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1.6k · Jun 2019
Spoil The Rod
Carrie Partain Jun 2019
You looked so big to me
That Summer in Oregon
I was only four when we
Followed you into isolation

New Hampshire seemed a world away
All ties to home and family
Shrank and faded in the rear view
Hoping new & different...would be

I left my doll outside that day
Then lied to keep my fault a secret
Your belt, that slipping sound
I still hear to this day

Spare the rod and spoil the child
Was popular back then
Americans had a right to raise up
God fearing children with discipline

The problem is you got it wrong
God disciplines, it's true
But love's the stronger, key component
One you rarely demonstrated

If truth had been a better choice
My shame exposed, as was my skin
Would I have escaped your wrath
And be now somehow changed?

She made the choice to live with you
Sadly it was a package deal
One for which I've paid the price
A remarkable value nonetheless...

My children never heard the sound
Of leather belt and buckle strap
Spare the child and spoil the rod
Have been my choice instead
A continuation of my earliest childhood experiences.  My mother dealt with mental and emotional abuse from my stepfather, who had adopted me when he married her.  To her it meant security.  For me it began many years of physical abuse as well as the mental and emotional scars.  Sadly, she left him many times, only to return.  I began running away at the age of six and left home by age 14.  Unfortunately she is still with him today.  He is still mentally and verbally abusive to her.  He suffered a stroke and now she feels duty bound to take care of him.  I am an only child and I am disabled and can't do much to help get her out of there.  So this forum is my only outlet.  Please pardon my drama.
Carrie Partain Jun 2019
Have you been searching for that perfect gift?
Want to say something special, give someone a lift?

Are you popping the question?  Is it someone's birthday
But you're just not quite sure of the right words to say?

Is the one that you love feeling lonely or sick?
If a card or a letter just won't do the trick...

Pick up the phone call Poetically Correct
With our help, you'll achieve the desired effect

Just give us some details, and in a short time
You can send someone special, a gift that's sublime

Anniversaries ~ Apologies ~ Any Occasion ~ Baby Dedications ~ Bachelor/Bachelorette Party ~ Birth Announcements ~ Condolences ~ Congratulations ~ Eulogies ~ Father's Day ~ Get Well ~ Graduation ~ Holidays ~ Love ~ Proposals ~Reunions ~ Roasts ~ Secret Admirer ~ Special Friend ~ Surprise ~ Tell 'Em Off ~ Told U So ~ Valentines ~ You Name It
Anyone else interested in this kind of work, writing for the paying public, please let me know. I'd love to work with you.

So many people have the desire to send something deeply personal, but lack the ability or inclination to write for themselves.

It's a niche market that's under served.

I am disabled and looking for work I can do with my physical limitations.

This is what I propose.
640 · Jun 2019
Coker Reunion '99
Carrie Partain Jun 2019
We gather here, on Labor Day
Each to our family, tribute pay

The Coker clan and all it's kin
To see what kind of shape we're in

Like, who's the newest baby born
And which loved ones have since passed on

A prayer is offered for the meal
While children's eyes, a peek do steal

At a feast that's spread for man and bug
Refreshing drinks in every mug

The men see more dessert and try it
While women think 'there goes my diet'.

With bellies full, we sit and hear
About what's happened, through the year

Of jobs and hobbies, grown-ups speak
As children splash in yonder creek

Old men and babies bridge the gap
That hasn't yet outgrown the lap

When day is done, we'll all depart
With greater love in every heart

May God bless each one gathered here
And bring us safely back next year
Family reunion of the past. Unfortunately my husband divorced me after twenty-one years of marriage. I guess for better or for worse and in sickness and marriage doesn't cover MS and Marfan Syndrome as a package deal.  I was declared too much to handle...but I digress.
490 · Jun 2019
Miss Maudie
Carrie Partain Jun 2019
With just a bit of coaxing, she would sit up and recite
A poem she'd known since grade school, her eyes so clear and bright

Sometimes she'd need a little nudge to get her to begin.  "When mother puts her apron on", she'd say with a small grin...

...and off she'd go reciting each line flawlessly, with ease
Then when she'd end, her mind would seem to go, as if a breeze
Had ushered it away from us as quickly as it came
And then she wouldn't know the poem, nor anybody's name

But with that came a kind of blessing, at least I know of one
She may not have understood, full well, the loss of Jim, her son
But now, Miss Maudie's free from mortal flesh and bone
And those she loved, who've gone before are welcoming her home

Once more she will caress the man who held her hand in marriage
And now, again she'll hold the son she once strolled in a carriage.

