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savanah tuttle Jun 2011
whenever i see him
he makes me feel
like the only one person
in the room with him

he doesn't feel the
same as i do

when i see him my eyes
get bright
and open up to the lights
and  guess thats why

when i look at him
i get butter fly's
which makes me speechless

thats why i wounder
forever more
thats why

does he feel  
the way i do?
will he ever
feel the same?

it will hurt
but if it happens
we'll be friends
which is alright

i'll always
love him
no matter what
the only one is
what i realize
Iska Mar 2018
We are all so clever,
With our posts and our lies,
And honest comments deleted
To wither and die.
Filters for beauty free of flaws
So we may withstand societies claws.
So we upload
pictures, stories and posts.
I wounder what is it
we long for the most?
To be accepted?
To be seen?
To cause envy?
Or Jealousy?
What is the point?
The whole worlds plugged in,
And we all have hundreds of thousands of “friends”.
yet who is it that
truly cares for us in the end?
Face to face?
What a disgrace!
Letters to send?
This must come to an end!
Written word?
Thats simply absurd!
Memories made?
They still do that these days?!
Now this is a crazy idea..
Just a thought..
What if we all....
Just unplugged?
Not once or twice
And call it a night,
But more like a day?
To spend as you may?
To feel the sun?
To laugh with friends?
And make beautiful memories
to carry with you til the end?
Enjoy the moment of pure bliss,
filters, comments or harsh judgements.
To be yourself
and embrace your life,
Then when your done
You can replug.
And check on all your comments and likes.
And see which was the thing you remember at night.
I get it.
I do it too
But sometimes you need to stop
And just be you.
Jerry Oct 2012
Cleavage,  Oh, what wounder!
Full and Round!
Soft and ****!

Like a bouquet of flowers!
Fregrant & beautful,
meant to be admired.

Properly displayed,
In color and lace,
So wounderfully feminine!

A cavern of love,
She captures my attention,
And releases my desire.

Add just a smile!
Even a hint of one,
a powerful potion is revealed.
Cleavage with a Smile!

A great and powerful man,
under her **** spell.
hoplessly mesmerized,
by Cleavage with a Smile.

Don't look away!
Don't be offended!
be kind, add a smile.
Cleavage With a Smile!
I more than wecome feedback & comment.
My experience, most women quickly look away when they notice me notice them.
Majd Al Deen Sep 2014
Give me your soul, heart and hands
Give me your wildest dreams
Let's ride the train to where the rainbow lands
We just need to follow the beams

It's a one ticket ride
But new friends are waiting on board
You don't need to be shy and hide
Today is your day, just look at the colourful road

Think of something, and make a wish
Directly when we reach the blue
You could be famous you could be rich
Anything in your mind will become true

Orange is for happiness
Something blue can't give you
Neither money nor greatness
It's rare, but not contained by few

Don't you ever mix orange with blue
Or you will get brown
Then instead of happiness, depression will be a glue
And that might nock you down

If you wounder what does violet represent
"Your childhood and past"
All those years you have spent
You will feel like they were a blast

Red is for romance
Love, passion and forgiveness
"I love you" it's not hard to pronounce
But only if you had the guts and patience

Try to mix violet with red
You will find purple all around
Your first love will fill your head
And you will dance till you shake the ground

When sadness take over, know that it's grey
Your heart beat will start to fade
But God is in your side so start to pray
All your problems will turn to shade

Every colour has its own story
Its own symbol, its own taste
And on that rainbow, each got its own territory
Its own look, and its own rate

So come on and mount the Rainbow Train
Lets follow a colourful beam
With no stops, with no 'U' turns
It'll fly with its colourful rainbow steam
As I wonder why
With the tide the moon never reside
As I wonder why
The moon pulls the tides  
As I wonder why
my fellings i choose to hide
As I wonder why
you could want such a guy
As I wonder why
I choose to waist my time
As I wonder why
You begin to decide
As I wonder why
With that guy and not with me you choose to reside
Rune amergin Feb 2010
When you touch your knee to mine
Under the table
I wonder
Are you as focused on that
As I am
Or is it just a weird girl thing?
Iska Nov 2017
tis a sad day indeed when family turns to strangers.
when you look into the face that you have loved for years
and only see uncertainty and distance.
you know what I'm talking about....
when you dress up for their visits.
and worry what they think.
where stiff conversations
and insincere smiles dwell.

what happened?

