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Feb 2018 · 169
Unfair request
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
Just like Kurt Cobain
Tasting Staley
Adjusting to Cornell

A.M. to F.M.
Splendor of unique sound
Hounds bark the tunes

CDs remind me
Creating a systematic
Shock of remorse

Where did the music go?
Under the radar
Abducted by Aliens

Little green men
Maybe women
I don't know

The current status
Of the world
Starts with a capital letter

Trombone an elastic
Centipede going into shock
Resenting divine life

Inhabiting a cult
A signal
To death worship

God's will
His' Answer
Is a sending of intervention angels

Trying to control
Singular beings bent on loving Jove

The sounds
Must die
Along with a mortal melody

I'm aching to hear
Pretty old Jim

Where did he go?
Under the ground
Circumcised in Paris

**** this life
Hate continues
To develop ploys

Designed to coax
Me into slumber
Without rifts

I dare not
Such a dreadful request

It is ten
A hand hitting the six
And I dread the coming blues

What a horrible
Youtube playlist
Without Fire

In an
Angry chair

Needing Layne
Confirming Jerry
Echoing the zeppelin

From down under
Contracting a disease

Without a cure
An antidote
Begging for hope

Gone upon
Crushing winds
Dooming blows

I remember
Their songs
Could them memories live again?
music song cobain morrison staley cornell memories youtube god paris
Feb 2018 · 241
Fallen to sorrow
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
Forget my
Ill love
Boring message

Eating crumpets
A falling of stars

Run from
The fork

And sign
My plastered

It is
To the eye

Maybe the sight
I cannot deceive
Pretends to be lost

With weight
Has fallen
Feb 2018 · 682
Hate This...
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
I see the emptiness
Of my Design

Can't count
My fingers

Best time
Is now

Near a
Clear river

Old broken
Italian wine

Must be
From Tuscany

Couldn't be
From France

If so
I cry

Dependent upon
Suicidal premonition

Breathe to
Gain flow

Jaded lyrics
Hating personality

Drunk in
Hedonistic wine
Feb 2018 · 119
He lies to my face
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
Forward the message
Letter to selfish plots
Caught between plight

It just might
Have a name
That is unfounded

"But what is it?"
All the Cupids'
Will ask

Just love
Feeling under a dreadful sun

Waiting for
The dome who is
Wanting a soul

In Paris
Upon a boulevard
With the name of a saint

I discover
That toward an atmosphere of passion
You might have almost had me

You must
Understand Ulysses

That I tried
Toward your
Solemn town

Ground of rot
In ruin
A dreadful valley

Hoping for god
Aching in pain
Celebrating gain

Where is the sanity?
Here is your home
Is there no guilt?

Many questions
Laced with diamonds
Donny's dreams

Not mine
I sight a sponge
Without a name

So leave
And descent
pain hate love lost guilt selfish cupid message paris valley
Feb 2018 · 604
17 rue Beautreillis
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
A white porcelain

Sits atop
The stool

Beside a resting
Toilet and silent sink

Drains are clogged
Must be the fog

Airing up
Inside the room

Thick and heavy
Full of cream

Like a hot
French Pastry

Soap melts
Into a fine cappuccino

Skin is soft
Not smooth

Tired of the water's touch

Lips separated
Leaking drool

An earlier soft drink
Makes its appearance

Sake makes my soul
Gold and sublime

A snowball I received
To the face

Magical cocktail
Island tragedy

In Paris
Couped up

Stuck in a bathroom
Head bobbing

And Down

Side to side

Direction unchosen
Ears sweetened

By a tranquil
Heavenly sound

A song
Heartfelt poem

Layne's voice
Shouting from the void

Guitar strings
Beats of a drum

Native quotas

Just peace
No hate

Possible gain
***** to be given

Fall upon my brow

Hissing in the heat
Chilling a man-made sea

Fingers tingle
Fabricating a jingle

Eyes swell
Blochted art on the walls

Feet numb
Deciding to stick around

Like a sore gum
Withered with gin

My armor
Solid arms

Continue to fall
Down with my divinity

I am Lucifer
Shining meteor of false hope

Chest heaves
I begin to grieve

Hope for a dawn
Pray to hear a new song

But here he comes
I am bleeding

Shaken by the storm

And crying

This means
I am dying

Is the time right?
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
He is bald
Plain to my eyes
Sublime in local geniality

