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Jermon Mar 2021
She goes a-skipping,
Wandering, wandering,
Valencia, Oh Valencia,
Why do you trim your garden so?
Those thorns are part of nature’s haven,
Can’t you see those roses are plastic sown?

Valencia, Oh Valencia,
You need not be so ill and old,
Those faces come the ‘morrow,
Say their prayers and then fade away.

Valencia, Oh Valencia,
Why these days are wasted hurting for?
The paper cuts be rimmed with golden,
Flakes aren’t real just painted so.

Valencia, Oh Valencia,
Now you’re aged and wisdom grown,
If only you could see these tales weren’t meant for hearts
That wild and strong.
A song’s tune for a poem causes an incongruity of pen and mind.
Jean Rojas May 2015
The flames of Valencia
Rips through my veins
His colors course
Through the dreams
In my eyes…
Astounding architectures
Along his streets
I gathered….
Whispering expressive
Spanish songs,
In the core of my ears…
Inside a taxi cab..
Running  wild
My heart soaring
Like the taps of
The feet of
A flamenco dancer…..
Wrapping my very soul
With eclectic passions
Rhythm and rhymes
Church bell that chimes
He moves his fingers in a dance
To me,
It is a caress,
that leads me to a trance…..

With a  soft cry of passion
I walked the streets
Of Valencia
Like a woman
With his glory
With his story
Loving minute after
Of his magnificence  and wonder…
Never wanting to leave
his Mediterranean shores…..

Sights and sounds of Valencia…….
With his pious ,stately cathedrals
Where I knelt in awe
Before the ******
Vowing to return,

A hungry kiss upon his cheek
Shall I plant before I go...
This I promise and this I know….

Valencia… my heart
You will always stay…
In fervent wishes,
This, I truly  pray….
Valencia, Spain
13 November, 2005
Helo, helo por do viene   el moro por la calzada,
caballero a la jineta   encima una yegua baya,
borceguíes marroquíes   y espuela de oro calzada,
una adarga ante los pechos   y en su mano una azagaya.
Mirando estaba Valencia,   como está tan bien cercada:
-¡Oh, Valencia, oh Valencia,   de mal fuego seas quemada!
Primero fuiste de moros   que de cristianos ganada.
Si la lanza no me miente,   a moros serás tornada;
aquel perro de aquel Cid   prenderélo por la barba,
su mujer, doña Jimena,   será de mí cautivada,
su hija, Urraca Hernando,   será mi enamorada,
después de yo harto de ella   la entregaré a mi compaña.
El buen Cid no está tan lejos,   que todo bien lo escuchaba.
-Venid vos acá, mi hija,   mi hija doña Urraca;
dejad las ropas continas   y vestid ropas de pascua.
Aquel moro hi·de·perro   detenédmelo en palabras,
mientras yo ensillo a Babieca   y me ciño la mi espada.
La doncella, muy hermosa,   se paró a una ventana;
el moro, desque la vido,   de esta suerte le hablara:
-Alá te guarde, señora,   mi señora doña Urraca.
-Así haga a vos, señor,   buena sea vuestra llegada.
Siete años ha, rey, siete,   que soy vuestra enamorada.
-Otros tantos ha, señora,   que os tengo dentro en mi alma.
Ellos estando en aquesto   el buen Cid que se asomaba.
-Adiós, adiós, mi señora,   la mi linda enamorada,
que del caballo Babieca   yo bien oigo la patada.
Do la yegua pone el pie,   Babieca pone la pata.
Allí hablará el caballo   bien oiréis lo que hablaba:
-¡Reventar debía la madre   que a su hijo no esperaba!
Siete vueltas la rodea   alrededor de una jara;
la yegua, que era ligera,   muy adelante pasaba
hasta llegar cabe un río   adonde una barca estaba.
El moro, desque la vido,   con ella bien se holgaba,
grandes gritos da al barquero   que le allegase la barca;
el barquero es diligente,   túvosela aparejada,
embarcó muy presto en ella,   que no se detuvo nada.
Estando el moro embarcado,   el buen Cid que llegó al agua,
y por ver al moro en salvo,   de tristeza reventaba;
mas con la furia que tiene,   una lanza le arrojaba,
y dijo: -Recoged, mi yerno,   arrecogedme esa lanza,
que quizás tiempo vendrá   que os será bien demandada.

I begin with two words that all men have uttered since the dawn of humanity: thank you. The word gratitude has equivalents in every language and in each tongue the range of meanings is abundant. In the Romance languages this breadth spans the spiritual and the physical, from the divine grace conceded to men to save them from error and death, to the ****** grace of the dancing girl or the feline leaping through the undergrowth. Grace means pardon, forgiveness, favour, benefice, inspiration; it is a form of address, a pleasing style of speaking or painting, a gesture expressing politeness, and, in short, an act that reveals spiritual goodness. Grace is gratuitous; it is a gift. The person who receives it, the favoured one, is grateful for it; if he is not base, he expresses gratitude. That is what I am doing at this very moment with these weightless words. I hope my emotion compensates their weightlessness. If each of my words were a drop of water, you would see through them and glimpse what I feel: gratitude, acknowledgement. And also an indefinable mixture of fear, respect and surprise at finding myself here before you, in this place which is the home of both Swedish learning and world literature.

Languages are vast realities that transcend those political and historical entities we call nations. The European languages we speak in the Americas illustrate this. The special position of our literatures when compared to those of England, Spain, Portugal and France depends precisely on this fundamental fact: they are literatures written in transplanted tongues. Languages are born and grow from the native soil, nourished by a common history. The European languages were rooted out from their native soil and their own tradition, and then planted in an unknown and unnamed world: they took root in the new lands and, as they grew within the societies of America, they were transformed. They are the same plant yet also a different plant. Our literatures did not passively accept the changing fortunes of the transplanted languages: they participated in the process and even accelerated it. They very soon ceased to be mere transatlantic reflections: at times they have been the negation of the literatures of Europe; more often, they have been a reply.

In spite of these oscillations the link has never been broken. My classics are those of my language and I consider myself to be a descendant of Lope and Quevedo, as any Spanish writer would ... yet I am not a Spaniard. I think that most writers of Spanish America, as well as those from the United States, Brazil and Canada, would say the same as regards the English, Portuguese and French traditions. To understand more clearly the special position of writers in the Americas, we should think of the dialogue maintained by Japanese, Chinese or Arabic writers with the different literatures of Europe. It is a dialogue that cuts across multiple languages and civilizations. Our dialogue, on the other hand, takes place within the same language. We are Europeans yet we are not Europeans. What are we then? It is difficult to define what we are, but our works speak for us.

In the field of literature, the great novelty of the present century has been the appearance of the American literatures. The first to appear was that of the English-speaking part and then, in the second half of the 20th Century, that of Latin America in its two great branches: Spanish America and Brazil. Although they are very different, these three literatures have one common feature: the conflict, which is more ideological than literary, between the cosmopolitan and nativist tendencies, between Europeanism and Americanism. What is the legacy of this dispute? The polemics have disappeared; what remain are the works. Apart from this general resemblance, the differences between the three literatures are multiple and profound. One of them belongs more to history than to literature: the development of Anglo-American literature coincides with the rise of the United States as a world power whereas the rise of our literature coincides with the political and social misfortunes and upheavals of our nations. This proves once more the limitations of social and historical determinism: the decline of empires and social disturbances sometimes coincide with moments of artistic and literary splendour. Li-Po and Tu Fu witnessed the fall of the Tang dynasty; Velázquez painted for Felipe IV; Seneca and Lucan were contemporaries and also victims of Nero. Other differences are of a literary nature and apply more to particular works than to the character of each literature. But can we say that literatures have a character? Do they possess a set of shared features that distinguish them from other literatures? I doubt it. A literature is not defined by some fanciful, intangible character; it is a society of unique works united by relations of opposition and affinity.

The first basic difference between Latin-American and Anglo-American literature lies in the diversity of their origins. Both begin as projections of Europe. The projection of an island in the case of North America; that of a peninsula in our case. Two regions that are geographically, historically and culturally eccentric. The origins of North America are in England and the Reformation; ours are in Spain, Portugal and the Counter-Reformation. For the case of Spanish America I should briefly mention what distinguishes Spain from other European countries, giving it a particularly original historical identity. Spain is no less eccentric than England but its eccentricity is of a different kind. The eccentricity of the English is insular and is characterized by isolation: an eccentricity that excludes. Hispanic eccentricity is peninsular and consists of the coexistence of different civilizations and different pasts: an inclusive eccentricity. In what would later be Catholic Spain, the Visigoths professed the heresy of Arianism, and we could also speak about the centuries of ******* by Arabic civilization, the influence of Jewish thought, the Reconquest, and other characteristic features.

