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I have SELF-WORTH and
I am such a MOTIVATOR,

DON'T EVEN give it a GLANCE.
to the BACK, and
Come on,

don't ever let know one make
you feel DEGRADED,
on that note:

B R.
DATE: 10/14/2024
Danielle Suzanne Mar 2017
When I'd wake alone in bed at 4am
To find you passed out
on the couch
Too wasted to notice
the heart breaking in front of you
I tried every day
But you preferred synthetic hugs
and to hide in a place
where the expectations were low  
Escapes and excuses
more alluring than I could ever be
Through tears I would plead
'Why don't you want to sleep with me!?'
I shouldn't have taken it so personally

But nobody saw me cry
Especially not you
Blind to my own tears
Large doses of denial dished out
A feast for the masses
Perhaps the most powerful drug of them all
My soul mate disappeared
each day
a little more

Maybe today will be different
The beautiful motivator
Maybe today
It will be me that you choose
Naively believing
that you had control
But then I woke
alone in bed at 4am
Manipulated and used
March 26th 2017
Destiny’s games are stranger than
most games invented by man
and Draupadi’s swayamvara is for sure
amongst the strangest tales ever told

A truly blazing beauty is she,
a princess like no other
a rare fiery spirit has she
This daughter of Agni

The drums announce the happy news
today she shall choose
from amongst this gathering of kings
the one who she shall espouse

a prophecy has already foretold
that she is to be Arjuna’s bride
the swayamvara is but a test to tempt
that expert archer out from where he hides

every king from every land
is here to attempt
to win her hand
but no sign of the one she wants

but the contest has been announced
and hence must be begun
a test truly fit to try
the Gods themselves

on the ceiling
a revolving platform
on the platform
a jewel studded fish

on the floor a vat of oil
lying beside a great bow and shafts
the fish is mirrored
in the oil

the the target lies
in the fish’s ruby red eye
but a challenge fit for kings
cannot be so trouble-free!

The eye, itself, must not be looked upon
its reflection in the oil is the map to strike
not an easy feat to accomplish
only the best dare try this

for the failures
there is ridicule and humiliation
for the winner
this beautiful handmaiden

every eye that sees
looks on amazed
at her -a rare jewel
with some secret fire set ablaze

her eyes hot embers
her hair wisps of flame
Krishnaa-the dark skinned
like the fiery coal that is by ashes hid

in every heart she rouses
an uncontrollable passion
stunned, they stand as statues
incapable of any action

the desire to win her
is a great motivator
and while all try
none seems worthy

every king that rises
falls unable to bear
the weight of the bow
let alone string and employ it!

then rises Karna
truly a great archer
surely he will win her
says everyone in their mind

but before he even touches
the bow he is stopped
by the beautiful Draupadi
he is humiliated

“who is this false king
who dares to assume that
the high-born Draupadi will condescend
to marry a low-born sutaputra?”

silenced and insulted
Karna resumes his seat
but a desire for retribution
is in his mind-a tiny seed

the one who rises next
is clothed as a Brahmin
but his proud gait and muscled arms
are that of a Kshatriya

respectfully he picks up the bow
strings it with love
with arms upraised and face turned below
he launches the arrow

it strikes the eye
which falls to the ground
the Brahmin has won!
he is garlanded by Draupadi

their eyes meet
in silent acceptance of
their magnetic attraction
a scorching passion

a stunned silence in the hall
and then hell breaks loose
kings rant and princes protest
how can a princess marry a priest

they rise together
up in arms
and are routed
by the Brahmin and his brothers

with the Brahmins Draupadi goes
to their hut-a humble abode
with folded hands they stand outside
as the eldest calls, “Look mother, see what we’ve got!”

a gentle voice replies from within
“whatever be it, share it
amongst yourselves,
it equally belongs to all of you”

“Mother, what have you said
what a dilemma we are in
you-we have never disobeyed
and yet to obey would be a sin!”

The mother comes out and is aghast
at what she has done
her order once given cannot be revoked
by convention

in the midst of all this
turmoil and confusion
Krishna arrives
with his beatific smile

“Dear aunt, I am your brother’s son
your troubled brow betrays
some confusion
can this child offer you some consolation?”