I cannot remember a time with out you...
yet I find my self unsure as to how to spell your name.
I cannot remember our last laugh.
not these pretentious giggles
but cheek burning, tummy clutching, eyes tearing laughter.
I cant clearly see your face. hear your voice.
I cant remember your catch phrases. your jokes.

What happened?

I know not your friends, nor where you sleep at night.
what has caused this heart wrenching chasm to form?
I have loved you!
Where are you?
I have fought, kicked and screamed with and for you,
who do you fight for now?
What severed these bonds we swore would never brake?

What happened?

was it me?
was I not there?
did I send you away?
Oh the heart breaking pain...
I would do anything for you,
even now,
although I know not the person you have become.
I would die for you.
and I do... a little more each day.
would you do the same?

What happened?

why did you leave me?
I am your sister, your blood,
yet you are no where in sight.
I miss you..... oh God I miss you.

What happened?

tell me and i will fix it.
I swear i will,
because, dear sister i miss you
so much that  it hurts.
I wake up at night
and I wounder, are you still alive?
If so then why do i feel so empty.

tis a sad day when your name falls from my lips
and sounds clumsy. as if it didn't belong.
I miss you...
What happened to you?
to our bond?
was it I who did you wrong?
Im sorry i Let you go...
and you will never know
Savannah Jun 2018
Dad there's now words i can say but,
The only words i can say are
I love you
I miss you
I wish you were still here us your family.

I look back and say its not true that your gone
I wanna pick up the phone and
I wanna call you
I realise that i can't when i do pick up my phone.

Dad its too soon for you to be gone
Dad you should still be here with us your family
Dad you have been token away way to soon
Your pictures dont seem real
I wanna call you
I wanna talk to you

I wounder if your pound of me?
I wounder if your around me?
I wounder if you miss me?

As i lay in bed i know i will never hear your voice again
I will never hear you say "your gonna do it anyways"
I will never hear you say "i love you" or "i love you too"
I will never hear you say "goodnight"

I know the past is the past
I forgive you daddy

You are with the angels and
You are no longer in pain
You are with your dad
You are with your granddaughter
You are with your grandfather
You are with all your family you miss

And one day you will be all your family

Dad i know I've disappointed you alot
Dad i know I've missed up alot
Dad i know I've done things you dont like
Dad i know I've done a lot but i know
You miss us

I wish you where still here.
I love you
You are one of my angels

                                                      June 3, 2018
Rangzona Mar 2012
Zombies they approach 
to bad we can't be friends 
This was my last thought
As I load my gun

This will be a blood bath
And I may never survive 
I am the last, destined to die by hand I used to curest
I see her in the mob 
Slowly approaching 
Why rush I was doomed 
I know it and so did they

I faught for 7 years 
And this is my end
I am the last to see thair loved ones
I wounder how they will live with out me
I guess the same if I was the one that was victorious 
"**** this I yell"
 as the zombies began to in case me
I was never the one who seeked the crowed 
All wayse the loner
Dreaming for this day 
Not hoping just knowing it will come to pass

My end will be beautiful 
I cocked my gun
Knowing I wount need it but just liked the ilosen of my finally
Being of a gun fight,

We planed this
Me and the once people who surround me
All hopping it will never come
But non believed it was unnesary 

They was in place 
The shells all in place 
I slipped the wire under my feat
And even though I could not see the liquid I know 
It hit its home
Zombies cried in rage
Canines thrusted into the air
Trying to cut the air 
And I laughted 

****** was my favorite was my favorite wepen 
I glanced above my head to see the net
Filed with liquid hell
It amused me that all the years I threaten to rain
Hell on my enimeyes 
I get to do it

I hit the swich in my poket 
I herd the flames hit the net 
It will take 2 minutes for the flames
To meet the c4 
But the zombies had a different plan
They rushed me 
And all I did was take two steps backwards
And the mine wint of without a hitch

I lust a leg but that was enught distraction
C4 inighted and turned the night alive 
I had made my last day of life
And I smile
The end is now
I closed my eyes
And waited 
For my firy demise 
To welcome me
bob Jun 2013
It's been quite some time since I've been here,
This forest I mean.
What a magical place it is,
Where dragons have been cleaved;
And faeries caged.

