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792 · Jan 2021
Beautiful connection
Bright  little star above
Stay with me forever
While I’m looking at you
in the night .
I know he is watching too!

Many people all over the world are looking at the night sky. Enjoying and often thinking the same.
765 · Feb 2021
Natural mandala
Comets hit planets all the time
Leaving  craters behind.
Creating  hellish landscapes
for man to study to get a sign.
Vulcanos erupting everywhere
streams of lava
cooling billion of years.
A cosmos created so devine.
Black space with eight known
planets circling around.
Around one flaming source called  sun.
Universe in motion still not done.
The mystery remains.
Countless scientists studying with little gain.

Cosmos, mysterious reflection of life itself.
A colorful amazing picture .
Natural mandala
Created by  God himself!

This poem is written for Peter, a special friend in Belgium, who makes the most beautiful mandalas
761 · Aug 2021
Color of the wind
And the wind was blue
I could hear it
I could feel it
Now I see it.
Moving through green trees
Moving everything it touches
Making waves at sea
Touching me while passing by
Moving me
Crying sounds which reach the mind
Painful tears in eyes of mine
Now I’m blue too.

A metaphor. Empathy, when sadness from afar touches you.
751 · Nov 2023
riverlike streams of wisdom
leading to open sea.
White strings of hair telling a story.
Never been heard.
Lesson to be learned.
Falling and rising.
Swimming against the tide
and still surviving.

Shell ✨🐚
Wisdom comes with years
735 · Feb 2021
Self love ❤️
You can only give
what you yourself have.
To give love
Love yourself first.
To be kind
Be kind to yourself first.
To mean something to anyone
Treasure yourself first!!!
This makes you a happy person.

Shell ✨🐚
you can’t give what you yourself don’t have.
730 · Dec 2023
Hello my old friend
Today in early morning dew
My eyes were searching for my moon.
Much to my delight
I saw a little quarter light
still sleeping like a baby sickle
covered by a little see through cloud
dreaming of the sun still yet to come
to greet at dawn of day.
I smiled and said “ hello my old friend “.

Shell ✨🐚
Moon lover
724 · Apr 2021
When the day meets the night
And the sun greets the moon
Something magical happens...
It’s over too soon
A moment of silence
A colorful sky
The sun closes eyes and says its goodbyes
The moon takes over and
watches the birth
of another beautiful nightfall falling over this earth!
Isn’t it a wonderful world ?

717 · Feb 2021
Different alike
There are as many different people
As there are as many different souls.
Not two of them the same.
Still they all look so
very much  alike .
Especially from far,  
just like the stars.
All one
still one of a kind!

Shell ✨🐚
We all are unique in our own way still we are all one kind and yes we look the same!
713 · Dec 2022
Dancing flowers
Catching my eyes
Colorful and bright
dancing in the wind
You make me feel
something inside
make me smile
You make me happy
All day!

Shell ✨🐚
Look at nature and find peace.
softly in my ear
come to cherry blossom tree.
when the wind breathes near

Shell ✨🐚
707 · May 2021
Quote 36🌷
Bad things happening in your life
are keys given to you
to open the locked doors
to better things.

Shell ✨🐚
703 · Jul 2023
First you pray then you sing.

When you’re down
think of all the colors of bloom
The different skies above you
Hug someone.

Shell ✨🐚
Only love will save humanity.
693 · Jan 2021
What can I say
When people love power
more then  they do people
When people love money
more then they do people
Poverty will always have its way
World peace will always
be far away.
What can I say.
It’s a sad thing.

Shell ✨🐚
World peace seems so far away!!
Let’s focus more on what we have in common .
691 · Apr 2023
Springtime, second chances
Colorful togetherness
Harmony in mellow shades
Resurrection of what was
Chances of love,
Spring of life
like a fresh newborn
Forgiving one another,
the key to all second beginnings.

Life always gives you second chances.
691 · Mar 2022
Spring, lovebirds ( Haiku)
between wild flowers
lay me down at twilight time
still birds watch lovebirds.

It’s spring. So many lovebirds.
677 · Sep 2021
Autumn 🍂 is here🍁
Walking in the morning
In this golden field of trees
Blanket of yellow to brown leaves
Inviting you to lay down in peace
Feel the weather changing
A soft cool breeze is here
See the quiet of the land
Beginning of the new season
Autumn is here.
Beautiful time of the year
Christmas is near.

666 · Mar 2022
Woman, Queen you are 👑
No matter who you are
No matter where you’re from
Daughter, sister, wife, mother a friend
You are always special
While trying to be good and do your part in this life
You will feel uplifted
while there are  sorrows
and often pain in the heart.
You can go anywhere
even touch the sky
Linchpin of this life you are.
Mother of all mothers
Mother of all fathers
if you live with faith in yourself
and the higher One deep in your mind.
Sun and moon are watching you
as does all of universe.
Go live your life
Reach for the stars,
close your eyes and visit the moon.
Queen of life you are.

