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2.6k · Dec 2021
Witch Doctor
Finn Dec 2021
For my dreams
and nightmares
I'm left standing
at an edge of something
incredibly important.

But it leaves me to wonder
whether I need a doctor
or a witch
2.4k · Dec 2021
Divine Punishment
Finn Dec 2021
Is it insanity
to both despise spirituality
and yet fall into dreams of vastness and Gods?

To have cried
and screamed
and thrown the crucifix from my hands
Only to find myself thrown awake
In the middle of the night
still feeling the thick
blood on my hands?

To have loved science
and knowledge
and fact
But have a Bible given to me from a loved one
that I keep in a drawer
like it's a shameful secret?

To having always felt uncomfortable at church,
but still feeling my skin tingle
like it's going to catch itself on fire?

To believe that God has abandoned us,
or that he never truly existed,
only to carve lines down my throat
with blunt nails
driven to madness
By a spiraling sky
and incomprehensible nightmares?

Is it a mockery
a sin, even
to have been raised by a saintly woman
and still end up
like this?

Is it cruel
to be raised by her
and have her torn from the world
before I would need her the most
and still have to live
knowing I didn't see her last moments
but instead
having her haunt my dreams
with her death?

It must be divine punishment
For past lives
and Future sins
for Fates' strings
and destiny's grip
or everything I've ever done wrong
and more so everything I've done right
2.0k · Dec 2021
The Birth of the Seraphim
Finn Dec 2021
I would shed my skin
Leaving dust and bone by the cliffside
And bare myself to the world
Amidst the storm of lightning and thunder
I would hold lightning in my hand
And grip it tightly as it struggled and squirmed
Uncaring of the black blood soaking my hands and the ground
From its burning arches of light
Until I finally set aflame
And leave you to watch,
gripping the fabric of your sleeves
As I jump

from the precipice

to fly



soundlessly into the sea
in the roaring crescendo
of life

As water had birthed life and nurtured it
One day I would emerge
Unrecognizable to your tearful eyes

But Gods aren't meant to be beautiful
And angels strike mortals with madness
And turn the impure blind
So as I return
Having been dipped into the lifeblood of our world
I spiral into the sky
"Goodbye" unable to leave your trembling lips
And tears falling unbidden
The only words I know now
"Be not afraid"
I took with me into the sky

So I leave you
With no understanding
And only the atrocity
That I had become
1.9k · Dec 2021
Finn Dec 2021
And as a child of science
I walk through my days,
clinging to theories
and laws
and equations

While my nights
are consumed with
nightmarish visions
otherworldly beings
and bloodied hands.
Taunting me, almost

I look into a mirror
With a voice laden with grief and exhaustion
And ask my smiling reflection
whether this is Spirituality
or Lunacy?
1.6k · Dec 2021
Finn Dec 2021
It's almost time
Soon, I'll cross the line
And become an adult.
I'll finally be independent.
It should feel freeing.
I feel terrified.
I already have plans.
It shouldn't be so scary.
I can't help to think,
That this is cruel.

I've already spent
Most of my childhood
being "independent".
It should be time to collect my dues
and finally be able to
depend on someone else
1.3k · Jul 2022
Finn Jul 2022
When the screaming ends
the flesh seared away by the blinding white light
many eyes opening wide in colors yet unseen
eyelids peeling back and shriveling
cursed to forever look and see everything
burning hot metal sloughing the charred remains of flesh and bone
teeth acidily dripping from the writhing form
and as the ashen wings sprout
and all noise ceases
you pick up a feather
hearing the chorus and choir
and wonder if this is the epitome
of beauty
boi is back again but this time I've got a new prescription and a doctor's encouragement to take a psych test woo
anyway, eldritch angel thoughts again. them Biblically accurate angel pictures just....stick with ya huh
1.0k · Dec 2021
The Death of a Star
Finn Dec 2021
Shaking shuddering vibrancy
A blink and I'm gone
Past the twisting fracturing light
Stretched and bent around gravity
The twisting halls that are pulled out into eternity
And instead found in Aether

Galaxies and stars searing my fingertips
Dark inky waters surrounding me
Skin sliding off, muscles turning to dust
Revealing my core
A bright
Burning and revolving with rings of ice,
like Saturn
But much like how stars burst in their passion
And time itself will trickle the last grain of sand in its hourglass
A ticking timebomb in my soul
An explosion of firecrackers waiting for me,
at my end
The heat death of every universe living in my mind
and sprouting from my skin
Even Gods are forgotten
But as I reach like Icarus once did
setting myself aflame on white dwarves and red stars
And I
this is what happens when I drink redbull
898 · Dec 2021
Finn Dec 2021
Is it wrong
to go through
day by day
and barely speak a word?