“God bless you my child
I’ve heard your praise
You are wise, so advise
how this quandary can be resolved

with hasty words
i have told my sons
to share this woman
and doomed her to a life of debauchery”

“Do not worry aunt
this isn’t a problem at all
this woman in her past life
has gained a boon of five husbands

the boon was given
by Mahadeva himself
and besides a mother’s order
is always supreme

let all five of your sons
wed Draupadi
in the karmic logic
it isn’t an iniquity

Dear Draupadi listen
these men are none other
than the valourous Pandava brothers
your hand was won by Arjuna

it is your destiny
to be the spouse of all of them
and do not worry
worldly laws are not here applicable”

Hearing this was
a stealthy listener-
Draupadi’s brother
now both overjoyed and dismayed

in confusion
he approaches his father
and apprises him
of the matter

both father and son are
unsure whether to rejoice
that the Pandavas are alive
or curse their loved one’s predicament

plagued by mixed emotions
they are restless
then Vyaasa comes
to their relief

the kind sage shares his wisdom
that the marriage is inevitable
part of the Grand Plan
mortal laws must not interfere

a woman having
more than one man as spouse
isn’t always an immorality
they may fearlessly proceed

and so it is
that the marriage was celebrated
Draupadi became the
accidental polyandrist!

-Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Swayamvara: literally “self-marriage”. An ancient custom in which princesses chose their husband, usually through some contest.

Agni: The God of fire. Draupadi is said to have been “gifted” to King Drupada by the God of Fire.  Drupada had performed a sacrifice to Agni for a son, who would defeat Drona and a daughter, fit to be the wife of Arjuna.

Sutaputra: Son of a Charioteer.

Kshatriyas: Caste of kings and warriors.

Brahmin : The priestly class

Here I must put in a disclaimer saying that I am not a believer in the caste system, and see all people as equal! The insult against Karna is a part of the story, not my invention!

Though the title says “accidental polyandrist”, Draupadi’s  polyandry might not have been all that accidental. The legend goes that in her previous birth she had asked Lord Shiva to give her a husband who was kind and an upholder of Dharma, strong, brave and courageous, handsome and intelligent. Lord Shiva said that all these qualities can never be found together in a single man, and hence he would give her five!

This incident from the Mahabharata has been a pet peeve for feminists. The incident has been viewed as reeking of male chauvinism and subjugation of women.

I have always wondered about the silence of Draupadi here. Her character, as I understand her, is that of an assertive woman-one who would not have allowed such a thing to happen to her! In many occasions in the Mahabharata, she speaks without reserve when she sees injustice meted out. Even during her swayamvara, she was quick to chide Karna, who she presumed was unworthy of her. In such a scenario can her silence be construed as acceptance?

Others say of course that her protests were edited out. That she must have spoken against this, but she was silenced.

But why silence her only here? Why not on other occasions where she challenges “masculine” pride and chauvinism?

So many real answer! Would love if you'll could share your views.

Special thanks to Ammukutty who graciously proof-read this and made some suggestions which were taken with many thanks!
The master motivator
Builds herself
Always willing to rise to the challenge
And give it her very best
She is goal oriented
Nothing will stand in her way
Moving every mountain
What more is there to say?
Lover of Words Oct 2012
You are my morning cup of coffee,
My hot, steamy, caffeinated beverage made to wake me up,
I sip you,
Some sugar to cheer you up?
I dowse you in vanilla cream…
Any better my darling?
How come you are so nasty?
Not a morning person either?
Well I can't blame you,
Why do I think I drink so much of you?
Because I like you?
Well I do,sorta, the effects you bring to me are quite uplifting,
I shake,
Oh you startle me and delight me,
I feel comforted as you break open into my bloodstream,
My body on fire and ready to start my long and trying day,
Maybe we can get through this together,
Another cup is what I think I need of you,
Whether bitter or not we can make it through,
So my little cappuccino, so frothy and frilly,
I want you to know that I need you,
Like to start my morning, my every morning
Whether you are just black, or a venti latte with skim and carmel syrup stirred inside,
Or else I be stuck in bed all the time
There be no you to keep me awake or alive,
No reason to go outside and try,
No motivator, no mover, just me living my days on my own,
How terribly depressing I must add,
So I'll keep you company if you keep on stirring my brain with your caffeinated ways
Stephen E Yocum Jan 2014
What is this thing,
This change in me,
What is this feeling,
That is happening to me?
This possessing of my spirit.
This seemingly lack of control,
That was not always so.

