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May 2018 · 743
Noah A May 2018
wh ati f iju s ten dm y li f e ri g htno w?
w hyd oi ha v et owa i t?
Mar 2018 · 865
Written to Death
Noah A Mar 2018
Nobody understands you
I want to know
Why you ****
The pain you cause
You make warriors fall to their knees
Everybody worships you
You haunt nightmares
You are an evil sorcerer
Your prison locks away the forgotten
In a place where
Creativity, imagination, and color
They do not exist
They are not welcome

I hate you Death
You have taken from me
You thief!
You are evil
You torture my mind
My body screams for the pain to stop
You **** me from the inside out
You possess my thoughts
There is nothing worse
You filthy liar!  You cheater!
I hope you suffer beyond belief!
I hate you, Death

And yet,
Without you
There would still be pain
You end all that
With one movement
What is worse than death?
Many, many are worse than Death
You may be a devil, Death
I will never understand you
You have helped me through life
And when it is my time to end
I will do it willingly
Thank you, Death
Mar 2018 · 291
The Dead Man
Noah A Mar 2018
Would the world continue if I were not in it?
Would the laughter cease?
Or would it keep going?

Would I live on in memory?
Or be forgotten?
Would anyone... anybody out there

Would Death accept me for who I am?
Or leave me?
Amid Life and Death
Light and Dark
Future and Past

Will I ever find out?
Mar 2018 · 361
The Mind
Noah A Mar 2018
The rain falls onto the charcoal ground
The deepest and darkest of my thoughts weave their way through my mind
Circling like a hawk
Waiting to stab at the peacefullness welled up inside me
Longing to break the endless seams that hide the joyous emotions
The icy moon rises to begin it’s torture
And the darkness overwhelms me
Cracks appear throughout the barricade
The darkness continues it’s endless assault
My emotions inside struggle to keep the darkness at bay
My mind fights against itself
Eating itself up
Killing itself
Until finally, the darkness wins control
I was hoping that someone could relate to this, as I have defenitley experienced this before.  Honestly, I had one recently and so I decided to write about it.  Hopefully you guys like it!
Aug 2017 · 488
Life Slipping Away
Noah A Aug 2017
I sit here in my bed
Searching for answers

I sit here
Why did the world have to come to this?
Why do I have to...

I guess everybody dies
But I don't want to die
I don't want my life to slip away

I don't know why but...
I feel as though there is a chance...
A chance for me to live...!
But no...
It can't be...

For I am sick
And won't get up again...

It won't be that bad...
Will it...?
Just fading away into nothingness
Not feeling or hearing
Or seeing or smelling

Goodbye everybody...
My life is gonna slip away
Into nothingness
Goodbye old friends...
I'm going...
Aug 2017 · 241
Noah A Aug 2017
I walked down my staircase to bump right into Anxiety
She looked me in the eye and walked away
I was stunned for a moment, then continued down
While I was making my breakfast Anxiety appeared again
Walking right into the fridge
She said, "Don't you have anything good in here?"
I became anxious and stuttered, "Uh... Try the stew".
She gave me a dark look and walked away
I put my head down
The rest of my day I was very anxious
Walking around nervously
Becoming paranoid
Not trusting anyone
Why are they looking at me?  I thought
From this day on if I ever see Anxiety I tell her to get out of my house
I will never see her again
I made this poem for when I am feeling anxious.  It is as though Anxiety herself has looked me in the eye.  Thanks for reading!
Noah A Aug 2017
My life...


I don't know...

What... to do...

What should I do...?


Help...           me



I regret...

Many things...

I regret...
Doing what... I did... Alone

To become...


But I can't go back...

I can't say... I was... wrong

I cant be wrong...!

They must... understand

If they don't...

They will see me... as...

As a monster...

For the rest...

Of my unforgivable...

I need your help!  I want to know if I should make my character suffer endlessly, or help him.  Or maybe just end the story right here? What do you guys think?  Please write what you think in the comments section!  Thanks!
Noah A Aug 2017

I was...

I was wrong...

I wasn't...

I wasn't... framed
I killed... an innocent




That's what's done it!

That's what put me to suffer...!

I shouldn't be mad at harming...?

I killed millions of innocents...!

Innocent men!


But that makes me...

A guilty man...


Why was I framed...?

Why did I THINK I was framed...?


I was wrong...!


If you haven't read part 1 and 2 yet, please read those first!
Noah A Aug 2017
I was framed...

I was framed by...

By a lunatic

I was framed


Endless suffering...


There is no end...


I need...

I need to strike...

I need to finish this FOOL...!

Come to me...!

Come to your DEATH...!

Let me show you...

What happens...

When you mess...

With ME...


This is unforgivable...

You are dead to me...!

You will never be...