Everyone else is just
so loud.
I can't be heard anyway

I've learned
that I
almost like
being ignored.

Most people leave me alone.
Maybe I like it better this way.

Or did I just get good
at ignoring my loneliness?
871 · Dec 2021
Self Destructive Thoughts
Finn Dec 2021
When I'm left to myself
My wrists tingle
And I vividly see what it would like like
To scratch and scratch,
until blood flowed like a river
To pry my nails from my body,
with a squelching sound
To pull my teeth with pliers,
feeling the roots' empty place
To stab pencils into my thighs,
and leave them in the contracting muscles
To pour acid down my back,
and feel it burning and bubbling and the tissues peeling off
To scoop out my eyes,
and finally be blind to the world,
with crimson tears running down my face
841 · Dec 2021
Prison of Flesh and Bone
Finn Dec 2021
I am three fourths
of the way
To vibrating out of my skin
Watching it slough off and turn to stardust at my feet
The flesh prison which chains me to this Earth
And traps my in this plane of being
652 · Dec 2021
Unwilling Silence
Finn Dec 2021
Popping joints
Ill-fitting limbs
Aching bones
Tearful eyes
Driven to indifference
by its own design
A bleeding heart
Fractured, but not yet consumed
A clumsy mouth
Incomprehensible words
It thinks to say something
Its mouth refuses to open
Its throat stays closed
Looks like today
is a
no voice
This year, I began to have days where I couldn't say a word. No matter how hard I tried.
628 · Mar 2019
Finn Mar 2019
Words weave together intricately,

Bleeding colors and echoing sounds

Creating and destroying worlds

You cannot run when you're but a word

In this world of words

Soft and swirling

Sharp and cutting

Handwriting,  names, places and faces

All lost in the sea of letters pulling together

To form words that form sentences

That form paragraphs and pages and books

And worlds
620 · Dec 2021
Under the Surface
Finn Dec 2021
When I dream
I can slip from this body down
into the seas
of the Abyss
and remember drowning
without water
and Seeing the only beings
to ever want me
in this place

and having to turn them down
As my flesh and blood
has duties
to yet still live
581 · Mar 2019
Finn Mar 2019
I can see a word

Or phrase

And conjure up hundreds of stories


And yet

I can't find the words

To place these same images

Into other's heads
566 · Dec 2021
Finn Dec 2021
It hurts my spirit
and soul
Being chained to this
Earthly body
Trapped in this
Plane of being
When my spirit is made of
white hot flame
imploding stars
494 · Feb 2019
The Blue and The Red
Finn Feb 2019
The Blue And The Red

Are Not Easily Friends

That Being Easy To Deduce

But Then Came A Truce

Bringing With It A Brilliant Purple Hue

But The Purple Didn't Last Very Long

As The Red Came Returned

Singing A Song

And Stabbing The Blue In The Back

Even As The Blue Faded To Black

The Fight Never Stopped

Now The Purple Against The Red.

The Red Tripped And Died

Haunted By Eyes

That Were No Longer There.
479 · Feb 2019
Finn Feb 2019
It's so



That sun.

It hurts.

But it's there

And it's trying

And you can't

Make it leave

You could

Wait it out


Maybe not.

You could stay indoors

But it's just so bright


People give off the brightness

Life does

Death does

The shadows are comforting

They're not bright

Or as sterile

Or harsh

It's so loud

As the light can be

It's dark





One cannot

Stay in the dark forever


Light helps us to see

In the dark, we are easily lost

Maybe too much of

A good thing

Isn't so good?


It's always there for you.

If you need it.

Sometimes the light is just

Too much

And we need

A break
404 · Dec 2021
Pushing Forwards
Finn Dec 2021
To push forwards
Once more
Consuming my entire being
404 · Dec 2021
Finn Dec 2021
Feeling the body split itself apart at the seams
and dissipate into single atoms
like tiny pixels on a screen

Only to come back to it
Having been in the middle of a task
But caught between surreal reality
and the phantom sensation of turning to sand
Someone asks a question
I smile
I forgot what I was doing."
397 · Dec 2021
Falling From Heaven
Finn Dec 2021
A dream where my mother's blood was spilled
Only for I to be drawn forth
by horrifying angels
Asking only to take their hand
But be drawn back into the darkness
Into a comforting embrace
Telling me to only come back to this place
After I've chosen

