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Colette May 2014
you to go to him,
you're throwing yourself in danger,
to dream of such dangerous dream,
stop now,
let your heart rest,
my heart shreads to pieces watching you grieve.

you smile to me,
as if nothing had happened,
in reality,
you tremble, wither, scowl away,
come to me,
rest yourself in the arms of mine,
by dawn,
fly to the moon.

a place where we can't be together,
a place where I can't go,
that's okay,
as long as you are safe.

my sad story,
can never be fulfilled in bliss,
but instead,
just this once,

Your wings will get wet
inspired from exo's moonlight.
The stage was  set the little untalented ***** monkeys gathred
like bizzar attention seeking ******  all for the title
of  Hello Poetry's top poet.

But enough with the weird named carbon copy poets
who now **** the charts im just saying im a little bitter.
Lets take a look at the judges you silly little donkeys.

It was a who's who of people who actully were something
that what in the real world we like to call original.
Jack  yes the loveable kinda ******* ****** who deep
down would probaly have more in common with Jack the Ripper
than Lord Byron  im just saying.

Baths  yes the queen of Hello  and i'd  be a smart *** now but im scared she'd hurt me  and not in a good way  not that im into
pain dam you Marv  Albert    i never knew the tijuanna brass were so freaky.

Chris Smith  the poet  the model  the all  around  hansome devil
with a heart of gold  you go girl.

Phil Roberts  the silent  yet  down right evil  arch enemy of
all things  sweet and pure finally off probation and his meds.
Still the restraining  order was in full effect thank God  Barney
that devil worshiping dinosuar was no where in site  and as long as the voices in Phils head were happy we were all safe.

And the man the myth the pervert drunken *******  of Hello.
Just back from his recent vist   to  Shady Pines  resort slash mental
Gonzo  along with his court ordred doctor .
Dr Jerry  Who held many degree's in bartending,Massage therapy with happy endings,And chemistry yes  he was a real busy ******* slash drug fiend okay dealer.
What a girl has her needs.

Sitting at the judges table it was the usal chatter how are you.
Nice ***'s  hey Phil  put down the knife.
Jack  wear did you get that muzzle and straight jacket?
Baths  reminding me she didnt wanna have to use the pepper spray
like at the Hello christmas party.

Gonzo pouring his wild turkey.
Dr Jerry yelling  hey just what do you think your doing?
What are ya drinking by yourself?
Good point  you silly *******  so after four strong drinks
some lines of uhh  sinus powder from Columbia they dont just
make records  to my suprize we were off like lindsy lohan
on a drug I mean  well a drug run.

The first couple of guys read there genitic poems all of which
were like taco bell food.It  pretty much  would either give you food poisening or the ****'s.

Person after person read there poetry the drinks poured
people gave there opinions  Chris well the poem was great just maybe pace it better.

Baths giving another deep comment that was always welcome
that and the contestants outta sheer fear knew not to cross her
cause **** happens after dark around here and the Hello dumpster
is filled with not just bottles of wild turkey yeah remember Drew?

Jack gave a long muffled  comment  that must have surely been brillant someone should really remove that dam muzzle.

Phil  goddamed dinosuar  i'll teach him for playing hard to get.
oh yeah he'll like it he'll like it real good  oh look
a puppy dog.

Okay kinda weird  but well yeah.

Then the  attention turned to the attention grabing little *****
of Hello  no not  Gary ****** man.
the only G that matters beside's spot  Gonzo.

Well I think you need to lean more into the microphone  when you
read  and um well to relax  show more clevage.
And may I say if that was a samba   it totally ******
1 star.

The room and other judges must have been amazed by my depth
for they were all silent.
Dr Jerry aplauded  dam he really knew how to fill out that cheerleading outfit   we really needed to take a fishing trip im just saying
male bounding is okay sometimes  just ask Phil.

The people kept rolling in i slept through most of the mens readings
the women  because im a gentleman  and a scholar I had DR Jerry give my card  cause if Ican help inspire and guide maybe cuddle  fresh hot
young poets im all for it   I know what your saying yes I am  
giving back to the Hello community and not just STD's and hangovers.

But enough with the foreplay  finally  with the tension built up
like little catholic school girls waiting for there savior Justin Bieber to make a appearence   it was time.

Who was Hello's top new poet.
The short little **** *******  slash  napoleon of hello walked to the mic.
And after several  attempts at reaching it  one of his many  
assistants slash  friends with benfits of staying on the charts forever
assumed the possition.
So he could stand on there back and talk in the mic.
Get your mind outta the gutter.