Hispanic eccentricity is reproduced and multiplied in America, especially in those countries such as Mexico and Peru, where ancient and splendid civilizations had existed. In Mexico, the Spaniards encountered history as well as geography. That history is still alive: it is a present rather than a past. The temples and gods of pre-Columbian Mexico are a pile of ruins, but the spirit that breathed life into that world has not disappeared; it speaks to us in the hermetic language of myth, legend, forms of social coexistence, popular art, customs. Being a Mexican writer means listening to the voice of that present, that presence. Listening to it, speaking with it, deciphering it: expressing it ... After this brief digression we may be able to perceive the peculiar relation that simultaneously binds us to and separates us from the European tradition.

This consciousness of being separate is a constant feature of our spiritual history. Separation is sometimes experienced as a wound that marks an internal division, an anguished awareness that invites self-examination; at other times it appears as a challenge, a spur that incites us to action, to go forth and encounter others and the outside world. It is true that the feeling of separation is universal and not peculiar to Spanish Americans. It is born at the very moment of our birth: as we are wrenched from the Whole we fall into an alien land. This experience becomes a wound that never heals. It is the unfathomable depth of every man; all our ventures and exploits, all our acts and dreams, are bridges designed to overcome the separation and reunite us with the world and our fellow-beings. Each man's life and the collective history of mankind can thus be seen as attempts to reconstruct the original situation. An unfinished and endless cure for our divided condition. But it is not my intention to provide yet another description of this feeling. I am simply stressing the fact that for us this existential condition expresses itself in historical terms. It thus becomes an awareness of our history. How and when does this feeling appear and how is it transformed into consciousness? The reply to this double-edged question can be given in the form of a theory or a personal testimony. I prefer the latter: there are many theories and none is entirely convincing.

The feeling of separation is bound up with the oldest and vaguest of my memories: the first cry, the first scare. Like every child I built emotional bridges in the imagination to link me to the world and to other people. I lived in a town on the outskirts of Mexico City, in an old dilapidated house that had a jungle-like garden and a great room full of books. First games and first lessons. The garden soon became the centre of my world; the library, an enchanted cave. I used to read and play with my cousins and schoolmates. There was a fig tree, temple of vegetation, four pine trees, three ash trees, a nightshade, a pomegranate tree, wild grass and prickly plants that produced purple grazes. Adobe walls. Time was elastic; space was a spinning wheel. All time, past or future, real or imaginary, was pure presence. Space transformed itself ceaselessly. The beyond was here, all was here: a valley, a mountain, a distant country, the neighbours' patio. Books with pictures, especially history books, eagerly leafed through, supplied images of deserts and jungles, palaces and hovels, warriors and princesses, beggars and kings. We were shipwrecked with Sinbad and with Robinson, we fought with d'Artagnan, we took Valencia with the Cid. How I would have liked to stay forever on the Isle of Calypso! In summer the green branches of the fig tree would sway like the sails of a caravel or a pirate ship. High up on the mast, swept by the wind, I could make out islands and continents, lands that vanished as soon as they became tangible. The world was limitless yet it was always within reach; time was a pliable substance that weaved an unbroken present.

When was the spell broken? Gradually rather than suddenly. It is hard to accept being betrayed by a friend, deceived by the woman we love, or that the idea of freedom is the mask of a tyrant. What we call "finding out" is a slow and tricky process because we ourselves are the accomplices of our errors and deceptions. Nevertheless, I can remember fairly clearly an incident that was the first sign, although it was quickly forgotten. I must have been about six when one of my cousins who was a little older showed me a North American magazine with a photograph of soldiers marching along a huge avenue, probably in New York. "They've returned from the war" she said. This handful of words disturbed me, as if they foreshadowed the end of the world or the Second Coming of Christ. I vaguely knew that somewhere far away a war had ended a few years earlier and that the soldiers were marching to celebrate their victory. For me, that war had taken place in another time, not here and now. The photo refuted me. I felt literally dislodged from the present.

From that moment time began to fracture more and more. And there was a plurality of spaces. The experience repeated itself more and more frequently. Any piece of news, a harmless phrase, the headline in a newspaper: everything proved the outside world's existence and my own unreality. I felt that the world was splitting and that I did not inhabit the present. My present was disintegrating: real time was somewhere else. My time, the time of the garden, the fig tree, the games with friends, the drowsiness among the plants at three in the afternoon under the sun, a fig torn open (black and red like a live coal but one that is sweet and fresh): this was a fictitious time. In spite of what my senses told me, the time from over there, belonging to the others, was the real one, the time of the real present. I accepted the inevitable: I became an adult. That was how my expulsion from the present began.

It may seem paradoxical to say that we have been expelled from the present, but it is a feeling we have all had at some moment. Some of us experienced it first as a condemnation, later transformed into consciousness and action. The search for the present is neither the pursuit of an earthly paradise nor that of a timeless eternity: it is the search for a real reality. For us, as Spanish Americans, the real present was not in our own countries: it was the time lived by others, by the English, the French and the Germans. It was the time of New York, Paris, London. We had to go and look for it and bring it back home. These years were also the years of my discovery of literature. I began writing poems. I did not know what made me write them: I was moved by an inner need that is difficult to define. Only now have I understood that there was a secret relationship between what I have called my expulsion from the present and the writing of poetry. Poetry is in love with the instant and seeks to relive it in the poem, thus separating it from sequential time and turning it into a fixed present. But at that time I wrote without wondering why I was doing it. I was searching for the gateway to the present: I wanted to belong to my time and to my century. A little later this obsession became a fixed idea: I wanted to be a modern poet. My search for modernity had begun.

What is modernity? First of all it is an ambiguous term: there are as many types of modernity as there are societies. Each has its own. The word's meaning is uncertain and arbitrary, like the name of the period that precedes it, the Middle Ages. If we are modern when compared to medieval times, are we perhaps the Middle Ages of a future modernity? Is a name that changes with time a real name? Modernity is a word in search of its meaning. Is it an idea, a mirage or a moment of history? Are we the children of modernity or its creators? Nobody knows for sure. It doesn't matter much: we follow it, we pursue it. For me at that time modernity was fused with the present or rather produced it: the present was its last supreme flower. My case is neither unique nor exceptional: from the Symbolist period, all modern poets have chased after that magnetic and elusive figure that fascinates them. Baudelaire was the first. He was also the first to touch her and discover that she is nothing but time that crumbles in one's hands. I am not going to relate my adventures in pursuit of modernity: they are not very different from those of other 20th-Century poets. Modernity has been a universal passion. Since 1850 she has been our goddess and our demoness. In recent years, there has been an attempt to exorcise her and there has been much talk of "postmodernism". But what is postmodernism if not an even more modern modernity?

For us, as Latin Americans, the search for poetic modernity runs historically parallel to the repeated attempts to modernize our countries. This tendency begins at the end of the 18th Century and includes Spain herself. The United States was born into modernity and by 1830 was already, as de Tocqueville observed, the womb of the future; we were born at a moment when Spain and Portugal were moving away from modernity. This is why there was frequent talk of "Europeanizing" our countries: the modern was outside and had to be imported. In Mexican history this process begins just before the War of Independence. Later it became a great ideological and political debate that passionately divided Mexican society during the 19th Century. One event was to call into question not the legitimacy of the reform movement but the way in which it had been implemented: the Mexican Revolution. Unlike its 20th-Century counterparts, the Mexican Revolution was not really the expression of a vaguely utopian ideology but rather the explosion of a reality that had been historically and psychologically repressed. It was not the work of a group of ideologists intent on introducing principles derived from a political theory; it was a popular uprising that unmasked what was hidden. For this very reason it was more of a revelation than a revolution. Mexico was searching for the present outside only to find it within, buried but alive. The search for modernity led
st64 Apr 2013
Och, you and your divine shape  
How beautiful you are to me  
You drive me wild with want  
I simply cannot master you!  
You are oft'times hard to get  
But nary shall I quit you  
Tune my heartstrings up a notch  
Fret forever, I try to get it right  
You quiver exquisite at my touch  
A ravishing delight to my ravenous senses  
Would you GIVE a STAR for my attempts  
Don't over tease my nerves to distraction!  
I slave intense o'er you, day and night  
Yes, you're the one with the hold on me  
Look at the inevitable shape I'm in  
All 'cause-a you and your curvy shape!  
The airline broke your sister's neck  
Yah mon, I cried, mah Lord. I all but died, ha!  
Caught in a quagmire of deep distress  
You, my comely cutaway, pegged me up again.  
Love to cradle you on my eager lap  
My arms around in close embrace  
A gentle, organic creature, such as you  
I dare not grip you hard at all.  
My fingertips so acquainted with your girth  
Your rosette rings out my notes with charm.  
Enchanting me with deep nuance  
Without trying, she pleases so!  
The sole bridge 'tween the world and me  
My subtle love, only my Valencia.....  

S T,  04 Avril 2013
Can ye guess ......?