But to no longer have counsel in this world
And having no knowledge of my options
or the consequences that may befall me
From a mistake
such as this
Is a cruel choice to have to make

Could this be
a Second chance?
Or maybe
an opportunity
to fall further from grace
366 · Mar 2019
Swirl and Twirl
Finn Mar 2019
We spin and swirl,

Dance and twirl,

And yet

Though beautiful and enchanting it may be

We are just puppets

On strings
361 · Dec 2021
A Spot In The Grass
Finn Dec 2021
The only indication that I was ever even alive

A stain of black blood

Left abandoned

on the forest floor
331 · Mar 2019
Words Woven
Finn Mar 2019
Words woven wordlessly and worthlessly. Effortlessly too, from the looks of it.
Seemingly sorry
Scarily serious
Flippilantly fluctuating with free fluency
Laughing lightly in between lies
Truthful tales told time and time again
Images embedded into eye sockets without care
Waves of emotion weaving and waning in the worst (best) way
Hopeful helping hands are only hardened by hurt
Dark and deep the voice of the destroyed
Unless light and laughing as they lie
Truth be told, the times of old tell tales of torture, triumph, and tragedy through tradition and tears
This might not make much sense but I understand it. So others might too.
325 · Mar 2019
Blue Eyes
Finn Mar 2019
Even as stories tell

Tales of cold, icy blue eyes

Looking on as our hero


And the eyes speak of

No mercy

No emotion

Just coldness


They're the villains

Their eyes unsettling


So far

Every pair of

Blue eyes

That I've met

Were warm

And kind

And loving

Even if they were

A bit

287 · Apr 2019
Golden Flowers
Finn Apr 2019
The golden flowers bloomed
Miniature suns casting
Light against this backdrop of
Green surrounding them.
280 · Mar 2019
That Place
Finn Mar 2019
As you make your way back

Back to that place

That place that you've sworn that you'd never return to
246 · Dec 2021
Absorbed Into Earth
Finn Dec 2021
To lay in immense pain
Soul shattered like broken glass
Spirit in tatters
Knowing only of Despair
and Pain
and Love
Stuck in an endless agony
Waiting for the Earth
to welcome me back into her arms
and my rotting carcass to be absorbed into her
and the last piece of what I once was, forever lost
Saved by the circle of life
242 · Feb 2019
After His Fall
Finn Feb 2019
But After It All

Even After His Fall

He Still Could've Been Saved
241 · Apr 2019
Finn Apr 2019
The music I blare in my ears is loud

So loud

It hurts and I want to turn it off

But the awaiting silence

Keeps me from it

The silence is so loud
237 · Mar 2019
Finn Mar 2019
Hear no speak no see no evil
227 · Dec 2021
I Know
Finn Dec 2021
I know
Despite my grief
My time is not yet up
And so I turn from the many eyes
And return to a body
With aching joins
and crying eyes
221 · Dec 2021
Simple Things
Finn Dec 2021
It's the simple things I think I'd miss
The highlighters and neatly organized notes
The colored pens and the loose-leaf papers
The animals and the food
Raindrops on windows
The crunch of snow
Sun hitting my skin
And a fresh summer breeze
205 · Feb 2019
Finn Feb 2019
I really do


The time you take out of your day just to

Just to

Spend time

With me

Of all people

You spent that time with me.

I hope

You don't regret it

I hope

I sincerely

From the bottom of my heart


That you do realise

That I

Care about you

Far more than I am able to


Through these

Flimsy words

That are nothing more

Than sounds

Sounds that

Pass through cold lips

Through the days

That doesn't make

Much sense

Does it?


I treasure the time spent

With you

With her

With him

I treasure the time spent

Doing what I love





Heart beating


I do have times


I do not want to do any

Of these things

Where I

Rather be alone


Captive to

My mind


In my


But remember

I will always come back

Come back out

Get found


My way back home

And I will try to spend time

But know that

I am trying

To ground


And I

Really do

Love the time

We spend

Doing what

We love

Even though

I may not act like it.
202 · Feb 2019
Finn Feb 2019

Huh cur




That word


Is in itself



Wouldnt you say?


It brings images of cats

Of Alice

You know

Of Alice in Wonderland?


Images of British folk in glasses




Such a word

Is so

I don't have

The words


I'm saying the word

Repeating it


In this room


Are you curious?

Are you curious of what

What has possessed me

To speak in such a way?

