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Svode Oct 2017
I love my bed.
I can cry on it for hours; days.
It loves me.
It listens.
It understands.

What a word.
People say I need lots of it,
but I already have it overflowing.
Maybe I need to get larger containers?

Can I trust myself?
My mind is screaming, yelling
for me to do drastic things.
My body quivers before it,
but it isn't ready to concede.

I can't control myself.
I guess that's true.
So I went to ask my bed for advice.
It told me to leave.
Leave everyone who hated me,
and leave everyone who thinks I'm mad.
and at this point, I'm ready to listen to that.

I can stay here,
on this cold Earth.
Tucked away in a corner,
crying a new ocean.
Or I can make a new planet,
far away.
A place I can live on;
A place where I can stay.
Svode Oct 2017
Please don't think I'm insane
Only insane people think that,
and if you think I'm insane
you're insane!

It's just that
that wasnt supposed to happen
but yea, I'm fine
you're the crazy one.
you're the friendless one.
you're [NOT] fine.
I'm fine.

Wow, you really are crazy!
Svode Oct 2017
Is this the end?
Is this where the train meets its own caboose,
Where God meets Satan,
Where hope meets regret.
Am I going to see my end?
Will it take me by surprise
Or maybe I would conclude my own life,

Loneliness is a joke,
I have myself to keep company with.
My own thoughts to adhere to,
Who cares about people?
We all die anyways,
We all die
We all

"Please forgive me",
I can write that several times and wish something would change between us
But nothing is going to budge.
But I still hope.
I still hope.
Don't **** that part of me.
Don't **** parts of me.
Don't **** me.
Svode Oct 2017
Forgetting all my sorrows,
dismissing all my hate.
Permitting all my desires,
to discover my fate.

With a steady hand,
and an easied mind,
I let my pen lead me
to the future I'll find.
Svode Oct 2017
An apple fell from a tree.
Did it want to fall from that tree?
Where it was so secure and cozy,
only to hit the ground of reality.

It will never come back to that tree,
it's stems have been cut off.
It'll fend for itself,
but that's hard for an apple to do.
I made this for fun :P
Svode Oct 2017
The rain falls from the sky.
The endless sky pelts the cityscape with endless rain.

The rain feels soft to the touch,
a light breeze overtakes me soon after.
It's raining more now, although it isn't heavier.
The light breeze makes me think.
It soothes my nerves.

Look at the rain.
It never had any problems,
finding a job, finding friends,
finding love.

It's purpose is to fall
and get evaportated.
It's friends are beside it
and never leave.
It's love ls likely close by,
atleast I hope it is.

I don't want this innocent drop,
this cold peice in a myriad of rain,
to feel the harsh truth of reality.
And I don't want myself,
a shivering person in a myriad of rain,
to feel chilly any longer.
Svode Oct 2017
I was an idiot.
I was a fool.
I mixed some things up,
and I'm sorry.

Ridicule me,
slander me,
taint my status.
Just please,
forgive me.

We all make mistakes,
some less than others,
others more than some,
and I more than others.

I didn't deserve this,
I didn't work for this.
I didn't need this,
So why did you do this?

For your own gain?
To point out a mistake,
which I regret so much.
I said sorry,
And I really meant it.

It must feel so, so good
to do what you've done.
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