Would ye believe how happy she makes me....aaahhh, pure heaven!
Estas rachas de marzo, en los desvanes
-hacia la mar- del tiempo; la paloma
de pluma tornasol, los tulipanes
gigantes del jardín, y el sol que asoma,

bola de fuego entre dorada bruma,
a iluminar la tierra valentina...
¡Hervor de leche y plata, añil y espuma,
y velas blancas en la mar latina!

Valencia de fecundas primaveras,
de floridas almunias y arrozales,
feliz quiero cantarte, como eras,

domando a un ancho río en tus canales,
al dios marino con tus albuferas,
al centauro de amor con tus rosales.
Charmaine May 2014
sprinkle your love over
me like cherry blossoms in
spring where everywhere
everywhere everywhere
are littered with pinks

but then summer came and
you forget about valencia like the sun forgets the
sky and I drop petal by petal flowers
by flowers and the streets are steeped in

autumn came and left, breathing life into a
crocus and drawing it away just as quickly like how you
take each of my breath away from
me and each of my heart beat walks away
with your steps

the blurriness of winter borne the snowdrops
snowdrops, snow drops, the death of that love that
once bloomed in my heart.
requiEM Mar 2017
Valencia Oranges
A yellow coated dream
Swimming in a sweatshirt
Watery-eyed and rosy cheeked
Music playing faintly
Curiosity is peaked
I imagine waking up
To humidity and cream
In my coffee, jingle my loft key
As I walk my way upstream

Sunglasses tint
All the oranges red
Valencia enters my veins
Rouged and widespread
Martin Narrod May 2014
"I know your vexed great spirit, miles away, a gentler more playful you thrives on a journey of life. There among a ridge, the plateau where you dance, leaping, ripping yourself out of the air,escaping towards the light. Free from the weight which chastises and locks you up. Out of the medicine cabinet quaffing your deepest breaths, urging your hours shorter and shorter. You cascade like glass buttons scattered on the desert floor, let those wet cloths be forgotten, may your sorrow disappear amidst that great arenose simoom.  When the ghibli makes you stutter before the bright outlook you once displayed, do not forget to visit the flowers that bring you the most  peace of mind"------------------------------------------------------------­------------------------------ It's here. In the pile-ons, wrapping around your head like a cool, wet bandage, keeping out a headache, or the rancorous guilt of an ugly night. It sits on the top-layer of your forehead, beading off in fresh droplets of self-pity, uncomfortable and self-defeating restlessness and despair. I rub it with my hands, removed each new wave of desperation and soothing your hairline with a swath of my hand. I raise up, your cucumber colored walls, that bright pink bedspread, nothing different ever changes. The masonite paintings still there, that old familiar **** carpet, a thatch-work of menage-a-tois and fifth grade-style arts and crafts. The light bulb has been out for six years, third drawer right-side down is still stuck, a mystical blow dryer blocks it closed, and the door won't ever quite close- I take a shower with the world wide opened and you trailing a fastening steep. And so your fever rises, your feet soak in a tepid iron clad bed frame while your mind rattles against your skull. Thirty days have past, lifeless, echoing in this wicked upstairs chamber. The West Wing. Slatted blinds, the white dresser, the Chanel books, the pool party photos, the blue swim-meet t-shirts, the fake gold trophies and the true gold hairs on your head, my fingers dash across your forehead again meeting your brow with the cool folded washcloth, I reach for your back and you turn, slightly rolling; something routine, unsteadied, even wicked limps in a stress ball inside your bottom lip. It's just a quiver. Nothing different ever changes. It's the devil inside, and I am nowhere to go. Maybe midnight or maybe twilight. Every hour of morning is another hour of night I'm ever taking my sleep back into. I don't count the days, just mark them in the thoughts of worry that flurry through in brief thoughts. I am obsessed with care-taking now. Three hours have passed since I showered you out of your black party dress and sparkly Gucci slip-skirt, since I took bits of post-digested food from your hair, held your nose with a tissue and told you to blow it all out, again, another night of building a sick room and sauna. I never tire, I just make arrangements, I build a small room and I wait the weight out. Nothing different ever changes, and I don't expect the unexpected or dare to meet your smile again.-----------------------------------------------------------­------------------------------ Three months ago, thrifting on Valencia and 26th Street. Walking from Blue Bottle to the Bay then to the Breakers. I climb atop A Buena Vista with man Adam, you scale a mountain-sized hill with your teal green and cherry red Nikes. We make a photograph in front of white dogwood blossoms overlooking a steep Ravine to the East. A bird chirps, a homeless woman barks, and four children smoke cigarettes and joints in a treetop. Every ***** goes up and down, each footstep dithering amidst our biduous ascent. I buried you last Thursday beneath the dogwood, your cherry red and teal green gym shoes planted at your doggerel.
Lesly Jan 2015
Quiero ir a España
Quiero andar en las playas de Cadiz
Caminar por las calles de Valencia
Andar en los lugares turísticos
Comiendo un helado de vanilla
Con el amor de mi vida
Pasando un buen tiempo tomando fotografías
Eso sí que me gustaría
Miraría a los ojos al amor de mi vida
Le diría cuanto lo admiró
Cuanto lo quiero
Después irnos a comer a un buen filete
Platicando, riendo, haciendo memorias haha pero cuando sucedería eso? cuando..

I want to go to Spain
I want to be in the beaches of Cadiz
Walk through the streets of Valencia
Visit turístic places
With the love of my life
Having a great time
eating a vanilla ice cream cone
with the love of my life
taking photography pictures
That I'd like
I'd look in his eyes
I'd tell him how much I admire him
how much I love him
Then later we'd go eat a nice steak
talking, laughing, making memories
haha but when will that happen? When?
It sounds more better in Spanish than in English..
¡A mí vais a decirme
a qué suenan las escolleras
pulsadas por las olas;
qué es lo que canta el cielo
tras su concertación de transparencias;
qué aromas llevan las embarcaciones
a donde no florece el limonero!
¡A mí vais a decírmelo!

¡A mí vais a decirme
que no es la luz que emana de los cuerpos
el origen del mediodía!
Y aquellos nombres -Carolina,
Azucena, Jacinta-,
¡a mí vais a decirme
si fueron nombres de mujeres, barcas
flores! ¡Como si yo no lo supiera,
como si hubiese yo olvidado
qué, quiénes fueron esas sombras
que daban vida a estos espacios mágicos!

¡A mí vais a decírmelo!
Bella Oct 2017
I wear no sunglasses that Shield my
   eyes from the realities
       of this world
that put a Valencia filter over the
    things that I see or a sensor
        over the things that I hear.
I do not push the news stations
    through a small strainer only
        allowing the ”easy to
             handle”  stories to reach my
                 cup for me to consume.
I know that red is this world's favorite
black it's favorite oil paint,
and blue it's favorite watercolor.
the painting of our world has red
    splattered across every
        building and seeping out of every
black in every sidewalk crack, every
     alleyway, and across
         every, screaming, mouth,
and blue welling in every eye.
I know this, but I have ripped the tape
    from my mouth, bandaged my
        wrists, and wiped my eyes
I have become comfortable.
opening my mouth
Like pulling the trigger of a gun
Aimed at anyone trying to Paint those
    colors back into my life
shooting their thoughts down making
    pastel bullet holes so the light can
         shine in.
I have become too comfortable.

I only come to this realization when I
    hear gunshots coming from a hand
        who does not know what it is
when I hear seemingly Innocent
     Voices say
“Well, why does it even matter,
if you've given a blow-job before, what's the hesitation to doing it  
“ Because I said no.”
“ But you've already done it, before.”

I've told you, I do not wear filtered
but sometimes I forget that people are
     programmed with black paint on
          their brushes ready to cover over
               your mouth again.
I remember that as soon as I learned
     to rip the tape from my mouth
I realize that I can't just watch them
      bring the tape closer until they
           push it over my lips
I have to scream, as soon as I see it,
Because that is what my mouth is for.
And I have to fight to keep it of,
because that is what my hands and
      wrists are for.
And I have to look- not like the prey
      trying to stay out of sight,
but like a warrior with eyes like
and a mouth...
like a gun.
raj Jan 2015
Atletico’s progress to this stage has been somewhat sloppy to say the least, following a second leg showing at the Vicente Calderon which allowed minnows CE L’Hospitalet to walk away with an historic 2-2 draw.

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Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid Live.. Stream.. Watch.. Online..Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid Live.. Stream.. Watch.. Online..Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid Live.. Stream.. Watch.. Online..Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid Live.. Stream.. Watch.. Online..Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid Live.. Stream.. Watch.. Online..
Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid Live.. Stream.. Watch.. Online..Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid Live.. Stream.. Watch.. Online..Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid Live.. Stream.. Watch.. Online..Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid Live.. Stream.. Watch.. Online..Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid Live.. Stream.. Watch.. Online..

