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"Pinch the pink rose bud"*  He whispers

"ahhh mmmm"* she responds

"Harder dear one"

"ohhhoww" as the dark heat shoots through her body

"Yes that's it girl"

"Roll it between your thumb and forefinger"
"How does that feel girl?"

"Mmmss ohhh it feels so good"

"Pinch it hard now"

She cries out as the painful heat surges

"That's it, again now harder"

Calls out louder as the heat in the bud hurts but feels so decadent

"Take your other hand and slide your fingers between your rose petals"

She continues rolling the ****** as her other hand obeys His demand
Her fingers reach the nether lips and find them laden with dew
"Mmmsss" As the fingers slide through the moisture

"Slide your fingers into your well and pull forth what you find"*

Her hips lift off the bed as the fingers slip inside her tight wet well
the heat intense her tunnel soaking wet, how she wonders

"Pull it up over your little nub now and begin circling it as you continue to pinch that tight ******"

"OHHHHH ohhh yesss!!!"
It feels so good she wants to move her fingers faster but doesn't dare

"Circle Your **** round and round now pinch hard and hold it"

Gasping as she does so, her legs jump as the heat seems to stab her between her quivering thighs
Whimpering as desire washes over the ivory flesh, feeling the nectar as it flows between the cheeks of her ***

"What are you thinking girl?"

"How I wish you were here, How I want you inside of me so badly"

"Mmmm I wish I was there to girl"
"Now release your pleasure nub and begin to rub faster"

Fingers flutter over the taut nub, hips lift pushing into the fingers
Other hand continues to roll, pinch and pull the ******
He hears her moans, whines, and whimpers growing in intensity

"Lift your ****** to your mouth girl and suckle the hardness, I want to hear you, keep those fingers moving over that taut lil nub" He whispers sensually

Suddenly he can hear her mouth as it pulls upon her own ******, breathing through her nose as she ***** harder, fingers moving faster now as the passion begins to take over from his demands

"That's it girl, bite it hard as you ****, imagine my teeth against your chest"

Her scream is muffled by the large ample globe of flesh as fire shoots to her *****, nectar floods her well

"Yes my girl you sound so good, are you close" He asks softly

"Yessss" is muffled as she continues to **** and bite her bruised breast

"Rub harder girl, faster, I want to feel your release" He says firmly

Her fingers pinch and pull her **** as her mouth suckles on the breast harder pulling more of the flesh into her heated mouth

Tension builds, hotter, as body tightens, muscles grow taut, suddenly her breath holds, her body stiffens liquid shoots into her mouth from her ******, as the clear viscous fluid floods her bed

"Screaming yes oh yes oh **** yes"*  She cries

She hears him as he responds to her ******

"Yessss oh yes girl I am ******* you so hard, oh godddd yes here it

She hears him hold his breath as his body releases the slapping liquid sound is heard as her own body is still pulsating, muscles finally relaxing as fireworks still explode behind the closed eye lids

"You are so ******* hot ****, I can't wait to yank that long hair as I ram my hard **** deep into you"  He pants

"I can't wait either, I need you soon, please don't make me wait much longer" she begs

His wicked laugh is heard on the other end of the phone as He says firmly
"Now **** *** now"

Believe it or not she did, this time harder than before, thighs quivered where she could not walk, they were actually sore from the strain, she blushed at how easily he could get her to release

"It won't be long now girl, we will meet and you will feel my hand pulling those long locks as I push deep inside you, where you can taste the effect you have on me and I can taste your sweet essence"

"Oh yes I can't wait to be beneath you, on top of you, in front of you, I can feel your bites on my flesh already, I can feel your hard shaft opening me up over and over again, I can't wait"

"Yes that isn't all you will feel is it girl?"  He asked

"ummm no Sir" she shivered thinking of the sting of leather against her flesh, the feel of rope binding her tight, and the clamps all strategically placed to enhance her ******

"Sleep now My girl, naughty dreams"  He whispered huskily

"Sleep tight my Love" She responded softly
The pain scared her but she had experienced it before and the pleasure it brought was so all consuming words could never describe

****** pain can bring intense pleasure. I would suggest you not try things on your own without the guide of an experienced lifestyler.  This definitly enhances the ****** experience.  Not everyone is into it but I hope my poem did it justice
Written by : Jennifer Humphrey all rights reserved   Updated 1/31/15
Thia Jones Apr 2014
This is how it goes
your hands will be proxy for mine
my hands will be proxy for yours
your fingers my fingers
and my fingers yours
what I describe, you enact
told in detail so exact

Just to begin
I squeeze your *******
knead and pinch
tweak a ******
give it a tug

Stroke your tummy
work over your thighs
move up the inner
where skin is smooth
circle around, moving in
till soft contours are caressed
through pants that burn
to be removed
that pain you to wear
and I see in my mind
as you describe
the spreading, darkening patch
that fills the gusset

Now they're pulled down
removed quickly, completely
and you are revealed
spread, opened, shameless

Gentle fingertips tease
dance in circles, barely touching
yet the fire within grows
back and forth, round and round
dance the fingertips
as both reciprocate
with growing pace
and firmer touch

I hear you gasp down the line
and your breathing quickens
as you hear mine
as your excitement fuels mine
as mine fuels yours
in our feedback loop of lust

And I tell you how
my fingertip would give way
to tonguetip if I could
that I can taste you
in my imagination
fragrant, salty sweetness
with musky undertones
the tip of my tongue now circling
then flicking back and forth
beating out the rhythm
that you best harmonise with
bringing forth your moans

Then darting down, back
between wet, glistening folds
exploring each ridge and valley
working remorselessly

Breathing faster now
with animal grunts and moans
directions of pleasure gasped
breathless down the phone

As fingers again
take the lead
find the opening
slip readily within
probe, explore, ****
find that place
on your front wall
yes, just that spot
that's a little rougher
and feels sooo goood

Add a second finger
working and *******
licking and rubbing
moaning and gasping
barely intelligible now
are all that have meaning

Finger three joins one and two
then the pressure builds
demanding release
and shaking and thrusting
grows to shuddering
and...yes...yesss...sooo clooose

******* faster furiously
till we both explode
hearing each other's
voicing of our ecstasy
in language intelligible
only in this one context

Brains and voices return
as we bask in the afterglow
and what passes between us then
in those moments
is the deepest intimacy of all

Cynthia Pauline Jones 01/02/2014
Nadia Dec 2013
What does ooooo baby yessss mean?
reading that in my mom's messenger chat she saves.
She's saving because she has many men she dates.
Seen that oooo baby yesss sent in text to dad's phone.
Net *** or real life *** they are both confusing to me.
Anto MacRuairidh Aug 2015
Remember it well do I  ~
Third eclipse of second moon
on Wrote-Clishhen Five

Saw your eyes; full of the force, did I
But full of Love ~ they were ~ a higher power
yesss. hmmm....Delighting everyone

The Cutest nose had you ~ and ears...
Oh ! ...And smile did you
like a thousand light-sabres, was it.

But your way ~ your way, it was
~ that made me love you
Many times laughing, spend, we did

(Yo-da one that I want - joked - you did
~ the best joke ever, thinks I )

Until, intervene and consume us, the Dark Side did;
Tears replacing laughter and hate; Love
Our friendship, to die, was meant to be

But swear I do,
On my six stubby toes !
Forever love you I shall

yesss ~ swear I do...

- Forever... love you
                  ...I shall
Even Jedi Masters hearts get broken
SemiHiatus Nov 2020
To November,
Thanks a bunch
for reminding us,
that the letting go
is the only way to make roads
for new blooms!

Every November I felt something new. November is full of change, nothing remains the same as before!

Acceptance: Somewhere in the month of November, I met a new person who changed me inside out..!! Embraced me with love, gave the warmth in those chilly days. We spent moments with happiness and shared our fears in the night sky, witnessing clouds uncovering the moon. Dreamt of good things, peace, and a bucket full of love. And November turned out as a happy month to me! No matter how much I tried but memories kept coming back, making me blush every single time..!!

Togetherness: Time passed really very fast, Again November came! I remember, spending days like never, contemplating each other’s hearts. Aimless drives, messed up schedules, movie marathons, street foods, and open bottles of beers. I found a home in him, a home of love with no limits and no worries. We promised to step together, holding hands in November, and to hang out till the November dissolves! And yesss we did...few Happy Novembers!

Separation: And then a few years later a day in November came with lots of new feelings..! Feeling of abandonment and betrayal just like dull and dark days. Crying in freezing night under that large yellow full moon but this time all alone! It felt cold, even the stars were extra cold to me; lights were so dim that paths were invisible. My heart was aching, and my trust was dissolved. I was miserable and pitiful! Always lost and struggling in the memories of past and present!