The moonlight drips over its canvas,
In between the canopy,
Unto rustling decomposition.
Although I wounder to myself,
"Where is Hercules tonight?"

Maybe the city lights are flushing out
The constellations which articulate my thoughts,
And imbue their synergy
Into the masterpiece of the night sky.

Silly humans.
Thinking they can do whatever they want,
To achieve their dreams.
Well, I'm not sorry to break it to you all; but
Time has to happen before it exists.
So all your petty hopes and wishes are simply
Problems you are all creating  
That were never destined to be there in the first place.

Who am I to decide though.
Decisions, decisions;
Fate waiting to happen,
Statistics to record.
But Destiny is already turning her gears.
Working the clock.

So many thoughts trickling through my mind,
Sitting here under this eucalyptus tree.
The arouma is so soothing...
It reminds me of the princess who lived in a cave.
The very grounds where I was nearly slaughtered,
By her knight in shining armour.

No, I wasn't the one glistening under the moonlight,
For the person being slaughtered would be none other than myself.
She would sit in horror at the scene when she awoke.
Only to find that the knight simply wanted to defend her well-being.

Something I could never do.
Because defending one means bringing wraith upon another.
I could never do that.
For the guilt I would feel,
And remorse ten fold that the relatives of the one being hurt would feel.
Empathy would be the enemy,
Not the one "endangering" my beloved.

So I'll die in her stead.
So I musn't experience the ulterior hatred of her eyes,
As she looks at me as if I were her Saviour.

No, that isn't what I want.

So if it means her heart in someone else's hands,
So be it.
So long she is happy,
And safe.

No matter how long I should wait for her return,
No matter the distance achieved between us;
Both physically and emotionally,
I will always Love her.

Not to the moon and back,
For landing upon the stars simply puts me at rest
Of the brink of death from the fall.
Gravity isn't near,
But Darkness most certainly is.
Everything in "space" is nothing.

But the clock keeps its schedule on point,
And the gears of Destiny still turn;
although the time is certainly out of joint.
Mada Apr 2013
How would their lives be? Would new houses be like newly weds? Maybe there is a history, like a new house on old ground is just a new regeneration of that house, even if it looks nothing like the old one. What if houses you seen in the “sketchy” neighborhoods are houses just like the owners? Maybe they looked beautiful and their surroundings blinded them and slowly let the paint rot away. What would it feel to be demolished? What if old beautiful houses were so wise? Or would they be false like the botox seen today? Would you remember it in your new form? What if the footprints of every person who ever walked upon the floor stayed there? Imprinted deep into the wood, always to be hidden? Man, what if houses could remember everyone who ever lived there? I wounder if houses loved or hated their families, like pets do with owners? Would the New York apartments have the personalities of the poor families, struggling art students, and free lance actors? Would the houses in L.A. always  be singing a song? Would boarded houses just sit, projecting it’s past lives. Living it in order over and over cause it is better than being alone? You wait for those kids down the street to meddle in your backyard; losing their virginities in your dusty attic. What would houses think about right before wrecking ball?
This is to the most extremities a free verse-free write. I'm not sure it even constitutes as poetry but oh the **** well.
Tana Young Jun 2013
Do you know how you can impact people

With a mere word you can obliterate

And trample their fragile heart

Their brittle foundation is crumbling

With each sinister thought and word you hurl at their heart

And you wounder why people are mad

You fancy them mad?

