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Alfred Vassallo Apr 2013
Luxuria (Lust)

Asmodeus demon of lust
carnal manipulator
****** captor

Castitas (Chastity)

Embracing virtue
honorable wholesomeness
not through one’s weakness

Gula (Gluttony)

The egocentricity
with which the Lord of the flies
upon us relies

Temperantia (Temperance)

practicing restraint
prudence to judge with regard
remaining on guard

Avaritia (Greed)

The Mammon demon
controlling the warmonger
with vows of power.

Caritas (Charity)

Crave unselfishness
give unreserved empathy
love and sympathy

Acedia (Sloth)

Deny grace and God
so evil shall become fact  
when we fail to act

Industria (Diligence)

Fortitude is a must
persistence in conviction
zealous for passion

Ira (Wrath)

In its purest form
presents violence and hate
Satan’s fate

Patientia (Patience)

mercy to haters
receiving the grace to forgive
rewards are massive

Superbia (Pride)

Lucifer’s downfall
for excessive vanity
destroys humility

Humanitas (Kindness)

Sympathy without bias
belief without bitterness
inspire kindness

Invidia (Envy)

resentful passion
an insatiable desire
potent cause of dire

Humilitas (Humility)

think of yourself less
and not think less of yourself
don’t exalt oneself
NOTE:- This is made up of 14 Haikus based on the seven deadly sins as opposed to the seven virtues
SassyJ Mar 2016
Inception Transcribed  (Spoken Word- Freestyle-Dramatics)**
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
==Inception Transcribed ==
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(Copy the link below to your browser)

Inception and intersection of human life are diverse. We are ushered as a blank canvas to the shores of life. Socialised with values, beliefs and cultures. Our acclimatised acculturation. Submerged in the swampy lowlands each sunk and wandering through and through.

This morning I woke and left my house...... looked up to the horizons of nature. And there it was.... a revolving camera smiling at each stride I take... following me and taunting me. Unreserved in institutions, submerged in the ever decaying social structures.
Why do we do what we do everyday?
Is it part of the human processes and functions?

To exist and be absolutely absent but present. I fret, then I smile. Trying to join the puzzles in the mazes. Ever questioning if I am here to learn or to be polluted by bureaucracy.

Lets call for an assembly, announce that the town is dead. Yet, its people are gasping, breathing to fill their lives with a new paradigm. Look at me all cyanosed , the blueness of the dying veins... sunk in the redistribution and social panic. Re-engaged in the demoralised democracy. Look at me asking....
What is the meaning of life?
Steve D'Beard Jul 2013
What is about some people
insisting I want to engage
with whatever they are watching
singing along to
listening to


recently, on a long haul train
travelling from A to Z
in the rudimentary rammy
to find the unreserved seats
enter the 20-something
alluring guitar laden
leather and tattoo clad female
tumbling onto the next table to me
unpacking as if she was moving in

munchable fruit laptop
gleaming white
in clear conflict with
the dreads and the beads
pumped in patchouli oil
drenched in love and peace
armed with a dvd
that would shortly crush the spirits
of every soul in Coach D:
the Quiet Coach

enter screaming chipmunks
hysteric children
and songs to sing along to
which she did with obsessive precision

insisting that Coach D
should in some way be
and ultimately impressed

such was her overbearing desire
to love thyself above all things
give the peace sign when appropriate
and otherwise don't give 2 F's
for anyone else, regardless of situation.

consumer behaviours were erratic at best
if the Jedi senses
were anything to go by

if i'd had a handheld vibe particle device
I could have created a pathological combustion
and an accelerated Coach D A-Bomb

heads turned
feet shuffled
zips unzipped and re-zipped
open hands holding Kindles
immersed in philanthropic discourse
turned to clenching fists
the sound of bent drink cans
rusted cogs in motion
deep breathing

even level 1 Tetris
became too much
for the bald fellow to my left
who accepted failure
and opted to purchase
a large brown bag of beer
from the bar


libation and the pagan ideals;
imbibe thyself to dull the senses

I concur
in exchange for our classic colonial restraint
on behalf of Coach D
I wish upon you the following:

