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4.7k · Jan 2021
Elegancy 🦢
Over silent waters
The swan is sliding
Nothing seems to be moving
Not even the waters
Soft whispering sounds
as the wind caresses the trees
Full of elegance  she is moving
to meet her mate.
To mate for life.

Shell ✨🐚
Swans ,What a beautiful sight
What elegant birds!
Ode to nature
2.1k · Feb 2022
Soft moon 🌙
Stroll in the night
Pretty shape of light
Caress you in my imagination
Island in a sea called sky
Let me sleep under beams so tender
I am in love, I surrender.

Shell ✨🐚
1.7k · Oct 2023
If I could, if I would.
If I could paint ongoing war
it would be a canvas grey.
If I could paint the children’s hurt,
the sadness in their eyes,
It would be a canvas black,
like eyes without a sight.

If I could paint the hatred
between mankind right now
the canvas would catch fire.
Like bombs and missiles
thrown at innocent homes,
killing everyone with all their desires.

But I would like to paint
the prayers cry for help.
From all who feel your pain,
helpless child in war.
It will be a painting with soft yellow light.
Like a flaming candle in the night.
Canvas black must bathe in this shining glow.
Every prayer like a little star
on a moonless night.
Shedding light on human pain
comforting all children’s sorrow.

And white dove still sits patiently.
Hoping for better times.
To fly and bring green leaves for everyone.
For every little child.

When will the time come for him.
Message he wants to bring
message of world peace.

Children, I pray for you.

Shell ✨🐚
Pray for those little ones in these traumatizing times.
1.6k · Feb 2021
Fragrance imbedded in my mind
Fragrance of a very special kind
Like parfume of the cherry blossoms
Rising up to heaven.
Walking through the streets
memories of you and me
connected with this fragrance
Bringing everything back to life
Pleasure, pain and delight.
All feelings
like imbedded fragrance
Stay forever in the mind.
How I loved your fragrance.

Fragrance can bring you back instantly to long forgotten places. Memories of love ones.
1.6k · May 2023
A smile
When you smile
You smile from within
That’s a gesture to someone
Hey, I see you,
hey, I welcome you.
Smile and the world smiles back.

Quote 156🌷

A smile,
Can be a ray of sunlight on someone’s rainy day.
Be that sunbeam.

Shell ✨🐚
For Richard Shepherd.
1.6k · Dec 2020
Blue dress
Want to make me a dress
With a piece of the sky
Yes that's right
Something heavenly blue
I like to try

Will it feel like silky blue satin
Will it have
cloudy white dots,
warm yellow beams or a
colorful   touch  

Guess it depends on the weather
How it turns out to be
this heavenly dress
exclusively for me

I know!
I'll  make it at midnight!
This blue dress of mine
To have
bright sparkling diamonds
as stars kissing the sky!
'O beautiful
midnight blue dress of mine.

I dance the dance of long forgotten flowers
Field of white marigolds
The beautiful sight makes me happy, makes me want to sing and glow.
I am the mary of my garden, sweet mary gold.
I will swirl in the the dance of lovers  up to heaven
Up in golden dress I’ll go.
To a place where all the light is
Where my lovers love will grow.
Flowers gate to lovers heaven
I am mary,
all the way I dissolve and go.
Leave golden sparkles behind me on my field of marigolds.

1.4k · Oct 2023
Quote 170🌷
You can fool yourself
with almost anything
but…..falling in love.

Shell ✨🐚
1.4k · Oct 2021
Early morning moon 🌝
Early morning moon
In early morning sky
Golden blush
to welcome the sun
Welcome the day
Say goodbye
to enchanted night.

1.4k · Feb 2022
Your color of love
When a heart is broken it will bleed your color of love
Rainbow colors,
colors of love
Choose your own color.
Fact is
We all want to love and be loved.
When we are sad we all are blue.

Shell ✨🐚
Love is all we need. Only love can erase hate .
1.3k · Oct 2021
Haiku -fall 🍁🍂🐟
soft fall silver stream
early nightfall cry of worm
cold breeze sparkling fish

Shell ✨🐚
1.2k · Feb 2022
Haiku, first glance
first purple crocus
on white snowy mountain land
breaking through for you.