That a concerto slow turn,
Played and heard,
Renders me weak in the knees,
A sweet moment of human joy,
Or actual real grief,
Even viewed on a movie screen
Can tug at my heart so.

So too, a child’s sweet song,
Though sung off key.
A blazing sunset,
Orange and red,
A thrilling thing to behold.
Nature always a motivator,
All of these and more,
Pluck cords of my emotions,
Like the strings of a harp,
So easily reduce me to tears.
Not body shaking sobs mind you,
Just a slow gentle stream,
Nothing my sleeve can't deal with.  

"Men don’t cry",
"Sensitivity is only for women",
Or so I have always been told.
Well it’s taken me a long time,
But I have concluded this bias,
Is a load of unadulterated *******!
‘Cause as it turns out,
I actually enjoy it.
And see no reason I shouldn't.

Not to mention,
It keeps my tear ducts open,
And free flowing.
In touch as I am with my feelings.
Strange the changes that occur in us, be they age induced or
a softening of the heart. Maybe they were always there and
we held them back.
Infamous one Mar 2013
Went for a jog steady tempo
Reggae beats keep the feet moving
Refreshing shower after running an hour
Writing out thoughts listening to music
The sounds and beats set a mood
Writing helps reflect grow take notes on progress
Be the best never settle for less
Stress your life and get it done
Don't get involved with drama
You know nothing about mind your business
Life seem easier and less hectic
Roll solo find peace in the heart give those messing up peace of mind
Not trying to care doesn't mean one doesn't understand
authentic May 2014
Hope is, by definition, a feeling of expectation and desire for something to happen, a feeling of trust**
Hope carries anchors on it's shoulders, afraid it will only meet the standard of almost
We all hope, but we do not all receive
Hope is the product of human weakness
We long that's why we aspire
Imagine how weak man is, we are not like birds that can fly when we want to go to places or we want to see people
We are frail and easily inflicted with illnesses
We are fragile bottles that easily break physically and emotionally, hence the development of the helmet and airbags
The study of human emotion called psychology and psychiatry
And worse, we die, that is why men searched for the fountain of youth to no avail
Hope helps us to move on and continue
Hope is a wish, hope is a motivator
Hope gives a reason to keep going
Hope is the whisper telling us that it will get better in time
But I ask, why do the hands of my clock have arthritis
Hope is not a liar
Hope is encouraging but hope is also deceiving
Hope is joker, a trickster
Like an amateur magician, everyone could see the trap door but me
Hope will disappoint you
Hope is not perfect, hope does not always work out like you think hope should
But hope is valuable, hope keeps balance
Hope carries the unable, the dreamers, the optimists
Hope is the guide
Without hope, we're lost
Without hope, we're nothing
Haydn Swan Oct 2014
Change is the prime motivator,
we always desire it,
we always seek it,
yet it constantly eludes us.
The master motivator
Always upbeat and positive
Filled with purity
And has wise words to give
Encouraging others to give it their best
To have drive and excel
Never settling for less
And shining that golden bell
TinaMarie May 2012
You taught me to believe in myself
     And encouraged me to soar.
You protected me from harm, keeping
     Enemies away with your roar.
You raised me to feel wealthy
     Even though we were poor.
You showed me God's grace by
     Always making room for one more.

You are the personification of unconditional love
     The epitome of selflessness.
You are the embodiment of true beauty
     The essence of graciousness.

You are my Mother
              my Motivator
             my Strength
    And my Friend.

© Tina Thompson
The motivator failed today
the motivator failed,
I'm still in bed
it's ten to two
the ship's just sailed
what can I do,
crawl to the door and bolt it shut,
shut the day out
earplugs in,
switch the day off and
let the games begin.
The motivator failed,
no one is perfect .
Mariah Wynn Aug 2018
I admit, I’ve never chosen you.
Falling in love is temporary,
love is a choice.

And I surrender to you.

You’re heart is grandiose.
In search of an asylum,
the delicacy of your love,
softens my core.
Peering into your soul,
through the earthy green
in your eyes, that spec of blood orange
a fire lights inside of you, hungry
to achieve a purpose.
I want to be your motivation,
be your motivator.
We could lose time
but we’d meet back at the equator,
once again, feeding the fire
that lights for you and I.
We’ve survived darkness
time & time again, lost.
In search of that dwindling fire
we find each other, nose to nose.
We are special,  We are young, We are beautiful, We are complex,
We are strong.
We are real.
Years spent, trying to navigate
the passion of our love.
We’ve rebelled against time,
against distance...
We are flawed, we are damaged.
But we are stubborn in love.