1. You will never again
drink a decent coffee from any vendor anywhere in the world, ever.

2. Your laptop will
turn off during any movie you sing along to, silent or otherwise.

3. Your guitar
strings snap during a performance in front of people you don't know who paid to get in.

4. Your Tattoo artist
has an epic fail and tattoo's a defamatory remark rather then your lovers name.

5. Your leather trousers
shrink wrap and make the sound of bursting bubble wrap every time you move.

6. Your comfortable shoes
attract bits of grit like a magnet, regardless what you are wearing.

7. Your waft of perfume
is likened to compressed 7 year old blue cheese that has sat in the sun for weeks.

8. Your location
at any time has a global no shoot-and-miss policy for all birds without exception.
(even the ones that don't fly)

9. Your singing
is so electric that every time you sing in public your hair stands on end
and cutlery sticks to your nose.

10. Your beer is always warm.
11. Your wine corked.
12. Your water salty.

13. That this poem goes viral on the internet
expressing one man's words which mirror the every day person
working their socks off to make a living
and in the hectic hustle and bustle
one of the sanctuaries is Coach D
on the way home from the City
and the frustration and restraint
of anti-social conduct
and basic respect.

14. That I will be on David Letterman
or the Late Late Show
or USA tonight
or the BBC prime time news
or some such over-hyped
TV show talking about you.

15. That you will thank me for making you a celebrity by default -
15.1 and subsequently appear on late night Z-list celebrity game shows involving boxes of spiders.

You are the worst Muse ever
in the history of Muses

16. and this is how you will be remembered
steve colossus Aug 2013
I am seated, bathed in a moon dusts.
I am writing an expose, indubitably no reads
But certain one of my ultimate hush buzzes,
I am clearly happy as I write though I am a bee in a shaken jar.
All this because I am opening up to my crush!

I hold an enormous secret, behind these shades,
Big, abysmal, reserved yet it beams on my face
Only concealed by forged shackles to loyal achates
What is this secret? What’re these shades?
These are inquisitions posted in this piece to my crush!

Now my crush, there’s a question of a constant hide and seek.
The hide and seek played lone and solo have left me shooting blanks,
Façade I invite you in, mirage in whence I heartshoot your affections or meeks
Hopefully these guise and semblance will break with a bang!
Then I break free to my crush!

Then I get to tell her my ardor unreserved and eased,  
Show her crescents canyon dimples that curl skyward as her smile
Toy with her smooth creased back and forehead playfully yet in peace,
I finally draw the curtain, I spit out my inside in miles.
I love you my crush
Emma Feb 2012
I do
feel the break of your
most true, shining, unreserved smile
coming over the horizon

No one can hold bitterness inside the
lines of their face forever
lined with memories and broken memories
and truth-be-held-for-fear-to-see
and broken backs for fear to be
and the haunting of eternity
and waking up, refuse to be
standing up, your tears are free
your soul is free

your determination
sparked at dawn revealed
to run from this damnation
waking up your eyes without a stretch
seeing for the first time the ones that knew you best
all along inside your beaten heart repressed
now walk inside the lines of appreciation
and outside the lines of classic creation

were those moments that you spoke of once
a child
a voice
a call
here suddenly aside the spot you left behind
with nowhere to hide
nowhere to hide
you don't want to

you're here for the ride.
Your face shines of joy.
The wall was inside but before
you died behind it
you said "Yes" for the first time in years

You don't need to hide, there's still brightness
inside where you left it, still held
for release with your tears

