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23h · 56
Quote 189🌷
A smile is the first invitation to everything.
With a smile many doors and hearts
will open.
Yes, I see you.

Shell ✨🐚
1d · 19
Mona Lisa triste
Truth and sadness are always silent.

Mona Lisa , Mona Lisa
Men must have just told you
How beautiful you are.
What all seem to have missed
is the sadness behind the smile.
When you look
throughly and  sincerely
you can see the pain within the eyes.

We all have a little bit of Mona Lisa inside.

Shell ✨🐚
Sadness is part of living. How often we smile while being intensely sad.
Standing in the shadow of life.
I watch others flourish in warmth of light.
Happy to be part of this wonderful world.
Full of color and sound.
Giving me peace just being.
Enjoying all little things,
miraculous and beautiful.
I’m mourning but still
blooming from gratitude,
living inside of me.
For everything that is and was.

When being aware of all little blessings despite all the grief there is in this world, in our life,  you can flourish. Be thankful, always.
7d · 143
To be born.
Being in love with life,
with love.
Love for living things.
Nature, music,
who I haven’t met yet.
a melody I haven’t heard yet.
Warming my heart already,
making me happy.
Just waiting to be born.

And there I was, in a colorful world.
Listening to the song of
Watching all kinds of animals and all kinds of people together in harmony.
Wondering where all the water was.
Then I recognized you.
You are my mother.

Shell ✨🐚
Every child has the right to be born.
It’s breathing, moving, it’s living.
Jul 13 · 54
Silent bird
The bird sat still
For years.
One wing was free.
First moving wildly,
while the other was tied down.
The bird learned through watching.
Fed by the wind.
To survive this flightless life,
still full of light.
Never reaching potential heights.
Now set free he didn’t even know how to fly anymore.
There sits a still bird still.
Wondering what it’s like
up there .

Shell ✨🐚
A metaphor.
Jul 7 · 205
The wildflower liked being in the wild.
Flourishing in silent peace
while dancing in the wind.

Shell ✨🐚
Always be yourself. Peaceful.
Jul 2 · 179
The old and the new
Pearls of blood in eyes of Mary.
Waves of sadness hit me all the time.
What once was, now gone without a proper goodbye.
Pray for health to watch you grow,  bud of life.
While praising by living healthy.
Try to be kind and grateful all the time.
Live life with grace and elegance.
Like a flower in the wind.
Always staying in the wild.

The wildflower liked being in the wild. Flourishing in silent peace.
While dancing in the wind.

While we bury  a loved one we are blessed with the birth of new life.
Jun 28 · 181
Now that you’re gone
my scars are like beautiful tattoos.
Going with me forever.

Jun 22 · 144
I kissed the day, it turned
into night.
I waited…. and…
you brought the moon.
Making my dreams come true.
Along came the dawn.
With break of day
you were going away.
Birth of the sun
Making me blush and bloom
while waiting for you.
My moon.

Happiness means letting go
while staying whole.

Shell ✨🐚
Jun 12 · 80
Candle’s last flame.
You did good my friend.
Hold my hand.
horizon’s fields of flowers.
Hear your mother calling.
Come my child let’s play again.
Only happiness and laughter.
Spirits dance the dance of peace.
Ultimate freedom’s music.
Singing the song of harmony.
Welcoming you,
out of darkness
into the arms of light.

Shell ✨🐚
In memory of Errol Jessurun.
Jun 5 · 118
Letters unsend.
like unsend letters
Putting it out there.
Sending them to the universe.
Like traveling stars from afar.
Hoping they reach their destination.
For the one to read and understand.

A star for you.
Jun 1 · 100
Forever evergreen.
The mind sleeps on music pillows
Forever captured in lost memories.
Evergreen .
Play that melody, our love song
let me be found once again.
See my tears, see my smiles.
For one moment
I am again.

Shell ✨🐚
Very painful to watch people become strangers to themselves.
May 29 · 244
Quote 188🌷
Hold close to you what’s dear to you.
Before the end of dawn.

Shell ✨🐚
Priorities in life.
All was dark
no lights.
Then she heard a song
A tear fell from deep within
She remembered him.

Clear moments of our loved ones who are lost in their own.
He left, his bride I was.
It’s silent…..everyday.
No Melody inside.
Trust died and there is only fear now.
No confidence anymore.

Abandoned…. I was standing there in distress.
I could hear my heartbeat, the sighing when the wind was still.
Sunbeams were cold on my naked skin.
I felt like an empty canoe on open waters.
Waiting ….
Suddenly without destination.
Weeping is all I could do,
bridal tears falling.
Cry me deep waters and I want to drown.
Reflection of pain like branches heavy  with dejection.
Hanging low, longings of what once was.
Now lost.
Weeping willow along the lake.
You see me.