The garden he claims
Taimed in distress
Of the coming winter

I fear the tears
Sudden regret
For his' long forgotten trials

Forced to steep so low
Forward but below
Entrenched in sweet tasting anguish

His' body hard and unmotivated
The Sculpture of obsession
Must be completed with stubborn muscle

I seem to torment him
My love becoming
A betrayal of our lust

Battles commence
Volcanic eruptions
Shake the house of ruin

He never seems to trust me
My compassionate actions
Bring forth pork chops

The meal
Is shared
Beside each other

Without Sight
We fight against
White picket fences
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
I want you
to lust
after me

I believe
in being
vile and rude

Try to
understand my language
of impure thoughts

Condemned to afterlife
without relieve
from woe

Where is
my foe
of bout and confrontation?

I must be
left alone
with suspicious ideals

That border
the extreme

Of my consciousness
borrowing into my mind
destroying my being

Preventing relief
to the
depths of Hades

I'm not an angel
nor a worn object of time
but the untamable beast fighting love
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
I'm overcome by lust
A sophistication of the soul
Mind bent in two

Where I try
He betrays
Leaving kisses of sin

The Garden of Eden is open
Left alone without regard
Not a regret echoed in time

When will he come?
My knight of splendor
Germanic and full of crystallized juice

Reality makes him a Spaniard
To whom my life is bequeathed
Under the sun for all to see

My dream of an Arminius is unrealized
Traded for an exotic intoxication
Ready is the introduction of grieve

But still, I love
The lips
Constant touch of angelic purity

Forgiveness is the actor's end
Truce to end entry into the heart
Producing gratification of natural optimism
Feb 2018 · 909
Bold King of Yore
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
I hate god
He devises strategies to invade
His' home and haven

Weakness being the sole characteristic of son
Constant is the spirit
Strengthening his' decedent onslaught

I cannot win
The Kingdom has come
Without any rain

Holding a crown of stone
Encased in gold
Lined with silver

I have no choice
But to worship
The tyrant who controls bold seduction
Feb 2018 · 389
Toyota's Embrace
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
I want to love
In text

Possibly in ***
Not with interest
But a blooming ****

Needing to eat a seed
Contracting the cold
Ending the clutch

Of life
In a haven of oil

Sidelined to be controlled
And subordinate
To ambition

Fur is my harvest
Wool, not grain
Or wheat

Definitely not grain
Or a Nissan
The constant Japanese falsehoods

Toyota is Japanese
But it is true and sound
Without regret

And obeying
Its self-check-up

I'm enthralled
By decision
To buy from the dealership
Feb 2018 · 389
I'm Famous!
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
Drown and bask in the sunlight
Forward unto God
He is sinful

Made for the weak man
He is a cancer
Disgusting scorn of prudent woe

Always showing up
Like "BurgerKing"
Uninvited, not liked

Boring and yet sublime
Where does the confusion end?
Does it include a "Happy Meal"

Pop culture is tiresome
Tripping and stepping into territory
That is unknown, yet still familiar

Why can't it end?
The division and condemnation
Condensed to pitiful morality

Each case moronic
In design and fashion
Seeking an identity

Plotting to overthrow
The status quo
Implanting the negative flow

Stereo is doomed
Electronic in psychology
Dead to the depth
Feb 2018 · 414
The Thin Man
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
Too much of a fool
Forgotten and misplaced
Troubled until bled

Where is my bed?
The cushion increasing sedation
Upon my relapse

Almost skeleton
Reminds me of Auschwitz

Though I'm not a Jew
Or a so-called "deviant"
I'm recast

Believing in the brew
Gulping up the stew
Ready, set...implode

Film is shot
Grainy and poor
Full to the brim with fish

Smelly and grimy
Waiting for the director
To bail from comprehensive casting

His retort is strong
Like a solemn wind
Quiet until the storm

I quit
Remember the time
Forced to sing

I hate acting

It is my curse
Unforgotten desire
My Dunkirk of woe

When will it end?
Upon my cross
Submission without *******

Freewill intact
Instinct going into purgatory
Left to wait for the call

I have to run
Devise an escape

Hollywood calls
Beckons for my crouch

Billy Wilde is my name
Focused on terror
I fail to be Brando
Thumbs up for everyone who gets the classic movie reference, the series title star being William Powell.
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
Where is my crutch
Simplistic comfort?