The loss at Valencia on Sunday for a near full strength Real Madrid returning from victory at the Club World Cup and a winter break came as a shock to everyone.

A title race is well and truly on again this season so it may come as some relief for the players of both camps to lock horns away from La Liga.

Failures for both Barcelona and Real Madrid at the weekend mean Atletico are level on points with Barcelona, each a point behind leaders Real but Carlo Ancelotti’s side do have a game in hand.
Watch Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid live stream here. we provide you free streaming links here. Check out the active links here.
Mickey May 2019
Sitting underneath a palmtree.
Its shadows creating a piece of art on the gloomy obscure grey street tiles in front of me.
As the wind flows the portrait of leaves is flowing with it in harmony.
It is dancing to its favorite tune.
A tune especially made for this moment. A tune of mother nature at its purest. A tune I can listen to forever.
Dante Nov 2011
This One Time,
                        I stripped naked
        and ****** my couch.
This other time
  I threw a copy of The Fountainhead
at an RV moving at 64 miles an hour
  I have a tree
            In the foothills
    named Clementine Valencia Jeff
  and the same day, me and John
made a religion with Adam based
       on cloud formations
      You see, I'm a weird guy
         I got
           I got problems
      I see a therapist
           Her name's Rhonda
        She likes Batmaa aaaaan
     She sees people worse than me
        but recognizes I got problems
     and she
         she tries to help
            cause I got problems
      and the
         and the problem
                   with having problems
           is function
         You can't do anything
  You live to defy expectation
  And - and it's really hard
     to get into college
    You never really get accepted
       and and
            and even if
        even if you do you
               you never really accept that
  It's hard out there for a freak
I get lost within my own
       ridiculous quandaries
  You feel like you're not
    you're not built right
      like something's wrong
  and you just punch and
    and kick and
       and destroy
   Whatever feels des-
           destroy able because it gives
       But I finally think I -I
               found my mantra
My my
       My compass thing
   My map whatever

   It has the same number of
letters of something very very dear
     to me
      and that holds meaning
    I wrote it on the back of my door
      my door
  and- and I sprayed it on a
  I actually got it from a videogame with
   with a
    with Ayn Randian themes
   It's religious
   and every night now
before I go to sleep
       I- I look into Neil Patrick Harris's
   feel the warmth of my wonderful blanket
  admire some handiwork
    read about serial arson
close my eyes and tell myself
     She is our Salvation
Caroline West Oct 2011
In fourth grade I got a handwritten paper back from the teacher.
All my lowercase letter b’s were perfectly circled in red ink.
I think that’s what made me allergic to fire ants and yellow jackets.

I used to work at a breakfast restaurant and I smiled a lot.
I brought him his omelet and he told me it was as big as a body *****.
It was nice that I got to ask strangers for their first names.

I donate blood every fifty-six days on the dot because I like the questions
about prostitutes, and the ****** Butters, the rubber bands and the iodine swabs.
I am O positive and I feel regeneration as the bag fills up.

I wore black in Valencia and I could feel the gray matter pulsing in my brain.
I danced with the balcony girl in the bathrobe and I watched the whole city burning.
He always offered me the same breakfast, a warm glass of milk and a cigarette.

I slept on salty bark in Big Sur and we drove fast over Bixby Bridge.
I couldn’t get my head far enough out of the window in the backseat.
I smelled so human and breathed in the waste of the redwood beasts.

I came across an old barn with an old truck parked permanently behind it.
The bed was piled high with bundles of dried lavender harvested before I was born.
I grabbed scratchy handfuls and rubbed the brittle stalks on my arms and neck.

I stood in the cathedral so I could feel the weight of each broken back.  
The forest sculptors and lamb carvers believed in what they could not see.
Light pours in through the stained glass window and I feel the colors in my bones.

Gravity isn’t a factor when a jellyfish plague leaves
a layer of purple gelatinous mass on the beach.
The hills unzip their jackets into the ocean waves,
feeling the cool breeze on their uppermost ridges.
Rocks are painted from within
demonstrating all the colors of the turkey tail.
There are spirits around me,
watching from the pine trees and rippling the water when they wink.
The explosion of the dawn wood pigeons
startles the leaves awake.
I was there when the lightning made this river,
filling it with life and movement.
I can see your shadow from behind the aspen grove,
tunneling the light towards the chalk cliffs.
The ground is shaking from the thunder core of my fiery center,
I take shelter under the strongest branches.
I wrap a blanket of constellations around my shoulders
and count the times the bullfrog burps.

“I can never remember if the Earth goes around the moon
or if the Sun goes around the Earth.”
‘That’s alright, I can never remember if the tides are pulled on strings by fish
or by machines under the marsh.”

Then there are these blue dreams of mine, underwater in a car with one door open.
My ears are popped and I can’t get them unpopped, even if I chew bubblegum.
So I put my thumb and index finger on either side of my nose and blow.
Martin Narrod May 2014
At first when it happens

     it's like a spell, I cast it, it moves me, and I use it.
To the youth with it. Some hollow-gutted frogs' yolks and thrice its weight in pigeon carcass and fly.
Gruesome fruit loosies.

Then somehow the trance begins, the anecdotal watch stopes moving, to the hedge-burn up to the meadow go the witnesses, moving under the guile of fresh addiction. Wicked words, fiery,

a conflagration.

Burning us up. Two in two out.  And just as they get it right, the moon hollows itself out, the sky undergoes a change, a nuance splits open the gut of the world and comes indifference, apathy,


A poem comes.
     It crashes down over my head like an arrow-carved apple, from the Natives. Bending me on my side, my flat side, where I have lived one-hundred years on my side, my left leg nuzzled in between you and the blankets we bought at the thrift store on 26th and Valencia. And it worries me, now that they shift from top-floor to basement in some corner of the Salvation Army. No one owns that magic. They touch the bruised knots of its cotton fibers, and for what-

a throw blanket in a common room.
Luis Valencia Mar 2019
its late at night
and I don’t feel like talking

I think instead
I look Inside my mind
Instead of seeing you
I see myself

I lose feeling in my fingertips
its cold in the aftermath of loss

Wherever could you be
On this late night

through each shadowed lamplight
I see fragments of you
on every street corner
there is a memory of you

each kiss you laid upon me
is still trapped in the crooks of my lips

Wherever could you be
On this late night

its cold out
and the darkness is intruding
have you left
or have you always been gone
collaborative piece my friend Ryan Will gave me the idea of the phrase "On This Late Night"
Don Juan Rodríguez Fresle... sabréis quién fue Don Juan,
No aquel de la leyenda, sevillano galán
Que escalaba conventos, sino el burlón vejete,
Buen cristiano, que oía siempre misa de siete,
La ancha capa luciendo, ya un poco deslustrada,
Que le dejó en herencia Jiménez de Quesada;
Que fue amigo de Oidores, vivaz, dicharachero,
Que escribió muchas resmas de papel, y «El Carnero»;
Que de un tiempo lejano, casi desconocido,
Supo enredos y chismes, que narró y se han perdido;
Tiempo dichoso, cuando (lo que es y lo que fue)
tan sólo tres mil almas tenía Santa Fe,
Y ahora, según dicen, casi 300.000,
Con «dancings», automóviles, cines, ferrocarril
Al río, clubs, y todo lo que la mente fragua
En «confort» y progreso, verdad... ¡pero sin agua!
Tiempo de las Jerónimas, Tomasas, Teodolindas,
De nombres archifeos, pero de cara, lindas,
Y que además tenían, de Oidores atractivo,
Lo que en todas las épocas llaman «lo positivo»;
Cuando no acontecía nada de extraordinario,
Y a las seis, en las casas, se rezaba el rosario;
Días siempre tranquilos y de hábitos metódicos,
Sin petróleos, reclamos de ingleses ni periódicos,
Y cuando con pañuelos, damas de alcurnias rancias
Tapaban, en el cuello, ciertas protuberancias,
Que alguien llamó «colgantes, molestos arrequives»,
Causados por las aguas llovidas o de aljibes;
Cuando como en familia se arreglaban las litis
Y nadie sospechaba que hubiera apendicitis;
Cuando en vez de champaña se obsequiaba masato
De Vélez, y era todo barato, muy barato,
Y tanto, que un ternero (y eso era «toma y daca»)
Lo daban por un peso y encimaban la vaca;
Cuando las calles eran iguales en un todo
A éstas, polvo en verano, y en el invierno, lodo,
Por donde hoy es difícil que los «autos» circulen,
Y esto, cual muchos dicen, por culpa de la Ulen,
Mas afirman (en crónicas muchas cosas yo hallo)
Que entonces las visitas se hacían a caballo,
Y hoy ni así, pues es tanta la tierra que bazucan
Que en tan grandes zanjones los perros se desnucan.

