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Whyever can nobody spell anymore?
It's starting to cause me concern:
For as long as I wait,
                                   as far as I go,
It's the one thing that no one has learned.

How can it be that the grammar
Of the world is on sharp decline?
The words that they say,
                                          the sentences short
Grind sensitive ears and mind.

I know that I slip into lapses, too
Where I no longer care for perfection;
I say "runned" and use "i"
                                           where a capital would stand
Though no one's around for correction.
Yeah, whyever's a word, look it up.
ClawedBeauty101 Nov 2017
Was Yesterday A Dream?

Because I can't seem to relive it again

Was Yesterday A Dream?

Because I felt like I just woke up. Give me a hand to lend.

Was Yesterday A Dream?

Because I have never felt every cell in my body shake like it would burst from existence

Was Yesterday A Dream?*

Because I can still hear My Lord's voice talking to me in the distance

Was Yesterday A Dream?

Because I kept on looking up to Heaven and asked "Why?"

Was Yesterday A Dream?

Because for a split second, I believed I could fly

Was Yesterday A Dream?

Because my eyes could not look away, they were out of my control

Was Yesterday A Dream?

Because I felt my Heart and Life began to unfold

Was Yesterday a Dream?

Because a Trio of disbelief slammed me into a pool of reality.

Was Yesterday A Dream?

Because Number 1 returned home in the land of fantasy

Was Yesterday A Dream?

Because Number 2 settled the questions of emotions in the mind

Was Yesterday A Dream?

Because Number 3 surrendered everything to the Lord with all his life

Was Yesterday A Dream?

Because I feel like my body was just released from a shot wave of sleep.


Because what I experienced, what I saw, what I heard, I still can't believe

Was Yesterday A Dream?

No... No it was not, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday was not a dream...

Only Unrealistic mind blowing events that I least expected to happen it seems...

Was Yesterday A Dream?

No.. Gosh... I need a recovery of sleep... My mind is runned down,, My Heart is in an ache, and My Soul is in a stir

Good Night Everyone...
Dear Lord.... Grant me wisdom for the Trio of events, for these three things I did not expect to occur...

November 14 - 16, 2017.
I saw a cat runned over by a car call it a roadkill;
It seems that the driver enjoyed it came back a bit just to feel
The pain the poor cat is suffering,twitching as it gasp for air to breathe;
Even knowing that life will never come back still curious till' the cat's heart stop to beat.

So I came to think and ponder a bit while walking my way to work;
While still ****** and keep saying to myself that driver is a total ****!
He could have let the cat pass! Not pacing up for a merciless ****;
With a smirk to an evil grin while pretending he's sorry after quenching his thrill.

And so I told myself what if the devil was a lie and God do not exist?
So could this evilness that surrounds us is worst without judgment? Will it ever be cease?
With a mind worst than the so called devil himself sitting on a throne ruling the entire land;
Without a soul to be tormented waging wars giving orders! Fierce like a beast with an iron hand.

The world will never rest and keeps spinning as bloodshed and chaos revolves around;
If goodness is only meant to be for the weakest heart then what's the point of love being unbound?
I had enough of this thoughts so I'm just going to continue living for what it is there for me tomorrow;
I kept holding onto my faith that there is a God that keeps saving us and relieves our pain and sorrow.
ShininGale Apr 2021
I dreamed today, before doing my devotion.
I was fighting with other people that turns out to be monsters, I was with my friend. Half way through the path where we were running, my friend was suddenly stuck in the middle of the way. Monsters surrounded her and she was helpless, for some reason I manage to get through as if the monsters are not anymore interested in me. Their skin touches mine but I don't feel strangled at all, a little suffocated, yes! but still I couldn't explain why I was closer to the exit.

I could never go and leave my friend behind, so I came back. I saw here in the darkness with a spotlight pointed at her, she was covering her ears and her head was tilted down just like a kid afraid of the dark. Held her arm while running, we runned as fast as we can. Do you know how we manage to get out? I just started shouting prayers and calling His name! I was even surprised when I woke up I felt safe because we manage to escape because of Him, surprised because I did not curse on those monster but just called His name.