It's truly



I could not tell you the reason

But it's


I love




What is

Happening to


It's all just



I can't

I can't resist

Are these human


Must we

Know the unknown?


Is powerful.


I can't stop repeating this word

This word


I cannot



I don't know.

What can't I?

Can I not


I suppose




Curious curious curious curious curious curious curious--


It feels as if


Is a name we gave

They gave

Humanity gave

To something we cannot control

This completely





Is such a beautiful name

Am I

Am I crazy









It fills my mind

It repeats


I am

No longer


Of anything




Is that?
193 · May 2019
Finn May 2019
Under a vice of justice you soar

But what if

There's something more

Than just what

You're looking for

191 · Apr 2020
Woman and Religion
Finn Apr 2020
I'm not a woman
I can see you stare
"You were born in that body
You were born to have long hair"
Was I though?
I don't think I was
If it were that way
Maybe I wouldn't want to die as much

"Say what you want to say
You're ******* me off"
I tried to
But you told me "no"
There is no room in your heaven
For me, who is trans
"You're going to hell"
You can shut your mouth
You didn't even believe in God
Until this month

Now you think you're some saint
And you've picked up a bible once
Skimmed through the pages
And sipped the wine symbolizing blood
Ate the bread symbolic of flesh
Well you've skipped the verses
Didn't read the psalms
Or genesis

I did
I've read enough of the book
To refute the ******* you've just said
I used to be a believer
And I still might be, I'm not sure
But it's people like you
Who make sure churches turn cold and dark
Who make this book I used to adore
Just blank parchment smeared with ink
Who took my faith and shredded it
In your kitchen sink

I say I'm a nonbeliever
Only because
If I told you that I believed in my own God up above
You'd use it as leverage
Tear wounds in my soul
Make me too weary
To ever go on
You'd ask how I can believe, being queer and trans
Living in the wrong body
Living as a man

But let me tell you this
You slimy ******
My faith is MINE
Not something you twist up to offer
I don't have to give you the time of day
And I usually don't
But your *** has got it backwards
I'm in control
Not you, not your stupid ideals
Just me, quietly, thinking to myself
184 · Feb 2019
No Good
Finn Feb 2019
I Had Something

No Good It Would Bring

But Death And Madness And One True Thing

All Because It Entailed

Itself To Me
Something... 2016
180 · Feb 2019
I Let Myself Go
Finn Feb 2019
I let myself go

I let my


Be used

Be abused

Hurt me

He hurt me

In the

Best possible way



Just maybe

The worst


I wouldn't know

The difference between




They are not so different

You know what I mean

Or maybe

You don't.


If that's

The case


You will soon

You'll know what it feels like

When the pain

And the pleasure

Swirl and mix


They are interchangeable



And so


174 · Feb 2019
Finn Feb 2019
Forget Your Memories

To Earn His Trust

If This Plan Doesn't Work

We'll Both Get Hurt

Please Just Forget Them All
174 · Feb 2019
A Single Truth
Finn Feb 2019
Twist Around The Truth

A Life Full Of Lies

Have You Ever Told

A Single Truth

In Your Entire Life?
173 · Feb 2019
The Boys
Finn Feb 2019
Oh The Boys

Played With All Of Their Toys

Puppeteering People In Their Minds

They Told Truths

And Told Lies Once More

When They Told The Truth It Was True

When They Lied It Was False

When They Didn't Speak At All

I Wonder If

They Lied Or

Told Truths To Themselves
This is an older one of mine from -what?- 2016? Maybe 2015...
172 · Feb 2019
Finn Feb 2019
I hear them

The others

My age and

I just don't


I just don't understand it

The lingo

The music

The attitude

The emotions

I try

I really do

I swear

But I just don't


They're laughing

And they

Cry together

They love company

But I don't

Get it

They're not afraid

They're shining brightly

And I'm


But maybe I am

I just shine different

Where they glow

I fail

But it seems

They make up the color in the world

At least

They do in mine

They may act...


I will not

Deny that fact but

They're my family

I'm always going to forgive them

Even if they're loud

And don't really understand

And so

So optimistic

I love them

I have to admit

I'm jealous

Jealous of what they have

And I know

That they're envious of me sometimes too

But the difference

Between them and I

Is that they're trying

Trying hard

And I

Have not put in

As much effort into the

Same things

So when I say

To "ask them"

Even if I sound condescending

I care

And you cant

You won't

Insult them as I do because

They're my family

I'm allowed to

You're not

They know I love them

But do you?

Do you really love them as I do?

