonder how many hours I spend trying to find
the words to adequately describe
the way your eyes
send electricity
throughout my entire body
*Lover, you've told me I make your heart beat faster,
but mine hasn't slowed down since we met
Chinese promise....eternal love
Dec 2015 · 430
allison Dec 2015
I watched my innocence disappear at 13 years old as my clothes also disappeared all because a senior boy was stronger than me.  I remember begging to call my mom, but he couldn't hear me over his ******* moans.  I scrubbed my body til it bled everyday for two months.  I remember my mother would always tell me I am full of cities.  They caught on fire that year.  I watched them burn to the ground.
Dec 2015 · 662
journal entry 1
allison Dec 2015
Lately, I've been better shutting off the alarm clock come 6 AM than I have been shutting off my wretched mind. I'm 19, but soon enough the bags under my eyes will give my young skin another 10 years.  My mind is aging faster than it should and I don't have wrinkles yet, but if my mind doesn't stop folding and unfolding all my flaws, well, I'm sure that will take it's toll too.  I can't focus on anything aside from trying not to focus on the only clear thoughts my brain spits out... It's been cold for weeks. My face is always blotchy, but I can't tell if it's from the change in weather or constant changes in emotions.  I couldn't tell you what I've had to eat the past few days, or if I've even ate at all.  It's just like my mind to play tricks on me.  In fact, I know my head is trying to **** me.  I'm never reminded when to eat... and if I am? Well, what goes down must come up.  Food always looks best the second time around.  I never sleep, my mind is a constant turntable stuck on repeat.  The vinyl consists of all my flaws... All that I am not, or where on my body I am too much.   I'm always driving through the country, on that empty road, where nobody could tell my story.  All I can see is that big ditch to the left, or that big oak tree my little car would look so pretty twisted around... Oh, is that an animal I'm about to hit? Is that animal really there? Or is that my mind playing an evil trick on me, so I can feel better about swerving off the road? I don't care. I don't care.
Nov 2015 · 910
semper fi
allison Nov 2015
There is a poem
I've been trying to write
about love, but
I could never reiterate
the way my soul craves yours

So, instead I'll talk about
the way I've bit my nails
ever since I can remember

You see,
this has always been
my nervous habit,
but now,
my nails are long enough
to draw blood from your back
as you ****** into me

I remember growing up,
wondering why my mother
told me to treat my body
as a temple
After all,
everybody has a body,
what makes mine so special?

I see your body
and it is so beautiful
There is nothing I wouldn't give,
to regain my innocence,
so that I could surely
be pure
for you

The first time,
I tried to describe our love
I had flashbacks
of my last family vacation,
before the divorce
I saw my dad,
dancing with my mother,
as the sunset
over the ocean

If only I could convey
the way your lips
brush against my naked face...
I can hardly think of anything
other than your hands
around my hips
While your eyes are stuck
on all the parts of me,
I have yet learned to love,

Cliche seems to be
the only language my
hands can compose,
oh, are you my someone
ive made it darling
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
allison Nov 2015
According to Plato,
humans were created with 4 arms
and 4 legs
Two souls disengaged,
but destined for one another
because together,
their power is boundless
Since I have met you,
I have learned to be bold
Plato stated that
once the souls unify,
the pair are lost in amazement
and one will not be
out of the other's sight
I can confirm that
you are everywhere,
even when you are not
I see you while
singing my favorite song
I see you in the baking aisle,
wondering what we will
make together next
I see you as I study my homework,
wanting to impress you
with my grades
I see you when I'm sad,
as a reminder of all that I do have
You make me admit,
in spite of my stubbornness,
I am more
than I think I am
My body has always been
the most vile essence I know
For I have bruised it
too many times
that I could never
deem it as beautiful, but
you show me
I am not represented to you,
as I am to me
Oct 2015 · 836
allison Oct 2015
I wonder what my life would be like if I didn't use all of my wishes begging for a smaller body
I mean, prominent bones solve everything, right?
So, I began skipping meals to speed up the process
After all- my body can easily function solely with gum and low-call mints
I repeated the words, "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels," until I believed it
I lied to myself so much it became my truth
Was Sunday's family dinner more important than my concave stomach? My dagger hipbones?
The calories tighten my clothes and expand my skin
It started out nice and slow, like all good things do,
but it quickly wrapped around my fragile body and swallowed me whole
It was never enough, I was never enough, but my body had more than enough
Until my body is 6 ft under, hidden with layers of dirt, it won't be enough
*Only that would hide my poor figure better than any XL sweatshirt
Sep 2015 · 2.2k
allison Sep 2015
I've fallen for your infectious smile,
it makes me giddy
I like my smile next to yours
I've fallen for our conversations,
the ones that make us do a double take at the time
when 1 AM rolls around
I used to wish time away,
now I couldn't possibly have enough with you
I've fallen for your eyes- which are so ******* beautiful
I've fallen for the nights we stay together. our nights
you in your PJ's get me every time
I've fallen for how we both know "I have to go" doesn't mean leaving for at least another hour
Again, wishing time could slow down
I've fallen for the way you make me feel at home
often taken to mean "heartwarming"
Sep 2015 · 979
allison Sep 2015
I have always hated my stomach,
but you rub it when it hurts
and even when it doesn't
It reminds me how my mother always rubbed my tummy aches away
and I've laughed more than I've cried since I met you