Look in the mirror gaze upon your vile self

You made them bad

They will get revenge

I will get my revenge
Breanna Smith May 2012
A life the beauty of a butterfly is what you lived
Even now that you are gone I see you in the faces of those who are strangers
But for a moment they are you
The one who is a butterfly
How I wish to be in the presence of your warmth  
The reality hits my heart  
Taking the blood from my body
I feel cold after those moments
When the blood returns
So do the tears to my eyes
They fall for you the fallen butterfly
Who's wings where crushed so shortly
After you where no longer in your cocoon,
No longer a caterpillar but the most beautiful of butterfly's.

There are those who wounder about your little caterpillars
But I know you who had the life the beauty of a butterfly
Will watch over them from your place beside our
Heavenly Father for he has given you
Even more gorgeous wings
They are those of an angel.  

-Dedicated in loving memory of Michelle
bob Apr 2013
I always think about how you feel about me.
I'm probably wrong, it's no surprise.
You're always raving about your knights in rusty armour,
Emerging victorious from their battles to save you.
Slaying the dragons,
Dousing flames,
Or simply, serenely clutching you underneath your cotton fort.
It's all flowing through, garnishing my preemptive thoughts of your saviour.

It's alright though.
You, thinking you're some wretched old witch living in the dark depths of the forest,
Always told me that "love" is something that can be immersed in without your actual presence.
Striving to see that person smile and glow,
Even if you yourself are not really any part of it.
I've accepted that,
But I still don't know what this thing...this enigmatic entity, Love, quite is.

Your knight, however, seems to be fulfilling his duty.
Quite well, at that.
Good for him!
It makes me happy to see you both happy.
(I always laugh when those around me laugh, even if I have no idea what's going on...hahaha, it's great)
He always visits you in your dark cave,
Where you think nobody will find you,
And he surmounts the guardian of your threshold.
While I'm peering through the brush,
Making sure things go right.
Because I'm paranoid like that.

After all of your embracing in his arms,
And dousing all the flames of horror around you,
You seem to be in bliss.
That's good.
A shooting star glosses by, but you're too busy with him to notice.
Or maybe you did notice.

I'm getting sleepy, and you might be too.
So might he.
But being the knight he is, he'll probably wait for you to doze off,
Then adore your lovely face as you've faded off into the blackness.
How I wish to witness such a magical sight.
How luc-

Oh dear, I've stepped on a stick.
How silly of me.

He's noticed and sets you down carefully.

I sit and wait patiently, as he takes hold of his sword and approaches the brush.
Should I break for it, or wait for his reaction?
Surely he values the protection of his loved one more than a random creature in the brush
That, of course, threatens the safety of the princess.

He's closer.

I slowly rise to my feet and walk out of the brush,
The canopy's shade couvering my identity.
The moonlight glistening upon his blade.

I stare into his eyes, for he only sees a black figure within the shaded area.
He has determination and a sense of loyalty in his eyes.
Good, I can check that off.

He lifts his sword, holding it firmly with both his hands.

Little does he know, that his loved one's guardian is standing before him.
Perhaps she hasn't accepted it, or even noticed,
But I'm still there.
On the sidelines, admiring the beauty and radiance of the fairy,
Being caressed by a seemingly brighter knight.

His sword is moving downwards...

I wounder if she'll ever notice.


It's okay though.
I'm sure she'll be fine without me.

A smile made its way across my face, embracing my cheeks.


A sound like a machete moving seamlessly through silk was made in the night.

She shivered mildly in her sleep.
bob May 2013
"I wounder what the world would be like from an aerial view.
Laying here on the grass,
On the rich soil,
The breeze carrying the rustic scent of the nearby
Eucalyptus trees.

Why don't we take a trip to the clouds,
I see a dragon there.
You know,
Making shapes with your mind out of the clouds.
It's only necessary,
Other than the usual grass rash.
Those are certainly a nuisance.
Or when you lose sight of your precious dragon.
Well...there goes our ride.

It's okay though!"
Pop up onto your feet.
Look forward.
Well, there really isn't much in front of you,
Besides clouds and other floating landscapes.
You live in the clouds, remember?