And I feel the break of contagious happiness
and my most true, shining, unreserved smile
coming over the horizon.
My body temperature rises like the moon.
Odd that the sun is the symbol of heat,
yet, most heat is felt at night.
Subtlest of sighs and I am undone.
Buttressed and encompassed by you.
I want to bite, nibble, peck at your neck
Like an artist with granite I want to carve into you
I crave you, I want to market our practiced need.
Subtle yet lulled, our lust will be boundless.
Founded on our need to keep our word.
We together are a force, a natural force.
Unreserved, unobserved, unconcerned
I allow you to flood into me.
Hazily, I am drawn to the figure on the floor,
we swore no more, but the thrill of the slow ****,
allows us to be enthralled, exhilarated, liberated.
The moon wanes, the body grows cold, we soar
as we clean the gore.
We swear 'nevermore' but are we just Poe's distraught
lovers, falling into madness?
The madness of the bloodlust, ******.
Killer Couples: Love and lust are among the most powerful of emotions, but when a joint thirst for violence is thrown into the mix, it creates the ultimate lethal cocktail.
Denel Kessler Apr 2016
putting faith in another human being
creates in me a fear so vast and enduring
it's hard to fit it in one imperfect lifetime
trust distorted by the history of things
done to and by us in the name of love
creates a doubting monologue in my head
that manifests in unattractive neediness
a seemingly bottomless hunger
for the reassurance of your touch
I fervently covet
your singular devotion
show me you'll do anything
to silence this non-believer
with love so constant
and unreserved
I feel it
from the outside
Steve D'Beard Jul 2014
Feel breath upon milky neck
give yourself
the sacrifice
for unchained paradise
and the gifts of life.

Thrusting forth upon such shapely form
the rise of golden **** and the
glide of swollen *******
such feline majesty
such magnificence of deviance.

Lay hands on nubile skin
deft and swift precision
straddled in muscular passion
the reins like a flowing mane
gracing the arched spine in pleasure.

Tilted head stretched
exposed form
catching dancing shadows
in the eternal midnight.

Call my name
as if a name
were a pulse wave
of unreserved expletives.

The chastity of yesterday
innocence lost in devilry
offered freely
like a gift to the gods
empower revelry

****** Deeper
Give Give Give
again and again and again and again and again and again and...

No refrain
awash in pagan sweat
doused and dripping wet
revel in cobalt aquas
close in the rise
of final exaltation
the Alpha stanza.

BOP/bop BOP/bop
hearts beat out of time
heaving breath
encased in bone and heated skin
consumed in the juices of forever
and the pleasure of
pagan archaic sin.
restructure and minor rewrite of this poem orig posted in January
SassyJ Sep 2018
It took me a decade of toil
years of experience and expertise
to learn that men are happy scoring
ecstatic when he bags and trashes
that short win he has not earned
Sometimes as women we steam
trimmed with seams of emotion
awaiting to open hearts unreserved
Yet he don’t want this vulnerability
he wants to be ignored and uncared for
denied and kept at the deepest ledge
for when you give yourself easily
he will devalue your inner-self
blocking and tantalising from afar
Men are still immature within
afraid of closeness,scared of love
afraid of the emotions,scared to trust
and when he chases,he is fast as a cheetah
preying closer and closer to his price
and when he lies, he sugar coats the facts
so that he creates an illusionary promise
Yet deep within he is like a baby
strained with automatic reflexes
unable to make an emotional dialogue
on how to make the woman really happy....
Lesson learnt over the years....
Edward Coles Sep 2012
What rage there is,

In youthful lovers.

The lustful want of incitement,


Passionate energy.

Unreserved and incorrigible resentment

For the men in suits,

Settle down.

Don’t settle down.

The pressure of ***

And the stench of expectation.

Bated breath as I reveal your weak


Don’t speak, don’t apologise

As I count the freckles across your

Inner thighs.

I need to know I don’t need you.

Let me love you,

Let me.
Jack Turner Nov 2013
Bland statements such as you are amazing
Don't ever qualify how much of a blessing
I find you to be upon me.

Simply being you makes me do everything I can
To better myself in an effort that maybe
I might one day deserve you and everything you do.

All we did was begin to talk again after a break in communication,
And I already find myself more engaged in school
And giving a more dedicated and focused effort on my papers and homework.

It's not even down to trying to build myself into someone who deserves you
But the possibility by doing everything within my capabilities
To become that someone you deserve in return -
That someone who will love you unreserved
And protect you from everything in this world.
Harry Gross Feb 2010
sun and moon stand side-by-side in the great starless sky of this Monday Sunday Tuesday workweek
with ambulance stoplight caution I leap from crevice to crack of the ***** cement walkways that tear across snowy fields
staring at the world around me - faces as solemn unreserved apathetic mirrors of nothing in their corresponding souls
pair them off in dialogues of the triumphs of the fabled GPA - its deep-throat growling dripping fangs embedded in their minds since sloppy second-hand birth
and I cry out and I cry alone for these are the summers winters springs falls etc and so on of my discontent
for I am a man among gods
gods of capitalism and communism  and social disorder and bureaucracy
gods of music and poetry and written spoken words and fashionability
and the only false evidence of such godly aspirations remain on my body as fading bitemarks on my wrists from when once I tried so valiantly to tear my technicolor blood from these incontinent arms
but even in such times as those there was no salvation but for yellow-staining death sticks clutched between shaking fingers and melting shots fired down raw fleshy throat in rapid secession
the gods I hold so dear have left me for whatever come what may in these places of my mind filled with words and thoughts and images of your everything thrashing against nothing
Steve D'Beard Jan 2014
Feel breath upon thy milky neck
as he gives thee the gifts of life