The last thing I remember in my dream, was a kid. We were trying to escape and suddenly help came, humans, there was some guys and few people who came to tell us that there's a ride waiting for us. And suddenly, the real reason why we are running was because of a lady who I feel like I know but haven't seen clearly...the kid was her child. The child was a boy but he was beautiful and his eyes are as if speaking to me, my friend called me and shouted "Let's go! We can escape now!" But before I did run, I kneeled in front of the kid and continuously hug him after every message I say. I remember the kid crying and kept silent, but his eyes are telling me not to go. I felt like we are related and that I love her mom and she felt like a sister or friend to me. I can feel her watching us from afar but she's not chasing me anymore.

This is what I told the kid.
"Tell your mom we love her, but we have to go now!",
"Please grow up as a good man!" and while sobbing I said,
"You have a good heart, you're a good man, because you have a good God! stay that way!".

I don't know but it might be confusing to other people, but I think I was saying the a good person or a man is good because He has God in his/her life.

I ended up nothing getting into the ride, I woke up. But I felt comfort because I know I can be better and be a good person if I allow myself to be used by Him. And then I did my devotion, the title was "enjoying beauty", the content was "God's perfect time".

I wanted to share more!
The dream was real, it was around 11pm-12am of April 27, 2021.

I'm sorry if someone might get offended of my story, I don't wanna offend no one. Not a poetry, just a story. But I will try my best to create good poetries and nice stories. I am now delighted by the idea of testify a lot of things, I just want to share what I am enjoying right now.

To everyone, fear not for you are not alone! I know that now for sure :>
Afrodita Nestor Jul 2016
I stumbled over a perfect dream
As the moonlight made me feel
Like I was the only one
She wants to give a smile
And whisper in my ear
Tonight you are only mine

As an empty page to be filled
With sweetest stories and some dreams
I runned into the world
With the heart sawn onto my sleeve
Forgetting about the wounds
That made me feel so weak

Into seedless grape I changed that day
Not by wish but by my faith
Kissing with the rain
Smiling to the moon
Dancing with my soul
I never thought I would

I stumbled over a perfect dream
As the moonlight made me feel
Like I was the only one
He wants to give a smile
And whisper in my ear
Tonight you are only mine

This dream I never thought I had
Made me feel like seedless grape
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
society tries to label me
mallet me, with no jurry
peers pressure me, but when face with thier problems , scurry in a hurry, to avoid the face that truly knows them.

People aviod me, yet call me out,
but if they lived in my head they would know whos pain can make a fist clentch with regret and eyes roll in disrespect,
my sanity is runned by the bottle,
i try to stay calm, but i just press forward to later look back and shout
my regards to all that was never part of my scars but should  been because my life lessons are just that hard.

Love is ****, but easily replaced, friends come and go, but what you said to those in the bottom will be remembered, words in the air you cant erase.

I learn to trust myself, love myself, fear myself,
cause only  i can build and destroy.
Bowedbranches Jul 2017
Squeezing out water droplets
Just before bed
I'm reminded of what I miss
The definition of what I called "freind"
Was changed eternally

I ran out of work manic,
Raced to the tatoo shop
And got what I had wanted for so long
A fish fossil right there on my forearm
Coverings for angry cuts
I went home and cleaned it, runned it down with lotion
And I'm reminded of this familiar sting

Flashbacks hit
And I was 14 again
Sitting on the porch with you nursing my wounds
My arms were swollen and sore
Sliced from top to bottom
And you were the only soul I told
You wrapped me up in bandages
And showed me yours
You said "see we're both ******* up!"

8 years later I lie on a mattress in a living room floor
Punched in the gut by the thought of you
And how you could take your own life also took my best freind

Emptiness has this warm subtle sting and I'd rather feel pain than nothing
But it's not self destruction anymore, it's therapy

And it makes me feel close to you.
This one isn't necessarily my style but I'm trying this honesty thing where I feel something intensely then write it down no editing, no working ******* it just getting it out of my head and onto the page.
Vanessa Gatley Jan 2016
Sometimes it takes time
For me to find a word
That describes you
Most times ur facing down
When you smile you become vertical
Or when excited
Diagonal when you lose your way
Into a new path without me
As I end the search
You have already runned away
Fading to the hell
Truly I got comfortability.
I was looking for a heart to love I got it.
I runned through miles
Shouting the word with 4 letters.
My voice was deep and emotional.
Thinking I am nothing but a loser.

All neighborhood were laughing at me.
Saying he is a monk .
He is scared.
He is a bachelor .
He can't start a  family.

