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Feb 2022 · 984
Life's Symphony
Robert Watson Feb 2022
Oh to be swept away in a melody
Caught in the maelstrom of a rhapsody.
The throbbing tide tugs our hearts
Like David charming Saul with his harp.

In intimate dance, soul and song entwine
Two notes forming a chord sublime.
The lyrics, an incantation, of unearthly hold,
Giving us the vigor to face the untold.

And one day our cadence will surely cease.
Our completed symphonies may bring peace.
Will our compositions instill life or death?
Will we exhale life before the last breath?
We all have a song in our hearts, yet we have the choice to use it to fill others with life or death.
Dec 2021 · 564
Poor Pedagogy
Robert Watson Dec 2021
A captured thought thrashes inside my chest,
As the droning teacher drills out his behest.
His lecture lulls us with impervious haze,
As the wandering pupils observe in a daze.

My captive prisoner rages to reach outside,
But I fail to arise, I'm shut up, tongue-tied.
The captain now slowly sails the ship away
Completely unaware of the treasure left astray.
I can't tell you how many times this happened to me throughout high school. I'm so grateful to be in a college where group dialogue is integral.
Nov 2021 · 306
Robert Watson Nov 2021
Bubble over and spill.
Without fire, stagnation.
Effervescent, excited electrons
Vaporized into emotion,
Hurtling through space
On a collision course
With an unsuspecting alien.
In a world of stagnation, boil.
Nov 2021 · 796
The Unfinished Portrait
Robert Watson Nov 2021
A gallery full of flawless art.
The colorful walls are lined with portraits.
My canvas face observes patiently.

The drones buzz around the room.
Stinging, they leave no honey.
Jagged lines, a black and white visage.

Swarms amass on the colored sheets,
Desperate for a hit of gratifying nectar.
My crude gaze has none to offer.

The incessant humming is deafening.
As I hang there, suspended, in neglect.
The sun sets; wasps return to their hives.

The artist who drafted me chose stark lines,
And hung me unfinished in that dark corner,
Reminding us of apathy for works in progress.
Oct 2021 · 987
The Mindfield
Robert Watson Oct 2021
Charged neurons firing,
Bombshell ideas explode,
Rifting old beliefs.
Digesting poetry has waged electrical warfare in my mind. Neural plasticity is a gift from God.
Sep 2021 · 1.1k
The Many Colored Beast
Robert Watson Sep 2021
Plagued by crippling doubt,
You trudge through life,
Hesitant, confused, aimless.
Peril lurks behind you.

You cling to what you know:
A sweet, numb idleness.
You seek a badge of courage,
But are waylaid by hedonism.

Sinking deeper into sorrow,
The many colored beast nearby,
Whispering, “you are alone,
Worthless, inadequate, a corpse."

Night’s jaws envelope you,
As the taint burns your soul.
The beast prowls unchallenged,
Leaving the heart torn and gory.

About to concede to the Destroyer,
You are interrupted in the act,
By a still small voice,
And love embraces you.
You can't always conquer evil with your own resolve.
Sep 2021 · 885
The Dream Woman
Robert Watson Sep 2021
A sultry wind surges o'er the Mediterranean.
Rosy fingered dawn wakes the world,
As I habitually walk the lonely path to labor.

A melancholy song sounds from the barley field.
Hypnotized, I follow through undulating grain,
Which lithely tosses back and forth in dance.

‘Neath a willow, amongst the barley, sits a girl,
Garbed in a white tunic, playing her angelic harp.
Her hazel hair weightlessly sways in the wind.

Her olive toned fingers pluck with mastery.
Nobility marks her solemn dark brows,
That sit atop commanding, umber eyes.

The harp's supple bends are a tribute
To the lady's long limber figure,
As she directs wind and waves by ballad.

She looks up from her earthen dais,
Eyes aglow with a playful, sultry look.
Pierced by her gaze, I awake...

With her, my wife, beside me.
I love visiting my wife in dream.
Sep 2021 · 412
Grammarly Premium
Robert Watson Sep 2021
What Grammarly premium makes me feel like:
a Neanderthal.
Writing some essays today, and the premium suggestion list keeps adding up.
Sep 2021 · 1.5k
Lord of the Soul
Robert Watson Sep 2021
A carnivorous beast lies pitted deep inside.
It devours its prey, gorging till it subsides.
Living in the heart of man, this beast doth reside.
It stalks upon carnal thoughts yet to betide.

A reincarnate knight seeks a kingdom of glory.
To vanquish the beast: his reoccurring story.
Oft' has the beast left the field torn and gory.
Yet, the knight strives for resplendent victory.

Fanfare pierces the soul; the champion sheathes his sword.
Returning to his dais, the knight returns as lord.
The internal battle is waged daily, and some beasts are larger than others.
Sep 2021 · 492
Death of an Ember
Robert Watson Sep 2021
The ember extinguishes,
Imposing darkness.
The pyre's carcinogen
ushers him to move on.