My hair gets so ratty,
but you remind it makes me look fierce
You touch my face the way my grandma handles her china sets
Soft and gentle, I know I'm safe

Sometimes, I watch you and I notice little things that probably don't cross your mind
They make sense to me though
You are a test I could spend forever studying
the feeling of butterflies in your stomach
Sep 2015 · 766
allison Sep 2015
I had
to describe you,
in one word,
it would be
the sunlight that shines through the leaves
you are always there,
even when you aren't

i used to listen to music, loud, until my heart began to jump
but after meeting you,
the loud music became too weak

I used to make wishes at 11:11,
but now I rather spend my minute making sure you remember to make your wish

you've taken up nearly every inch of my head
*i can't get your name out of my mouth since you kissed it
Sep 2015 · 359
allison Sep 2015
You are the bridge I go under when it's pouring down rain.  You are the background music in a silent car ride
2. Every time you kiss me, I swear you fill my body with poetry that spews out my hands onto paper
3. Your words resonate in my mind like the neon "open" sign outside of the only hotel on a pitch black road
4. I'm always drowning in my thoughts over you.  My hair often ends up twisted and tangled
5. You are the artist of all the constellations I see in the sky
6.  I'm always singing in my head and my throat turns to cotton.  You are every note that never left my dry mouth
7. You're in my veins, I could not get you out even if I wanted.  If you were a narcotic I would be dead
Sep 2015 · 315
allison Sep 2015
We finish another glass of wine and stumble to bed.  You tell me I'm pretty.  My cheeks are stained red, as if I had been in the sun all day. I lay next to you, biting my tongue to hide my body crying out for you. I tell you "I love you" by tapping your hand three times.  My mouth is trembling, you kiss it.  You say you'll never leave, but I've heard this before.  They say it's only love if the person frightens you, but I never understood this until you.  I want to feel the weight of you crashing into me, as you lose yourself in this body belonging to you, entirely. I wonder if I will ever be able to say your name without stuttering.  I don't think I will
Aug 2015 · 4.3k
allison Aug 2015
Punish me for the pieces she left behind
Choke me, harder, for all the lies she swore were true
I don't want you to make me feel good
I want it to hurt, there is something so beautiful about the hurting
Do not rub my inner thighs, dig your nails into me
Pierce my soul without any hidden meaning
Why? You often ask, why so much pain?
I am pleading to feel, I am demanding to be felt
Drown me or drown in me
Either way
I eat my words and swallow them down, never to be heard
They come back up, alongside my dinner
I want to be raw, nothing but bones
Empty both
Aug 2015 · 412
allison Aug 2015
I have spent far too long scavenging for the little quirks of myself that he could learn to love
Suddenly, I'm 19, begging my mother to tell me how special I am
I beg her to tell me I'm beautiful, but hearing her say it reminds me of him, before he left
I pleaded her to get him to come back, to come home
After all, parents can do anything, right?
But she didn't get him to come back, she didn't even try
She assured me he was undeserving of my heart,
but that went in one ear and out the other
I remember collapsing to the ground
and banging my fists upon the floor
All while screaming out, hating the universe for allowing our souls to depart ways
Then, I buried all the love in me
I pronounced it dead, lifeless, gone
I put my love on a shelf
Mar 2015 · 415
love, mom
allison Mar 2015
The most mind wrenching pain is seeing you fade
due to the enamored and deplorable parts of your brain,
I so desperately plea and wish to be your aid

I've done all I can, even ******* prayed.
Your mind is playing tricks, my dear, and making you insane
for demons have entered your innocent mind and preyed.

You have lived far too long in fear
as you shamefully cover all of your skin.. I can see your joy fade.
Each day I see more of you disappear

it's almost as if I'm looking at your corpse premiere.
You think this is normal, and that you are okay
but, my darling, your condition is very severe and your mind is slain

My offerings to help are more than sincere.
Your delicate fragile bones are in too much pain
Please never forget that I adore you with endless revere.
These evil thoughts we will evade
Feb 2015 · 295
allison Feb 2015
don't fix the brokenness it's all I know
Jan 2015 · 413
allison Jan 2015
You came home 

With liquor on your lips, stumbling to the ground

And since you fell

You made mommy fall too. 

"Go to your room sweetie” 
Mommy choked to say with your hands around her neck

But you said to come out

& to wipe the tears away.

The tears came pouring out 

so you said that you would give me something to cry about

as you threw a vase to my head

& told me I’m just like my mom.
10 years later I no longer wonder where you are

or why you weren’t there to tuck me in at night. 

10 years later I no longer wonder why you won’t come to my birthday parties

or who that naked girl was in your bed

when you thought I was asleep. 

10 years later I no longer cry “daddy stop it hurts.”

10 years later

and I no longer need you..
Although I never really did.
10 years later and I stopped feeling the shards cut my heart
like that **** vase cut my ******* head. 

10 years later and I realize-

I am just like my mom & I rather be like her 
than you

— The End —