Shell ✨🐚
Many are lost when a loved one leaves.
Ancient history always here
It’s part of us , we carry it everywhere.
Melancholic melody of life
coming back to us time after time.
It’s in the song of breath
of all living things
and the silent memory of our lost loved ones
We never will forget.
As long as there is Mother Earth there will be flowers everywhere,
as there will be wars no matter what.
Because ..
we don’t listen, we don’t learn.

Flowers for young girls everywhere
Young girls for young men how they care
Young men for wars to fight for peace.
Because that’s what they have
to do .

Mothers lose sons
Women lose loved ones
Young ones lose fathers
Field without flowers
Only graveyards to see
Graveyards to reach peace.
And then everything went silent.
Left, a heart filled with pain
Eyes filled with tears.

Then, song on repeat
Field of flowers once again
Ancient history today next to where we stand
And the young girl runs once again
to pick some flowers
from a field with blooming colors

In every flower lies the spirit of all of holy ground.
Those who gave their lives come see them when you watch a field of flowers.

Shell ✨🐚
An ode to all soldiers who lost their lives serving
their country .
May 22 · 74
Quote 187🌷
You are hidden there
in your cocoon
but I promise you
Once you find the courage
to come out
You’ll be the most exotic butterfly.

Once the unknown is known life will be beautiful .

Shell ✨🐚
Live your life , don’t be afraid of the unknown.,
You are on the battlefield
Killing another human being
Do you know him?
Throwing bombs and firing missiles.
Killing innocent children.
Innocent just like yours.
Don’t you have children in your family?
Do you feel good doing this, satisfied?
To be the cause of so much pain and sadness.
Look at each other on the battlefield.
You two are the same.
Killing for peace.
You won’t die a hero.
There are no winners in war, only losers.

Shell ✨🐚
Such useless wars everywhere.
May 12 · 190
Just another day.
Day ends
Night  falls
A dog barks
A baby cries
A mother with  tired feet
A father frustrated
ends didn’t meet.
Still  sitting together
Having a simple meal
Still praying together
Still thanking
For another day.

Shell ✨🐚
Life of many all over the world.
May 11 · 211
Blushing moon
I’m taking the highway through nature
to fly me to the universe.
Finding black holes leading me into other galaxies.
To find my own milky runway cherry blossom moon.
Where portals are being opened
far beyond existing cotton candy clouds.
and where stars are nearby.
Where the moon is a reflection
of a blood sun.
Purple moon with golden halo
why are you blue sometimes.
Disappearing on your dark canvas
making me a moonless night.
Come out and shine your pink moonbeams on Earth,
making Earthlings blush
under your charming creamy eyes .

May 5 · 156
It’s our time once more.
Meeting between bright colors.
I’m happy and free.
Singing our  song together.
When bluebirds meet
on wings of daffodils
there is hope all over.
Birth of new beginnings.

Shell ✨🐚
Spring season of life.
May 2 · 190
Quote 186🌷
The smallest event can change your everyday life.
Big changes can stop you on your tracks of life.

Shell ✨🐚
It takes just one moment in life, in time, to change everything.
Summer breeze.
Different greens come along.
Sun and shadow go hand in hand.
Silver touch of waters
Nature’s path,
silent harmony.
Peace and happiness follow.

Walking in the sun
Summer’s golden touch
wild flowers bright,
colorful canvas under cloudless sky.
hot air everywhere.
Time to fall in love.

Shell ✨🐚
Apr 15 · 83
His own world
I was born different.
They knew from the start.
I was a healthy baby boy.
Really cute and beautiful too.
But then I started crying.
All day and all night long.
No one knew what the problem was.

Bring me to places
Where it is quiet and peaceful.
Dear mother, I know.
I am as I am and only you understand.
I need calmness in my head.

Shell ✨🐚
We are born not the same but genuine.
There are many children born with autism, some so slightly that’s not recognized. These children can flourish when getting the right guidance.
Apr 12 · 61
Quote 185🌷
In the end you can’t face God with mask on.

When the curtain falls, naked, as a newborn, you’ll face your Creator.
Apr 5 · 67
Flaming dusk
Today when day was almost done
I tried to capture a sensational blood sun
guiding me home.
Tangelo peel colored sky
calling twilight’s name
in soft whispers,
gliding on the wind.
Time of silence was setting in
when birds flying to their nests to rest.
Blind bats going wild,
feeling night fall,
while the sun was going under.