But he change the negativity into activity.
Now I got one to love .
One to share with.
One to make no regrets with.
She is the one who give the comfortable heart and the one who I will lean by her
No more tears, because you don't care no more.  Once you use to worry about every little thing he does but now your like i dont f**cking care. What you use to feel and the feeling you use to embrace and liked in the past has faded away between it, s journey to the future. Time do have a way in the way everything works. Time makes you realize and sometimes regret what you can''t change.  Love was once there but i guess....... It has runned its coarse.
How can You?
How can you think of leaving me.
How can you Feel yourself distancing?
How can you feel Unattended.
How can you feel loss of connection
How can ask if I still like you?
Accuse me of wanting Another ?..
I just don’t understand why you would feel I’m pushing you away and at verge of leaving me ?
How can the thoughts of breaking up with me cross you mind?
Complain that I have many issues.
Be upset that I’m difficult and don’t believe you ?
I just don’t get it . I can’t believe you actually question Yourself If 1.your better with out me or 2. You feel I’m taking to someone Els.
This is Just crazy .
It’s So disappointing how your placing yourself in that position .
Whenever You Feel That way ,
Please promise all the b.s You put me through. All the tears that runned Down my face. Abused drugs to forget and attempted suicide because my heart couldn’t take the pain.
YET The Betrayal Still continued.
You Still lie, hide And Are unfaithful.
How can you ?
Compare The pain you caused to The love & attention I gave you.
Never Did you Wrong.
Your in denial of how ****** Up your actions really are
When I looked at the amazing night sky,
I promised myself to not to cry
I slipped back to my stories,
where once my childhood stays
memories once locked, unlocked cause of the sight
sitting at doorstep on my mother's lap,
never runned out of stories even if water doesn't from the tap
Immersed in her stories,never knowed the food which had
too much salt
now I'm craving for her stories which was once came into halt
reminiscing those old good stories of her,
I wish,I could become a child again...
MrRain Jun 2018
dark days don't die in his sinning soul...
fearless guy, wearing the tie he stole...
yes, his heart is cold, but his hands are golden...
yes, his days are sold, for all near pond can hold in...

you turn your life into a thriller, who do you want to avenge?
are you just a ******-killer? or do you really solely seek revenge?
Xiasheng Mafian?

with black suit and steps like Drums....
hHe's on his route, and here he comes...

from ashes of deadly rain...
gunpowder flashes behind hidden pain...
eyes burn behind his cynic smile...
tides may turn, but stays the bile...
my Xiasheng Mafian....

lost child filled with dread, only survivour of the affair...
karma might be dead, but she's still so unfair...

kid, drop your toy, the wolf is big and bad...
innocent boy, who just lost his dad...

single bullet made man mute, now he'll never see the sun....
you sure can shoot, but can YOU run?
Xiasheng Mafian?

you had your revenge now. his corpse is hid in faeces...
but do you still remember how? to pick up the pieces?
to escape The consequences, of your killing syndrome?
will you find your finest sences, and go back home?

remember what the man said, before his blood stopped to seethe?
well sometimes we ARE already dead, even before we seize to breathe...
remember that Xiasheng Mafian...

and here she comes! the crimson lady, made from sharpest blades....
eco of her voice turns vision shady, while hope silently fades....
she wants the killer of her brother, of the man who killed your wife!
now she wishes nothing other, than to take your ****** life!

but have no fear my frantic friend, as you only live to fight....
do you feel the smell of upcoming end? Closer Comes the Claret light!
for you my Xiasheng Mafian....

soon soon soon! gunfire behind your doors!
Close Comes the noon! one of the bullets is yours!
her men surrounded your mansion, and she comes in!
even MY Lungs stop their expansion! when your time runned thin....
she freed you from the voice, running through your head....
the sound of your wifes rejoice, once lost in all the red....

my poor Xiasheng Mafian....

burried withouth a stone, in his own graveyard of thick water....
where neither dead moan, for this despicable rotter....
this gentleman and great husband, who wanted to pour blood....
to take the killers life, for which he lays in mud....

were you the hero, do you rest in heaven? or were you the villain, who burns in hell?
your lucky number might be Seven! but only Four times rings the bell...
my Xiashen Mafian...

your infamous name fades into the void of vain...
your flame burned out, while god danced in rain...

and on the shore of pond holding your body...
absent of sore, dressed utterly gaudy...
with his croaking rife Raven sings in black...
"look! life for life! the cost of payback!
you used to laugh! but wheRe is now youR bReath?
do you see the dove? deaR don deah!"

