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Morgan Howard Feb 13
The silence is deafening.
How many days has it been?

I can almost make out the faint calls,
Of someone in the distance.

But just as quickly as they appear,
They vanish without a trace.

So, I sit against the wall,
Hugging my knees to my chest.

Scratches on the rough concrete behind me
Marking the depth of my agony

How long will I rot in this cage,
Before someone notices that I am missing?
Morgan Howard Feb 13
I long to be known.
To be seen.
To be heard.

I long to be held,
In a comforting embrace,
And told that everything will be okay

I always thought someone would find me.
That it would be a perfect teenage romance,
Like you see in stupid fantastical films.

So I waited.
And waited.
And waited.

But no one came.

I was a naive fool.

Maybe it's just not meant to be.
Morgan Howard Jan 31
Oh to be a leaf
Blowing in the breeze
Going wherever the wind takes me

Oh to be a tree
Standing great and tall
With my head held high

Oh to be a bolt of lightning
Energetic and electrifying
Striking the ground with power

Oh to be a boulder
Big and strong
Never to be broken

Oh to be what I'm not
Because what I am
Isn't good enough
Morgan Howard Dec 2024
They say pain is temporary
But how long will it hurt?

It's a neverending cycle


And when everything starts to get better
When the pain starts to cease
You burn yourself all over again

How long will it hurt?
Morgan Howard Dec 2024
I used to fly
Free as a bird
With no fear of falling

But now I am bound by chains
I have plunged into eternal captivity
Held prisoner by my own mind
Morgan Howard Dec 2024
The Smiling Man smiles day after day
Hardly getting any sleep
When night falls in his bed he'll lay
And he then begins to weep

Most days there's no life in his eyes.
No words on his tongue.
No thoughts in his mind.
No breath in his lungs.

He is but a mere carcass
Of what once was
His body is cold and lifeless
Flies swarm around him in an annoying buzz

His limbs are stiff
And so is his face
That smile still on his lips
His body stuck in one place

But when the sun falls
He begins to cry
His sobs echo through the halls
As he questions "Why?"

For despite his smile
He is not happy
Instead he feels vile
And his vision is blurry

The Smiling Man smiles day after day
Perhaps it is for the best
For it must always be this way
Even after his inevitable death
Based on a drawing that I did a while ago
Morgan Howard Nov 2024
My soul is a lacuna
An empty void
Filled with nothingness

It's hallow and dark
The cold walls
Covered in cobwebs and mildew

And I search
Far and wide
To find the missing piece

The missing piece
That will fill my lacuna
And make me complete again
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