Learning: And now it’s again November I see blooming flowers and sometimes butterflies..! Red, Pale, Blue, Pink and White flowers. And it doesn’t feel like cold/dry or happy month to me!  and as I see he got engaged so, probably a month for him too!  Now I see November as the month of change and new hopes. This November taught me no matter how dry the weather is but you have to keep blooming, And I have realized that not everything is worthy of you! If something feels like a burden to you, just remove them and make some space for new dreams. And that’s the only way!!
I don't know why everything had happened to me in November only, whether it's good or bad but the only common thing is November Month.
raen Apr 2012
You are my sun, the planets and the asteroids in between,
actually, make that the energy that embraces the sun,
the elements and trace elements that make up each planet...

(Oh, my stars!)

You are each perfect petal that unfurls ever so slowly in the morning light,
actually, make that the light that kisses each dew drop which
awakes each petal with that sweet kiss...

(Oh, blush, my buzzing bee!)

You are that raindrop that refreshes my parched soul that's stranded in a desert,
actually, make that the mirage that proves to be an oasis
as my eyes widen in wonderment with the reality of You.

(Oh, shucks, my sweet breath!)

You are my golden compass whenever I get lost in the wilderness,
actually, I wouldn't mind getting lost, if it means
that I get lost in your soulful, beautiful eyes Forever

(Oh, you cheeseball, you!!)

You are the chocolate ganache frosting on that chocolate cake,
actually, you are the powdered sugar on my honey-dipped doughnut
that brushes my lips, the perfect complement for hot, hot coffee

(Oh, honey bun!!)

You are the--


You are the freshly ground pepper that dusts softly on my carbonara, I'm just


You are the freshly ground pepper that dusts softly on my carbonara,
actually it would be bland and incomplete without you and---

Hey, babe!


I'm on dense mode right now, what are you really trying to say?
Come on, spill it, I NEVER hear it from you...

Ummm, ummm...I...I...

I mean, I--

Out with it, come on!! You can do it---"I...."

Hoo! Ok, I...

I can do this---


(Note to self: This is IT!!!!!)



    the empty, wanting glass and you are the refreshing drink that fills me up,

~BOINKKKKKkkK~ !! I'm walking away now!!
Geez, if you can't say IT without all the Fluffy, duffy, Fluff,
see me walking away for now...I need the Skinny, the skeleton!
Sometimes one just needs to Hear it, you know?!
Oh, and I love you,in case you didn't know...but see me walk!

Hey, honey bunny, smoochie sweetie pie?

...still walking away~~~~


huff, huff, huff~~

I am walking towards you...

Huff, puff, puff and hufff~! (note to self: Walk on, walk on...)

I said I'm walking towards you...



Ayeshah Mar 2010
I'm Having A Relapse
My muscles shaking my bones jarring
I'm stu- stu- stuttering,

I'm Having A Relapse
sleep walking while wide away,
dazed in a dream like state,
I need a fix I'm
itching- scratching
rubbing my hand and thighs

You, You you
oh why'd you do this to me
Screaming & tryna climb walls

I'm Having A Relapse

No no nooo don't stop
higher YESss Higher

bring me closer closure

I'm Having A Relapse
I went to the doctor to get help
He said He couldn't
Wouldn't help me is what He means
I run walk talk to myself
Help me Please!

Shaking, sweating,coughing with drive heaves
I feel so funny I can smell taste & feel it coming
I'm bursting with need Please
PLEASE release this desire
this fire which had consumed me,
Lived in my core my very being,

shut the blinds, turn off the lights,
I wont eat can't sleep,
Walking in a funk ,dazed and lonely
Don't hold me!!!!
Don't TOUCH !!!
Just give in Help me ,
Just um, Please

Just Oh Lawd please
Just um  Baby Just
HELP MEEEEEE...........

**** ME!!!!

Until I can't  breath,

I need YOU.
you Oh You........
You know your the cause of me
Having A Relapse!

(*** Addiction Can hinder you or for me lol make love making so painfully good!)
Always me Ayeshah
Copyright ©Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ilayda Aydın Jan 2019
Queen of the night has craved of sun
  Even though she will die...
  so that her petals have tightened her much, she couldn't have been waiting for freedom.
   She was Queen of the night but in love with sun.
   The sun has been bragging, knowing that all the flowers loved him.
   And he had never seen the queen.
   Moreover, the moon has loved the queen.
   He used to watch her every night and look forward to  open her petals.
   For the queen the sun was not just a food source.
  the sun was actually feeding the queen's heart.
  someday a violent storm has blewing...
  the queen of the night is so delicate that no flowers thought she could cope.
   No!!! she has endured to see her love.
   Her sole purpose was to see him.
   but the queen would never see him.
   Because she would open her leaves only one night and she would die.
   process has started... Queen would say hi to life and then  goodbye.
   She opened her petals like a fancy bride of nature and...
   And moon died down her love.
   The queen has been waiting for her death.
   there was something going wrong..
   She was still alive... still alive...
   spellbound cloud poured a few tear from sky.
   The trees poured away their leaves due to respect...
   the sun has been starting to rise.
   Yesss... She would see him
   İt was a miracle...
   a wizard's breath...
   Smile of love...

   The sun was replaced by the whole figure and all the flowers looked with admiration for him.
   He noticed a flower that began to fade.
   She was queen of the night.
   Because the queen could see him, she was so peaceful that death felt like a sweet sleep to her.
   The sun ripped out a piece of himself and blew the queen.
   The queen of the night was anymore the queen of day and night.
   And then, Queen blewed a dark part of herself into the sun.
   the sun was both moon and sun anymore.
   they were always together anymore.
   Their love has reached eternity.
   They combined the sky and the earth with their love.
Queen of the night is a cactus flower and she opens her petals just once and then dies.
Becky Littmann Aug 2015
It is as unpleasant as a nail in a your tire
or getting burned by fire
it is sometimes better to think twice
like before stepping onto the lake's ice
it came at us full speed
& with no warning label first to read
it disgusted me in every way
a party favor I wished that hadn't shown up to play
it wasn't at all like the rest
unwillingly I was given insomnia to give a trial test
mistaken for something we assumed was STILL there
but instantly after letting go of the black swan
we knew something really odd started going on
the usual way was UNusually strong
still we shrugged it off like nothing was wrong
dancing, picture posing, shot taking & celebrating
...looking at that time now, **** what a first impression it was creating
a night oh so memorable
definitely did we make it extremely unforgettable
we attempted to call it a night & get some shut eye
wide awake hour after hour sleep never joined, only failed attempts to try
so questions we're asked, "WHAT THE **** DID WE DO?!"
this whole time they thought we already knew
thank goodness we only had that one
could you only imagine what any  more of it may have done??
.....Sadly though, it gained itself another follower & it didn't take much
that mind just couldn't control the urge & resist, got ****** into its clutch
while passing the time, since the sandman missed our eyes
in the stillness of the room...there was countless clicks & flashes of us trying to "SMIZE"
Top Model had nothing on how awesome we pose
SHOOOOOOT, we at this point, are do it yourself picture pros!!!

....Now after some months have gone by & it's the New Year
& I knew it...the time had come, something I had too fear
...following it had returned & continued
tagging along was a ****** ******* attitude
fighting & arguments began
I wanted it to stop, trying so hard to end it was my plan
nights of wet cheeks & swollen eyes, tears dripping
it seemed the further & further away defeating it was slipping
I knew after that night
Winning the battle wasn't near in sight
the ONE party favor that just continued having an endless after party going
it's break obsolete, it just kept on flowing
with unsuccessful outcomes every time I was offered to join in
I STILL REFUSED to just let this monster win
&..... ONE DAY.... with help from my best, it all came to an end
into the toilet & flushed was what we did recommend
it was finally disposed of & far away
....A year or two passed & people didn't stay

....Summertime, when troubles are being destroyed daily & forgotten
of those who treated us quite horribly rotten
road trips to enjoy, nights out dancing & drinking
not a care to bother with, at least that is what we were thinking
new favors had graced our presence in our new party scene
& for once, our company was drama less & far from mean
Thizz was the past feel good choice we'd chose
when along came Molly, she showed us how feeling GOOOOOD realllly goes
Well **** it girl, you weren't lying now were you??
You're a whole new experience that I could get used to
"OHH YESSS, COME ON, they're playing 'Bad Romance' "
at first I needed some good old fashion peer pressure
I was nervous, scared, & kind of unsure
But I was easy to convince
& so thankful for each & every experience
Very, Very glad it was a risk I didn't miss
there's just nothing that compares to this....
.....Well along came that wicked, wicked party animal
who hadn't changed at all
single now, with a new attitude & mind set
....I risked it & decided to put it all in & place my bet
..........months later, " Hmmmm, have you gotten thinner?"
Where our weight had gone
was all we were questioned on
pretty soon rumors began to spread
so much dumb **** was accused & said
Oh please, give me a ******* break
Soon they were smashed & proven all to be obviously FAKE
jealousy & nosey that's all
haters will always be hating but will never be my downfall