Haiku for a friend, lj
1.2k · Aug 2023
Three white doves
Three white doves sitting still
No use flying now
Danger everywhere.

sitting in the cellar,
sitting numb,  
praying for LOVE….
shooting guns
throwing bombs.

Shell ✨🐚
Hope- Love - Peace will get us through life.
It’s ironic that we fight for peace.
1.2k · Oct 2023
Quote 171🌷
All the honey and milk of another country couldn’t give him the feeling that spring water of his home gave to him.

Shell ✨🐚
1.2k · Jan 2021
Precious clouds
Gods pillows
How beautiful they are!
Precious clouds in the sky
Different shades of white
Different forms
puffy  popcornlike pillows
Crowning the sky
Soft cotton wool sheets
Inviting you
to lay down and never leave
Beloved like a princess
Closer  to heaven
Closer to God.

As a child you always watch the clouds
They have something magical. You can see whatever you like them to be
1.2k · Jan 2021
Snowbird in the snow
Snowbird in the snow
Two unique creations

Part 1

White  owl white and pure
Sits and watches .....
falling snow. Quietly.
Snowflakes created uniquely
White, light and heavenly.
Falling down in winter frequently
It was then.....
Snowowl was born silently

Beautifully unique,
don’t know what to say.....
Both Precious creations
Natures art all the way


Spread your wings
white bird and fly
high into the night and thrive
fly up while snowflakes are  falling down , falling down, falling down!
sky’s own created diamonds .

Majestic bird of wonder
Created so divine
Wings like from  an angel
White as snow so fine

Part 3

When you look up into
and  watch skies  falling diamonds.
While Snowowl  flying winter high
You’ll see a precious painting,
on this  blue canvas called the sky
And God our holy painter .

Nature is like art, no is art!!!
1.1k · Jul 2023
Broken ways
Broken are the days when you’re struggling to survive.
Mentally, physically and financially.
Broken are the nights
Lying in bed all alone, no one by your side.
Broken is this life , full of sadness full of pain.
At the end nothing you have gained.

If only you could have captured the warmth of sun during sunny days.
Could have frozen the beauty of silhouettes in cold winter time.
If only you could have made a song
of the magic of the moon
Could have felt the compassion of others who did really see the true I love you.

You would have known warm days with enchanting nights.
Plenty of people who loved and cared for you.
When living life look at both sides.
Where there is sadness and pain
Happiness and comfort are not far away.
Just stay positive and graceful on your way.
Live life while looking and really seeing what’s around you too.
Life will get a whole other meaning for you.

Quote 🌷

While walking the path of life don’t forget the watch the view.

Shell  ✨🐚
I dedicate this poem
to Richard Shepherd. .✨✨✨
1.1k · Dec 2020
Seasons 4
Seasons of the weather
Seasons every year
Like the wind blows
in four directions
Different seasons will appear

Seasons of the heart  however
Are seasons of the mind
They come without a warning no direction of any kind

They come and go whenever
Leaving you behind
Behind with different feelings
Such are seasons of the mind

Always listen to your calling
Giving meaning to it all
Then peacefulness will follow
Giving Innerpeace of mind

most  precious season
of them all.

Shell ✨🐚
1.1k · May 2021
Dear oh deer 🦌
Cute little deer with big brown eyes
Lost in the woods , mama couldn’t find.
She was just going for a walk
Little did she knew
that she would get lost

Hypnotized by everything
little deer couldn’t stop the walking
Suddenly mama deer was out
of sight
little bambi was struck with fright

Mama deer searched whole day long
But she knew she had to be strong
After hours of agony
What did she see?
Her little dear deer under a tree

Big silver tears were in her eyes
As there were in Bambies big
brown eyes.
Let me hold you
my sweet little deer
in my arms close to me.
Dear oh deer.

Shell ✨🐚
The love of all mothers
1.1k · May 2021
Quote 37🌷
He who doesn’t give
second chances will
always walk alone.

1.1k · May 2021
Quote 40🌷
Life like the universe itself
Full of darkness full of light
Always moving.

Shell ✨🐚
1.1k · Jan 2021
Lovers field
Walking  through a field of flowers
Where time stands still.
Where there is no yesterday nor tomorrow
A silent promise to fulfill.
Where there is no pain nor sorrow.
A soothing feel is all you
The hope to meet  you  here and always
Where peace begins and love   prevails.

