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Aug 2015 · 739
Two years and Reflection
It's Christmas Day 2013
I really don't know what to write
It's what the holidays can't cure
An unlikely disposition
That seems reasonable to me
Christmas Eve was a wonderful occasion
Like favorite things to put on a Christmas tree
2015©copyright by J.Barraza
Aug 2015 · 744
Notes On a Page
It's hurts to purge
I avoid it lately
Writing I mean
Kinda feels like losing life
Limbs going limp
Coolness of my damp skin

I avoid coming here
Fear of what words could do to me
2015©copyright by J.Barraza
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
In my journey I have not decided
If walking in blinding light is better than wandering in the blackest night.
I give darkness such negitve continuity, no fault of my own, societal programming, when I am feeling lost.
Yet I can't even move to feel my way in the brightest of light that stings and attempts to eat at my eye lids through the crevices of my fingers.
Which is the better?  
To wander in the dark associated with loneliness, helplessness, cover, or protection
Feeling around in the light  associated with bravery, certainity, vulnerably, or exposure?
Somehow I seem to have slipped onto a ship without anyone at the helm and I,
I neither give a here nor there on which to decide
More so which one bares more of a case on better returns.
2015©copyright by J.Barraza
Dec 2014 · 7.2k
Integrity The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.

[Integrity] is a personal choice, an uncompromising and predictably consistent commitment to honor moral, ethical, spiritual and artistic values and principles.[1]
In ethics, integrity is regarded by many people as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions. Integrity can stand in opposition to hypocrisy,[2] in that judging with the standards of integrity involves regarding internal consistency as a virtue, and suggests that parties holding within themselves apparently conflicting values should account for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs.
Oct 2014 · 26.2k
We are just like volcanoes
Ready to erupt anytime
Burning and suffocating each other
Coming time after time
Beautiful yet dangerous
Building in every moment
Till one day we explode   Or
Go dormant
Leaving each other for another
Till the volcanoes wake up again
Oct 2014 · 1.8k
I'm Drifting
You say that you love me
But I'm drifting
You say that you need me
But I'm drifting
You say so many things
But I'm difting
      Away from you
             On the muscles of waves
Salt in my eyes sting like watery pins
Cause I'm drifting
Outside your embrace, sun burns skin
Cause I'm drifting
I'm sickend by my own love for you
Cause I'm drifting
      The current is merciless
             My esophagus has it's own tide
I'm lost in a desert of continuos motion without an ore or sail
I can see you no more
       unless you save me from drifting  
              outside your life
                     outside your heart
              outside of your bedroom door
Just when I'm about to let go
The light house begins to show
You say the words
That keep me from drifting
You say them so sweet and so kind
They keep me from drifting
But I come to with the painful  
        experiences I've had with you
                And all I want to do
Is continue to drift away from you too
Jul 2014 · 784
My Heart is breaking
Oh for the merriment of woes
I do not know if I should love
Or let love leave me alone

For I think I am in love with a man
Who is married
But was I a fool to be played until
I found it out on a couriers letter

How my heart grieves time
While it snails forth with uncertainties
What will the future hold

Should I stay or should I go
My heart breaks at great lengths But do not judge
Many leagues, namely months, have passed without you knowing the full story

As of now my heart is in pain So I ask it plain
Is it better to have loved?
Or never have loved?
Is it easier? No? To be alone...