...We found ourselves, the ones that got lost & abused
broken down, scarred, voiceless & confused
We were only off our fates course
disoriented from a toxic source
Our souls found their center again &
it's only fueled with peace
With high hopes to keep it continuing to increase
peace is what we needed to be saved
no savior with his crucifix could've changed our souls that were slaved
Peace is all you need & it exists, just believe
don't be fooled or tricked by those who try to deceive
peace is all about respect, love  & unity
a positive sense of mentality
being an optimist is pretty ******* dope
....Never giving up & always having some kind of hope!!
Oh my, ohhh MY
What is he doing to me
Electricity lighting up my body
Places throbbing like never before
Blushing profusely
Unable to speak except to say
Ahhhhh, mmmmms, oooooo, yessss!

Oh MY what is happening to me
His hands are like magic
Creating a world of pleasure
Unknown world to me
Having never felt anything like this
Oh no please don't let me embarass myself
Please let me resist his touch a little longer

Suddenly my body convulses
Fire shoots through my veins
I feel the nectar of my tight pleasure well flowing forth
Breathing stopped as eyes watch the white sparks behind them
Bucking to his touch
The ****** so total  and consuming
Nothing ordinary about this one

Yet He does not stop
His hands continue to move
Touching places that should not feel ******
mmmmmm,, ohh pleaseeee

Please what? He asks

Face turns crimson as I turn trying to hide it
Muscles drawn tautly
Fighting each stroke of my wet *****

Pleaseeee....don't        don't stop  I said

Nooo I meant to say please stop didn't  I?
What must he think of me at this point
I notice him moving but was unaware of what he was up to
Suddenly his face was breathing hot upon the dew lauden petals
Writhing beneath his arms that hold my hips still
His arms trap my legs as they are parted wide

Shaved lips soaked
The smell oh the smell
Seems strong to me but all I hear

MMmmmm woman you smell so sweet  He said
Like peaches and vanilla He breathed softly

Body struggles to get away
Pleasure pearl is hard and throbbing
Suddenly his mouth surrounds the hard nub
I feel his lips tighten as He pulls as He nips and *****

Mary Mother of God I cried
Unable to keep still
Hips swaying lifting up towards his hot beautiful mouth
Needing to feel more
Begging that He not stop

He continues as I feel the precious liquid flowing between the cheeks of my ***
He slowly slides ******* deep into that tight tunnel and begins to stroke the soft flesh part towards the top
MMMMmmms, mmmm ohhhhh yessss yesss sYEEEESSSS

I hear him chuckle as he hears my response
His words comforting as he tells me to let loose and not hold back
He suckles down ******* my now tender ****
******* massaging that ******
The something I was totally unprepared for

His finger slid deep into my ***
Bucking wildly
Screaming out as the ****** ripped through my body
Juices burst free of my tight tunnel soaking his fingers
Fingers digging deep into the bedspread

Panting as I can't breathe
The intensity so overwhelming tears fall from the corners of my eyes
He continues to pet and stroke me slowly
Bringing me down easily

I was gone for awhile
My brain was mush
Thighs quivered
Eyes closing

I did feel him remove his fingers
His tongue licking up the sweet taste of me
I felt him move up to lay beside me
Encircling me in his arms
His hands roaming over my hair

Every now and again my body would tremble
Jump then tremble again
Mind blown like never before
What just happened I wondered
I dare not ask
At this point I didn't care

Suddenly there was a clap of thunder
I woke up in a damp sweat
******! It was just a dream
I got up to go to the bathroom
Copius amounts of fluid drained down my thighs

Or was it a dream?
WRitten by Jennifer Humphrey  all rights reserved
MahogniLover Nov 2011
My life's Monopoly game
hotels, houses, fancy cars
soon gonna own Mars
kindness is lame

I won! yesss, cynically
but - now it all goes back into the box.
all I owned, all I accumulated
It will never make it

not when I die

it didn't really belong to me
I only borrowed it for a while
so what really matters?

it's a waste of time
a game of Monopoly
an illusion of mine

a common human crime
Ayeshah Jan 2014
I know you heard me

when I told you come here

Your looking at me
from downcast eyes

I'm the cannery so kitty cat

come pounce on your prize

smile go on & giggle

as you act like you don't know

but listen up man

I'm ready

been waiting
so hurry up

Open me roughly-


don't take your time hurry

yea hurry up

rip off my dress

that's it man now swiftly

shove your ****

between my thighs

sigh out your enjoyment-

you've found the mark

move deeper a little faster

now stop & **** my mouth

I'm on my knees

letting you pound your ****
deep down this throat

pound it faster baby
keep going

**** it even if I gag

that's it baby

I love how you taste

move deeper  come on hurry up

I feel you swelling
like your about to erupt

Help me to my feet
*bend me over this table

I need a release & only your able

Your massive ****'s swollen
it's hungry just like me

Shove it in deeply

please me to my core

**** me,


****    *meeee

Baby keep going

******* move deeper,

harder- faster,

I'm delirious-

craving every inch
of your massive ****

spread me wide

hold me fast to your lustful ******

hurt me

make me scream out
my ******* release


I'm *******

Keep it up


**** me give me more

over & over



**** me

mmm ahhh


Oh ****
*how'd we end up on the floor


Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
Very Explicit-ADULTS/18&OVER.; IF CONTENT IS TOO MUCH FOR YOU PLEASE DON'T READ IT. I get thoughts and ideas which I let run as it will, so enjoy -for those who don't mind & thanks for reading.hope u like it!

Hello! Chester here… Missing you so,
A bookworm am I,
Oh, yesss, today just sliding by…
With spectacles on my nose,
I do both poetry and prose.
Want to hear more about me …
And my family…?
So awfully lovely to see you again,
Perhaps a few secrets for you, my friend?

Plump cousins I have in the strangest places,
On blue Stilton cheese are not only their faces…
There’s even a cousin with a thousand little feet…
The shoemaker thinks he’s a treat.
Mostly here somewhere, we always share…
And war seen so many times before,
Just like greedy maggots, ended battles we do adore,
And there is even more…

Not a treat, some worms you never want to meet,
A part of the family is really mean,
Trust me, they're the worst worms you’ve ever seen,
For those eat dead people really clean!
Others just eat wood and all they ever could.
And don’t let me start,
With Mr. Snooks… worming into Miss Prissy’s heart!

Once there was even a tapeworm from a whale,
100 feet long, both sexes… He and She were for sale!
Just like people… large, short, skinny or hairy,
Some worms fancy meat or plants… others dairy.
Seeing ample aggravation… there was an invitation…
And all I have to say today… Now on my way…
To the cemetery without delay,
But I’ll be back, Sweetheart… Someday...

Copyright©2013 Kari M. Knutsen

Im a black sheep so i can diguise myself
Keep an AK 47 on the shelf
Dont ask me   Who i am?
Call me ****** i really dont
Give a ****!!
Action im built tough
Since i am public enemy one
The media will never get enough
Suckas aint nothing but a bluff
Sound the alarm
As the Dj gets rough give me some of that
Funkyy stuff
**** aint never hurt nobody
Guns leads to so many dead body
Is what i yell stop naw get the bail
And lets free
All my brothers incarcerated for free
Smooth.  As a criminal
My rhymes subliminal maximum minimal
Is the wage im in rage
Get the twelve guage
Lets do damage to the higher powers that be
I wasnt born a sucker
Im ready to die for free
In this world
Ya need fame just to get a little love for ya name
**** hip hop is where my heart is?
But its lost dont know where it is?
Killed by the jewish society gay mafias
Women and ill know they'll despise me
Truth is what i am
Urban radiooo doesnt even slam
Promote sloppy music to keep a rate on
I used a calling card
To dail in i tell them cut that ******* off or we'll break in
Entering to the station
play old school records rock the nation
I see you hesitation
Scared of a revolt took the emcees then jolt
Them out the way cuz they gay
Fashion fad lookin' peculiar
I still wear saggy jabos stocky medium afro
Is the sound **** all these club sounds
No consciousness surround
The black community im all for unity
But how when the pushin' racism G ?
But ya know my topics will get tossed
Lost in the hour of the chaos
Cuz of the rebel i amm

Clone re Eatery Jan 2015
Thee Artiste Carvó's "The Odor of Logbrain Crappó"*

Lógbrain yóur **** is oh so ASSinine...
It is of course malign...