Shell ✨🐚
Garden of love, a field were time stand stills.
Feeling innerpeace in the presence of love!
1.0k · Jan 2022
Haiku (early spring)
hanging bonsai bloom
flaming  clouds at mountains sky
Pastel blossom sight

Spring is coming
1.0k · Sep 2023
Quote 169🌷
Where there is love
There will be fertile grounds
And  there’ll be blooming

Shell ✨🐚
997 · Feb 2021
Always say thanks!
Let us be grateful
For everything that comes
our way.
For every little blessing  and all
kinds of times.
Let’s take life as given
and try to stay kind.
Through rough times we grow
Through rough times we learn
We will fall and learn to stand tall.
Always say thank You
That’s all!!

It’s important to be grateful. With gratitude comes happiness and peace of mind
990 · Mar 2022
Quote 94🌷
Even under the greyest sky
Bright colors of nature come through.
So can you
Just find the strongest you.

Shell ✨🐚
988 · Oct 2021
Tender love ❤️
Be kind, gentle and genuine
love deeply, intensely
Faith deepens faith
Love deepens love
Tenderness evokes tenderness

980 · Aug 2021
After all
You sit and watch the bird
As the bird sits
and watches you too
You and your behavior affects  every other living thing in nature
Let us be good for one another
and live together in harmony
We are after all
from the same Creator.

Shell ✨🐚
965 · Mar 2021
Deeply in love
Being in love so deeply
so beautiful and intense.
Want to be taken away
by the different winds
To a place unknown
a place far away
Where no one knows
Where no one has to pretend
Where I can be in your arms
and gaze deeply in your eyes
A longing to belong to you
as never known before
To let me take you in my arms
And make you mine.

As long as there is life you can fall in love! For whatever reason for.
958 · Dec 2020
When the day meets the night
and the sun greets the moon
Something magical happens
It's over too soon

A moment of silence
A colorful sky
The sun closes eyes
and says it's goodbyes

The moon takes over
and watches the birth
of another beautiful nightfall
falling over this earth!

Isn't it a wonderful world?

~ Shell 🐚✨
954 · Jul 2022
Old oak tree
Tonight when you close your eyes
Let’s meet under the old oak tree by the lake.
I’ll wait for you.

Shell ✨🐚
951 · Dec 2022
I remember ( Senryu)
silent pain in dreams
sleeping consciousness awakes
I remember you.

Shell ✨🐚
943 · Mar 2021
Lavenders field
Lying in a  blossom field
on the grass between lavenders
The sun is shining right on me
while a breeze is touching
purple royal flowers tender.
A heavy scent is in the air
Ascending up to heaven
I close my eyes  pretend to sleep
while  being quite enchanted.
With you lying here next to me
tenderly caressing cheeks
I am in lovers heaven.

Lavender color of the royals, lavender rose the flower for enchantment.
942 · Jun 2023
Sometimes seasons start in an unexpected way
Some nights the sleep is stolen away
Some loves are never meant to be
people come into your life and leave.
There are moments in life when everything falls in place
Moments everything falls apart.
Sometime someone comes along
and  makes you laugh,
a gift from heaven.
Energy comes free,
a sparkle lightening up the soul.
Adding time to living .

Laugh and you’ll live longer.

Shell ✨🐚
Laughter is like a healing balm for the soul.
937 · Jan 2023
Lost chance meeting
What will this world be
Now that I can’t hear the melody
The song that was out there
Never more.
Intense sadness
Robbery of joy
Missed chance of knowing you
Leaving an emptiness inside.

Loving friends
Like music, giving extra meaning to be
Happiness to have a song inside
To share
a smile or tear.
Now that you’ve left silently
tears are falling.

Shell ✨🐚
Sometimes you make friends online, talking to them without meeting and then they die.
899 · Feb 2021
Feet on soft white sheets
Eyes open wide
couldn’t see
it was a cloud
taken me
Up into the sky
To my Heavenly lover to be.

Must have been God
Sending for me
This pillowsoft cloud
For my lover to receive!

Lover of mine
I come to you
Send by the Gods
In a white cloud of sheets
eyes open wide ..
Ready for you
My love
to receive
You in me.