Woah.  Part 2 to my new chain of poems!  Yay!  Part 3 will come out soon!
Aug 2017 · 210
To Death
Noah A Aug 2017
Nobody understands you
I want to know
Why you ****
The pain you cause
You make warriors fall to their knees
You are more powerful than any army
Everybody worships you
You haunt nightmares
You are an evil sorcerer
Your prison locks away the forgotten
In a place where
Creativity, imagination, and color
They do not exist
They are not welcome

I hate you Death
You have taken from me
You thief!
You are evil
You torture my mind
My body screams for the pain to stop
You **** me from the inside out
You possess my thoughts
There is nothing worse
You filthy liar!  You cheater!
You are a coward
Hiding in the shadows and then striking
I hope you suffer beyond belief!

And yet,
Without you
There would still be pain
You end all that
With one movement
What is worse than death?
Many, many are worse than Death
You may be a devil, Death
I will never understand you
You have helped me through life
And when it is my time to end
Will I do it willingly?

There is another option
I could just, leave life now
Jump into your open arms
Accept my fate
Close my eyes
And walk towards you
Maybe it would be better that way

But then
I would lose this world
This Earth, where there is
The world is like a frothy bowl of soup
With many different colors and people
Every day, you take a sip
Swallowing some of the contents
When will I get swallowed?
I will wait and see
I will not leave this world, Death
At least not right now
Or any time soon
I wrote this poem and performed it.  It's better when I perform it, but still.  Hope you like it!
Noah A Aug 2017
Why do I have to suffer...!

In this

Why do I have to be punished...!

Sent away...

To a place
Beyond reality...

This is horrible...!

What a cruel world...!

But what I did...

Was unforgivable

And yet...

What if I made it up somehow

What if I showed this world...!

I am strong!

I am not bad!

I am...
Not unforgivable...

But I am unforgivable

It's done

I have no place in this cruel world...

**** ME
**** ME NOW!

I don't want to die...

I want to go back

Back to when...

I wasn't
One of my darkest poems...
Aug 2017 · 382
Noah A Aug 2017
Power, oh Power
you manipulate the minds of grown men
they fight over you
many see you as the key to success
i see you as a monster
you are a fool to think
you have the whole world in your hands
you are a tool that one can use
not something to horde
many horde you
why don't you make them pay?
you are as selfish as those with power
Power, you are Unfair
Cruel and Terrible
you should be Generous
Caring and Kind
but you are not
you laugh at poverty
you smile at slaves
taxes entertain you
i don't need you Power
A lowercase poem with key words capitalized.  Hope you like it!
Aug 2017 · 537
I Am Death
Noah A Aug 2017
I am Death
I haunt dreams
I create the last breath
I can make people scream
I am Death
I have power beyond belief
I control every mortal
I cause so much grief
I am Death
I can choke with a snap
I can drown with nod
I can cause a stroke with a clap
I am just like a God!
I am
Another rhyming poem.
Aug 2017 · 290
Noah A Aug 2017
Imagine a new world
With brilliant colors everywhere
The light, blinding
You cover your eyes
It is too much, you want to disappear

Imagine you've been caught
You are trapped under a net
Rusty stakes dominate each corner
There is no where to go

Imagine you are stuck
Between invisible walls
You become frantic
You pound on the walls

People go through this every day
This fear
I am claustrophobic and I wrote this poem for others to relate to it.  Hope you like it!
Aug 2017 · 385
Man's Best Friend
Noah A Aug 2017
In the field, the dog runs and barks
He licks his boy, his precious boy
The boy’s laughter can be heard for miles

The boy throws his baseball
The dog, bored, attacks it
The boy laughs, but also scolds

In the apartment, the boy comes home
He throws his backpack, which hits the dog
The dog yelps, but the boy does not apologize

The boy is at the vet, crying
A syringe looms over the dog
The dog is still, it moves no more

The boy, now a man, regrets
He wishes for his dog, his precious dog
The man’s crying can be heard for miles
This poem means a lot to me.  It is an altered story of my dog's life.  He died about a year ago, so I wrote about him.  It is altered, so I didn't actually throw a backpack at him.  Nor was I there when it happened.  Please comment on what you think about it.  Thank you.
Aug 2017 · 373
The Room
Noah A Aug 2017
There is a room as dark as night
The thought of it makes me shiver with fright
Its’ captives suffer without a doubt
For no one has ever gotten out
Not many know what happens in there
It's more than some people can bear
I know that it's as uncomfortable as a rock
And as hard to break out of as a lock
The people in there are criminals
Their life is quite miserable
Sometimes I feel bad for them
The way in which they are condemned
They moan and groan and weep for help
Sometimes I even hear them yelp
There is a room as dark as night
The thought of it, makes me shiver with fright
My best rhyming poem.  Enjoy!

— The End —