The winner is  for there poem the Gentic.
There began a rumble beside me ******  Dr Jerry
stop jerking off were public man.

But it wasnt my dealer I mean doctor .
It was My fashion forward amigo Jack.
The rumbling continued slowley the straps began to snap
as his color changed to red once would have been to green
if not for copyright infrigement dam you king kong.

The red devil burst from his restraints  like a  stripper off
a four week ******* binge let loose  at Macdonalds.
tables flew  clothes were ripped.
Bathe's yelled  at the top of her lungs  look ****** I have a tazer
so if you try to cop a feel i'll use it.
Must have been talking to Phil or Chris.

I knew what to do  in this chaos i quickly ran with the special talent of Hello  to my dressing room  DR Jerry  emergency bring  wild turkey duct tape  a video camera  a inflatable swimming pool  some jello mix and  a Kenny G  cd  and some roofies .
Im kidding  I never listen to Kenny G.

The screams were that of a german shapard ripping a smurf to shreads.
Help me  plaese  mommy I almost felt sorry for Eliot.
But i did what a true gentleman slash long winded journalist does in these time's. Sat back with some cocktails and enjoyed some jello
wrestling  opps  I think  the tickle monster is loose.

Me first  me first  ******  Phil  well if it keeps the voices at bay
why the **** not.
We laughed we danced  Jack Horner  bathed in Eliots blood.
While Chris said please  stop including me in these ****** stories
While Baths  kept her tazer in hand  and dry white wine in the other.
Much like  a bad habbit I grow on you.
Jack looked at me as old brothers in shared insanity often do.
Hey Gonzo  when ya  gonna end this one mate?
Hey amigo  as soon as ya get that  *** on stage and close the show
with a lady gaga  preformance.

The *****, the *******,  the Brits,And Gonzo,
With his doctor slash roadie slash personal man servant bartender
who could ask for anything more than a purple dinosaur's head on a platter but enough about Phil.

Untill next time Stay Crazy  Kids.
Im back *******   and  back to being a true gentleman of Hello.
Okay more like the lovable **** slash drunken perve you all love
okay tolerate cheers
Dinodust Oct 2018
I’m tired




I’m tired of over thinking

I’m tired

I’m tired of it all

I’m tired of her

I’m tired of him

I’m tired of this feeling

Deep inside my chest

That makes me want to rip everything out

Tear me to shreads

But I can’t do that

I can’t have another 11 a.m. kitchen sink surgery

I’m tired of crying

Tired of feeling guilty

Tired of feeling unloved

Tired of forcing myself to eat

Tired of shaking

Tired of feeling empty

Tired of being numb

I’m tired.

I’m tired of always sleeping

I’m tired of forcing myself to do things

I’m tired of wanting to be liked

I’m tired of hating my body

I’m tired

I’m tired
Syddy Raye Mar 2014
Contemplating suicidal thoughts
Making plans
Setting locations
Not caring what happens
Words that ran through my head
A broken record of past events
Events that killed me inside
Ripped me to shreads
Discarded my carcass
And left me
Remembering last words of those who hate me
Words that haugnt my thoughts
Stalk my actions
Break my soul
People who caused me so much misery
Can rest easy now
Free of a burden
Free of me
A light shines through
My thoughts soften
My actions cease
I hold my head up
My heart pounds
I felt the warmth
I stand strong
Feel my saddness melt
My emotions concentrate on one thing
people who do care
I'm not alone
I never was
I have people who care
When I break
When I cry
When I fall
They soothe me
Pick me up
Make me believe I will be alright
People who love me
Want me here
Need me here
Friends who would miss me
Cry when I left
Die when I was gone
Family who loves me
Cares for me
Won't let me go
I stand
Letting go
Letting go of my enimies
Of their hate
Their problems
I stand
Proud of myself
Alive and well
I wrote this on the verge of leaving my heavy depressive state.
Dripped in blood,he stalks

Hear the unholy howling

Within the fullest moon, he walks

One bite will be a curse

Young maiden, he tears her to shreads

Her entrails are shrewn across the ground

More victims decapitated, missing heads

Torn from their torso by supernatural strength

By day, you will never find him turned into man

By the full moon, it is the night of the beast

A demon, a creature causing chaos with all he can

Death and horror are now his feeding grounds

Joins in a pack with those of his own kind

Hunters come and shoot with bullets of pure silver

Spreading the curse with poor souls they find

Only one escape from this wicked life is only death
Onyx Aug 2018
Can it be just love that tears our paper thin heart apart?
Can’t it be sorrow, or despair of mistreatment too that shreads the delicate *****?
Can’t you see that demeaning probes and hineous accusations
are like fatal scabs that slowly halt the battered heart?