Because I can guarantee

You have not seen them

At their best

Nor at their worst

As I have

They're my younger siblings

Not Yours

And even if I don't express it

I love them to bits

So back off

171 · Feb 2019
The Game
Finn Feb 2019
They Played Their Game

Finally, It Wasn't The Same

As The Days Gone Past

Knowing It Wouldn't Last

But Still Playing The Game

What Led Them To Stray

In Such A Violent Way

Well, It Can Only Be Blamed On The Past

When The Game Finally Ended

The Victor Pretended

To Be So Relieved

But He Missed Their Fame

And Mourned Their Game

As He Lost His Only True Friend
168 · Apr 2019
Finn Apr 2019
Hide who you are

Hide all your scars

Pretend you're okay

Welcome to the masquerade
162 · Feb 2019
Red And Then
Finn Feb 2019
And then there was red.

Red on his head.

Red on the ground.

Red on the floor.

Red dulled in his eyes.

Red, red, red, red, red.

There was only red.

And then there were screams.

And then there was numbness.

And then there was darkness.

And then there was--
162 · Mar 2019
Eyes of Stone
Finn Mar 2019
Eyes of stone and heart of gold

You're but a child that the world has sold
161 · Mar 2019
Delusional Dreams
Finn Mar 2019
You know most who

Dream as much as I do

Would be marked as


But I haven't yet

So I suppose that's good
159 · Feb 2019
Finn Feb 2019
I'm here


Laying in this


Unable to get

Up and out

Of it


There is nothing wrong

With me

Not physically

But I would

Rather lay here

And cry

Then get up

And face everything

Do you


Or am I

Just a


My chest feels




And I have

No idea why

My poems

Don't even seem

Like poems

Just thoughts

Turned to words

Spaced oddly

Oddly enough to

Call it a


Does any of it

Even matter?

I am


But I've been here

Like this


But last time

This hurt

This pain turned

Into numbness


And this pain

Means I'm alive

I'm here

I'm fighting

Even if it

Doesn't look it

The pain means I'm alive

The pain means that I can


Become whole again

So does it make me

A sick person

Or even a

******* if

I say that I

Wake up

Every morning

Looking for this

For this pain

Just to reassure myself that

I am alive

I am human

I'm still trying

I'm still here

That I am no longer numb

And pain

Means progress

So I lay here

Feel this pain

Shed some tears

And force myself


Up and out of this bed

To begin the day

Even if it is

The afternoon already

I get up

Pull on some clothes

And greet the day


"I haven't given up yet"

And that this


That's weighing me down

Will not get its way

No sir

Not today
154 · Feb 2019
Finn Feb 2019
Clouded With Lies,

But The Truth Is Clear.

Open Your Eyes,

Then You'll See You've Become What You Feared.
152 · Feb 2019
Color - Blue
Finn Feb 2019
You're so






I have a question

Why are you trying so hard to be

To be what you're not


I've never seen such a


blue before

Before you

You're trying so hard to be a





And frankly

I don't think you're telling the truth

That blue that paints your words


That blue that stains your words

It's too strong

It's too heavy

It leaves a sour taste and a dry feeling in your mouth

I've never met such a blue before

Almost every single person I've met is a warm color

I suppose that's for a reason

Cause the warmth shows that you're alive

That you feel

But your color

Is not one of warmth

It is falsely blue

And fake cold

And though I may sound insane

Even to you who has made a place in my heart

I know it's true






Our friendship is built on these lies

Are you really who you say

Or are you truly a stranger I've yet to meet

Is this friendship really real

Or are you stringing me along

I've never really had a


such as this

This song and dance we seem to play

I can see when you lie

Your words stain into the saturated blue

And I can no longer know

Anything about you



Tell me this

Are you really my friend

Are you really that sickening blue

Or is this all pretend


Like children who don't understand this world

But if you're going to answer

With another lie

I'd rather that

You don't answer

At all

And maybe we'll move on

And forget about this

But even so, I will be stuck seeing that


Stain your lips and mind

Your soul and words

Until you finally are stained all over in that blue

Until you become but a blur of that color

That fake

That sickening

That heavy

That sour


And I hope that one day

You stop being what you're not

And accept your true color


I can guarantee

It will feel much better

Than living this lie

That you've




But even so

I will still be here

With you

No matter which color you choose

Because you're my friend

And I care

Which is why I'm telling you that

Your color is fake

And I bet your actual real color

Is so beautiful

That I'd wonder

Why you'd hide it

In the first place
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