Pero basta de «Introito», porque caigo en la cuenta
De que esto ya está largo...
                                                    Fue en 1630
O 31. A veces se me va la memoria
Y siempre quitan tiempo las consultas de Historia,
Y en años -no habrá nadie que a mal mi dicho tome-
Una cuarta de menos o de más no es desplome.
(Y antes de que los críticos se me vengan encima
Digo que «treinta» y «cuenta» no son perfecta rima,
Pero tengo en mi abono que ingenios del Parnaso,
Por descuido, o capricho, o por salir del paso,
Que es lo que yo confieso me ocurre en este instante,
Hicieron «mente» y «frente», de «veinte» consonante).

Diré, pues: «Hace siglos». Mi narración, exacta
Será, cual de elecciones ha sido siempre una acta,
Y escribiendo: «Hace siglos», nadie dirá que invento
O adultero las crónicas.
                                            Y sigo con mi cuento.
Don Juan Rodríguez Fresle (así yo di principio
A esta historia, que alguno dirá que es puro ripio);
Don Juan, en aquel día (la fecha no recuerdo
Pues en fechas y números el hilo siempre pierdo,
Aunque ya es necesario que la atención concentre
Y de lleno, en materia, sin más preámbulos entre).

Don Juan, el de «El Carnero», yendo para la Audiencia,
Donde copiaba Cédulas, le hizo gran reverencia
Al Arzobispo Almansa, que en actitud tranquila
A los trabajadores en el atrio vigila.
(Se decía «altozano», pero «atrio»
escribo, porque
No quiero que un «magíster» por tan poco me ahorque).

Debéis saber que entonces, frente a la Catedral
El agua de las lluvias formaba un barrizal,
Y para que los fieles cuando entraban a misa
Evitaran el barro de las charcas, aprisa
Puentecitos hacían frailes y monaguillos
Con tablas y cajones y piedras y ladrillos.

(Pobres santafereñas: tendrían malos ratos
Cuando allí se embarraban enaguas y zapatos,
Y también los tendrían los pobres «chapetones»
Porque sabréis que entonces no había zapatones.
Que yo divago mucho, me diréis impacientes;
Es verdad, pero tengo buenos antecedentes,
Como Byron, y Batres y Casti, el italiano,
A quienes en tal vicio se les iba la mano;
Mas sé que al que divaga poca atención se presta,
Y os prometo que mi última divagación es ésta).

Y sigo: El Arzobispo con el breviario en mano,
El atrio dirigía -que él llamaba «altozano».
Aquéllo a todas horas parecía colmena:
Unos, la piedra labran, traen otros arena
Del San Francisco, río donde pescando en corro
Se veía a los frailes, y que hoy es simple chorro.
Apresurados, otros, traen cal y guijarros.
Grandes yuntas de bueyes, tirando enormes carros
              El Arzobispo, puesta en Dios la esperanza,
Ve que es buena su obra. Y el altozano avanza.

Don Juan Rodríguez Fresle, la tarde de aquel día,
«Estas misas parece que acaban mal», decía.
Luego se santiguaba, pues no sé de qué modo,
De la vida de entonces era el sabelotodo.

El Marqués de Sofraga, Don Sancho; a quien repugna
Santa Fe; con Oidores y vasallos en pugna
Y con el Arzobispo, sale al balcón, y airado,
Airado como siempre, viendo que el empedrado
A su palacio llega cerrándole la entrada
A su carroza, grita con voz entrecortada
Por la cólera: «¡Basta! Se ha visto tal descaro?
Al que no me obedezca le costará muy caro.
Quiero franca mi puerta!»
                                                  Todos obedecieron,
Y dejando herramientas, aquí y allá corrieron.

Viendo esto los Canónigos que salían del coro,
Tiraron los manteos, y sin juzgar desdoro
El trabajo, que sólo a débiles arredra,
La herramienta empuñaron para labrar la piedra.
Luego vinieron frailes, vinieron monaguillos;
Y sonaban palustres, escoplos y martillos.

Don Juan Rodríguez Fresle, la tarde de aquel día,
De paseo a San Diego, burlón se sonreía,
Pensando en los Canónigos que en trabajos serviles
Estaban ocupados cual simples albañiles.

Ya de noche, a su casa fue y encendió su lámpara.
Cenó, rezó el rosario, después apartó el pan para
Su desayuno. (Advierto como cosa importante
Que «pan» y «para», juntos, son un buen consonante
De «lámpara». Es sabido que nuestra lengua, sobre
Ser difícil, en rimas esdrújulas es pobre,
Mas cargando el acento sobre «pan», y si «para»
Sigue, las dos palabras sirven de rima rara).

(Y el pan guardaba, porque con el vientre vacío
No gustaba ir a misa, y entonces por el frío
O miedo a pulmonías, en esta andina zona
Eran los panaderos gente muy dormilona;
Y Don Juan que fue en todo previsor cual ninguno,
No salía a la calle jamás sin desayuno).
Prometí los paréntesis suprimir, y estoy viendo
Que en esto de promesas ya me voy pareciendo
A todos los políticos tras la curul soñada:
Que prometen... prometen, pero no cumplen nada.

«¿Y qué fin tuvo el atrio?» diréis quizás a dúo.
Es verdad. Lo olvidaba. La historia continúo,
Sin que nada suprima ni cambie, pues me jacto
De ser de viejas crónicas siempre copista exacto,
Y porque a mano tengo de apuntes buen acopio
Que en polvosos archivos con buen cuidado copio.
Y como aquí pululan gentes asaz incrédulas,
Me apoyo siempre en libros, o Crónicas o Cédulas;
Y para que no afirmen que es relumbrón de talco
Cuanto escribo, mis dichos en la verdad yo calco,
Pues perdón no merece quien por la rima rica
A pasajero aplauso la Historia sacrifica,
La Historia, que es la base del patrimonio patrio...

Y os oigo ya impacientes decirme:
                                                              -«¿Pero el atrio?»
El atrio... Lo olvidaba, y hasta a Rodríguez Fresle;
Mas sabed que en Colombia, y en todas partes, esle
Necesario al poeta que busque algún remanso
En las divagaciones, y es divagar, descanso;
Porque es tarea dura, que aterra y que contrista,
Pasar a rima, y verso la prosa ele un cronista,
Que tan sólo a la prosa de diaristas iguala,
La que en todos los tiempos ha sido prosa mala;
Y aunque en rimas y verso yo sé que poco valgo,
Veré si de este apuro con buena suerte salgo...
Y en olla fío, porque... repararéis, supongo,
Que nunca entre hemistiquios, palabra aguda pongo,
Ni hiato, y de dos llenas no formo yo diptongo
Como hizo Núñez ele Arce (Núñez de Arce ¡admiraos!
Que en dos o tres estrofas nos dijo «cáus» por «caos»,
Y hay poetas, y buenos, de fuste y nombradía,
Que hasta en la misma España ¡qué horror! dicen
Cual si del Arte fuera, para ellos, la Prosodia
De nuestra hermosa lengua, ridícula parodia);
Que duras sinalefas nunca en un verso junto
Y que jamás el ritmo, cual otros, descoyunto,
Porque eso siempre indica pereza o ningún tino,
Y al verso quita encanto, más al alejandrino,
Que es sin duela el más bello, que más gracia acrisola,
Entre todos los versos en Métrica española.
Que lo digan Valencia, Lugones y Chocano,
todos ellos artífices del verso castellano,
Y que al alejandrino, que es rítmico aleteo,
Dan el garbo y la música que adivinó Berceo.

Y sigo con el atrio.
                                Después de madrugada
Volvieron los canónigos a la obra empezada.

Al Marqués de Sofraga la ira lo sofoca.
Alcaldes, Regidores al Palacio convoca;
Y Alcaldes, Regidores, ante él vienen temblando,
Y díceles colérico: «¡A obedecer! Os mando
Que a todos los Canónigos llevéis a la prisión.
Mis órdenes, oídlo, mandatos del Rey son».

Don Juan Rodríguez Fresle rezó cual buen cristiano;
No escribió, y sin reírse se acostó muy temprano,
Porque muy bien sabía que el Marqués no se anda
Por las ramas, con bromas, y cuando manda, manda.
Mas desvelado estuvo pensando y repensando
En la noche espantosa que estarían pasando
Sin dormir, los Canónigos, en cuartucho sombrío
De la cárcel, sin camas, y temblando de frío.

La siguiente mañana no hubo sol.
                                                              Turbio velo
De llovizna y de brumas encapotaba el cielo.

Fray Bernardino Almansa llega a la Catedral.
Está sobrecogida la ciudad colonial.
Salmos penitenciales se elevan desde el coro,
Y en casullas y capas brilla a la luz el oro.
El Prelado aparece como en unción divina
En el altar, y toda la multitud se inclina;
Entre luces ele cirios destella el tabernáculo;
Hay indecible angustia y hay dolor. Alza el báculo,
Y mientras que en la torre se oye el gran esquilón,
Erguido el Arzobispo lanza la excomunión.
Alcaldes, Regidores, todos excomulgados
Porque al Cielo ofendieron.
                                                  Los fieles congregados
En la Iglesia, de hinojos, y en cruz oraban.