Must we be so inconsiderate with words and actions
thinking that the heart is only for romance
when Love encompasses a tantamount of relations of all spectrums.
Nay, this heart of ours
be it of gold if it were of a loving disposition,
be it of paper of the ones disappointment by Life,
be it of stone of those embittered by the harshness of Reality,
it beats and feels the emotions thrown upon it.

Intolerance kills the weak minded and destroys the barely stable;
it agonises the strong willed and is pitiful of those who display it.

Profanity and abuse are signs of the ones not wanting to give strength
rather to ****** the flickering flame of hope that had been stubbed within them.

Patience and compassion
are the signs of strength my dear
do not weep upon thy transgressor
but weep for your wounded heart
and when you’re done
seek strength by giving some in those equally damaged
and you’ll see the once dimmed light of your Life shine bright once more
don’t give way to hate
but love unconditionally
whether its a lover or a brother
love heals
violence does not.
For those who suffer, despair and thrive in their wounds a little encouragement though my words may not suffice I hope it may warm the saddened hearts to chin up and be brave; not everything is wrong and horrible, there is still some good left, cherish what’s around and reach out for the good that’s to come least it may pass by.
There is no understandin' for Crazy Makin'
                It just is, what it is, what it is...
There is no formula to fix things so broke
                It just is, what it is, what it is...

There are no words to express,
when the shootin' starts and your the target.
All you can do is take cover and hope your
ear drums don't pop.
When you become the focus of all
disappointment and anger...
No way to rest in that.
No way to heal there. 
No way to breath comfortably any more...

Where do we find the strength to escape.
Put our blown up parts back together again.
What if we are too ****** and damaged
to connect the pieces.
How do you mend a heart ripped to shreads
I ask this....

What then,
What then... Cuz,
               It just is what it is what it is....

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Crazy Makin'
There is no understandin' for Crazy Makin'
                It just is, what it is, what it is...
There is no formula to fix things so broke
                It just is, what it is, what it is...

There are no words to express,
when the shootin' starts and your the target.
All you can do is take cover and hope your
ear drums don't pop.
When you become the focus of all
disappointment and anger...
No way to rest in that.
No way to heal there.  
No way to breath comfortably any more...

Where do we find the strength to escape.
Put our blown up parts back together again.
What if we are too ****** and damaged
to connect the pieces.
How do you mend a heart ripped to shreads

I ask this....
What then,
What then... Cuz,
               It just is what it is what it is....

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
kfaye Oct 2016
sebum heart
you are more than the cells rotting in your
.than the hive mind of bacteria in your gut telling you to rip the
place to shreads

my love traces over
in shoals of sticky wet erasure
Dani Huffman Jan 2013
Tear me out, strip
me down;
I am nothing.
Destroy my heart,
rip it to
I deserve it.
I'm not good
enough for love
that treats you right,
or warm callused
hands late at night.
I won't be
skinny or gorgeous
because I'm not meant
to be,
no matter how much I
wish the fat away.
Skin me raw, hang
me out to dry,
watch me rot like I
should have long ago.
Pain is the only
thing I've ever earned,
thus the only
life I'll ever deserve.
Aubrey Aug 2014
Barely money to pay the rent
grocery money's spent
no car, holes in my shoes
***** socks, single cigarette blues
and my only request
my only desire
is for a ******* stereo to set my ears on fire
An admitted "noise-aholic"
an open "quiet-aphobic"
I want to tear my neighbors peace to shreads
and clear the chaos in my head
let me be beaten black and blue
by those brutally angelic tunes
let me blot out all existence
let me shout out my penance
under that blanket of deafening lyrics
let me blot out the world with music
Maddii Lloyd Jun 2016
you cant keep shutting me out,
especially when your causing
pain to yourself.
it tears me to shreads, knowing
one day you may never wake
from the ongoing nightmare
you call life.
but i want to help you,
i need to help you because
we can all make it through
our nightmare.
Wangui Oct 2018
The tables have been turned and all my kitchen wear on the floor.. I was holding my shoe in my hand I could not believe that someone had **** near broke everything in my house.  The tv was gone and they ripped my seats to shreads. I don't know what they were looking for but i'll tell you something for sure it wasn't the cushions. Even in that moment the loss i was experiencing without couldn't match the one within.