Now only time tends to the future to  
               Break or Mend a heart
For what is Life without the tragedy of  
            the distressing of the Heart
By  J. Barraza
Jul 2014 · 2.5k
Apple of His Eye
Who knew I could fancy a man to care
No one had ever dare to rise to the    
And now
I am the apple of his eye
No matter
       How I feel
             What I wear
He wants my affection and love when  
     I'm not there
He sleeps with me till dawn on  
Showing me he cares
I am the apple of his eye
No matter
       If I'm teary eyed
           If I'm flying free without a care
I know that he is there
In his silent way
Sometimes with a touch and hot kiss
By the hand or loop of my pant
   When another has had to much of  
    my time or attention
He reals me back into his arms
I am the apple of his eye
He'll never let me forget
No matter
       Our breaking points
                Pits of dispair
No matter
       How much I doubt
               He would set me free
     But,    I am the apple of his eye
Like he said before many times in all
"I'll find you no matter where you go. You're the one that I love. You're the one worth fighting for."
It's not that I can't write
It's just that
I lackluster
Anything that could happen
Has happen
I'm not shiny and pretty anymore
I'm lost confused and burnt to a crisp in confusion
Mar 2014 · 390
You Said
You said: you'd never leave me
But now I find myself standing
Here with the shadow of the man that walked away.
Jan 2014 · 976
If you could see
(My Love,)
If you could see yourself when I touch your face
You'd be familiar with the echo
The expressions come when you close your eyes
Your need to be loved
                      Your need to be accepted
Your craving needs for my affection
You're beautiful
               You're vulnerable
                             You're the blushing of your cheeks
                                        Desiring me to love you
                Kissing the redness of your lips
The heat of your hands
          Telling me you are mine
                    And mine alone to touch
    We are one in the darkness of where we stand
      Time sits still when I see your waking eyes
              Glittering as gorgeous as they are
     Oh the lightness of a smile staring back at me
Obliterated sadness  Now it's gone without a trace
              In these moments you are all I see
                                                             ­      (Your Love.)
Copyright © 2014, Barraza, J.
Dec 2013 · 426
Thought in motion
It's clear to me that
                                     that girl is a problem
She feels nothing
Speaks nothing
But hears what she wants and spreads the lies
Copyright © 2013, Barraza, J.
Oct 2013 · 831
How do you feel
When you know you'd fit
But fate can't see it fit to let him find you
Then you go, now remembering him, with his book of his truth, a chronicling of his past right next to you
When you have been together in the same building many times
Like the pictures on your phone
Like the way your heart wants what life won't give
Fate is the worst   
                       Chances are dirt
Now A few feet away from him  He finds you
He looks at you, surprising you, shocking you
He finds it amusing, Your heart is so engulfed
So quick and then it was over
What felt like an eternity
You'll never forget
The day he made you blush and smile for what seemed like a while
It was nice to be the center of his spotlight for a few second smile
long to see him react to you, with an amusing bright flushing smile.
Copyright © 2013, Barraza, J.
Oct 2013 · 764
Hospital Bed
Is where my brother lays his head
Maybe once a month or when ever he's sick
One of three
Lays in a white bed with a white sheet
Called a A Hospital bed
He's the strongest one of our messed up family
The baby of the Sum of Three
I think about him often
Wonder why but fail to understand
How it's not fair to see someone you love laying there
Slowly dying when there are others should be where he is laying
The brusies will fade from the needle jab, I.V. bags
I just don't understand in a world that can be so cruel
Why this is happening to you.
Lover of Jokes, Lover of Animals, Lover of people
and so open hearted How your dreams can't come true
When the medicine they give to heal you You said feels like firey acid inside of you
You're the strongest piece of a broken whole
As the oldest I want to do more
Wanting to help you endure
Fate is never in my favor
But I waiver my attention from you
I am sorry
If I could stop the hands of time and press rewind
Maybe things could be different
Maybe I could be there with you
I just want you to know that I love you
Copyright © 2013, Barraza, J.
Hello. Thank You. Good-Bye.
Are words I have to say to get your attention
Not because I have to but because I'm paid to
If you only knew how people preseve you
No need for rudeness or attitude
You might just say use manners with the people who matter
With the people who know more than you
It's their job They are suppose to
And if they don't talk to untrained management
Knowledge comes from the top not from the bottom
You get what you give is the Universal Rule, so
Hello. Thank You. Good-Bye.
It's just out of Common Courtesy since you weren't raised in a barn
There's nothing more left to say
You'll go on ignoring me anyway
*Please be Kind to people that help you.*
 This world needs more positivity  -This is a high five and
thank you to all the people who work customer serve jobs.
I see you. Thank you for all your hard work.

Copyright © 2013, Barraza, J.
Oct 2013 · 4.0k
Bestfriend Behaving Badly
Cause you're toxic       Defiled
shedding the old you exposing a new person you have turned into
You're not around me... now
But when you are
I'm falling like I'm drowning
This friendships crowning

Evolved into another person that I just don't need.
Cause you're all full of passive aggressive rage that's melted my sight.
What's hidden and hissing waiting to devoure me.
Brainwashed to all the lies that you've been telling me.
Seducing me, loving me with self loathing injections, posioning.
Leading me to believe. Lies.