Shell ✨🐚
Happy women’s day to all women
651 · Apr 2021
Kiss from the moon 🌙
I’ve been kissed in the night
by the moon
Everything so  light.
What a delight!!
Changes are following
Changes of  tides
During day time I am blue.
The kiss was tender ,It’s true.
It’s the key for my existence
For me to be!
I am the sea!!

Shell ✨🐚
641 · Jul 2021
Silent promise
Look beyond the falling raindrops
Beams of sunlight coming through.
Look between the dark clouds
A silver lining is there for you
Parts of a rainbow will soon appear.
Giving color to a grey sky
Such is love, such is life.
Never give up on both
As long as you see your own worth
As long as you love each other
There  is hope.
You will always have sad and difficult days but beautiful and happy ones are also there.
Just look.

Shell ✨🐚
Never give up. Always stay positive and hopeful.
636 · Jan 2021
Bright moon
Golden full
Circle of the night
Beautiful disk
So bright
Everything lights up
Whenever you appear
Make lovers whisper in the ear
loneliness disappears
Shine o shine
Your mystical light
Until  dark is over

Shell ✨🐚
635 · Feb 2021
Valentines rose🌹
A rose will always be a rose
Sweet red rose
Beautiful little wonder
of nature
You represent love between
two people
That’s how everything great get started .
You caress my eyes
You elevate my soul
Symbol of love no wonder
Rose, you will always be a rose.

Love between people, not just couples but generally. That’s what life is all about. Love gives hope, peace and happiness.
Wish upon a falling star
Many wishes ascending to the sky
Looking in the blue black night
While waiting for a falling star
Catching someone else’s wish
from afar.

Shell ✨🐚
Night star wish
622 · Jan 2022
Quote 83🌷
Between now and forever
Let’s meet
Before dawn of day
Before fall of nightfall
Before it’s too late.

Shell ✨🐚
621 · Apr 2021
Shy moon 🌙✨
The moon watched her every night.
She looked up and searched with her eyes.
He  was sure she was looking at him.
Even could hear her talking .
Talking in such a sweet voice
Told him she was lonely
if he had seen her love
That’s when he knew
He was falling in love
Falling in love with  big sad eyes.
Shy moon
hid behind the clouds.

Shell ✨🐚
The magic of the moon
619 · Nov 2021
Moonlight tree 🌳
Beautiful old oak  tree
under moonlights shine
Standing big and tall
Mighty roots golden brown
Branches wide you reach
A light breeze makes you move your leaves
as wind is passing by.
Touching you, caressing you.
Midnight blue ceiling
with crystal ball
lightening up the night
Make this fairytale picture
Makes me
want to flee into the night.
under moonlight tree of wonder
watching moon and sky
while my loved one is close by.

618 · Aug 2023
So impressed.
On canvas sky blue
Grey clouds blocking late sun
from coming through.
a bright fluorescent lamp glow
hiding behind opaque white snow.
Leaving a
sharp silver lining aura
staying on my retina.
Underneath a citrus colored glow
clear blue with cotton white puffs,
inviting the sun to set.
Not ready yet.
I’m so impressed
Can’t stop looking
Can’t take my eyes away
on my way home.

Shell ✨🐚
When driving home from work I look at the sky and realize my Creator loves me.
618 · Jan 2021
Refugee child
Little feet walking
Endlessly far
Big eyes  wide open
Only seeing the war
Little hands clutching
everything nearby
Little skinny bodies
Numb, just wanting to cry
A child tired  and hungry
With no place to go
No  destiny nor future
Nothing... No home..
Eyes big and wide open
Seeing only the dark
That ..... people
is our
refugee child.

The reality of a child in war and poverty.
617 · Jan 2023
Still here
My sweet dog died
Thirteen years of  togetherness
I buried him and planted a tree
Now he is still here
with me
I wait for him to bloom
Soon I’ll be standing
under the comfort of his shadow .

Shell ✨🐚
612 · Apr 2021
Last goodbye 🌿
Whisper softly in my ear
Words I only want to hear
Words only meant for me
Our lovestory you and me
Till you whisper softly no more
Gone like the morning sun
Thunder struck my heart
Didn’t know that it would
end this way
Nothing left to say
No more whispers in my ear
No more  lovely words to hear
Never knew
it would be our last goodbye!
Angel in the sky.

Shell ✨🐚
To say goodbye to your love one.
609 · Jan 2021
Inner voice
When all is quiet
That’s when you hear
the whisper from inside.

Shell ✨🐚
608 · Apr 2022
Haiku ( secret garden)
cherry blossom dream
under flower hedge I walk
to secret garden

Shell ✨🐚
607 · Feb 2021
a sun is  rising
Coming above the horizon
Somewhere a day is dawning
Waiting for the night
The  moon will soon come out,
breaking through when day is done.
Somewhere  in the world
Every second of all time
a sky is  golden shining
a sun or a moon somewhere .