I'm drunk
And in need
Of sleep

And broken

I have stolen
Not shaved
Embraced my domain

For I am sane
In control
And lucid

Where the rats hide
I will find
And purify

They are weak
I am strong
Becoming brutal in remembrance

Though to some
I'm a tool
And they are right
Feb 2018 · 570
Russian Tartar
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
A Russian
For one day

And paint

In gold
Draped in satin

Beware of hope
It will grip you
Make you into a Mongol

Control your mind
Destroy your abode
Invade the holdfast

Become neat
Fight to breathe
Feb 2018 · 1.0k
Atheist in room 208
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
I can't believe
In Jesus
Or Judah

I'm not Jewish
A Hindu
Nor Christian

Christ has forsaken believe
For room 208
Has not been found

I'm tethered to the bed
Lampshade illuminating my face
A crusty ceiling aligns the walls

Doors are locked
Bathroom unchecked
Windows unhinged

Death a possibility
Or is it suicide?
I don't remember

I need love
To free me

From yearning
To music

Of the hollow
O'Brians grove
Shade of pain

From the triangular window, I see
Against my agony
That I'm clean
Feb 2018 · 335
Artistic encumbrance
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
Clouds of ****
Rain an eerie reminder
That I crave a passion

Though I reside
In an emotion
that solidifies

It causes me
to regret
and run

Hindering my performance
Flaky to the core
Refusing inspiration
Feb 2018 · 250
Can I touch?
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
Lie to me
Tell me a sweet song
And sweep me beneath

You are gone
Along the wings of birds
Upon halos of sirens

Banshees scream
No ice cream
Still burning here alone

I don't believe you loved
Touch uninhibited
Love withheld

But why do I cry?
You betrayed
And stylized vice
Feb 2018 · 405
The Gracchi are Dead
Dakota J Dawson Feb 2018
The bottle is soft
To touch
Caressing my sorrow

Crows scream
A usual tune
Prudent, but useless

I have to run
Into Rome
Where eagles fly

Caesar across the Tiber
Cicero in *******
Pompey unfound

Liberty is dead
The restless have arisen
Dread seeming to bribe destiny

Sword and stone
Catapult and Trieme
Feelings are fleeting

Houses catch the flame
Blades seer flesh
A list has been made

The weak are dead
Strong circumcised
Demons feed
Jan 2018 · 683
Contaminated Love
Dakota J Dawson Jan 2018
I'm contained by gin
Soulful and true
Insane but blue

Crimson stains
Withered sheets of satin
Coinciding in my mind

Edinburgh rides high
London below
Call the trolly

Games commence
Justifying my religion
Anticipated revolt

But I sing
And gleam
In Winter's dawn

I love him
And want

Colliding with my palms
Under a prayer of psalms
Ending pitfalls of ***
Jan 2018 · 557
Scornful Disgrace
Dakota J Dawson Jan 2018
Christ put me in a tomb
An abode for the soul
Forever cold

I fear the slumber
And a slender plumber
With his wrench and pipe expertise

The hold he may have
Solid grip
And strength

It could corrupt
And maim me

I want to hide

But I am trapped
Lost in the blaze
Of the plumber's gaze
Jan 2018 · 800
Bar Fly
Dakota J Dawson Jan 2018
The beast mortified inside
Breast aflame about to burn
Inside he dies

Where the black flower
Blooms into anew
He will seek respite

For past sins
Old grievances
Poured into a summer blue

His *** meaningless
Spite cracks the whip
Plurality the dinner knife

Sanitation foresaw
Without the forceps
Boarding on a foregone conclusion

The spring mattress
Made broken
No time for resale

His' cage, not a solitude
Words obtuse and unabused
Love is his knight

Shining and gleaming
Scornful without hate
Shameful but sane

His burden
The heart
Colliding with the bar
Dakota J Dawson Jan 2018
Can I pry
The gates open
And abstain

I want to be free
Maybe gay
Not sane

I can't configure
The shapes
In my mind

So am I gay?
I love a man
Desire a woman

And afraid
Of my choices

Nature and pawn
Or creation
And spawn

He sings
She cries
I can only sigh

The walls collide
I crumble
Air unpurified

It will take a while
Maybe a retry
But why?