Aquel día de llanto y duelo en Santa Fe.
Cerradas se veían las puertas y ventanas,
Y en todas las iglesias doblaban las campanas.

Don Juan Rodríguez Fresle se dijo: «¡Ya está hecho!»
Se dio, cual buen cristiano, tres golpes en el pecho;
Pero volvió de pronto su espíritu zumbón,
Y pensando en la hora suprema del perdón,
Vio a los excomulgados con sus blancos ropones,
Al cuello sendas sogas, y en las manos blandones,
Y murmuró: «Del cielo la voluntad se haga,
Donde las dan, las toman. Quien la debo la paga».

Y escribiendo, escribiendo, la noche de aquel día,
De los excomulgados, socarrón se reía,
Porque le fue imposible su sueño conciliar
Sin que viera en las sombras por su mente pasar
Regidores y Alcaldes, cada uno en su ropón,
Cual niños que reciben primera comunión.

Don Juan Rodríguez Fresle, siempre que los veía,
Del ropón se acordaba y a solas se reía.
Maddy Aug 2021
Gigante oso bailarin en el muelle me sopia beso en Valencia
Los turistas se detienes no me emociocan
Pero hay momentos entre congelado en vigor e inteligente
Mi espanol fue apreciado y aplaudido
Sevilla fue impersonante
Granada y Toledo asombras
Luego vinieron disturbios in Barcelona y  una vida Francesa quitado
Espana me tienes El Prado y Valencia
Mi corazon siempre esta contigo y con Cervantes

My keyboard left off accent marks
I taught Cervantes and when I was actually there was speechless.
Jamie L Cantore Jun 2015
Essentia of magenta in
Each twinkling eye.
A goddess of Valencia,
A princess of Versailles.

Each dance, flit, jive, bob,
Conga, cut a rug.
Yet, only one do I intend to woo to Love.

The smokey air! overdue heat! Can NOT  contain.
Ahh!!! and without a care, I waft Away  the steam.
Mediaba el mes de julio. Era un hermoso día.
Yo, solo, por las quiebras del pedregal subía,
buscando los recodos de sombra, lentamente.
A trechos me paraba para enjugar mi frente
y dar algún respiro al pecho jadeante;
o bien, ahincando el paso, el cuerpo hacia adelante
y hacia la mano diestra vencido y apoyado
en un bastón, a guisa de pastoril cayado,
trepaba por los cerros que habitan las rapaces
aves de altura, hollando las hierbas montaraces
de fuerte olor -romero, tomillo, salvia, espliego-.
Sobre los agrios campos caía un sol de fuego.
      Un buitre de anchas alas con majestuoso vuelo
cruzaba solitario el puro azul del cielo.
Yo divisaba, lejos, un monte alto y agudo,
y una redonda loma cual recamado escudo,
y cárdenos alcores sobre la parda tierra
-harapos esparcidos de un viejo arnés de guerra-,
las serrezuelas calvas por donde tuerce el Duero
para formar la corva ballesta de un arquero
en torno a Soria. -Soria es una barbacana,
hacia Aragón, que tiene la torre castellana-.
Veía el horizonte cerrado por colinas
oscuras, coronadas de robles y de encinas;
desnudos peñascales, algún humilde prado
donde el merino pace y el toro, arrodillado
sobre la hierba, rumia; las márgenes de río
lucir sus verdes álamos al claro sol de estío,
y, silenciosamente, lejanos pasajeros,
¡tan diminutos! -carros, jinetes y arrieros-,
cruzar el largo puente, y bajo las arcadas
de piedra ensombrecerse las aguas plateadas
del Duero.
      El Duero cruza el corazón de roble
de Iberia y de Castilla.
            ¡Oh, tierra triste y noble,
la de los altos llanos y yermos y roquedas,
de campos sin arados, regatos ni arboledas;
decrépitas ciudades, caminos sin mesones,
y atónitos palurdos sin danzas ni canciones
que aún van, abandonando el mortecino hogar,
como tus largos ríos, Castilla, hacia la mar!
      Castilla miserable, ayer dominadora,
envuelta en sus andrajos desprecia cuanto ignora.
¿Espera, duerme o sueña? ¿La sangre derramada
recuerda, cuando tuvo la fiebre de la espada?
Todo se mueve, fluye, discurre, corre o gira;
cambian la mar y el monte y el ojo que los mira.
¿Pasó?  Sobre sus campos aún el fantasma yerta
de un pueblo que ponía a Dios sobre la guerra.
      La madre en otro tiempo fecunda en capitanes,
madrastra es hoy apenas de humildes ganapanes.
Castilla no es aquella tan generosa un día,
cuando Myo Cid Rodrigo el de Vivar volvía,
ufano de su nueva fortuna, y su opulencia,
a regalar a Alfonso los huertos de Valencia;
o que, tras la aventura que acreditó sus bríos,
pedía la conquista de los inmensos ríos
indianos a la corte, la madre de soldados,
guerreros y adalides que han de tornar, cargados
de plata y oro, a España, en regios galeones,
para la presa cuervos, para la lid leones.
Filósofos nutridos de sopa de convento
contemplan impasibles el amplio firmamento;
y si les llega en sueños, como un rumor distante,
clamor de mercaderes de muelles de Levante,
no acudirán siquiera a preguntar ¿qué pasa?
Y ya la guerra ha abierto las puertas de su casa.
      Castilla miserable, ayer dominadora,
envuelta en sus harapos desprecia cuanto ignora.
      El sol va declinando. De la ciudad lejana
me llega un armonioso tañido de campana
-ya irán a su rosario las enlutadas viejas-.
De entre las peñas salen dos lindas comadrejas;
me miran y se alejan, huyendo, y aparecen
de nuevo, ¡tan curiosas!... Los campos se obscurecen.
Hacia el camino blanco está el mesón abierto
al campo ensombrecido y al pedregal desierto.
Ambita Krkic Jan 2011

