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Thia Jones May 2015
I want perfection
I want that moment where our eyes meet
and neither of us can break the gaze
where our souls open to one another
like buds thirsting for the rain
where I see eternity, endless infinity
expand and share their secrets
from within you and know in that instant
that you see the same in me
I want that perfection of recognition

I want perfection
I want a shared empathy
an effortless telepathic connection
to feel that golden thread that links
all my chakras with all yours
I want to wake thinking of you
to drift into sleep doing the same
to know this is true for you too
and to meet even in our dreams
I want that perfection of synchronicity

I want perfection
I want to explore your body
to marvel at its complete perfection
even though you believe it imperfect
I want you to marvel too
at the perfection you see in this body
although I know it to be far short
I want to be consumed in mutual lust
to burn with your tastes sounds and smells
subsuming our senses into one another
I want that perfection of sensation

I want perfection
I want to run and work and sweat with you
to experience the joys of music, of performance
to travel with you to places of wonder
to inspire your creativity
to be inspired by you in every way
to reach new heights as yet undreamed
to remain forever grateful
for the gifts of your love
I want that perfection of complementarity

Cynthia Pauline Jones 4th May 2015
I have still to meet this person. There was someone who ticked some of the boxes and who for a time it seemed might complete the set, yet drew back. So I continue to search.
Thia Jones Feb 2015
Total trust implies one must
remove all doubt that remains about
untold plans or secret spans
some past betrayals can last
that give cause for us to pause
Written for Day 3 of the WordPress Writing 201: Poetry challenge. This called for using the prompt 'trust', the form 'acrostic' and the device 'internal rhyme'
Thia Jones Feb 2015
Commuter trains go clickety clack
up and down the trickety track
except when it snows
or leaves the wind blows
then you can’t get there or back
This is today's effort for the WordPress Writing 201 challenge - incorporating the prompt Journey, the form Limerick and the device Alliteration.
Thia Jones Feb 2015
Rain puddles outside
are like distorting mirrors
with ripple effects
This is my first haiku. Written for day 1 of the WordPress Writing 201 Poetry challenge.  Each day the challenge presents a prompt, a poetic form and a device. Today these were water, haiku and simile.
Thia Jones Feb 2015
Today is not my day
today is a day for lovers
whose love is reciprocated
who are loved in their turn
by the object of their desire
those who have and hold
sometimes quarrel and scold
yet are able to be bold
who have someone to cuddle
they who get to snuggle
those who share dinner
and wine and roses
to enhance the romancing
and so on to bed
today was not my day

Cynthia Pauline Jones 14th February 2015
Thia Jones Oct 2014
They say I'm pretty good with words
but the tunes they just don't come
you know if I could make the notes align
I'd write you a song to make you shine
and have Kylie come and sing it
in your living room

Cynthia Pauline Jones 7/10/2014
Thia Jones Oct 2014
Nos Calan Gaeaf, the night before winter
we sit cwtched over bowls of cawl
hot steaming broth
by tradition lamb with vegetables
whatever comes to hand
leeks, carrots, tatws, swedgon
cabbage or kale, shredded
deep green leaves though
not the pale stuff
that disolves in the stewing
before it gets to the bowl
a dash of herbs perhaps
and a touch of pepper
the cwtching and the steam
make this as much an experience
of inhalation as of taste

And when the last drop is gone
the liquid focus turns to cwrw
that's ale if you're Sais
and the singing begins
not all hymns and arias
anything counts, all is game
so long as voices are raised

Amid the singing, thoughts turn
to those who sat in years past
drinking cawl and cwrw
and raising their voices
but sit and eat and drink
and sing no more
though in the flickerng light
of candle and lamp and fire
seem once more present on this night

Cynthia Pauline Jones, October 30th 2014
A poem for halloween... written for a reading at a Halloween-themed evening organised by my local Writers Group on October 30th 2014. In Wales, the night of October 31st has traditionally been celebrated as Nos Calan Gaeaf which translates as The Night Before Winter. A short glossary may be helpful:
Cwtch – to huddle, hunch over, or cuddle
Cawl – a stew or broth, as described in the poem
Tatws – potatoes
Swedgon – swede, or rutabaga
Cwrw – beer
Sais – English
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