I'm not a woman
Nor a man
Just a guy

Without time
No crime

Lust is dust
Plans turn to rust
Turning out to be a bust
Jan 2018 · 929
Come Unto Thee
Dakota J Dawson Jan 2018
Smile with a touch
Growl an innate hunger
Climb the pillar

To see
At the cropped top
Lies the crown

Thorny and sublime
Creation bows
Zeus sings

Cries of Osiris
Echo his name
Pulling away the enchantment

Veils tear
Truth gleaming fourth
Constricted scrawls on papyrus

He is here
Setting us free
Throwing down shackles

The sun has risen
Nero has sung
Peter languishes in torment

First a laugh
Another kiss
A second betrayal

True to the construct
Doom is here
Armageddon begins
Jan 2018 · 504
Cynical Truth
Dakota J Dawson Jan 2018
By the way
To all the cryptic beings
Find a place in my heart

Away from the public
Toward the evening dawn
Bordering the bright blue sea

There you will find grain
Possibly wet sand
Coconuts by the dozen

Enough pleasure
Just the right amount
For a hairy beast

Sadly, it is all lies
A hairy beast
Coconuts in the sea

This poem means nothing
Really that's the point
It really is cynical
Jan 2018 · 314
Drunken Stupor
Dakota J Dawson Jan 2018
****-headed blue truth
Ridiculous rhythm
Obvious amateur at the wheel

Too many drinks
Lots of people
No comfort

Tons of slow feverish drama
Aches and pains
Stopping my mind

BBC has a new article
Football is over
Bar is closing

Where is my soul?
Down in the empty bottle
Away from my grasp

It pains me
To say goodbye
Another year has gone

But its all the same
The kick to the head
Gun pointed at the temple
Jan 2018 · 349
L.A. Gopher
Dakota J Dawson Jan 2018
My mound is wet
Probably due to the weather
Lots of rain

It hurts to be a gopher
Small and furry
Yet sublime

The combo of cuteness and evil
Is damning
Leads to bleeding

Getting stuck in L.A. tubs
Fleeing from Sheba the cat
Fighting for grannies' vegetables

There is nothing here
No noteworthy existence
Just all the disturbances
Jan 2018 · 380
Jealousy Unhinged
Dakota J Dawson Jan 2018
Cultivating jealousy next to a gay man
Not for everyone
But just right for some

Tons of gossip
Lots of lip
Twisting of tongues

I the square of reality
Phone in hand
Stella at the ready

Fitness girl texted me
Says she is sick
Possibly dying

I don't care
She is number three
Or four

I offer a drink
Celebratory waffles
But to no avail

Church was given
I needed the sin
And received a gun

It had my name on it
With a wet rose
The color solid gold

The texture was cheap
Made in China
Sold to a sucker

I sit spinning and wondering
A question is asked
Does 2018 seem like a refresher?

My reply
In a solemn voice, wicked glance
Hell no
Dec 2017 · 405
Sex Straddled Stallion
Dakota J Dawson Dec 2017
Dreams are black and sullen
Like the black stallion
Pure beauty

Though it lacks simplification
Relying on my obsession
Killing the temptation

Is Our love true?
My love is false
No one cares

Any shining stars of a beautiful moment
Fade into oblivion and darken
Leaving me high and wet

Where is your hand

*** is all that you are to me in this sphere of time
To not talk nor greet at the given moment
Equals talking to an unknowable god

To you, I amount to nothing
Stallion you are to me
Beauty identified

There is not a time frame for us
No goodbye or a hello
Just another sigh
Dec 2017 · 252
The Spawn of Black and Blue
Dakota J Dawson Dec 2017
Loner with the *****
Not satisfied
In distress