Yóu are the cón artist of the moronic chimERA...

Yóu are of course a resigned, all inferiór, cón artist that becraps the mind, body and soul, as well as the very nether realms...

óh óh óh.... Lógbrain yóu are lonely while taking care of yóur flock in the fields... óh óh óh...

Yóu ascend the flock...
ascending and mounting the sheep, one by one
Yóu are on top...
on top from behind... yes, óh Yes, Óh YEs, ÓH YES, YES, YESSS...
Óh soiinf osiujh8adabyghueyhiu rnolkm

Touching the heart...
Touching the soul...
Touching the woolly pudenda…

and thus issueth the "I"s, the "óh"s and the ewes from the egómaniacal shepherd ,
Crappó, the manna of the banana I-gód <> the delusion of illusions and confusions of a sick putrid sub-mind...

****, that only yóu and the sheep yóu have so deeply touched can feel it in the end... óh óh óh

Óh Lógbrain Crappó, óh please óh please óh please crap some more fine **** for yóur lessers, if any there be...
with yet another one of yóur masterPIECES in the fields of ewe.

Yes, Crappó, BÓTTÓM feeder, yóu and yóur fine **** are a pain in the *** to all...
This fine piece goes out to the greatest cón artist alive.

Original ('An Ode To Loghain Carvó') by:      Thee Artist aka Logbrain Crappó
Reworked by:    CrE aka Trollminator
This is the ninth in a series of reconstructions of the drivel of "Thee Artiste" aka Logbrain Crappó which has been previously posted on HP.

True, nothing could possibly make Thee's mindless nonsense less lousy, but at least it can be put into a neater, though still steaming, pile...
Matt Jan 2015
I talked to a woman
She was blonde and very fit
How I imagine my body to be
If I was a woman

I showed her a picture
Of a woman I always dreamed about looking like

I told her I was very wet
And loved her body

I told her I was ******* myself
And I was
Moaning like a woman would
I was ******* my ***
Slowly in circles

As I ****** my inadequate *****
I just don't like it
It is too small at 5 and 1/2 inches

Yes I am a *****
It feels good to slowly massage my *** with ****

She described how she would lick my ******
I thought about having a ****, and having it licked

I asked her to finger me
She described how she would finger my ***

It's all so hard
Those big powerful men
With their great bodies
And big thick *****
Women love them
Beautiful women love them
And they love to be ****** by them
Hours on end
In every imaginable position
Their ******* get pounded
And they scream and ***
Again and again
Those big heavy *****
Slapping against them

I know you know what I am talking about
No wonder you are so happy

Why couldn't I have been like them
If I was going to have a *****
Why did it have to be inferior to theirs?

God is mean to me
I know it is bad to say that
But he is
I feel like my small *****
Is closer to having a ******

I want to rub my *****
Like this woman was

She sent me a pic of her ******* that were soaked
I was so loving and caring toward her
I really turned her on

She showed me a picture
Of how she squirted so much
At least two feet by one foot
Of the towel was soaked

I always dreamed of being a squirter
Able to *** so hard like her
I think of a well-hung man
******* my ***** nice and deep

My loving strong husband
Thrusting his huge **** into me
Making me *** again and again
Screaming, yesss, harder,
**** me harder!

It must feel so great to experience such satisfying *** as a woman
To have multiple *******
I envy you

Women experience more pleasure than I can
Another example of how God has been mean to me
Youdont Needthis Jan 2017
I’m sitting in a lawn chair
At the edge of the moon’s well cratered chest
I’m facing a woman whose company is pricy and measured by rounded hours
She sits full lotus
Supple legs twist in a curving swirl
Seated on the glass surface of the coffee table
Young and slight enough to have no rational fear of it shattering beneath her

I ask to ask her something
She simpers
So I begin my slurred inquiry
If there was a God
And it told you that
Today was the day you would die
But it would spare you and let you live on well
Into old age if you could give a good reason why
It should let you live then
What would your reason be
I belch a pig’s roar
What would your reason be

She simpers again
Ooooh **** that’s a good question
She toys with the starched mass of her hair
Flailing to be remembered by me and gain another loyal customer

I guess
I guess I’d say that I had a daughter and
You have a daughter
She’s nineteen at the oldest
Yesss I do
I blink
What’s her name
Her name is Nelly
So you’d say you had a daughter and
And that she needs me
She loves me
I love her
I can’t leave her alone

In the center of the dark and lashed ellipses that halo her hazel eyes
I’m finally seeing a woman

She tilts her face
Her bangs silk to her jawbone
What would your reason be

I unscrew my flask

I wouldn’t give one
I deserve to die
Luckily for me
This life is unfair and unjust
In reality
You can plead to God all you want but even if it hears you
It won’t stop what it’s already made
And what it’s made is death

We’re both still facing each other
But we’re not looking at each other anymore
We’re both staring at space’s unfathomable darkness
The all consuming black

I know from where she is
She can see the Earth
She can see the spins of white puff
The emerald and umber chunks
The deep sapphire that coats the planet’s skin
Maybe she’s thinking of Nelly

From where I sit
All I can see are the tiny scabs of distant stars
Moth bites
In an all swallowing cloak

I check my watch
My current bill is approximately 1,600USD
I hear her voice
For the first time today
Her voice is genuine and entirely naked
Are you saying that God doesn’t save anyone

The weight of the knife in my pocket
Feels heavier than it should be
Especially here
The craters of the moon are yawning wide
They’ve always made perfect graves

I drink the last gulp of bourbon from my flask

Before I answer her
I wonder if her question is also asked by the others
The high piled and shallow buried
Crisscrossing one another
Overlapped like piles of pottery pieces
Or shards of shale
They lie
Trapped on the sun’s mirror
Lifelessly embracing and lying upon each other
Coincidently kissing each others wounds
Stuffed in the stony rings of the craters of the graying moon

Some I left floating in lakes
Both here
And back on Earth

Are they all wordlessly asking each other
Screaming through sunken faces
Won’t God save us
Doesn’t God save anyone

I toss my flask to the side
It takes forever to fall

As far as I’m concerned
He hasn’t saved anyone yet
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2022

things have changed since the days of progressive rock,
the whole idea of the concept album...
i once owned this copy of a music magazine: MOJO...
when magazines were still in print...
that's the thing with me -

three passions in my life, three great loves in my life...
cycling, music and philosophy:
if i said that i loved poetry i'd be lying...
since i imagine myself as writing it -
with this little beast there's a love-hate relationship -
it's hardly a love: it's a medium where my three loves come together...

but a lot has changed since the progressive rock days of the concept album...
what album topped the MOJO top 50 albums from
the progressive rock genre?
Pink Floyd's dark side of the moon...
who was second? ah...
YES' close to the edge:
personally i preferred the yes album...
Jethro Tull's Aqualung was way down the list...
Radiohead's OK computer wasn't unsurprisingly high...

but i would have topped the list with
King Crimson's in the court of the crimson king...
never mind...
i'd love to start a petition for all
the Red Hot Chilli Pepper albums to be released...
only upon hearing some of the B-sides from By the Way...

then moving to the B-sides of Blood, Sugar, ***, Magik...
i'm not sieving through the B-sides of Californication...
i'd want to start a petition for
all the Red Hot Chilli Pepper albums to be released
like Stadium Arcadium was released...
as a double-album... ****'s sake...
the artistry of this band is inexhaustible!

that would be ****** innovative:
a natural progression from progressive rock...
all other mentions of progression the spheres of politics and

sociology blah blah ought to begin with... this...
i'm just surprised "they" only figured it out with Stadium Arcadium...

i mean: this B-side of the band is like:
i remember the days when bands would have
INSTRUMENTAL tracks, most notably Iron Maiden and
Metallica... take for example the Teatro Jam...

vocals brought to a bare minimum or nothing at all...
yes... i feel privileged to get a sneak peek into
the potential for the "concept" of the double album...
oh... sly technicalities...

i'm seriously not the type of a Matthew Arnold type...
crying myself to sleep after seeing Liszt play and swoon
the ladies...

i stopped caring about the "lady department" of my life...
that's how the story goes...
Matthew Arnold went to a Liszt concert
and he went back home and cried about how Liszt:
the virtuoso managed to swoon the ladies...
it helped that i was working those two gigs
and i wasn't just a fan...
because watching the women watching
these guys on stage helped with
the required attire of the security services...

