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Sep 2019 · 314
Goodnight, Sunrise
Paul Kgaje Sep 2019
Goodnight, Sunrise
I sit and ponder of time,
The frequent echoing tiks and toks that rings 'though each unique.
The rude awakenings in love disguised as hate.
Your perfect strength to warm up the coldest days.
Your love expressed in many ways.

A tree with so much to give,
Not just the the food we eat but the care we need.
With disregard to time and how it shifts,
Our eyes be blind but our hearts will see.
Today's night allows for tomorrow's day.

You are the Sunrise that our hearts will see,
You are the Sunrise that our skin will feel,
You are the Sunrise in our minds you remain,
And 'though tonight seems unfair, tomorrow your light will bring care.
A poem about a breadwinner, a father, a loved one, a partner, a brother, an uncle, a grandfather and an angel on earth lost.
Jul 2019 · 301
Goodnight, Sunrise.
Paul Kgaje Jul 2019
Goodnight, Sunrise
I sit and ponder of time,
The frequent echoing tiks and toks that rings 'though each unique.
The rude awakenings in love disguised as hate.
Your perfect strength to warm up the coldest days.
Your love expressed in many ways.

A tree with so much to give,
Not just the the food we eat but the care we need.
With disregard to time and how it shifts,
Our eyes be blind but our hearts will see.
Today's night allows for tomorrow's day.

You are the Sunrise that our hearts will see,
You are the Sunrise that our skin will feel,
You are the Sunrise in our minds you remain,
And 'though tonight seems unfair, tomorrow your light will bring care.
A poem about loss of a symbol of strength
Jan 2019 · 408
Forget About Us
Paul Kgaje Jan 2019
Forget about us.
Like the greats that once walked this once great land for millenials before yours in search for wealth beyond measure.
Like the soldiers that died to protect your forefathers and theirs.
Like the words you swore to keep forever as you struggled through the rain.
Like the fool that gave away their soul to keep yours shining as you meant the world to them.

Like the smell of a beautiful rose that came from his mother's garden as his eyes gazed at you uncertainly.
Like the song that has a melody with no words and no composer.
Like God as you find happiness and live in the moment.

Forget about us.
For we are what belongs in the book that won't be read in this world you created.
For we can only matter to the Grey man as he knows truth.
Like diamonds that lost value yet still shines.
For we have never been your special song but we sang from within.
Forget about us, forget about us.
Dec 2018 · 367
I Saw A Hand In Darkness
Paul Kgaje Dec 2018
I saw a hand in darkness,
laid instructions in elegant expression.
Reach for the stars, grab the brightest and lay rest to the shining moon.
Cover your eyes for shadows will come to live.
Don't cry as the empty vessel is but a package of sorrow,
Smile at your ending fight.
Dec 2018 · 274
Goodbye, God
Paul Kgaje Dec 2018
Oh, for I shall die and be at peace with peace and darkness.
Darkened roads so black as night is where I'll rest.
Covered with air that chokes the frequent springs of my chest.
Your setting sun is a concept of nonsense,
But then am I not just a traveling man with no license?

Erase my existence as those of previous time lines.
Foolish man uttering words of unknown language kinds.
The scarecrow scares those that come close,
And I was so close to wearing those dull clothes.
Your promises are not even yours now, are they?
A father sending his children to paint.

Rain, rain, rain!
Bringing growth and shape.
Well, my land it has no rain,
Should I die and decay?
But the Penguins said you're great.
A Short Poem About God
Dec 2018 · 394
Master Has A New Slave
Paul Kgaje Dec 2018
Master has a new slave.
For years I've went from one diamond to another with no penny for my services.
Dug holes and buried daffodils,
Dug holes and buried daffodils.
Carried by the spirit that shall give life to my children,
Children to children's children.
I've worked the way of a slave and never let my master carry a *****.
'though time told too many stories of the previous slaves,
I hoped mine was that of the history pages.
The blood drips on my cold knees as I crawl the dark for a meal,
She usually brings me something nice,
Oh master what are we having tonight?