by Cezar Ruis Aquino in collaboration with Sooey Valencia

For the longest time I have always thought that the most beautiful thing in the world is a blank page.
Perhaps next to a page where some words, innocent as birds, have found their way to.
Madame Lugones, J'ai commencé ces vers
en écoutant la voix d'un carillon d'Anvers...
¡Así empecé, en francés, pensando en Rodenbach
cuando hice hacia el Brasil una fuga... de Bach!En Río de Janeiro iba yo a proseguir,
poniendo en cada verso el oro y el zafir
y la esmeralda de esos pájaros-moscas
que melifican entre las áureas siestas foscas
que temen los que temen el cruel vómito *****.
Ya no existe allá fiebre amarilla. ¡Me alegro!
Et pour cause. Yo pan-americanicé
con un vago temor y con muy poca fe
en la tierra de los diamantes y la dicha
tropical. Me encantó ver la vera machicha,
mas encontré también un gran núcleo cordial
de almas llenas de amor, de ensueños, de ideal.
Y si había un calor atroz, también había
todas las consecuencias y ventajas del día,
en panorama igual al de los cuadros y hasta
igual al que pudiera imaginarse... Basta.
Mi ditirambo brasileño es ditirambo
que aprobaría su marido. Arcades ambo.Mas el calor de ese Brasil maravilloso,
tan fecundo, tan grande, tan rico, tan hermoso,
a pesar de Tijuca y del cielo opulento,
a pesar de ese foco vivaz de pensamiento,
a pesar de Nabuco, embajador, y de
los delegados panamericanos que
hicieron posible por hacer cosas buenas,
saboreé lo ácido del saco de mis penas;
quiero decir que me enfermé. La neurastenia
es un dón que me vino con mi obra primigenia.
¡Y he vivido tan mal, y tan bien, cómo y tánto!
¡Y tan buen comedor guardo bajo mi manto!
¡Y tan buen bebedor tengo bajo mi capa!
¡Y he gustado bocados de cardenal y papa!...
Y he exprimido la ubre cerebral tantas veces,
que estoy grave. Esto es mucho ruido y pocas nueces,
según dicen doctores de una sapiencia suma.
Mis dolencias se van en ilusión y espuma.
Me recetan que no haga nada ni piense nada,
que me retire al campo a ver la madrugada
con las alondras y con Garcilaso, y con
el sport. ¡Bravo! Sí. Bien. Muy bien. ¿Y La Nación?
¿Y mi trabajo diario y preciso y fatal?
¿No se sabe que soy cónsul como Stendhal?
Es preciso que el médico que eso recete, dé
también libro de cheques para el Crédit Lyonnais,
y envíe un automóvil devorador del viento,
en el cual se pasee mi egregio aburrimiento,
harto de profilaxis, de ciencia y de verdad.En fin, convaleciente, llegué a nuestra ciudad
de Buenos Aires, no sin haber escuchado
a míster Root a bordo del Charleston sagrado;
mas mi convalecencia duró poco. ¿Qué digo?
Mi emoción, mi estusiasmo y mi recuerdo amigo,
y el banquete de La Nación, que fue estupendo,
y mis viejas siringas con su pánico estruendo,
y ese fervor porteño, ese perpetuo arder,
y el milagro de gracia que brota en la mujer
argentina, y mis ansias de gozar de esa tierra,
me pusieron de nuevo con mis nervios en guerra.
Y me volví a París. Me volví al enemigo
terrible, centro de la neurosis, ombligo
de la locura, foco de todo surmenage
donde hago buenamente mi papel de sauvage
encerrado en mi celda de la rue Marivaux,
confiando sólo en mí y resguardando el yo.
¡Y si lo resguardara, señora, si no fuera
lo que llaman los parisienses una pera!
A mi rincón me llegan a buscar las intrigas,
las pequeñas miserias, las traiciones amigas,
y las ingratitudes. Mi maldita visión
sentimental del mundo me aprieta el corazón,
y así cualquier tunante me explotará a su gusto.
Soy así. Se me puede burlar con calma. Es justo.
Por eso los astutos, los listos, dicen que
no conozco el valor del dinero. ¡Lo sé!
Que ando, nefelibata, por las nubes... Entiendo.
Que no soy hombre práctico en la vida... ¡Estupendo!
Sí, lo confieso: soy inútil. No trabajo
por arrancar a otro su pitanza; no bajo
a hacer la vida sórdida de ciertos previsores.
Y no ahorro ni en seda, ni en champaña, ni en flores.
No combino sutiles pequeñeces, ni quiero
quitarle de la boca su pan al compañero.
Me complace en los cuellos blancos ver los diamantes.
Gusto de gentes de maneras elegantes
y de finas palabras y de nobles ideas.
Las gentes sin higiene ni urbanidad, de feas
trazas, avaros, torpes, o malignos y rudos,
mantienen, lo confieso, mis entusiasmos mudos.
No conozco el valor del oro... ¿Saben esos
que tal dicen lo amargo del jugo de mis sesos,
del sudor de mi alma, de mi sangre y mi tinta,
del pensamiento en obra y de la idea encinta?
¿He nacido yo acaso hijo de millonario?
¿He tenido yo Cirineo en mi Calvario?Tal continué en París lo empezado en Anvers.
Hoy, heme aquí en Mallorca, la terra dels foners,
como dice Mossen Cinto, el gran Catalán.
Y desde aquí, señora, mis versos a ti van,
olorosos a sal marina y azahares,
al suave aliento de las islas Baleares.
Hay un mar tan azul como el Partenopeo.
Y el azul celestial, vasto como un deseo,
su techo cristalino bruñe con sol de oro.
Aquí todo es alegre, fino, sano y sonoro.
Barcas de pescadores sobre la mar tranquila
descubro desde la terraza de mi villa,
que se alza entre las flores de su jardín fragante,
con un monte detrás y con la mar delante.A veces me dirijo al mercado, que está
en la Plaza Mayor. (¿Qué Coppée, no es verdá?)
Me rozo con un núcleo crespo de muchedumbre
que viene por la carne, la fruta y la legumbre.
Las mallorquinas usan una modesta falda,
pañuelo en la cabeza y la trenza a la espalda.
Esto, las que yo he visto, al pasar, por supuesto.
Y las que no la lleven no se enojen por esto.
He visto unas payesas con sus negros corpiños,
con cuerpos de odaliscas y con ojos de niños;
y un velo que les cae por la espalda y el cuello,
dejando al aire libre lo obscuro del cabello.
Sobre la falda clara, un delantal vistoso.
Y saludan con un bon dia tengui gracioso,
entre los cestos llenos de patatas y coles,
pimientos de corales, tomates de arreboles,
sonrosadas cebollas, melones y sandías,
que hablan de las Arabias y las Andalucías.
Calabazas y nabos para ofrecer asuntos
a Madame Noailles y Francis Jammes juntos.A veces me detengo en la plaza de abastos
como si respirase soplos de vientos vastos,
como si se me entrase con el respiro el mundo.
Estoy ante la casa en que nació Raimundo
Lulio. Y en ese instante mi recuerdo me cuenta
las cosas que le dijo la Rosa a la Pimienta...
¡Oh, cómo yo diría el sublime destierro
y la lucha y la gloria del mallorquín de hierro!
¡Oh, cómo cantaría en un carmen sonoro
la vida, el alma, el numen, del mallorquín de oro!
De los hondos espíritus es de mis preferidos.
Sus robles filosóficos están llenos de nidos
de ruiseñor. Es otro y es hermano del Dante.
¡Cuántas veces pensara su verbo de diamente
delante la Sorbona viaja del París sabio!
¡Cuántas veces he visto su infolio y su astrolabio
en una bruma vaga de ensueño, y cuántas veces
le oí hablar a los árabes cual Antonio a los peces,
en un imaginar de pretéritas cosas
que, por ser tan antiguas, se sienten tan hermosas!Hice una pausa.
                                    El tiempo se ha puesto malo. El mar
a la furia del aire no cesa de bramar.
El temporal no deja que entren los vapores. Y
Un yatch de lujo busca refugio en Porto-Pi.
Porto-Pi es una rada cercana y pintoresca.
Vista linda: aguas bellas, luz dulce y tierra fresca.¡Ah, señora, si fuese posible a algunos el
dejar su Babilonia, su Tiro, su Babel,
para poder venir a hacer su vida entera
en esa luminosa y espléndida ribera!Hay no lejos de aquí un archiduque austriaco
que las pomas de Ceres y las uvas de Baco
cultiva, en un retiro archiducal y egregio.
Hospeda como un monje -y el hospedaje es regio-.
Sobre las rocas se alza la mansión señorial
y la isla le brinda ambiente imperial.Es un pariente de Jean Orth. Es un atrida
que aquí ha encontrado el cierto secreto de su vida.
Es un cuerdo. Aplaudamos al príncipe discreto
que aprovecha a la orilla del mar ese secreto.
La isla es florida y llena de encanto en todas partes.
Hay un aire propicio para todas las artes.
En Pollensa ha pintado Santiago Rusiñol
cosas de flor de luz y de seda de sol.
Y hay villa de retiro espiritual famosa:
la literata Sand escribió en Valldemosa
un libro. Ignoro si vino aquí con Musset,
y si la vampiresa sufrió o gozó, no sé*.¿Por qué mi vida errante no me trajo a estas sanas
costas antes de que las prematuras canas
de alma y cabeza hicieran de mí la mezcolanza
formada de tristeza, de vida y esperanza?
¡Oh, qué buen mallorquín me sentiría ahora!
¡Oh, cómo gustaría sal de mar, miel de aurora,
al sentir como en un caracol en mi cráneo
el divino y eterno rumor mediterráneo!
Hay en mí un griego antiguo que aquí descansó un día,
después de que le dejaron loco de melodía
las sirenas rosadas que atrajeron su barca.
Cuanto mi ser respira, cuanto mi vista abarca,
es recordado por mis íntimos sentidos;
los aromas, las luces, los ecos, los ruidos,
como en ondas atávicas me traen añoranzas
que forman mis ensueños, mis vidas y esperanzas.Mas, ¿dónde está aquel templo de mármol, y la gruta
donde mordí aquel seno dulce como una fruta?
¿Dónde los hombres ágiles que las piedras redondas
recogían para los cueros de sus hondas?...Calma, calma. Esto es mucha poesía, señora.
Ahora hay comerciantes muy modernos. Ahora
mandan barcos prosaicos la dorada Valencia,
Marsella, Barcelona y Génova. La ciencia
comercial es hoy fuerte y lo acapara todo.
Entretanto, respiro mi salitre y mi yodo
brindados por las brisas de aqueste golfo inmenso,
y a un tiempo, como Kant y como el asno, pienso.
Es lo mejor.                             Y aquí mi epístola concluye.
Hay un ansia de tiempo que de mi pluma fluye
a veces, como hay veces de enorme economía.
«Si hay, he dicho, señora, alma clara, es la mía».
Mírame transparentemente, con tu marido,
y guárdame lo que tú puedas del olvido.
blondespells Dec 2020
Tonight I’ve felt the switch go off fifteen hundred times

Swinging like a pendulum, crawling through the vines

I spoke in tongues of laughter in the fields of chlorimine

My bones are broken bruises as i'm missing you as mine

But I don’t want to go back to you.