I hope I’m not too late,
I want a clean slate
I’m not holding back anymore.
For the first time, boo
I choose you.
To my ex
Raymond Johnson Jun 2014
i exist somewhere between the kick drum and the snare

i am the blood thundering in our veins

i am the rhythm that gives us life

i am the 375 nanometers of ultraviolet light shining down on you

i am the space between the notes and the silence before the drop

i am oscillation, reverberation, undulation of bassline

i am rattling ribcage from excess decibels

i am titinnitus waiting to strike.

3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine,  Lysergic acid diethylamide,  tetrahydrocannabinol, ethanol, benzoylmethylecgonine; choose your poison so that you may enjoy me better

i am the sweat that slicks our skin and keeps us cool

i am the longing look that leaps from eye to eye

i am mellifluous melody, motivator of movement, master of mind.

i am the sea of strangers you find yourself lost in, minimally clad bodies moving in ways you didn't know were possible.

i am the fire-poi spinner, the LED hula-hooper, the melbourne-shuffling madman, the obnoxious bro, the ancient hippie, the obviously underage girl, the idiot overdosing in the corner, and the person wearing more pony beads than clothes.

i am the rave.
TinaMarie Feb 2012
Voluntary abandonment of self
The offering
Surrendered,  Often suffered
Daily suppression
Repressed depressions
The stimulating surge for another's light
The refuge and the motivator
Demonstratively strong, innate or acquired
Inner beauty enhanced through struggle
Outer beauty revealed
in the journey of each line and curve
Made better with time


Stepping into confidence
Wisdom gained, lessons learned
Archived in her cerebrum repository
Self discovery, discernibly aware
With nothing to lose
Bashfulness dismissed
Enlivening pleasures
Guiding and coaxing another to please
Self satisfying if need
An awakened spirit rebounds
An eager voice is found

A woman

Over 40

Blazing anew.

© Tina Thompson
The resilient warrior
Who never gave up
Kept her focus always
Until she climbed to the top
With drive, ambition and fierce determination
She was destined for success
Was a master motivator
Who gave it her very best
Ashwin Kumar Aug 2024
Whenever you enter my thoughts
A fire begins to burn fiercely in my heart
Destroying everything in its path
Except any positive thoughts
And from my mind, emerges a voice
Saying "You can do it
And you WILL do it!"
Whenever something seems amiss
I think of your struggles
And gradually, do I find myself more capable
Of achieving every task that is set before me
A Harry Houdini, you may not be
However, an inspiration are you, for sure
Because, so much do you care
About righting all the wrongs in our society
Casteism, Hindutva, Islamophobia, gender inequality
Determined are you, to fight hard for social justice
Even if you end up paying a huge price
I consider myself an extremely lucky person
To know such a lovely human being like you
Who talks not through words but actions
Though you are a very loving partner and mother
Rarely, do you showcase your affection and care
Your sheer nerve and bravery would make Godric Gryffindor proud
Your patience, dedication, loyalty and sense of justice would make Helga Hufflepuff proud
Your sharp wit and natural curiosity would make Rowena Ravenclaw proud
And finally
Your sheer ambition, determination and resourcefulness would make Salazar Slytherin proud
Always, will you be my primary motivator
Keep rocking, keep fighting and do take care
May the Almighty bless you forever!!
My 20th poem about the famous novelist, poetess, translator, academic, intersectional feminist and anti-caste activist Dr. Meena Kandasamy!!!
Sandile JUNIOUR Oct 2015
Happy birthday day older
Brother have a blessed year
And wish you more to come
You in a mission for greatness
But i wish you the greatest
My spirit dances and my
Energy is that of a cheetah which doesnt get tired everytime i
Think about you brother
You none like the rest of the older
Brothers you unique with
Taste and a good advisor and motivator and i am blessed to
Have a brother like you
Happy birthday bro
v V v Feb 2011
The skeletons my father keeps in his closet
are not my own,
those bones would be far too obvious.
The demons he fought I've put in the ground,
the bones his daddy gave him,
the ones I said would not be mine.

But dead bones don’t die,
at least the bones that pass from fathers to sons,
instead they fester and stew
and boil below the surface
where barely a sound is heard.
Meanwhile my boys are busy digging them up.