Thrusting forth upon such shapely form
the rise of your golden **** and the
glide of your swollen *******.

In awe of such feline majesty
and the magnificence of such deviance

Lay hand on nubile skin with deft and swift precision while the other holds the reins of a flowing mane
Gracing the arched spine of pleasure.

Tilted head stretched and exposed form catching the dancing shadows of eternal midnight

She calls his name as if his name was but a string of unreserved expletives

He growls letting the beast within ride out the demons in the deep

and the now forgotten chastity as if innocence were taken but in truth offered like a gift to her gods.

And he takes thy gift gladly
And in return
and again
and again

with no refrain or moments peace
awash in pagan sweat and revel in thy cobalt aquas as his close in the rise of final exaltation.

Two hearts beat as one,
heaving breath encased in bone and heated skin
imbibed in the juices of forever
And the pleasure of
pagan and archaic sin.
Katelyn Aug 2013
The last thing I want to become,
What I've made my self out to be.

You mean more to me than that,
I should mean more to you

My hearts been battered and bruised
Worked up, turned out and used

Analyze, nag, doubt, blame
Emotions to balance needs vs shame

I build you up
To tear you down

I have to remember,
You're not who I thought or want  you to be,
You're who I've always known you to be.

The simple smile, warmth and unreserved candor

Are the things I love most that you bring out in me,

As I see those same things  reflected in you from the presence of me.
Jo Nov 2013
When I have fears I won’t get likes
After posting my senseless selfie (taken in my bathroom),
After tweeting a witty, wasted “Yikes!”
Upon seeing the latest Cyrus escapade on Reddit come afternoon;
When I behold, upon night’s starred face,
I see it through my IPhone’s two-dimensional screen,
And I think that’s what’ll get the rest of the race
To notice me, after all I’m important – I don’t mean
To demean, but I’m the fairest creature of the hour;
I sometimes fear that you shall never look upon me,
Well I never have to worry for now I have the power
Of unreserved reticence to bestow upon thee –
**** the hollowed experience, the heart, the mind lag;
For my exhausted existence has been validated #420yoloswag.
An english assignment in which we had to choose a romantic poem and make a parody out of it.  I chose When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be, by John Keats.
Kara Jean Mar 2018
Renewed, I walked away from the muddy creek
I am only one
Not distinguished, just living
Emotional, not really unique
Not standard, middle grounding
My love, unreserved
I am frustration
I can be anger and hate
I am vulnerability at its great
I'm learning to trust my flawed soul
T R S Feb 2018
In line for the new roller coaster
was a group of ex-protestors
in cobbled monogamous flocks.
They squawked and squawked.
She warbled.
He wooed.
She swayed.
He swooned.
And she only had sunscreened her front.
Her back must've stung.
Bright red.
But I bet she reserves her best stories
for unreserved reservations in bed.
Purple Rain Jan 2016
The closer we become
The more I feel numb
I forced the thought of love upon my skin
Gripping her body in the motion of love,
Attempting to feel something I can't feel
Such unreserved distance others would think its real...

Our love is real

So much realness,
that the brain of She and I can't feel a **** thing
That when our lips touch
I sense the warmth of a blanket
And not the softness that her skin brings
I go **** it
I can't even love the simple things
Because the mind of me still thinks
We our "we"
"Me and she"
My mind can't process that we went our separate ways
Long ago
But still the nightly visions of her stay
It's been 2 years all I can say
Is *Our Love Is Numb
Sumit Ganguly Feb 2017
Satellites, rockets, cameras
explore the space everyday
some come back, others circle on
like Tom, **** and James Kay.