do you.. my husband mafian?
If you are interested, I've got a little challenge for you: Figure out what age did the guy die. It's all there, hidden in rather obvious way. ^^
All I Want is to Succeed.
Not in my education
In building a career
Owning a car & living in rich hills.
All I Want is to succeed .
My Plans for the future
Are not Living lavishly
But to succeed
In Overcoming my fears.
Stepping out of depression
Stepping out of my addiction
Stepping out of my relationship .
I want to succeed to move on
From the past. & my present .
That is my goal
To move on from unhappiness
To leave it all.
Start fresh With nothing that will press me down .
I love sleeping now
To dream of a life
That can’t happen now
The one I love
Just won’t be the one
I thought I’d live long with .
It hurts , but I’ve been hurt .
Tears have runned down
More frequently.
I’m tired
Of constantly hating
I want to be restarted
I want to get away from my pain
That’s roaming in my veins
The Hurt he’s caused
The memories he’s Scarred
I want a new life style
So where are the drugs ?
I’ve been Running long .
marathons where no matter how fast I runned? how much Effort I put in ? For none of it to ever be seen. Wether I gave my all & pushed further to doing Better than my best?
I exceeded my strength & held strong for occasions that would have been real reasons to
drop it all.

So where are the drugs?
It doesn’t matter anymore .
Drug addiction is not happiness.
Some don’t believe it’s a disease?
That’s a shame..
No dope fein is happy
No drug addict loves there habit.
Once Addicted , all feelings are changed. Your high is far different from that other person who’s consuming for the party.
To enjoy & Have fun.
Addicts are miserable.

Where are the drugs ?
My struggle is always Twisted around. I’m always doubted.
Always looked at wrong .
My savior ended up being my destroyer.
Left me 4 dead a thousand times .
Why so many ?
I should have been left huh?
I loved him .
Loved .

Anaclet Msafiri Oct 2020
They were a family sitting
And one of them was I,
I still can't forget what they were talking
And how the breeze passed by,

Then suddenly the gun sound cried
And everyone were separated
One of the mother left her child behind!
And runned for her life

The child was I..
I thank GOD i survived
I was hungry and naked
But only for some times!
At a Beatiful home am now located
And this is my life
I beleive i lost my home
Just to find my future
The future that has peace
And testimonies

Written by Anaclet the Poet Boy
I was born in a Poverty family and that was due to the war in my country DRC, But am thankful for am safe in the Osire Refugee Camp located in Namibia.
FredricO Feb 2021
The pain i feel, in my heart so great.

A winter love, but all was fake.

My tears are pouring, as snow melts.

I loved her so, but she someone else.

The tears of losing, someone you loved

Has just runned out, like a dead man’s blood.
Elena Mustafa Sep 2020
The place in
Runned by Americans
Is the next
Most haunted place
On earth
As there was horrific acts
Done there
Second to the great wall
This place
Guantanamo Bay
A portal to hell
If wishes were horses
If life is bed of roses
I'd wish to ride a royal herdic
Joy said " this life is phasic"  
This is not Harry Potter that you can make a magic
This world is just sadistic
The people we trust are Judas...Poisoning our love and feeding us hate
People getting divided because of their faith
I wish we could start being more realistic...And people will stop being fake
If wishes were horses
Yeah what about the beggars
Running from one streets and buses
Some even runned by big cars
Did they wished for this life
Do you think that's what they choose to like?...You think they are cursed by life?
Or maybe that's just their life?
Correction! That's just a lie
People may be born in poor
But they're not born to be poor
Wealth is a blessing and not genetic
To be poor is a lesson and not a verdict
You wake up one morn God blessed you to have it more
Good health, wealth and even more
You look down on others because of your dime?
I get it, you're blinded by them, it's just the gift of time
Suddenly you behave heartless
The orphans, widows and homeless  
Beautiful people who had only known disaster
Afflicted with tragedies and pain
Displaced from home, despised by men
Victims of violence, drugs and ****
Can you even feel their pain?
I doubt if you even know their names
Because you call them names
They're people, hurt by people
The rich people  poor people
Just people, we're all people in this road of life!
They're beautiful even though their lives hasn't been
They may be harm by men but they're loved by christ
I wish you wouldn't have to face this life alone
I wish what happened to you weren't the truth
In this life we're all fighters , you're a warrior and you're not alone
You may be weak but with God you'll always pull through... HE will shine your way through the valley
You'll always be his pally
Teachers and preachers won't determine your merit...You're a child of God be proud of your title
God is with you, you will win the battle

— The End —