Shell ✨🐚
I always enjoy nature. It inspires me to write something down. The feeling it gives to me.
Mar 31 · 70
Quote 184🌷
Peace will enter when love prevails.
Inner peace will enter when you  listen
to your own voice
while staying close to your Creator.

Shell ✨🐚
Mar 20 · 119
A chance, a change.
While winter is going to sleep
Spring is awakening
I hear the birds in early morning green,
Soft melody of wind
caressing early blue of sky
to poke lazy sun to open eyes
and shine on all of pastel fragrance bloom.
It’s the time for new beginnings.
Let’s love.

Shell ✨🐚
We must believe that, like the changing seasons,
there is always a chance for a change.
To make wrongs right.
Through love…
Mar 14 · 91
Bow of hope.
Be like a tree
Happy with sun and rain.
Sing different songs
with the wind.
Sometimes happy sometimes sad.
through all seasons.
Still blossoming every time.
Rainbow sky,
hope for sunny ways tomorrow.

Shell ✨🐚
Try to be positive.
Mar 9 · 131
Quote 183🌷
While flowers bloom till their colors fade away
Trees grow taller everyday
Every new day a beginning or an end.
Every day a choice you make.

Shell ✨🐚
Somethings in life we can’t control.
Sometimes we can by making the right choice.
Mar 9 · 76
Just one life.
While flowers bloom till their colors fade away
Trees grow taller everyday
Every new day a beginning or an end.
Every day a choice you make.

We all live from day to day.
Knowing there will come that time
That we will die.
Still we’re living our life not in the best way.
When hearing a diagnosis of a terminal disease
knowing and seeing , experiencing
near end,
from yourself or a loved one,
you see people change and living life suddenly another way.
When being confronted with death our second life starts
and the first one is over.
You now learn to live with grief.
Priorities change.
To live life is to not forget that it ends.
Living with the right priorities.
Knowing it can be over any given moment.
In life many things just happen to you.
Things come your way, things you can’t control.
So, try
to do the right thing, concerning what you can control, choose your ways in life  wisely.
Love and respect yourself, know your worth.
Live with faith, love and kindness inside.
Be there for your fellow man.
When your time of grief starts that’s what will carry you through.

Shell ✨🐚
Let’s all try to  do the right thing.
Color me orange flower moon
When you’re near and full
Watching my beauty
That’s when I’ll bloom
in the light of night.
Sun of dark,
I’m so in love with you.

Shell ✨🐚
Desert flowers bloom at night.
Feb 25 · 269
Quote 182🌷
When your last days are here
all you will carry is what will  carry you too.
Your conscience.

Shell ✨🐚
Feb 23 · 63
Bow of hope.
Be like a tree
Happy with sun and rain.
Sing different songs
together with the wind.
Sometimes happy sometimes sad.
Changing leaves
still beautiful
through all seasons.
Still blossoming every time.
Knowing that to grow tall
sun and rain is needed.
Always look up after a rainy day
and discover a  colored ribbon in the sky.
It’s the hope for sunny ways tomorrow.

Shell ✨🐚
There is always hope no matter how dark the darkness.
Feb 16 · 81
Dreamers gateway
Dream the dreams of dreamers
Where the sun sets in different ways.
Many gateways we have
go through
To be where we’re supposed
to stay.

Holy gateway to the heavens
Cherry blossom trees
blossom by the sea.
Close your eyes
and see.
Find your gateway in
your dream.

Shell ✨🐚
So many gateways in life, love and dreams,
Layer upon layer
Petals close embrace.
my lovers closing arms.
A rose fully open.
Waiting… to be plucked.
Red rose from lover’s Eden
Fover your gardener I’ll be.

Shell ✨🐚
One red rose.
Feb 9 · 134
Quote 181🌷
Every shade of blue exists
in every kind of man.

Shell ✨🐚
We all feel the same pain.
Feb 4 · 119
In stillness
We cry when being born
we die in stillness

Surrounded by stillness
Blurred vision, can’t see far.
I am in slow motion,
body and mind
Till I stand still.
Nothing is moving
The wind is on mute.
Not even a whisper.
I meet myself at my own horizon.
I feel me.
From high to low I go.

You are all you have.
Nothing more nothing less.
Black of night travels through time
to meet light of day.
Don’t lose yourself in infinity.

I’m still here.
The same inside.
Older outside.
In stillness all we have is our memories and conscience.
In warm or cold embrace.
You connect with universe and God.
In stillness.
It will carry you till your last day.
Find inner-peace in solitude
and you’ll die a peaceful man.