Everyone wants to seek a lot,
‘what is there in the core,
how can I have a space to share,
and use it as an exclusive store?’

Heart of a young girl is astral space,
unreserved territory, explorer’s dream
youth and beauty attract bold and able,
lass gets junk moves, filled to the brim.

6th Feb. 2017
Yitkbel Mar 2018
Some voices are silent
Because they have nothing
Meaningful to say

Some voices are silent
Because they know perfectly
Words have weight

Some of them walk away
Because they don’t understand you
And are too indifferent to try to

Some of them won’t stay
Because they feel too much
To not be hurt by the smallest things
You may say

They both feel the same way
Silent, indifferent, hurtful and
So, you keep your hopes up
And pray
So, you never yield your love
And wait

But, don’t wait
A soul that will love you
Like you love them
Will also be the same

You are one that feels everything
And so every little thing hurts you
In every possible way
You are impossibly and impractically
You will believe something again and again
And you will love with all of you
No matter how many times you’ve been hurt

But you love in your own way
Unreserved, unyielding, loud
Yet sometimes completely

You are covered in calluses
And so are they
There are simple words
You struggle to say
And like you
They will take the littlest things
In the worse way

You are exactly the same
Yet, when you are together
You might seem universes away

If you wait
They will wait
A soul perfect for you
Might never come your way
Even if you’re right next to each other
At the same place

The mirror will only reflect what’s right in front of your face

That soul might love you for all of eternity
Till the end of time and space
If you wait
Their love might be words
You will never hear them say

Because, everyone wants to feel safe
And everyone wants to be loved
And not someone whose heart
Gets to be thrown away

They would rather keep quiet
Than to loudly love anyone
That they might love back
Bare and purely, with an open heart
So prone to be hurt

So, don’t wait
Love bravely with your already callous heart
Those that seem to back away
And don’t give up
The most beautiful souls will take eternity
To feel safe.
Nat Lipstadt May 2024
Dear Carlos: Poet & One Man Band,

have heard these words so many times,
always bemused, trace~smile appearing,
but this time, it hit me like a Blue Mountain
extra hot, micro~window-waving cup of java Jamaican,
that is me, this was me, always, even before
I knew how to poem to music that I had always
head-heard, before I understood that these,
my songs were soul~pieces escapees, my…legatees

I leave them them in puzzle form, surely a piece,
or three missing, but no matter, each piece an
individual composition, standing alone, but the
big picture no one will ever see, understand but
that is the poet’s audience, his own one man band,
no bandwagon attached, a solitary figure quiet
contented with his disconnected discontentment,
a lifetime spent in refining, defining…refinishing

2 poem themes crisscrossed cross in my head,
interweaving themselves instead of becoming
two cells, one split apart, I call this process ruefully
reverse me~mitosis, blending that coffee with
a quarter cup of white milky, leaving me a caramel
colored confection, perfect in unity of trinity, that
combined cuppa plus my insides warmed, cozied,
the heat combined with the fire inside to write…one more

on the “two-to-write list,” in the “draft”y attic chamber,
were two titles, twins, now conjoined; the first, an
expose of why I choose to write these poems, and
the other, why I have a life of few friends, the few
chosen ones; the inherent conceptualizations differ but
cross the same forests and deserts, hid in my own Northwest Territory, rugged and inhospitable, where to survive, it required 
accepting lonely solitude, with a ragged welcome, & an honest mirror

an unequivocal, no equivocation permit, that telling yourself grand lies was pointless because you were a criminal on trial, prosecutor, defense lawyer, judge  and jury of your, ha ha, peers all rolled into one, there will never be a higher court wanting to grant an appeal, what is…well, is; a sad bliss but after decades of trial and many errors, wonderful and awful partnerships; it was modestly
perfected, dis-satisfyingly…satisfying

this goes on too long, like an intolerable avoidance of
answering, there, a phony confessional declarative; the whys un~provided, so fall back on that all encompassing
defense of temporary insanity that was locked in those
self-same sealed cells, carriers of my tainted DNA,
looking like bagels~donuts with holes, no, voids,
a central, air pocket of emptiness, with no surface to fill full,
or to adhere to, a drifter, an observer, never, a full participant