The fragrance teleports him:
Childhood bonfires,
Burning cities,
The end of civilization.

Burn it all down!
So much is lost.
From the fires of rebellion,
regression into tribes.

Among the ashes,
he finds a charred Bible
and quickly hides it.
Demoniacal wailing nearby.

He hurries to his bivouac,
hidden in a cliffside crevasse.
He devours the legible words,
diligently memorizing fragments.

A far off explosion reverberates;
pinned up book pages quake.
He mumbles “***** and Gomorrah
… to ashes … the ungodly.”

Feebly he undresses:
jacket with phoenix insignia,
tattered baseball cap,
and military boots.

His eyes, deeply sunken,
craving to espy hope.
His quivering emaciated frame
lowers unto a cot.

Laying his hoary head to pillow,
Phrases, memories, and regrets
accompany him to the celestial gates;
the ember extinguishes.
Sep 2021 · 577
Robert Watson Sep 2021
Tolerance seems kind;
guised, it's apathy malign,
silently we pine.
Tolerance can be insidious if we allow it to wear away at our beliefs. Apathy is often the reason.
Jul 2021 · 2.2k
The Elder Statue
Robert Watson Jul 2021
A monolithic sculpture stands upon a hill.
Ornate work of marble marks the artisan’s skill.
Clad as a knight of yore, with stony gaze held high.
Pilgrims travel from miles around to fall under his eye.

Epitome of courage, virtue, and respect
effused upon the villagers traits they should reflect.
Elements gnawed at the stone but failed to corrode
the manifold of lofty aims the knight would bestow.

Dark years beset the kingdom causing disarray-
Tyranny, vanity, and deceit led the people all astray.
Artisan's work above, a shining icon of probity.
A resolute bastion against the world’s impulsivity.

A day will come when the people reach distress;
crying out, they beseech the artisan’s redress,
but long has the craftsman been journeying far away
humbly allowing his handiwork, the message he conveys.
"Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer." - (Samwise) Peter Jackson.
Apr 2021 · 3.1k
Reader's Refuge
Robert Watson Apr 2021
I long for solitude;
The day's barking tyrants
Drained my reservoir.

Thirsty for life,
I search for my oasis
On life's arid expanses.

I witness the crucifixion;
I watch firefighters burn books;
I can't resist the sirens' call.

The ionizing words mutate me;
I read, and I'm pierced.
The tyrant's visage, shattered.
Try to spot the allusions!
Apr 2021 · 779
The Dire Dialogue
Robert Watson Apr 2021
Alight from your throne,
reeking of superiority.
Cast the first stone!
It no longer bothers me.

Spewing impotent venom,
your willfully caged mind,
conditioned, doped, benumbed,
cradled ideology; you're blind.

Let us meet as equals.
A dialogue must be fanned,
or the cycle of upheaval
will regress the promised land.
The ashes of civilization may be all that remains unless individuals are able to humble themselves to commence in dialogue.
Mar 2021 · 199
Robert Watson Mar 2021
What fools are we,
To hold our tears back,
Letting dust and debris
Blind the heart, arid and cracked.
Mar 2021 · 1.1k
Novocaine for the Brain
Robert Watson Mar 2021
Dizzy, dazed, and sedated,
Nightly rinse bleaching brains,
Slowly spinning me apart.
Roses flashing on screen, withered.

Worshiping at the Pantheon,
Novocaine for the brain.
My habitual easy friends.
Lust conquering love.

Lights go out!
Alone in the dark.
Guiltless shame,
I'll quit after tomorrow.
If you understand the poem, you'll understand the struggle that many deal with. I'm with you! Resistance is possible.
Mar 2021 · 703
Robert Watson Mar 2021
Slumbering in my capacious tomb,
I dread the surrounding recesses.
I've carefully examined every room,
silence building into deafening excess.

A horrid intuition commands me now,
Something watches at the threshold.
Hours have passed without a sound,
But I'm no fool, silence, I withhold.

Feigning sleep, I bow my head,
allowing the stranger to approach my bed.
No longer a bugaboo, it draws its knife
springing forth like a cobra to take my life.

Snarling like a beast, I counter its jab
Horror marks its face as I ferociously grab,
Wrapping its head with my blanket,
I twist, and lay the beast to casket.

Every night I battle my beast
And never have I ceased
To terrify that familiar freak,
Haunting my subliminal sleep.
Inspired by "The Tell-Tale Heart," by Edgar Allan Poe.
Mar 2021 · 759
A Paradox
Robert Watson Mar 2021
If we find something we are willing to die for, we truly live.

*Not a poem, nevertheless the birth of many.
I thought of this while writing a paper.
Jan 2021 · 472
Frost's Affair
Robert Watson Jan 2021
Winter's livery,
Twisted tree twigs ghostly garbed,
*****, lusting Spring.
Observing the frost on the trees on my way to work, and I thought of this, enjoy.
Dec 2020 · 151
I Forgot
Robert Watson Dec 2020
I have a tremendous fear
my memories will disappear.
Transient is our memory
In the sight of eternity.