Quote 181🌷

We cry when being born
We die in stillness of our own.

Shell ✨🐚
Stillness is necessary in your life.
To meet yourself and fuel your core.
Feb 1 · 240
Quote 180🌷
Don’t judge the path your fellow man is walking
Especially when he is barefooted.
His feet are his.

Shell ✨🐚
Be soft hearted when looking at someone. You don’t know his story.
Jan 28 · 190
The cause
Trauma in the roots
Everything  closing in
Tears like rivers
In the end you’re drowning
It’s not you....
It’s what’s done to you.
Be open
For help.

Many are struggling with unsolved feelings.
Aggression is what we see.
When someone behaves a certain way, don’t judge. It often comes from pain deep within.
Jan 25 · 61
Veiled dusk
When sleepy sun
is kissing blue of ceiling
peeled mango colors appear
creating soft light.
Twilight eyes turns dreamy .
Welcoming God’s dark blanket.
Birds hurry home.
Lovers favorite time.

Beauty of twilight. Always unique.
Observe and be part of it.
Jan 21 · 157
Being true
They say, nothing lasts forever,
but I can assure you
My love for you
will last longer then their forever
because long after you’ll be gone
my love for you
will still stand true.

Shell ✨🐚
True love never dies, no matter what.
Stays in the heart.
Jan 20 · 201
Healing herb 🌿
From the seed of love
Only alluring blossoms
will follow.
Let your intentions be
fertile soil
plant the way
to infinite humanity.
Instead of ruins
everlasting flower gardens.


Shell ✨🐚
Only love for one another,
no matter race, color or religion,
Can save this world.
Jan 18 · 268
Quote 179🌷
If you don’t like the way I am
walk away.
I refuse being something I’m not
to make you feel good.

Shell ✨🐚
Always stay true to yourself. You are good as you are.
Jan 15 · 85
Lover’s silhouette
Through twilight’s fields
We walk this Earth.
Until we meet our beloved.
Kiss me gently,
before nightfall.

Shell ✨🐚
Life in twilight
Love in twilight
In twilight Silhouettes to see.
Jan 6 · 68
Red Cardinals
Velvet red wings in sleeping cold
Waiting to sing.
Harmony in lover’s warmth.
Spirits for those who see.
Lucky view.

Shell ✨🐚
Two Cardinals sitting on branches in the cold.
Singing together.
Blending gems of God’s creations,
creating Mother Nature’s painting.
Variety in so many ways
Different shapes and colors.
See life moving,
hear the sounds breathing.
Waters soft hymn’s
Whispers of the wind
leaves dancing.

Shell ✨🐚
See and appreciate Earth, this world and each other. Make it a wonderful World.
Stop the wars! Please.
Jan 4 · 62
Working hands in prayer
Broken bones, painful joints.
Pin downed art to be admired
For centuries, everlasting.
Gratitude for sacrifice of a brother.
a way to honor he who set his hands in prayer.
Since the beginning of time hands were put together
while men pray with bowing head .
Till today it’s the same way humans humbly ask in prayer.
All over the world
for centuries,
for  faith ,
love and  peace.
For strength and guidance.
To never lose hope when in despair.
That we have enough kindness inside to help people in pain and those who suffer.
To be soft inside and always see the good in others and never to judge one another.
That we are forgiven for the things we did wrong
to find peace inside.
That there will be world peace someday.
With bowing head
we still humbly pray today.
It all began with gratitude for sacrifice made by a brother.
It al started with love.

Shell ✨🐚
This is inspired by the famous drawing of “Praying Hands” by Abert durer and the story behind it.
Dec 2023 · 170
The clock is ticking towards midnight hour.
Towards end of just another year.

Soon last season will be over,
time to leave behind all that’s gone by
Just like fall’s fallen leaves.

Time for reflection can begin.

Keys are there for doors to open.

To unlock life’s hidden mysteries
but  also to close doors
to all that’s in the past,

time for forgiveness sets in.

Another chance is given
to make wrongs right.

 It’s time for a new begin.

Every season has it’s own charm.

Every year it’s own mystery.

Every day in life you have the chance
for new beginnings.

Every day can bring you light.

Wish you and your beloveds a blessed
and peaceful Year.

May there be World Peace too someday.


Shell ✨🐚
Happy and blessed 2024.
Dec 2023 · 80
Quote 178🌷
like the taste of wine.
It comes with the years.
Listen to the elderly.

Shell ✨🐚
Somethings you just can’t learn from a book.
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