He can but pout
After the loss
Of us

I cannot forgive sin
Unfortunate lies

His' eyes are my spawn
A morbid creation
To see obtusely

He sideswiped my singular vanity
Forced me into a bloom of blue
I gave it all to him

But a name
Dakota J Dawson Dec 2017
Pop music and Alaskan ice
Whiskey is cool and I'm blue
So too are the bloodied few

Smoke rises and inspires
Creation spirals into anew
Sending geysers ski high

Letting go the rigers of life
A summon of ice
Falling of snow flakes

Seasonal prices are here
Signs gripping onto holsters
Finding *** and coal

Air stale
Quietly rancid
Unholy desperation of breath

Job is old
Feeble are the bones
Lost is the soul
Dec 2017 · 608
Dried Out
Dakota J Dawson Dec 2017
Slow ride into the black pond
Soot and root echo ruin
Slinging forth pain

She has gone away with the withering dawn
Stopping her silent withdraw
******* fruit with Dawson

Reaping hay in the October harvest
Rings form in her irises
Roles are switched

Rudely drawn wings spring out
Reminding the angels
Rewarding belief

Dunes of gold build up along the ridges
Dried lips soften and rehydrate
Dropping lifeless skin

Divine curvatures are left exposed
Driven off the warm host
Dying in a lonely place
Dec 2017 · 788
Waiting for the Pop
Dakota J Dawson Dec 2017
The title reads "Petite Redhead"
Pity it is content
With filth

A record recycling junk
Strums together a jingle
Echoing its own hollow verse

Triggers and pins
Always seem to accompany
The gun

The grip is soft
Side rail cold and beautiful
Like an old bottle of ***

My mind is sporadic
Seeking any conclusion
Requiring nonsense to fill the gap

Deceitful fingers
Ready for digging

Her body still warm
Acting as a proxy pillow
The compromise of comfort

White to red
Crimson stains not withheld
A result of the rolling tide

Wrath of blood
Brought to fruition
And supplementation

To feel nothing
Is blissful and pure
Welcoming to heaven

The taker of life
Listening to a Redhead
No realistic sounds beneath
Dec 2017 · 384
Peckish Flesh
Dakota J Dawson Dec 2017
Thoughts trickle down
The slanted jaw
Thick and strong

Eyes dim and shallow
Seeking a remembrance
Of yesterday's rain

Lips thin as paper
Chewed in distress
Down to a soft pink inflammation

When did I forget?
Touching and feeling
Even the familiar crime of regret

The song "Mary did you know?"
Becoming a creature comfort
Invoking a religious tether of tension

His love, not mine
The passion alone
Is sacred

I choose
To spite his' light

For life is black
Darker and colder
Than the moon
Nov 2017 · 264
Time on a Dime
Dakota J Dawson Nov 2017
Down through Buckingham
Atop the trolly named
"Splendor on the Rhine"

Between a sea of ruffled feathers
A caravan that bewilders all in sight
People seek a goblet of truth

All the tricks and games give way
To orphaned eyes that cry
Sending all the pain away
Nov 2017 · 217
Pain in November
Dakota J Dawson Nov 2017
The candles are lit,
Sun is low.
Desire is pitiful
Because as an entity,
It proves to be singular.
This characteristic favors
Only one route.
A path lacking
Mobility and fluidity.
There are no curves
Or bends
Along the extended appendage.

I have fallen
Off this highway,
Looking for
A complex sympathy.
All I found,
in my distress,
was a dismal pain.
It was very simplistic,
Lacking creativity
Or an enchantment of time.

For so long
I suffered
Numerous disappointments.
It is such a trifle,
My complaints,
Always seeming to annoy
Or fall on deaf ears.

For what does it matter
If they don't listen?
Even if they did,
I would still not be able
To conquer my fears
Or vices.
Where to go
And what to do?
I still have no clue.
Nov 2017 · 275
Only Down
Dakota J Dawson Nov 2017
Clover and Dover
Cliffs and boulders
I shall fall over

Sober to the pinch
Water pours into my sores
Soul is sold

Lifelessness in sobriety
Awake but not alive
The nightmare has arisen fourfold

— The End —