these empty holes, were just fried dough, sugar coated,
a fleeting life~lies of no substance, that I’ve spent
a lifetime trying to fill with worth, and I’ve written a few
moments of kindness, unqualified unreserved loving, but
too few to justify my existence to myself! That’s what
happens when you judge yourself, no defense strategy
can succeed, the fight is fixed, but I write on vaingloriously
hoping that there is yet, a flawless poem waiting within,
that a one man band, can both play and enjoy…

fav poets: Whitman, Hafez, Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Pradip and so many countless others on this site…
Sun May 5th, a birthday lipstadt
Traveler Feb 2016
In a clear cosmetic inclination
Of my vast amount of limited intelligence
I resolve what's known to sever the connection to oneness

With my passive excessive alarming calmness
I hide my humanistic conflicts in an unconscious state

In the compression of unreleased hostilities
I combat my unreserved civilities

In a melting *** of unreasonable measures
I find sensibility has lost its pleasure...
Vernon Waring Jul 2015
In an unreserved room,
deep in drapes and gloom,
stood a wild-eyed deaf-mute
in a beltless cape,
his fingers speaking parts he played
in his stepsister's ****.
mark john junor Jul 2013
beer belly muscle

her voice with sharp tone
is the one thing that can draw
me back from slumber
she has seen far too much
but her shy glancing is a
picture perfect to paint the near
**** image of innocent young
country girl gone bad

his bent neck two handed stride
beer belly muscle sweat grinds
on your senses
but his voice is low and slow
like a Plymouth idling on a hot swamp road
like a man once drowned and saved
looking at an ocean with
reservations deep deep reservations

they bore a child
better put she bore them
her unreserved laugh
and hot hot smile sleek by her eighteenth
but its her depth and soul its her brilliant poem
at 4am its her drunken fisticuffs with a stuffed animal
its her wrapped around you and burrowing into you with every grunting sweating twenty two year old hardbody mile
that leaves body and soul reborn
Edward Feb 2012
What is this hold that permeates my very existence?
Spreading warmness deep within. A sweet sensation of pure lust.
A need to reach out and caress unbridled energy.
Stolen moments of complete ecstasy and unreserved fantasy.

Reach for me so that I may engulf my very being in your essence.
Experience oneness that few achieve.
Embrace me; Sate this hunger and desire that holds me prisoner.
Hold me so that I may become your soul.

Exploitations of a forbidden love. A disgustingly delicious emotion of desire.
Abandon the shackles that bind, Explore the wicked wanton needs of inner self.
Oh sweet innocence, release thy self, still thy beating heart.
Stolen tender moments, a slight caress, quiet serenity.

Awakened memories, invasions of happiness, a smile from the land of dreams.
Hide the tremors of such bliss, still thy breath.
A secret safe within the heart, shudder at thoughts of climactic emotion.
A dreary future cast aside, overwhelmed by an emotional tide.
Of a moment in time.

Ache no more my beating heart, pure is the love so fleetingly felt.
A oneness thou hast achieved, delivered by such beauty.
Born of wretchedness and broken dreams.
Keep safe within your walls, secret of desires, shared moments of pleasure.
Of such moments in time.

Written By Edward green

Dec, 2006
Jai Rho Mar 2015
Three is a lonely number
it's the odd man out
the third wheel
the unreserved ticket
the strikeout

It's what happens
after two

But three is also a prime number
it's the pinnacle
the apex
the try in
the attempt

It's what happens
Anthony Elias Oct 2018
I thought I was fine, but then I remembered your pretty face

There it is

It flickered through my mind so sharply
Painfully vivid

Before I knew it I was on the floor
So here I am, once again
I lay there helplessly, with only a heavy heart to spare


It is on these same floors that your feet once walked
These floors helped you run into my arms, over and over again - a thousand times over

Your feet graced these floors in the early mornings
Quietly tiptoeing through the kitchen to make us coffee, grabbing my hand and bringing me in for a kiss
Your feet graced these floors in the late evenings too
I can see it now - a glass of white in hand, and that light-wash jean jacket I loved you in