Its true
boys tend to dig and get *****;
my boys dig up bones
and drum them on my door.

I worked so hard to break the cycle,
to raise my boys without the pain,
to protect their fragile hearts from heartache,

I kept telling myself to keep the dead dead,
but its hard to do when the dead don't really die,
instead they lie about the absence of pain,
the pain I knew so well,
the fear that motivated me to be something more,
to push myself beyond
what I thought I could be,
to a place where I might be a man.

But here at the end
my boys are still boys drumming up bones,
no fear, they expect the world to be easy.

I have learned that fear can be a great motivator.
It worked for me
but not my boys
I never gave them anything to fear.
I gave them boats with oars
and straw to make brick
and lots of love and plenty of hugs
and always told them I was proud of them

but I never gave them fear.

Now my boys fear nothing
but expect everything

dead bones don't die

they just look different
Published at Pyrokinection, June, 2013
Roberta Day Oct 2018
the greatest motivator,
I've been slacking again.
Cath Devoid Jun 2014
I am your motivator
Your guide through this tall dead growth
Follow me into light and glory and we
Shall become one
Do not question the path that I guide you down
For it can make no sense to you until we reach the end
And know this:
If you stray from this path
You will realize that what you travel alone is no longer a path
What you follow now is a pattern
Day after day you will crawl towards your death
Alone and cold
But if you remember that I alone am your motivator
I shall be back for you at the break of dawn
To pick you up out of the quicksand you create
From tears cried into dunes upon dunes
And when you are ready
We will continue
Together again
into the sun.
Steffi Feb 2015
“How if i pick you up? We can... I don’t know, what you wanna do? We can just drive around the town or talk at a coffee shop if you like.”


“You could create your own heaven here, on earth. Listen to your heart.” He scanned my face. He had a really good look for a mid-30 husband and father. My very, very curious friends googled his name and found out that he’s an ex runway model. It’s kind of scary how you can find almost everything on internet. He made money by yelling at a bunch of young people. Making them crying uncontrollably, pleading mercy to God, making them imagining if their parents die. He was a well-known “motivator”. That’s what people labeled him. People label everything, really. Mine relates to angsty.  
I shook my head, and he gave me a painful smile.
I know. He was once in my shoes. We have made our very own heavens and it crumbled down, leaving this unceasing affliction in every cavities inside us. That’s why I confided my darkest secrets to him. Because he understood.
I kept shaking my head in denial, my tears ripping my throat as I swallowed. He gazed at me with clenched teeth. I bit my tongue until it bled, filling my mouth with the taste of iron. My voice was shaking when i asked him, “How did you do that? How did you get out of this blisteringly hell?”
He took one sharp breath, and that moment i thought, maybe he never did. A beautiful wife and precious little daughter, but how if there’s a small part of him still standing at the edge of his 26th floor balcony, just one step away from that last escape? He bent, we were eyes to eyes.
“Stop ignoring what your heart says.”
“Really?” I laughed a little inside because it sounded like he was trying to convince himself. He grinned a little and pat my arm, “Keep me updated, will you?”
“Until then.” I walked away.


“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“Tell me why and i’ll tell you why.”
“The sunlight reflected in your hazel eyes turning them into some kind of wonderland, and i got lost. Just like that.”
“The way my ribs collapsing everytime you wrap your arms around my neck.”
“You made me forget,”
“You made me forget,”
“About every touches,” “every souls,” “every pair of eyes,” “kisses,” “night rides,” “2 AM rooftop talks,”
He crashed his lips in mine.
“You made me forget the life i had before you walked in.”

He was an eighteen years old green-eyed. I was walking between the aisles in a music store. He was humming Asleep by The Smith.
“I like that song.” He turned to me and frowned. Pestered by me, interrupting his fine evening.
“It’s on my funeral songlist.”
“You made a songlist for your funeral?”
“Yes. And i’d like to have you sing it for me. Would you?”


Three weeks later and we were sitting at his balcony. I had been here every night. He smoked a lot, which was strange for a medical student. I perpetually locked my eyes in him, enraptured by the deluge his presence radiated. For nights watching him smoked, i thought there was something about a cigarette. But that night, he was there. In nothing but ripped jeans. He was trying to explain about how the solar system works, and broken dreams, and falling stars in a odd jumbled way. I traced his skin with my fingers, searching for any old scars.
We were two lonely souls. No feeling talks, no amorous moves, just two dead bodies with fluctuating thoughts and words. He never told me what happened to him. But i noticed, every inch of him held an immense grudge, he was a vindictive being. I fell in love with him, but not in the way the rain always falls for the pavements for nothing in return. Not in the way i loved him. So i left a handwritten note before i shambled downtown.