perhaps i wasn't jumping up and down...
but i was "secretly" tapping my feet...
i chose the wrong instrument:
like any boy does when he has no band mates...
tried my chances on the guitar...
i should have been a drummer...
envy of the world could not topple what i'm interested
in / with anyway...

my solitary existence is enough
for whatever is not enough for others...
beside the double-album fixation,
i have a more potent "fixation": it's an analogy...
the Matthew Arnold vs.
                 Matthew Conrad (that's me) analogy...

poor M. Arnold went home weeping
at his inadequacies, poets are never favoured by women...
poor sod... how could he cushion himself against
the onslaught of Liszt? he couldn't...
back in the day you went to see a composer play...
you just bought a ticket... even today...
you go to an opera... what can you scavenge?
merely the ******* programme... but moi?
i was working... sure...
but i was probably the only person working
that double shift who ended his shift buying
a T-shirt of the band... that's a nice cushion to have...

it sort of distanced me from envy...
from utter despair... i didn't want to be on the stage...
i didn't want to be those guys...
i was just happy buying the band's T-shirt...
i switched off in that moment...
moments prior i was worried about crowd
safety intrusions into my psyche...
the next... after all was said and sang...
i emerged like i just went and saw my
"new" favorite band for "free": well...
i got paid to see them... that's also crucial...
i was paid to see them overseeing the crowd seeing them...

maybe that's why... my focus was split...
splintered in half...
i was of a conscious akin
to a lightning bolt splitting a tree in half...
i forgot despair... i thought about seeing
them live back in circa 2004 when
the London Arena in the Docklands was still viable...
with Chad Smith pre-warming before the gig...
walking in the crowd seemingly unnoticed
in a cowboy hat... hell...
i was almost an optometrist
when Frank Bruno brushed shoulders
with me coming back from ring-side
at that Tyson fury match-up... patient little me...

i've landed the perfect job...
i remember the days when my former school-friends
would joke about me not having a job...
being misdiagnosed as a "schizophrenic"...
what the **** did they do? oh... right...
one worked in a pub... another worked in Homebase...
this general DIY wholesaler...
i was cycling past where he worked...
it's getting torn down...
i only laugh at things that other people
don't find funny: most notably my own thoughts:
or thereby a lack of them... and to think...

all it took: to be in the position
i'm in now was being "nice" to my next-door neighbour...
the same "******" story: it's not what you know...
it's who you know... no...
i couldn't possibly be the next Matthew Arnold
bemoaning whatever successes Liszt had with women...
i got a Red Hot Chilli Pepper T-shirt...

there is healthy consumerism and
there's unhealthy consumerism...
the healthy type of consumerism is akin to:
             buying a memento...
some sort of memorabilia...
i love that sort of consumerism...
since i was working i couldn't take pictures of the events...
but it has become apparent...
the T-shirt saved me from the agony
akin to Matthew Arnold's agony...
i rather think i know what i'm doing...
it's not exactly ontologically based with a bias...
it's what i've acquired...
of course i'm seeking fame...
but it's not fame associated with being alive...
it's more a fame centered with: when i am gone...

when i satiate all that's mortal about me...
that's why i reject the motives for employing
the tactics of: fake it until you make it i.e. CREDIT...
i work on a debit allowance...
i spend what i earn rather than borrow in order to spend...
sure... i'll miss out on... wait... wait...
what am i going to be missing out on?
i love the company of my coworkers...
sure... i'm not a brain surgeon...
my mother is currently watching this ****** show:

the good doctor... no! that's why doctors are not walking encyclopedias...

that's why they specialize...
no chance in hell is there a "god" in the medical profession... PLATE OF BROWN... sweet instrumental...
progressive instrumental...
bourbon is the sweeter version of whiskey...
probably the greatest "thing" to come out of H'america...
prior to the blues and jazz...
and i get told: white man bad... slavery bad...

until the original slavery emerged as introducing
the black man to musical instruments that gave
the poor white boy prune an escape from classical music...
i don't see what the "*******" problem is...
talentless people drowning gripping to razor blades...
sure... i'm sort of jealous... but i'm not envious...
i allocated myself a company of Ovid and Horace...
Milton is not going to be replicated...
i want to write something:
i will write something that's properly
resembling the sort of life worth living
at the turn of the 21st century... oh ****...
i forgot to mention my 4th love...

drinking... i mean...
whether it's bourbon or whether it's whiskey...
you can't really love something unless you bring it
to the altar of excesses... and i do just that...
perhaps i have room for a fifth... but?
seeing how my father behaves around my mother?
i hardly "think" that's a viable choice for me... ergo...
i can spare myself the unnecessary details
and go straight after the prostitutes:
i don't mind sharing... after all...
i'm not sharing alimony guilt / no guilt...
i figured out a way to avoid making "profile-contact":
eye-contact i can stomach...
but all this a priori modulations of man...
no wonder dates are so boring: dating...

i don't want to know anything about
another person: PRIOR...
i want to find out... gain knowledge...
but if i'm about to be served something on a:
precursor basis? that's... ******* boring...
no wonder i'm not interested... and never will be...
it like... you either get given a fish...
or you're given a fishing rod... and some maggots...
people have their fiddly bits...
but if people expose their fiddly bits...
the stereotype is that man is the "hunter"...
what the **** am i hunting?

i don't like hunting: i like scouting...
that's the entire problem
with Darwinism mingling with "humanism":
too much is borrowed from the natural world....
and when that happens?
imposing the natural world
on the technical world of man rarely helps anyone...

          by proxy or default... or perhaps by simply
the spiral in control of ad hoc...
i write... after all writing is an extension of thinking...
it's not an invitation to speak...
people complain about their internet access...
leverages of the comment section...
maybe i just figured a way to bypass unwarranted
"attention".... writing that's not to be sung...
lyricism: as much as i love it
i abhor it...
           because i'm not even close to singing it...
i'm also not even close to speaking
it... best left in the vaults of thought...
after all: i'm measuring my steps for a posthumous

           i couldn't rob an entertainer from his
today: our daily bread...
and there's always one member in the band
that's going to be grounded in:
a focus of creativiy:
grounded in not allowing all the caveats of fame
that come with it (fame):
the crab bucket principle...
me? i was lucky to watch both of their shows
in London...
                  while actually watching the crowd...
Matthew Arnold would have felt so much
better if he managed to get a Liszt T-shirt...
a consumer statement akin to:
i was there...
       i saw them live... look how happy i am
to be alive... i got the mother-******* T-shirt...
who gives a rat's *** about their private lives...
i too have a private life... i write scribbles that do not rhyme
and i'm juggling the idea of counter to
Nietzsche and poet-philosopher... philosophy is in
the background... but it's more a case of poet-journalist...
and i like the forest in the winter at night...
and i adore aloneness... which is a quality of being
that's un-reflective / restrictive of the expressions:
being alone or being lonely...
it's dissociative... not associative...

and i adore writing as a way to create constrains...
                           because if i were to jump the fame
bandwagon of: "fame ruined my mortality"...
i'd be making videos... exposing myself to the world
of bad people with even more bad ideas...
**** me: filter in place...
all are welcome who seek to be served...
the rest can snuggle in a crab-bucket elsewhere...
by just consolation:
"being there" will pass me by...
i will have no concern for the world...
instead: the world will have concern for me
having past through it... that's how Heidegger's
idea is inverted:
   i have no concern for the world... for "being there":
i'm already "here"...
           for me the world is: there's being...
i can't pnpoint a "there" and couple it to "being"
to create Heidegger's bad grammar...
there's being: der welt... the world...
but there's also the self-being: selbst-sein...
                as much as there's the selbst-sein-im-der-welt...
there's also the selbst-sein-im-die-sein...
contrast: selbst-sein-im-die-selbst...

ha ha... me and a "girlfriend"? captain complications
"autistic"? no wonder i spend most of my time
around animals... this one time in the supermarket
a boy in a buggy started pointing at me...
see! that's the problem! the creatures that least understand
the complications of language: man can arrive at...
understand me best... we communicate on the focus
of onomatopoeias... syllables... vowels-alone...
finger-pointing: ooh! ooh! beard! tall man! beard!      