You danced around me in those shoes I liked, you walked towards me and pressed your body against me, I pulled you in closer
Your head nestled in my neck, I felt your heart beat next to mine as we swayed to the music

It is with you and in these moments that I knew love

It was on these now hardened, frigid, hardwood floors that your feet used to walk with mine In tandem, in unison

We walked so confidently, so lovingly; so bold & unabashed

This home was ours, and we waltzed on these floors with earnest hearts and open minds Always inching closer towards a love so big it couldn’t possibly break

And then, without warning, you broke it and you took it all with you
You ******* took me too
And now I am nowhere to be found
I am not in my body - where am I?
I am not in anyone else, not in the arms of another lover - where am I? I can’t find me anywhere

Where am I?

I am here, again, on these floors, lifeless and limp
This house doesn’t belong to you anymore

****, it doesn’t even belong to me

It belongs to these floors and they’ve paralyzed me, chained me down
They force me to stare right at the spot where your feet once stood ground and your eyes stared back at me with love and light

I lay here on these floors with no shadow, no imprint
I am simply a silhouette of my former self
Of when I stared back at you with unreserved love and hope Knowing you felt that same love

But now I lay here on these floors
Unidentifiable, unrecognizable, quiet & cold
My body belongs to these floors, but I am nowhere to be found

Where did I go?
Reclaim the hook you baited before you fell asleep
Left tossing in the waves of my sea
A never ceasing vision calling from the deep
Reclaim it as there will be
No bite from me

There were never any winds to carry your enticement
Or any of your unreserved choices or pleas
Reclaim your hook with the same excitement
You held, when you pictured me
Down upon my knees

Are you roused from your slumber, pulling on your line
You left tossing in the waves of my sea
It appears that your bait contained way too much brine
To ever catch the thirsty
Side of me
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010
Yitkbel Jul 2018
The wild grass lives only for your sight

For your unreserved love and care

For the shadows in your every step

For the light in the black of your eyes

The ripples in the lake live only for your dreams

Your life tumultuous and bare

For the wrinkles in your soul

And the weariness in your countenance

The old dog at the old place live only for your loneliness

For your tears

For your cry in the silence

As it licks away the bitterness in your existence

Yet, you love not them-

They are always there,

Simple, undecorated,

Pebbles to the gold-

But wilder, greater aspirations

With the mountains in your eyes,

You won’t see the dandelions

Will they still be there

Without your sunshine, earth and rain

That showed me my place

And taught me what it is to be alive

With the waves in your eyes

You won’t see the ripples of a single stone

Will they still be there

The seedlings growing within

The fish swimming in between

That showed me I was not empty

As you lit up the world within me

With every being in your eyes

You won’t see the old dog howling in pain

Will it still be there

The life within its loyal eyes

The laughter running free and wild

The shelter, The love, and every breath

That showed me my purpose of being

As you led me down the path I’d never stray

You will not know

You will not see

Yet, I’m certain

When you return

Danced your dance

And weary of pleasing those that will love you

Your beauty, timely, sparingly, and conditionally

They will still be there

Waiting for your return

For, even when you were chasing everything

Because you thought that they had nothing

You were, are, and will always be

Their everything.
(You wouldn’t chase something that would never let you go.)

(So don't worry about something you can never lose)
Forget me when you're happy.
And I will always be there whenever you need.
Sarah Oct 2014
Vulnerability so condescending
lurks in my mind
the mantra it's not good enough
in the darkness will find.

The devil in my heart
pulls me into my head
I keep running away
but I'm running toward him instead

And I'm falling, unreserved
and endlessly away
In lonely depths of hell
Maybe I'll learn to pray.
Oh how I invent myself
you would never know
if you met me my heart
for I am a changeling

If you have ever touched heaven
know that heaven sf Earth bound
and the being you pray to
is that creature, the changeling

It claims no divinity
for it has always been here
unchanging unreserved
and never a liar to the word

Best leave me alone
never try to best me
for I strike like lightning
and smite all in my way
Test me
for I know weakness

I see the lies
that others do not disclose
It's a pity
it's a shame
that those who think clever clever
are those dim witted fools

Do I care .. no no
what is the loss to me
whilst they scratch their *****
I hope they think of me
And wash their Monkey hands