A gentle breeze wafts away
my meaningful thoughts by day,
falling fast into the night.
Mind’s eye has lost its sight.

My sandcastles washed into the sea,
time again to return to industry.
I'd like to think my memories are held safe in my keep, but I fear the eventual decay or theft of my precious memories.
Dec 2020 · 419
Robert Watson Dec 2020
Sow my heart into your soil,
surging, sultry crimson oil
melts away your rocky toils,
seething passion starts to boil.

Magma devours fertile ground,
hissing, screeching, horrid sounds.
Land claimed without bound.
The ****** island drowns.
The temple is a sacred entity. Lust is dangerous.
Dec 2020 · 111
Robert Watson Dec 2020
She cries for help
Grasping, clutching
Drowning in anxiety,
Dragging others down.

She demands friendship.
She commands respect.

Sedate me now.
Sinking into numbness.
Dec 2020 · 214
The Pilgrimage
Robert Watson Dec 2020
Downward a brink strewn with craggy rubble,
I, confounded by impervious haze,
Despair the convoluted path and stumble.
Slick, sable stones reduce me to my knees.
The glorious Pilgrimage beckons me:
“Rise and seek out yonder city of gold,
descend ye from thy safe promontory
And subject thyself to dangers untold.”
On bended knee, head bowed, I pray and plead
For provision and eased yoke -and trudged on.
Abandon all hope, and many concede,
At the wicket gate, where I near anon.
    Tenant of celestial city now.
    With robust garden, I reflect my plow
First Attempt at a Sonnet. I'm not sure if the meter of poem is correct, but I tried my best.
Nov 2020 · 323
The Thief
Robert Watson Nov 2020
Just the other day
I noticed little things
Were going missing:
Fifty cent piece.

I found it particularly queer
How these objects disappeared.
I don't think I misplaced them
Perhaps my mind erased them.

[Later that week]

Today is my birthday.
Tilly, my granddaughter,
Presents me with a
Needlepoint magpie.

My heart finds incandescent joy.
Nov 2020 · 254
Miser's Demise
Robert Watson Nov 2020
There once was a hoary miser,
Who believed himself the wiser.
He hoarded his money
And divorced his honey,
Sly Liza, buries rich fertilizer.
Oct 2020 · 859
Wildfire Observer
Robert Watson Oct 2020
Sinuous the smoke
Tainting serene summer sights
Flaming, scourging plight.
Blazing wildfires thousands of miles away. The smoke engulfs the flaming eye of heaven, Minnesota observer.
Mar 2020 · 210
Convenience Kill
Robert Watson Mar 2020
lying there undecided
pick a side and be divided.
Satan’s surgeons, masked death
robbing baby of first breath.

Wake up!
Surrogate murderers.

The 1% cannot justify
the thousands of voiceless screaming cries.
Awake us from our lullabies.
History awaits your alibi.

Another convenience ****,
accepting societies numbing pill.
Will you concede to Evil’s will?
Or trade convenience for goodwill.
Voicing what I believe regardless of other's opinions. Hopefully, this will provoke you from lethargy. “We need not to be let alone.
"We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered?" -Ray Bradbury
Feb 2020 · 570
Pragma (longstanding love)
Robert Watson Feb 2020
Anchored, old oak tree
Admirable without fig,
Solace from your shade.
I thought of my grandfather's love for my grandmother when she was struggling through cancer. His diligence in staying by her side through it all is one of the most admirable characteristics of true love.
Feb 2020 · 189
A Capital Idea
Robert Watson Feb 2020
Money ebbs and flows indifferent as the rain.
Wouldn’t it be better if we could live on altruistic actions and deeds done for others?
Just an idea.
Feb 2020 · 219
Symphony of the Sylvan
Robert Watson Feb 2020
As dawn breaks upon the silent sylvan, the sun pierces the clouds with a mighty phalanx of shimmering sarissas.
The ravens cackle their clamorous, cacophonous call.
The sun’s skirmish over the solemn sea of nebulous nimbi forces the gray void to a rout.
The radiant beams of the victorious sun permeate life into the sylvan.
The trees and flowers sway with delight feeling the sultry presence of their victorious King. That all-seeing eye of heaven, the sun, burns at a distance despite his ruddy touch. Then comes dusk, the inexorable coming of darkness, drinking away the vibrant vat of the heavens. The ebon ink restores the suppressive tranquility that intoxicates the sylvan.
I wrote this out in the woods near my cabin. Enjoy!
Feb 2020 · 233
Robert Watson Feb 2020
Giving someone a gift
Instills bliss between both beings.
For a disregarded gift, however, inflicts insidious injury.
Thoughts of disgust and doubt
Spread throughout, as venom infects a festering wound.
Reflecting on a gift thoughtfully given to someone close to me, but it was cast out of their sphere of value.

— The End —