Every form of love is beautiful.
Happy Valentines day to all of you.
887 · May 2023
Soothing rainfall. 🌧️
Today rain falls softly.
Birds sitting still in the tree.
Using tree’s roof of leaves
as their umbrella of nature.
Watching me as I watch them
standing at my kitchen sink.
Giving me this peaceful feeling.
It’s very quiet
as if every living being is holding their breath or listening to this soothing sound
of rain falling softly.
I realize we are relaxed together.

Shell ✨🐚
883 · Mar 2021
Robot like
We are human beings
With feelings.
Look around
Not enough empathy
Each day we look more like robots.
We are so clever, only brains.

Shell ✨🐚
With advanced technology we ourselves have less  empathy, less interest in people near us.
880 · Dec 2022
Snow globe moon
Today I saw an impressive colored sky
One color, deep nuance
of strange dark blue,
almost purple blue
as far as the eyes could see.
Not one  cloud in sight.
And what took my breath away,
yes I smiled ,
was a snow globe like moon.
Very rare.
A bright yellow sickle at the bottom
and a thin line shaping the globe.
Inside little yellow dots.
It was a snow globe moon.
It followed me to work at 6 am
It was my Christmas moon
and made my day.

Shell ✨🐚
How precious to feel happy just looking at nature
877 · Sep 2021
lingering lovers 💕
Some are
the sun and the moon
Only meeting
at twilight
Forever lingering love.

Shell ✨🐚
Some people always love one another from afar.
856 · Jul 2023
Peaceful morning, harmony.
Two lovebirds gliding gracefully
In peace without a sound .
As morning takes off.
Two mallard ducks
silently in love.

Shell ✨🐚
Love gives peace gives silence
844 · Apr 2022
Haiku (spring is here)
see newborn green trees
smiling sunny landscapes bloom
colorful flowers

Shell ✨🐚
Lovely spring day.
843 · May 2023
Springtime in my mind
I see
Blue clear sky, no clouds
Yellow sunbeams
Green landscapes
Bright colored flowers
Time stands still….
No wind
Birds call
Flying  flock of birds
Gracious moving swans
Children laughing while playing
People singing and praying.
Happy spring day.

840 · Apr 2022
Missing you
Lavenders scent
in evening wind
carrying long lost
precious memories.
Brings you close to me
once again
Burning eyes
Aching heart
Just miss you so.

Shell ✨🐚
Forget me not
Despite being blue
Privilege to be
Wildflower in the wild
As long as I am
In memory of you
I am
Do forget me not.

Shell ✨🐚
Flower of the blues. Forget me not .
836 · Feb 2021
Opposites attract
Desert sand -winterland
Opposites attract

Golden sand
longing for silver rain.
under an orange  sun.
Yellow moon in black blue sky
Can’t wait to cool down
at night time.

Winterland bold and cold
beautiful white snow
Longs for yellow sunbeams
Soft pale sun in white grey sky
Can’t wait to warm up
at day time

You need two opposites to create a neutral. There must be some balance for harmony.
833 · Oct 2023
Melody of water.
of fluid nature.
pacifying calls.
Peaceful humming
of forest rapids.
Mountain’s waterfalls
echoing on and on
Nature’s streaming song.

Shell ✨🐚
So many soothing sounds of nature’s waters
824 · Jan 2023
Pieces of life
Here I am.
Life’s struggle.
Leaving me silent.
Alone with my God.
Abandoned but in peace.
Another turn I have to take
not knowing what lies around the bend.
I realize that I have to change my ways.
To see another season of trees.
Being alone is good
as long as I know
that there are others around
I don’t have to see,
I don’t have to speak.
We all need some color in life
to brighten our thoughts.
A good joke to make us laugh.
When in need of rest
I just close my eyes
and pretend to be here.
In my colorless land
With my lonely trees.
Where I know I find my God
deep inside of me.
Just another moment in life,
another struggle,
but always around the bend
another season of life awaits.
You will be free.

Shell ✨🐚
Carry God within in life’s struggle
817 · Mar 2022
Sweet Jasmine
Soon the smell the of sweet jasmine will be in the air
Bringing memories near
once again
Nights heavy with scent
Drinking a cup of tea
And I still miss you.

Shell ✨🐚
Spring memories
795 · Jan 2021
Useful attraction
Beauty of nature
Everything in harmony
The blossom can’t wait
to become a flower
To show her colors
To attract the bees 🐝

Beauty of nature, everything in harmony as was meant to be.
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