mein gott!
the idea of me being married is a bit like thinking
either Nietzsche or Kierkegaard being married...
or for that matter Kant...
i just kept focusing on the voyeurism presented
by pigeons... how many times they get rejected:
Darwinism is a fake:
it's not about the survival of the fittest...
it's about the survival of those who are subdue
about making the most mistakes...
i opted out... i like my comforts...
i'm not a social animal... i'm not a political animal...
ego: non animal-sociale...
   non animal-politica...
       ego-ergo: creatura-ex-solatium!
i'm a creature of comfort...
         i don't need complications
of womens' exfoliations...
                       bye bye... wave goodbye
the would be sinking Titanic...
       ice is a new hello!
         "women and children first"...
sink the ship... count the *****...
no... because this "****" doesn't end... unless it ends

not since it was so easy for the Islamic
Conquistadors to be made so easy
and for us "remainers" to have it made to "hard"...
then again... eh?! keep what?!
leap over what burp of a frog?!
            i'm pretty sure the Slavic world
imploded when they heard about the antics
of the "west"... i'm pretty sure the Russians were
like: before... we reach that summit of insanity...
i... a Russian... will sooner ****-fiddle an Ukrainian
with war... before the cancer spreads...
and so it happened...
                         west: my ungovernable wet ***!
                       i might speak the language:
but churning through the outliers i'm ANTI...

  any deficiency in the orthodoxy use of language is:
           i have LIMITS...
**** it... i'm siding with the Russians...
i don't care...
              **** Ukraine: for Chernobyl!
we might as well find our nearest sacrifice...

i'm just waiting for the "PAUSE" buttonz...

yeah... like that joke...
an Olaf... a Lothar and a Conrad walk into
a bar...
    only Conrad walks out...
why? because he didn't make any Hebrew jokes...
and he drank more whiskey than both
Olaf and Lothar...
i know i'm not funny...
i'm not supposed to be: ******* funny!
i'm supposed to be imitation-cannibal!


i'm truly lucky to be alive...
at least in my generation...
i was 13 when Californication came out,
i spent one afternoon
with my now estranged uncle
listening to the record while
he was working on his Porsche
eating take-away Kentucky fried
                     talking about music and life
and *** and what not...
mostly girls...
my sympathy for Ukraine? none...
maybe Ukraine was part of the Soviet
Union maybe not (obviously)
but: yeah... thanks for Chernobyl...
my mother's premature chronic pain...
i might be the last drinker in the family
lineage who takes drinking
seriously: as a way to progress intellectually
but my mother's on opiates...
i was born with a "mark of Cain"...
whatever the hell it was...

it was a ******* nuclear REACTOR...
it wasn't a nuclear BOMB...
a bomb EXPLODES... a reactor IMPLODES...
who know what the ****** difference
is... but give it enough time
and you'll find out...

well... it must be bad... since how many *******
tests did the Americans the Russians
and the French carry out with bombs?
Godzilla blah blah...
       but it only took ONE bad reactor to make
people look all-crazy-at-each-other...
******* KARMA... oh yeah...
it wasn't enough to do both Hiroshima
and Nagasaki... more tests required!

and all those cases of freakish premature
cancers in eastern Europe... hell... elsewhere too...
last time i heard an imploding nuclear
reactor is like detonating 400 Hiroshima type
and the effects were immediately apparent
in the botanical kingdom...
effects which even reached the region
where i was born...
   it was a case of Spring-Autumn...
     oh yeah... you had streaks of trees that
were autumn like: perhaps even past autumn...
sort of dead-ish... and streaks of trees
that were: spring-esque...

by then, no one knew...
                             the crescendo of the collapse
of the Soviet union...
a bit like the crescendo of the end of the second
world war and the all great h'american hard-on:

but let's face it... no other culture was so
good as the late 20th century American culture...
the Beatniks,
Charles Olson - the only post-modernist i have
any respect for... if i can call him that...
then again... i'm jumping hoops and conclusions
that that non-verbatim...

and you have to admit...
    no no... it wasn't because i was working both
the shifts for the Red Hot Chilli Peppers gig at
the London stadium: but let me tell you what...
i would have been completely ****** (OFF)
if i didn't buy tickets for both days...

day 1: opened with CAN'T STOP
day 2: opened with ALL AROUND THE WORLD
day 1: played UNDER THE BRIDGE for the encore
day 2: didn't play UNDER THE BRIDGE for the encore...

proper old-school...
that other shift i did where Weezer, Fall Out Boy
and Green Day played...
even the guys i was working with were like:
they (i.e. Green Day) 'these guys don't know when to
shut up'... i was like... oh... right, this song?
they'll finish on that one:
   it's one of those sentimental closure songs...
one of the girls sang that song
in an assembly when we were leaving school:
(have the) time of your life...

i was sure of it... oops... a ******* Dawid Bovie cover!
sure... people are at a gig... we're too,
but we also want to: ******* go home...
and we can't until all these ******* leave first!

- thank god (casually expressed, eat dog doog...
yes - intentional, FELA'S **** is the *******
groove party - food)
i'm not one of those people forming a cliche
opinion about whether i'm a fan of the Beatles
or whether the Rolling Stones...
ask me again... James Brown yes...
and Red Hot Chilli Peppers' A-sides
or Red Hot Chilli Peppers' B-sides...

now... that's a tough one...

mind you: what gave birth to the Communist project?
there were plenty of Hebrews living in Russia
and in Poland... i guess those people were
like... sure... let's try...
if we **** up: we'll **** up SPECTACULARILY...
and "we" did... but... the current reiteration
of "communism" in the VEST?
hmm... all this post-grammatical-mystique...
oh look! adjective, verbs, nouns,
the indefinite article and a definite article
are being neglected by the hyper-focus on pronouns...

it's like a second imaginary Chernobyl imploded
and fried people's intellectual capacity
for formal / casual conversation talking
about the weather and buses being late...

i'm only saying that Red Hot Chilli Peppers is
a band of / for my generation because...
i've already come across younglings
that haven't heard of them...
YES!                             and the band too...
but finally! i've reached the cut-off point
where i'm part of a zeitgeist that is reaching its
                       the equilibrium akin to the Olympic
passing of the torch... although:
there's not much of a fire left...
       just an unlit torch... instead of fire: ambers
of a once fire...

but that's what happens... i understand the paranoid
Russians all too well...
back in 2007 they were such welcoming people:
i still don't understand why the western media
narrative about McDonald's being shut down
in Russia suddenly turned into a new fast food
chain under a different name serving the same food...
when i was in Russia: i swear to god...
i didn't see a single McDonald's... so... twinkle toes...
hum hum hmm...

were "my" people paid reparations
for the **** invasions? i know the Hebrews were...
oh yeah: we had that glorious task of being
invaded and then told to stack 'em bricks
for the crematorium CHIMNEYS...
well... it could have been worse...
we could have been told to ***** the NECROPHILIC
architecture of ancient Egypt in the guise
of the pyramids...

and because being under the Soviet yoke
of influence... and then... oh god! they gave "us" a
******* first non-Italian POPE!
one hand washes the other
but neither hand knows what the other hand
is doing... from ultra-atheism to ultra-catholic
"our" capital shouldn't be called Warsaw...
(no jokes about that, unlike Bangkok)
                                it should be called Seesaw...

backwards and forwards... as Norman Davis pointed
out: god's playground...
which it is... mind you: i'm sort of bad tempered
when it comes to being a Siamese-twin with
my Deutsche neighbours...
lucky that some of those Schwabs or Saxons
migrated... settled on some ****** weather island
and mingled with the Velsh and the Picts and
whatever other Celtic remains were left
in Europe...

oh but yesterday... that old man made me lose my
cool... i was already sweating it out for over
an hour and he exclaims in the street like
those manic street Apocalypse preachers:
where are you lights!
if i stopped i would have properly explained
than merely pointing at my rear-light glowing
red and telling to *******...
would you, old man?
mind you: old man... you give a rat's *******
about one cyclist... then tell me...
who does your council employ... shouldn't
the street lights already be switched on?!
    hmm.. already be...
shouldn't the street lights be already switched on?
that sounds... eerie...

shouldn't the street lights already be switched on
shouldn't the street lights be already switched on...
i honestly can't decide upon the correct
grammar... let's be trans-grammatical about that one...
after all... it's all trans-biology anyway...
a bit like Plato telling Sisyphus that the gods
forgot about him and that he can stop his pointless
toiling... or what Plato mentioned about
being punished and being reincarnated
as a woman if one begins as a man...
well: to hell with reincarnation: time's up for
theology now that science speeds things up...