“It’s not the cigarette that i fascinate about. It’s you. It’s the way you put your Marlboro Red between your lips. It’s the way you hold it between your fingers. It is the way you inhale and conflate all the shining stars inside you with chemicals that will **** you in age sixty two. It is the way you bite it, writhing in such disappointment because we both know universe treats us wrong. It is the way i find you in the most comely form as you exhale and i watch the smoke lilt its way to the dark night sky. It is the way you stare at me, every eight in the evening, in the balcony facing down the concrete jungle i adore the most, with rage in your eyes. Yet i find it fetching in every way possible. It is the way you smell like tobacco in the next dawn, but all i could think about is how you scream in your sleep, every single night, trying to convince yourself in oblivion that what we have was just a little dalliance.

P.S. You can find me in every corner of your memory.”

He hung himself that night.


Three in the morning. Skin by skin. Shrouded by fear of losing each other. Fingers intertwined, i swear we were invincible, fused into one. Lapse by lapse, as the fear altered into cherishing our own infinity. I counted his heartbeat, trying to find the right word to define what we had.
“Promise me you’d never leave me.”
“I promise.”

I counted how many yellow candies, and how many the blue ones in the little jar. Then i tried to fold the straw they put in the table into the tiniest size possible. She looked up at me and smiled, i clenched my jaw. Our first session, and her legs were moving back and forth uncomfortably.
“So, what happened?”
“Who?” I took one deep breath and stared at the walls behind her, “I built my life around him. We built our own universe in our fingertips, in each other’s strand of hair. He died. And my world died with him. And i died with him.”
“Don’t you think you sh-”
“I killed him.”
“Yes. He had the most beautiful pair of green eyes i had ever seen.”
“You killed him?”
“I think so. I left a handwritten note and he hung himself.”
“Are we talking about the same per-”
“I’m a storm.”
“You what?”
“I’m a storm.”
“Why do you picture yourself as a storm?”
“I think he thought i killed myself. I haven’t spoken to him for almost four weeks.” I caressed my arm, right where he pat me that day. There was a brief comforting silence, she said very carefully, “Are we talking about the same person?”
“No.” I chuckled when she leaned back anxiously, curling her ringlets with her fingers. I made my shrink nervous, how was that possible?
“Why do you picture yourself as a storm?”
“Because the closer you get to me, the more you’ll lose your sense of pain. I’m a storm. I’ll destroy you in the most beautiful way until your body system disguises the pain as butterflies in your stomach. At the end of the day, when you realize your insides are burnt out, leave you nothing but ashes, you’d figure out why storms were named after people.”


I didn’t cry. People gave me pathetic looks but they didn’t understand. We dressed in black, i didn’t know why. Your favorite color was green. Your mother offered me to read my eulogy. But how was i going to make them understand what was going on inside me? How was i going to talk about you, about us, when my heart stopped every time someone pronounced your name? We were infinite. Timeless. Limitless. Now it felt like an evanescent daydream. Was it my fault if i would never had enough of you? I didn’t cry. I figured out we didn’t have to die to be dead.
Come back, please.

It had been more than a year. I called him last night and asked him to fly over and do his magic on my parents and sisters. I hung up before he could say anything. I forgot to ask about his wife, and six years old daughter. He called back few times, i didn’t pick up. I texted him, *“How did you stop yourself from taking one step forward? Is there still a part of you at the edge of that 26th floor? Do you still remember the night breeze on your face?”

I called her, calling off our second session. She didn’t say anything. She knew.
I sent him an e-mail he would never read. An apologize. I should have stayed that night. We were two broken toys, misfit youth in a mad, mad world. And i missed his light green eyes. I should have stayed.


“I want to be able to say words that make people cringe. Like how i wished i could wake up next to your eyes, every single morning. Or how i remember, crystal clear, the gesture of your fingers running through your hair. Or the feeling of your touch on my skin never fails to mesmerize me in the way i’d never imagined. You are a beautiful soul, a diamond sculpted in the hands of gods. The spaces between your fingers were spared for mine to fit in. Your lips, curved perfectly, tasted like heaven in our very last goodbye. You are the hands i hold in those long drives from night rides. You are a life soundtrack. You are a lifelong muse. You are subtle words, one delicate being. And this vexing fate is something i couldn’t control, rupturing in the most hurting way, a tidal surges to meet my own fate. I yearned for you. For your crippling presence. I’m sorry.”
My scars had been bleeding flowers. Like a deer in headlights, i’m just one second away from my last run. One trigger away.