Carefully peering over the edge of the floating landmass you reside on,
You take a look down and imagine what it's like down there.
Lush canopies, vast meadows filled with raspberry reds
And vanilla yellows.
Dandelions rustling carefully,
As the wind carries them to their next destination.
Where they'll make use of their surroundings,
To flourish once more and carry on their subtle legacy.

"I want to be like a dandelion seed,
Flowing seamlessly through the air;
Carelessly carrying my legacy."
You think to yourself.

If only you had wings,
Then you could certainly pull it off.
Let the air carry you,
Caress you, delicately;
As if you were glass fighting gravity as you dropped towards...
Not inevitable shatter, oh dear no.
Simply to float unto the soil of the imaginary landmass at the bottom
Of the drop.

A dream drop.
Falling through the clouds,
Seemingly eternal, the drop I mean.
Then you notice you're falling,
And it feels weightless and beautiful.
You reach your hand out in front of you,
As if the orb of light before you was the size of a dove.

A dove.
Soft and smooth,
Their feathers may be.
Stroking slowly in an up and down motion,
Caressing every feather between your fingertips.
Feeling the gentle heartbeat and warmth of the bird,
Gazing at your with it's powerful green eyes.

"What am I doing?"
You think to yourself, in the midst of your fall.
You open your eyes once more to find yourself
On what seems to be a cloud.
Your hand outstretched, caressing something soft
Like a dove.

Only to find yourself holding a fairy,
Gleaming in iridescence.

Softly giggling to yourself,
You roll out of bed.
Taking one more glance
At your little teddy bear resting on the pillow beside where you were.

A pendant open,
Revealing this fairy.
She's certainly,
One of a kind.
kenny Diamond Jul 2015
Nice guys finish last
I loss hope on love
I miss nights of holding you close
A heart beat to feel.such warmth
I look  & I wounder
Where is my queen
I am so far gone
Is my heart too broken
I can't live in past
I look for today
My pain over takes me
I wounder where is warm my hand to hold with endless walks under the stars
savanah tuttle May 2011
it is wounder full to best friends w ur ex as long as u know that ur
friendship will last knowing that ur still in love
witch they know and hope that they r in love w u back to
but w me its means the world to me that im friends w my ex
and it feels so good to be friends w him
if he died about two or three yrs ago

i dont know what i would do
umm... lets see maybe not be here anymore cause thats why im still living is him
and if its not for him i dont know what i would do

go crazy some thing i dont know when he touches me and kisses me
it like im on cloud 9 or 10 and its just me and him
him and i thats all i want big time
all i can see is him in my dreams,my mind,when i close my eyes, when i
am thinking

i want him so much and so bad i want him to touch me, feel me, be in me, be w me.
he's all i can think of as any day come and thats all i see as of tomorrow
him in my life and my heart my heart will beet for him and him only
i miss him what can i do to have him in my life,with me,in me,in my heart, my soul?

                             TO MY BEST FRIEND
                                           ~* <3 DANIEL ROBERT EARL <3 *~                                            
                                                           <3 I LOVE YOU <3
DEREK Jan 2011
The sun is shining brightly,
The light from the sun is happy.
The warmth from the sun is love, The land oh how it changes. Oh how it looks when it changes, how breathe taking it can be. Trees of Idaho how majestic, the mountains are covered. To look up at the tall trees from a car is cool. Montana a place of beautiful things, a state of majestic wounder. A state still untamed, a wilderness still wild still surprising.
my trip to west Yellowstone
R W N-S Jan 2014
Spine like an arrow
Brian like a bow
This vessel is rooted deeply
Rear this soul, out I go

And these cloths I leave behind,
All worries, doubts and relations as a whole
Every mirror in mind removed, gone
Now, only contact with something yet to unfold.

I've imagined all of my ambitions and wonders into a clear box,
Because words are never used in these realms where the entities live your every thought
Neither judgmental, nor contemptuous - Without hindrance they'll give guidance

Next, "thank you, I think I get" I felt.

         It felt back, "word."

And it was all good. . .

I don't know how much time has gone by, it's irrelevant.