I look up at squinting blue eyes in an autumn meadow

Stare at the widows in the aquamarine sky

I’m tired of it’s blinding rays
I'm tired of begging myself to be

More stable

More subtle

More sweet

Like a Valencia picture tacked up on to a cardboard wall

When I’m cracking around the edges

Of being the woman who I’m not again

I think I’ll just cry tonight

Through the cravings of my mania

On fascination street

******* and alive

Singing by the ocean

Trying to survive

I think I’ll just die tonight

They always leave me when I’m silent

Swerving on the highways

wild and fragile

Fading in to outer space

Losing track of time  

Tonight I’ve felt the switch go off fifteen hundred times

Swinging like a pendulum, crawling through the vines

But I don’t want to go back to you.
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Spanish bluebells
Lantana flowers
Valencia rose
Scilla hispanica's

All soaking the sun

Their all from Spain...

The maker of mine dame
Creator of mine chosen one!!!
Cody Aug 2013
We talk about the future like we've been there before.

Hope confidently,
Say it like you've seen it.
We're all wearing floral shirts but
We've never been south enough to
See real petals thaw.

The old have been there, but they're old.
Maybe they'll key into validity
When they know the
Instagram filters by heart-
Even then, times have changed.
This black and white future you've been to
Isn't the valencia filtered future on my map.

I do not ask the truth-
We all know that we know not.
I do not say stop-
We must pursue this light even if none have seen it.

I'm just saying.
Don't lie.
Find faith in internal fire-
Not the distant flicker you've found comforting to imagine at the end.

Don't sit around here,
It's ok to be scared.
It's ok to say that tomorrow is just a word-
And that for some it never will be more.
We talk about the future like we've been there before.
But right now we're here.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
Today I saw a sign in a
town called Cahirsiveen
County Kerry, advertising
what appeared to be, Sive.

I sieved my thoughts, and
what came through the fine
mesh of my mind were the
filings of amnesia.

Earlier, I had passed by Glencar
the foothills en route to Valencia
an island off Ireland, last stop
before New York harbour.

Hugh O' Flaherty, The Vatican
Pimpernel was looking at me
through James Joyce's glasses as
I passed Daniel O'Connell's church.

It was O'Connell country for sure,
****, a native of the island could
share the ball with O'Dwyer and
Paudie O'Se, the three coasters.

Balinskelligs, monks Islands,
isolation, invasion, inhospitable
weather, antarctic insurmountable's,
Inis, Inn's, Inch, Tom Crean, Fungie.

I sieved my sievings only to discover
that Sive was by John B Keane, but
guess what, the Queen of the Kingdom
should be Miriam O'Callaghan!


This is a poem with a colloquial
flavour, one needs to be a native
to comprehend it.
En trenes poseídos de una pasión errante
por el carbón y el hierro que los provoca y mueve,
y en tensos aeroplanos de plumaje tajante
recorro la nación del trabajo y la nieve.
De la extensión de Rusia, de sus tiernas ventanas,
sale una voz profunda de máquinas y manos,
que indica entre mujeres: Aquí están tus hermanas,
y prorrumpe entre hombres: Estos son tus hermanos.
Basta mirar: se cubre de verdad la mirada.
Basta escuchar: retumba la sangre en las orejas.
De cada aliento sale la ardiente bocanada
de tantos corazones unidos por parejas.
Ah, compañero Stalin: de un pueblo de mendigos
has hecho un pueblo de hombres que sacuden la frente,
y la cárcel ahuyentan, y prodigan los trigos,
como a un inmenso esfuerzo le cabe: inmensamente.
De unos hombres que apenas a vivir se atrevían
con la boca amarrada y el sueño esclavizado:
de unos cuerpos que andaban, vacilaban, crujían,
una masa de férreo volumen has forjado.
Has forjado una especie de mineral sencillo,
que observa la conducta del metal más valioso,
perfecciona el motor, y señala el martillo,
la hélice, la salud, con un dedo orgulloso.
Polvo para los zares, los reales bandidos:
Rusia nevada de hambre, dolor y cautiverios.
Ayer sus hijos iban a la muerte vencidos,
hoy proclaman la vida y hunden los cementerios.
Ayer iban sus ríos derritiendo los hielos,
quemados por la sangre de los trabajadores.
Hoy descubren industrias, maquinarias, anhelos,
y cantan rodeados de fábricas y flores.
Y los ancianos lentos que llevan una huella
de zar sobre sus hombros, interrumpen el paso,
por desplumar alegres su alta barba de estrella
ante el fulgor que remoza su ocaso.
Las chozas se convierten en casas de granito.
El corazón se queda desnudo entre verdades.
Y como una visión real de lo inaudito,
brotan sobre la nada bandadas de ciudades.
La juventud de Rusia se esgrime y se agiganta
como un arma afilada por los rinocerontes.
La metalurgia suena dichosa de garganta,
y vibran los martillos de pie sobre los montes.
Con las inagotables vacas de oro yacente
que ordeñan los mineros de los montes Urales,
Rusia edifica un mundo feliz y trasparente
para los hombres llenos de impulsos fraternales.
Hoy que contra mi patria clavan sus bayonetas
legiones malparidas por una torpe entraña,
los girasoles rusos, como ciegos planetas,
hacen girar su rostro de rayos hacia España.
Aquí está Rusia entera vestida de soldado,
protegiendo a los niños que anhela la trilita
de Italia y de Alemania bajo el sueño sagrado,
y que del vientre mismo de la madre los quita.
Dormitorios de niños españoles: zarpazos
de inocencia que arrojan de Madrid, de Valencia,
a Mussolini, a ******, los dos mariconazos,
la vida que destruyen manchados de inocencia.
Frágiles dormitorios al sol de la luz clara,
sangrienta de repente y erizada de astillas.
¡Si tanto dormitorio deshecho se arrojara
sobre las dos cabezas y las cuatro mejillas!
Se arrojará, me advierte desde su tumba viva
Lenin, con pie de mármol y voz de bronce quieto,
mientras contempla inmóvil el agua constructiva
que fluye en forma humana detrás de su esqueleto.
Rusia y España, unidas como fuerzas hermanas,
fuerza serán que cierre las fauces de la guerra.
Y sólo se verá tractores y manzanas,
panes y juventud sobre la tierra.
Laura Jun 2018
Symmetry deficits call for chiaroscuro.
Highlight the summits,
and diffuse shadows at the vertex
of cheekbone and mandible.
Colour the apples, rubescent as newborn flesh,
and soften edges for a gentle definition.

If you paint claret from bow to corner
it can create something fuller; induce desire-
Valencia can bleach the blemishes.
Liquid or matte lies in pesky furrows
and rots like carrion in warm weather:
remember to blot excess sebum prior.

Are you pneumatic? Applications can support you-
with enough you can acquire
something ample for a decade.
Look to the lens. It winks;
raise brow in a clean cut, diagonal
from nostril edge: the playful frame apertures admire.


Share with friends:
and sigh at affirmations.
Evelyn Rose Feb 2020
Go to the city
Walk around
Feel the people, the heartbeat of the street.
Look in shops, museums.
Stop in cafes, drink, eat, sobremesa yourself.
See friends, talk, laugh.
Realise you're alive.
Sobremesa is a Spanish word meaning staying at the table after a meal and just chatting with the people around you.
building news
Scientists discovered a heart lost in the bemuda triangle.
far offshore was a man drowning in love
for sure the ocean was Valencia.
a curvy woman, he rose with tides as his hands hope to hold her.

breaking news
Love is a conspiracy theory formed in the chest like the triangular trade, we are slaves to our hearts. slowly dying in the hands of the ignorant.

in other news

insecurities are like sharks' caudal fins , tipping in our visibilities everytime we hide it.

Love comes when it's least expected.
Even when you have it in front of you it's already gone
Music lasts longer than people
Into the seamless dusk of night
Nomadic illusions
Colorful fumes

Holding what's not real
The lonely dance awaits
She left before the lights came on
Lay with lie
The beat is dead

Bummed out tunes
Run and run and run
Towards the disco-tech

© C. Valencia
Tom Greggs Sep 2016
The big doors roll open

at sunrise        at sunset

they roll closed

the man with the hand truck

moves his bins and flats

his palette loads       across the lot

Living downhill

from a fruit stand

I’ve come to accept

that joy can appear

at your feet

Red Delicious, Braeburn

Fuji and maybe

D’Anjou on a good day

Valencia Vidalia or Walla Walla


Reach down       pick up

Be open hearted         don’t

expect too much--

the little that comes your way

tastes in its scarcity

full of life       this life       your life

I pray uphill in the morning

and I pray uphill at night

to the God of Gravity                                *Satsuma!
Jon Shierling Jul 2013
You had no room for a garden at your
    house in Valencia
so you made an Eden from brick walls.

I remember your kitchen full of tropics;
  how you loved the hot plants.
Loved what they whispered of even
  more; fleshy, supple summer nights
with no need of sleep.

Do you remember those golden afternoons,
  those siestas full of honeysuckle
and oranges?

— The End —