I’m sorry.
Fatıma Jan 2014
Once upon a time,
The night of rendezvous with him
Went like the scent of daisies everliving.

Selectively rising to meet mine
Wearing meek and hesitant makeup
Concealing the flushed feelings
Towards one another.

Enjoined to avoid bursts
Of cackles loving the latter's
Dissembling yet verifiable
Between us.

Alas, 'eternity' shall never persist
For this remains a pipe dream
Shackles of his indifferent family
His aura bipolar to mine

Carpe Diem
A sole motivator
Diminishing the mirage of hopelessness
Flourishing his debonair charms
Spell bounded and cherished


The End
Far afield

The Story
Began to see daylight
Rodney Mcfarlane Mar 2014
A political leader
A walking contradiction
an angel
a devil
someone who realized the ****** up world that he lived in
adoration for women
he truly loathed petty *******
TRUE to himself
always kept it a buck
crossed him the wrong way just know you was ******
over all twisted
but remember me always so no one else can miss it
Going Through The Motions
ahmo Jan 2015
Love in an elevator
Procrastinated "see you later",
and how I ******* hate her.
An attest to me?
No, attest to thee,
And protest the conquest
for outdoor reccess.
No I didn't break it,
I found it that way.
No love in an elevator,
Satiated, recluse motivator.
See the rust on the bones?
They happened when you were home alone.
Home but not alone.
Check your sunrise, check your phone.
I will check it before I wreck it,
and remember she still deserves respect.
Despite the state of the insect.
We all need love.
Not some hope from above.
A genuine sunrise check.
A dauntless morning peck.
The hope for this comfortability
The mind's wish for mobility
The endless denial of futility
And my endless conquest for you.
Philia Dec 2016
she's a skeptic;
and he's a sensitive person

she's an initiator;
and he's a motivator

she's chaotic;
and he's super calm

she wish she's a nomad;
he wants to find a home

she found a new adventure in him;
he found his home in her

and they both fall in love for each other;
Lance McDonald Apr 2017
A motivator
A big heart for everyone
A beacon of light
Haiku for the Youtuber Markiplier. One of many YouTuber haikus I will be making.

If you would like to hear this read in my voice, check out my YouTube video:
jeffrey conyers Jan 2013
Why God?
People ask him.
When terrible things affects them.

He's God.
I question not what he do.
Or decisions he makes.

He determine our time on earth.
Which we should cherish while here.

He's God.
A spiritual Wonder.

When death comes to us.
We cry.
Then some wonder why?
As if they don't realize his reasons.

He deals with our hurt.
When we can't.
He see, who's strong enough to carry on?
When we lose a love one.

He's God.
He loves us more then a million times.

To ask him anything about his decision making.
Means, we trying to read the mind of him.
Like he does us.

He's the creator.
He's our motivator.
With the strength to elevate us.

Rise high.
And never remain low.
Cause God's kingdom is where we wants to go.

I just know.
He's God.
And I question not, what he do.

And neither should you.
Mel Holmes May 2012
Familial negligence in elementary years,

Driving through road-blocks,


Dropping the pizza,

Often irrational,

Camel spiders and snakes,

Loss of control,

Peeing your pants,


Beer eliminates fear.

Corrupt leaders and politics,

the unknown, the dangerous;

a basic emotion,
a defense mechanism,
a mentality,
a hindrance,
a motivator,

extremely complex, yet so basic.

Modern humanist social anxieties.
so strong that it stops actions, freezes situational progress.
does not allow the entity to make moves in harm's way.

provocative for offensive moves,
the extra push of adrenaline enabling someone to lift a car to save another.

Complex sentient beings empathize the fear in others, and project it onto others.

The fear of compromised freedom can be the catalyst to an organized protest of a handful or thousands of people against a potential or occurring government action.

A threat.


A jolt of the heart.