The master's table should be kept clean at all times,
We don't want master eating dirt, alright?
Master is late for her food tonight,
It must be a busy night.
She usually utters of her unwell businesses, I believe she is tired.
I feel the chains on my feet being loose,
Master won't like this one bit.
The trees tell tales of the old berries,
And those that bury often get buried by no one.
Master smiles and tells me to run as she holds a gun counting to ten.
I'd run a bit more faster but my feet are swollen and needs healing.
As the trees come closer, darkness comes to sight and master smiles as she sends the new slave to bury my corpse.
Dec 2018 · 388
A Break Of Silence
Paul Kgaje Dec 2018
Silence, Silence.
No air blowing in the room,
just silence, silence.
Closed space, heavy breathing, sleeping giant.
The cuddling teddy, sleeping with no blankets, just silence.
Demon comes, demon comes, demon comes!!
Door opens, the squeak of the door,
The handle of the door ****, a break in silence.
‘Holds the teddy, lifts it up, puts it up on his neck.
This is just too silent!
The crying birds, the barking dogs,
‘Must be a break of silence.
The waking teddy, the waking giant.
Tall figure, the ground is far to reach.
‘Holds its neck, its squishy, soft.
Breaks its neck,
The end to my silence, the end to the demons silence, the end to all silence.
A Short Poem About A Demon That's Inside And  Around
Nov 2018 · 366
He's Behind Me
Paul Kgaje Nov 2018
He's Behind Me.
I can feel his still face as he shows no expression.
His dark eyes focused to the back of my head.
His slow breathing as he syncs it with mine.
His cautious movement as he aligns it with mine.
He has no shame in what he does.
If I'm to turn he won't be there,
There will be no shape in all this darkness.
Silent horrors of loneliness or terrifying company.
He sees me when I can't see,
'See he knows me more than me.

He's Behind Me.
Although I Focus Not In His Presence,
Moments presented show me his existence.
He's not an object of illusion visualized only by my perception.
I think I know his purpose, it frightens the child in me nevertheless.
The brooding madness of my unstable state is clearly the blood he needs to drink.
He is not a shadow, that would belittle him,
He is more than that.
A poem on my life on an everyday struggle
Nov 2018 · 255
Not My Katelina
Paul Kgaje Nov 2018
Not my Katelina
Her steps are so smooth and cautious,
She wouldn't hurt a fly.
For some who won't understand she's just another and within her hell shall rise,
But not my Katelina.
Her shadow is of pure color, how can she be mean to me?
Her love would travel around the world for me, cover me with pure adoration and perfect admiration.
How could it be my Katelina?

She hasn't said a word now,
A lot seems to be on her beautiful mind.
I make a funny to her to lighten her heart as the skin she buries herself underneath,
But Katelina won't smile.
The air is different and I'm enjoying my funny man character for the first time,
He seems to like laughs.
My efforts to bring her home seems to make her angry,
Somebody is inside my Katelina.

Confusion confuses my already confused soul.
Where is my Katelina?
A poem on a different love
Sep 2018 · 321
I Am Buried
Paul Kgaje Sep 2018
I am buried, I am buried.
The shadows are no longer a sight to see,
The shadows no longer appear to me.
It burns in my skin,
But the fragments, just lucid.

I am buried, I am buried.
The sky is too far to reach,
Reach to God.
The falling petals of a broken flower.
The shadows are no longer to see.

I am buried, I am buried.
I've hid myself from all eyes to see,
I've painted a picture for no one to see.
The stars align, clouds are nowhere to be seen.
'Stuck in a time that's not even mine,
And oh I should try to bury the line.

I am buried, I am buried.
I walk on moons and earths to gain peace,
But peace is where the saints will sleep.
I am buried.
A Dark Poem About Light.
Aug 2018 · 465
Stab Me In The eyes
Paul Kgaje Aug 2018
Stab me in the eyes, let me not see your filthy crimes.
Your hands are full of blood, the victims everlasting cries.
Your voice is swarmy as you hide beneath the tides of your lies.
You ******* with fear as your smile is not sincere.
The ringing bell shall be of help but if it rang.
With the question at mind I ask you very nice.
Where were you last night when Mrs Helmer died?

Your rage reeks upon your neck as you answer me.
Your sky is no longer blue and I can see.
It's on this day when I wish I couldn't see.
Oh what great trouble you're in.
"Curiousity kills a cat"
I now know what that means.
I wonder of the ****** weapon and where it's hid.

