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Your actions left cuts on my heart.
But, like the cuts on my arms,
They faded away in the summer sun.
However, though the wounds have healed,
The memories last forever.
A lowly caterpillar
Inching her way to a leaf
She spins her chrysalis
The sun rises and sets many times
But she does not see it
Because she has hidden herself away
In her cocoon
But finally
She begins to emerge
And she is no longer a lowly caterpillar
She has grown wings and can fly away
To a better reality
I thought you were a tattoo
A permanent mark on my skin
A love that lasts forever
But you were only the ink of a sharpie
After just a few showers
You washed away
Drowning in the depths of despair
As I sink deeper and deeper
I hold my breath
And hold on to a sliver of hope
That someone will rescue me
Morgan Howard Aug 30
Gasping for air
My faint whispers
"Help me"
My bedroom door opens
My mother walks in
Her annoyed tone is ringing
in my ears
I hear the door close again
She left me
I feel abandoned
And I lay there
All alone
More whispers escape my lips
"Why? Why? Why?"
I needed someone in that moment
I needed comfort
Yet all I feel is emptiness
This literally happened last night
Morgan Howard Aug 29
I sit on a dusty shelf.
The days go by,
And I watch the children play.
I am sad and alone.

But one day,
A child notices me.
They notice my beauty and elegance.
They carefully carry me down from the shelf.
I now have a friend.

Months pass.
I spend time with my friend every day.
But suddenly,
They drop me on the ground.
My fragile glass skin is cracked.
I am broken.
My friend sees my shattered state,
But they do not care.
I am no longer beautiful in their eyes.
They leave me there.
I am alone again.
Morgan Howard Aug 29
I used to think
That poetry needed to rhyme
To be considered poetry
But then I realized
People do not need to be perfect
To be considered human
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