I miss her, i do.... My dearest Yuri. The one who woke me up at night in dramatic cries and seemed sort of angry that she wasn't swimmjng in my womb anymore. The one who seemes to enjoy crapping herself and make me clean the mess up.  The one who looked at me and in those seconds of locking eyes we knew we were meant for each other. Ooooh Baby...

What worse could those thieves do to me.  Haven't i seen it all.. Death was the biggest and most hurtful of all the *******!!!  Taking the life out of me.... Without a care of how he would leave me. Death is like a man who takes and takes and never gives. Always wanting you to be the victim... Hell even hell wants you to survive the fire today so you could burn some more tomorrow.

Now the women look at me like a failure.. A woman who couldn't keep a crying baby alive.... And what could I have done?  If i could breathe her my own life I could. Without a second to spare. I would trade it.  She was dying and I could not do a thing to help. How useless can mortality be? What is the purpose of life if you cannot live with those you truly care for. She chocked. She was suckking to much.. I was sleeping. I was tired and I lost myself for a second... But a second is what it took for the passerby to grab her.

Uugh blood.... Cut from the glasses on the floor. Honestly did they have to make such a mess... How hard is it to not break stuff. Do clean job.. My God... Proffesional thieves need to come back in town. I mean there was no one in the house... They even broke my special flask... Hell, my only heart was broken and am still walking like a 'normal' person.

Yuri... My sweet Yuri.. Sometimes I see you everyhwere.  My mother comes every other day to check up on me... She says she has to.  I don't have to go through this on my own.. But why does it feel like i am.  I feel like the air has changed it chokes now . I feel like the spaces are cornering me. Like am walking round in circles. The Exodus!  

Cleaning up my house helps. I don't need the police at this point... What more can they do anyway?  All my glasses are broken not to mention my seats and my tables. They even threw my cooking *** on the floor! Honestly were they trying to hurt me. Tough luck someone beat them to it. I don't need the police bringing in pieces of me that I want to leave behind.

Yes cleaning helps.... Maybe one day I will clean up my closet or what is left of it anyway. But right now am ready to leave the memories and the nightmares.  Maybe i can make peace.
Karijinbba Jul 2019
As in time machine
that Old "Moon that Old Hill"
"A woman's hand a lovers heart"
tis Deja-Vu entrapment
here in heart in mind
in pristine awareness
sparkling bubbling I
in mirror cursed replaced
or just a memory of old
revered moon me in ancient
lovers eye or scorned
delighting in memory writ
this poem new as I to shreads can turn in poems depicted script
tis inspired delight
bitter sweet in "hill and moon"
"Blast in fireworks" hearts
ashes of stardum dust
eons past yet here
in poetry's diamond ghost
in liquid gold inked
prespiring ****** sweat
O bittersweet
covert metaphor a lover's treasured ransomed memory
immortal love and I
beguiled in mirror glass
and all entrapped
By: Karijinbba
Inspired by TSpoetry
Many of poems read are DeJA-VU
to me as if I myself had writ
its phonomenon agreeable things
not sought for, its serendipity
Rachael Judd May 2015
I never gave you an answer on why you should stay,
I just gave you questions that made you walk away
Its hard find a new road to travel down,
When all these roads lead to the same place
The home of where i last saw your pretty face
You could say i miss you, but that might be a lie
This medication makes memories fuzzy
And sometimes i cant even remember you name
People say you had me at hello
But im starting to think i only loved you when you said goodbye
When you weren't mine the world crumbled ontop of me,
Left me suffocating
Sometimes i think i hate you and every memory you put in my head turned to dust the day you left
But people change and when i think of you, your face isn't your face, and your somebody new
You gave me a candle for my birthday,
That i used to burn everyday
It was wrapped in glass that made the candle last.
After we said our goodbyes
I drove for hours with the candle in my passenger seat, staring at it between the headlights shining through my window.
After crossing a bridge with mountians reaching the clouds I threw it.
With all my might, and in the faint distance i heard a shatter
But maybe that was just my heart.
You have me a package with your handwriting on it, you told me not to laugh at your chicken scratch.
I tore it to shreads and left it to the flames.
Watching it burn.
vivalagaygirl Jul 2013
Three years ago, we met at a place in town.
I was shy, lost, and waiting to be found.
I gave you my whole heart,
But you threw it out to sea.
As the rough waves crashed into me
And what we were supposed to be.
I let my guard down, to let you in.
And you brightened my life, made my head spin.
We broke down barriers, disregarded the rules.
And we made sure that neither of us looked like fools.
You gave your heart to some other guy,
And pursued it since you thought you were sly.
But as the rumors spread, and became more clear,
The girl I held so close to me, wasnt so dear.
I began putting the pieces together to solve this crime,
and your ******* love ran out of time.
I clasped my fists, drove them into walls.
Determined to drain my sorrows with alcohol.
Scream until my throat screached,
Prayed on my knees to what the pastor preached.
Lost my mind, gain more fears.
Lost so much hope, as they fell like tears.
I never knew that one section of my life would be so consumed
With thoughts of negative actions, as I lay in my room.
And as I finally said goodbye, and lost all feeling.
You fished for me back, and kept the cast reeling.
I was 17, naive and stupid.
And little old me, thought I was struck by cupid.
You took my heart, and pounded it into shreads.
And when I wanted a simple explanation, you fled.
Who know something so simple would be such a chore?
Especially from someone you used to adore.
But now I'm on my own two feet, ready to see.
The future that's so bright, wild and free.
I don't need you, and your lies.
Actually, youre someone I grew to despise.
And here I am writing on this paper,
That i'm finally fine, never doing better.
Three years ago, we met at a place in town,
And I thank God everyday that you're not around.
A R P Mar 2012
Day 1: You say I'm pretty
You say I'm worth the world
Day 2: You give me your heart
I'm now you world.
I try to give you everything
Day 3: Our relationship is at it's peak
The one heart we share
Never heard a creak
Day 4: It started going down-hill now
You tell me that I'm amazing,
You tell me that you need to climb higher
To find the right one
Day 5: It's over now; your heart's with you
Still together, mine in shreads
A heart that was one
Now is two
Because of you