In the trenches abandion. Dark. Quite. So I stop being afraid. Nothing flogging me.
Reality: The unforgiving madness. Like a light in the darkness. My Heart.
I see that I can be worthy. I just gotta figure out how to get back my selfesteem again.
No one wants to lick my wounds of unchanging torture.

Cause I have been walking around in a salted skin.
Never healing, never dealing, with all the injuries that I've taken.
Don't want to soak up the death were you've laid me to rest. Cause it's changing me.
You are not me. I will never be you. You wanted me invisible, you still do, when all you can be is you.
Lets call it what it is: Resentment.
You will never be me! Sorry imitation. It's what's in the heart.
Look at me. Strong again.
Prying off the scabs of pain   Disinfecting
Nine years and this is the end.
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Oct 2013 · 775
Unconditional love is what I desire
Support my endeavors thru trial or fire
Success or higher not rally in my defeat
Keep me under your feet
It's a lie and a sword in my heart with your double speak
I wish I wasn't yours and I wish I wasn't mine
I want to see the green on the other side
I listen and wait while time disintegrates
Regretting moments you held me but I waste
Even proving you wrong keeps you head strong
You tell me I pray wrong and accept defeat because I am not in the right track
Thru tears and sadness
Can you hear? Can you see my heart break?
You make me self loath with each breath I take
I have wanted to die since I was in junior high
Yet, no one can tell me why (so I believe them)
Why I was born, Why I can't fly- do what I dream- when I have wings, Why you're them, and Why I care so much.
I want unconditional love .. But what I really want
Is your support and acceptance
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
Sum of Three
We are the Sum of Three
My brothers and me
That's my two brothers and then me

We are all on a journey
One is dying
The other it's searching
There's me; failed disappointment  

We are all artists
One gives love to music and animals
One gives love to drawing and women
The other loves everything but lives in fear

We are a sum of three
We are all broken
We were all suppose to over come
We are all not the hope or better future our parents would have wanted

We are a sum of three

We are two boys and a girl
Wanting more out of life
Wanting love and a direction
Wanting what is withheld denied promised

We Are Sadly A Sum Of Three
Who if you saw us on the street
You wouldn't know
We are family
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Aug 2013 · 747
I miss them
From long ago my memories came
Of those I loved who I'd never see again
I miss them, the ones who'd stand by me
I miss the ones who hugged on me
I miss the birthdays And tiny gifts
I miss the love of growing friendships
I miss the bonding of whence it came
Looks like I will never see it again
I miss the joy and unseemless laughter
I miss the happy ever after
I miss the time when things were true
I miss the love I had for you
I miss what I don't have
Now it's the nostalgia I'll always have
I miss you like I did something wrong
But it's you who left me wondering all along
How I have blamed myself for not understanding how to move on
I miss them all
The people who use to be
From the beginning of my identity
I miss them all cause now you see
I have none to speak of  Cause I'm alone
as lonely as anyone person could be
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
When smiling was all she knew.
She asked and her father replied
Nobody likes you or trusts people like you
Years pressed but she had faith till
The little girl grew old and her heart grew cold
The world full of people recked her spirit
To her disbelief her father was right
When she came to recognize
Nobody liked a genuinely happy smiley person
Try after try she just ended with tears in her eyes
So she turn her upside down frown down
Now grown as beautiful as could be
Her father and the world full of people ask
What could it be?
The frown and those eyes
What happen to make her so angry unhappy mean
She should be happy cheery with glee
The woman who was the girl said
What is wrong me?
This is the person you wanted me to be
Cold as ice Frowning resent
She turned away
To continue life's journey... But
Now and again she'll pull a box with a ribbon
To gaze upon something that's hidden
Her resting box
Wrapped safely inside is the spirit that use to be
Tucked in the last spark of her gentle heart
Closing it sad tears in her eyes
Knowing they would never deserve
Her warmth love beauty spirit or art
Let them live their lives with contradicting hearts
Copyright © 2013 J. Barraza
Aug 2013 · 642
Have I Failed to Mention
In years gone passed I have failed to mention
A lovely boy of Blue eyes Dark hair
Deep soul to bare
He is my friend Have I failed to mention
There's no body like him
He is tall and trim with a infectious laugh and shiny grin
He is niether here nor there of where I have been
But he is beautiful to all once you've laid eyes on him
He lives NY but when the moon is blue
You'll see the shadow of a boy I once knew
Now he's a man of special occasions
Like theatrical ones have I failed to mention
He can sing like a bird and charm a bee
Make me feel embrassed when he's looking at me
Someday that man will get married
And I don't know when that will be
All I know is that he is beautiful to me
Sequel to Late Lunch

Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Aug 2013 · 553
"How did this Happen?"
I had a dream last night
Not to clear what it was about
All I know is that I needed help
I waited
Glancing only to see you turn the corner
An unexpected surprize
To see your glitterly blue eyes
We made eye contact
There were smiles and butterflies
I had never worked with you before
Yet, you were the solution
That I was looking for
Sequal to Rewind

Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Aug 2013 · 666
Move to survive
You're lovely and sweet
     Is all they can tell you
Cause you won't move
     You won't leave
When all you can do is
     Shed tears
          Animate your fears

You gotta move to survive
To keep your spirit alive
When you see that look in his eyes.
It's more than obvious
You're putting up a good fight
But he's still not coming home tonight

So you start something new
     but your phone shakes
You list the Five that keep you alive
     Your heart skips a beat
Your blood goes cold
     Your mouth goes dry
Your panic attacks emerges
     Cause your hoping it's not but it is
           It's the guy who left you

You gotta move to survive
To keep your spirit alive
You dread that look in his eyes.
It's more than obvious
You're putting up a good fight
But you won't see him tonight

Ultimaltely it's up to you to decide
      Survive passed those who don't value you
Who spread you thin when you let them in
      To rise above lackless love
      You're lovely and sweet
Is all they repeat
      Cause you won't move
You won't leave
       When all you can do is
     Shed tears
          Animate your fears
So dare to move to survive
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Aug 2013 · 603
Late Lunch
I met him today again
For the first time
Laughed and chatted
My eyes I batted
Not for love or for flirt
But just because
Raw and true
Is what I am when I'm with him
A friend from the past
Soon to fly back to New York fast
He has changed in his look and his laughter
He asked about any ever after
I said no
There are no rings to show
Couldn't ask him the same
Tongue was tight with shame
I'll see him again in two days time
Maybe, just maybe
Who knows?
He kissed my head with a lingered hug
For the very first time
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Aug 2013 · 951
Turning the Tables
Work two hard for all the **** that I take
I struggle to much for what I get paid
I sleep on a pill laid up in my room
not wanting the dawn to come into bloom
It's been like this since twenty-four
Can't find or accomplish anything I was looking for
Don't know if there is a god for the tears that have been shed or the suffering bed
Been told i was ugly and better off dead
I am so unhappy with what all that's been rattling in my head
But Nothing's Changable so Stop Wishing they said
I want the life I dreamt of ... Oh?!
They Never said I had to settle for this universe or this curse
But i keep making mistakes, listening to them, and they keep me at my worst
It can be hard with no one to trust but that's a toilers tail in this life full of dust
Shooting for the stars should always be a must
Outlive them in a glory that makes me happy is an absolute must!!
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Aug 2013 · 1.6k
Chin up
It's gonna be a long one
But chin up
Untimely you're the strong one
Chin up
You've already won
So chin up
There's no fear in losing
Chin up
For those who can't do it
Chin up
You're the star and they're looking
Chin up
Don't be afraid
Chin up
You're everything in this parade
Chin up
Take hold of all the possibilities
Chin up
Cause I believe in you
Like you do in me
Chin up
Sometimes I am my only positive voice in my head. Let this one be yours. You can do it! How ever minimal or astronomical. I believe in you.

Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Jul 2013 · 665
We had a fight
All because of a plane flight
You ended a friendship because you dropped the ball.
You didn't txt and you didn't call
Blamed it all on me
No you wouldn't take the fault
I am the one who took the fall
So it seemed like I decided to end it all
You're a coward and a cheat
Nothing worth more than the words on this sheet
Something is wrong with you
When money, fame, status, and framing people is all that's important to you
All because of a plane flight
We had a fight   No forgiveness in sight
Shame on me for believing in you to pull through
You did good with your preemptive plan
Now this is where we stand
I am glad and happy you didn't txt me back that night for all the pain you put me through
No one is a better person because of you
Your former best friend warned me about you
Now your secret is out  She's known you since two
No one is safe if there is a plane flight you're leading them to.
J.Barraza © 2013
Jul 2013 · 776
Secret Crush
You're my bright and shiny star
I'll always know where you are
Smiles your best offense
Your laugh is your best defense
Your sass is the one I love
Your sarcasm know's how to make me laugh cause that was what I was thinking of
You're perfect in every single way
I hope that someone will say that about me someday.
Jul 2013 · 718
Here I am
In bed
Holding my kisses
For you.
Jul 2013 · 581
and The Winner Is....
There's a block of space
Where you use to be
When you made me laugh
When you made me smile
We had our secrets mile for mile
I had my misgivings and anger in a pile
With nothing but memories turn vile
I remember the warning of voices that strained
To stay away from that train
I understand now that it was a game
Meant nothing to you but I still miss you,
Guess I missed my cue
I'm the one who lost it, who blew it, there's no one to blame.
Learned from the punches now I'm never the same but this heartbreaker's cry will not be in vain.
"Don't hate the player hate the game
And maybe next time there won't be a train."
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Jul 2013 · 852
Imp to Bastard
"Never forget what you are,
for surely the world will not.
Make it your strength.
Then it can never be your weakness.
Amour yourself in it,
and it will never be used to hurt you."
George R. R. Martin
- Game of Thrones -
Tyrion Lannister to Jon Snow
Jul 2013 · 406
Sleepy time Blues
Can't wait for the stream to make me feel heavy
Everything's at bay so it can come steady
I close my eyes with body sighs
I know it's time I'm ready
Jul 2013 · 786
Sometimes I wonder if his hands are all he can see
(Through ****** and pokes he remains hidden) There's looks in the mirror
Pretend.  No that's not me
Only inside he can see, We are blinded outwardly
But somehow he's functioning better than
We ever imagined the crack to be
Maybe it's us cause we are not sick physically
It's more mentally surreality
Cause one does not chose ones journey
That is left to fate but we worry and wail, oh
How frail he is, How frail he might, but
He can move mountains no matter his plight
He can smile and live his fight
Don't wish to know his perseverance
Cause we don't have his might
Don't wish to know the hithero
To see him so pleased in an invisible light
But still there is tension, dry tears, in what he failed to mention
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Jul 2013 · 524
Played Your Eyez
You are not an original poet
Those who know classic works know it
For bid or shame that you would play the game
Act like it's you, when all who know you, know it
So hide and seek your name be true
But fair thee well your story tell
That he who lies are full of them
It's the poor fool's you've fleeced who just don't know it, so
Shame Shame on You for your decent for you are no lover or a proper poet.
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Jul 2013 · 472
You're In Up to Your Heals
Deep in enemy territory
             Keep calm
                           Keep cool
  It's an undercover
A covert operation
             Get in
                           Get out
  No one will come for you
Most won't help you
             The job might end today
                           Maybe tomorrow
Call me when it's done?
             Well, that's up to you
                           Just finish the task
Remember, vanishing is what to do
              Life is a business
                           Here it's never what it seems  
  All we know is living it is up to you   
When you're up to your heals in it
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
"The Thirst was Real."
Is what they said when I was close
When I met him, When he pulled me in
Tho it was brief and sweet
Unexpected and strange
I was left with regrets wrong choices and strain
You should always wrap gifts
Not gift opened unwrapped ones
They're easier to throw away
All I was left with was a touch and a picture frozen in time
No chance to apologize or explain my crime
I came out hearing them say
"Thirsty *****"
I haven't any regrets but one
And those can only be cried over tea
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Jul 2013 · 686
Sometimes we think we are alone together
Even if the world is going through the same thing
Whatever it means to be free
Can't free us from our misery
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Jul 2013 · 2.0k
I've only just begun
But it feels like I've been doing this forever
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Jul 2013 · 436
One moment
My sins out way
My disappointments
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Jul 2013 · 766
Weight Upon Your Shoulders
Life is more
  Than who you are
        The trival lives
           That people lead
              You are way more
         Than what they say
              Don't be scared
                 Of who
             You should be
    No one said
It would be easy
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza

— The End —