Shell ✨🐚
Golden sky so beautiful.
Appreciation for our beautiful nature that is everywhere.
596 · Jan 2021
Do not just look....
see , feel
Do not just hear.....
listen, feel
Feel the other person
With your soul
Feel the emotions behind the
face under the surface
Feel the soul, the purpose,
the feelings of his being
You will discover
that you feel alike
Look him in the eye and...
see yourself,
It will make you cry.

Shell ✨🐚
We ar all alike no matter race, religion or whatever!!! Treat everyone as you yourself want to be treated!!
594 · Mar 2021
Forest fires
The sky was golden yellow
Air was black, unbearable hot
While we were running
towards help.
Running non stop.

Passing many trapped animals
Nothing we could do to help.
Felt like our life was over.
Felt very much like hell .

Fire flames as  high as trees
The thick smoke inhale was real.
Tears were running without knowing , fear and
desperation was the feel.

Honor to all the firefighters,
who risk  their lives
courageously .
To save house and hearth
And all the other living herd.

Forest fires a nightmare . Hell on earth!!
590 · Apr 2021
Quote 12🌷
My love for you is lke a pearl inside a shell.
Safe.  shiny and pure.

Shell ✨🐚
580 · Aug 2021
Sunsets 🌇
With colors splender
The sun sets it ways
Causing silent explosions
on blue canvas every day
Never twice exactly the same
A ritual
part of this black universe
Gods way.

575 · May 2023
Quote 154🌷
Let us both walk half way
to meet each other half way
That’s what relationships are all about.
That’s what life is all about.

Shell ✨🐚
573 · Aug 2022
Quote 123🌷
The mother will always be the melody of one’s life.
A happy one or a sad one.

Shell ✨🐚
565 · Apr 2021
Quote 29🌷
Let there be so much light inside of you that you can walk the darkest of paths.

Shell ✨🐚
564 · Aug 2021
Golden eagle 🦅
One golden feather
Of the golden eagle
Falling down from high above
Once an  endangered species
Feeds their living young
with their own death ones.....
If  necessary
Anything for survival
Seems harsh,  yet
Golden eagle with golden feathers
Golden rules to save the young and the species.

The golden eagle will do everything to survive.
559 · May 2023
Quote 152🌷
Mother, melody that determines life’s dance.

Shell ✨🐚
554 · Aug 2023
Red velvet
Red velvet soft lips
Lipstick ended on your collar
Result of a missed passionate kiss.

Shell ✨🐚
549 · May 2022
Golden sunset 🌅
Crystal  ball in pre night sky
Floating on orange waters
Bright light from departing sun
Golden shine in twilight
Waiting for the moon to rise
When sun says goodbye
Soft glow on Earth.

Shell ✨🐚
549 · Aug 2022
Haiku ( sturgeon moon)
sturgeon moon hides
behind woolly clouds
fishing at night

547 · Feb 2021
Desert flower splendor 🌵
In the desert
there are many cacti
Only blooming  when day is done.
Beautiful flower paradise
waiting for the bats to come.
Bats acting like bees do in daylight
You can say they are nighttime bees.
Making sure that deserts cacti
will bloom forever,
creating nighttime’s flower sea.
This world has been made perfectly
for anyone who wants to see!!

Many don’t know that you have the most beautiful cacti flowers in the desert! They only bloom at night.
546 · Sep 19
Baby moon.🌖
In early morning dew,
Under velvet see through
I saw my moon
sleeping like a baby.
Dreaming of a
lazy sun
to get up soon.
To brighten this new day.

Thank You for just another day.

Shell ✨🐚
It’s  not obvious to wake up and see another day..
543 · Jan 2021
There are many secrets
out there
The  world is
your treasure box
Go and find
your jewels.

Shell ✨🐚
Despite everything the world is a beautiful place. Just look around.
He created everything beautiful!!
Try to be happy and grateful.
It doesn’t cost anything to look and enjoy all the beautiful things that are out there
Each of us
being kind to
at least two people a day,
We would come a long way
World peace at last
Flying white dove. 🕊
Green branch offer.

Let’s try to be kind to each other.
540 · Feb 2021
Don’t wander too far
Everything you’re searching for
Is inside you.

Shell ✨🐚
We make the world not the other way around.
538 · Mar 2023
The moon, light of magic
Mesmerized by your appearance
I can’t take my eyes off of you
Like another planet full of light
You come close,  give color to the night
You see everything that’s happening on this Earth
So much darkness so much pain
Want to swing to bring me closer to you
You’re the eye of God, watching
Everyone that do harm, who is to blame.
All I want is whisper to you,
you’re my Moon.
Tell you all my secrets and my name too.

Shell ✨🐚
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