"Whoa"! I say! Woah! Suddenly

Incandescent light roars all around
Quite quickly
I've become suddenly shot back down

I can hear strange dissonance, hallow harmonic sounds
Visions are fleeting, but the scenes flash like packs of hounds
Running through the forest, on the trial - - -
I am nature creating pathways like rivers
I am creation nurturing the ascension of trees because they're high
I am the willow tree unifying some heavens and Earth,
  The one culpable, mess of a man responsible for having a *****
I could be the ruler of chaos, but
I'd rather be the believer in truth she teaches - Venus

Awake, and back to a recognizable reality, I step out of bed
Head to the shower to ponder over the place I'd just been
And the rest of the day, try and implement what I feel is right
Not by saying to much but by listening and,
By letting another know that it's okay, that sometimes you just have to give in
I'm right here with you, you don't need to fight me, I don't have arms for this, no.
Help; is what I do and Help; is what we all receive, this is okay too.

Will you wounder with me, there's no side of the fence
I love you.
This will all be something soon. (?)

Spine like an arrow
Brian like a bow
This vessel is rooted deeply
Rear this soul, out I go

savanah tuttle Jun 2011
i wounder if their is
an angel that will
lead me to mr. right?

i wish that my angel
would lead me to the one
special person that i cant
stop crying for

i wish that the special one
would come for me

my angel is what i wish that
would help me get him
i wish and pray that he
would come everyday

i cry and hope that i
would get him everyday and
every time i cry
Jerry Jan 2014
Complement me, I will deny it.
Be friendly to me, I will wounder why.
Smile at me, I will look away.
Wink at me, I will check for my wallet.
Kiss me, I will doubt your intentions.
Ignore me, I will fade away.

My melancholy self, needs some help.
Tearani C Oct 2013
You are the counterbalance to my mischievous soul.
Providing direction to a wounder-er unsure of where she'll go.

You have become countless breath taking destinations;
Appealing to my wanderlust
pulling from my weary soul
a trust

I would hesitate to think existed,
your presence and persistence
are exceptional,
my perceptions shifted.

Your grin is a force to be reckoned with.
I gave you my will and you bent it.
I gave you my good sense
and you spent it.

Admit it,
you admire my wit,
even when driven to wits end,
we co-exist in perfect contradiction
amending every bit I'm missing.

And when when I whispered we were meant to be,
I meant it.
Nicholas Fogle Jun 2015
Let the cage be rattled,
the foundation be crushed,
who else has had enough?

Enough of the dull life.
Enough of being wrong or right.
Enough of the ungrateful like.

Boundaries stop us because we bound our selves .
Limited by limitation on self approval and glory.
Souls bathed in ****** glory

Come fight for your life as you want
Wounder and wander letting fools squander
But never have enough.
Tyler J Perrin Jul 2010
today I met the devil
we had a cup of tea in the garden of mysterious shadows
he showed me the world through the visions of dead flowers
I watched as the sun killed the last ******
then buried him in the cold soil
his bones rose out from the ashes of hate
laid down beneath the sliver lining
and sang his daughter to sleep
I wounder what it truly means to love someone
to see your little sister tired
and carry her up stairs to bed
only to fine that she'll still love you in the morning
this world turns circles in my stomach
I'm so dizzy that I can't even stand on two feet
hate is the next morning when all you get are dry heaves
and this world is full of alcoholics
I stopped to take a look at whats buried underneath this house
what foundation holds up the four corners of my life
and see what I truly stand for
but the answers are as twisted as my smile
mia Nov 2018
it feels like only yesterday
that day two years ago
that you almost died
was that real
or a show
tell me please
you cross my mind
i wounder were you are
are you ok
or still broken
i need to know
but you are no were to be found
Stu Harley Mar 2018
background of
blue sky
angel wings
made of clouds
wonder why
IamThatGirl May 2018
welcome to a house of terror, 
we are a family of smiling wall starers, 
this is a happy life you know, 
and this happend just a couple of years ago, 

I used to wake up and get dressed, 
hide from all of the rest,
as I speed away to school, 
I only felt like the world was cruel, 

when I finally go there, 
I used to hide next to the toilet-chair, 
because I needed some seconds to beath, 
before I went out and joined the heat. 
pushed, teased, beaten, kicked, defeat, 
I stood my grounds my my heart fell down. 