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
brooke Sep 2014
found my old
heart in a candle
from bath and body
works, could you
see me by the closet
hunched over with
my nose inside the
glass, because this
scent takes me
back beneath
the cold seattle
rain, a mist that
never settles and
clammy toes that
never warmed up
a cranberry room
                                         and a life so                            unreserved
without obsession,
I can hardly remember it.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
nish Jul 2018
here i sit
to write a list
of everything i'd ever miss
when you leave

the way you smile
and look at me
completely free

how you chase
your every dream
with confidence
in endless streams

your eyes they shine
with so much passion
happiness or anger
always a depth of distraction

you support all i do
think with me
help me through
you're around
when i'm down and blue

your soul
it holds so much
i wish you knew
how much you're worth

i'll miss your voice
how you say my name
even when you shout it out
its holds but just
a tinge of love

i promise that i'll see you off
i'm happy for what your future holds
but i cannot say i'll be okay

and may i be just so bold
to ask that god entwine our fate
so i can say to your face, "I love you"
till then, stay safe.
dedicated to bbg
D Feb 2017
I haven't written in a while and my pen hand is itching
to get to work and create something forbidden
but without unreserved and raw inspiration
nothing can occur, so it goes without saying
would you mind if I asked you to raise your shirt?
And I would like to tell you that I love you
In a very discreet and silent way
I would like to lie down by your side
During the long hours
Of a hot and sticky summer day

I would love to look into your brilliant eyes
With ecstasy and kindness
And in them I shall see
An infinite ocean of desire
Where ethereal trails of enthusiasm
So eagerly reveal themselves
And burn
Like golden flames of fire

I would like to be with you
Just for one day
When magic and fate shall intertwine
And I shall gladly give in
To the sweet sound of your heartbeat
As it gently pulsates to the music
So beautifully astounding and sublime

For all dreams are accessible
And my thoughts can’t possibly go astray
As I bow my head to reverie
And imagine the unreserved romantic interludes
Of your soft and silent way
Kìùra Kabiri Mar 2017
We will play the piano together
With you sexily seated on my laps
If I be in good moods I will sing-
You the very beautiful sweet song-
The most awesome live performance
Karaoke, you have ever heard
A sweet song from my heart and soul-
My feelings as well as my thoughts
I will let out all unreserved

My fingers flowing with its off-beat tone
And your head and heart node
Obsessively following its lone tone
For to my heart and soul you’ll there belong
And to your mind and thoughts I’ll be strong
The voice matters not as the sincerely let-out words

I will delight in your attentive silence
To my off-beat frogs’ croaks romance
Piercing deep your heart as thoughts and emotions
Rather, the talks than the symphony
Of my sonorous sound’s melody
I will watch you with deep admirations-my perpetual possessions
And I will hold you and your now trickling tears
My doting darling from falling and getting any hurt
I will catch your soul as its moved heart cheers

For I swore-in my arms’ sinews you’ll always swing
In my embraces you’ll always find a home to cling
And in your heart’s soul I will always spring
Within us there will be an ever telepathy, a ring
A buried umbilical cord, our worlds to string

We will bake the beautiful breads together
Dusting playfully and suggestively each other
With its fine flour, white dirt
We will cook the delicious meals together  
My arms around your wealthy waist
Your head’s stem rested on my chest
As your gently hands wifely stirs the steaming ***
My soul humbly humming: blessed he who gets such a material mum

Then we will sit on that set table steaming with delis
To fondly feed each other with the spoils before us
Till full and foolish we will richly rest carelessly
On these soft sofas exhausted and excited
Your body flat over mine stretched protective, carefree

I will feel proud and honoured
When I look at your finger
And on it I be merrily met
By that five-carats diamond glint
I will remember the song of your heart
On that our maiden wedding day
‘Yes, I do my love; I agree to be your forever wife
For better or bitter, for good or rude, for merry or moody
Now and until only, sadly, death does us apart!”

And I’ll shed a tear of joy and glory
On the far we have held unblemished the pure promises
The far the Good Lord us has carried and cared, a blessing!  
And I know you will care to know why your man is shedding a tear
In moments such memorable as this, for you are my woman and I am your man…….

© Kìùra Kabiri. All rights reserved.

— The End —