They'll watch us as we travel down this wandering path of life
Rejoicing in our triumphs and supporting us through strife

And we know that they'll be there, waiting on the other side
When at last we've reached the journey's end, of this our earthly ride.
This is an excerpt of the eulogy I wrote for my Great Grand-mother-in law.  She struggled with Alzheimers disease for many years, but handled it with such grace. A true lady.
478 · Jun 2019
First Love
Carrie Partain Jun 2019
You don't forget your first true love
Or so we've all been told
In our memory they never age
Forever young and bold

As time goes by, the picture fades
When new love fills the heart
Forgetting words to favorite songs
And why we grew apart

We say that we've forgotten
It's forever in the past
But somehow, first love's memory
Just seems to last and last

It's like how you remember
The first chance you got to drive
It made you feel invincible
And glad to be alive

And so we view our first love
With all it's fatal bliss
The excitement of each stolen glance
The spark of that first kiss

Sometimes that spark ignites us
Then quickly burns and smolders
The flames are quenched by teardrops
Cried on someone else's shoulders

Then, when the tears are finally dry
And we've said and done it all
The love we swore we'd die for
Is the one that takes the fall

Though years may dull the image
We've created in our minds
Our first love always will be
Of a nature undefined
398 · Aug 2019
Midlife Match?
Carrie Partain Aug 2019
Pursuing ardent fervor
Lured toward peaceful obscurity
Freedom's abandon
Enticingly treacherous
Elusive assurance
394 · Jun 2019
Don't Wait
Carrie Partain Jun 2019
Do not let the tongue be slow
Caught in the throat of pride
Say it now, "I love you so"
Before the urge has died

For many a man has walked away
And found upon return
Love's thread, once strong, has worn away
There's not another turn
392 · Jun 2019
Painful Ponderer
Carrie Partain Jun 2019
Awake. feeling chest pain. Is it my valve?  It's nearly a quarter century old.  How long do these things last? Titanium, strong, will outlive me, but what about the flesh it's anchored to? Pain is an indicator.  What's wrong?

I tick like a clock as it opens and closes, hearing  each time it skips a beat.  Doctors said it looked real good, but eight months ago, not now.

I have two diseases with the same initials.  Shouldn't there be a rule against that?  Multiple Sclerosis and Marfan Syndrome.  What an awkward pair.  

Overlapping symptoms complicating treatment.  You think they'd give me a two for one discount?
330 · Jun 2019
The Aim of Birds
Carrie Partain Jun 2019
Why do birds on fresh washed glass
Leave calling cards a solid mass
Of whitened waste that hardens fast
When all the world a place so vast?
Based on my grandfather's observations as a security guard on break.  That's when he would often write poetry.  He was the catalyst for my writing career.
330 · Jun 2019
My Dog Joe
Carrie Partain Jun 2019
Precious Pet
Dependable Dog
Compassionate Canine
Spaniel Psychologist

Famished Friend
Hungry Hoover
Loves Leftovers
Greedy Gulper

Boisterous Barker
Wonderful Watchdog
Always Alert
Champion Chaser

Every Evening
Bedside Buddy
Doggie Dreamer
Sweetly Sleeps
This was a poem written about my Tri- Color Champion Cocker Spaniel named Joe Cocker.  He lived fourteen wonderful years with us before he passed.  

Then we rescued a Rat Terrier named Shenanigans.  He lived about ten years until he got cancer and we recently lost him. I'm thinking of fostering for a while before I decide on another companion animal.
318 · Jul 2019
Carrie Partain Jul 2019
As a mother, I can only hope
My children will attest
That I gave them everything I had
And truly did my best

I strive to teach them how to love
And be kind to every people
That good behavior's not reserved
For buildings with a steeple

To look beyond themselves to see
That there's a bigger picture
That everyone fits in as part
Of God's great architecture

Sometimes I wonder who they are
When patience, they are trying
And other times, they make me laugh
So hard that I start crying

Holly is a shining star
She's happy when pretending
That she's a queen, or movie star
Her characters unending

Casie's like a precious jewel
A diamond in the rough
An impish minx until you've
Had enough and call her bluff

I'm not quite sure why I was blessed
To be their friend and mother
But, it's a joy like none I've known
An honor like no other.
I wrote this back in the mid 1990's, when my kids were still quite young.
281 · Jul 2019
Carrie Partain Jul 2019
You carry the burdens for those who are weak
There's beauty in the way you walk

You give a strong voice to the small and the meek
There's beauty in the way you talk

You show love and compassion for those that do seek
There's beauty in the way you see

You know that I'm hurting before I can speak
There's beauty in your love for me

I love you mom ❤
281 · Jun 2019
Cut The Cord
Carrie Partain Jun 2019
Solitary muted songbird watching painted warblers croon.