*Our five days of love are those to remember, those to love share. To laugh or to cry in the future.
Don't be sad that it's over. Just remember this. You're present ended because it's time for the future.
You're past doesn't matter, just look straight forward. Just remember the good of your past
mads Jan 2012
I'd tear everything apart
Just for you.

My heart,
My soul,
My sanity,
My body,
My kingdom.

I'd rip it all to shreads
Just for you.
Diction Oct 2018
I've lost all the love in my life an now theres only me and this knife\
With only their misery im left\
Buried deep in my chest while around me is nothing but a mess\
******* up and torn into tiny little shreads I'm hanging on only by the lies running through my head\
Promising truth in the happiness we pretend isn't dead\
So we're dreaming of better days in these memories of a yesterday\
When the pain was still just a hollow stain resting on this bleeding vain\
Watching the smiles that once came despite what's trapped deep in my brain\
Ready to rip it self apart from this love that's kept it detained\
Why my love I'm missing as each day a price is paid\
It's what distracts me from my rain always feeling wet with a look of disdain\
As it's come to be the only thing Im able to taste when looking for hope behind the now blank face\
Waiting for something to fill in it's empty space since losing this love has me feeling out of place\
Disconnected an resented\
We're not meant to meet forever to be kept separate\
So I'm the person that's never to become accepted\
The reason I'm always upset an feeling unrested\
In order for others to be protected I agreed to the lost of my love and departed\
Lovesick I'm now painted\
Sam Lauzon Jan 2014
I love you
Three tiny words that mean so much
I love you
They are for family, friends, partners, and pets
I love you
Is the thing that can give you a big smile
I love you
Can tear you to shreads
Kimberley Leiser Nov 2015
tangles its coiled
tail choking my neck
hissing and spitting
blood from

Cutting my skin
into shreads of
icy shards:

I can taste that
steaming sour breath
that heats up the air
breathing out death

the words that remain
of a traitor, a liar
Rachael Judd Jan 2015
I can feel the words coming out of my mouth grasping towards freedom, but my mouth is open letting the words free and no sound will come out.
Its as if i am so afraid, i cant even voice my opinion. I cant even tell you how i feel. I am so terrified of the reaction i would recieve that i cant even talk to you. I might throw up, my hands are trembling with anticipation.
Then it happens, the words spew out of my mouth dropping like bombs and all i hear is a ringing noise from an explosion.
I cant even stand to look at you, knowing that when i do, your eyes will touch mine for a split second and shame me for what i have done. That dissapointed look will tear me to shreads.
I want you to know that i am sorry. But what's done is done, and nothing can be undone, you cant change life even of you wanted. You cant snap your fingers or wave a magic wand and everything be gone in the blink of an eye. So we should learn to deal with our mistakes.
Because our mistakes make us who we are, even if we dont realize that today, we will someday. They dont define us as a person, but they make us who we are because we learn from them, we change.
Thats all life is, full of mistakes.
Live with it,
Because i will live with mine.
L Seagull May 2017
The boy who cried wolf
No begged for one to appear
Dangerous and disgusting
With eyes that cut through the night
With teeth bloodthirsty
Rip his clothes and skin to shreads
Reminding the boy
Of everything he wished to forget
Oh dear wolf
Prove that I can be your worthy victim
Share this life with me
And swallow the punishment
At the end of my riffle
So I can be legitimately
familiar patterns feel comfortable even if traumatic, so we recreate them all the time
Tardigrade Mar 2016
I hear your
Silent screams,
Internal cries.
They rip me to shreads
And I don't know why.
I've been here for months
Trying to help
But you reject my attempts
And continue to yelp.
Why won't you let me save you from yourself?

Written by: Mario Vitale
We all walk on a loose line that leads to debris


Etched in the fabrication through the elapse in time,
The Lilley of the valley the bright & morning star/

The illumination in time through degrees of solace
A hand extends through the cosmic debris in circumstantial evidence;

Just to touch the very hem of his garment
Just to hear to pitter patter of soft sandeled feet...

A myraid chasm through a gulf fix in sight;

We all fall short in the midst of violation...
Having planted our seeds in its timely proclamation
A side was pierced for sorrow to be gained;
In times of want their is a clear change

In the violation of the innocent proned to bitter chains..

The hand to hold as you are told until the rights to you are sold;

Jesus in the garden pearls of sweat fallen down
Jesus in my heart while painting the town
Jesus after the rise in certain days to see
Jesus in the formidable way making sweet history
Jesus helping neighbor or the hero in disguise;
Jesus offering breakfast to his followers in disguise
Jesus who will pray in the tender hours of need
Jesus is in you & also in me!


With days in thought & delicate prayer with humble quest
A rest in view to its timely crest;
We each our given a choice regarding heaven & hell
Yet Jesus is the perfect gentleman who doesn't force himself on anyone

Through briars, asps & serpents layer...
We all were born into the world & given a choice?
Repent for the days our cursed;
Don't live your lives in a fishbowl circling around year after year choose the fear
In sorrows quest the follow draws near in desolation filtered through a straw
A sore vex sway to take the time to bow the knee to pray
Some may even insist it ought not be that way yet who are they?

The liberal makes his or her heart fat on the worldly vices with false choices;

Through ages past as Abraham had grasped & Moses was exposed
We watched on as you were ripped to shreads;
Your tender touch through eraser heads
In vile repute hence the opened door to explore...
Yet the past is the past & now is now
A heart saturated with truth thus in order to withstand the truest test in time
Elapsed fervor,

Bood soaked messenger exposed to the elements;
Come into my heart I know I'm a sinner
I ask you to be my Lord & savior;
In Jesus name I pray,

Now choose to celebrate your commitment with other believers in the fellowship;
Embrace the cross.
Offer an invitation to come to a relationship with Jesus.
Bea Mecum Sep 2018
Deep inside I am crying
Everything around me is dieing
Please excuse this mess I'm in
Ripping myself to shreads again
Eternity in this emptiness
Sinking in this black abyss
Shaking till I fall apart
Isolation grips my heart
Opression of my every joy
Nothing left to destroy
With love, I send you this beautiful rose red.

Also take the cuddly teddy I sent you, to bed.

Love me using your heart not your head.

With harshness on my tender emotions, please do not tread.

Or my tender loving heart will break into shreads.

Keep it intact, feed it with tender loving care

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Puds Feb 2020
Through The Leaves
The Sun Allows
Golden Shreads Across
Her Boughs
While Around Her Roots
Where Nectar Reigns
There's Jam On Tap
From Marmalade Veins
Oh mornings I actually dread
With worries, fills my head.
On my tender heart, every day he treads.

Starts picking up faults, big n small
He says, I am filled with them all.
Continuous bickering, sarcasm I get them all.

Dreamt I, of love n laughter; fun n frolic
But get I,  an emotional  mental Colic.
To bear the brunt, his frustration, I am a living relic

That's the reason, now mornings I dread.
Of them, I am mortally scared.
Tears me he emotionally to shreads.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
kfaye Sep 2023
sebum heart
you are more than the cells rotting in your
.than the hive mind of bacteria in your gut
telling you to rip the
place to shreads

in shoals of sticky wet erasure

— The End —