Stab me in the eyes, let me not see your filthy crimes.
You've ruined my life intirely.
For years you've been a friend undoubtably.
Lies, lies, lies.
There comes a time for those, the wise man knows.
My poker face isn't as fine as that of a friend I know.
Stab me in the eyes, let me not see your filthy crimes
A poem about a crime committed
Aug 2018 · 622
You Are A Killer
Paul Kgaje Aug 2018
You behold a beast that lives inside your darkened mind,
You hold a creature that preys at darkest nights.
You go to sleep in sight but to sleep you shall never go,
Your raging spirit aches to swallow souls.
You are a killer.

The life you live, shaken, tremulously.
Demented souls  you devour meticulously.
The blood you sip from the skulls relentlessly.
Sins of joy, sins of joy.
You are a killer.

The poor children cry, the poor children cry.
You never hear but yet you listen.
You swallow swords; you swallow blades as the sun it shines.
You utter words of encouragement and hide your face from the light.
You are a killer.

You act as brave as the knights of Templar,
And slice your blade in a stranger.
You shape a world of delightfulness and stump on it.
You are a killer, you are a killer.
A poem about the bad things we do
Paul Kgaje Aug 2018
As  the  ground  beneath  your  nostrils  circles  in  escape.
Your  raging  heart  thunders  with  not  joy  but  dismay.  
Flock  of  birds  fly  the  empty  skies  with  wonder,
'Wonder  about  the  place,  wonder  of  the  place.  
Your  tired  feet  aches  and  so  you  lay.  
Your  shirt  is  stained,  
Stained  by  the  recent  darkened  day.  
Woof  woof,  they  start  to  chant.
The  saddened  rose  has  fallen  flat.
Your  troubled  shaking  hand.  
Shaken  faith  shook  to  deepest  lengths.  
'Would  rather  stop  but  fear  won't  let  you  dare.  

The  windmill  spins  with  forceful  winds,  
Drifting  monsoons  shifting  speed  and  blading  skin.  
Flashing  light  and  painful  knees,  
Horizon's  downfall  is  what  it  seems.
Darkness  clouds  your  empty  head,  
Sudden  voice  comes  to  speak.  
"Mrs  Helmer's  death  came  at  your  sleep,  
But  what  we  see  is  what  we  need"
Stab  me  in  the  eyes,  let  me  not  see  your  filthy  crimes.
A short poem painting ****** and emotions behind.
Feb 2018 · 320
Shine, My Lovely One
Paul Kgaje Feb 2018
Every night I look at you,
Every night you look at me.
Its funny you only see me at night and not at day.
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
You look at us and confess your crimes.
Your lonely nights, your happy nights.
I've waited for some time for you to be the light.
Shine, my lovely one.

The world spins so eerie, your eyes bleary.
Your skin burns as he stares with light from a darkfilled valley.
Now they see you clearly.
We stand so firm as a family
And I know you're happy.
Shine, my lovely one.

Years have passed and there's more to come.
They exist to be like one of us.
Yes, we are paintings on the sky.
God made us shine.
Shine, my lovely one.
Feb 2018 · 1.1k
Satan Is kind
Paul Kgaje Feb 2018
Success of a crime
The bleed of a son of Christ
The green flowers of smiles
Clouded faces let rain subside
Satan is kind

Symphonies of tears
Hearts filled with raging fear
The ruler is nowhere near
Near the eye of the dying deer
Satan is kind

'Though Sharp knives stabbeth the derailed souls of weakened Christians
Blood boils of the one they reject
Rejects know not to lose faith in his hand
Satan is kind

The soft wind of vocals utters the forbidden berries that mankind craves
Glitter magnetize the eye let the boy walk in the cave
The warmth of his smile, it has no shame
Satan is kind

Protection we need,
Protection we feel.
In the presence of the cross they found peace
The slaves to glitter shall rest at ease.
Satan is kind
A short poem about satan
Oct 2017 · 345
My Life Is Flawed
Paul Kgaje Oct 2017
We burry ghosts of hearts where our minds won't tread.
We speak the language of now in hope like the rest.
We die in the absence of each other's warmth.
We cross paths only in the depths of our memories.
Pictures appear not physically,
My life is flawed.

We travel through time with lies.
What appears real is only real in lies.
Rain falls different through different regions.
My mind echoes with a name I once claimed kiddish.
My life is flawed.

The sweet daffodil from the garden grew better with time,
The petals look vibrant and bright.
The yes became a no,
The no felt too cold.
My life is flawed.

— The End —