I went home thinking my day would come around, 
but it never did, I was always hellbound, 
nasty words and beatings was my usual greetings, 
until I took that gun and POPPED, 
no, but I wish I wouldnt have stopped, 

because now I still live in fear,
and I always wounder if the end is near.
This is a day in my 13year old life or well every in almost my entire life
Ayeshah Feb 2010
I woke this morning
feeling not
like I did last night.

Last night

I felt something touch my

deep down to my very soul,

causing my spirit to
question what it too started to feel.

You've captivated me,

How did I lose track of what's

Never can

I Say I played so falsely  
with someones better half,

but now

He's the better half of me,

Unlike a concubine or wife

I- as his mistress

have no

legal rights & relationship
to this man

I call mines.

It was fine,

Now I'm conflicted,

I regret nothing then again it's
a lie
I regret he's not fully in my life.

A little bit of me dies away
leaving an empty shell,

Where I was once lived hearty
and well,


With out him is something I
might have to face,

It's like I'm racing trying to
beat time,

while trying

continuously make him mines,
him realize

He needs me by his side.

How do I

Yeah he says

I'll never have to,


I feel as if I am
been doing so.

I got to give up and let nature
take its course.


we're together our love making
gets better and better,

He never has to direct me nor I

It's like we were meant, made
for one another

here I am not his girl just
his lover.

I feel sadden when we

Like he's taking away my heart.

I know when he's

Oh how

I hope
it's about the
children and not "her" his babies mom.

But I'd be fool in thinking she
wasn't getting everything like me,

I'd be fool in wishing that
she'd leave,

She knows what a great man
even if all she may ever be is just good enough.
While He professes I'm his greatest love,
He says
I'm his true love.
I doubt  his words& my guiltys setting in.

We conversed on so many levels
sharing more than what's ******

Yet I feel at times like he's

Avoiding questions,
Pleasing me isn't the problem.

It's when I'm not around

I want to monopolize
all his
when he's not with the children or his

I want him to give her up
can I say I had enough,
When in reality,

We just began to love- each

I wonder would

Tell her he's loving me,
he speak on how he's in love with me?
Would he let her know

He's for now going to keep
seeing me,

Being with me?
Would he let
her know all the thing's we


Tell her how I move to his

Let her know
I'm important too,
to him,

I'm more than a friend?

she doesn't ask will he man up
and let her know all

Tell her

He's got deeper feelings and



what we me and him have does
mean something?

will he keep hiding me,

Make up
excuses for what we be
I wounder  

if she knows

who I am
at times
I think no women is

or so naive.

I'm sure she

but does she

Why am I so fascinated with


She has everything I


at this point I find it ****
near impossible to keep holding on.

No strings my *** I'm wrapping
ropes around Him ,


I love more than the

I like our

Love when  we go walking

To a movie or 2
wouldn't be bad

Out to eat and I love how you
hold me as I fall asleep,

I love how You kiss my eyelids
& how you wipe away my  tears,

As well as when you rock me
slowly to your body,

Letting me run my nails all
over you,

I crave more

That's where all my problems
come into light.
I can't settle for being second
I have to say Good-Bye
& Do
Something So
Always Me Ayeshah
©1977-2010 Ayeshah
All rights
Savannah Sep 2017
Four walls around me
I cant get out
No one hears me
I set and wounder

Why am i always hurt
Why do i feel empty
Why am i always hurting

My heart hurts
I wounder why?
Wish someone could take it
All away
Mary Pritchard Dec 2009
Once things seemed so easy, so clear.
Simple were the words we spoke
Beauty in the eyes that looked
Through the window of my mind
Through the shadows, into light
Soft yellows, warming my face
Looking out the window
Into the street
Past the empty branches
To the road below
That tells so many stories
Of the ones who know
The ones that laugh
The ones who cry
The ones who wounder
The ones who lye
Below the tree
Above the city
On a mountain side
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
i swit her with the desire tp feel pain
but not so much it hurts just enough tp be brought back to reallity
i wounder how it feel to be wounded be on pain
i need to feel what my heart feels
so please slap me if you see me
martin challis Oct 2014
Rodney the Tormentor came toward me,
a slick sneer edging the mug of his leering mouth.