scary world... even scarier people...
bring in the unhinged experts in not-doors!
yesss... we need a house with enough of
me? i'm just complementing their insanity with
my own special strain that prostitutes call:
Anais Vionet May 2022
You’re so HOT when you lie to me
young republican
I love your insurRECTION
I prefer my men dumb and dishonest
so come Lie with me
give me your BIG one
about how Trump won and
how the big steal couldn’t be stopped
ooo, slower, yes,
Tell me what a strong-man Putin is
with truth in abeyance
Yeah, uh huh, like that
Oooo.. uh..
restrict me, control me.
take my choice, my privacy
Ummm.. yeah..
right there..
impede my vote.. yes, yesss
Keep, keep, umm..
nothing’s wrong
don’t stop, oh,
don’t stop now..
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: abeyance: a state of temporary inactivity.
Josh Apr 2019
Cuddled up, feeling her warmth,
Running my hands Up and down,

Caressing her body,
Every bump and curve,
Every twist and turn,
My hands working their
Way down slowly down,

To her hips, pulling her in,
I lean my head into hers
As we slowly touch lips ,

Moving my hand round,
To hold her ****, as we
Rub against each other,
I start to tease my lover,

Stopping for a moment,
I take a step back as I
Unbutton the top button
Of her jeans, and slip

My hand down, rubbing
Her *****, I can feel it
Through her pants,
Getting wetter and wetter,

She starts to moan that this,
Moment couldn’t be better,
I love my hand up and down
Pushing a little bit harder
With my *******

She’s really wet now, I can tell,
I pull my hand up and out,
Then back in, under her pants,
I can feel her freshly shaved,
Naked *****, dribbling onto
My hand,

“She’s so *****!” I think to myself,
As I get an *******, she’s see it,
Shows me some affection, she
Moves her hand down and rubs
My ****, stroking it, it feels so
Right, I might just **** her, tonight,

She carry’s on the rub,
As I start to slip my
Finger in, only just
Breaking through as
I move it back out,
And back in again

I start to push deeper,
Getting faster and
Sharper, I move my
Thumb to play with
Her ****, she moans
A little, I push my
Finger even deeper,

She begins to whimper,
Her legs shake, her grip
Tightens, as she rolls
Her eyes to the back of
Her head, I stop. Pull
My finger out, and go
Back in with two,

This time more to the point,
In and out, in and out,
Still getting deeper,
Still getting harder,
My thumb back playing with
Her ****, she’s moaning now,

Telling me to keep going,
And how good it feels,
I do as asks and keep
Driving my fingers deeper
Into her wet *****,
In and out, in and out,

At this point I’m going
Fast and deep, she
Gonna *** soon,
“Yes! Yes! Yesss!”
She screams as
She begins to ******,

Her abdomen cliches up,
Her ***** tightens,
Her legs stiffen,
She moans once more
And then releases,

Her ***** starts
To leak with ***,
She dripping...

To my surprise she then
Pulls my trousers down
Half way, and my pants
Then begins to stroke my
**** in front of her face,

I want to have *** now,
It’s all I can think about,
“I want to go further”
I tell her...she’s more
Than happy, “**** me”
She orders,

I pull her jeans all
the way down and
Take them off, then
Pull her pants down
To her ankles, bend
Her over, she arches
Her back for me,

I push my **** inside her
Tight ***** dripping
With ***, the first push
In, she moans, I take it
Back out and then go in
Again, and then begin to
**** her,

“Deeper!” She begs as
I burry my **** further
Inside her, getting faster,
It feels so right, she’s so
******* tight, I knew then
I’d always remember tonight,

I keep going, as she begs
For more, she’s moans
Again, and again, telling
Me how good it feels to
Be ****** from behind

She starts panting and
The moans get louder,
She’s gonna *** soon,

I pull my **** out of her
Sweet sweet ***** and
Admire the beauty of her
Naked ***** and ****

I move my hands to her hips
And turn her around, life
One leg up, and then the
Other, she’s surprisingly
Light, and amazing tight,

Pinning her naked back
Against the wall and lifting
Both legs in the air, I
Push my **** inside her
Again, this time I don’t
Give her a chance,

Going straight in,
Fast and deep,
Fast and deep,
She’s loving it,

Biting my neck, digging
Her nails into my back,
Her moans are continuous,
And so so loud, she loves
Being ****** I can tell,

I can feel myself about
To ******, so I stop.
Put her down and she
Goes to sit on the bed
Starts stroking my ****

Back and forth, she’s a
Natural, then she puts
It in her mouth, and starts
To **** backs and forth,
Ooh she’s good at it,

And wave my hands
Through her hair to
The back, and pull
It into a pony tail held
Together by my hand,

Then start pushing her
Mouth, further down my
****, she encourages it
And starts deep *******,
I start moaning “ah yeah”
And within seconds more

It’s over, I came into her
Mouth, she swishes it
Around for a moment
Then swallows,
Ooh she’s good,

But then I look down and
See her beautiful *****,
Still so wet, begging for
More, I kneel down and
Start to finish the job...

I spread her legs apart,
Over of my shoulders,
Nestle my face into her
Crotch area, and begin
To lick in between her
***** and tight,

Short, quick, licks,
After some short time
She starts to push my
Head inwards, I know
She’s wanting it now,

I move my head over
Her ***** and begin...

I start, short, quick licks,
Flicking my tongue around
Her ****, she’s loves it,
Then every so often poking
Deeper with my tongue,
Only just braking through,

I focus my tongue on her ****,
Flicking it around still, then
Move my hand gently up and
Along her thigh, and rub her
***** a bit with my finger,

Then up with the finger, down,
And finally in...then out then in,
Repeating it, ******* her fast
And as deep as my finger while
Playing with her **** with my tongue,

She’s moaning so loud,
Like before her legs stiffen,
Body tenses up and she
Let’s out a scream of
Pleasure, she orgasmed,

I clean my **** off and
Clean her ***** out,
She puts her pants back
On, but leaves her **** out,

I lay down in the bed and
She joins, lays on top of me,
She lays facing me, legs
Either side, bare **** on my
Bare chest, and lays her
Head to the side of mine,
I pull the covers over and
Switch out the lamp leaving
The TV for light,

“That was amazing” she
Quietly whispers in me hear...
“We’re doing it again tomo”
I whisper back, she holds me
Tighter and snuggles into me,
“I love you” she whispers,
“I love you too” I reply.
Let's talk devils advocate..
Care plan packaged !!! carefully
Marked abstinent.
**** it. This planet won't be half as lit.
Had I chose to man up.
Admit my bad ****. And put a lid.
On burning candles *****....
Can I be candid for a moment...
Question marked...
Hazardous.... dont answer this...
But how do I stay safe...
When my brain is chemically imbalanced *****
Soaking up years of coke liquor **** and ******* cannabis ...
Grade 9 dances.
Stolen glances. At my destiny
Written the saddest script..
Since Harvey's Weinstein and r kelly.
Did remix to bebe rexhas smash hit baddest *****.....
I guess that's it...
I take compliments and criticism
Like sunshine to a cabbage kid...
Trying to help my condition
. using undercover practices

Results of broken rubbers
Being stubborn trying to ask me ****...
Making sisteen chapel look like
Painting from a ******* david banner.
Getting mad at it...
No patience like an empty psych ward.
The floor below.
Half inhabited by *** addicts.
Same amount of patience as they premature ejaculatjng amateurs.

I thought I was the man and ****....
Till tactical team six.
Swooped down and picked my *** up quick...
Manifested gravity.
Into the emptyness of black abyss...
Like trying to not rhyme the same is half the battle
Finding **** creeks paddles the other half of it
That's where I grabbed my wits....
Focus on the *** I see inside the mirror. Not the *** you practically
Have to kiss
Behind a weakness for need of approval..  *** self love
Felt cruel  hazardous and gradually cancerous....
For some reason. I cant admit
That my destiny ain't footsteps in the sand and ****...
Relying on my ego.
Pride and vanity. Like prime ingredients to make.
Horse **** sandwiches....
Would you like that with mayonaise
Deceit. Pickles or some radishes...
I want to visit past tense..
Like before this started happening
The building was scrapped. Evacuated.
In the process. Of abandonment....
Shack was built.
On drugs *** and lies
pictures of my kids are the only thing
In the entire mansion
Worth having it....
Talking about cups like I got plenty
In the cabinet...
**** I wish. But the futures
Fickle..  **** just a little..
Pickles radishes *** and ****
To make  massive gorgeous. ***** ***** sandwiches
Kevin costner with these wolves
Just gotta learn to dance with it
And I'll be glad to kiss my past goodbye
Like seal team six.
When they came and
Licked my *** and ****....
Lougene F Aug 2018
As the thin wheels keep on rolling clockwise
there is a scratching noise that annoys me
"There's nothing wrong, it's not broken"
I told myself and choose to ignore
Placed my feet back on the pedal
I kept going

Sunny side up straight gawking at me
I looked back and stare
I must be seeing blind and lured into oblivion
It was an awesome sun-shiny day!
Suddenly, I stumble upon this momentum
while "Tickets to Ride by the Beatles" playing on the background
I hit the ground and rolled

Almost passed out, invisible bruises all over me
I feel pained
Pain all over me like I was going to be forgotten
lost in space, eaten by a black hole
then spit out by it

Everything in slow motion
like in a matrix action film
My consciousness is beginning to
regain little by little..
Little did I knew that little things can hurt you
Split-second imposing wonder turned into chaos
but it comes to my mind that
it's so awesome to be hurt in order for me to grow stronger
Yesss, positivity at its best
I get back up again
and chose to keep going
What a ride.
Random thoughts on how we get hurt so easily.
Jay earnest May 2018
the guy sits
by        the window       as a car  drives by   and the rain pours gently
on the  street.

he says

'' I'm tired of waiting here'

and then promptly
pats his own shoulder.

the light  dimly  blinks  ,  and fly buzzes in the corner;
mildew collects under the sink faucet,
then in
walks the  nurse.