Fear is like love, linked to love, with its severe stress and anxiety

What if you turned fear into love?
Paul Roberts Nov 2010
I sit..... my face melts into my coffee cup....
self pity demons raise  up from the tablecloth
and slam my head on the table top..again..and again.
My heart kicks at the chestwalls that keep it from its freedom.
I am out of here it screams!
Why am I still just siting here?
A whisp of freedom promise is still ringing in my head....
wonderful words she had said.
Slam..slam , the demons smash my head on the table top.
Are you done yet? Are you still siting here?
We can do this all day. Move, say something!
Self pity is not your path...your the mover, the motivator...
the one who always has the right answers to someone elses happiness.
Why not you this time?
The heart quits kicking at my chestwalls..either it is tired or it feels me
mulling over the questions.....perhaps a chance, perhapes one more go around .
I see images in my coffee cup of couples holding hands, young and old happy, so together, love?
Still other images emerge...families still doing things together... camping, fishing, like I planned it....
slam! Slam!   The demons are not letting up......Ok , I know what they want.....but first I need a fresh cup of coffee, this one has too many memories  floating around in it.
Perhapes I should make that call, write that letter....just go.
Paul Roberts: Turn the Page
Ramon Yanez Feb 2013
I'm frightened by just how much I love you. And I do mean love. Not that silly thing we throw around like casual greetings-- "oh, I just love your dress, your shoes, your earings"-- no, none of that, unless these things were worshipped by whoever uttered the phrase. I mean just that, I worship you, I adore every second I spend with you and if I could commit to memory every detail of your soul and flesh and internal beauties I'd never be alone again. But, I am only so gifted, and I lose sight of you upon every drifting thought. That does not mean you are not important to me, that you are, oh so terribly, but I simply know I cannot bear to hold you in my mind all the time. Otherwise I'd never get things done. This does, however, work as a wonderful motivator; wanting to send my time imaginning you because we are so far apart. I try my best so I can get back to that, so that I can get back to you when you are around. So, back to the fact that I love you. I love you like one should their own thoughts, something so integral in defining who you are that it can be said to compose your very essence. I know it's like a cliche, but I really find myself at a loss for words when describing those precious moments of intimate solitude to even us. Giving shape, form, word and solid meaning to something so raw, intimate, warm, caring and so much deeper than those words could ever imply is...wrong. But you know me, always one to try and say what it is I'm thinking, whether or not it needs to be said. And I also know you, and I take great pride in knowing my lover so well that I am her best friend, her first choice in opening up to someone. It makes me feel so important; you make me feel that way too. And that's important, especially between two people with limited self-esteems. To be made so important and integral and nurturing to someone elses life, and at the same time making them equally important to you-- not to lick one anothers wounds, but to help us through, help each of us move on, together. I like that, I really do. Hell, maybe the reason why we shouldn't give this shape is because it can be viewed in such a skewed manner, always picked apart and basterdized, misinterpreted, twisted, distorted, and in the end defiled beyond repair. But, there are also times when we can give these moments shape and form, liberty. When we lay in bed, with you usually laying on top of me, looking right into each others eyes, without so much as a ****** hint or verbal command our fingers slide across our hands, down one anothers palms, into the spaces between each finger and interlock, and we stare, and we smile, and we giggle at how very alike we are, you and I. In love
jackierutherford Jan 2015
We all know who we are...
You always, (hopefully) love yourself
even if you don't like the reflection staring back at you

Curious to hear what friends, family and
acquaintances see
when they look or think of me
a psychological poll was given

The ones that knew me best
were not afraid of the test

My younger brother said:
Hardworking - honest - not afraid to try
anything - friendly - motivator - I do what
I say - finish what I start

Best friend I met years back: Loyal friend

Sister, from another mother, added: Heart
in the right place - Incredible artist - feel strongly
about my territory - will fight to the end; to protect
what is mine (at any cost) - driven - innovative -

My baby girl, was happy to report: loving -
giving - fearless - creative - caring - strong-minded -
secretive - smart - beautiful - funny - ambitious -

My really great friend from my homeland: love to
be in charge - domineering - don't like or take bull-**** -
kind (but don't let people use it against me) - don't
let people take me for granted - firm (with the opposite ***) -
always want to move onward in life - feisty - at times,
miserable -

Couldn't stop laughing out loud
feels good, to see and hear their reflections of me

That's me alright!
My head, didn't swell
I know who I am

Underneath all these layers
I'm only human
protecting my golden heart
creating a niche in this Universe

To leave an impression -
of Me

— The End —