He prepared the next barb garnished with a delicate sliver of dry ice.
What was he going to find to ridicule this time?

My hair too long, too short?
The art assignment a pathetic attempt at literature?

My bowling action; a cross between a mental patient and a broken wind-mill?
Knees too bulbous for any normal person?

I thought, not today.

I’ve had this, like this, for almost two years
each day a new torture, a new laceration of clean practiced words
and me accepting the torment with the dull weariness that comes only from unkind relentless repetition

allowing the beast fresh meat
thinking, hoping one day he’ll stop
surely he’ll tire of the incessant need to ridicule
believing one day the ‘****’ jokes will dry up

but they never do

such is the never-end brutal articulation, the
verbal incision, the cruel words of blunt destructive beauty:

teenage confidence stumbling like a novice boxer
dribbling with fresh bruises

but not today
the animal hunted turns
to find precision and strength in defiance  

it is the time to wound the wounder
and then all
that follows

‘Rodney the Tormenter’  going down       the windless scream of one blow
two years in the forging           one first and final blow
one strike                               one out

a fist gutting                                        and nothing gets back up

the art gallery attendent           the other students on excursion
the teachers,  all as if complicit in retribution, like a magicians audience
look the other way

and Rodney down                       solar-plexus perplexed

the swift shock in defeat
and a new entry in the part of Rodney’s brain that stores
future possible outcomes to hitherto unchecked actions

decades later I can still see his face in that ghastly micro-moment: pain, shock, horror
and most surprisingly


MChallis © 2005/2014
Rana Ayman Dec 2014
When it all comes to silence
And there's nothing you could do
You feel the ground trembling
Right under you
If all the angles are down
And all the demons are on the ground
But there's nothing you could do
You can't make a sound
All the promises that were broken
All the words that were not spoken
You stand there handcuffed
There's no going back now
Weak, vulnerable, destroyed, burned
Buried alive, drowning in your tears
The heat burns , inside out
Is this hell? You wounder
Yes, there's no doubt
Soaking in your misery
Last breaths to take
But make no mistake
You put it all on stake
You live with it all
You live and thrive in ache
IamThatGirl May 2018
I take a step, my heart´s a wreak,
I take another, my heart´s on fire,
I try to sneak past, but your anger is on a wreaking path,
one wrong step, one wrong move,
the flame is off, setting off you,
everything turns black, and it all is in slowmotion,
you throw your things, you are stuck in one emotion,
I try to survive and I try my best to make my inner demons go to rest,
so that i can be strong enough to put out the flame,
without getting burnt and feel all that pain,
but that is usually how it ends,
you strike it twice and you strike it again,
not because your mad but because you want to cause you pain,
and I love you so I rush there to save you,
I feel like I´m loosing you again,
but just as I try and stop you you power your defense,
now I´m not scared for you I am scared for me,
because I know you can control it,
because you are not thinking of me,
not in this second at least, and then you push too hard,
you´ve got me on my knees, you run out,
and everything is messy,
but at the end of the day you always come back you gather your senses and push away your pride,
to tell me you´re sorry and that its going to be fine,
but I have always wounder´ed were to draw the line.
Just needed to get this off my chest my bf has a serious anger management issue he has his first appointment to a therapist tomorrow which I think is the first step and I hope that he can get the help he needs.
Amber Jade Dec 2011
i got some guts and leapt into the unknown,
and now i'm scared you'll leave me alone,
i asked you a question and you left me with no answer,
and now i wounder if i'm even worth one....

i'm so confused,
getting dragged into a sudden blues,
all the signs were there,
i really thought you cared,
maybe i just read you wrong,
but you made me feel like i belonged...

you made me smile
when i was about to cry,
you made me laugh
when i thought i had died.....

now i need an answer,
or i'll always wonder,
if i had done this differently,
would you have said yes to me????

— The End —