''why thank you m'lady''.

mr.dover swallows the pills,
black and shiny.

''ahhhhh  thank you m'lady,  just what I needed''.

The nurses' face remains pulled tight and she nods and walks back out into the lobby where she then interacts with another patient
morbidly obese and frothing,
then the door closes and mr. dover is alone.

''hmmmm,,  what shall I do now?''

Mr. dover looks around and notices a magazine with a CUTE ******* the front. Asian, of about 14 years old, or maybe older; they all look young.

'''AHHHH yesss.''

He then tugs on his 12 inch ***** for some time,

and itches his *****.   the light flickers dimly as usual,
and truck passes by.   A scream is heard in the distance,  and mr.dover times his ******* accordingly;

then without warning,
the nurse reappaears.


'uhhh yes mam,  yes mam'

She drops the steak directly on his crotch and pours the hot gravy on his belly where it pools into his naval.

''My god! woman! directly into my naval?!! why that hurts!!! OWWWW!!''


the nurse then pulls out a luger
from her back pocket and loads it with a round.  Mr.dover and the nurse maintain eye-contact for about 20 seconds
, before she pulls the trigger and her brain matter is projected onto a market board behind her.

She falls to the floor and a blood pool forms and she convulses violently before all movement ceases within a manner of seconds.

mr.dover, with his gaze fixed at the body is unperturbed,
and calmly spoons a bit of salisbursy steak into his mouth.

He collects some of the gravy and mixes it with the steak and eats it some more.

After he is done, he washes his plate and pats the nurse on the shoulder.

''you had such lovely eyes,
too bad you settled for this ****.   But it was all you could do?''

The door opens,
  and Dover steps out,
then eventually finds himself in the parking garage.  He gets in his green Toyota
and drives off whilst loudly belching from the Salisbury
steak and gravy as the
rain patters     on the   window.
TreadingWater Oct 2015
your mouth...I want to bite your lips...****
on each and kiss you for hours...That proud
nose, those bottomless green
eyes...eyes...the eyes have it, that those
brows frame in vain.....Features,
that,...form the most interesting face I've
ever ....Seen...BeaUtiful...yesss...but more,
more,...morethanthat...and I just keep
finding That face...and ***...this is
ridiculous...and ****...*******...****...I'm a
******* of the highest degree to want
and want...can't have can't have...and really
you shouldn't be had at all...not that
we had a chance...Years and miles.Miles
and years...but God
knows...knowing...knowing...knowing all of
this...My.dear.God.,...I'd still die to be
underneath you.
Dennis Willis Jun 2019
I am pandering to who
Or is it whom?

To whom am I pandering?

Is just **** silly. You can't pander
grammatically hah

Which three misguided

Am I
Trying to delight?
And ...
that too

R u here to chuckle
moisten or
small chance
be impressed

I'm here to undress
my well endowed self

you'll have to
take my word

like nobody's business
is going out
on the town

aren't you smitten
with these *****
we flower up
or smash

On our windscreen
of twist an' rhyme
and twice burnt
nite time
Dear Quokka Jan 2021
Just Talk..
  Nd the New Year comes.. Perhaps nothing special , well might be Shall to be Special.
   The New one era  starts with same tired soul yet the beautiful dreams on the way.Along with the winter air the bleak mind has to rest to blow.
    Something has to begin nd the something alredy starts.. Don't know what the past had taught me bt I have to learn for the present.Hmm , well I have no clue whts gonna I'm going to do however I'm trying to start with fresh soul having freaking memories.
    Still have the many doubts may be they are rising with my age. I just wanna do something which will fullfill my soul.
    Now I am on the rope where I have to make the forward step where no scope for the backspace.
   I just want from the new year tht I can able to choose my fireflies instead of Butterflies. I wanna risk but I should prepare for this.
   No...ofcourse not..,I'm not making any resoultion I just talk to myself which is Pending from the long time. So Dear inside me, I just want to tell whatever it'll be, I'll be there, I'll always be there..
    We have to achieve something incredible, something WoW Nd thts not possible without u.. I know u'll be forever with me, don't u ?? Yesss!!!
    This coming Year stands with totally blank slide I just want to paint beautiful painting there besides u.. I just need u. I don't know god is listening me or not but I am praying that please don't get hurt my true lord of Lords..
   I have faith on u nd I hope u'll never be able to break.. So with this the evening sky shone with stars I'm hoping for the better.., perhaps I'll be something going to better!!!!!
Spicy Digits Nov 2019
Yay! I have time to myself
Colours ooze from every pore
Mind of a monochrome dictionary
Turning into a fire-red seesaw

Yesss! Can't hold me down world
Throwing gang signs for good measure
Singing songs like I'm in the shower
Dancing naked in this stormy weather

She assured me I'm allowed to fail
And I'll still be loved like hell
So I did a little ***** shake celebration
Shook so hard and fast I fell

Finally! She saved me from my childhood
This woman taught me how
To be intensely me and yet happy
And that's all that matters now

Im doing it! I'm doing it!
I'm becoming what I need.
The woman who listens so intently
It's me, it's me, it's me!
Jon G M Mar 2019
Special moments
Craving you
Touching you
Raw Possession
Kiss me slowly
Mmmm.... luvvv it

How I want
Your devilish tongue
Tasting the forbidden fruit
Feel it
Feel the need
The stress
Jeremy Ducane Nov 2024
Shall I compare thee to a motorway?
Thou hast better surfacing and a softer verge.
Alone we fight our cone wars night and day.
Now with your unrestricted middle lane let me merge.

My central reservation, thus: - will our bodywork survive this amorous collision?
My tailgate does not now rise so high.
My global positioning system points towards oblivion
But could we at least give it a try?

Oh please Give Way and let me in
Don't 'No Entry' or hard shoulder my little furry dice.
I've got the jump leads on, and although emissions are a sin..
I think - oh yesss! - I've hit the red line! - that WAS nice.

So long as men find dangerous curves excite, and fossil fuels breathe other sorts of fire -
So long last all the crazy pile ups of middle aged desire.
Doesn't scan - but who cares?  It was fun to write...
Anthony Collazo May 2021
Passing notes in school-
with the hope I don't look too fool -ish.

If I had one wish!
It would be to always have you arms length,
Any more than that,
I'm des-perate,
never met anyone like you
so perfect
Loves worth it,
only if your the person to spend with.

My whole life I've been waiting
for something like this
All my hopes, scream!
you say yesss
Goosebumps running
up and down all my limbs,
Baby you're the only thing
That could make me less huuuu-man

Don't let the things people are

Come between me and your lips
Don't read my book by its cover cause it's covered in loss
I've Breaking pieces off
To give to those who don't have alot
But deep down inside I know your the glue I lack
Pick me up and back on track

All I need is for you to replyyyy back.

By saying
I accept you
I'll defend you
I'll be there for you
For everything thing possible
Wrote it like a song idk
Dennis Willis Oct 2021
There is a spender
in the attic
of time and silly
ness as if it was
essing on thru
yesss I borrowed that
an' won' give it back
Waiting for a bus…
In a snow storm…
Trying to keep warm…
Just me and my thoughts…
Warming me up…
Hot chocolate…
My baby’s sweet face..
Warm chicken soup…hmmm
My coat once brown…
Now totally white…
“A snowman”
No it’s me…
Still in Hawaii…
My feet nestled in soft sand..
I dream on…
Far away I see a flickering light…
Oh Yesss, I see “HEADLIGHTS!!”

— The End —