Silenced by this empty cage cinching
vocal cords with rage  

Surgery would let you talk, but you won't run until you walk

Learn now, just to speak and breathe
And gratitude will set you free
I had no voice at all for almost two years because of nerve damage during surgery on my ascending aorta & subclavian artery.  Then vocal cord repair surgery was done three months ago.  I had hoped to regain my singing voice, but I still have a lot of vocal therapy and recovery to go.  But at least I can speak and be understood again.  I am anxious to be able to sing again, but I am truly blessed to have a voice at all and I'm grateful.
265 · Feb 2021
In Memory of Lou Tate
Carrie Partain Feb 2021
Lou Tate was a man I won't soon forget
He had a wry smile and a sarcastic wit
If you told him one joke, he'd tell you two
Then he'd tell one more ripper before he was through

No one who knew him knew quite the same man
You might say that Lou didn't follow a plan
He knew how to have fun for most any reason
Then climb into the houseboat no matter the season

At work those who knew him would say without doubt
That getting things done was what Lou was about
When it seemed that a problem just couldn't be solved
It was precisely when Lou became hyper involved

Though most solutions were unorthodox
The bulk of his thinking was outside the box
Although his ideas weren't always well known
His name's on the first patented multi-line phone

Lou was once quite the loner...not easy to catch
But he knew that in Mary Ann he'd met his match
Then he suffered a stroke and it gave him a scare
It was then that he recognized how much she cared

When they both said "I do" with or without wealth
Till death they united in sickness and health
Their unbreakable bond would make others see
What steadfast devotion to one's spouse should be.
This poem was delivered at Lou's graveside for his friends and family.  It was written in the wee hours of the night before after receiving tidbits of information submitted by a handful of people who knew him.   I was inspired by his widow's commitment to him in his final months of life.  His death was sudden after he'd had a period of recovery following brain surgery to remedy neurological symptoms of his stroke.
252 · Jul 2019
Multiple Sclerosis
Carrie Partain Jul 2019
unwelcome resident

   methodical thief
        stealing health

            leaving victims

                 silently suffering

    ­                       V
                               ­ S
                          ­          B

                  ­                        F
                                       ­   F
                ­                          I
                                     ­     C
              ­                            I
                                   ­      O

                  struggling to shoulder

                     optimism's burden

                       while future taps

                       an impatient foot
I wrote this in my fourth year of living with MS.
248 · Jun 2019
Summer of Love.
Carrie Partain Jun 2019
I was not welcome at Hostel Neonate.
Thankfully, this was not a womb with a view. The proprietor, my young, ***** mother, had attempted a swan dive from the staircase of the two story Beantown walkup.  But she failed to stick the landing and I made my debut a month later.  

August 4, 1967, a cataclysmic requiem for the Haight Ashbury dream.  My birth, like that of so many others,  would come to signify the beginning of the end of the counter culture notion of making love, not war.  Free love was no longer free for girls like my mother, and it would never be free for me.  To be continued...
My innermost thoughts on the beginning of my existence.
202 · Jun 2019
Fragile Heart
Carrie Partain Jun 2019
To the rhythm of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star".

Shattered, splintered, fragile heart
******* tore you apart
Silence, like a cancer, grew
Hiding pain that no one knew
Time, it's said, will heal the pain
And give me strength to love again
I was feeling very gutted and jagged...searching for relief and hope.
187 · Jun 2019
New Love
Carrie Partain Jun 2019
The wise man spends his life, alas
Till sand is low in hourglass
And never finds his true desire
The one to which all hearts aspire

No measure half is mirrored there
In eyes so blue 'neath golden hair
An older love does pale to shame
Poor spark it is to brilliant flame

It fills the heart, it braids the rope
When else is gone, springs forth sweet hope
We see the world...eternal Spring
When born afresh, the angels sing
167 · Jun 2019
Love Lost
Carrie Partain Jun 2019
My frustration choking me
And you don't know I ache
Something better calls to me
But which road should I take?

We've been together for so long
Though you won't even try
To understand just what went wrong
And why it makes me cry

It seems you've time for everything
But whom you claim to love
I still wear my wedding ring
But you've just had enough

Since you don't want this anymore
I wonder why I try
If you come home and find I've gone
This verse will tell you why

— The End —